1959 SEP 28 CC MINE1 Segundo, California September 28, 1959 A regular meetin7 of the City; Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said Citv on the above date. Prior to callin^- the meeting to order, thcse present joined in pled -ing allerinace to the Flag of the United States of America, follo;vi_. which a prayer was cffered by Mrs. Dina Bad:rer, of First Church of Christ, Scientist, El Segundo. The meeting: was then called to ader by Kenneth H. Be-field, I._a.,or, the hour being- 7:00 P.71. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Baker, Frederick, iescliuk and Mayor Benfi.eld; Councilmen Absent: Gordon. READIIJG OF IIINUTES OF PREVIOUS 1EETII1IG The minutes of the regular meeting of the Cit,r Council of the City of El Segundo, California, held September 14, 10,59, having been read and no error or omission having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the minutes of said meetin be approved as recorded. Carried. ITR.ITTEN COI.11UNICA71IONS The following written communications received from the firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated: LOS ANGELES COU v'TY ROAD DEPARTI-IENTT, September 1, 1959, stating the amount of .',x34,635.52 has been allocated in tlae 1?59 -19;0 Dud -et appropriation for "Aid to Cities" to the Ci ttT of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed. DEPARTNENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CO-NTROL, being application for transfer of On Sale Beer License for The Detour, 209 West Grand Avenue. Ordered filed. DEPARTI,1E1, T OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL, being applicati on for transfer of On Sale Beer License for The I1'Le7 137 I,iai n Street. Ordered filed. LOS A"vGELES COUNTY BOUT DARY COI)1iISSI0 ,1, September 11, 1959, bein,_; notice that the City of Hawthorne has filed a proposal with said Commission for annexation of territory kno:,rn as Tiernav Annexation to the Citv of Hawthorne. Ordered filed. EL SEGUI.DO WO1,1AI1tS CLUB, requestin- permission to :ave a Tea Leaf Reading; Bocth at its Fair to be held Plovember 4, 19,9. By general consent, the Natter was referred to the Ci , anaTer for handli n-;. - 1 - X LO; Ai GELE3 COU'ITY L_EART A33OCIATIONT, Septer :Doer 11, 1959, requesting cooperation and suppc -t for its 1950 Heart Fund Campaign to be conducted in February, 1950. The Council desiring to cooperate in this activity, but also desiring to include certain conditions re ardin; solicitation by children, the matter was ordered held until the next regular Council meeting to be held October 13, 1959. SOUTHERN, CALIFORNIA QUARTER I IIDGET A330C IATIO_T, September 23, 1959, requesting permission to carry on Quarter Tiidget Racing on property located at the northwest corner of Sepulveda Blvd. and El 3e7undo Blvd. i:rs. Charles B. Leonard, Secretary, Street, Hawthorne, stated the Association had {'ror: its location in Venice due to the constr Iiarina Del Rey at this time; that races would days, Saturdays and Sunday afternoons. 4838 'Jest 120th been evicted uation of the be held on Fri- After discussion, it was moved b,r Council-man Frederick , seconded Frederic, seconded by Councilman .':eschuk, that the above request be ;- ranted subject to checking with the El 3e7undo Police Department. Carried. I;� . AIID ;,:RS . TARREId F. 11ac Q �r,v, jentember 24, 1959, expressin appreciation t:e Fire and Police Departments in a recent City Clem: was requested to "'orward copies both the Fire and Police Departments, after munication was ordered filed. 343 Virginia Street, for assistance b1T emergency. The of the letter to which the com- '�3. CLYDE E. BALKER, 925 Virginia Street, September ic' ?, 1959, protesting against the erection of a two story dwelling; at 919 Vir -ini.a Street, since there is existing on the R -1`lot at the present time, a small house and garage. Director of Building and Safety Woodford informed the Council the issuing; of a building permit for the above mentioned dwelling at 919 Virginia Street is in order and that no City Ordinances have been violated; that a building permit was issued on ?'March 27, 1945 for the small house on the rear of the lot, at which time such a rouse could be placed on the rear of an R -1 lot with the possibility of building a larger house on the front of the lot at a later time. City Attorney Bush stated he had reviewed the cir- cumstances above set forth and found the Building Department acted within its legal rights in permitting the new house to be built. The Council being satisfied that the application for building permit for the above mentioned two story dwelling at 919 Vir inia Street is in order and that no City Ordinance has been violated, the communication was ordered filed. PLANTNTINdG COI��iIS3I0'�,, September 25, 1959, denying nronosed Lot Split application of Ivor. George Taylor for Lot 10J.