1959 NOV 09 CC MINX 900 El Segundo, California November 9, 1959 A reggiil ar meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said Cite on the above date. Prior to calling the meetin;- to order, those present joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the T'nited States of Anerica, following which a pra•er was offered. by Reverend Gordon Yeaton of St. `Michael -fs E;�isconal_ Chiirch, in tribute to Boyd L. Co�ilter, 1 -ate mei :her of the Police Department of this City. The meeting was then called to order by II:enneth P. fienfield 'Ia -. -or, the hour being 7:00 otclocl;,p.ri. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: 1 al-: er, `teschu ?; and ?ta�ror 'Bonfield; Co uncilmer. :lhsent: Gordon and Frederick. iZEADII:G OF "III FTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINTGS The nini,.tes of the regular i:ieetingr of the City Council of the Cite of E1 Segundo field October 2 -, the adj.6urned re^vul ar meeti_ngr held Octol;er 29, and the special meeting held November 9, having been read and no errors or omissions having; been noted, it was moved 1-y Councilman Meschi l,, seconded by Councilman Laker the mini.ites of said meetings be approved as recorded. 'Motion carried. o!RITTEI' C011 ,tUi:ICATIOI;S The following written communications received from persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Coi_incil., and were disposed of in the manner indicated: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, calling* attention to Coi-i.nty Ordinance I\'o. 7527, effective January 1,190, which ordinance regi_iires the use of scales at all waste disposal facilities open to the public, where a charge is made for disposal. Ordered filed. h0ARD OF SIT PEPIVISORS, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, being notice of public meeting; of County and City officials to he held in the hoardts Assembly Room on Monday, November 23, 1959, at 2:00 otclock p.m. for the purpose of reviewing county -wide rubbish disposal problem. by general consent, the City Manager was requested to attend said i:ieeting, after which the communica- tion was ordered filed. LOS AI;GELES C01I�TY T'OTI DARY COi•LIISSION, being notice that the City of Hawthorne has filed a proposal with the Secretary of said Commission for the annexation of territory known. as Hawthorne Swimming Fool Annexation, Revised, to the City of IIawthorne. Ordered filed. LOS AIMELES CO ?'I�:TY P.OI'hDARY COI::,:ISSIOI\" being notice that the City of Gardena has filed a proposal- with the Secretary of said Commission for the annexation of territory Lnown as Alondra Parl Territory Annexation, Revised, to the City ref Gardena. Ordered filed. IIi'0I1 1.1. NANILTOP;, CLASS SECRETARY OF SEI;IOR CLASS, EL SI-,GII;DO 1IIGI? SCHOOL, expressing appreciation for coiirtesy extended to the Senior Class on its visit to the Citv Ilall on Octol >er 2�th. Ordered filed. -I- EL SEGU DC A:,1ERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE AUXILIARY THERESA MCCREADY, WAYS AMD MEANS CIIAIRMAN, requesting per- mission to hold a bake sale in front of Security First National Bank on May 20 and June 24, 1960. Moved by Councilman Faker, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, the following resolution he adopted: RESOLVED, that the communication from the El Segundo American Little League.Auxiliary, dated October 28, 1959, requesting* permission to hold bake sales in front of the Security First National Bank., El Segundo, on May 20 and June 24, 1960, be received and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk he and she7is hereby authorized to notify said American Little League Auxiliary that permission has been granted and that this permit shall be in effect unless and until revoLed by the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen. Prone; Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Frederick. ::'. I;. F. L. FOUNTAIN OF THE WORLD, Priest .,Lary, requesting permission to solicit in the E1 Segundo business district for financial assistance. Communication ordered held pending receipt of report and recommendation from the Police DenartmP„t PLANNING COMMISSION, Transmitting copy of its Reso- lution No. 414 granting Conditional Use Permit to the Community Methodist Church for Parking area. Ordered filed. CALIFORNIA BANE, November 4, 