1959 DEC 28 CC MINX 922 E1 Sef* undo, California December 2�', 1 -050 A regular meetiUg of the City Council_ of the Cite of E1 Se^'?mdo, California, was held in the Council_ Charlber of the Citv Ball of said City' on the above date. Prior to call.i_nr- the meeting* to order, those -present joined in pledf;inc* alle^'iance to the Fla- of the I nited States of Vierica, after whi ch a prayer was offered by 'Ir. Floyd Wallace. The rleetin_- was then called to order by Kennet -h I;. 1'enfielcl, 'Iayor, the hour hein!' 7:00, of c_locL r.m. ROIA, CALL Councilmen !resent: Baler, Frederick, and Mayor l,enfield; Councilrlan Absent: Gordon. READING OF THE iIIiIT -TES OF PREVTOI'S MEETI:'',G The minutes of the re';ular meetinn of the City Council of tl ?e City- of E1 Senundo, California, held December 14, 1959, having 'peer read and no error or omission having; been noted, it was gloved T'a:-er, seconded I; %' Cormciinar Frederi_c?-, tae 1 ":11n1?tes of said meetinT '�e approved as recorded. "lotion carried. SPECIAL ORDER'S OF P,?'SI ?;ESS 1.. The City Clerl< resorted that this was the time and rlace fixed for the hearir. ,, of protests or ol0jecti.ons a!7�ai.nst the -lro *,ose.-1 installation of certain 1i- lltin.'r fiXt'.'.res a?�d a!?I`I_ lances n^ :ar- l ar S1 "reet a ~c.'; ot':er S';rcets t:it' i_n said City, as de- F;cr_i.'. ecI .: ,:eso�??t.O- n4" 1 . T ie Cit7' Clerh also resorted that affidavits in s ?.ipnort Of tae pl ?.')l.ication and ')ostiiv7 of the '.Otice if Ir17rOVeI' ?e ^' , as rec+- t reel ' "' l_ aw, had ?leer_ I;lade and are on file ir her of f.i.ce . The :a--or then, ingrire(l of t.',e Cl er " -)rotests or o'D•jections ar*ain.st the irorl- or t''ie filed with her in said matter, and rras advised written - )rotests had I)een filed v i_tb her rrior for '.:.'ie hearing*. cli.strict had '.)eer that thi?rt -;' ei ^•ht to the time set 'loved by Coiincil .rlaa-i'lesciilLk,seconcle(l bN,- Councilman Frederic!-, the fo1_l owin,- resol? ?.tion ',e adopted: T;IiE ^. nS, there is on file with the City C1erI< protests renresenti_rg a majority of the land- owners in that portion of the contemplated improvement district hoimded on t'.le north by the centerline of Piapl_e Avenue, on the west by a distance of 145 feet parallel to the certerline of Maryland Street, on the east l)y a distance of 147 feet parallel_ to the centerline of Maryland Street and on the south by the centerline of ''al:l ,"venue; and '.;'IIEPEAS, the provisions of the Streets and Ili hwa­s Code, "Street Li -htin- Act of I91911 par - ticularly nrovicles i_n Tart, that if a majority A;rotest h— the landowners i_-: a-ii- :-,one to the improve- en' i . srch :-one is r.•ade, 1.he City Council rla stril:c srch -one fror.