1959 DEC 14 CC MINX 914
L1 Segundo, California
December 141, 1059
A regular meeting of the Cit;• Council of the City of
El_ Se -undo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the
Citv Hall of said City on the above date. Prior to callin-I the
meeting to order, those present joined in pledging allegiance to
the Flat* of the United States of America, following which a
prayer was offered by Mr. Robb Gowen, of Church of Christ.
The meeting was then called to order b,,r Kenneth I.. l,enfield,
, Iayor, the hour being 7 ::,)0 o ? clocl: p. m .
Councilmen 'Present: haler, Frederick, Gordon, i leschul,
and 'Mayor nenfield;
Councilmen Absent: None.
The minutes of the regular meeting of the City- Council
of the Cite of El Segundo, Cal-b field 1 ovember 23, 1950, having
been read and no error or or,lission havin,- been noted, it i•;as moved
'_., Councilman ; at-er, seconded by Councilman jIeschuk, the minutes of
said meeting; be approved as recorded. 'Motion carried.
The City Clerl; advised the City Council that this was the
time and place fixed pursuant to statute and notice -iven for the
hear_i_n- in the matter of the assessment for the improvement of
'::'alnut Avenue from Center Street to .Tasliin.;ton Street, as contem-
plated in Reso1_i?ti.on Of Intention ho. 1860, adopted by the said City
Co,,r_ci.l. on April_ 27, 1959. The City Clerk also informed the said
Co>>ncil that affidavits of the mailing, posting and publica-
tion of the Notice of Filing Assessment were on file in her office,
and that no written appeals or objections had been filed in her
office prior to the clay set for the hearing.
The Nayor then asl' if there were any interested persons
present; desirinT to be heard in the above mentioned matter. ',1r.Ro};t.
Bad.-er, 122A East `.alnut Aver.iie, 'Ir. T. II. Yoitn -, 1.220 E. '''al-nut
.Avenue, and Nr. Earl nad,7er, 125`. E. `.dalnut Avenue, all spol-e in
ornositior_ to the acgTii.si_tion of folir parcels of land in said
assessment, ' r,cans of condemnation.
:After a fair and impartial hearing; having; been granted to
all persons desiring to !,.e heard in said matter, and all appeals or
of Jections apresented havinT been heard and f,11.1- considered, and the
Cite Council 7 satisfied with the correctness of the assessment
and dia^Tran, it was moved !>y Con.ncilnan Gordon,, that all appeals or
of »ections 1>e overruled and denied and that the assessment and
- Zia -rare l,e confirmed and approved, and that the Superintendent of
Streets shall forthwith attach a warrant to said assessment, bearing_
:late of this order of the Citi, Co?incil, which notion was
seconded ley Coitncilmar: Frec'ericl: and carrie,l bar the following* vote:
A.-,-es: Councilmen !'alter, Frederick, Gordon, �Iesch!tl:
and 'Ia, -or l.enfiel.cl:
''oes: Councilmen `:one:
AT - sent: Co,incilrlen ';once.
X 915
The followin, written
Persons, The
or corporation. hereinafter received from
the Council, and were disposed Of in named}, were read
in the manner indicated; to
Of Hawthorne has filed a n l beincr notice that the City
annexation of territory I•:nownoas lS vit, 11 aAnneYattion] on for the v
120th Street and InL .
e�.00d Avenue. Ordered filed. ' located on
Of Hawthorne has filed' a 1 1 -ein�* notice that
an,ieration of territory };noon °sal with said conL-;tission for1etl�eJ`
Inr"l evood Aveni,e 1. as St;irner tlnnexatior., or
etween 122nd ar.cl 1 a
33rd. Streets, Ordered filed.
