1960 DEC 12 CC MINX 1105 E1. emitnclo, California December 1.21 196U 11 regua.ar meeting of the City Council of the City of Et Segundo, California, was held in the Council. Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above (late. Prior to calli.nq the meeting to order, those present joined in pledging alle,iance to the Flag of the United States of America, following which an invocation was given by Reverend lion Parker, of the Church of God. The meeting was then called to order by Wilbrtrn E. Faker, Mayor, the Hour being, x:00 ofclock p.m. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Frederick, Swanson, Tandy and Mayor Baker; Councilmen Absent: Gordon. READItdG OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, lield November 21, 1960, having; been read and no error or omission having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Tandy, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the minutes of said meeting; be approved as recorded. Motion carried. SPECIAL, ORDE:ZS 01' BUSINESS 1. The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the reception of bids for improvement of Imperial Iligliway, Sepulveda to Aviation Boulevard, and inquired of the Clerk if she had any bids therefor. The Clerk replied she had seven bids in her possession, after wh=ich it was moved by Cotincilmari Swanson, seconded by Councilman Frederick, said bids be opened, examined and publicly declared, which lids are as follows: Contractors Asphalt- Sales Co. - - - - - $48,827.32 Oswald Bros. Co. - - - - - - - - - - - 51)339.79 Sheets Construction Company - - - - - - 51,974. 48) ` Hickey -Kahan Paving Co., Inc. - - - - - 56,x;.]_3.76 George Savala Paving Company - - - - - 57, 47:1 . 67 Norwalk Asphaltic Concrete, Inc. - - - $;,325.64. Griffith Company - - - - - - - - - - - 611945.92 i+loved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Tandy, the bids be referred to the City Engineer for cliecking and report back later at this meeting. Motion carried. 2. The J:ayor announced that this was the tine and place heretofore fixed for the public hearing on vacation of a portion of Irene Court, as contemplated in Resolution of Intention. Eo. 1939, and inquired of the City Clerk if affidavits of puOlication and posting of Notice of Vacation were on file in her off_ic_e, and she replied in the affirmative. The Mayor then inquired of the City Clerk; if any written protests or objections against the vacation had been filed with her, and none having been received, Mayor Baker inquired if anyone present desired to address the Council reppecting the proposed vacation. No one responding, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. -1- X Zlub Thereafter, it was moved by Coxrnc:i.lmaj) Freder:i_cl<, seconded by Councilman Tand }r, thr_xt Resol W-..i_on No. 1.0 —t2, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORM-A, ORDERII4G THE. VACATION OF A CERTAIi; PORTIOi1 OF IRENE COURT VITTICCN SAID CITY, AS CONTEM- PLATED BY lZRISOLUTION OF TNTI:IvTION N.G. 193; OF SAID CITY COUi: CIL . , which was read, be adopted. On roll cal.1, said motion carried and said resol-ution was adopted by the following; vote: Ayes: Coimcil_mexi Frederick, Swanson, Tandy and ;Mayor Baker; Noes: Coxuicil.men Alone; Absent: Council_i;xari Gordon. 3. `rho Mayor announced that this was the tii.ie and place heretofore fixed for the pul.)1ic hearing; on vacation of certain portions of Imperial_ Avenue, Acacia Avenri.e, Sycamore Avenue, Maple Avenue, Oalz Avenue, Palm Avenue and Mariposa Avenue, as contemplated in Resol_iit:i_on of Intention Ito. 19x[1_, and inquired of the City C1_erl: if affidavits of piiblicat:i on and posting; of Notice of Vacation were on file in her office, and she replied in the affirmative. The Mayor ::then inquired of the City C1.eri.: if any written protests or objections against the vacation had been filed with her, and none having been received, Mayor Baker inquired if anyone present desired to address the Council. respecting the proposed vacation. AIr. R. 9. Alabaster, representing; Pauley Petroleum, Inc., owner of. an oil. well in subject