1958 NOV 24 CC MINX 710 El Se-undo., November 24, 1958 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date. Prior to callin- the meeting to crder, those present joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, following which a prayer was offered by Donald S. Woodford, Director of Buildin- and Safety. The meeting was the^ called to order by Kenneth R. Ben - field, i, :ayor, the hour being 7 :00 o'clock P. I� :. Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Baker, Frederic:, Gordon and i•Iayor Benfield 1�le s chuk READI:dG OF P,:INUTILEJS OF PREVIOUS 1VIEETING The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, held on November 10, 1958, having been read and no error or omission having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSI1ESS The Mayor announced this was the time and place hereto- fore fired for the reception of bids for the construction of a certain sewer in El Segundo Boulevard in accordance with Speci- fications 58 -13, and inquired of the Clerk if she had any bids therefor. TYe Clerk replied that she had two bids inner po- osession, after which it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederic., said bids be opened, examined and pub- licly declared, which bids were as follows: George Mliller Construction Company, Inc. - - -- -45,5 5 75 Drummond & Bronneck -------------------- - - - - -- 49,657.50 T•:oved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, said bids be referred to the City Engineer for checking and re- port back later at this meeting. Carried. :lids were also received for the construction of a 12 inch sewer in Douglas Street for :I;orth American. Aviation, Inc. One bid was received, to wit: George ,:filler Construction Company, Inc. ------- � 5 , 785 * 00 Director of Public Jor�:s :, ebb stated this bid would be turned over to the :Torth American Aviation, Inc., for handling. The :-:ayor announced this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the reception of bids for the modification of traffic sL7nals at i,ain Street and Holly Avenue, in accordance with Specifications 58 -24, and inquired of the City Clerk if she had any bids therefor. The Clerk replied she had five bids in her possession, after which it was iaoved by Councilman Gordon, se- conded by Councilman Eaker, the bids be opened, examined and publicly declared, which bids were as follows: - 1 - Electric T.Iachinery &- Servi Steinv & Iclitchell, Inc. -- Westates Electrical Const. AEC Los Angeles, dba Allen company ---------------- Sherwin Electric Service - ce, Inc. - - - - - -- 43,532.00 ---------- - - - - -- 3,727.00 Co. ----- - - - - -- 3,901.00 En_ineerinT ---------- - - - - -- 4,247.00 ---------- - - - - -- 4,272.00 X '711 Ioved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frede- rick, said bids be referred to the City Engineer for checkinr- and report back later at this meetin,. Carried. 'dI�.ITTENT COiiIUIIICATIOIIS 1. IcTROPOLITA1 WATER DISTRICT, "lovember 14, 1950, advis- ing that if the City of El Se,undo desires, it may declare its intention to pay out of its municipal funds the whole or a stated percenta�7e of the amount of taxes to be derived from the area of the said District lying within the city; that unless such declaration of intention is made, taxes will be levied and collected in the usual manner. Ordered filed. 2. FRANK G. BO- NELLI, SUPERVISOR, FIRST DISTRICT, November 123 1958, stating that Storm Drain Bond Funds voted for in the November 4, 1958, election will become available in approximately six months. Ordered filed. 3. SA'gUEL B. MORRIS, VICE PRESIDENT, FEATHER RIVER PROJECT ASSOCIATION ?, November 5, 1958, inviting membership and financial support in the drive for needed water development. The Board of Directors have approved the rate of p5 for each q1 million of assessed valuation, with a '25 minimum membership. Said com- munication was tabled until the next meeting to be held December 8, 1958. 4. PLANNING COT,11ISSION, November 13, 1958, appointing L. A. Allen and Virgil S. Warnock to serve on the Industrial Parkin7, Committee. Ordered filed. 