IR. (;ILL GROO; IS, ';��: AGER f
ar Preciat10n for ' mess an' I,PFRI:IL GO?,'L, exPressir.T
tile promptness ment in ar_scver to their d effi_cienczr of o zr Fire De
:vas req,iested ca]_1 on Deceriber 2nd, part -
catior. vas ordered d 7j- nflo the Fire De A CopI• of the letter
filed. Department after which the communi-
'i SI7.r" lr;D
sc?iools or residentia' areas. Helicopter landing*
to 'ier Letter I; areas. favor henfielc} asked that hisereplj,
Filed. e read, after ivhicli the cot:u:jun ,
icat�01, was ordered
t ?gat Precautionary measures dent r
� - •a�J_ona.1_ •safety Coilnci..l,
)rderedl fil e tal�en for Ifolida�r m
`ote1, re + ' S1EGAI,, E1�FCI'TIVE jJ2 n,
dI es j,,),7 iss''ance of T n CF RESIDI "T, Thunderbird
'^ si feet over City- Property encroac�l.,�en permit to
hei7ht not le Proner�y on the east. side of IndianaoStrectd-
ss than tcvel.ve feet above the sidewal?, :. , at
'IanninT Denartmentssfor' inlVeS after was referred to
ir, ation and report. the 13i'- ildin`
the Rig. STATJT RA:N; T
at er was referred of said�restaurantrc Permission to all01v
referred to B ,eneral- consent dancing
?r "''estiT the . olice, Fire and Utti -ldinrc Depart' the
ation and recommendation, er.ts
EL Sr _,TT,:DO C1I.L`I7;ER OF COr1i•IE7.CC
'comp'- is }irients and
services rendered for 1��1n" report of activities,
-over.il,er 1, 1055 The Con e Period from
-)reciation for Council having read the report
the activity of the Chamher of , expressed
lt.ed it. on the extended use it has
Co:amerce, and col.i_
served the corui��211ty.
?'In• :T:�T1fi17; LEVY, 1270 Angelo Drive
YardinT delay in return of n1_an c', Peverly 1 i
'ety '::'oodford advised ci ecl- Director of 1nt%ldin.*
Council that his de and
n h rtal. -e the r?l an c)�ec ?: 1)1It that he hacl talcenrtment was too
�n Checl, service i.r. Los AnTeles • acl� anta�
service was extreriel., that the time regiiiredehyf the
essary to call on l -orc*p and he felt it said
this of =.tside service r toot, td not l)e
f�trtller advised t ?,at `7r, ice nor further I,
icatior Lev- now has the Plan c }�ecl,lan checl; inn.
,vas ordered filed.
The com-
�I CO, f.'IISSIo.•
recomiucnd1i1T restoration aofml oltl `1m co' "' Of its Resolution
' s %te to original_ Pl.ar, of n �� Avenue and Loma Vista
set for hearin`- Before the �iAs' After discussion
1 Council on January ' the o6n. matter
-"LA's a. 25, 1 60.
I_,C- CO:i_,ISSIO', trar_srlittinT
"S, den;,'i -Ir request of V• COPY of its Resolution
xceed the allowahl. Victor Ara?>ian and '•Iary
�'irr�inia Street. Percentae of l C• Arabian
treet. of coverage in R -1 -one at
The City Clerl.- stated an
3i on of the Plannin- Comr.�ission h
appeal from the
ad been received by her,
X 916
and that the natter has been set for hearing before the Cite
Council at its re 'ular meetinG to I;e held Janctary 11, in 6o.'
GIRL SCOUT TROOPS 25 and 34, requesting permission
to hold a Rummage Sale at Girl Scout house, 425 Richmond Street,
on Saturday, January 30, 1960, between the hours of 9:30 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m. V
`Moved her Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman
',ieschuk, that Girl Scout Troops 25 and 34 be and they are hereh,�-
- ranted permission to hold a rumma -e sale on Saturday, January
30, 1960, at Girl Scout House.,
Richmond Street, between the
hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4: 3") p.nl., it being understood that such
sale will he conducted in a manner satisfactory to the Police
Department of said City. 111otion carried.
FRED ';�►;'�1RIA? , of LL SEG1??7 DO CA13 CO. 51 II;C. , requestin
nerr.,ission for a change of rates to correspond urith South T?ai-
Cal-. Connanies, i.ncliuli_r_- Los An -eles.
The Col_!ncil_, feelir., the El Se^'1_indo Cal) Co.., Inc.
?1st- f ied in t,ie regnested chanr"e of rates, it was roved 1—
FrederZC!', seconded z' COL'.nC' l.rla'.` 1'c l:er, that IZeSO-
1 i1-,q(1I.T_TT0'_: OF TI1 CITY COT': CI L
: ,IE'�;DIN0 :ESOL? -TIO ?: ':0. 1342 OF SAID
r:' -lic'i r:as read, I )e adopted.
On roll call, said .^.lotion carried ar:d said resol,_?.ti_on was
adorted L�� the Follor:in.- vote:
A,,es: Councilmen raker, Frederick, Gordon, - leschul:
and :.Iat.,or T3enfield:
?:oes: Councilmen None:
Absent: Co>incilnen 'gone.
cation for transfer of 1101: SALE" I)eer and wine license for 115
Richmond Street. Ordered filed.
