1958 JUN 09 CC MINX 594 El Se.-undo, Cal_fornia June 9, �?5 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of :]l Segundo, Calif` erni.a, was held i_ the Council Chamber of the City 'Hall of Said City on the above date. Prior to calling the .meet -n,- . Order, t110Se present joined 1;: . C.; .� allebia: ^:ce tc the Flag cf the Un4ted States- of Amier:ica, folloLein- YThiC1: a r~a; *er was offered by Mr. Floyd '4Tallace. The meet -ng, was then called to order by Kenneth P. '?or:field, PTayo_', the hour being ? :00 c 1 clot': P. 1'_. .'Jun c� Imen Present: E'aker, Frederic cy nF i T -,,,r B �tr�r eni. e�o C ouncilmen Absent : -done READ I'dC OF T Ir1L'_E OF PREVIOUS TWETI'd1 T 11 minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of t=_e Cit;r of El Segundo, Cal iforr,ia., _Ield .,a., 2c, 195 >�, Having ,_ _,L, i = ead a.id no error or o -i-Sion .iaving been noted, it was moor; 4 b;r Ccuzicil �aa cordon, seconded by Councilman Eai�er, the •-._:lutes of said :-eeting be approved as recorded. Car riod. SPECIAL ORDER OF =) ;ASS ''Ile Y'ayor announced t.:at t:ii;, ;v.as the tirie and place fi_:ed for ti.e hearini� of ob jec.._oiis a-ainst the proposed chari-es a.nd /or mod_-;'__ �s in t: e plans, Uhe Resolution of Intention IT 00 1 ^95 and all subsequent proceedings had or taken ,ender said 11 Resolutionl of I:ite =.ti0n for certain street irlprovernents in Fr .il:lin Avenue and certain .other s:reets, alleys and easements; each. suci ci.an,ge and/or modification is particularly described Resolution Igo. 1'12, adopted on the 215th day of Play, 195$. The Clergy, reported that -lie affidavit in proof of pub - lication of Resolution `;o. 1 ,812, declaring the intention, of the City Council to make said changes and /or modifications had been made and is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city. The Mayor then inquired of the Clerk: whether any writ - te.i cb jections alai nst the proposed char -es and /cr modifications .gad been filed in said matter. The Clerk reported that no writ - 'en objections had been filed prior to the tirr:e set for the 'The T•iayor thlen as ked if anyone present desired to be said matter. I,:o one responded. All o b jec--ions .;o ,;he proposed c) anges and /or ^iodiii- c .tons iavii:g been heard, a fair and impar:;ial i.eari.ng Navin , bee:- gra :.tee ;;o all persons desirin; to be heard, and Davin,; cc..s- Bred -._ advisability a , new c.. �? e a. c °b y ^essity for suer �ran�es aid ri � _ications, Coa..,,_lrran Frederick offered and moved ;;he a;: ^ptic�. of peso, cation r?o. l 14 entitled: TTTT _ r MT T- ^TTV C' GU' T. m Tm�� nr EL SECT? TDO, CX',LIFOR';In, CRD JRI1' ` CERTAI"; CL-:AI'CES rn rTT� mT(1 n, r+ T *.T n�'SnL?JTIC' nT IATm� rTmIO:T AT D o_ ,,D1. 1V:i, ll _`.J IL LJ 11Ji� l ?._ `? -, AS SUCH r­-7 A "T^ES I - PARTICULARL`i DE- SC ?IDED I?,T R:JSOLUTIOT' 'dO. 1 12, ADOPTED PJ,° 2 e, 05 , IT' m-TE T' :iTTEER OF C4E LTxI�1 STRUT 111PR0�J_,1'_'T"'S I ": 'RL" KLI'T A7 1' :L� h ";D OTHER STREETS, ALLE'Y'S AT D CT''�.r— �T.rm^ Tw.r n Tm' - I - x motion was seconded by Coancilman Gordon and carried by tae -rollO;'7in,- vote, to W, : n Ayes: Council-me Ba'.' :er, Frederick, Gordo., T'escnu_. and Tiayor Re nfield 1oes: COuncilmmen None Absent: Councilmen .4one �1�F�I1'I ' CO)T11 ' :IC�i`;'ICi S i'I: i011O :ti:i.o written comnunicatioils received frcn, t`:e or corporal on3 hereinafter named, L ^.ere read :.O the Council and disposed of in the :.canner indicated: e ^" LD... nTREr"T' P TjTyT,TA *T r a- i-J. A. yIA1ID RLR, �1 :.�. _OR 0� 1<„1 :Ci, egaes�inb ca_.cellation or %Tarrants ?TOS. 5123 and 5131, in amounts of ; 100 ec c.= . T,-o,Jed by Cour�cilma :L Frederick, seconded by Councilman a'Ker, the follow-'n7 resolution be adopted: R7-SOLVED, that trig Director Of Finance be au '-hor ized to cancel Warrants Nos. 5123 and 5131 in amounts of "100 ea--.11 ai�d t.Lqa:, said Direc' of r finance and the City mreasurer be directed to .make appropriate entry of such cancellation in their respective books of record. Carr -'Led by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker,rederick, Jordon, T,Ieschuk F and Tiayor Benffield ?Toe3: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 2. LOS ANJELLS COUNTY EPILEPSY SOCIETY, May 30, 1958, requesting permission to conduct a fund raising campaign in the Cit -,T of El Segundo during the .71ont1h. of July, 1953. TvIoved by Cou_�cilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman P'eschuk, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the LOS ATIJELES COUTT1'Y EPILEPSY SOCIL`:Y, be anal it is hereby °ranted permission to conduct a