5. PLANNING COI11ISSION, November 18, 1958, transmitting its Resolution No. 380, approving; proposed lot split for the Southerly 94 feet of Lot 2, Block 114, with attached map. The Council concurrin; in the reco.Lmendations of the Plan - nin, Commission, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Baker, that Resolution No. 1842, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LOT SPLIT FOR THE SOUTHERLY 94 FEET OF LOT 21 BLOCK 114, EL SEGUNDO TRACT, which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Benfield .does : C ounc i lmen t1bsent: Council -an Baker, Frederick, Gordon and Rlayor Nlone -Ie s c:.ul_ X '712 -T,- �. PLi�_ ..L_•,� COi :ISSIO:;, o,rember 10, transmi L. its Resolution ilo. 3 5, de_ -yin, proposed amendment to Section 400 of Ordinancce : ?o. 507 and declarinf intention to set for hearing on December 10, 1958, various- proposed amendments to Ordinance i•lo. 507. Ordered filed. 7. PLATIii TNIG COIL-IISSIOTd, of its Resolution No. 384 -,ra 'ranter for a sheet metal shop 129 Richmond Street. Ordered anneal period. rlovember 18, 1978, enclosin -, copy.- ntinl- variance request of Iir. Sam in a C -2 Zone, located at 123-127 - filed nendinc. expiration of CARL PETERS, CURi-M'STER., SCOUTS OF CUB PACK 961 -C, 'o ember 24, 1959', requesting permission for the CLib scouts to sell mistletoe duriac' a certain period in December. iioved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman ordon, the follo�.�rin resolution be adopted: RESOLVED,that a business license shall be issued W ithou. fee, to Cub Pack 961 -C to sell mistletoe in the Citv of El Segundo be °inning December 13, 1958, to and including December 21, 195. Carried by the lollowlnr vote: ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon and I,iayor Benfield i:oes: Councilmen "'lone 1L bsent: Councilman Iieschul: y SEuIOR 14, 1958, bein7 facilities. By the City Iianan,e CITIZENS' CLUB, petition regard general consent r and Recreation certain members of, November ing the use of recreational the petition was referred to and Parks Director.. 10. STEPHEN B. DOSS, November 24, 1958, co.unentin- of the need for an anti - litter law and other related matters. Ordered filed. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSITTESS, COgTINUES Director of Public Works Webb stated all bids received earlier at this meeting, on the construction of a trunk sewer in El Se7undo Boulevard had been checked and recommended that an award be made to Geor -e I,iiller Construction Company, Inc., it bein7 the lowest responsible bid. Tioved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the bid of George P.iiller Construction Company, Inc. for construction of a trunk sewer in El Segundo Boulevard in accordance with the City's Specifi- cations 58 -13, the lowest responsible bid, be accepted; and BE IT FURTHER. RESOLVED, that the Iiayor of said city be, and lie is hereby, authorized and instructed to execute ti.e contract hereby awarded for and on behalf of said city and in its name, and the City Cleric is hereby authorized and instructed to attest the said contract, 0 f _L the of- ficial seal and :Hake delivery thereof in due course; and - 3 - KI BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all bids received for said construction are hereby rejected with the exception of the bid of George Miller Construction Company, Inc., and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to return the checks of all unsuccessful bidders. On roll call, said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Benfield !Toes: Councilmen ivone Absent: Councilman i,Ieschuk Frederick, Gordon, and i,Iayor 713 Director of Public Works Webb stated all bids received earli- er at this meeting for modification of traffic signals on I,Lain Street at Dolly Avenue had been checked; that the lowest bid re- ceived was submitted by Electric I•Iachinery & Service, Inc. in a- mount of 13,532.00; that since it is to be paid out of Gas Tax money, approval of the State must be received before an award can be made. :Phereupon, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the matter be tabled until ap- proval froia the State has been received. Carried. -Tone. ORAL COI-1 U'NICATIONS REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COI'UdITTEES CITY 11AITAGER SAILORS MADE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Police Units 34 and 35 were in need of replacement and he requested authority to solicit quotations to accomplish this replacement. Droved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the request be granted. Carried. 