PLAN_ Ii:G CO,"•1",IISSIO'Z, transmittin- cony of its Resolution
''o. <7rantin -' variance to add two small apartments to five
existi?i;M apartments now on property at 203 -207 Standard Street.
Ordered held pending exniration of appeal period.
\G CM2.1ISSIO'r;, transt :pitting copy of its Resolution
_':o. 41 ,', recommending char.me of zone for the area known as "Space _
Technology Territory ". The natter was set for hearing before the
Cit -.- Council on January 25, 1060.
I'L:1h'`;I?:G CO'21JSSIO'i, transnitting cope of its Resoli.ztion
':o. l �, recomrlendil.g extendin the C -2 zone in Section 7 easterly
ar. additional 365 feet. The matter was set . for hearing- ')efore
the Cit-- Col_�ncil on Januar- 11, 19Ei0.
'iar i_,;g, Plant Engineer, request-in!' the Council to order "No
7 arl.- in,7 11 ',eti,:eer: Grand Avenge and Franklin Avenue on Kansas Stree'
d,irin_' office hours :10 a.ri. to 5:3.1 p.m., and givin,* its
reasons for sl ?ch request. I >y !-eneral consent, the matter was
referred to the City Nanager for handlin _ .
X 91'7
0:_►L CO?
X 918
advised the Council that a letter had 1;eer mailed
to each property ox%rner in the street li,*htincr assessment district,
notifying them of the public hearin^- on said assessrent to 1)c held
Jecerl} :er 3811; that some inquiries had been received re arc in
said assessment, and that a - letter clarif;ing these questions would
he mailed to tl.ese property owners within a day or two.
". i "hat recent-7 tine Council aT)T) roved a Civil Defense
plan., and in order to qualify the Cit�r with the State and Federal
.-overnment for purchase of surpliis property for Ilse in civil
defense, it would be necessary to approve a standard agreement
1)etween this Citv and the State of California, which a^reer;ient
was Presented at this time. ',loved by Councilman 13al:er, seconded
;v Collncllman t,iescal.11 :, the foil-owing resolution he adopted:
111 that that the agreement between the State
of California, acting 1-),; and through its appointed
cl-alifi_ed and actin* Director of the California Dis-
aster Office, and the Cite of E1 Segundo, presented
to this Co:i -veil at this meeting*, l)e and the saric is
here',-.,,- approved h- this Cornncil, and a copy of said
Arrreetaent ordered placed on file in the office of the
Cite Clerl_; and
^E IT FT'RTIIEP RESOl.V�D, t':at the City . 1. :anar*er
of the City of Ell Ser*i ^nclo ')e and he is here')"- w•thor-
izecl to execilte t1le acreement for and on behalf of
said Citv.
On roll. call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted
fol_loi.,ing vote:
ayes: Councilmen lal :er, Frederic]:, Gordon, 'teschul
and 7 a -,or "enfi_el.cl:
"oes: Counci�i_ :-,;en ';o,-:e;
Absent: Councilmen .Zone.
Thereafter, it was i:ioved by Councilman Taker, seconded
1 t CoT,ncil_man Gordon, that Resolution `:o. IS,94, w.ithorizin� John
.T. Sailors, Director of Cavil Defense, and Vernon L. ',food, asst.
Director of Civil. Defense, as representatives of tlic City of
El_ Se!7undo, to sign for and accept certain surplus Federal prop -
erty, he adopted.
On rol_1 call_, said notion carried and said Resolution No. 1 n
i.ras adopted 103' the followin7 vote:
Ayes: Councilmen -;�al:er, Frederick, Gordon, Neschuk
and ,•lavor Benfield;
is oes : Councilmen None;
X) sent : Counci l mer. `Zone
In line with the above resolution, it was moved 1)v Cot.tn-
cilman 'ieschul:, seconded by Councilman Fredericl. :, that Resolution
No. IS05 be adopted, which resolution would authorize the a',;ove
re,,resentatives of the Cit -.- of E1. Segundo to sign the warehouse
issue sheet of Mize California State Educational Agency for Surpliis
Property, which contains terms and conditions as to the use of
said equip: .ient.
On roll call, said motion carried and said Resolution No. l` T5
r;as adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Counci.li:ien 1 alter, Frederick, Gordon, 'leschrzl:
and ?savor 1,enfielcI;
'.:oes: Cottncilrien 'gone;
Absent: Councilmen none.