-Block 10, Tract 1585 The Council concurring in the recomendati m on of the Planning; Commission, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman I-ieschuk, the following resolution be adobted: - 2 - X 8'70 RESOLVED, that the action of the Planning- Cozm- ..ission in denying the lot split application of Kr. Geor-~e Taylor is concurred in and said application be and the same is hereby disapproved by this body. BE IT FURTiER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is authorized and directed, pursuant to the provisions of the Code of the City of E1 Serundo, California, to report to the subdivider and the City Plannin`; Commission on the action, by forwardin. to each of them a certified cony of an extract from these minutes pertainin- to this action. Carried by the followin; vote: AYE;;: Councilman Baker, Frederick, iieschu. and Tay or Benfield; i'OES : II one ; ABSE: 1 ; Councilman Gordon. PLAiTli'G COI i:ISSIO, September 25, 1959, reco,l- mendin- proposed CrdinGnce No. 50 The Clerk stated the City Council amendment to Article 4, section 400 of 7 (The Comprehensive ZoninJ Ordinance). the matter has been set for iiearin- before on October 20. 1959, after which the com- munication ti-aas ordered held ne- din, the hearinT. I.R. C. T. i��Ic COY, STATE HIGHdAY EiIGII'1EER, September 10, 159, transmitting a copy of resolution adopted by the California T-Ti, hway Coruaission on Au ust 27, 1959, relatin7 to policy and procedure in the relincuishment of superseded State "hways to local authorities. Ordered filed. I R. J. iI. LO','TLDY, LOS ANGELES COUNTY AUDITOR -CO11 TROLLER, September 18, 1959 wrote the following letter: tf.Ir. John J. Jailors City I•iana -er 350 Bain Street El Se ;undo, California Dear John: Ne, ,zotiations pertaining to payment of possessory interest tax refunds which have been in pro -ress between representatives of the County and the Defense Department have been cori- pleted. As a result of these ne�otiationa, the Defense Department .as agreed to accent a re- duction of 5;2 of each claim in lieu of any re- assessments of solvent credits or trade fixtures. The County has agreed to ?gay interest which has been earned on impounded funds to the claimants. Some complications were encountered in arrivin.- at an acceptable method of payment of interest to the claimants. The actual interest earni:.,_;s will not be known until all investments a: e converted to cash. The total amount of claims which will be entitled to interest will not be known until the statute of limitations has run on the filing of claims. In order to expedite the payment of claims, the Defense Department has a- -reed to be responsible for interest that would - 3 - X 8'71 accrue on refund claims filed after October 1 1 5? de -ave made arra'_7^_'emeilts to convert our investments into cast. on October lst at w=! i c time the total interest earnings will be divided by the total claims filed throw; September 30 1 °59, and the resulting percentage figure will be added to each claim paid. ���e estimate that this percentage Of interest to be added to each claim will be in the nei 7hborhood of 4.2;;. It is our intention to pay the refund claims as soon after October 1st as they can be processed. Tne lar7er claims, which will repre- sent about q1,, :> of the total refund liability, grill probablir be paid within the first 10 days of October. :"1c cannot dete=iine at this ti rye tine exact refund liability of your City. The statute of limitations for f ilin7 of claims . %rill not ex- -r hire until nu�ust 31, 1900. de feel, howe,rer, flat we are not ant to have many additional claimms filed. On tllr sc?