area, asked that access to the oil well which is reached from Acacia Avenue, he maintained, and was assured such access would be provided. No other person desiring; to be heard in Lhe matter, 1-he Mayor declared the hearing; closed. Thereafter, it was moved by Counc:il_rian Swanson, seconded by Coi_incil.man Tandy, that Resolution No. 1943, enL tl_ed: A RESOLUTIOid OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF TILE . CITY OF EL SEGiJNDO, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE VACATION (SUBJECT TO THE RI SERVATIOI AND EXCEPTION OF CEi;TAIN L'ASENENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY) OF CERTAIN PORTIOIIS OF IMPERIAL AVENiJE, ACACIA AVENUE, SYCANOIZE AVENUE, MAPLE AVENUE, OAK AVENUE, PALI'1 AVENUE AND MARIPOSA AVENUE AS CONT13HPLATED BY RESOLUTION OF INTENTION IT0. 19"J1 OF SAID CITY COUNCIL. , which was read, be adopted. On roll-I call, said . motion carried and said resol.i.it:ion was adopted by the following;,vote: -2- X Ayes: Co;tncilmen Frederick, Swanson, Tandy and Mayor Baker; � 6oes: Comicilmen None; Absent: Cou;-icil.man Gordon. 1 The Mayor announced that this was the grid place heretofore fixed for continuing the November 1,>_ttt hearinT ort the improvement of Oak Avenue west of Ilillcrest Street, and inquired of the Director of Public 3'1orhs if any progress had been made. Director of Pitbl.ic ',Vorks Webb stated that if valid protests filed were not withdrawn, it would 'act as a barrier to improving st.tbject block for a period of one year, but; if the valid protests were withdrawn, the hearing co;t =lci he closed on the Comicilts own volition and the work would become eligible to incorporate in a larger improvemerit di_si;rict at any time. City Attorney Bush stated that under Division z[ of the Streets and Highways Code, such hearings may he continued from Lime to tine but not to exceed thirty days at any continuance; that if there seemed to be a misunderstanding on (;lie part of the property owners and the Council desired to afford them an oppor- tunity to withdraw their protests, the hearing ;-iiiglit be continued. The Council desiring to afford the property owners such an oppor- tunity, it was moved by Counci_l;ian Frederic]:, seconded by Council. - man Tandy, that the hearing be continued ;zntil P-iondy, January ?, 196 l. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Swanson, 1.Fandy and Mayor Baker; ,does: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Gordon. ;'dRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The following, written communications received from persons,- firrls or corporation Hereinafter named, were react to the Council and fivere disposed of in the manner indicated: 110'7 1. LOS ANGELES COUNTY 1301_NTDARY CO1',D4ISS10:;1 being notice that the City of Beverly Hills has filed with the Secretary of said Commission, proposal_ for the detachment of "Fairfax Addition No. 12" and such addition to be annexed by the City of Los Angeles. Ordered filed. 2. PIAINNING COMMISSION, transmitting copy of its Reso- lution No. 455, approving land to he p;treliased by the 11oard of Education of the El Segundo Unified School Dis(,rictl for a pul;lic school site. Councilman Frederick stated that two lots included in said Resolution No. 455, Lots 51 and 52, B1ocl: 123, were: City owned - and presently used as a storm drain, and lie felt the Board of Editcation'should be notified of the necessity of using these two lots for this purliose. The Council concurring, it was moved by Councilman Frederic]., seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that Resolution No. :f55 of the Planning Commission, presented to this Council. at this meeting, be received acid placed on file; and .P. BE IT FURTHER I:LSOLITED, that- it is the Consensus of the Council that the acquisition of -3- ma • 1108 Lots 51 and 52, 1.1-Lock J_23, in t11e C.i. v of El Se {rondo 1)y the El Segundo Un:if iecl School_ District for school. purposes, is adverse to till best interests of the City in that t said lots are now and :vill be eontin:_ted to be used for an indefinite time, as a drain for storm water; and I)L IT r- 1-.T I:ESOLVEI), that a letter be dirocted to the School Board thoroitghly advis- ing it of the particular need these lots play in. the handling of flood water. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Fredericl., Swanson, ran(l)- and Mayor Baker; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Coi.incilman Gordon. 3. PLANNING COi,fI'`IISSION, transmitting copy of its Resol i.i.t=ion No. 456 approving :Lot split application of Mr. and Mrs. I). R. Newton, 1232 East Maple Avenue, for a portion of Lot 7, I;lock 97, E1.. Segundo. The Coi.incil concurring in the action tall en by the Plannirig, Commission, it was moved by Coiincil.r:)an Fredcr.icL, seconded by Councilman Tandy, that Resolution No. 1.944, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORI`IA, APPIMING A LOT SPLIT FOR THE SOUTHERLY 165 FEET OF TIIE NORTHERLY 7.20 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK �7, LL SEGUNDO, CAL II'ORj IA. , which was read, be adopted. On roll call_, said motion carried and (said resolution was adopted by the following; vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Swanson, `randy and Mayor Lial:_cr; floes: Councilmen Bone; Absent: Councilman Gordon. it. MR. N. 11. TEMPLIN, ROAD CONNISSIOi'�ER, to LOS ANGEILES COTi' TY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, beitig copy of letter regarding improvement of the soi.ith half of Imperial Highway, Sepulveda to Aviation Boulevard. Ordered filed. 5. CITY OF T,AKE(VOOD, being copy of its Reso'l cation `1o. 10961 requesting the State Division of Highways to expedite acquisition and developiiierlt of the San Die{;o Freeway and the San Gabriel River Freeway, in Los i'Vlr-rcles County, so as to connect with existing li.n]:s in Los Angeles County, Ordered filed. 6. CITY OF LAKEWOOD, being copy of i_t:s I:esoliitlon Igo. 1993, supporting in general the need for a mass rapid t;rans:i_t system in Los Angeles County. Ordered filed. 7. CITY OF LAKEWOOD, being copy of it-,s Resol i.it:ion No. 1099, requesting the State Legislatiire to place again a ')allot measure at the next general_ election on increase of compensa- tion for members of the State I,i✓gislati_ire. Ordered filed. .'.o ico of 'car r ; i_oi, i„ i , .,c_., ri•':l ' '' ' cri, i inn Cot-' -4- `* ,"CJ1Cra Coil:;Cilt, t''LC' <<lUer 1'Ja:_{ 1'C.i'i`i'1'C`!i i.o for Fj g . wrSTI M-4 MISSIONARY Intent to Solicit for religloi_is Certificate of Registration. X A U'lY , TN C. , being .Notice of purposes and Appl. i_caLi on for By general consent, the matter was referred to the Police Department for investigation and report at the next regular Council meeting to be held December 27, 1.960. 9. HR. L. J. DeLAGE, 400 EAST 97TH STREET, INGLE 1001), expressing appreciation for the service of Lhe Police and Fire I Departments on INTovetilber 22nd, when their ten -year old slaughter was suddenly stricken with a severe attack of asthma. A copy of said Letter, was furnished the Police and Fire Departments, after which the communication was ordered filed. 1109 a_0. MARGARET GRANT, 930 It'L11creat Street, El Segundo, being copy of letter to Police Chief DeBerry, expressing appre- ciation for the service of Officers in the Police Department Of this City, when her nephew was taken suddenly ill. Ordered filed. 1]_ . IdIZ. AND r-IRS. JOHN CUNivINGUX4 Deing copy of Letter to the Police Department expressing appreciation for the prompt action and kindness of Police Officers Timoney and Gilbert when their son Bruce was in an accident. Ordered filed. 12. DEPART14MIT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, STATE OF CALIFOIZNIA, regarding existence of rabies in certain Counties in the State of California, and requesting cooperation wi Lh local. health officer for enforcer.ient of rabies control. program required by the Health and Safety Code and the California Administrative Code. Ordered filed. 