1959 FEB 24 CC MIN52 El Segundo, California February 24, 1959 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those present joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, following which a prayer was offered by Mrs. Nina Badger of First Church of Christ, Scientist. The meeting was then called to order by Wilburn E. Baker, Mayor pro tem, the hour being 7 :00 o'clock P. M. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor pro tem Baker Councilmen Absent: Mayor Benfield READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the regular meeting held February 9, 1959, having been read, City Manager Sailors requested that 'T1" under City Manager's reports on Page 3 of said minutes be corrected to read as follows: 111. Presented offered rates of Aetna Insurance Company for city employees group life insurance proposed to replace present coverage; recommended approval and acceptance thereof in view of the substantial savings that would result, subject to fur- ther approval and acceptance of city employees, with an ef- fective date to be determined by mutual termination with Manhattan Beach of present coverage with Association of Cali- fornia Cities Insurance Trust Fund. Mr. Sailors advised that upon affirmative action of Council, Aetna Insurance Company would prepare and present the proposed plan with Mr. S. Rush Coffin as insurance broker of record. "Moved by Councilman Meschuk, seconded by Councilman Frede- rick, that the recommended action by the City Manager with reference to the proposed Life Insurance program of Aetna In- surance Company be approved and adopted, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the City Manager's report, and that for the purpose of effecting such change, Mr. S. Rush Coffin is appointed Insurance Broker of record. "Carried by the following vote: "Ayes: "Noes: "Absent: Thereafter, it was man Frederick, the Carried. Councilmen Frederick, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield Councilmen None Councilmen Baker and Gordon" moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Council - minutes of said meeting be approved as corrected. At this point Mayor pro tem Baker requested Miss Doro- thea Fitzgerald and Mr. Robert L. Webb, Jr., to come forward to the Council Table where Miss Fitzgerald was presented with a Twenty -Five Year Service Pin and Mr. Webb was presented with a Five Year Service Pin. - 1 - X '753 Si CIr&L O::DEtZS OF LI1S1= ES5 <_ayor pro ter._ :al :er announced that tl2is was the time and nlace heretofore fixed for rece ^tion of bids on Sewage i'u:sp IT nits in accordance with Specifications 5�-1 of the City of El Segundo, and inquired of the Clerl_: if she had any bids therefor. Sae replied slze had received one bid, which bid was publicly opened, read, exa::.ined and declared as follows: Fai.rllani.:s, horse `r Co. $1,`;07.52 .roved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman lNesclink, sa d bid De referred to the Director of Public Jorhs for checking and report bacl, later at this meeting; said motion unanimously carried. Layor pro tern Balker announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the public hearing on Appeal of Wbert C. Kenney, from decision of the Planning Commission for a variance to allow apartments on the ground floor in a C -2 zone for property- located on Ilichmond Street, between Grand Avenue and Holly avenue. The i Mayor pro ten inquired of the City Clerl if die ­and and re! „'_ar notice of the hearing had been given and published, and is s .e had on file in her office the affidavits showing Bach fact. The City Clerk advised that notice had been duly and regularly given and affidavits estalalishing such fact were in her possession, together with the complete file of the Planning Com- mission and the City Council up to this time, in the matter, where - upon .Mayor pro. tem Baker announced the files in said matter would ;e riade a part of the record of this public hearing. Ile then in- quired if any written communications had been received on said iaatter, and the Cleri: read a letter from Lola Ruth and A. ussell ::obertson, 406 Concord Street, in favor of granting said variance, and a letter from the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce in opposition to granting said variance. The "ayor pro ten inq,.,ired if anyone present in the Council Chamber desired to speak in favor of the requested Variance, and the following persons addressed the Council and gave their reasons for being in favor of granting said variance: Stephen B. Doss, 849 Penn Streets P�obert C. Kenney, ow_:er of subject property, Ace Neal, 335 Eucalyptus Drive, Floyd lallace, Mr. Chichester, 408 Concord, and iirs. Brown, 336 dcl -Lmond Street. 11ayor pro tem Baker then inquired if anyone present in the Council Chamber desired to speak in opposition to the proposed variance, and the following persons expressed opposition: i,1r. Jim Stinnett, 01' Main Street, iir. Arthur Gunn, and :1r. James Stinnett, Jr. After further discussion, it was moved by Councilman_ Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the hearing be closed. Carrie:. Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Neschul., seconded ., Councils an Fredericl_, the decision of the Planning Commission in tl:e riatter be upheld, and that the following resolution :.�e adopted: ?,L :Ells, an appeal from the derision of the Planning Commission had been received by the City Council from 11r. Hobert C. Kenney, which decision denied the request for variance to build apartments on the ground floor in a C -2 Zone on property located on the easterly side of ltichnond Street between Grand Avenue and Holly Avenue, more particularly described as follows: -2- X 754 Lets 1, 2, IN 10 and il, :.lost- .13, El Serrundo Sheet I:o. 3, as recorded in 'Book 20, panes 22 and 23 of i:aps, on file in the office of the recorder of I.os Angeles County, Californib; and, l: AS, the City* Council did hold a ditl�T advertises; hearing on said appeal oI: Februar- 24, le $c ; and "'I: :E AS, the City Council reached its decision on tl,_e said testis, -one•; TT :17SCIVED 4- 4- the Cz.,7:- s.cn ncil sloes hereby ,,;,T-IOI:l t:ie decision of the Planni n,- Commission in denying the request of i <r. :o',ert C. Ken ey for a variance to constrict arartrients or: t e . roi.ind loon in a C -2 ]ore. Carried i - the f of lowin- vote: Ares: Co�incilrien Frederic!:, Gordon, : eschi.i': and .a -Tor pro ter: ?:a1:er; .:oes: Councilmen. ::one; Absent: .savor Denfield. ia,ror pro ter, announced that this was the -time an:', dace for tale continued hearing to show cause wIiy the i�uil :l- ZL_� at C\ , -t' Drive, n, Segundo shoi7ld not 'he conderined as a I.i ,..isance and al.ated accordingly, the Bearing having been continues! front the Council r_.eeting of January 26, 19$(11, at the specific instance and request of Iladge V. Young, owner of the p.rerrises involved. T "Lereiipor_, t'ze i s -Tor -pro tell called- upon Director of Tuildin- and Safe'y, Donald S. .,'oodford, to present ;.is re or ancl Five whatever testis on_ he hart with respect to t :-ie s•�',_ ect 7-remises. .r. `loodford stated t'-,at at the Council sleeting of Fei rliar^ �, 1 59, the City Council opened a hearing at w'ric :, to receive testimorn concerning the condition of su!_ject premises. It had '- eon a?_leged btT this office, and notice had 1)ee given, that the premises and the struct - ire thereon constituted a public nuisance for the reasons set forth in a report of ::arch 31, 1 °50 The Co- ,IriCi1 hearing was co .tiniest - -,ntii t:ie m eeti.ng of Februam 24, On FeLruar -- lath, an inspection of the preriises was made '.^ i:r. Ducl!is of the State Division of :oil sing and Director of "uildinm and Safet7T`Joodford. The Iiirpose of the inspection was to determine w'-at the condition of the premises was, since t,le iS :.e : rS. Your.