_,edule attached it is estimated uacl s t ima tied our refund liability y ;^7l 1, � 7 e equal to the amount O UndS t'r`11C!1 v:'ere Jii ::JGL'.'s�U Cd • As 2 ^ a?D piTJli7 j reduction any interest char -e five ar- t addinM she i_lte rived at are adjacted refund liability of „2, O1' 715.03. Xvailable funds on hand which include amounts still impounded, the reversal Of collection comnissio:is on impounded money released to you, the estimate of interest to be apportioned to the amount still impounded, and an estimate of unsecured tax col - lections t_-lat will be available around October 1st, `1,445,163 $$ -, total l us, the difference bet veer, the estimated re and liability and the available funds is P571,552-15. Oi?ice the actual refund liability is not eve su_est that you make arran­e?nerts to return 550,OCO.00 O the impounded :money that was released to you as soon as possible a='ter October ist. hen the final liability is known, any additional charge to your funds can be adjusted by an additional return of impounded money or a reduction in the remittance of taxes due to you. JP7L :RH :mr _,nc. Sincerely yours, I . J. I. LOTTERY AUDI TOR- COIITROLLER Syr Isl Roscoe Hollin,7er Chief Deputy X 8'72 CC 'LT 'T OF LOa il1`TGEL73 E6TII,ln_1ED P033EO- 0RY Ii`TTEFZEJT loll R]EFU1 D LIABILITY OF THE CITY OF EL �EGUiD0 .Estimated Refund Liability 2,037,292•��3 5 Reduction 101,34.53 >1, � 35,42 .05 Add estimated interest char.-,e 4.21,; 81,2 >'7.98 adjusted Estimated Refund Liabilit�r 2,01 ,71.03 Y :available Funds Impounded Funds :estimated Interest to be Appertioned Estimated Unsecured La,: Collections ieversal of Collection Com- nlissi on :additional Amount Required -11,213,103.41 30,000.00 200,000.00 Prepared by Audi tor- Controllerts Office Q it 6eptember 13, 195, 2. 0,')0 - 47 1.44 5 ,153 .88 571,552.15 Citv idana -er Sailors informed the Council that -arrant No. 3832 payable to the Los Angeles County Auditor, in the current demands, covers the above amount. The Council concurring.in the method of settlement, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman T�:eschuk, the return of the above amount of impounded tax money be approved. Carried by the followin vote: AYES: Councilman Baker, Frederick, T�ieschuk a --,d Liayor Benfield; _TOES: :cne; ABSEidT: Council::ian Gordon. City Tiana der jailors recommended that in view of 'the above action taken, Cc_ tinEent Liabiliti, Fund No. 2, be dispensed with, and that -."he balance of approximately ; ?343,000 be distributed to the funds to which this money belons; that this will not alter the fact that these funds are invested in Government 0ecurities at 3 -k1/2' at this time, but it will le-ally draw the li: e on wno is entitled to the interest on this _T:qo-: ^.eV. Loved b7., Ccur.cilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman i esc lu':, the above reconmendati.on be approved. Carr -led by the _�ollov�in vote: AYES: Councilmen Bai:er, Frederick, T'iescnuk a_id i iayor Benfield; 4, OEz,: ilone; AB3E::I: Councilman :ordon. X 8'73 ORAL COI•�•IL'ITICATIOTIS T•Irs. James Ottman, of the Hobby Shop, addressed the Council in behalf of the use of school grounds to fly model planes; that complaints of the noise of these model airplanes have been received; that model plane buildin-1 is a wholesome activity and should be encouraged, and aslted the Council to -ive it some consideration. The Council desiring; to encourage constructive hobbies for _young people, the matter ;vas referred to the Citv Tanager with the request that it be handled on an ad- ministrative level. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AI1D SPECIAL 1 C ._=L l h ;S CITV I .Ji GER SAILORS T ADE HJPCRT3 AS FOLLO 1St 1. Recommended that a refund of $0;j of a •,24.00 Plmbin; permit issued in error, or y"19.20 be returned to Cobabe Bros. I:oved by Councilman i' --ieschuk, seconded by Councilman T?arcer, the above recommendation be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, T;eschuk and T"Tayor Benfield; :TOES: T�Tone; AB3EdT: Councilman Gordon. 2. That Industrial Asphalt of California had pur- chased the facilities of Oswald Bros. Co. on September 4, 1959, and as the City had contracted with Oswald Bros. Co. effective August 15, 1959, for the furnishing of asphaltic material for a period of one year, he recommended that Oswald Bros. Co. be released from its contract and an agreement be signed with Industrial Asphalt of California for the furnishin` of said asphaltic material to Au,7ust 14, 1960. !,loved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman ileschuk, the above recommendation be approved. Carried b -,y the follo -wing vote: AILS: Councilmen Balzer, Frederick, ITeschulc and T�Iayor Benfield; NOE3 : I1one ; ABSEIIT: Councilman Gordon. 