1.3. MRS. V. VICTOR ARABIAN, 919 Virginia Street, El Segundo, expressing appreciation for the quick response of the El Segundo Fire Department when their 1.5 -year old son was severely burned on idovember 26th. A copy of the letter having been sent, to the Fire Department, the coi- munication was ordered filed. Councilman Frederick at this time stated that in view of•the fact that so many 1ettfjrs commending the Police and Fire Departments have been received by the Council during the lust year; that many people are favorably impressed and do not write a letter expressing; their appreciation; that one of the best ways to identify a town -,from the standpoint of good will and public service is through the service of the Police and Fire Departments in contact with persons other than our own citi::ens, and r:ioved that a res6luti.on of corunendat-i_on to the Fire and Police Departments for the excellent work performed in the nature of public service, be adopted, which motion was seconded by Councilman Tandy and unanimously carried. 14. MR. Ell;dAIII IZIT,IiT, ;dYLE LMMRATOF.IES, requesting encroachment permit along the west side of the 100 block of Bungalow Drive. By general consent, the natter was taken under consideration until the next- retrular Council meet:i_nr; to be head December 27, 1960. 15. STUDY COiIMITTEE FOR TI[E DEVELOPMILN'T OF THE IMPERIAL STRIP; being its final report. Moved by Councilman Tandy, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the report be accepted with thanks to the Committee for the fine service it performed. Unanimously carried. ORAL. COMMUNTCATIONS MR. FLOYD WALLACE addressed the Council_, commending -IL on its sand regarding retaining Lots 51 and 52, Bloc]; :123, for a storm drain site; appreciated the commendation of the Po1._i.ce and Fire Departments, and suggested a trailer site for property owners who have trailers. -5- A 111U 11EPOI,'TS OF OI'FI CERS V,'D SPECT. Al. CO NIT iITTEES CITY 'iA, I:R SAIL.OPS iIr1DE IIEPORUS AS FOLi,O'riS: I. Recommencled that Relocation 1',orrcl 1`,'0, 971943, i n amount, of $2, 000.00, for relocation of I)zlii' n%r at; :venue, 1)e exonerated as said work has been coriplet.�dt)to7c,L11eOa� sati_sgact:ion of the 13ilildi.ng Departr.rent and iii lccorclancc� tvi.th City ordinances. ' I•ioved by Coundilman Frederi_cl;, seconded l>y Counc:i_liaNin Swanson, the following resolution be adopted: I;ESOL,VI D, that that certain relocation L'oncl No. 871 -943, dated Septe,nber 1, 19601 WWI Robert G. Brandlin as Principal and The Travelers Indemnity Coripany as Suretv, in the stun of $2,000-00 be and the same is hereby exonerated. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Fredericl , Swanson, Tandy and Mayor Baker; Does: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Gordon. 2. That consideration had heretofore been -iven to set up a more comprehensive record of tlle Cityis fixed assess and non - expendable property, and after investigation of several.; procedures, recot;imended that the services of Nnni_cipal Data Processing Company be obtained at an initial cost of ``to that funds are available in the current bi_tcl�;et for this purooseilcl 1•Ioved by Councilman Tandy, seconded by Courncil.rian Swanson, the above recommendation be approved. Carried by the follocvin(; vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Swanson, Tandy and Mayor Baler; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Gordon. 3. Requested permission to take five clays vacation beginning December 23, 1960. Moved by Councilman Frederic];, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the above request be granted. Motion carried. CITY CLERK i•IADL REPORT AS FOLL01VS: I. Advised the Council of receipt of Claim for Dama(;cs a(;ainst t;he •City of El Segundo, covering property at 1.35 ?,hitin(; Street owned by Ernest Leuchte; that a copy of said claim had been forwarded to the Insurance carrier. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Colin ci:f.,;iar:. Tandy, that said claim be denied and the action of the Clerl,: in forwarding copy to the Insurance carrier is hereby approved. Motion unanimously carried. -6- X 1111 CITY ATTORNEY BUSII MADE REPORTS AS FOLT 0',dS: 1.. Presented for the Council's consideration an ordinance providing for 1tisiness licenses to he placed on an annual i>as..Ls with fees payable on the first of each calendar year. Thereafter, Coi.inc:ilman Frederick introduced tlic ord- inance entitled: 111 ORMNAIIXE OF TINE CITY OF EL SEGt'I:DO, CALT FORI;T A, Ai- IL•'l'' DING EL.. SI;Gi11,; DO CITY CODE 195, Iii' 1U`.Ii,IvDII:G SECTloN 16. 