- Ha i ret.zrned. T11e (0110 :91 deter'Iainations Tlere _,_ . The premises '_lave been cleaned ur and no longer constitute a fire hazard; 2. The a'. andonment of the buil sing does not exist, dCue to 'I-:e an. awful occupancy thereof by Mrs. Young; 3. ::rs. Youn^- is residing in the gara[ -e section; The water has been turned on and a tlzirt- - day ter p- orary approval was given for electricity for con- s trlictior mirposes; S. "rs. Yol_ng I-as had a *.eater closet installed; 6 . Sone exterior - aintin has been accor,,.- lisped, as eve' 1 as the `lazing of a few window ,.anes; ?. recent contact snit:: :Ir. Fran1 Smotor_;,•, form er ­�ildi.ng Inspector, has revealed that -3- J X ins-,ected the foundations and walls of subject structure, during the time he was 7,uilding In- spector, and states the same were in accordance wi':,h the then a ^plica':le codes. I ost of t'he nei l.';ors, wao si -n.ed tie original etition onl-, are concer_zed that t;ze ;- revises are cleaned ttp withi- a reasona>le 1en!^t.. of time. :r. - :'oodford further stated that tl:e rollowin-g specific defects to said structure are noted as violations of City and/or State La,.V, as of t;is date: (a} The building ',ids not I_ :een corgi; -)? ete :i and is not sr.ita'.,' e for :-,,u-.an occu .arcs-. (Sectic_-s 15'),5, = 5,35 -t,, o-F ;,ae State .Io,,sir.� :c,,) . ;o floors exist in the living roor:1. I edroo;:t and harts of the Data and Litc`_hen. (Section_ 15000 of t.ie S. (C) ::in, o ,.as and doors are ,hot atciza` -? e and ile not exc',,ti'e the eler:ents. (Sections 15035­'.. 16221, 17001) , of S.II.�.. ). (d) -. ith the exception of t:_e -araTe -portion, roofing is inadequate and does not e ;c l tide the elements. (\ Section 17( C)I L 7h (e) :- ortarless concrete block walls are not considered water -rroof. . 'L..e owner is presently apnlyirg a water -proof paint as a tennorar�. measure, but the exterior of the blocks should be mater- proored with stucco or an approved equivalent. (Section 5 `3 5 - ;:, o- the 5.1 . A. . ( f) There is no adeq ^,ate lavatory in the bath room, and no_-itc;.en sink. (Section 15035, of the S.II. :.) . () Interior '._itchen section is not ;provided with acieq-tate light and ventilation unless a seven foot wide archway can be ct.t between the living* room and kitchen and dining room. ( Section 1022( of tlhe S.I. A.) . ('h) A.'_1 gas lines, water heater and the electrical syste::: are nsafe and are ina :lequate to cortpiy with applicable codes. ( Section 15035 of the 5.... A, '?.P.C. and ?'.". C.) . Continuinc further, I'Jr. ;;oodford stated that it had ;iecone evident that since Ilrs. Young's return to care for the previously abandoned nrorert«, certain inT)rove.aents had been : :age, to wit: 755 1. Some exterior nainti ng had `?een accomplished; 2. Sot:ie window glazir_ has been accomplished; 3. A water closet and service sink have been installed; I The interior of the structure 'has '_peen cleared of the acc�unilation of de ;ris and filth; 5. The exterior rare;-,rises ha.- Veen cleared of weeds, del:ris, etc. ; so, it a-,-ears t=hat I rs. Young has evidenced by her progress as well as b;r Iher own testi.lony, that she has the intent to rehabil- itate the structure as soon as possi=ble. In. evaluation, it appears IL several alternates e,cist: `.. cog... -L k, could -e filed for criminal prosecTftion of t;:e violation contained herein. 13. Tae Co7incil could find and declare that a nuisance ex=ists --rider t =ie State Housing Act and order said nuisance abated. In suc =h case, tlhe ;wilding Official would have sixty days in IV' hic:. to Host the building with said order, calling for compliance withir_ thirty days, w=hich would provide a maximum ninety day period for rorpHance. .;t the end of said time, it would be necessary nor _t'ne Cit -T to proceed with the al- atement. X 756 C. If the Co,_,ncil were convinced of the sincerit'r and a' ilit , of the owner to al-ate the violation, t.1e hearing could L-e continued for a period of ninety days, and 1 :r. Woodford recommended the hearing be continued for ninety days, with the understanding that t:ie owner is f z11;- aware of the necessity o: obtain ig proper per;,,its and complete said wor'.: witlii n ninety da;rs. :r. ;loodf ord stated that at the last Coen cil :.eeting he had been instructed to deterr,ine the arp roxinate cost of repairs L o s,l' �' ect '� „ildin , and that the estimate for prof er cow :r letion in co: ;,^.liance ,vita applicable laws, if .pert orried or. a contract i,asis, would ar,o, nt to approximately $3,50)0-00- . :rs. _:a1ge Yo: . .