1959 JUN 08 CC MINX 811 El Se ,'undc, Cali- nip J, e ii re_ular reet�':; Cf t'ie Cit,, COUnCil C� t -':o City of El Se,Mundo, California, was held in y t ?e Council C_;ar:berV of the City IIa11 of said Cit•�r on tine abo-re date. Prior to calling the meetin- to order, those present joined i.n pled - in alle lance tc t e "la- of the United States of A_-,erica, a of silent prayer was observed. The meetin- was then called to order b:r Kenneth ?. Be:.field, Ia�rcr, the ..our being; 7 :00 otclod_ P. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Baker, Frederic'.{, •=eschu':_ and ;:a %or Benfield; Councilmen Absen-:,�: Councilman Gordon. _ EADi 'G OP i :I?IUTES OF PREVIOUS EETI: G mutes of the re- ular meetin- of ,,._e 14t r Joa.ic-1 c_ v..o C_v of L1 Se ;u. :uo, Ja111orn.a, held i'.a� 2' beer read and no error or o- ission havin- been Noted, it was ::loved b;- Councilman Baler, seconded by Council - a'� Frederic'_:, the minutes of said ._,eeti.: -; be approved as i- ecoraed. Carried. .yt this time .1ayor eniield presented plaques and letters of appreciatio. for the attendance in the E1 Se -undo Schools durin the past rear, as well as a iaessa�e of good will to the following American Field Service Exchan -e students: :aria Antonietta A:odea, iron. Rome, Ital�r, and Gerhard rIolzer, a;-c- ,, --1 _el presented a ten -rear service ni.? to ! i ce C � liter ''%o,, Spear, l a �d t'_"lanked '.'Rim, ' or .ii s loyal'­ and nnvpp �-i n n l -t n .... ra..�c.� o:. be:�al�" o� �r_e �it�T. SPECIAL ORDLaS OF _�USII.ESS ^' :_ 1iT ied the C; t Council that th is was C _er_ no_ 1 `he ti_. ,.e and place fixed for t ,-e ope<_i._ ; of bids, pursuant tc _Cr T.: ":T.ti -1 ; -ids rcr t' :C' improverlent of :Ial::ui Avenue _ r r c::. Center Street. to Jashin -,ton Street, as conte::.Plated by Reso- t f intention _1 ' � o� 1� pion _ o. �0, and also repo-, -ted that she had received r bids, �Ilhi c'-_ bids were publi cly opened, read, ex- a._.___�d ` clareu_ as follows: Os�;ald '3ros. ..o. 3���,22 "erne_: Co A t L. . Pavi nr, ,Company Cont ractor ?s tIsplialt Sales Co. 40,2;�a.�h =.efere. ce is '1e-re y :ade to the bids on file with t•'_.e Cite Clem, for all details as to the unit prices and hind or class of wori, to be done. On riot` o.._dul« made and carried, a were re- /-� i 11 bids ��� ferret U_.e ' t,, En- veer _ o -, c eCl_i�: and repo_ -t . - 1 - X 812 The Cit7' Clerl: advised tae City Council that Baas the time and dace fixed pursuant to statute and notice eve:: c� t :e :_ear�.­_-1_ i : .e -.:atter of the assess: e :t "or t _ of Kansas Street an! 7'_�a.._.li_`_ n,- e_ -:_:e, as cG._te_ -_- rla.e�? in -:'esolutio G_' into itio.I _.o. add-_- c e _ -_ t "l ^i1 o r••ber 11 _ _. t - ":e said C- CC''.._nci�_ t!:at a� r�dav� S cf t::e :._ails:. , _ a-_ a us- --cat- -:s o �_, e _ _ Iy_i - �lere O:1 fyle -_- _:EJ_ G! _ Ce, ci'__ at no �';,'�tte__ a ea.is o Ob •'r - _c: s ,ad beE _ __L . _:e G� _C e r 1'+ Cr 0 !-,e (a-' _'!ere v.,e,'e a- �-te.' .'ati �? . u e.-s _ �es - ae� �_ _- a �_ ♦ 4bG 1� v _.0 One h_te `'iscass_o'_, - _ z 'C� _c:_ a'iu secc_1C.e'-i CO'•'_:C�l_,,an Lesc:1 ha t_1e 1." ten' CG= i�1:: f0?" �L:rt- -e_" coi',side "ate o- e -,_ e cG- _____..