1958 MAR 17 CC MINE1 Serrundo, California
`��farch 1 %, 19 JS
special meeting of tine City Council of t:ie City of El. Seg-
> >ndo, California, was field in -cite Council Chamber of the City Hall o�
said Choy on the above date.
The meeting was called to order by Kenneth R. Lenfield,
:-'.a-:,or, the hour being 9:"0 o t clock A.N.
Councilmen Present: Daker, Frederick, i,ieschuk and
Mayor Benfield;
Councilmen Absent: Gordon.
The :':ayor advised the Council the meeting was called to
discuss the Proposed County Flood Control Bond issue.
Director of Public 'Works Webb recuested the Cleric to read a
communication received from the office of the Chief Engineer of the
Los Angeles Count- Flood control District dated March 12, 1958, which
letter ren>>ested that a list of the most critical and urgently needed
drains in this area be presented to said office, to be listed in order
of most urgent need, and that upon receipt of said list, a determina-
tion will be rude as to how the selected drains may be combined to form
After discussion between members -of the Council and the
Director of Public Works, a mee.tin- witk� the Uiief En-ineert s office
and Supervisor Chace was thought advisable, and the Director of Public
Works was rer7, ested to arrange -.such a meetin- to be held within the
next two or three days.
By general consent, the Matter was taken under consideration
nendinC; said rea�iested meeting, after which it was moved by Councilman
Frederick_, seconded loy Councilman 1ieschulc, the meeting adjourn. Carried.
Zespectfizll�, siibr,.itted,
Eunice U. Creasorn, City Clerk:
r /
.' ayor