1958 JUN 23 CC MINX
E1 Seou:�do, California
Jurie 23 195
A = eTular meetinl- of the City Council cf t::e City of
F'_ SeMundo, California, t•Tas 'held in t'_�e Council Char.,mber of the
Hall cf said City c:. t:-:e above date. prior . o calli: _ the
meeting to order, those - esei t joined 1 : pledr -iii,7, allc�ia c-c:
t r r �i 1 A
O = lab O_ l - -e United States Of nII?er-�ca, f0 10'�din- Zlhic:. _.
prayer was cffered by Reverend Father F r Pra:�:.iva of S'
u�_ 1 c :an �� :. t.
^'::e meet`n,� was then called to order by Kenn`t R.
T'e_:field, P"a,,Tor, the hour bei ci
7 :00 o'clock P. I..
CouI.cilmen Present: Ba'_er, Frederick, Gordon. Pes-
c. ^.uI_ and i'•'1ayCr BEnf;eld
Councilmen Absent: None
The minutes of the re -ular meEt�:1- of the City Coun-
cil of the City of El Se -undo, California, held June 9, 1955,
havi_:., been read and no error or omission havinz been noted, it
as -^ -,.red by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon,
t'e minutes of said meetin. be approved as recorded. Carried.
The City Clergy: advised the City Council that this was
the time and place fixed pursuant to statute and notice given
for the hearing in the matter of the assessment for the improve -
ment of Penn Strcet and Oak Avenue, as contemplated in Resolu-
t10 Of IritentiOn TO. 17 J2 adopted b;T t'�e said City Council Oil
??oV-ember 12, 19;7. The City Clerk also informed the said Cit,T
Council that affidavits of the Nailing, postin- and publications
of the I'lotice of Filing Assessment were on file in her office,
and that no written appeals or objections had been filed in her
office prior to the day set for the hearing.
The Mayor then asked if there were any interested
persons present desiring to be heard in the above mentioned
matter. No one responded.
After a fair and impartial 'nearing having been -ranted
to all persons desirin7 to be heard in said matter, and all ap-
^eals or objections presented havin- been heard and fully con-
sidered, and the City Council bein- satisfied with the correct-
ness of the assessment and diagram, it was moved by Councilman
Cordon that all appeals or objections be overruled and denied
and t:at the assessment and dl a-ram be confirmed and approved,
and that the Superintendent of Streets shall forthwith attach
a ,.':arrant to said assessment, bearin- the date of this order of
he City Council, ,,, *hich motion was seconded by Councilman
na.cr and carried by she -rote.
Ayes: Couaci mei ' . ker,
and P ayo:- B'e nfield
Absent :
Frederic ., Cordon Preoc Sul-
X 603
The ?Ray or announced that „his :^,Tas ;;he and place
fixed pursuant to statute and notice -iven for hearLnd _n the
Natter of the appeal of Kr. I-Rarion Gourley from :'_,_e decision of
vr:C Pla l'11 -i- Co �?'.r.:.._s:,_ori for a va.-la nce tc use, R -2 pro_' erj y as
1 .
aii ii -3 use for Lots S and 7, BloCi: 37, pr open:" beer._, locate
on .,_.E north side of Grand Avenue between S .eldo.i and Penh
Streets. The Clerk informed the Council that affidavits of
jai l�ri ^, and pub-- cat�or� vI on file n I-:er off_ce and t':at she
.ad =._ her posses .,he complete files of the Plan.i Cc_: -
ics a:;d `-e City Council to date, . hereu_ -con the PRayer state:'
tale files in the rniatter �;ould be made de a n, art of t!iis hearin .
Tlie Mayor inquired if any Writte, -_ communicati.onS '.:ad
been received, and the Cler.: read a letter of protest from Johr:
R. and Deverly L. Ricks, 517 East Grand Avenue, El Sec -undo.
N,ayor Der�f r
ield inquired if anyone present desired to
spew: n favor cf the proposed variance, anc.' Mr. Mario.- Gourley
addressed the Council settinj forth his reasons for requesting
suc_ variance.
`T'..e r'a j nr inca red if" anyone present desired to speak
uT1 C , o - ra_itir. the proposed var iance. RRr. Walter
said he opposed orantin.- the variance on the grounds
t': :mot i t :,Tould deprive ad joinin property of similar use, and
ch. R. Ricl:s addressed the Council supplementing statements
as set north in his above mentioned letter.