-- u _O_ G :�? asSe^� :e_n , C'-1c _i`v re_�:lar CoU'_7C�1 Pete'_: , `o 'oe eId c J�_'�e 22,��c; '• Carried. J_tiT T CO il;UI I; U iT'10 ,S T'_'le f ollov1in; -- i-xitten cOaliunications received f ro.'.i - persG_:s, f -ir.,s Or co_ Cl cr atlo'ns .e__ -cin a_�ter named, Z•;ere read to the Council and disrose d of i- t ie iman-!,er indicated: Ii.TER -CITY IGILIAY CO; :ITTEE, 1ILLIAI r,. CrL, 'L riLESIDE';T, enclosin- a form: of resolution requestin7 the 'ttGr:ne,;r Ge_:eral to grant "leave to sue" in tie :natter of the c1GSi_. e= Pacific avenue due to the construction of tti:e i;arina del �e,,,. Ordered fi led. I R. i1:. S. FARR, PRESIDENT ROTARY CLUB OF EL SEGUNDO, requesting perr_Zission to hold a Fiesta in E1 Segundo from Jul :' 22 to 2h, 1;59, on the strip of land beti•reen the old anCl r!ew Ir:iperial lli,;hwaj's fro::-: 7:ain to Vir -inia Streets. rifler discussion, a-;lor ?e:�iield ti�as requested to clear she deed restrictions on said property, c:izic =: is in the process of anne,:ation to t'.e City:- of El Se,J•undo. iy'S. L. D. Pr,;, ZADEE, SECRETAH OF TIIE EL SFGU:'iDG �. .'nMrr - r CIRC, ., requesting a City license for a ; r:ma,-e sale to be held June 12 and 13 , at 311 ',:air_ Street . ;roved by Councilman Baler, seconded by Councilman Frederic'-, teat the El Segundo DE iiolay ::others Circle by and t :e, al °o _':ere: -T _-ra_�ted p�riissien to iiGld a ruru;;a:-e sale ?u.ic 12 and 13, 1 5;, a� 311 ! <ai.z Street, it bcin,; understood t'iat suc__ sale '.Jill be c0:2ducte' a i al ner satisfactory to --:e olice Depart,lent o= said City. Carried. :'1. S. ;. 1_ YL riDJ., EL SLGU1.DO PCST :,.0. 30, OF T iE --�IC "_. r ^IOi :, ii11'i tiny tie Cits,' tt� taI-.e part in a pu'olic cere_!io nor of burning ul,.serviceablc flaMs Saturday evening; at otcloc'_, at t -?e east side Of Recreatio_� Park :. I:a,;rcr -:,ate` ._,e Police Derarti, e_st ',•;cull rarticinate `n - e - 2 - X 813 7� L S) E, r e q,_i e s t ,D e r.,." is s o -1a -ate c__ a-" :,,I n d -7, c C1, it -)s, a'ver—sJ­ o­ I - ___ U _L --- , __ .-.e rear of all CL -t7' ht - - I - called d t , o u. i c c, �ce, C! ­e - ` 1 " - 4 e e -�U,-- C 3 --- ob a e -der to -`e above requ-est, a 0 U, 'a - a. - c- e i, e q u e st- lbe f olio wi-_­ -Irote: 117 --Pclrl.� and EP-n-field; u-,-- C -i -`l. x% 1 T 0" x% J , P - 3 3 e C os UrL.ered filed. _7 S L C' S T 71 S-I iD_1o)3Gs(_3(_1 to be L as o:= s LP d 3 r e 21c;_1. 1-1 T -,_ S C as o t'.1e 1­2 sabf I ft, o,- ,a d rotes'-__ t'�e abo, e 1)- ol)osed in- a C-1 s a -e-, --Tas t_-at a coo- of a- t -1, b ,, 11'-is at c- r e u-a-,uar:r -to ii C C se, to 10-1-_e Of LOS -' 71, .1 � � _T_7 L7— T 3 C7 - -7 Tj_ !D :�7r O_ -IS -- PTO ?., ----at the Cit', - of ln��le,,,iood 'las filed a 1-)-,-o posal wiU11 ` t',e Secretar,, of said Co,,.ur:,ission for t"ie anne--,:ation of ter- lu.-i---i as 110th Street T errit 01-ir to t1ie City of In- le- :rood. Ordered -filed. TT DIRECTOR T GH SCHOOL, e_,.