1.3 OF SAID CODE, 1:ELATI1,G' TO ]BUSINESS LICENSES., which was read. 2. That approximately 14 years ago, the City of Gl Segundo, in connection with other cities, was i_nvo.lved . in litigation pertaining to the determination of the West Coast Basin water Rights; that during the early part of 1960 a communication was received from Robert E. Austin and John N. IlelmucL., attorneys in the suit, and at their request a st,i p- ul.ation for judgr:ient was approved by the City of E1 Segtznclo; that in a communication dated December 1, 1960, Attorney Artstin advised that an error had been made in the description of property involved. and requested that the City adopt a resolu- tion approving an amendrlent to the agreement and stipii7_ati.on for judgment so that the description might be corrected. Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Frederic]: that the ariendment to the agreement and stipulation for judgment be approved and the Mayor be authorized to execute the same for and on behalf of the City and the City Clerk to attest. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Coi_incilmen Frederick, Swanson, `fancy and Mayor 13al -1-cr; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Gordon. 3. Presented for the Council's considerat:i_on, an Agreement for Reciprocal Aid from Area G Civil Defense and Planning Board, under the Joint Powers provisions of the Governwent Code, said Agreement to provide reciprocal_ assistance in event of national disaster, the cost. to each City in Area G to be based upon its assessed valuation and population. The Council desiring to study the Agreement further, the matter was taken under consideration until the next regular Council_ meeting to be held December 27, 1960. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS WEBB MME REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That all bids received earlier in the meeting for the improvement of Imperial. ll ighway, Sepulveda to Aviation Blvd. , had been checked and lie recommended the bid of Contractors Asphalt Sales Co. be accepted at the unit prices bid. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Counc_ilrian Tandy, the following resolution be adopted: MIEI:EAS, the City of E1 duly advertised for bids for Imperial Highway; Sepulveda Boulevard, and accepted bids -7- Segundo, California, the improvement of Boulevard to Aviation on this date; and X 1112 �,'IIERL:AS, the Director of Pithl:i.c lJorl :s checl�ed all bids received and recomr.- fended that the hid of Contractors Asphalt Sales Co. , being the lowest responsible bidder., he accepted; NOW1 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVL'I) BY Tl1E CITY CO1J'i1CIT., that the hid of Contractors Asphalt Sales Co., Clio 'lowest responsible bidder, oe accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the l4ayor of said City be and he is Hereby autllori-,edland instructed to execute Clio contract herein awarded for and on behalf of said City and in _i_Cs name, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to attest the same, affix the official seal and rtak:e delivery thereof in dire course; and I.;E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all bids received for said improvement of I:;iperial 1114rh- way are hereby rejected with the exception of Clio bid of Contractors Asphalt Sales Co., and the City Clerk is lierelby authori -,ed and instructed to return the cliecks of all_ unsuccessful bidders. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Swanson, Tandy and Mayor Baker; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Gordon. 2. Presented for the Council.t s consi,deration, plans and specifications for the addition to the Headquarters Fire Station, prepared by Marion Varner, architect, and recorunended that they be approved and that the City Clerk: be authorized to advertise for bids. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Council- man Tandy, the following resolution be adopted: .RESOLVED, that a copy of "SPECIFICATIONS ANI) PLANS NO. 60 -16" dnde!'NO`l'ICE INVITING BIDS FOR THE ADDITION AND REMODEL TO EL, SEGUNDO FIRE' STATIONT NO. I., 3111. i1LAIN STREET, IN T1IE CITY OF EL SEGtll;DO, dated December 12, 1960, presented to this Council at this meeting, be apprpved and a copy placed on file in the office of the City Clerk:.; and BE IT FURTIIER RLSEM,VED, that sealed bills be and the same are hereby invited under said Notice and that the City Clerk- l)e and she is hereby author- ized and instructed to cause said Notice to be given and published in time, form and manner as required by 'Law reception of said bids to be on January 9, 1961. Carried by the following vote: Aves: Councilmen Frederick,�wanson, Tandy and Mayor. Baker; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Gordon. n _Q - X 1113 UNFINI SIZED BITSTIMSS 1. A written report on the request of Volunteers of America to solicit for salvage ciatcrials in the City of El Seg- undo was presented by the Chief of Police, as previously requested by the Council. Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Coi.incilman Tandy, the following resolut .-i,on be adopted: RESOLVED, that the request.of Volunteers of America, presented to this Council_ on 'November 21.,1960, be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Volunteers of kiierica be and the same is hereby granted per- mission to solicit and collect salvage within the City of El Segundo, providing that no solicitation be conducted on Sunday; and BE IT FURTUER RESOLVED, that the City Cler1: is hereby authorized to so advise the Volunteers of America and to request said organization to obtain the necessary free license from the License Department of this City and to purchase vehicle tags for each vehicle to he used, at a cost of $.SO each.; and 13E IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this permit shall be in effecC unless and until revoked by the City Council of the City of El Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Freder.icl., Swanson, Tandy and Mayor Baker; Noes: Councilmen I-.one; Absent: Councilman Gordon. 2. A written proposal_ from Mr. Al Gonzales to purchase a ten foot strip of land owned by the City on the westerly side of Sepulveda and' on the northerly side of El_ Segt.tndo Boulevard, was presented by the Director of Public Works, as requested by the Council at the regular meeting of September 12, 1960. Mr. Gonzalest offer of $2,294.48,-plus $1].9.11_ for taxes, or a total_ 6f $2,1113. S9 being • acceptable to the Council, if,. was'.''nioved' ley CnainClluiari:�- fiAdcty �s�corlti�ii; I3Sr = Ccit�.izallri�i'S�vanson, said offer he accepted. Carried by the following v0.tc: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, •Swanson, Tandy and Mayor Baker; Noes: Council -men None; Absent: Councilman Gordon. PAYING BILLS The following deriands, having had the approval of the Conunittec on Finance and Records, were read: -9- X 1114 llcetancl Re,*_ister - Demands Pros. 1_1333 Co 11960, inclusi-ve: General Ftuad - - - - - - - - - - 1.5`;, 5.F0. t)1_ Pension Fttncl - - - - - - - - - - , 52,E . 56 Trust Fund - - - - - - - - - - '2 f • 70 TOTAL 47,z ?1.5,27 1)el;tarts(,..R Xste herYDc !WaberoQpevating, •FutId . p�- tmenb:;4c deilt�tntl "Pdt3:',�j174 to .t�, :t'�,,tt�,•.. '.�g:70�r� rI'tt�l- t!�'itvd. TOTAL $ 6)6 -55 --- . 67 i love(1 by Cot.tncilman 'randy, secon(le(l 1.), Cottnci 1.1 -1 Frecic:ri -cl;, said deman(ls be a11.01ve(I 111(1 warrants ordered drawn on and pa=i.d ottt of the respective Rinds coveri.rt�T i;he sam(11 . Carried by the fol.1-owlng vote: Ayes: Cotincil -vien Frederick) Swanson, Tandy and P-layor Baker; Noss: Councilmen none; Absent: Councilman Gordon. No further business appearing; to bey tra.rlsacte(l at. this rteetin *, it was moved by Councilman Tandy, seccln(led l:ty Councilman Swanson., the mecting adjot-trn, the hour of adjourn- ment being 3:15 ofclock p.m. Motion Carried. APPROVED: Respcctfr11.13r srtbl:littedl �r Mayor - =10- t 1a� City Jerk