After further discussion, it ti.as mioved by Councilman
a_ :er, seconded b -' Councilma:. Frederic%: and unanimously carried,
that L e h.earin,, be closed.
?Roved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman
Dare ; the foilo�^:i r.� resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, as required by law and the provisions of the
Zoning Ordinance Q" the City of El Segundo, this Council
-as duly and re ;ularly conducted a public hearing, after
due notice liven in the appeal of Marion Gourley from the
decision of the City Planrin� Commission as exn_ressed in
its Resolution No. 368, entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE
D ELLD'GSft, adopted May 21, 19158; and
T^IIIEREAS, the subject property is described as bein
Lots and ?, Blocl: 37, E1 Segundo Tract; and
TIfi'R -'AS, said Counci 1 has carefully reviewed all evi-
dence, both oral and documentary, submitted at said hear -
in7 and has reached its decision with reference to said
::after as hereinafter set forth;
*'04.', TIiEREFORE, BE IT RES `LVED by the City Council
of tl.e City of El Sel-undo, California, as follows:
1. T:.at sai C O 1'.1C; 1 does hereby make the o1mE f '
_ s and ter : : :�..atio -�s reference to the a�pli �t
cf ^-"� ' aS ire -nade by the Plann
_ Ua�.c c -1 "l. iC..:it .. .. 1ri� vO'_:im1:zlOr:
^� Caid C� y a5 Cep _ G_ t.. 1r1 itS Resolution ton `' o. 3'�1, which
,.-Nebo, ref erre to and b- th. s refere_.c , :jade a par
r, . _
- 2 -
X 604
2. That said Council does hereby sus ,ai._ the 21 nd-
in -s, determinations and action of said City Planning,
ComTnission with reference to said arpl i cation; and
3. That said Council, in vies, of the fore -oin- re-
citals, findinEs and determirLtLons does hereby deny ti-,e
said application of said applicant and does hereb, den,-
.,lie said appeal of said applicant.
T e fore o� resol`�t�Or: i ^ :aS adorted by t.:e f011o'r� vote:
k-es: Council -e.. Bal•.er, Fr;dericl:, Gordon, ' eschulc
and T4aycr Penfield
'OOS: 'Tone
A , ` : T. one
n ;E l
At this time me, ? �aT, i or n� e n_ni ' e ld nr ese + ed pi a ^' _ i,.� v
lcttc+r - n for e - t�
., e.� a• _ reciatio-.: o -.I-.e a�tendanc _.� .e E1 +S,.�"..do
,T G. n._v...l
past -Yea. , as well as a mess -arc of
VC 2 i c I Der ._ ar'_,, aTLa Deme vr`us Casna; ys of
. -ayor Benfi ld nc..t rreccntcd service pins to the fol-
lc"..__ - emplC -ecs, t 1anl :i n- tlieT for heir loyalty a =id co-
�: _ a _C'. on e- ice.__.
_ i
.ce L T. Creasor, City Clerk. year
Jilbu. :� E. Bal er, Cit,- Councilman, 10 year pin
•.Ta7res 1E. Thomas, Water DepartMent, 10 year pin
"ayor Denfield -,.,,as tl�en presented with a five year
ser-rice rin by Councilman Wilburn E. Barter.
The follocrinr; co :7iiun ications received from the per-
'4r-ms fires or corporations hereinafter named, ead to the
were r
Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, folloY,, i;
reference to each hereinafter:
rr, I%T— 7 ^T -T `TEER, ackno.'rled-in- receipt Of the Council's Resolu-
tion j'. 1813 with reference to construction of the San Die -o
Freev-,a;, throu�ll the South Bay area ar:d settin- forth the progress
I e m ad, s.a�.l const- ructio : l _. Order,,:-�d filed.
