1959 NOV 23 CC MINX 907 El SeMindo, California i.ovember 2" , 1959 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Seg- undo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Mall of said City on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those present joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, following which a prayer was offered by Reverend ,Villis Tooth, of Calvary Baptist Church. The meeting was then called to order by Kenneth R. Benfield, 'iaYor, the hour being 7:00 otcl.ock p.m. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Baker, Gordon, Meschuk and :Mayor Benfield; Councilman Absent: Frederick. READING OF :ffNI?TES OF PREVIO13S MEETING The minuies of the regular meeting of the City Council of the Cittr of El_ Se -undo held November n, 1 '59, having been read and no error or omission having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Baler, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Motion carried. At this time, •favor B enfield presented a ten year service pin, to Mrs. Joan '•IacQtieen, member of the Recreation Commission, and thanked her for her loyalty and cooperation on behalf of the City. ,� RI TTEN COAII IIiNI CATIOA; S The following, written coj-v- .n.1nications received from persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were react to the Council, and were disposed of in the manner indicated: MR. M. S. FA R, FAR R CO IPA`:Y, I:overiber 16, 1959, expressing interest in proposed enlargement of the C -2 zone on the east side of Sepulveda Boulevard. Ordered filed. METROPOLITAN ,•TATER DISTRICT, CHARLES C. COOPER, JR. , GENERAL COUNSEL, November 18, 1959, advising that if the City of E1_ Segundo desires, it may declare its intention to pad= out of its municipal funds she whole or a stated percentage of the amount of taxes to be derived from the area of the said District lying within the city; that finless such declaration of intention is made, taxes will be levied and collected in the usual manner. The Council desiring to take no action, the communication was ordered filed. J. A. IIAPKE, C11,tUXIAN RECREATION AND PARKS COINIMISSION, November 16 1959, regarding proposed planting in the area of the Edison right -of -way on Washington Street; also desiring to know the extent of plans regarding said developments. '. Mayor Benfield stated the first area in question is still in the planning* stage, and that at the time permission is granted to Cit-, hr the Edison company, definite steps can be taken. Regarding development of Imperial strip, City Attorney Bush advised that while the Cit-- of El. Semindo '.as title to said strip, annexation will not ne in effect until December Oth; after which the communication was ordered filed pending notification to al-1 departments when annexation is completed. -1- X 908 AIRS. BETII �VOLF, IMPERIAL PARENT- TEACIIEI: ASSOCIATIOI:, i:ovemher 1_l, 1�$�, expressing appreciation for the direction and help given to the fourth and fifth grade students in library procedure; to Mrs. Nina Duss for her excellent presentation of the sn.I, j ect, and for a sympathetic and understanci din- staff. Ordered filed. A1P.S. VIRGI.,IA BLAC::, love the eighth annual Tinsel Tea of the or- anization in the South Bay area, 'Iotel on Deccmher I., and requestin- decorations which have been riade I-)v :iber 2J4 1(`50, Sandpipers, a to he held on permission to r:ierthers of the announcin7 philanthropic the Thrtnderl,ird sell Christras Club. "owed bs.- Coitnci_lrlar Gordon, seconded bk Co?incilma: 'ieschnL°., the above request be gra.-:ted. Motion carried. CO',,l` ' ITY SEVE' TTI -D AY ADVE`TTIST CIIT` ;CTI, TlX%'THOP%2,E1? :overtT?er 10, 1959, regtlestin- permission to hold its annual C?,ristr:as caroling and Inmatherin,r* Campaign in the Cit�r of E1 Seff- 'loved by Councilman. 14eschit! , seconded by Cozzncilma T'aLer, toe foll.owinr; resol>>tior_ be adopted: RESOLVED, that the communication frorl Corwn,.nit- Seventh -Da-.- Adventist Church, dated I:over.:')er 1 , J-'-)5(-., regi�estinr, permission to conduct its arnital. Christmas caroling and Inrratherinr* Car pai -n in the City of E1 Se -undo, he received and ordered placed on file in the office of the City C1 erL; f and i�E IT FTTIZTIIER RESOLVED, that the Cit-.