�. ti:e ,proceedings and correct the proposed ass essrlcl.t accorr',ir l --; ar.d -1- X 923 n I - 5, -lie City Coi-nci__ desires to recoTrize the protests and Tive effect thereto; TI1L'RE FORE I THE CITY Coll`:CII OF TiI1J CITY OF 71 . SL;rT' :I C:1I,IF0:Z':I:`:, I)OES Ii::iZE'3Y IIESOLVE, DETI P.'IIj. E .1`_;D ORDEiZ AS FOLL.O`,S: That that ?,ortion of the il:il)rover.)ent district descri ?,ec1 in Ilesol.ution of Intention ',To. 1.8 1 and rartic.il_ar'\,- described as Lots '7 throi_i-h Tract '..281.21 T:,e and tI)e same is icreby stri;cl_ froi:i 1 -ie ­)roceedin -s and the - ro^osecl assess: ent. accord - ir correc ecI (:e. e_,iri,:�- t:)erefro!:i assessl:ien.,s r.iiri])ers t::ro -ice:) Sn and :)ro 1^!: ('1Z, ? ot:) C1 ,1sive, any': tI:e total !'IO:lified iccor(li=1_,..•. F7 7i'177T 2,1 at `10 t1 -)e ^•erieral ".?f?f:! I':; c?CCr1..'_.n'` t0 the ! s'-,al 1 e, and .ere' I.S. , f'.,;ecl Jr tI'e si ir, C n ' , ) _ 1r', Ilr(. aCCOra]_Il^ tl;e _- ro;?osed assessrients total is I';.Odified. T')at the nro-�oserl assess!:icn +Ls total i,tr reason of the a!-.o-,-e is here!­r corrected and fixed and is the siirl Or C 7 7^+2.��. t`n ro_'_'_ cal_i , said r.:otion carried and said resol.utior. :,as adopted "Oi i Oi•dln- Vote. :`��.'eS: COLInCli.iell r :e' fe- ricJz.j- cLE1i�C J1;- and'�:a -\'or _Der.fiel'1 _Oes: Can: eil:ne^_ :one; Allsexit : "Coimcilman 'Gorrclor.; "_:ot Votin^: Coi>hcilri'an­ral:er. :11_:! other ,)rotestants having; been heard, and an ol),)or- t.iinit�, !)avinT Keen !-i -ren to a1.1_ - persons desi.ri_r.- to 1)e heard, and a f!.i1_' , fair ar'Ci i!n* artial ?.cariT -. havir,, beer - ra ^tecl, anti the Cit\• Co-?-,c-i_l mein^• far.iil.iar i:,.i_t.. t:-1e 1prorosec! im-rovenent as set. for';'- J.n {;i „e En-4 eerI s rc- )ort., f4 e;l ';o ^eri!',cr 2!�, '10 S�`, and as r oc',_ifica, Co..ncii_r.ar. 'a'-cr offered and rioved tl:e ado.)ti.o:: or '.esc'1 ; -';ion _:o. 1 'r , c:. 1 ._; J0i_' TI0 OF 1'.i:, CI 17 CU?�. CT'. O1' CLT':' CALIFO:;.: I.1, G�.._ _ r1 m m , T l'A T� ol�s�:� :L:D o. >SEC�zc::s FIL ,,) c: .,Ai)E 1.T 1 -1 ! ' T /l' - T '211 117 'l r C ` 1 T711 , 0 -,- i - - , r 'IEFE'IIIED TO I`_: a.SOLi'TI0': OF _T_' :TETIO :” _:U.' r 1 ?II- "FT'_',`` 'PC, 'TIT. 17. ST:'�?.;,ATIO' OF IT r- I': ES L.,) is _ LI.'i2:Ci;S O:: 11.,.D ST T L ��„D OTHER STI'EETS - :ITiII;': S', 11) CI Ty. , i. :.ii_ch motion rJas seconded ' ?? Coilnci.l.mar Frederic]- and 11T)on rol_1 ea 7 _1, saki resol..i';ion 11 aclo^tcd i))r the fol;l.oi•.Tin1T vote, to ivit: �-es: Coimcilrien P.al-er, Frederi.cl -., .\ieschiOl- and ia-Tor 7enfie:! d: _oes: Coi..iici.l -rierl _:one: 'i- •Sent: �Cil-- cil_Iaan. Cordon_. Covnci1,-,Ian : :esc1,i1.i.- then offered and moved the aclor)tion ':o. i c 7, confirr)in^ t'rie Tort of the Cit, Enr7ineer at cc' "ovc)i ' er 2 , 1 0 cc, orcleri.,1^ the itiror1: ar levy in, the assessrient for services necessary- to cover tl e costs, whir') I,iotion i•:as seCO'_i':e'] ";ai -er and i1pon rol_1 call, S81C' reSO71't10n was a!!.O''`;C'rl i -- th(' 1: C­ _0-.; * n7 vn "01 i3O ,- :it: X 924 A,,,es: Councilme_- T':a1:er, Fredericl :, 'fesc'1?il, and .iavor "enfielcl ; oes: Councilmen ?;one; AI)ser_t : CoLt.ncilM an Gordon . "nor reco?mrlendati_o:: of the Cit-• EnTineer, the Ci`. -,- Coors. ' Goes here'-,- resolve, declare and determine that the Sorlthern California Edison Company is the only a.