X 919
Requested permission to take two clays vacation.
on December 23 and 2.1,, 1059. 'loved 1 -v Coiu_r.cilman Frederick,
seconded 'hv Counciinan ral :er, the request be - ranted. ?,Lotion
1. That she had received a request that '!arrants
.:os. 9237, in amount of 55.00; n201, in amount of $200.c)C,
and ('2035 in amount of $200.00, he ca.-icell_ed. 'loved 1)
Co,7ncilnar. Frederic!-, seconded Council,aan Ral :er, the foliow-
i_-1^; resolution '-(, adopted:
_L, - TATED, that tlie
};e is here!),- ailthori::ed
.'arrants :
;Tarrant ':o.
r 7 y n
Director of Finance 1,e x-,(!
to cancel: "lie followin-
$S5, 0n
200. n:, -,
21,: . aC1
P, IT Ft" ";TIM!" ESOLVIE'D, tha`, the Director of
Fin,a-ice and the City Treasurer of the Cit,.- of
El Se -undo, he and then are herehk- directed to
male appropriate entries of such cancel_' a „ion i_-,
M,eir respective - ,no:-s of record.
On. roi _, call-, said ,o-!-Jo al-6 said resoll�tio^ was adonted
t'le folloi:•in^• vote.
Yes: Coi- lnciliner_ - 1a.':er, Frederic':, Gordon, 'Iesc'11�1:
and ' aror Denfiel_d ;
=;oes: Councilmen ?:one;
Al -)sent: Councilrien !done.
2. That she was in receipt of request for cancellation
of Auctioneer's I3ond 1.0. 3109A76 issued 74ay 1, 1059, on behalf of
Jn.les Joseph Satin, 6123 - laryland Drive, Los Angeles, California,
as the bond was no loner required.
'Ioved Councilman Frederic!:, seconded by Council -i, an
>,a1-er, that said Aiictioneerf s fond he and the same is herehv
Carried by the fol.l.owim! vote:
Ave s: Councilr.:cn Bal-er, Frederic!:, Cordon, Aleschukl:
and 1layor Denfield;
l' oes : Cou.nci a.mer_ '.,',one;
Absent: Councilmen _'•:one.
1. Advised the Council that a certified copy of the
Ordinance approving, the annexation of Imperial Strip had been
forwarded to '-he Secretar -. of State, and when. certification has
',eer. received the annexation will be completed, at which tine a1.1
departments of the Cite, will l-e notified.
2. Reported that confirmation had beer received fror;1 ,
tl:e Insurance a -Tency re- ardi_n,- covera -e of El_ Sc, Undo eq irr,icnt
orerated h.- El_ Se -iindo r.ersonnel in a neirhborin- City, that ins?,.r-
arce covera^c wo171d extend to the equipment and activities under
the ci_rcllY1s`a =Lees: also that if the Council approved, it I:ot?ld
'?e it order to approve the Joint Pourers Agreement, which had been
previo71.sl.-,- presented to the Council.
X 920
'loved b-- Councilman Frederick, seconded by Coun-
cilman; Baker, the Joint Powers Agreement be approved, and
that the ?lay -or 1, -e and he is herel)v authori ?ed to execute the
said a7reement for and on behal -f of the City-, and the Cite
Clerl_ to attest.
Carried by the foi.lowin- vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Paker, Fredericl-, Gordon, Icsclzul
and i•iayor ;enfield ;
Councilmen none:
lhsent: Couricilr..e^ none.
Cit.- .atorne?r T'.n „sh read the title of Ordinance ';o.
55.1, er:t:itled:
1: OT?
CE OF Ii CITY OF i h,SE(7 -,DO,
CAL IFOR' "I:1, A: CC DI '.G TtTII1? CODE of Tltl
CITY CF EI.. SE(7 -' )0, Ci1I.IF0 -.:It1) 1c5s,r
: BALI' :(" :L;D DEL TI' -;G 7i�Ei:EFI11 0'i
SECTIO '.h. % E :TITLED I+T_ICE':S;. i,E )I IRE -
'•lE' :TS FOI: R:1':C1T EST:ISLISIi�iL'_:TS. "�
non nlotior dill v rude and rnanirio!ts.1 - carried, the
frr`-.'.:er readin;^• of Ordinance 770. 55.1. was waived.
Followin-* motio^ nade k),- Councilman baker, seconded
-� Col cil::an 'IescIvi ", Ordinance o. � t1
he was adopted ��• the
foi l owing^ vote:
:1z -es: Col ?ncil.men Player, Frederick:, Gordon, '•ieschul:
and 'Ta-�ror Benfield;
'goes: Councilmen None;
:lb sent: Counci.l_ren ?gone.