•.g, `. ern,- ­resent in the Council Ci,_a .`.er, regrested the Council to continue tl:e hearing ninety days, and waived all o `ections with reference to a co;.tinua;ice of said 'gearing. The following persons then stated they wis:,ed to go on record as favoring an extension of time to allow Mrs. Young to co:plete the relial�ilitatior. of her home: ::rs. °awl:, Virginia St.; :Ir. Tlobert Darnes, 315 E. Acacia Avenue; _rs. Opal cell, 0,z0 Eucalyptus Drive; 1Ir. and :,Irs. Robert Schulz, x'36 Eucalyptus Drive; 1:rs. T. V. Dinwiddie, 3221 Last Acacia Avenue and 1:rs. Goettinger, 325 East Acacia Avenue. It was then moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilr:ian : :eschuk, said hearing be continuedi at , he'-regn•est _af - Yor,n- htil'..'_the -.re- nlar' -Co: ncil neet_ine qn -1,11'6y • 25, 105c. Carried the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederica :, Gordon, Meschul: and Mayor pro tem Baker; foes: Councilmen :;one; Absent: llayor Benfield. ';r;I T TM' =012.11 I C ATI O: S The following written comriunications received from the persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated: DOUGLAS AIRC :AFT CO:IPA:;Y, I'1 C. , reviewing- the conditions or.tlir_ed in the City Co,lncilfs Resolution No. 1566 and the Planning Cor,r,ission t s Resolution. 110 . 231, to allow the establishment of a :vi=al tunnel by Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., within an II -2 zone of the City of El Segundo; advising that further research and test- ing- facilities rust I)e provided to keep abreast of current develop - r,ents bltt t'.at suc':-: testing facilities will be designed to control so?:nd levels as stipulated in said Resolutions. The Council con- curring in the o:irio_, of Dou -1as iircraf t Company that a new resolution _ would not be necessar;,- , the Cite .ana ger was req ,,zes.ed to so advise said company. L ?, ;I1'G CO :iIISSIO:, transnittin� cops of its P.eso- lutior_ :'o. 3� 3 granting conditional use application of harry and Ida 1 :arks for a medical center in an R -3 zone, being locate l on t,e nortI: side of S ^ca lore Avenue between - asliington Street and Sel- rlveda i oulevarc . Ordered filed. J PL A1':II':G CO: i ISSIO::, transmitting copy of its esoliz- tion 1'o. 3� , endorsing Senate ::ills 6S and 75. The Council concurring in t ::is resolution, it was suggested a letter in s,,;.:port of these senate '._,ills he written by the 1•Iayor, after V ,vl:icl. tiLe co.-:Lm--inicatio= was ordered filed. J T'TI' 11011'r, - CITE mnL ASI.n^." , Feb rtary 20, '�$c.`, certi- F,-in` that tale following warrants: eac'. of whicxl is still o',tStanding, unaccounted for and nn-aid. T::e Cit.-.1 Treasurer stated slle has ::lade diligent ing1' ir;;' Z: *1'i is reference to eac 1 of the a':]ove warrants and : roF:i that investi^'atio n it a-)pears that said warrants have Keen -os4- anci ::agile never beef reser_ted, and recommended that al'_ of said on.tstandin- warrants be ordered cancelled, and that new warrants -.o replace: n �V9 25.00 FR 100'$ c . 20 .,.j Q_22 1. °5 -!U 636 5z�' -, n 7- 1V! -5� .:aul:ts Doughn- S..o -, S 56g S -25 -58 John D. Neschul: Joan_ I:ac2tzeen _ . 2' 2.22 $6 Frank Eden John D. :.eschul:. .... 520 a22 2 -25 -57 Fran!: Eden. 1. `�5 7 : 5,0g 4-10 -57 Lett-, Georget .:115 2068 h36 6 -10 -57 Franklin ..ote .45 '11 206 (01 ::abin Compan- °7.11 eac'. of whicxl is still o',tStanding, unaccounted for and nn-aid. T::e Cit.-.1 Treasurer stated slle has ::lade diligent ing1' ir;;' Z: *1'i is reference to eac 1 of the a':]ove warrants and : roF:i that investi^'atio n it a-)pears that said warrants have Keen -os4- anci ::agile never beef reser_ted, and recommended that al'_ of said on.tstandin- warrants be ordered cancelled, and that new warrants -.o replace: n �V9 25.00 FR 100'$ c . 