-er.cy prac- tically capable of sup- plying electric service for the said district, and Councilran Fredericl- then offered and rioved the a,,, Uion of Ilesolntion '.':o. i �S, w11ic:1 notion was seconded liar Co ?,ncil_man ';ai:er and ?iron roll. call, said resolution was ado_--ecl 7:­�- the fo_ lowin- vote, to .pit: .o,,es: Councilmen :;a] :er, Frederic]:, '.;csch:.il: and 'Iayor ''.enfiel,l 'does: Councilmen ',.one; .'se:l'-: Coul;cilnen Gordon. aT no)`.ncod that was "he -i ie and " _ace ,ere�Of Ore f1.`Ce:i for ae Tear'__,: on "ronosecl a::r ?e ;1 1.OI7 1-,0 ��'•:". C1 t`- Oi %.! el —indo oY ccrt.— ?1 ^1,.eCI territory Clesil natc(l as - Lenzir -er Territor;-, a":ci inquired of the Mer'- ii necessar`- - u,- l.lca'-ion nad been Iaade.. the Cler':: re; -orted t'_lat; af: Zda'-4 .S l: s­;'')ori of tl ?e �'•_''.'l_1Ca %3.CT , nallln('`' and Oi C'SO :itl_O '.O. l n; r`, r °l' 7 rr" IlU_ice of -)ro -ose(T <- ii'.i,e:�a1;'_ ^ii, aS regLiireCl I! law, had .)eer'_ riade a:,d are on file ',1e office of the Cit-- Clerl-. The ' a-or then innLiired if an'.- written col:imunications ..,aci 1 -con received in said clatter, and was advised t'.la "� r,o:'e 11a:a ee^ received -rior to tae time set for the ]learinr,. The 'Ia- -or then asked if anyone present desired to lie Beard in the matter. Attorney Lal:e, representinn Ir. and '.Irs. Leu-- inner, addressed the CoL;ncil stating that Mrs. Leu.. er had entered into an agreement with Los An -el_es County covering the westerly- 30 feet of Isis Avenue. 'Ir. '..ebb, City Engineer, stated the C,it­ was aware of the ar- reemei and that Isis Avenue will remaii, it Coitnty territory. Ir. I,a,:e ing?iircd ahoiit tllo : oni_ng; that at the time of annexation of I,eii; -inKer Territor.r, it automatically• was zoned 1 -l., and was advised l��• "a, -or Penfield it is the Cit«ts desire to lave said territory s-oned M -1 and that nroceedin -s have been Tritiated for the 'one change. Attorney LaL.e further stated an easel:ient exists ,^-i_vin- Seutllcrr_ Cali o "Inia :later Company: access to the water ?airs in said :;erritor:�.-. On recom- -..lendation of Cit-r Enr-ineer `.:ebL, it was t'ie ce:zsei:s?is of tae Coi.inci, that no char.•_T e he riacle in tale water r?air.,s. The heari.n^- was thereupon declared closed. :n o ^,:ort iti:it)• having ')eels -i ;•en to ali I)ersons desiring to '?e '.,ear,', Councilman Frederic]: introduced Ordinance 'io. 555, e.:t-itled: whic'1 as read. 