WILE Tj r L? K ^D �- ^QT ^TTM TTTMr7) r4 (i I�LTTr
..ILEI RN E. �A._:..R � R_,SJ7=_._, .L_. .. -�__Y ..I�.,�lnY C .-
-Tmm-+ + + � ` n ,v t
T, -;-. "i� �ha� � :._.. .;O": "1� �Ee .1aS adopted the principles
c- U- �E Serrate COncur_' ': .. ! c3clution rJG. 2_, -._cvld n,i —a bazys
OTTe� all
' :�iar: „l �.� O� free ° :ra "S an'. E.. ,i'es a ";, a-
-- p
�creseu b; tie l_etrGpGlitan Trans rortatio n En ineeri :.� Ecard.
m, :E noun.,--'- _ell; T. :.a-. it Should -have : ::ore U -Me „G
_. +. .
prG-�cse:. free,ray and E1:1rESJviGr plans, therefcre, t.-:e
.:I er .. 3 tabled ntil �'' :% 11E t regular meet.ino to bE 11eiC.
L0S A!T^ELES ''�T ^�POLTTA :. TRA'TSIT A T iORIT ", Ju is l' ,
1�r ` ^n+ Oi its '.'`;;rc rase of "ronertie3 c
.wv�J7.ii vii., v.. .�li...__ 1, i'
T' rc'�cl` ai- C ^.,erne.. Linc'.3, a -' a su-'n- ccmr..letE CCOj -er -�40,:
E � Se M�.�ad� -. \_ u e r ei filed.
X 605
P A T ?TTT --n T, p. ?TT JT.TT T �. 1 r :: a y y n rT
Lr.....__._ A -1 -'-! U ne 18.9 ,� , .ivy- C ;✓
of its Resolution 7o. 371, deny -Lam; '� '�' iii e`r2C'i�5 c-,-'
Treader, 212 Eas. Tmperial Ii jii iayT, oy builu arO� is
loci rn a r -2 Zcf,e. Orde --u
PT A1TTT r ^�r D��A �m *Tm June l� 1� +r v C, r
L r. , , 5 , U a:L�
.� uv RGso�.uv rl:,':.�1.=.. r�rl.+. r'_ G,'--�,....
-e l den -=al Icts Tiie ClE)r _. A:iI "1 �' :C _
a ::_c'. t :e cc =: nicat_on ':,arz cr- ered yi lei .
PL n - ,T-TT-Tn TJrp 1711, -Tm e 2'? lc - .a, s ",' : _ v r _
C r .'esol 'u_ iii :To. 3 �Q! re `J:--.`(e:.'dir.o rrcn�sed Ci:allUt. c'._ ZC1Le
r 1 '.;
�r_...vC -2 to p -3 fc� certui, TrorertyT Lrcntirg on?"._
my v Clert ar. ou.iced t'� _ -._ -,,ter had been se-- =c_
.e _ ..e L 1.:y? Council o --. Jul-, 1'; l Q5 a ...f ter :2 c0: ":.-
-� ! - !
J.i�. l'ias ordered fled
1n5E', advising tha, Affidavits o Completion by the r
C� -1 Se jU:.do for detachment rroceedin -s regarding f',1iseburn
Addi ,iowl �7o. f' A'v _atiOn Doulevard strip terrl tor; ) Ii- e boen
i%-ith the County Recorder and also transmitting copy or
Les AL.`,eles' Ordinance approving the annexation of said terri-
tory, together Frith cod, of Affidavit of Completion. Ordered
-1 11
MRS. J. LIND, expressen appreciation for the City's
displa�r cr the American Flag at the last election day.
I4r. Fred Di Bella, X54 .iillcrest Street, rebistered
a colmrlaint as to the r"ocr constru.ction of the driveway recent -
ly constructed at his address. Director of Public ;forks Webb
..as requested to investigate and to report to the Council at
ito next regular meeting to be held July 11th.
TTr. A. Godino, X22 West Franklin Avenue, brought to
t'Ie Council's attention the sandblasting operations on tanks
v:esterly of his horse a =-id Stated the dust is so intense that it
is difficult to live under such conditions.
City Manager Sailors .ras requested to investigate and
1:e suggestion as to usinc; water with the sandblasti.ib opera -
,-o i tc contain the dust.
TL-. Godino also stated that when resurfacin, work was
done in his area the street in front of his house was not re-
surfaced. Director of Public Works Webb stated the 135 feet in
question dead ends at the Bureau of Water and Power property line
and that no public benefit could be obtained from improving the
Property. The City Manager was requested to note the above re-
,__ and that rnembers of the City Council would investigate the
feasibi lity of vacating said street.
Peter Binder, former mayor of El Segundo, stated
e ', -ad been informed that a new street in the southwest section
of E1 Segundo had been named Linder Place and expressed appre-
_._:.tior_ for recogniti.on or his vears or service for the City.