20 .,.j Q_22 1. °5 -!U 636 AS J'! 2065 c7.11 !,e issued, and that she I:e authorized to make delivery of such new warrants to the respective written promise to immediately represented there'.-'y in the eve nresente�'• to the Cite properly Cit-r and its officers harmless pa., ees refund nt said negoti in the t:ereof upon receipt of the respective mounts original warrants are ated, and to hold said premise. The City Treas,_;rer f =_;rther recommended that no new war- rants be issued to replace '•larrants 549A and 7T.-I 509 for the reason that the payees cannot be located; that cancellation of said warrants he ordered on the records of the City and that the rights of the payees of said warrants 11,)e preserved to there to mall:e new demands for the amount of such warrant should they appear and male claim in the reasonable future. ! loved T:)-T- Counci.lman 11esciiul., seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be ado17)ted: :ESCL;'ED, t:-,at the Director of Finance be and .ie he I.erel -y authorized to cause the following warrants to '.;e cancelled: ,.0. DATE ISSL ED Pr`.y;?, Al•10ITAIT each of which is still outstanding, unaccounted for and un- )aicI; anal E IT FI? ;TITER RESOLVED, that the Director of Finance ',e and he _Zs hereby authorized to issue new warrants to replace the following cancelled warrants: M 5A94 7 -14 -5 Maui :t s Doughnut Shop $ 9.60 P 1 ,0095 12 -10 -58 Joan i aclueen v . 20 S 56g S -25 -58 John D. Neschul: 25.00 'rl 2.22 2 -25 -57 Frank Eden 1.85 .... 520 `-10-57 ;etty Georget .45 r 636 6 -10 -S7 Fran Mote •45 ' l 2068 1 -26 -59 Rabin Company `7.11 each of which is still outstanding, unaccounted for and un- )aicI; anal E IT FI? ;TITER RESOLVED, that the Director of Finance ',e and he _Zs hereby authorized to issue new warrants to replace the following cancelled warrants: M n I, r 525. o0 PR 10')05 r , 20 -,,T "22 1. 5 n, o 2. J o �^ 11 „i. and; jE IT FL"�T! E» ESOLVED, that the City Treasurer ':)e authorized to i.iaL-e delivery of s--,c:1 nett warrants to the respective payees thereof, , on receipt of their written I)ro ,ise to imnecliate L J, refund the respective amounts represented thereb, in the event said ori,^i.nal warrants are p reseaed to the Cit7- proper? -r ne^;otiated, and to 1.o1-z'1 said Ci ,- and its officers harmless in tale prenise; and E IT ::.' T::E :L.SC -V D, that no new warrants '.,e issued to replace Tarrants :To. 5494 and 5•)r' for the reaso t1,a4-- the pa7.-ees cannot ';e located, Ltit t ::at cancellation of said warrants ".,e ordered o7 t1,e records of tl,e and the ri- i's o the r a;rees of said warrants be preserved to tl_em to r al_e new de -mantis for therar:ount of s *..tch warrant should the;, - anpear and make clair., in tie reasona':le ft;'UT-,re; and -E IT FI: -,ALLY -PSOLVED, that the Director of Finance and the City Treasurer of the City of El Se -- undo be and they are here'. y directed to male appropriate entry of such cancellation in their respective books of record. Carried by the following vote: Ares: Councilmen Frederic] :, Gordon, MeschuI: and :Mayor pro ten Daher; Hoes: Councilmen ?Tone; Absent: llayor 1-1 1 ld. OP, AI. CO! 2ILi:I CATI ON S Floyd Wallace inquired of the Cot;ncil if arrange- ments could not be made to pay marking, fines, etc.., in El Segurdoo rather than the inconvenience of payini 7 such files in Inglewood. By general consent, the natter was referred to the City 'lanag er for investigation and report. fir. ::over Fenner, 355 ;7 :ziting Street, addressed the Council rebardin. autoiloniie accidents on tl,e boundary line of the City o: Los : -i- gel es, and inquired if sor:iethin- C077ld be done to speed :gel; to in ,tred -)erso�s instead of :,avir_G to : -iait for an amI_�u- larde fro::: Los Angeles. 1:arager Sailors stated considerable Uiprover.ient had ;een ::;a: :e alonU_ tl.ese lines 1,�, virtue of the fact that the sane am7 :)n1ance conpan ?r is -.nder contract for 1-,otl, areas; that tl,e El Se,-,undo police call for a:.tbulance service through Los Angeles c :z an els. '-O ITS OF OFFIC;_,1,5 A.