fund raisinv ca::Iaign in the City of El Se- 8• gundc t 950, in the month of July, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tti.at this permit shall be 1_. effect unless and until revoked by the City Council of the City of El Seur�do. On roll call, the motion carried and the resolution was adopted by a unani- niou_- vote. ORAL COMVVIUNICATICNS n,rr. Floyd ;,lallace spo':-.e in appreciation for construc- tic:l of minder Place between Loma Vista and T,Vhit ing Streets, arther making the sug�,estiG_i that it be made a one -way street tc nerm- traffic to flOL;r ea-'ward. By 6e.eral consent, the matter was referred to ti.e City Tanager for investi ,ation and handling. - 2 - 595 X 596 ?,firs. 7"onetta Cargill, 521 Eucalyptus Drive, addressed t "'le Council with regard to ownership of vacant. property at the T° Street and Pine Avenue, and was told southeast corner o�. .�.a� =. �� that said property was privately owned. REPORTS OF GFFICERS A:vD SPECIAL COr�'IITTEJS '"ATIAGER SAIL ORS r107 REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Re -corted on request to the State Department 01 Public Work's to chanrle14 Ze turns on Sepulveda Boulevard in E1 Ser•undo• that vrith the cooperation of Assemblyman Chapel in- for. -,.ati on had been received from C. K. Gillis, Director, and 'T . T'. Bagshaw, Assistant Director, to the effect t la-. the local division o`' the T_ghway Department had recommended that t his v,rcrl: be expedited; that the matter is now in Sacramento for decisi o:I at that level, and that a further report on the timing set for the above wont would be forthcoming. At the ;.ime ,.Ini ! channel work is constructed, the si;nals on Sepulveda Boulevard 1.%.4-11 be sync .roni Zed. City Attorney Bush substantiated file above report by advising that _r. Chapel had called him and ad- vised a considerable sure of money would be spent on the above 'ascribed work, the exact amount of which is not for release at this time. 2. Advised that, in the effort to complete the Recrea- tioil Center, a considerable amount of landscaping work has been done by city- forces, resulting in a backlog of upkeep for other parks, park=ways and parkettes, and he recommended employment OIL- six -persons for the three month su rimer period at approxi- :,ately1.1�0 per hour to augment the Park staff in order to com- plete these projects and keep the regular park wort- up at the same time. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded.by Councilman T•ieschuk, that the above recommendation be approved. Carried by the followin vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Jordon, Meschuk and Ma;Tor Benfield Plloes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None 3. That he was in receipt of a letter from the Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation Department's Director, N. S. Johnson, informing that the sums formerly given to cities on a matching basis for all recreational activities conducted on school grounds have been deleted from the budget. This program of recreation subsidation is still in effect in unincorporated areas, money for which is taken from the county general fund. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman eschuk, seconded by Councilman Frederick_, that Resolution No. entitled: A RESOLUTIQIq OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO$ CALIFORNIA, URGING THE COU11TTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO CONTINUE ITS PARTICI- PATI "TG AID TO CITIES FOR SUHT-IER RECRE ATIOT: PROGRAT�S ON PUBLIC SCIiOOL PREMISES, OR ITI THE ALTERT ATITTE TO DISC0',IT IUE SU?�S R PROGRAi�;S IN COUNTY TTJRRITORY THROUGH THE USE OF GE.IERAL FUTdDS. , X 597 be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Baker, and Mayor Benfield TToes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen T� one Frederick, Go= don, Meschuk 4. Presented for the Council's consideration a reso- lution amending the Salary Resolution by adding; a new classifi- caticn to be known as "Maintenance Painter ". It being the con- sensus of the Council that such action: would better serge the city for maintenance painting and minor carpenter work, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Baker, that Resolution No. 1815, entitled: A RESOLUTIC`T OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFQRNIA, APlc.�?DIiuG RESOLL'- TIO1r `1Q. 1621 ( SALARY RESOLUTIC.�) OF SAID CCL?T;CIL L, AS Ai!