'CT C ^i)I';:1';CL OF T1I,E CITY OF EL SECT?;DO, CALIFO1_1':IA5, _1P 1'1P:OA1DTG T'TE X,"'EXATIO.: TO T:TE S:IID CITY OF El, SEGt'',.DO OF CE.'Mul. l "_.I' "Ii:,I'.ITED TE RITORY DESIC''.ATED AS 11I,ET' 7I1;CER TE ITCRY" IP. CO., FOR T,►., ?CE ;IITII JWTI ' - R0�'ISIO`;S OF T1IE 11�►'�:;:E':r1TI0' OF t'?:I..- I':11'_T_TED TERRITORY ACT OF 193 .'1, X 925 ' The 'lay or then anno'inced t'iat this was the time and rl -ace heretofore fixed for the hearing on proposed annexation to tih(? Cit +• of El Se -undo o` certain i ?ninlha'')ited terri tor-.- desirmatecl as Servo Terri_tor,.�, and ingi ired of the Clerl- if necessarT- '-)iil�l ica- `,ion ' -iad Teen made. The C1 er'- reported that of f ldavlts it slip-port of � i_ca.,_._on, a.._.. rl:-. ar__l ->osti -._:� o eso...r.,:i or ..o. _ , - ?otice of rroposed arnexati -on, as recti.ii_red ')• 7 -a ?:', ilaci l:ce ?h made ar,l are ort fi _e it the office of the City Cler' . The 'favor then inquired if any �cri_tter corn --ni cati o)r.s r<' _teen r cPcci ved ir sairl riai. ter, an (.1 i.,as advised at r 0T'.0 il: rCC ^' .'CC sa' is -tat; er prior t0 the tine sCk, for ..:e i,ear' 7 �1ocl erred to 'te the -J c(i : TThe ''la;-Or "ie- tlie natter. '_'o c: posed. .1r, orportunity ard, Co-f.ncilrian wlii.ch was read. asl :ed if ar -gone -resent desired to 1,e one res- oncled. The hearing i %,as thereli -on havi::�7 1`een ,liven to all persons desirin- ,al :er introdi.iced Ordinance '_-.o. 56, enti- C OF TILE CITY OF EI. SE GL'.;DO, CAi.,IrOR.I.I :, .1 ►, "PROVING /l.HE �1.�r:L.t:�`ri is rill S :?,Ij) Cll�i• QF ET, S:7G`. i -.1)Q OF CEI;Tt',I T __T "TI A T TED TE RI:I T ORY DESIM7, ATE D AS "SEP,�TC TE:'.i:ITO RY51 I ?: CO.:FOP. 1�1INT CE '.;ITiI THE, i'RO�TISIO "r:S OF THE 11 A.:.IE`.ATIOP; OF ITED TE 1;IT0I;Y ACT OF l�'"hrf . :.'RITTE`T CO.; I'' ?:ICATIMS The following• written communications received from the persons, firris or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Coilncil, and were disrosed of in the manner indicated: . °OI;TII :', .ERIC :; 1VIATIO';, I'_:C. , regvestin�7 an encroachment permit covering* the westerly fifty feet of Doi-;_^ -;las Street between `:arinosa Avenue anal El Se7iindo Ponlevard, in anticipation of parl.ing regiii_rerients for its new ET Segundo Research Facility. Ine Council_ desirinn to -ive the matter further study, by Teneral consent, the corinunication was ordered held. PUBLIC T- TILITIES CO::'IISSIO'_ ", STATE OF CALIFOR',IA, bein- aI,T_)1- :i_cat-_+.or of Cliarl.es 11. Ntet; -per, dba The Santa `:onica Sirrhtseein,- Service, for a certificate of pul)lic convenience and necessity to operate as hassenrec vehicles for sirhtseeiri- from the City of In�l.e�eooc , tlhe Cit-- of El Se!•i'.ndo and certain Los 'n - e.l -es County territorics and retirn. Ordered fil-ed. A T'. z,R I,ETT, CITY CLE'11" CiTY OF TO uT,A CE, transmit-tin -r co--l- of '' ^Sol- i'.tio n _�o. 3' !, ;- roteStin- the Spendin- of I::inici-,'•al_ ar,�or ;'o -.nt- ft�r ds '.