2. That heretofore request had been received from the Im- perial School P. T. A. for stop signs to be placed at the nor- therly and southerly entrances of I,'IcCarthy Court and Walnut Avenue and at the northerly and southerly entrances of Center Street and Acacia Avenue; that upon the recommendation of the Chief of Po- lice and the Traffic Committee stops signs should be erected at DlcCartlhy Court and Walnut Avenue, but not at Center Street and Acacia Avenue as Center Street is a main artery through the City. CD Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following, resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Traffic Authority, under the provisions of Section 17.43 of the City Code, deems the action here- inafter referred to on his part to be necessary; and WHEREAS, this Council concurs in such view of said Traffic Authority; I`TOw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of El Segundo does hereby approve the erection of the following traffic control devices: STOP signs at the northerly and southerly entrances of Walnut Avenue and McCarthy Court. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the follow - inc vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Benfield Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilman PJleschuk Frederick, Gordon and Mayor - 4 - x '714 3. Presented to the Council for its consideration a re- solution defining policy governing entrance examinations for the Police and Fire Departments and for promotions within said departments. Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Baker, that Resolution No. 1843, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGU ?D0, CALIFOR'_7IA, DEFIIiIIdG POLICY GOVERNING ENTRAT= EXAI'�IINATIO,\�'S FOR THE PO- LICE AIO FIRE DEPARTJ�ENTS, EXA141NATIONS FOIL. PROIVIOTI0IuS - ,=HIIN SAID DEPARTi,'EIITS, AiiD RE- PEALING RESOLUTION? i\T0. 1674 OF SAID COU=NCIL, which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following; vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon. and I-iayor Benfield Noes: Councilmen none Absent: Councilman Ivleschuk 4. That heretofore an inquiry had been received from the Parent Teachers Association with regard to fluoridation of the city's -cater supply, and the P :ianager asked Director of Public forks Webb to give the Council a short resume of his findings. :,Ir. Webb stated that the city's water consumption is ap- proximately 15,000,000 gallons per day, of which approximately 4,500 -- Tallons is actually consumed by human beings and that ap- proximately 1,150 gallons per day are consumed by the 3,820 (estimated) children below the age of 15, so that in the event of fluoridation of water, 99.9923;° of the fluorine so added would serve no useful purpose inasmuch as it would be wasted in industry, lawn watering, etc.; that if fluoridation equip- ment were installed, there would be an initial capital invest - ment of p10,000 for two installations; °9.00 per day for chemi- cals and an additional ;'12.00 per day for water analysis and labor charges. He further mentioned a practical and effective method of making- available to children an optimum amount of fluorine in the application of fluoride compounds to milk; that is this method were used, a more uniform dosa-*e would be assured. By c7eneral consent, the Council requested that a letter be written to the Parent Teachers Association conveying the above information. 5. Requested permission to take one day of his earned vacation on Friday, November 28, 1958. I -oved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Baker the above request be ap- proved. Carried. CITY CLERK MADE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Presented for the Council's acceptance "Grant of Easement for Period of Five Years" executed by George E. Gor- don, Sr. and Edna It. Gordon for storm drain sump for a por- tion of the Southwest quarter of Section 11, Township 3 South, Range 15 West , S.B.B. Ii. (being; located near the intersec- tion of Holly Avenue and Valley Street). .roved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that the above described ;•rant of easement be accepted, and the City Clerk directed to afect recordation of the same as pre- scribed b -r law. Carried by the following; vote: - 5 - KI Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick and i,iayor Benfield hoes: Councilmen :'one Absent: Councilman iieschuk of voting: Councilman Gordon 2. Advised the Council that a Claim had been filed against the Citv of El Segundo by B. J. Estrem due to damage done to a tire on his automobile on November 5, 1958, on Sepulveda Eoule- vard after being° directed through debris followin'- an accident, and that a copy of said claim had been transmitted to tae city's Insurance Carrier. I ioved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the claim be denied and that the action of the City Clerk in forvrardin7 the copy of said claim to the Insurance Carried is hereby approved. Carried. CITY ATTORI,,L BUSH I�iADE REPORTS AS FOLLO',VS: 1. Advised the Council that according to State Law, a re- valuation of experience in tr.e State Employees' Retirement Sys- shall be made at least every four years; twat a letter has been received fro: Lauren C. Haight, Actuary, en- closin- contract forms (Form 424 -1) to be used to employ the services of Coates, Herfurth and England, Consulting Actuaries, to study the City of El Sec-undo's experience under the system, the last study having been made in Senter.