1959 MAY 25 CC MINX 803
E1 Segundo., California
I';ay 25, 19 5 9
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the
City Nall of said City on the above date. Prior to calling the
meeting to order, those present joined in pled_;ing alle^;iance
to the Flag of the United States of America, after ; 1 ich a r10-
ment of silent prayer was observed in tribute to Secretary Dulles.
The meeting was then called to order by Kenne+ -h R. Ben -
r'i eld, i:a�ror, the hour being 7 :00 o'clock P.I.
Councilmen Present: Baker, Frederick, Gordon
and I:ayor Benfield;
Councilmen Absent: I•eschuk.
The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of E1 Segundo, California, held T,:ay 11, 1959, and of
the adjourned regular meetin ; held Tr ay 14, 1959, havin -- been read
and no error or omission havin been noted, it was moved by
Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the minutes
of said meetings be approved as recorded. Carried.
The Idayor announced that this was the time and place
filed for the hearin; of protests or objections against the work
or the district, as described in Resolution of Intention No.
1150 in the matter of certain improvements in Walnut Avenue be-
tween Center Street and Washin �ton Street.
The City Clerk reported that affidavits in support of
the publication of the Resolution of Intention, the mailin of
printed notices of the adoption of said resolution, and the
posting of the Notice of Impro-rement, as required by law, had
been made and are on file in. the office of the City Clerk.
The T -iaycr then inquired of the Clerk if any written
protests or objections against the work or the district had been
filed 'v!ith her in said r.latter. The clerk reported that no
written protests had been filed with her prior to the time set
for the hearin;;.
The I,1ayor men announced that this was the time and
place set, for the hearing of protests or objections against the
work or the assessment district, each as set forth in the Reso-
lution of Intention hereinbefore mentioned, and asked if anyone
present desired to be heard in said ratter. Igo one responded.
Councilman Gordon then offered and moved the adoption
of _?esolution ordering Jerk ',Io. 1865 in the matter of the ii-1-
prover.ient of dalnut Avenue between Center Street and ashin_;ton
Street, in tnr City i E1 Se ;undo, which motion was seconded
b:r Councilman Baker and upor roll call, was adopted by the
folloz-r -- vote:
- 1 -
X 804
P' ,,res . C ounc �l.-:e_ 77alcer, Fredericl -, Cordo_i
and _:aror Re_ field;
=goes: Coulci"L:Ien none
Absent: Councilman '•'eschur-_.
At this time Councilman I•ieschuk entered the Council
Chamber and immediatellr took his place at the Council table,
the hour being- 7 :10 of clock P.II.
The following; written communications received from.
persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named were read to
the Council and disposed of in the :banner indicated:
'OT i_i 70r:7 - C011,11ISSION, May 13, 195;, rep- ardin-
proposed annexation of Space Technolo,r Territory to tie Cit'r of
-1 Segundo, and enclosin- revised legal description of such ter -
rito -y. Ordered filed.
PLA °, ,I -?G CG'" IS3I0 ', T:a- 19, 195;, tra_-1s� �i t 1-: -' C ,T
of its esolUtion _iC. �, "�, a- )prG','1 n" proposed slJllt of LGt 12
1. act eraan L. Gr,;arh.
Tlhe Council concurri -,1, in .:-:e reco 'ndatio,l of tale
Ylaii:_i: vG = ": 1ss1o;1, it L,as I- :loved b- Counclli_la :i a1,er, SeCOi, dad
b - Councilman Frederick, that _ resolution "o. 1866, entitled:
iel:ic'1 Maas read, be adopted.
On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was
adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Tleschuk
and Tiayor Benfield;
'Toes: iTone
Absent: Councilmen -one
PLAi1l ITG COT.L,IISSIOi,,I I•iay 19, 1959, transrdittin copy
of its Resolution 1`10. 400 interpretin7 che.aical millin ?, plant
as an Ii -1 use.