• Clerlc be and she is here!)v authorized to notifyy said Cortrtunit -v Seventh -Day Adventist Church that permission has been granted under provisions of Section 1-6.5 of the Code of said City. Carried lhv the following vote: Ares: Councilr,:en Baker, Gordon, Aleschuk and ,,!a,, or Benfi_eld; I;oes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Frederick. DEPARrMEI:T OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL, bein- appli- cation for new On Sale Beer License for George's Cafe, 403 Alain Stree:,, El Segundo. Ordered filed. DI ;PA RT'TE17T OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL, being appli- cation for transfer of On Sale Beer License for the Spinning "he elI 1�,.5 Richmond Street. Ordered filed. :":one. UP, t1L CWMTI. I C ATI OA; S REPORTS OF OFFICERS AAD S ?ECIAL C01-II4ITTEES CITY ::AINAGIER SAILORS MADE REPORTS AS FOLLOT,%S: 1. Recommended that bids be solicited for the installa- tion of adequate ventilation_ for the Recreation Cllrbhouse Auditorium; that at the tire of budget the sz.u:I of $ r, 000 was included for that purpose, and that the Director of P u ilblic '.7orl:s has estimated the worl: coitl.ci oe accomplished for approximately $l,?0J.00 -2- i.Ioved b -- Councilman Meschuk, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the a')ove recommendation be approved. _Motion carried. 2. Recommended that one additional; step�!bo_ auth6ir-4 i7ed'_for_ the.;Detoctive I ureau oF_�the Police,!Department.,.. ' in accordance with recommendation: from the Chief of Police. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded b« Councilman P,al-er, that the above recommendation be approved. Carried b-- the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen I;aker, Gordon, i.Ieschul and Ia.-.ror Benf ield ; -.oes: C07.1ncilrner, None; Absent: Councilman Frederick. 3. That upon completion of our storm drain plans recentl_y, it was found that additional storm drain facilities would be needed in Imperial Ilighway to take care of the redesigned cite storm drain s.rstem; that information has been received that the sure of 5"335,000, which amount the City of El Segundo will par to the Cit-�r of Los Angeles for its share of the enlar-ement and remodelin- of the Hyperion Sewerage facilities, could be handled in the following rianner: 5201000 from the current budget, $150,000 rom the 1960 -61 budget and $1561000 from the 1961 -62 budget, and recommended authorization to negotiate an a- reement to cover the plan of payment as herein described. If this method of payment is approved, it will make approximately $150,000 available toward the cost of ad'datidnal storm? drain facil *ties: iri- Imperial •Hi &hway. Moved by" Councilman- Gordoncy. zejconded-�bycCouncilman Baker, the above recom- mendation be approved. Carried b.r the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor renfield; Roes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilnan Frederick. ^. That permission has been requested from his office recently to land and take -off a helicopter within this City; that it would appear there is a growing need for this type of service, and requested some general statement or policy on the matter. Discussion ensued between nembers of the Council, Mr. L. A. :Alen, Chairman of the Planning Commission, and Air. Reid, 'Manager of the El Segi ndo Chamber of Commerce. AIr. Reid stated the Industrial Comnittee of the Chamber of Comrerce is studying the situation at the present time,and that it is planned to have recommendation from this Committee on the subject within sixty da =rs. By general consent, the matter was taken.under consider- ation. 5. That at the last regular Council meeting he had been requested to attend a meeting of County and City officials regard- in- coturty -wide rubbish disposal_ problen; that said meeting was held on this date. Ile further stated that there is consideration being given to establishing county -wide pickup service of trash from the homes; that the Los Angeles County Board of Directors of the League of California Cities stated its stand as approving the Cor.ntr efforts to standardise disposal areas, but that many cities worn.ld prefer to handle contracts for pickup as is done in El_ SeC*- undo. The Council desiripg to support the League stand, it was moved :)7r Cotv.ncilnan 4"leschuk, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted. -3- X 910 6THERE AS, a of Los Angeles was held in the re- ardin- problem; and meeting of the Board of Supervisors County with Count- and City officials City of L,os Angeles on `:over,her 23, the Cwinty -wide rubbish disposal OMEREAS, the Los An-*eles Cotinty Board of Directors