-pressin- apprecfa operation rendered b,j r Recreation 1 h 1, 1�e Scl_,,00l 7,ear• Ordered -filed. OF� `_,LT]`TCS A i - 1- J. - I AEL "ion for assistance and co- and Par,'•--s Depart-,.ienu- durin,, -L DEPARTI,11:iT OF ALCO_.zOLI0 BEVERAGE CCITT= bein- 1 .4 application for transfer of "CT, Sale" beer license for the 1, er- 1.1ain Street LD, 13, . Ordered filed. EL SEGU-',,-DO CHAT DER OF COI:�E)PCE bein,- a report of activitiles the past year. 1.1"oved by Council_-.ian :3aker, seconded by Coancilman reder--,*c':., ollov;, n -, res o- D-1-tion be adopted: F__7 E -- tine ".1 f Corimerce of the City o- ulle Cam.ber o- t 4 1- 4 '-,as a renoirt of ac _L d * , 1, -1 1 a c C 0 _0 1 il s I !:,� C- t s s a4d • C-it-T ror -,e ,)as� year: 7 ::]= 11 S - r, --I s r t ref ]71 e c t a., X 814 T--� Tm 'I-, nT?,= '-, <r n -rE II-11 IUT�-Tn TT :� .`.lJ��.'L'.J� nr 1.:1.^..i �ill vl,.U.;V 1L '-I mrr' -1 ,n ('l -- T 1�.�/•I T - - - i L T ^ n,_ Cl :1L Cl l Cr EL :, , ..:.01 , _a, ,e ,mil SL u_.dc C`.a...oel �CG:­erce be cG:hl•ratulated for its outstandi-c° rer- ^orl:: ance durim- .,he Fiscal tram, 1; ; _ , a_.0 t_at bes L�.,ishes be e :tended for continued s:iccess i_'? ad -,.rert -Sl:i Car_,ied bar t.e Pcllmviil� vote: -0,1,- rede_ „�c'. , : esc-, 0­1 r:; Al e I- ^✓ TTl "'1 n T ?7_ T `' T 7 T r, n - /”. 'TT _ --- • - t • .�• J. ai. ^.�:;.�'�_.., _LAS 1�ii.i �i J.�`r l.'_T�l prc,�os� _ _.e c.a_h�satio�h o a �routh io_ - ,,i ca - - .T �l Se_ u ess nro a::: ___ t::e �_t c_ : uG, and requc:sti_ .-,e ro- 'a.. a:' a -necessa--r _ - ianclal anprG r_a G'. GPOil . n coi,i,lunicati.o , - ,-_-.e D recto.:' G- {'_ecl eat` C,�_ ra_ _.s De-oaI- ent on ,__e s_,;U 'ec1,, ,•gas also read. er e t Vile :LeCi eav on C Cif. : -h4 s3 G_. c report, and reco:Limendation to the Council. C nL C 0. _ jT1 CnTJO -TS :i-s. '_'h01-das Z. �rr��e11, 1.25 East Oah Avenue, in- qui -red when the public 1,- earin7 would be held re;;ardin- acces- sory buildin -s, and was advised she would be notified when such hearin would be meld. airs. O -oal :.Toles, 631 Vlest Acacia Avenue, stated that if t'__e present bus line turnip; west on new Ir.perial 'ii T:a-,- at ::ain Street, could be chased to use the old pe_rial✓ iii , hway, , -hang r.ore people could be served. I•Irs. I:oles was advised to send lher request, as well as other interested residents, for route chanh to the office of the Iletro- joolita 1 Bus Lines, and to the Public Utilities CorL,lission; a se t ^a- a si.:lilar lette_ would be directed to these offices b.r —1c, '.ill. -'r. l,.L OI"L='J OF 0P2'DC2E �S LI:TD SPECIAL COT :,:I111H_J.' SD nTmv °, '.. n7"n ';1E PRTS 'S IF OLLO� : l. A�T- A rLa i;D �L-1 . 1. That at the last Council rleetin- he had been requested to contact -'r. Ta.zstr. an so ti:at a date could be set for a 11,earin on certain a lendments to the Traffic Ordinance; that to this date '.he had pct been able to accomplish this. 2. `21-at This attention had been called to t,-Ie I)ar: :2n7 - roble:r, at t':e 'Recreation Center due to employees of 'he enera1 .1e COT ":'i1D an,7 ?iarr:l _i' car that area. A_` ter ?iscussi G_ , ''-e City _- na-�er vms requested to wort: the probler:: o,-,t wit.