.oven G -,r Cou,,'cil a„ n :. 'ai _.er, seconded by Councilman i,.es-
c 1.,uk that t1-.,e lollowin'-; resclution be adopted:
-_ -,e reco-ti:lendat ions
adohted at
accordance there
-1 use.
that t!1e Cit� Council does Lereb, approve
of ti_e Plannin'; Cor.,2.i4ssion in its T esolati c
its re - -ular rheetin hell T:a, and
:rat: inter,-�rets clher:ical i.iillinc plant as an
b�,r t',--e Vote'
h7res: Cour_cilr.ien Ea'.:er, Frederick, Gordon, I.- . esc" luk
and i :ayor Bel field;
=roes: :,one
Absent: Councilmen ,cone
- 2 -
X 805
PLAiIi?IIIG COIF :ISSIC 1, I' ay 19, 1959, transmitting; copy
of its Resolution I• o. 401, recomr :lending Charge of Zone for cer-
tain property described herein. The C1eri: notified the Council
the Natter has been set for hearing before said Council for
June 22nd.
PLAiIIII'M COIZ'.TISSIOI�T, I,ay 19, 1959, trans : :ittin; copy
of its Resolution Io. 402, recom :,ending certain amendments to
Ordinance No. 507, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. The
Clerk notified the Council the matter has been set for hearin,-
before said Council for June 22nd.
STATE " ?D OF r QUALIZATIC: , T iayr 1 ' 1 re -;ard i
��ci_ Vi' L _
accelerate- Transmittal of Local Sales Ta:,: Collection. Orderect
EILSI-_ Cx:ZR, S.;FLlsT VrI�-,I1 :; .., P�LHE :_"T- 1EACriE7Z J
ri:JJCvlriTllJ: , C77 E-D 51RE 50:I00L, hair 25, 1Q50, protesti n.-'
t'_ ^e proposed re:'.oval of --1 -e east -west Stop s-T -, -'s at _ariposa
Cali"o Street, and present en-_ petilLo ns s'l„,e:I
__rs. Truesdell, ''S7 Iun- alot,; Street a-,-)d 57
protest of proposed rei.ioval cf said stop sign; also prctestin ,
against proposed removal of east stop si7n at Elm and California
SJTeets, and Pal::: a:_1d California Streets.
_aS . I_E= ; :'ET' HUGHES, President of the Parent- Teac'.ers
Asp ^�iatior: at Irlperial School, protestinc, to proposed rer:.oval
of east -:est stop signs at I aple Avenue and Lo::.ita Street and
i?_St StCI, s- ;,,n at re n.: Street and .lalnut Avenue.
,general consent, the letters and petitions above
:e rationed were ordered pending investigation and report of
Traffic Co imittee.
IIr. - .Jilliam Coulter, 522 California Street, presented
a petition si -ned. by 200 residents of El Segundo protesting re-
-oval of the east -west stop signs at I-iariposa Avenue and California
Street. Others adding; their protests were: 1 -1r. Les Galoway, 705
East ''aple avenue, I`4 s. Rita Claris, 5O California Street, Ilrs.
Harold ini7ht, X30 California Street. I:rs. Alvan Tahti, 51c E.
''lalnut Avenue, protested against the proposed removal of east -
west stop signs at Penn Street and 1alnut Avenue.
',Ir. Dic ?k, Smith, C58 :Jest Acacia Avenue, made inquiry
concernin_; allowable aei :ht of Warden walls. After discussion,
the :-utter was referred to the Pla..ni:zg Commission for consider -
atio.: and report.
I "- Smith also stated t'_lat noise from the loudspeakers
at the Little League Baseball field on Hillcrest Street sometimes
becomes objectionable and su17ested the loudspeakers be directed
away from the surrounding homes. I,iayor Benfield stated some
action would be taken to subdue the noise.
advised the Council that the City Treasurer, i%rs.
Ruth Hopp, had completed a correspondence course in Finance at
:2 I iui d' i11Strctl07. _ ' n cipal ta
- 3 -
X 806
At t?-�is tire, i =a�ror Penfield, on behalf of the Council,
presented a plaque to :rs. Hopp, coLrrendi.n- her upon obtai-nin -;
.this certificate.
1. That the current contract with the California
State Personnel Board for conducting; examinations and entry
9(-•ices the Police and Fire Departments, is ?n ; or r?ne,�a1,
a_ld recorLmended said contract be renewed with the Cali ='or_lia
State Personnel Board.