�t"-.e e l,os :I:hreles H - t"-.e oard of Supervisors to cot,dl ct a ru';i is1 dis-osal si•rvo^ of the entire CiU7, of L,os Angeles at = 1 ?c Co' -1 • of I.os :,sn- c':.es. Ordered filed. DIE,')i,':.' T I;-;)T'ST::IL; =, 1.OS _ 1C1t feiC'ianillSe Cat7.0 for re -ewal of its i'1'sii OSS _iCCiiSe {;0 SOS Oi: So"1 -ndo- Statin- it is a ?hop- ^root orbzni •ation, co" 1?7c't it - Z - ro-rari for tic Clhiirch of Jes -is Christ of Lat ter I)Fl�, ain'_.s, and f-- rt'her .rew,estin- License tars for tri,cl-s - ise -l. X 926 ':over. ? CoiTncil:,ar ::eschiu':, seconclec' Coiincil1 an ra' er, tile following reso111tion ' -,e ado ^ted: t;;g S , hat Deseret Inciistries req•iest �� ^resented to this Council at this r!ectin -, `)c -1 ace-1 on fil^ in the office of the Cit -.• Cler'.: ; and ,'P, IT F' ":T "11"' R%SOI.I.'.:l), �':a sal -d 1)escre Inclii.stries '?e and tie sal:ie is 'iere??,.r rrranted -_- ermissiori to solicit and collect sa'. va^e rit'�ir t''le Cil`- o' Se,^!,- ,;o and IT FT ': L: ?:; 1 "-SOT .�'ED I t''.at t'11S T)erl:lZt -'-all ')e in effect tint -ess and until revoked b:v :e (7i,-- _cii o:- t'ic Ci' - -- of S1. So -undo. Carrie,-: the 1 of i o.,rin!7 vote: -es : ci - r '`.esc':)-1': an,! . a--cr T:erfi_c� -c' "oes: Coiir_cil:er ore; A')S0nt. Cot-- r-cilnar. Corclon. LOS A`:G�.LLS CO'. :T r077'1)ii:: CO:�iISSIO ?:, ',e-; n^ notice '-'la{ t'.,e Cit:` Of T!awthorne has fit -eel said Corv7iissio ^, a -- ro ^osal for the annexation of Rosecrans Avenue Annexation. Cr.- 1ere:l f_i_1 e.1 . CO's 'ISSIC ? :, Dece:. i,er 1 , 1�5� , translaittin, cony of i;;s 1 osol,.ition ':o. ..',201 reconilacnding :)roposed None chan ,fre from -one to '.one C -2 for t'le easterl-- side of Indiana Street between : arinosa Avenii-e and Pine Avenue and tae ivesterly 60 feet of Lots 2 an'T �,, i,l_ocl: 1.13, evtenclinm betivicen :.ariposa .Avenue and Palb -i .venire. T-ie Cit Cler': advised the Council the ,natter has been set for 1.earin� ' efore sai(': Coi -ici?_ on January 11, Di;. and ': S. i;E :;i: Ti' C. '3' Sll, expressin-, sincere appre- ciatio:; for the l)rompt and efficient; response of the Rescue Squad, their mother was ill. A core" haviri,� 1?cen received l) -v the Fi_rc l)e:-)artrient, tale cor,municatior, was orc',erect filed. 0 2. CO''.= i'i'ZIC.1TIO:S "" FLOlD ` ALLAC asked that he he riven inforr,lation �. re^•ardin- number of signatures required on a Petition to increase t1;e nay of Councilmen from 550.00 to X100.00 per month. Citv : '..torne- lush advised he ivoiild cooperate with hid. "_'1'O TS OF OFFICi3111S :`11-1) S_`_'ECIAL CW1,:-:ITTT"ES CI T` -,' _.:':AGE:: SAILO::S '• ADJ_ ;Z177^ORTS AS FOI.LO;'S: 1. That .ie was in receipt of a request frori the Traffic Colr1mi, -.tec for the installation of school_ crossin.- si7na1_s at the r0 ' 01r1n^ locations: =L . "al ri Avenue and Center Street. ari, osa :',venue and l::i_chr.loncl Street. 