- the I:ana�er of said Tile co::pan,r. y C T Y C LEE iI_ IIADP, AS FOLLO:IS: 1. Presented for t =)e Council's consideration, a =e: ^orandu. of AMreement between t: :e City of El Se-undo and the of Public :tor :s of z:khe State of Cali_ °ornia, CG Te'_ -• �_'OL�CSPC' '__O +� ?: ii u e "as 7- funds i^7it:i) said CitT "Y X 815 r 0 0" -cal -e� _ - _ Oi' v'''! c) _ J ', aCCorcda -_ Cc br' .. Prod Jvataj ":e:' ,bi- i�vved bj- s a i c _v ; v__u_ v -: 1 _ �P }� 22 .V E reCeiveC'. _. :Oe_ Sa n--e tr_ l ; ou!c, ire _,sal: J or ;;e eral s�reet -..ai_ tena:Ice and t'_ bal- _ oa: -.ce to be used of Ii:peri al Ti" _ -:v!a­ro .: " :illcrest Street to Sepulveda Boulevard. J v b7r Cou:1C-h-,a:' �-_al:er, seco-ded Coa, --c ._!a- TrederC' :, !e 0110i,'ii1'~ 1'eSOluti0i7 be adopted: a '_- 1e:,0ic.!:L, i of a reC' -:e =u __as bee_. 1 'e- se.il,eCIL to be ei.tered L.-to rit _ `_'.e Sate cf Califor:!ia in aCCCrda:iCe :r =! a project stater_e_.t Su mittod :- ,,:ie Ci��' 7,1 JC '!?: uC` �G_ C. -�2 1..'_'- e G_ t' " v ... al1CCa `c,_ Yl ra C1_ ,es for tI, �isca a ' a: -0- -1e COUnCil aS acrd = ea^ said and �s fa,.,iliar i %,it'. t ;e contents thereof ; -7, be 4t resolved b' ti.e uit'r CCUI.C11 o ,':e Ci _ c -" 1 Se�-;undo, fiat said project state! :ie.!.t be a_ ' _s i,erab-% adopted asne burl - l: e o! proposed e_cpe::d.L� u?'as C -.1e as taX allocation to cities, and Said a " "1'eel.'_e'_i be a:?u t':e sa�.ie is hereb,I approved and the - 1a;ror and the City Cler : are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City, said a- reel":ient to be bindin- upon tiie City upon its ex- ecation bar tie autr!orized G- ficials of the State. carried b-r ti.e followin,M rote : «�res : Councilmen Baker, Frederic':, i- leschu'l, and : =ayor Benfield; Noes: done :absent: Councilman Gordon. 2. Presented for Councilts consideration, .*�e ^io- ran_'um Of A reer,e -.� between the City of E1 Serrundo and. t 1C be'Jartment of Public Works of the State of California, cover- e , ,Denditure of the I?as Tax allocation for Enrineerin rit }!in said Cit,r, for tiie Fiscal Year 19;9 -60, in accordance Project Stateriea submitted b7r said City; that the sun! of ;,000.00 would be received u, der said ti reei:�ent, of r�!ici. ,000.00 is t.:e u..e: :,)e: do valance. I'oved by Cou_.cil? -ia_l ?:eschu :, econded b -r Council:.,an at :er, t'!e follotivin resolution be adopted: :l' J1�JliS, a ne.:iorandum of a�- reeiient i-ias been pre - se:..ed to be entered i _to with t1ie State of California in accordance wit'_ a Project State.ient submitted by the City for e:-?-)enditure of the En;�ineerint allocation to ci ,.ies for tie Fiscal Year 1079 -60, and TAE ZEAS, t!e Cit-r Council has i:eard read said a -ree- !:ent ire full and is familiar witi t!e contents thereof; n *m. -� 1H.LiREt'ORE , be it resolved b; the City Council of the Cit,- of E1 Segundo that said project statement be and it is >.erS-- adopted as the buds -;et of proposed expenditures oT E_!Mi eerin- allocation „o cities said �i-:ent be and a ,rep .. a.' =- t'.e sa :. i '.ereb�- WDpro�� ed_ and tie : =a- -er a_-!d sa.. ..a f o �u_,a c ~e a'. be 1 816 ___ G_. a - 4 C �a_­i­)ed b-, the 70 --es cc,�InciL a C- S C u, T T 0:_ s ,,bsent Counc-L_-',_ia,__ Cicr,"C-1, P-� 'ojrC111S CG�,IS4 � C, s e 2-, t e a C_- a for cla-* -. ' Ij eed fro., and -, rs . 