1959, requesting per - mission to locate a Mobile Bank on its new location at the south- east corner of Maple Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard, during time permanent bank building is being constructed. PIr. '4m, J. Simpson, representing the California Bank, was at the Council meeting and stated construction of the bank buildin7 will begin by the middle of January. `Moved by Councilman Meschuk, seconded by Councilman Baer, that California Bank he permitted to locate a Mobile hank on its new location, on Sepulveda Boulevard at Maple Avenue, durin7 construction of permanent bank building, such permit to extend nine months from this date, to wit: November 9, 1959. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen ':oes: Councilmen Absent: Councilmen -2- Baker, IleschnP and Nayor nenfield; .one; Frederic?: and Gordon. 941 X 902 OR AT, CO? iJIT'I:I CATIONS Mr. Fred I;azarian, of E1 Segundo Cab Co. thanked the City Council for grantin- his company parking space on the easterly side of the 300 bloc]•: on Main Street, but due to diffici_ =.lty encountered in arranging for said parkin,- space, he wished to return the parkin g• space for public use. Thereafter, the City Manager was requested to eliminate subject parkin.- space as a taxi stand, including installation of telephone. Mr. K. 'Cl. Hamilton, 35S Virginia Street, protested a^ainst another liquor store in the 400 bloc]: on Main Street, and was advised that the City Council has no control over allowing another liquor store at this location. City Attorney Bush advised that The City could only protest on behalf of the people, such protests limited to the proximity of a liquor business to a school. RET30RTS OF OFFICERS AXTD SPECIAL COMITTEES CITY MIA1 AGER SAILORS MADE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. As a matter of record under provisions of Para - graph J of Ordinance No. 550, the Purchasing Ordinance, he requested the Council's desire regarding obtaining out of town informal bids for autorobiles. The Council expressed the belief that purchase of automobiles for use of the City had been handled satisfactoril-y, and no directive action was taken in the matter. 2. That for many years the City has purchased water meters exclusively from the Hersey Idater Dieter Corporation; that by standardizing, the parts problem is simplified, and he recom- mended continuance of this policy, under provisions of Paragraph J of Ordinance No. 550, the Purchasing Ordinance. The Council being of the opinion that this practice works advantageously for the City, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, the Purchasing Agent continue the above procedure in the purchasing of water meters. Motion carried. 3. Presented for the Council's consideration a new Civil Defense Plan, and recommended its approval and that it he put into effect immediately upon the existence of a declar- ation of extreme emergency; that this Civil. Defense Plan is standardized throughout the State and qualifies the area under State aid and the purchase of surplus egiiipr►ent. `loved by Councilman raker, seconded by Councilman `.Ieschul:, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain Civil Defense Plan, designated as the Interim Operational Civil Disaster City Plan, presented to this Council on this date, be and the sar,ie is hereh approved 1)�. this Council and a copy of said Agreement is ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk of this City; and FE IT FT- RTIiE1Z RESOLVED, City of El SeMindo he and lie to execiite said Plan for and City. -3- that the Mayor of the is herchv aiithori -ed or behalf of said X 903 Carried by the following vote: Aver: Councilmen Baker, Meschul: and Mayor Benfield; Does: Councilmen none: Absent: Councilmen Frederic]; and Gordon. r. Presented for the Cou.ncilts consideration, a plan covering Industrial Off- Street parking in the industrial_ area bounded by E1 Segundo Boulevard, Main Street, Grand Ave. and Sepulveda Boulevard, which plan consists of four sites and cot_ild provide in excess of 800 parking spaces. Councilman 1Ieschulk pointed out that the City faces a dying industry if a solution to the parking problem is not forthcoming, that being the opinion of the Planning l Chamber of Commerce and the Industrial business houses;�thatn� this Council would