-.D S ^:?,CIAL. CO1:1iITTEES CTA17 r -1-'-,ZY i i 0. . �� DI "DH 1:DE :;EPO TS AS FOLLO "; S: Presented for the Co-_,nci1 t s consideration an ordinance ar.enclinr- the Code of the City of E1 Segundo, 1955, in various -,articulars. Thereafter, Councilman Gordon introduced Ordinance : :e. 53�, entitled: ^r^ A:; ODI:;AI -CE 0' TFIE CITY 01' EL SEGI.:DO, R:'IA, AP.-.. CALIFO DI: "G 11TIIE CODE, OF TILL CITY OF EL SEC T ?:<D0, CAIIFO:`IIfI, 10$11 DY REPEALING 11CFAPTET11 °. CH I' CA"r CE:�TERSS1; BY Al,E1;DI G "SEC. 16.129 "; AND E'Y ADDI:;G A "S1EC. 16.93 11T TG T1 CI:i1PTE l6. LICE::SES" OF SLID CODs, %ich was read. 2 The Cit -r Attorney read the title of Ordinance :Io. 53 en ,_L U : A17 C".DI::tA27CE OF THE' CITY OF LL S3G?IDG, ",I ^G ^.: "I ` VCli i ii, Aia" 1 :DI1 :G - i FI_= 1' E "VIE :'TI 0 1, CODE OF SAID CITY AS ADOPTED ^Y ^,EFE=-T CS 11�DTI.' CODE OF THE CITY OF L SE G�71.DG, CriLIFCI:::IA, 0511 TO 'IT T: .0 '_'SE 0-7 ArP,;,OVED SAFETY F,S F0 THE DISPE:;S- I::G OF FLXr':t �E !JI' 7.7IDS. on motion duly rude and unanirio..sly carried, the readin - of Ordinance ::o. $3S was waived. Following, motion duly made b-� Councilman Gordon, seconded 7 -- Co?Zncilman F redericl:, Ordinance I:o. $3S was adopted by the X, vote: _. -res: Co?.nci l.men FredericF:, Gordon, ::escl and :Ia,ror pro ten ' aker; :roes: Cor?ncilr..en i;one; ''..,sent: 'ayor "enfield. 1 ., T, .. e 1'71 n T n..r CITY .: : ►.. yG�.. S�A��O.' S i::kD. . \Ll O::T S F0 Lv.:S: 1. That he had received 'a call frog. r. P. .L. Fredericka in re,7ard to investigating the school needs, and stated that the Parent - Teachers Association is s::hed..led to conduct a house to �o *.!se s:.rve3r t•� iin t:ie next fete weeks, and tl.at as a result of this call he has scheduled a riectin- wita : r. Fredericks, 17.1r. Lindle- :Alen an-1 :;r. Don "'oodford. CITY CL.T'.•, ;i_ I:.ADE -2,EPOILITS rAS FO LO: IS: 1. Presented for 'lie Col..ncil t s consideration a Proposed '_ice.. ^_se to pern.it the Cite of E1 Segi.ndo to maintain a directional sign on '-'hie east side of Sepulveda Ijonlevard o -posite Grand Avenmte, ?ehic:h li cease was suT)r.?itted b�r Standard Oil Company of California. Co ,..ncilman Frederic) :, seconded by Councilman Gordon, t:.e ollo? inr' resolution :-e adopted: ESOLVLJ, 'That that certain Agree* ent I�et;•ieen the City of 21 Segundo, Licensee, and the Standard Oil Conpany of California, Licensor, to permit said �.icensee to erect and maintain an advertising sign) oard on t'.ze east side of Ser.13_veda opposite Grand Avenue, presented to this Coi.uicil at this meeting, I)e approved; and IT f I TI:-. LSCLVLD, t:iat the :ia-ror ;pro teri be and lie is :.ereby authorized and directed to sign said license for and on _1 alf of tlhe Cite of Jl Sebt ?nclo, and the City Clerl- to attest the sai-..e. Carrie:. "- tThe follo wing vote: :A��es: Cet��.cilr.en Frederic),-, Gordon, i:eschul: and :a,: or pro per.; at -er; :..oes. �o 1 cilr.en .;one• sent : .a ?nor :' enfield . 2. rresented notification of annual adjustment in rates coverin-- care of city prisoners in the Los Angeles County Jail., said rates being $4.60 per :.sale prisoner, and $9.0o per female rrisoner. These rates were effective October 1, 105". DI? CTO% OF P?'^LIC ;TOT'.'rtJ 'lL ,- IIAD P 0 :T AS FGi.LO S: 1 • That he :iad checl�,ed the bid, received earlier in this meetin7, on sewat - ur e rl?ing units, and since it is below t:ie estivate and complies with 1. sr?ecifications, reco::wiended the Lid of Fair' -anl :s ':orse _ Co. of Y1_, 17.52, " einc its alternate '. LI-I e acceTted, and that he -e authorized to issue a ;irc %ase order for said equipment, to be raid out of the General Fund. 'loved ]-v Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman esclz =.zl:, the following resolution be adopted: FSOLVSD, that t:ie sum of '1 .9 S)7.52 ]-)e allocated from tl.e General Fund of the City of Fl Segundo to cover tl e purchase of two sewa -e pumping units, and the Director of Finance and the Cite Treasurer are hereby directed to male appropriate entries of such transfer in their re- spective ' >oo1.