�ber 1954; that the pre- sent investigation and evaluation would be on two phases of the present contract at a cost of 050.55. Roved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, tlnat the follo -wing resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, teat the Contract between the City of El Segundo and the firm of Coates, Herfurth and England (Form 424 -1), hereinabove referred to, for making an in- vesti,,- ati on and valuation of the experience of said City in the State Employees' Retirement System, be and the same is hereby approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 'Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute said af,reemert for and on behalf of said City and in its name, and cause delivery of same to be made in due course. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon and iiayor Benfield :does: Councilmen None Absent: Councilman i,ieschuk 2. Presented for the Council's consideration a resolution 7-artir­ an unclassified use permit, subject to certain limita- tions and conditions, to :forth American Aviation, Inc., to oper- ate a heliport on the roc' of its office buildin^ located at 1'700 East Imperial Highway. Discussion ensued Tuthill, Attorney, and lo<<rin wi -iic:i it was mo c_1,.a:_ - 'rederi cl,, t =tat anion- ._embers of i,ir. J. J. O'Hern ved by Councilman Resolution :io. 1 the Council, i,Ir. Arch of worth American, fol- Baker, seconded by Coun- �441 entitled: A RESOLUTIO'< OF TIE CITY COU:'CIL OF THE CITY OF EL =!U-TD 0 CALIFOR:'IA, GRAN ?TIIJG A ?'I U!iCLASSIFILD USE PERI.1IT, SULJEC T TO CERTAIi,I LI?�iITATIOI�S AND ?DITIOI<S, T G _IORTH AI,ERICA 1 � VIATIOi , ITC . FOR _. �. H - LIPORT 01i T 11 ROOF Ole' BUILDING LOCATED AT " 00 EASL' T, P- , ', - SAID CITY T E� L _I �r 1iT 1I1. -� 1 1_1 1:r_Ll. ri ��1w`ua1, 715 X 716 vihic_- was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution, was adopted b.r the Pollowin- vote: Ayes: Ccuncilmen Baler, Ben'ield 'Toes: Councilmen done L bsent: Councilman ileschuk Frederick, Gordon and I-"sa�ror 3 . Repor ed that the Court r t r r had siM._ed an order au hc_ iz- in te Cittr to take possession o= tine parcels of lams 4-,,01-, _..red in .._e condemnation -oroceedin -_s for prcperty on Fast .1al ut AT,-e- ^J:' o'. ovember 24, 1>'S'_'; Fiat subsequent to tie execut -o__ o_' this o ^der, "Basement Deed" executed by Jessie i~i1linMsley, Gle flora. Billing -slev and Joseph 31l_1in7,sley cove, ins a parcel of .=.e property bein- condemned had been presented to t e city; t'---t the appraisal for said property was ,; 325.00 and upon au- thorizin- payr.,lent of this amount, it would be in order to accept the deed. Ioved by Councilman Gordon, seconded b�T Councilman Baker, that the payment of ,_. 325.00 to the Billin sle, be and the sane is hereb,r authorized, and that the deed is hereby accepted and k directed to affect recordation of the same as the City Cler prescribed b ,T law. Carried b,T the followin? vote: Ares: Councilmen Baker, Ben.-Held i'1 es: Councilmen one A s None Councilman T,:eschuk Frederick, Gordon and I,1ayor PALING BILLS The following -_ demands, having had the approval of the Com- mittee on Finance and Records, were read: Demand Re! -ister - Demands Nos. 6536 to 6642, inclusive: General Fund -------------------- - - - - -- ;--82,170.21 Pension Fund -------------------- - - - - -- 32056.12 Trust Fund ---------------------- - - - - -- 6.463-19 TOTAL p91, 89.55 Demand Register - ,dater Department - Nos. 1887 to 1931, inclusive: .Jater Operatin-: Fund ------------- - - - - -- .,`137,900.32 I•loved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out o the respective funds coverin7 the same. Carried by the fol- 1 O-vi n? vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Benfield does: Councilmen. None Absent: Councilman Ieschui; Frederick, Gordon and iLiayor ,o further business appearin- to be transacted before the Council at this meeting, the meeting adjourned, the hour of ad- journment bein7 8 :30 o'clock P. iii. Respectfully subr:itted, City Clem: Iayor - 7 -