3. That he was in receipt of a request for a 90- day extension for a trailer permit in connection with con- struction of a residence at 202 East Walnut Avenue, andrecom- mended such extension be granted, such extension to expire on December 28, 1959. Loved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the above recommendation be approved. Carried. 4. That two police units, Nos. 32 and 33 will soon need to be replaced, and requested authorization to call for bits for such replacements. IToved bJy Councilman Barter, seconded by Councilman III :s ;bolo, the above request be granted. Carried. C X 8'74 5. That a request had been received from the Chief of Police for an amendment to the City Code to authorize the issuance of bicycle licenses for the life of the bicycle, in- stead of requiring a renewal each year, except in the case of change of ownership. By general consent, the City Manager was requested to present such an amendment to the Council at its next re -,ular meetin to be Feld October 13, 1959. Advised the Council that a new Purchasin- Ordin- ance had been prepared as required b_r State La;;, which Ordin- ance :,could be presented by the City !,ttornev. 7. Requested permission to tale nine days of his paid vacation frog: October 13 to 23, both dates inclusive. I,;oved b7T Councilman Baker, seconded by Council an Ieschul: the request be granted. Carried. ,T i _ CLERK ".�1D R REPORT AS FOLLO •J5 : / 1 CLERK L t.L 1. Presented for the Council's consideration, a request for Quitclaim Deed from JvT_r. and ,Irs. V. Victor Arabian 750 Vir-inia Street, covering water pipeline easement for a portion of Lot 12, Block 105, E1 Segundo, subject property lo- cated at 919 Virginia Street, i.loved bl,T Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman I',eschuk, the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the easement over the North 40 feet of the South 229 feet of Lot 12, Block 106 of El Segundo Sheet No. 3, as recorded on Pages 22 & 23 of Book 20 of I,iaps in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, referred to in the hereinabove request, is no longer needed by the City of El Segundo; IIO;J, THEREFORE, BE IT and the City Clerk be and and instructed to execute easement from the City to C. Arabian, his wife. Carried by the following vote: RESOLVED, that the i -Iayor they are hereby authorized a Quitclaim Deed for said V. Victor Arabian and I,Iary AYES: Councilmen Baker, Frederic'., P,eschuk and I.ayor Benfield; NOES: _, or e ; A33EIIT: Councilman Gordon. CITY AT T ORivEY BUS 1I MADE REPORTS AS FOLLO DVS : 1. As previously mentioned, an ordinance for the purchase of supplies and equipment has been prepared, and at t_iis time presented such ordinance for the Council's consider- ation. Thereafter, Councilman Frederick introduced Ordinance Io. 550 entitled: All ORDI,IA'ICE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORIIIA, PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT. frhich t�ras read. 2. Presented for the Council's consideration, form of A =eement with the County of Los Angeles for acquisition of tax deeded lot in the City of El Je7undo, said lot bein~ lo- cated at the southeast corner of Cedar Street and Ir.:peral t?i� h;aav- as authorize` at the last regular meetin.,. - 7 - x 875 Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Baler, seconded by Councilman Frederick that tle following reso- lution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the Playor be and he is hereby* authorized to si Jn for and on behalf of the City of E1 Se7undo, and the CityT Clerk to attest the same, seven conies of that cer- tain Form of Agreement hereinabove described; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Forms of Agreement be forwarded to the Los An -eles County Board of Supervisors for its consider- ation, in accordance with the provisions of the Revenue and Taxation Code. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, I,ieschuk and Llayor Benfield; T ,V ES : none ; ABSENT: Councilman Gordon. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ,'FOR Ii6 1EBB KADE REPORTS AS FOLLO J� ' — 1. Presented for the Councilts consideration., a request from Jorth American Aviation, Inc., for atorm water control in the area bounded by El Segundo Boulevard, Douglas Street and Imperial Hi g':z�layr, and a zrritten report thereon; that there is a definite storm drain problem in the two areas then are concerned with; that this storm drain project is in- cluded as a supplemental project in the LACFCD 1958 Bond Issue Report, which will only be considered if the prices on the initial project are very low, and the chances of getting sup- plemental money are very poor; that it is his thought if these storm drains are constructed, it will require local funds which he estimated at 421c,000. Director of Public Works Webb further stated the construction of storm drains in the above area is in our ultimate storm drain program, and that temporary measures are being carried out by cutting a ditch. Another serious problem presentin, itself is the discharge of water in the streets, or curtailin, that particular activity and hamperi.n; operations; that complaints have been received concer.in� the discharge of water in the streets. He I', su(=ested that a temporary expedient would be to build a drain inlIlariposa Avenue from Duley Road to Douglas Street, turn the corner and :lead the drain south so that water would floe* intc the proposed ditch on the vIest side of Dou -las .Street to the inlet at J1 Segundo Boulevard, the estimated cost of which would be ;25,000.00. After further discussion, it was moved by Council- man Neschuh, seconded b-!.r Councilman Frederick, to instruct the Oita* Engineer to prepare plans and specifi cati ons for the necessary* s+,o-rr: drain project and present same to the City Council for its approval. Carded bv the follo,'Ti: — vote. :AYES: Councilme_. Baker, Frederick, i•Ieschuk and I•iayor Benfield; 'ICES: Tone ABSEIII Councilman: lordon. - 8 - X 8'76 2. That at t e last re -ular Council r.eetin ; -- the Matter of Stop Sig -_.s at the westerly entrance on Pine Avenue and 3I-,eldo7: Street had been referred to the Traffic Committee; that investi,Tation showed Stop 3i---is at the westerly entrance on Pine Avenue were needed, as atop Si:,ns oiere already in- stalled at the north and east entrances. There bein-- no ob- Cections to erection o= said Stcp si7n, it was unani:iousl,r approved. 3. Presented for t1e Council's consideraticn, the first sapple.r, e^ ta A:^; ree me nt with the Stage Division o� s r j i - ,h- wa«s for the expenditure of :gasoline tax funds for the cal year 1979 -60, whicl. calls for the sum of ,;17,158.00 for improvement of Imperial Hi,,;h, -ra,-, ; 15,000.00 for maintenance o- "lad or streets and •;i_5,00.00 for El aegundo's share of the improvements of Sepulveda Boulevard from Imperial IIi ^ °'- .:'ay To � 3e7undo _oulc',ard, and ^eCO Lie :deb t1.e ii ree:le cc arproveu and the I ayor be authorized to Si, -n. IoVC'd b-.r Councilman �al�er, seconded by Ccuncilrnar_ _ redericl,, the follo;rinM resolution be adonted: _,' HEREAS, a first supplemental mei:�orandLUn of a;gree:nent has been presented to be entered into with the State of California in accordance with a project statement submitted by the City of El Segundo for expenditure of the gas tax al- location to cities for the fiscal year 1959 -60, and IFEREAS, the city council has heard read said a- ;reement in Pull and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City or E1 seundo that said project statement be and it is hereby adopted as the budet of proposed expenditures of the 7as tax allocation to cities, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the ma,ror and the city clerk: are directed to siMn the same on behalf of said City, said agreement to be bir.din..; upon the City upon its execution by the authorized officials of the State. Carried by the followin'- vote: :AYES: Councilmen Baler, Frederick, I`�Ieschuk and Mayor Benfield; :IDES : PJone ; ABSENT: Councilman Gordon. Mayor Benfield stated in this regard that `r. Moore, the field representative from Supervisor Chace's office indi- cated that 45,000.00 for improvement of Imperial Hi,�hwa,r east of Sepulveda Blvd., is available, after which the Director of Public -dorks stated he would contaci, the Road Department. L. Reported on the Li htin7 District; t Tat T�iayor _senfield, assisted by Councilman Baker, had