=+ -
X 606
Tr. Binder also Ili gly praised -'_-.e city's rst mayor,
Carl E. Rueger, and suggested that his
future an occasi o.. arose. 'he Council
Iris suggestion and voiced sincere appr
years of service to tI�_is C-ty.
name be
t:7an-: e d
used i f __. ti.e
T r. Bi..dor for
for :pis ma.y
1. That he had received a request to amend e ap-
i '1 ` . ` cn -G ._c loard of Fire UnderV;r hers far .-a noel
and rating of E1 Se -undo as f clloc;s: The area East of Serrul-
veda be survey f
ed in the near uture and tie area hTest c.f Se pul-
veda to be surveyed in June of 1?79, after im,provem,e: is to the
:r -er syster,, have been completed and additions made tc the
Fire DEpart:ner.t. He requested permission tc so amend '-_e appli-
catio :-:.
P,Ioved by Councilman Baler, seconded by Councilman
_ rederi C' :, and unanimously carried., that the above requ; be
2. Presented for the Council's consideration a sur--
gested outline of an agreement for the joint use of the Depart -
ent c_`' .later and Power's right of way extending along the west -
erly city boundary for park and recreation purposes. IIe further
stated the strip cf land would be fenced, and if the City of E1
Segundo did not want the use of said land, -.e sum of 500.00
V, uld be expended by the Department for landscaping; but in view
of -._e fact that subject proper-;;- could be advantageously used
by the City, subject property would be conveyed to the City b1-
Agreement together ,,rim the stated amount o_ X9,500.00 to be
used b- the City.
The Council agreed t1a t recreational use migt.t be made
of subject property, and it was moved by Councilman Frederick,
seconded by Councilmanz Tleschuk, the City T�Ianaoer be authorized
to proceed i %-ith negotiations avid present an agreement in final
form, for the Council's approval.
Carried by the following; vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Ivleschuk-
and Mayor Bonfield
hoes: 'lone
Absent: 'Done
% • `i at he had received +r olll
certa i_. deed restrictions and condition
vacant property between the old and new
be conveyed to the City of E1 Segundo.
and restrictions meet with the approval
v,rould be in order to adopt a resolution
the City of Los Angeles
under wliich certain
Imperial Hi 7h-;iays would
That if the conditions
of the City Council, it
to this effect.
Tlcved by Councilman Frederick seconded by Councilman
T, '•:er, -'.le fcllo�ri. g reso1u - o n be adop' ed:
RJSOL =D, :,hat the Ci -- of El Segundo does approve
. he report of t ... Directc- of the B'areau of R4-ht o_f` vlay
Gf LGSy A:.gEIEs, Califo.2nia, relating to the detac:irr:ent from
_.e Ci o" Los A:��Eles and a:.. exaticn to the City of L1
S'e7undo of certain pr cper y bell ^dE3e the 1-Ines of Old
Imperial Hi"hway and new Imperial Highway in the of
cinit,- of Hillcrest Street, and renews its request
t:lat the proposed action therein reported upon receives
ti-le ccnt-::ued favorable consideration or the C11--y of
Los An-elcs.
The fcr e7ci -g re ,on was adopted by the follol ir_o ote:
Ayes : C Ounc ilr n Bai.er,
and NTayror Benfield
oeS" None
Ar _. r,,
✓Scrl.� . e
Freae_ ! cr_, vordcn, nrtc: c:: �l.
4. That- he was in rece =pt of a letter from ..E Co' n', -
Cjt:" Cn t r �h- S n elec 'C 7 n - rls l'� a:'-
i, � Cr .`�. l.aa Or C� t�i., LO :y ii`�.. v vOi.Lnty _` a abC:i .. of- 1Cc; i
.>_ 1 r, , .. L „�.i� r t:: would i .aw. .... in r .1
�::� � =� lr.,. _ �u a eret�w�:a�d be a c 1 ..tee _ „ii :�t;,od
�Ci' �.::speClJ� Gi.J iiiaul: iJy +-'. r'C:...1t j :7 �l t i-�, 1 _ 1- ,a -.-r. `.
,ile _eu.�.:_ Der - , , me.. • .