be derelict in its responsibility to the citi-ens of El Segundo and to the manufacturing businesses in this area if it did not face the problem and find the right soll.ition. Ile farther stated that the subject industrial area employs approximately 1500 persons; h that many of the indi.tstrial ttsinesses will be forced to move if the parking solved; that the plan as presented would e developed easlself- supporting, and that with the expansion of the nearby airport, business in this industrial area can only thrive if it has sup- porting parking . It being the consensus of the Council that all members s11o1Ild be present to make the decision, the matter was ordered held until the next regular Council meetin- to be held November 23rd. 5. Presented for the Cotu.cilts consideration infortaation pertain ing to the planting of screcnin^ bt.tshes and trees along the Edison right -of -way, together with necessary srrinl :li_ng s -stem and the estimated cost of plantin- T ., areas that might he considered for recreational pttrposeS. on 6. Recommended the refund of building permit in amount of $35.00 for construction of four -unit apartment at 94F Cedar Street, due to the untimely demise of applicant, ''.off >ld L . Coulter. 'loved by Councilman Baler seconded 1) -> Councilma-, 'leschu':, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the Director of Finance be and he is hereby authorized to issue a warrant in amount of $35.00 to Martha J. Coulter, being refund of building permit fee for four -unit apartment at 948 Cedar Street, E1 Segundo. Carried h:> t'te follo:oinm vote: A` >eS: Cot,r,cilmen '.ay >or Benf ';oes: Councilmen X-, sent: Coltncilmer_ - A - Bal:cr, Meschulc and iel d; None; Frederic!: and Gordon. X 904 DIRECTOR OF PT?FLIC ;•TORT=S ?'TEFP. 'f:1DE REPORTS AS FOLT_M,'S: 1. Presented for the Council's consideration, the followinm recommendations rude by the Traffic Committee: 1. Re Lnest: Remove 1_oadin- zone at RP DrT_irr Store, 300 Floc] :, 'Main Street. Recommendation: Loading gone remain dtte to daily deliveries of ice cream, news - paners, magazines, etc. 2. Request: Investigate need for w reel cTir': 100 P,loc.'- of East and ;Test fine Avenue. Recommendation: Parking restrictions remain due to narrow street. 3. Re t.test: Southbound traffic on Aviation Ave. at E?. SeT;ttndo r lvd . , Curb lane must turn Ri h t . Recommendation: Approval. Request: Change from "No Parking Anytime" to "Two hour Parking" - East side 200 block on Kansas Street. Recommendation: Parking control remain for the present. 5• Request: Remove 20 minute parking zone, easterly side of 300 Flock, Main Street. Recommendation: 20 minute parl :ing zone in front of 311 1iain Street to revert to a 2 hour limit space. 6. Re nest: Stop sign at north and south inter- section of Holly Avenue and Indiana Street. Reco,endation: Approval, since as of this date in 1959, there has been a total of four accidents - -three injury and one non - injury. Three of these accidents have occurred since August 4, 1959, two involving injury. Moved by Councilman �-teschuk, seconded by Councilman raker, all of the above recommendations with the exception of `'o. 4, which will be held over until the November 23rd regular Council meeting, be approved. Carried by the following; vote: Ayes: Councilmen Balzer, ',feschul, and Mayor 13enfield; .oes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon. TI:e 'ta -or recommended that a red curb he painted on the south side of Grand Avenue east of Loma Vista Street to permit safe right hand turns to Loma Vista Street. By general consent, the recommendat=ion was approved. -5- FA x soy UNFIT ;ISHED BI'SIhTESS 1. City Attorney Bush read the title of Ordinance No. 552, entitled: AN ORDINAYCE OF TIIE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFOUTIA, APPROVI ?;G THE ANNEXATION TO TIIE SAID CITY OF EL SEGUNDO OF CERTAIN Ir,INIIABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS t'IiM!'ERIAL STRIP TERRITORY" IN CONFOMAi�CE :IITH TIIE PROVISIONS OF THE "ANNEXATION OF I-,,INIfABITED TERRITORY ACT OF 1930..". II on notion duly made and unanimously carried, the further reading; of Ordinance No. 552 was waived. Following motion made by Councilman Balzer, seconded h -sr Councilman Meschul:, Ordinance No. 552 was adopted by the followin- vote: Aves: Councilmen Balzer, Aleschulz and Ilayor Denfield; Noes: Councilmen IT Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon. 2. City Attorney Bush read the title of Ordinance T"O. 553, entitled: i' ORDIT ANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGI_T,;DO, C1►LIFOR?,IA, �u IENDING ORDINAATCE N0. 