Reconmiendations from the Traffic Committee, previously
presented to the Col,ncil were considered at this time.
I ecor,L*iendati_o� :;o. 4, presented to the Council on
over I;er 9, t "_:o arl;inT Any Tine, East side 200 i31oc1: on Kansas
Street., to read tT'_o Parking from P:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.n.t►
Recorvaendation o. 1, , ?resented to the Council. o,:
"ovem')er 23, "Speed Limit on El Segurcio ^ottl_evard from its
i:•csterl_- extrenit-�- to Sheldon Street should be est ahlished and
posted 25 r.iiles per hour;" to read 11^5 l-Al_es ner horr ".
- ecorunendation '.;o. .. "Peciestri_an Cross;-.,all- tainted
across .:l Se7 -ndo !)wil -evard at west line of 'fain Street ", no
Rec•ommenclation NO. 'S, "Pedestrian Crosstvall: painted
across El SeTuncio B.o.,levard at east line of Standard Street ",
no chan!^e.
i econmendation No. 61 "Pedestrian Crosswal_11-. T-ainted
across El Ser*undo T,ori.levard at west line of Eticalyptus Drive",
no ch an-e .
Recommendation ':o. 7, "Stop sign installed on the
somth side of El Se^undo Boulevard east of Standard Street
;vllich woi.ilcl require eastbotin.d traffic on El Segundo Boulevard
to stop I-%efore approaching* the new gate at the Refinery between
Standard Street and -`ucalyptus Drive", reconu:iendation charmed
to "installation of traffic si nals at this intersecti.or. ".
X 921
The Council Cor=currin, in the above recommendations_,
it was moved D,v Cortncili::ar, FreclericL-, seconded Councilman;
cordon, said recommendations be approved, and that the Cit,.>
"n,.-ineer he authorized to nrepare plans and specifications for
traffic si7nals at the intersection of El Se undo : oulevard and
Standard Street and present to this Council for its approval..
'Motion carried.
Recommendations 2 and 3, requestin- that Stop Suns
be -)laced at the westerly- entrance to E1. Se -undo 1'ottlevar -1 and
Virginia Street, and at the westerly entrances to the inter-
section of El Se 'undo 1:oulevard and Richmond Street, were not
a-- )roved.
The natter of Off- Street Parkin.- in the Indr.tstrial_
District was next consi_ddred, which matter was presented to
tlne Council on i:ovem'�er o. Discrassion er.stted between memi.)ers
of ti,e Council, ;Ir. Franl: Ai. Reid, i,iana^er of the Chamber of
Conrrerce, ir. Ect etzl)e * <n of ':'� J.e Laboratories, Ir. Gibson, of
' endix Corporation, ?ir. I:eller, of Stardust Apartments, ',Ir.
Flo, >d .,alJace of Detroit Products, and >lr. J. L? Stinnet, :e a]. tor,
resttlt:i_nrr in aizthorizinm th.e City Nana7er to circt.tlari;.e a I eater
explainin7 the plan of establ_ishin,7 four parkin- areas at a cost
to industrial_ plants of $3.50 per month per parking space, and to
r,ral:e a areport. at the next rerc?tlar Council rteetin to he held
Decen')er 2E, 11) 5� .
T')e followir:� clertands, having had the approva]_ of
the Committee on Finance and Records, were read:
Demand Re ister - Demands I;os. 928 to 94201 inclusive:
General_ fttncl - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 76,927-32
Pension Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,505-77
Trust Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - 522.10
TOTAT, $ R-1.1955-19
Demand Re.ister - ';,rater Department - Demands I':os. 2815 to
2850, inclusive:
`'dater Operating* Fund - - - - - - - - - $ 34,771.94
TOTAL $ 34,771.94
'loved b- Councilman Paler, seconded by Councilman Meschifl:
the deriands l:e allowed and warrants ordered dratm on and paid out
of the respective funds coverinc; the same. Carried h-,, the following
A-, es: Councilmen i:al,er, Frederick, Gordon, Meschttl;
and Mayor renfield;
"%oes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Tone.
I:o other business app earinm to l)e transacted at this
mee' —In- it was novel Thy Councilman ',IeschuT:, seconded by Council -
mar. Gordor., the r-ieetin- adjoi�.rn, the hoar of adjournment being
01Cloc1c h.rn. ',lotion carried.
:espectfttll,> submitted,
A 'P1:OVJ.'T City, Clerl:
' i •or `