of the League of California Cities approves the efforts of Los In -eles County in establishing and standardi7ir disposal sites, but reserves to the cities the privilege of individually contracting for pickup service within their city, and holding out to them the opportunity of employing County services on a volunteer basis; and ,,'1IEREAS, the City Council of the City of E1 SeT- =tndo does hereby a ;prove the stand taken 1)v the Directors of the League of California Cities; '.Oi ;', TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City C.lerl l;e and she is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Board of Supervisors of I,os Angeles Col.tn"N, and to the hoard of Directors of the Los Angeles County League of California Cities. Carried by the followin- vote: ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Meschuli and ,,layor Benfield; `does: Councilmen none; Absent: Councilman Frederick. CITY CLE21; PiADE REPORT AS FOLLOT':S: 1. Thet t'ze Director of P11')1ic _;Jorl:s had filed with her or. ':oveml)e`r 20, 1 'P, a report on the street lightin^, assessment of 'larv-lard Street and other Streets within the City of El Se -- nndo, consisti_n!* of the following*: Exhil)it -11'k - "1_ ans of the Proposed Improvement. Exhibit P_. - Specifications for construction. Exhibit C - An esti.ruate of the cost of the improver.ient and the period of time durint* which it is proposed to 1)e continued. Exhil)it I) - 1 diagram of the proposed assessment District. Exhibit E - Proposed assessment of the total_ amount of the costs and expenses of the pro- posed improvement. After examination of said report, Councilman T,al•:er offered and moved the adoption of Resolt.ition A.o. 1_S� 0, entitled: A PESO]T 'TIO'; OF TIIE CITY C071 CIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGL'':DO, CALIF OR' '.,IA., APPROVING TIIE RE, "PORT OF THE CITY E ;GI_ :EER OF SLID CITY "LADE PI'11SUAL'T TO TI E REQJTIRE' iE:TTS OF RESO- LFTIO' .N'O. 1SS$ OF S:UD COITI CIL, ,%, ich notion was seconded by Councilman Gordon and upon roll. call, tI)e said resoliitioil was adopted b,,�- the following vote: .'eyes: Co:ncilmen Ba':er, Gordon, 'IeschttL- and ;ayor enfield; 'goes: Covncilme- ''0:1e: A! "sent- : Council_; an Frederick: . X Councilman leschul: then offered and moved the adoption Resolution No. 1891, entitled: A RESOLITTION OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, ,CALIFORNIA D ITS INTL1, -TION t?POI:; HEARING DULY' TO ECLAILING ► D LY ORDER CERTAIN LIGHTING FIXTURES AND APPLI�jXCES ON ''AIZYLA D STREET AND OTHER STREETS 'IITIIIN SAID CITY, TO BE I ;STALLED, ch motion was seconded b17. , said resolution was adop -� n }oilman aker and upon roll call, the followinf* vote: Ayes: : Counci.lrlen n t. a.,; Cordon, Meschu', and ia�.�or Benfie l d; :goes: Councilmen Lone; A1)sent: Councilman Fredericl . Cottrtcilman Gordon then offered and moved the adoption l:eso]_ntior: ';o. 1.8no, entitled: A ajrSOLTTTIO11, OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF EL SEG��i•�DO n T TI }E C.aLIFO.�hI�5 AI'1'OINTII;G TI`IE �l "D 'LACE FOR IIEARIi;C '1Z REI:ATI01•; TO THE PI;OPOSED IIIPROVEITESTSI�FERRED TO I ?; RESOLT'TIO', OF Iii`)_'Ei: TI.OI� llL';ECTI1 C TIIE CLE?RI: OF S:`�ID CITY • COt�ClI, AND CTVE .;OTICE OF SAID IIEAP-II;C, motion was seconded b�T Councilman. Baler and upon roll the said reso].tttion wasdadopted hi> the fo11_o;vinr* vote: =1` es: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, '.Iesciiul; and layor Benfield; Noes: Cottncilmer. None: Absent: Councilman Frederick. ATTOi:i;EY I't'SIl AiADi; REPORT AS FOLLO1;1S: Presented for the Councilts consideration an Ord- L, Percairin to he licensin ; of business with i_rranctt iisltments• Thereafter, Councilman Bal :er introd' ance o. 55.1, entitled: A :: O1:DIi::,'� Ci OF TIIE CITY OF EL SEG, tiD0 CALIFOI;''I.;, r► ttT*CITY OF EL L'iEI�DII;C PILE CODE OF THE � T�y SE CODE CAI,II'OR1:IA, lo�rgrr SERI3PEI;I,Ii:G 1_ ";D DELETII;C TIILP.EFROAI SECT" 7 Fi, R ENTITLED ',LICENSE t�EQt'IRE- IE�'TS FOR T R :k ClI EST�i} LISiI1iEI; TS, rr was read. 'OR OF PMT;I.IC ';'OP.I:B 'MADE REPORTS AS FOLLO;'JS: 1• .,ith reference to the Ciiy LnT t :per ](5, 1959, entitl�cl "Final Desi�*nnofrProjectrt3 dated Flood Control. 3ond Issue, it is recommended that additional Dutfall ca-racit-r 1>e constructed 1ori�ed to r enotiate with the CitvdofltLostAneles in order lin additional orafall capacitNT re City oT Los :;neles is deli in a storm drain otttfall ',loved } >�.