3. Granc. and Lomita Street., fT� an(' reco?'iriondccl a�;tllor:i_;-atlon lke -1ven to cal -1 for 1�ids. t:1e Clt`.' .- ana-er f "rtl ?er states 1-1C SC1100 _ al�tllori ties 'lave '-•ecn contacted ani1 are i:= accord Tvi';l: said. -,ro :)osed installations. :over, Coiir_cilria 1 escllii' , seconded '.;^ Coi'nci_1 -- an er, t'. e a' eve recommerula: ion/ e a--- ,roved. r - 1 - Carrie;i t'.ie fol.loi:'i n^; vote: .gives: Coi_incilmen Dal:er, 'ia ^or ',enf=ield; :oes: Coiirlcil.riel: l:orie; X sent: Council. ; -.an (:ordo -l. X Frederic!:, ''escllnl: and �. �llat )reviOiiSly withori?,ation had !'een ^7.ven to soli ll ci''t ')is for tt:O notorevCl -es for t`ie :o-) iCe 1)enartrleIlt: hat one cr,ota:;ioi- i•.as receiver. froT'1 tae i)O!` :al_l -er :'L.'cnc -.. -, i. arlo,, nt oh ^ . n less tra(:e -:in of two r.otorc''cieS araoiinti.l7 to or a : O�a�_ of .,2, S. C, , a: d he reco : ^ ,,r,,cn_ e'' i;:1C ^ rcliasc o t`1e tivo motorc "Gies at the price quoted. :01'Cd COP. ;tC11_rian Frederic;:, seconded Co!'.ncil -;.ian al-er, I-Aie al -ove recom .endatior. },e amnroved. Carrie(, the f ol_l.owin7 vote: OILS: Coi,.r.cilmen !'a1 :e r, Frederic!:, 'Icschu'. and .,iavor henfiel_d : <O­ ici.lmen '.one: V, se_ ^.t: Covnci l -clan Gordon. 2. 11" ?at -previo,isly, a'lthori�ation I1ad }`een ^•ranted to se_`_:i.ci:-, (Notations for trto new :'olice cars, and lie recommended. i.:' of Sscol a For," A -ency of 3, less 82,60'). �)O _racle- allowance, e acceFted. ' oved Co7mcilman l,al -er, seconded Councilman Frederic;:., ;,he a',ove recorinier.ciation he annroved. Carried i the folloi,in- vote: A:,0s: Coi,.ncil;i0r. ia: -or ' enf oes : Coiinci lrlen. .:'`sent: Coi.incil_rlan il-er, Fredericl-, 'Iesch;il: and i e'_ cl ; '..one; Cordon. neported on. t.ze Indils.,ria. 01 -S, reef , svrve��; taat or.l.-�- a• small nercenta -e of returns had been received to date, and that :,e wmild relport pore -Fiillr at the Next re -illar Council meet-in- to ,,e held Jai.i- iar-•- ll, 927 'ir. . "eid, 1:anar7er of ':,',e Charii,er of Commerce, stated Iie had 1 -een advised 1]-' some of the indilstri_es that commitments wmild ',e in th.e next Co!,,nci_l_ .ieet-i_n- That a regliest, had been receive,-] for extension of trailerrerriit at 2,)2 East ', .al_nut tivenlie, ilr. Donald R. Gardiner, and recoT- =,ended said i,ermit ';e extended for six months. 'loved b- Courcillhan Frederic,:, seconded by Coiincilrian Balser, the al-) ove recommencl ation .-i e am roved. Carri_erl the f ol.lo ;vin- vote: 1Yes: Councilrien T,a!:er, .a-�'or Benfie? d; oes: COU.nCilmen `_'.one; X)sent : Coiir.ciIman Gordon. Frederic!-, 'leschu : and X 928 That at the last re^'ul ar Councia neetin -, a request had been received from Rohl) t s Restaurant to al lox., danc- in- in the Aintree Room of said restaurant; that he :had cheered !ti *� "1 ;iZe 1I1lC11n^, Fire and Police Departments, and reCOrIMeTld0d sai(. remtest ')e ,^•ranted 'Toyed hv CorTncilr.an TSeschTt'.