; oved b7;r Councilman Gordon, seconded b r Counc4 -In a_7
3a1,er t' ?e above recor�'lendation be approved.
parried b�r the iO11C:';1n- VCL e :
tiyeS: CCUnCiliilen Baker , Frederic' {, Gordo , :_esc hu":
and 1•1'ayor Benf i eld
_Toes: ,.one
Absent: Councilmen ?one
2. Application for extension of permit to use and
maintain a house trailer at ?lo West Oak Avenue was presented
with the recommendation that such permit be extended for ninety
days, extension to expire Auk -ust 23, 1959.
Roved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman
Pak_er, the above recom endation be approved. Carried.
3. What recently a request had been received to allow
t- ,,ater bill pa�r?.ents to be r:iade after closin.- hours of tlhe Ci t�r
:all, and ,.e reco! mended a ni -ht depositor- box be placed in
he Police Pen- rtrent for this Lase. 1
1' _e Council concurrin -- in t1.e above recor:Lr,ie_hdation,
he its' :.a na-er was requested to provide thJ s equipment.
4. Presented for the Councilts consideration, COp7r
Of t:e proposed 4oint po,,,iers a7ree_ment received fro ".: the Cit,,
o-17 i_ 7lewocd' twat Said a,-ree:..ent .;ould serve tlhe aou�S tli � Bav
C1t1 eS in e : ci
C:n; ln'_ use Of Cer r t
ain ,rpeS Of eXpenSltire Cltj'
equinr?ent .
The Council concurrin; in the intent of the proposed
a,=eeme_:tI the Cl�. 1 ana -er :-Jas requested to present a complete
and Current for:.-: of agree.:ent for its approval.
The possibility of policy -level oint meetin_;s was
discussed and held desirable, after which .,savor Benfield stated
he would contact nci-- hborin- cities regardin'r the iloldi;z;; of
such a .ieetin -.
5. That the Depart,-,lent of later &. Power of the City
of Los hn7eles has requested a formal statement of policy re-
Mardi.- tihe City of Fl Segundots proposed park and recreational
use of i-�s ri�-11t of wav across the western portion of the City.
It bein- the concensus of the Council to permit the
Oeparrlment of :later Power to landscape the area as it had
ori-inally planned, the CitiTi.ana er was requested to so advise
X 80'7
"at the Doard of Underwriters has advised it
will conduct tests on the City of El Segundo's new aerial fire
truck in the Inglewood test pit, from 9 :00 A.T'. to 12:00 noon,
on Tray 28th, and invited anyone interested to be present.
7. That he was in receipt of a co:-.munication from
tl,_e ''avor of the City% of Los tin- ;eles, statin,; that the convey;- -
ance o ' fee title to tale 'it-, of El Segundo, coverinY the
imperial strip will be presented to the City Council of the City
of Los Angeles on TTiursday, T•'a�;- 2cth, for final action.
1iZEC 7R Cr _ =LIC '.gCr�11_D -L '.`DE nij IS r1J �_).Lj �.
1. ese- -ited a -vrritte : report on t'ie re -dev< lop: e_lt
t _ ,ee Tres' ter wells i : order to increase t'r:e prcd , ctie_
rat,:= stated t':at i- is estimated tI,e developmen cost tier Well
:could be an )r 0 .i.. ":ate1: ' •;>1P900.01, and he E'COrL:endeC _'lr Or :ial
rids be received frog: qualified well drillers for on-c-, -..,ell, and
if satis.factors,r, to tTien redevelop t:le ot'rer tWC.
oved b %, Cour:ci I : an Frederic',,, seconded b Councilman
-a. , tiiP_ ar'O'le reCOt� :e''ldatl0: be apprOVed. Carx'i ed.
2. T'nat heretofore Pacific 'Electric Railwa-- Cor.Inany
i-eae to toe Ci. ,, of E1 Sec- unde, certain real property for
s-` ree-L-• .pur poses to be included in t:le improvement at the .inter -
"ectio_-. of El Se, -undo Loulevard and Sepulveda .Foulevard; tI at
one certain parcel is not needed, and he recoi-:1.l.iended the City
=ecute a Quitclaim Deed for t tat certain parcel.