-past a flat c larbe p•er inspection has been made, amcuntinL
t.. U'cl,.e,e_I '{J`n and -1, per year, but l:ie 1e1i contract would
arc --ate L::;. entire cosl of operation cf tine t ealtii Department
E "_' _ fay a ro -ralp. s..ure, but- no srecilic amount was
, t.e- a2 sc,_:sslc:i t_:e matter v.as yield o ,er un-.,._1 ,.::e nC1.t
nvL:iCI' mee�lno and _:e Cat,, ?Ta;iaJer 1'TaS directed tC l::vest -gate
_. _ ...at per :.lore ;, crou,-rily.
That :Le -was in receipt of a letter from :`:orthwes-
er : Life Insura_1'ce, Company- .v:.ich underwrites the City's SIG jor
? °Ed =Cal .'�i:��_, :,tatirii- that ilajCr T�Cd1Ca1 coverages will be re-
ic':il IiE CJaS1C CO lti'act rates, , sub je :t t0 the ^rOV1S10r1S Of
l:_e rcl_cy and that t.1-,e accident and heal;.Il policyl coverinS City
er rlol-ees :111 beco e _ par - patln policy on its next anni-
versary date. On subsequent anniversaries t',e City's policy
will be eligible to share in any benefits accruing to the par -
tic- 7 - -gin- ro" ci es of said Co:.pany, providing the City si-ns
amendr::ent which was enclosed. The amendment had been noted
1,7, t.lE City `- -o-ney anti no objection was made by him.
!roved by Couf-icilmaan r`eschuk, seco ided by Coun; ilman
Frede ^1C_ , t 1L above 1 ier.t10i7ed to the r'ia j Or T'IEdical
Plan "Torthwestern Life insurance be approved and that the
T'_ __
Or . horlSed .,O s for and Oil bei.a1f of the CitV�
Ay •s: COL Cil le__ 7.a cr
and T'a- .' T, �.:._.r .rel.a
Frederic'_, lorldon Meschul:
-• T:, a .I: �'c E Jv C_ C, tides E eI':en; it O r vi1C
°Crc.onnel Ser -.ice
_ _ r _ :_, _ nc� r,rl.
_ec _o__, cc:rer_..� uee O ��s sel rice fcr „lie -seal ;reap
:C -:fie '.•�na -.adc fc- cc--- c= :c vice, and tiie
'':o :-e : b� Coa.:cil ~�: Pa:t_er, secordE by Cow. cilr a_:
ser- _ ce- Of Califorliia State pc. a0I7 :El
c ra _ +' �a
al .:qtr IOJ.. -�^ a:id viiau }'laic T`l�.j --
:'c L_lw al- ,reement rr avid on Behalf of 'v_hc
^�_J, �._.. .^_:G ('i ;"•J Cl..r1. v_ a z'LJv h: Jars.
n � 7 r - '_ - - 0 7 n _rl 1
J _n _r r e d 1- -.1 _ 1 _J_ o�: 171, L--, v, o -_ e
Ayes: lIouncillme.n Baker Fredericl': --r i T`C s c U:
and �'ayor Denlield
?c "E S 'Tone
S t�
-v A M n D Tyir rTTSTT
!7 � T7
had been `:trodaiced e S C.
�T n TM TIT A -,TC:: r, -r mir p-r _E L S 71 t- T T
C _7 77 - T E
1 T 'r71, 02'T-r I fT,77-::)j�T1! -TT-, I- C):) T- n-7 -T�
zl - 1 y It- ilj V, . _. -, .
T` r () T-7 T' T, S E T T T 0?'T- I
C ALT'�'
. 11 1J' L 1) -
07 SAID CODE , RELAT I7T� -C ?AST: '1. YS A':D
w-ich waS read,
2. Presented I'= the Council's an or-
oi-dinance to -)ro-v- . de a five
c J a 11. a r c, u a s n - C, I so t 1 , a .- a 3 1 m i.-� r o Fall r, o t
mis- -uc--e on a lot e or a6a-� r-.Lst a bu_-'_'1din-. d2-s-
e -"Ula-!- -oel-` n;
L4 e n;e,,--
'j- a .%;. as ,�a,_,_er,
noncfl tt:D be held Jal,/- l_
7 _D 71 T T n I T-T- 7 -:1 T) C) T? ^'^
1-le 1-lad been -requested t inve_-',mate
ne ro3sibilit- o" e-,: "'----land Stree'.- so`- '_-om '.,,arl nrosa
ri -i - e
and a-, El 6-ineer :�,.ade a repo,. on _.