-, seconded h�> Co:::ncilr.:a^ "taker, the above recorir,endation I)e ar,)roved. Carrie,', the foll_or;in— vote: Coy -ci 1.ncn" .,a`er, Fre(lcric'. es , 7 aml .a- -ter =enfi e, :.ocs: Co?•.:zci "_tact_ : c ^c' 7orcl reSe_.l e'T fnr -'-o C ^' Ci. � 1-9 CG ^.S7_"lera:;io^ a reso- .M,':i.or clec�'.aring certain -properties within the Cit,.> of El_ 9e,*- uThc10 i.t�'(1r<T .n fro? e : a o n a Cree'' ':osq'tl_tC i'-, 1ter-leni'. 1)istr].cT; i.n; -, to t'�e Ir Feria'. S ri_ Terri l:or ' A ^, t 'Moved ' Co•,T-.cil.na7- '' a' °er, seconded lh� Council.rhan F: ^e,lericl:, Lhat :._'.:esolTTtior. ::o. :`, ESOL1 "iI0'; OF T:'E CITY CO?"' CII OF T117 CITY OF 1I, SEC:T,;DO, CiI:IFOR".TA, DECLA?',I'. -(; CEI:TAT': ''r;0"F;RT11 T•TT'ITI T1T1, CITY OF l',T SF,GTT`'DO JT'.TT)!ZA_!' FaO'[ T1[L I" V1.01 -1 CT:EE1: .:C?S��T'ITO :J ATL:IE''T DISTRICT. , tr'..icl� was read,1 '�c ado, ted. On roll call., said notion carried and said resolution teas arlo ^tea ')t- the vote es: Councilmen ^.al :er, Frederic! :, ?[esc'.tu? and T[a >or T enfic =Td; ocs: Council_mer. '_gone; AThsent: Coil ncil.r:ar. Gordon. 0. resented for the COLL'1C11 t s CC a.:.er.din- the Cit-- Code of the City- re(~ardi.r'- Traffic re^;ulati_ons, er')oc17-in- s ^eccl , i ,.its and Sto_, Signs. considera';ion an ord- of El. Sc- ,undo, .1 �5`,, recent cltan -es, :, Thereafter, Councilman Freflericl- introd7.-ccd Ordinance -0. 557 entitled: was real. OF T11E CITY OF _E L S G! 1.T)0, DI­(" TrT11E CODE OF TTTE CITY OF EL S GTT` DO, DI1:C. S'')STCTIO" Tr(C )rr OF SECTI01- 17.63 T11E1:E- 0F: A'';) .;.' :1T')1)I(T 0' - :1 _:E'; ST ISECTIO':S TO 1 ::.0-;'' _%S 1177", rr 7 rT and Tr 7(�Tr and 11'` OTT , TO SECTIO:; 1.7 -.'),. OF SAID CODE, TC T AFFI C REG?'1, ATIO:'S . X 929 rt1"I';GILZS The - olloivin7 dei:iands, laving had the aT)proval of the Co::imittee on Finance and :records were read: Deland Register - Der-.:ands :os. ".2 to �_c S, inclusive: General Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � Pension Hind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Trust Fu,•.d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL a 12 hI0 79 921;,1.0 Der :a -;d e inter - - ,later Department - Demands ' os. 2S,-51 t:o 2'75, Incirsive: ater C_>erating F?,.z - - - - - - - - - - - $ 11 , 2 71. 01- 'Ioved Council_ ian r,al:er, seconded ';s CounciT-i;,r :.',e cler? ands > >e a!-.owe-', a,--,d ,• :arra-ita ordered dray: on a- c �c -lici o z;, of the res;�ective ;'•;-Icls coverin- the sane. Carr -ed Lo'_.. -c'_- "'.C. a.'::C1', F rcclericl:, :Iescllul, an -1 . ta--or -. en f CI 0; 'oes: Co,lncilr?e-" -.one; r. Gor(I o: .r'•.. -:T :)I. T SS Cou: cilr,aA- al-er initiatcd discuss :rest of ?lain Street, from Grand to Tliere"afte.r, ..,e mattcr was referred to investigation and re ort at tI.e ne_ct regular I , cc n. ion re7arding making TIolly Avenue, one the City :