-s of account. Carrier, ' �• tl.e following^ vote: :ages: Councilmen Frederic];, Gordon, Iieschul: and t.a"Tror pro tem Llal:er; ..oes: Councilmen -','one; sent : a,, or Penfield. TT' 'FI';IS';i:,D "L'SII, SS 1. The matter of Parallel Parting on Grand Avenue was considered, and by general consent, was referred to the City _anager and the Traffic Committee for investigation and report. 2. The Streets and :lighivays Plan subi-zitted by the Planning Comnissior� in its esolution ::o. 3(' was set for hearing before the City Council at its rezular meeting; to ',e held March 23, 10,5�- PnYI..G :ILLS Mayor pro tem raker appointed Councilman Iieschul: as Finance Chairman pro tem. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Demand Register - Demands t;os. 7207 to 7313, inclusive: General Funl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $59,822-41 "ensior. Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,167.43 Trust Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2' S . !) 0 TCTA" TOTAL $63,274.4 Demand Register - rater Department - Demands P;os. 20 8 to 2139, inclusive: 'later Operatin7 Fund - - - - - - - - - - - $36,1`3.56 TOTAL $36,193.56 :roved by Councilman 11ese,zul :, seconded b.r Councilman Gordon, the demands ',e allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and pair, out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor ro .tiem:Baker; Noes: Councilmen hone; Absent: Mayor Benfield. _c_ X 761 NEW BUSINESS Councilman Frederick brought to the Council's attention that the Smog Control observation car has watched Standard Oil Company smoke stacks but has overlooked the Scattergood Plant; that he has observed smoke from the Scattergood Plant spread over an area of about eight miles, and suggested that a letter be directed to the Smog Control Board.stating this fact. City Manager Sailors was requested to write such a letter. Councilman Meschuk brought to the Council's attention the fact that-the signal light at Main Street and Holly Avenue was not working properly. Director of Public Works Webb stated he was aware of the situation and had ordered a part to replace part of the control, which should eliminate the trouble. Councilman Meschuk stated inquiries had been made regard- ing two -hour parking in the industrial section on Franklin Avenue; that some of the businesses in that area were protest- ing against employees getting tickets for parking. City Manager Sailors stated the two -hour parking signs were reinstated after the street improvement was completed and a survey made by the Police Department on a door -to -door basis disclosed the fact that nearly 80% of businesses requested the two -hour parking to allow space for salesmen and visitors. Councilman Meschuk stated excessive noise emanating from the Airport was noted on the night of February 23rd. City Manager Sailors remarked that no report on it as yet had been given him but that he was aware of the excessive noice even at a very late hour. Councilman Meschuk again urged that a campaign be made to clean up the city; that property owners for the most part, keep their own property cleaned up, but that vacant lots, streets and sidewalks become littered with trash, and suggested definite action be taken to accomplish this. It was also suggested action be taken on open trash cans to eliminate papers from being blown away. Councilman Frederick suggested an employee from the street department be assigned to cover the business district with hand cart and broom, as previously done; that this service not only helped keep the city clean but was good public relations. Mr. Floyd Wallace stated that in his estimation, a clean -up campaign employing anit- litter signs carrying a penalty for not observing this precaution, would be of inestimable value to the City, and a credit to the City Council. No further business appearing to come before the Council at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjourn- ment being 9:20 o'clock P.M. Carried. APPROVED: Mayor Respectfully submitted, stem City Clerk