- otal c o
suc-',,l and r::-oblems -7 n I v 6 d 11,
cost 100 1 c 1 1-- d i,-, - relocation: of an S -inc.'. sew 2
1�r)(_) for railroad
7_11e,33-re 1_2nel rlu-- es-ima-t cost or' �'121
crosOinIg'; or a to-.al or' It ems esti,-,qated +.-ha-.- a
lot for .'L-1 structure could be h.ad b:r r_-llocatin,�
--:,e 7r_oz;ure line at an estimated cost of ',,:)0(), Sn_ld lot
701 :: '401 an es-lmi- ed value of 0100 0 Dot
a 3 e- n,. c z; -v,, o,-; 1 d be nz� cc a ry a I nn o e
--- lc� 7, o y I I C, _01,
r n 0 S C; 3
L - is po'n' vmuld ';D,:: at
road cross' n
^.a c=.re-me c"a1wal 11, ; he Los A,,--elez
a.I t C TTI
Z L-
- S CO T, i he Publi -
I n v i ea o e 1 o-,. i ;=-f._ic pc
e n t I a c id, _._v°
-_-.e (hm ttec rp_ a
Counc_`_'::a_-1 F.-edaric': brou'1-t cu the fact --'.at if
;"i.0 D-
ree. vra_ el'ended so' -1 -)f T'arfnosa, it wound create
_----a"c i- L.�
_.azzara' for :,-a.-.- east From Penn Street
e r u, -
- c
S -v- cd' t -, obt a in a re.-Icr-.- fro- 1,.e Los An-e 1 e s C oulit-y "!_-adc
to a- I decisic on suc-, _n croSsi-
Z 0 C -2 1 _•,enc,rt 1 . r 0 1 T 1 t.e Title ran, e z -1 a b 11 o
! �r Zeoident;ial nurposeSl and _t0 i*e
said reports are obtained.
X 609
DTI?�.T n n^ J �,rn r.rr�r_ �� n- ,pn "m. ,-nT n-,r :
.. �0 , T1�LIC . . ZKS ,v.�_�D T.Tk ::S _ . - ,�5.
1• Pre s....teu .�v_ __e .. „i.1'„�.�. :� --CC C•:�+�I1CG, .,_ i.v v-
�aS� b�' To'
C .i ?'�j• vLr '�r.. '_.1..1 Iza.'76lic: n • 7 a-,--.
., .
.,.•:e _., -Y .:. Lc' v �
:�... ._te_ _i� '.ee�, �� _�� L. /, ....�
S e i— mra c v o- v v 1;. dI•..._il y ur 'DJ e J•
T1O' ✓e: Jy Counc !man Ire er c'r:, ^::
.._ .. Bc.__G , above G me.,i iv:1 d L .Je - E'...v --F. _c . c � .,G
,IOeC: C0'ai.cIlmen
nou_-ic11 men
V_ !`nrd,- T'T,vO y -"
2. Presented a rrooress report on Bast Im7ro-. e-
:� Di St_ ict Mat 23 pieces of :property are In v olved .*.. aald
bat en have executed deeds for
ai.d - �' =� �7`'. ..:1`� and requested add-tio11al =,ie, until.
:y-, , O no `C� re �" _ re .lu�_1ili� deeds.
n.oved by Councilman rleschu:., seconded b;' Councilrlarl
Tr`d, Icr, and unani-ously car_ _ed, -nat t': e above request be
-,-an JG.'u •
3 • Prese i'.:ed a rro�;res : report on Franklin, Kansas
a:l.i .:ra3 1i1-1 & --t Cn S„rea� �i:' ^r 11 ei enL :,.�_L — i.c 5.a nv 1, rid ., aeE:da
ave been received frog- owners of 22 of the regaired 35 parcels,
and he requested le be -i.reiLnti1 July lY, 195, tO negotiate
fcr the remaining 13 deeds -10
ilman n'leschuk, S2COi:ded by COU:.Cililan
I.1oved by Coanc
nap :er and unanimously carried, rife above request be granted.
i{.. Presented fc. ' the COuncilTs consideration a :`iell0-
randum of Ac-ree.;.ent betl-reen t!ie Ci.t;- of Bl Se; undo and ".he De-
part :lent of Public `a7orl;s of the State of California, covering
prod used expenditure of gas tux funds v.ithin said City for the
fiscal year 1958 -59 in accordance with project statement sub -
mitted by said City; that apr.ro; >imatel;l x'40,600 �,rould be re-
ceived under said Agreement of which 40(', Or X16,000, would be
used for general street mainte�.ance and t11e balance to be used
for _4 =rovement of Imperial Highway horn lillcrest Street to
Sepulveda Boulevard.