:oved by Councilman_ jai :er, seconded by Councilman
cordon, .e followin�7 resolution be adopted:
RESOLj ED, tnat the follei%,ing described real property,
All tiat certain real propertj -, situated in the
Cit-r of E1 Se-undo undo, Count ofy Los Angeles, State
of California., in ti -ie Rancho Sausal Redondo, des-
cribed as folloTrs:
trian-ularly shaped niece of land, ill the south-
east 1/ 4 of t e southeast 1/4 of Section 12, Town-
ship 3 South, an_Je 15 :Test, S.D.B. I,% bein- all
that portion of Lot 434, Block 123 of El Sec -undo,
Sheet :io. o, as per reap recorded in Book 22, Pa-es
106 and 107 of .'aps, in the office of the Recorder
Of said County, lyin- within the following des-
cribed lines:
Beginning at the Most southerl�T corner of said Lot
434; thence '_Ortn 89, 531 49" East, alon- the south
boundary of said Lot 434, a distance of 1.95 feet
to the southeasterly corner of said Lot 434; thence
idorth 01 061 34" West, along the east boundary of
said Lot, 50 feet; thence South 71° 591 13" Jest
to a point in the southwesterly boundary of said
Lot 434; thence southeasterly along said south -
westerly boundary to the point of beginning.
- 5 -
''�eretofore conve`rel to the `t� of E1 Se -lando bar �:7e Pacihi c
Electric Rai lwa Compan-Y, =s _ZO longer needed bJ said city; and
PE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the I.,-a:,7-or be hereby
autno'_"ized and instructei +. to execute a -uit Cla4, Deed, and
the City Clerk attest the same, for said real nropert :r, from
the Citr to the Pacific Electric Rail:•ray Company- .
Carried b,- :�I-he folloT:iin�, vote:
".,,re S Council ?1e' = 'a::er, Trederlcr':, COrC o_l, ..esc'. -,uI:
_d : Ia7.or ''er-f el d;
"oes: :One
Abse _t: Co i- .cilr�e_� 7TOne
Con :_ „1 _ , _1e
cal rr ,us Dri
as!-ed Director
a report.
77". -L.. IS, PUSI''ESS
- r•
_a -ror 7_jenl elc'. a
?- :r,arin to s '.-_ovi
ire s:-,ould not be
o- Building; and
nnounced t
cause why
Safety if
was the til:.e for
e buildin -- at 92
a nuisance, and
was ready to L.,ake
i•:r. Donald S. ',Ioodford, Director of Building; and
Safet,r, stated he had ;made an inspection of subject property
on _.a- r 22nd, and found there were only a few minor items on
the list o correctio:�s tll�at were not coApleted; that these
items were all accounted for, and that there is no loner a
basis for co-ndemnatio-n, and recommended the hearin.T be closed
a_zd condemnation proceedin, --s be abandoned.
moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman
Gordon, the aboveVrecommendation be approved.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon,
1Teschul: and I avor Benfield;
:does: gone
Absent: Councilmen 77one.
2. The application of The Tar, -et to allow dancin ;
at its establishment located at 217 Richmond Street, was ne,t
considered. After discussin- the matter, it was moved by
Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, ti-ie appli-
catio:7 for permit to allo,;: dancin-, at The Target, be denied.
3. At the last regular ineetin,;, bids for transite
loi,e had been received a-d - -e taker under consideration. Director
of Public Jorlxs Jebb, recorhmended that in- the best interest of the
City, the bid of, Jo' ns- I1ianville be accepted, although it was not
the low bid.
After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Ieschuk,
seconded b.r Councilman Daker, that the follo.,rinC resolution be
;I'EREAS, the City cf El Se, -undo duly advertised
for bids for Transite Pipe, and accepted bids at the regular
r 'jeetin�- of .:a71 11, 1950; and
X 809
��E EhS, it was the concensus of the Council that
the bid of t:
X 810
�c::�. ;issioL., ex?��red as of i:a T 14, "c', and t eat _:e 'las appo�n -, ed
_:r. jarker for a four year ter -, ,,o succeed hi�self, Council
sc approves. v
Toved b�T Councilman baker and seconded b;T Councilman
Gordon, that the appointment of Charles D. Barker as a member of
the Recreation Commission, for a four year term, said ter,-. to
expire flay 14, 1953, be anproved. Carried.
_'Tc further business appearin- to come before she
Council at this time, it was moved b :T Councilman Frederick,
Councilman Baker, the rreetin'- adioul,n, the hour
be-'--- ;1:20
`� . Mayor
`� . Mayor