7_'e_n - ' - I watel T)-LI oel' ne easel:—en— for Lc+ o c',- ; ', , -1 Se- .iao 0 b, 0,�,, C 4 1 j.,,a 4 -oved seco'. ed b�,, c ti- e --,"Oil o-Cii-n resolution be ad olDtl ed : 7 ­7 1- 1- - ` �, o,i e _r I - _1: D e case":e Lo Se::,Li7--_,do .Tact, rem e- to J-� _._ ____ c, lo.n7cr ieedled b­ t"I-ire, Cji -� -,- of --i Se-,un,., 0; L T t- 1-iat t 1, e -a, or _,�SCLVEDI 4 and t.'ae "Ity Cler].- be and t'ie,, are ',-iereb7r authorized and .1 Ui L--structed to execute a Quitclai.,., Deed for said ease.,aent 'it,r to B :1 BP_. - . -7,andall and __--alvina J. Randall Carried b7- the followinr, vote: Ccuncil.­ien maker, Tredericl.: �_Ieschul.. and Denfield; T 0 i7i s 0 i I 0 s e n t Council ma,_ ,Tordc,-i-. � i iL D ;" � --PO-TS AJ 7OLLC-.-,73: PU-rL-rL,' WC '_)!,S =-3- :�Lj_j �_L City. rel-)orted t'- tabu- lated all bids received for oln 'Jall= Ave.,-,ue Jener Street -1-0 _.Tas ',Ln"ton Street, as per "esOlutio­� 4 L) 4 C:, 0-- ,70. a-nd of' 0 I)a is t"ie lo-vrest -re-ular b-'d sub._­i�-eJ for said - 10 ewer a21d ,. i o,,Ted t-e of -�,e�soiution _ C. t" e. contract to Co,:T)any at t'_ -,,- ces --.s bid said b* sa-- ei­- tIe 107 -10 S 4-, -ulai t T L re, d su b.,. for said L c, lt- 1.1---4 -Lc-,. ,-iotion -,,ias seco deC,. b'- Clol.incil.man 'I_esc,-U.,: I.le Ca r 7 r� 0' s 0 1 c -.-i vias ado�)-Ier, CtAnc 0 c I esc c" d r o a e r jo_�ason al-_a ­e=-rall- i a,-a L,__a-_ an Ile L_ One_ ow-ers o-" s--id p-ropert--, to `'Or- -- an assess- s-rf c" acco:i-,plJs,- L - �--'Is .roved b- C/ounc- -1 seco-,-1--Iteru by -ouncilia.-i 1-esc-ul- the reco;-nendations hereinabove s et be approved• fort, a -7- r I e a • n , -,- - - o f' 'aad, bee- -' i -_ -at -at 'iere. ore he o- 4,7 e -1 to ob- lal--l' --r,---'0--Posa -,s for r e d e v e 1 o p� e n t Of grate t' - s �.c.: pro,-�OSals ',,a-.re been received a,--i--7 '_e recoi.,-l.ie---.ded t e -I-)--O:)osa-7 of -. 7 . Pe c cl, s a cos -- o�' 212500 _ a L—e un-;- cost bas-* P P - er T,.relll -)ted 4 est 1'espons--"Cle Ib4l-�- , oe acce�, . bein-. ,.-e 10;r - - 4 c: P C ui c- secir-'ed as I o!14 a d c': oe s one ::-)sent: C"Ounciinan Gordon. 4. Preselited to t- -_e Council an -L--)ir-ntor,, and ,,,stem of ti-.e City Descrf-ptifol-11 of t-- e E:1'4-0 7-.:-* st in Street S- o -1 in -1-ance i�::L`Di-1 Para � :, ­ I n C C F.I�p 14 7rap:i 2151 of the Streets and L'Ii--,iWa7Ts Code. I P.,'% 71" 1 ST ?'ILLS '!'he --olloi,,rin- de,'.iands, havin,7 '-ad t:"Ie approval of on Finance and Records, were read: De: -land He7ister - De,,-iands --.-os. --0211'> to 0130.9 inclusive: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 77 Def.iand 's 0 ^ inclusive: T 0 i I . 0 Col-i, uounlci C -- es: -c' I u e - -ids co ve, L sa, e. -r)! 7 e:pie I-d ..oes: -crdcn-, 817 X 818 s e i o was caller ": to a-.--e o- _71(_-­Ci .1allace at t_':c .5tate:`,00d cel-el.,o-nies to o , be _1 °1d Juneau , r1las.- . - __ 4 was moved b­ Com­cI:_L_:'an 7reCie--i c�':' --ea ter, 7 seconded b7,- OU.,jC 4 -1 -ie followin.--, resol Dal:er tI Lnan be adopted: of 7-1 Sep ,undo Bali __REISOL7—D �_J -2:1. Floyd , -!lace, be and lie Is '7 ciereby appointed to represent '77 Sep 1 - e­undc at Statehood cere!-__o'id.Os 7_ 0- 7UJ_I "'lasl:a o be Lz ""s :-co' wis'.es a­'I con­_-a uatfo­s toc - -a a---- -c socun-e ai, Ise.- C, 7 C�' 0 '�C co1 n be_-c_--c, 7 C 11