Moved by Councilman 'Jordon seconded by Councilman
Pall-:err the followin7 resole: _o.. be adopted:
:d._J. EA , a memoranda.._ o�. ab� eement has been presented
tO be entered 4 0 vVitil the State Of California in accor-
dance viith a project statement submitted by the City of El
.)e.—undc for e::pe.lditure of t11e c;as tax allocation to Cities
e fiscal year 1 ^�Q, and
} fLTJ r iS, the City COUnCiI has heard read Said aoreer. ent
full a'_ "i ", familiar .4th the contents tner eo-;
MT —nn,077 L' be it �'eSGlved by rile city C'ounc�l o -h
�71ty of Bl Se--undo that said _ ^roject s;,a "ement be and It ys
,-• ',-� r a .d r - e -' a , �. ;, e bud-e- {' — r a e ... u r
_�., u �.. "., c.. p. o� ese:. ..:�endi., re., o� the
X 610
gas :.a.> allocai�ie_: tc „,„ies, and .said agree^ e. be a-,-.d
dame is -hereby approved and L•:e mayor and ..e
cleric are directed to sign t.I-ie, sage on behalf of said
ci'-�,, said agreement to be binding upon +'-:e Ci y arc.:
itsy execution by t.e auth prized officials of Sate.
Car, ied by tt:� fvv ^�IOP; i n� Vote.
Councilmen Barter,
and '`ay or Benfield
T, oe s : "!one
, _3e nt : 0�-ie
Frederic_:, .graph, .Gscnu_.
`_"he follov.`i n- demarfds Navin- had the approval of the
Ccm-:ittee on Finance and Records were read:
Demand Register - Demands 521 to
Ga::eral Fund
Recreation Fund
Peris_ on Fund
Trust Fund
mnm !, .a L
Demand Register - date-r Department
llater Operatin;, Fund
5375 inclusi.Ve:
o� '
75 , , �.� 2
X0$07 >.52
- Demands 1537 to 1570,
Moved by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman
^ordon, the demands be allowed ^.nd warrants ordered drawn on
and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Car -
ried by she fcllowin- vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Balser, Frederick, Gordon, 1:'leschuk
and l.Iayor Benfield
"does: "lone
Absent: :lone
Councilman Meschuk stated it had been brought to his
attention that it would be a good idea to h,zve a water fountain
near the big baseball diamonds. Director of Recreation and Parks
Kelly stated that during construction it had been suggested to
the group using the ball diamond and they decided that the foun-
tain near tine concession building was close enough and they pre -
ferred not to have the ball players drink too much water while
plat,i =-g, but that he would be stilling to have a fountain in-
stalled if it was necessary.
Councilman r eschuk also inquired if the reed for ad-
ditional bleachers for the large baseball diamond had been de-
termined, and the Director of Recreation and arts stated no
additional bleac�:ers had been ordered at this time. Councilman
ITesc ul_ stated he felt; there was a need for more bleachers, es-
rcc -ally it cn playci"s arc scheduled.
Counci lm, r: ^odor _nst_ gated a discussion re�ardi g
_.e .._„thod of tall--n- votes at the elections,
and suggested a
be addressed to the registrar of 'Icters, -lie
Count - oar:. of Super'vr_so= the League Of C_�l±fornia C�tie
and ..e Secretary e= State, that a r::ovement be initi atcd for
vo -` _�ia'_.__nes.
X 611
`'here bei n no Further bss- -_S-
There to be tr- nsacted at
t`_is meeting, -, it was mo,ed b,'- Councilman iT'.eschuk, seconded by
Councilman ^ordon, the meeting adjourn, the hour of ad,cur::_nent
bein, ? :00 o'clock P. n'.. CaN»ied.
Respect2'u11;- submi;;ted,
City Clerk
Tray o r
- 10 -