held two citizen's meetin-s on the street li -,ht problem; that an agreement was reacted at the last meetinc- to authorize the Edison Company to energize the circuits utilizin~ wooden_ poles, and that petitions would be prepared for an assessment district and if a ma ority of the property owners want the district, the poles rill�be -replaced with steel standards at a later date. - 9 - I X I,:oved by Councilman faker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the action of the Director of Public Norris in ener�,izin7 the circuits be approved. Carried. Ui4Fl '1I;SHED BUJ! ',E,SS 1. City Attorney Bush read the Title of Ordinance I'o. 549, entitled: AI�J ORDI :?A -N'CE OF THE CITY OF EL 3EGUi`'D0 J. CALIFORNIA, AI`,TEIZIIdG ORDIHAP10E IO. 507, (T1 HE COTdPREHENSIVE ZONTIPdG ORDIINAi,TCE) OF ;SAID CITY, lITH REGARD TO ACCE36ORY Ii'1 BUILD G6. Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, the further readinM of Ordinance "To 549 was waived. Following motion duly rude by Councilman: Balser, seconded by Councilman Ieschuk, Ordinance :To. 549 was adopted b -r the folloti-rin7 vote: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Frederick, :Ieschuk and Ilavor Benfield; I1OE 5 : Iv one ; ABSE1T: Councilman Gordon. Iaycr Benfield reported on airport noise at this time; that many complaints continue to come in and it is the desire Of the Council to take a more positive action to abate the noise from the maintenance hangars; that the Federal Government is aware of the problem and many committees are workin_ on the noise abatement since it definitely is affect - in,--- the health and welfare of citizens. Citv Iiana^:er ,Sailors stated the City has been ad- vised there is a provision in the leases of the maintenance facilities on the airport, to take adequate precaution against disturbing the surrounding neighborhood. City Attorney Bush stated he will make an investi- mation of what is beinv done in this area toward airplane maintenance noise abatement, and report back at the next re`u- lar Council meetin;7. PAYI :'1G DILLS The followin7 demands, Navin had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Demand Re Mister - Dema:Ids los. 8711 to $$32, _1- clusive: General Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, 73,846.11 Pension Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,997. &'3 Trust Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 510.55 Contin -ent Liability - Govt-k... Invest. 550,000. 00 X0'-29,3 "2.49 Demand ?eTister - .later Department - Demands 'dos. 2 ,14 to 2651 inclusive: slater Operati -11 J "U.1C1 - - - - - 7,74�.38 lC SAL 7,740.3 - 10 - 877 X 8'78 I:oved Frederick, tie o -: and -raid out by Councilman ua'_cer, seconded by Council ma "_ demands be a1lo,aed and warrants ordered drain of the respective funds coverin-- the same. Carried by the followi n; ; vote: AYEd: Councilmen Bauer, Frederic..-., I�eschul. a,.-.d iayor Ber field; C a: _lone; C ou,hc i lman Gordon. f UJliT7 r� Councilman I esclhuk insti aced discus c, .r rerardin,r; cure c t: e City -owned lot cn -',Iarinosa Avenue at I ar ,.,land Jtreet; that it is presently in a very run down conditio:h; that heretofore, cuttin- a street throu-h on i, ark land ;;tree- seemed il.- practical. 1urtn- r discussion resulted in a desire of the )uncil to -eep the property in better condition, and the �:atte r was referred to the City . ana-er o handling. Councilman Ileschul, i"_iformed the Council that property o�::ners on mast Franklin n venue had co:nnlainea there is no narr.- �:l a'.-allable for property owners 1'_ front of ielr ^_ouae :J , ^ � _ _ : —i al vdorl:e,-3 -oars: ' '-ere all day. J.' 7,,ever al Co_iei 7,_.,_,ee -hour parkin; limit si�-ns were requested to be placed on -a: t Trani lin Avenue. _avor Bonfield state- that his attention had been called to the �f Io Pars i:i fit Any Timelf si—s erected on Grano a-.-id. Kansas Street. Director of PubliC T'lorks Webb stated the 31'o'hs were erected at ti -.e request of TY_ternatio "_ial �c1_i =_er Corpora- on owner o� :ie entire b1ocl.. TG Gtlle.r b_is - -i ; a -peal --o come be- ore the CO,:ilcil at this time, lv was :loved by Councilman rieSCiiUI:, seco" -ded by CcunciLman Baker, the meeting adjourn, the hour of as j ournment being :10 of clot'; P.T7. Carried. APPz0`,ED r I Iay or Respectfully subrnitted, Clty C erh