- Councilman '•Ieschttl.:, seconded b�> ve reconmendatior. I,e a,) ,ro`, <- ottncilrtan Cordon, i ed. 'Motion carried. -5- 911 X 912 2. Presented a report on the New Metropolitan :rater District Connection, and stated that in order to accomplish this new connection with the Metropolitan system, some new construction will he necessary, and recorunended as follows: (1) That the City En^ineer be authorized and directed to condiict design and engineering; negotiations with engineers of the Coitnty Flood Control District in order to plan the technicalities of said new connection; (2) That authorization he approved for employ - ment of ?•Ir. .FranI, Alderman, Consulting* Engineer, at a fee not to exceed 5500.00; that the actual engineerin? and design will be done by the Cite Engineer's office but the services of this hihly qualifled consultant would be of r7reat benefit. t:oved h�.r Cotincilmw Gordon, seconded by Councilman 'fesc?-7.d., that the followin- resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the City En -ineer I,e and he is hereh authori; red and directed to conduct desin_n and enr*ineerinI7 negotiations with engineers of the County Flood Control District, in order to Plan the technicalities of the new connection with the Netropol.itan ' ater District; and ICE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, that Mr. Frank Alderman, Consulting* En-ineer, be employed for this project, at a fee not to exceed $500.00. Carried h7, the following vote: A-.res: Councilmen I aker, Gordon, ifeschuk and Mayor Penfield; ,oes: Councilmen gone; Al,sent: Councilman Frederick. 3. Presented for the Council's consideration, the following recomiaendations made by the Traffic Committee: 1. Speed Limit on El Segundo ',oulevard from its westerly extremety to Sheldon Street should be established and posted at 25 miles per hour. 2. Stop sign should he instal -led at the westerly entrence b67-EI. Segundo nouibvard :`.and - Virginia Street-: Sao?: si:;ns be ,-r:s- 'allecl at the easier- v and westerl.^ entrances to the intersection of E1_ Se.-undo Boulevard and Richmond Streets. �i ;, edestrian cross, A- 1 >c painted across 1. Sc»•ntxin r 1 Vd , Af, f, }i F, i.�pgf, l _i_ne of i iq i.n ,ii- ,rc�Pt 5. A pedestrian crosswal l_ ':e painted across E1 Ser*- un.do Blvd. at the east .line of Standard Street. �. A nedes'Gri.an crosswall: be painted across E. Seg- nndo Rlvd. at the t:,est 1 -ine of Eucal-.•ptus Drive. 7. Stop si'*n installer] on the south side of El Segundo T;IZ•d. east of Standard Street w ?:ich would require eastbound traffic on E1 Se-urndo nl vd • to stop before approachin, the new -ate at the Refinery between Standard Street and Eucalyptus Drive. The Cot.tnci.l desirirr7 to cliecl: into these measures, bv, ^�eneral_ consent the matter was ordered held until the next re-ul ar neetin- of the City Council to he held December 14, 1� S9. At this time., ; ir. Mlannin, of International Rectifier Corporation., filed with the Clerl- two copies of maps showing the location of said com"an r t 7, L 3 s buildings and parl_irg areas oI: the easterly and westerly sides of I;ansas Street between Grand Averve and Franklin Avenue, said area bei.n, under con - sideration at t'te present time by the Traffic Committee and City Con:�ci1.. ' one. IiTFIi"ISTIED BT SINESS PAYING BILLS Tile fol.lowine. demands, Navin;- hac] the approval. of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Demand Perister - Demands iTos. 9193 to 9287, inclusive: General Fund - - - - _ Trust Fitnd - - - _ - - - - - - - - $ 82,546.85 1'ersion F tnci - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40"'Q . a�1 TOTAL - - - - - - - __d,086.05 87,121.30 Demand P.c!7ister - "Jater Department Demands i os. 2770 to 2814, Inclusive: '','ater OperatingFund - - - O' _ _ $ T.�AL - - - - 0,191.0' 4011-01-04 ''loved I?y Councilman. Da1:-er, seconded by Councilman ileschtt]< 'the demands ];e allowed and warrants ordered drawn oh and out of tiic respective funds covering ] paid fol1Q *;'ins vo�,e: tile same. Carried ]��r the Ayes: Cottncil.rten ha] ;cr, Gor ^on, :ieschltl; and ,,a,-or ".enfield; Foes: Courciimen ',one : Councilman. Frederic],,. '_ "o other business I:?eetlIl -11 1i was moved T „• mar_ iAesch7,.1:, the rleetin %:1. .otio; 11 appearin7 to ]-�e transacted at this Councilman L'a]:er, seconded by Council - acljot:rn, the hoar of adjournrient bein` z carried. Respectfully stt';rlitted, City Cler?- 913