507 (THE COMP REIIE2,SIVE ZONING ORDIi,ANCE) OF SAID CITY V1ITII AREGARD TO RENTING OF ROOMS. Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, the further reading of Ordinance No. 553 was waived. Following motion made by Councilman iMeschul:, seconded h3' Councilman Balser, Ordinance No. S53 was fadopted by the followin'; vote: Ayes: Councilmen Balzer, `leschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen Frederic]-. and Gordon. 3. The Mayor reported on the matter of a complaint - at the regular Council meeting held October 13th, against the manner in which the El Segundo Police Department had dealt with a juvenile problem; that the investigation had been made and copies are on file; also that the parents of the juveniles involved have stated they are satisfied that our Police Depart- ment acted in accordance with proper Police procedures, and recommended the report be accepted and the matter be concluded in the absence of there being further request from the persons involved that it be pursued further; also the juveniles were not flctilt7- of the specific crimes the-• were picked up for. ?Moved by Councilman Meschul., seconded by Councilman Falser that the report be accepted and the above recommenclation be approved. 'lotion carried. 4. The request to solicit for sa.l.vage moods within the City of E1 Segundo, by Combat Veterans Industries of The Military Order of the Purple Heart, Inc., was considered at this time, a report on said industry having been presented by the Police Department. 'Ir. C. A. Parmenter, member of the Finance Committee of this organization, presented a letter and addressed the Council on behalf of said organization. -6- X 906 The Council being satisfied tliat the subject or` an- ilation conducted a -ood -will type of b-iisi.ness, it was moved by Councilman Neschul,, seconded by C0unciliilan Faker, the following* resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the Combat Veterans Industries of the 'Military Order of the Purple Heart, Inc., be permitted to make solicitation for salvage goods within the City of El Segundo. Carried by the followinc vote: Ares: Councilmen Baker, Meschul: and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen .,"one; Absent: Councilmen Frederick: and Gordon.. 5. The matter of request of The Los Angeles County Heart Association to solicit funds in February, 1960, was next considered. `Moved l;y Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman 'ieschi.tk, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the Los Angeles County heart Association is hereby granted permission to make solicitation of funds in the City of El Segundo during the month of February, 1960, subject to the following condition: that no juveniles be permitted to make solicitation. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baler, Meschuk and i-iayor renfield; Noes: Councilmen gone; Absent: Councilmen Frederic]: and Gordon. PAYIr:G BILLS The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Demand Register - Demands Nos. 9084 to 9192, inclusive: Deneral Fund - - - - - - - - - - $ 58,377.96 Pension Fiend - - - - - - - - - - 4,153.36 Trust Fund - - - - - - - - - - - 7,569-53 TOTAL $ 70,100.85 Demand Register - ;•later Department - Demand '%umbers 2735 to 2769, inclusive: slater Operatinm Fund - - - - - - $ 8,591.22 TOTAL, 8,591-22 Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman !lescl-nik, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on anal paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried the following vote: A�Tes: Cov.ncil.men Oal;er, iteschiflk and 'Mayor Benfield; ':oes: Councilrrmen None; A!- :sent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon. ';o other business a->pearing to be transacted at this meetin , it was moved by Councilman lesch,.il -, seconded h- Co;in- cilman Daher, the meetirg adjourn, the hour of acljotirnment hein!- `':45 p.m. Carried. A- PROVIE I) 11 •`'a =or �� RespectfTi.11y submitted, '49 64-,- . --,t- &. e n�- 2a -..�J Cit:- Clerl: -7-