_C-NDED, BY ADDING A NEW CLASSI- FICATIOi: "MAI" TENANCE PAINTER" TO PARAGRAPH "(B) OPERATION SERIES" OF SECTION 3 OF PART I OF SAID RESOLUTIO111 dC. 1621., Wi,_Lc_1 was read, be adopted. On roll call, said :Notion carried and said resolution was adopted by file following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, and mayor Benfield Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk 5. That notice had been received by Councilman Aieschuk that the next meeting of the Metropolitan Government Study Com- mittee would be held June 30, 19;$, Assembly Room, 155 State Building, Los Angeles; that appointment of alternates had been authorized by the Committee, and inasmuch as the City manager had been requested to attend said meetings with Councilman Meschuk, he suggested he be named alternate, in order to facilitate at- tendance of said meetings, and also that it would be in order to appoint a citizen from El Segundo to serve on this committee. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Baker, that City manager Sailors be and he is hereby appointed to serve as Alternate to attend meetings of the Metropolitan Goverment Stud; Committee. Carried. the appointment of a citizen to serve on the above =-=i was tabled artil the next re -ular meeting of the Coun- cil to be held June 23, 195 -8. CITY CLERK MADE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That she was in receipt of an appeal from Marion Curley from decision of Pla_^.i:ing Commission regarding his re- aues; for variance to allow an R -3 use in R -2 zone for ]Lots 6 and ?, Rlocl. 3?, and that i:earin before the Council has been set nor June 23, 1958. - 4 - X 598 2. That Claim for Damages against the City of El Se- ;undo by Jo Ann Peitz, 448 West Maple Avenue, in amount of X50,000 had been filed and that a copy of said claim had been forwarded to the City's insurance carrier. Moved by Councilman. Frederick, seer- �ded by Council - man Gordon, that said claim be denied and the action of the Clerk in forwarding copy to the insurance carrier is hereby approved. 'Notion was unanimously carried. 3. Request for Quitclaim Deed from Walter L. Voeglti and Gertrude S. Voe;;lti for tale City's interest in a aaterline easement as granted to Arena Water Company (by assign ents of record the city is now the o`Tner) over a portion of Lot 5, Block 93. TToved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman BaT:er, tl,e f ollo�� Ji resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the easement over a portion of Lot 5, Block ^? referred to in -the hereinabove request is no loner needed by the City of E1 Segundo; �'OW, THEREFORE, BE TT tI e City Clerl be and tl_r 1� structed to execute a Quit nom the City to Walter L. ti, as joint tenants. RESOLVED, that the I'Iayor and are hereby authorized and in- alaim Deed for said easement Voe -lti and Gertrude S. Voegl- Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Tlayor Benfield Toes: Councilmen `'one Absent: Councilmen None !�. Ti;at she .,.,as in receipt of a request from Cleatus Baldwin that the City relinquish any right it might have to the mineral rights on Lot 3, Block 122, in order that a clear title to subject property might be obtained. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Moschu ., that the request of Cleatus Baldi%in be -ranted and the T.ayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, the necessary document.or instrument to accomplish said ?urpose. Carried by the following, vote: Ayes: Ccu:.cilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, T.Teschuk and T�Ta,ror Benfield Ilces: Councilmen I1one Absent: Councilmen hone CITY ATTOR:EY BUSH 'MADE REPORT AS FOLLOWS: 1. Reported o-:: the progress of condemnation pro- CD for acqu�sit� c:� of property for wideninlF °°Jest Grand Aenue; t?:at .�e was in receipt of a letter from Rob'.. Ross - kopf, Special Counsel, stating, that the pre -trial has been cc:l leted and that trial by jury has been set for July DTIiECTCR OT PU LTC WORKS ,IIEK) ''nOL REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Presented "or the CO � icf.l' accep. -a-cc, a.: as TMc: t frog --he Paci __c Eloctri c Railwa tc the X 599 Ct O.. EI ✓e i,t iC:G vii. �+ e_ .. .�.� ri'_,_.. ! ar r 1.,. _... .,.v v..0 Serulti'eda LGL:1evarC and L1� ce"a._dO ^_u -noses nd reco u"1ended e acce- vc ^.:: C C- S^.ne. ?iG.'ed COQ= �C11TMan Bah sec t aed r',emu::;: uOT'GOi7, ti.c =t t :azV ^er zal7 easerleny C1aL2 :''a`- 20 , i- tau o`: :.c Pacific Electr.;c ^ail::^ Cor.pany, Convej'ii7o 1 Sew for ii_g7f�a,y p- Ur")cJeS r=cei c _ "'"C''`Cr�__ nai:iely: (1) A triangular piece of la ,..d I n t. c r: ^r ':aes u J+ �f th northwest 1/4 of Se^ 10 l mornshir So ;:res ; arld (2) A tr u17g filar shaped - iece of land i t C / _ t a3� l , C1 ,:le sol t_heasi. i/� O� SCC`viG;. 12, mOl':i.� 7i ^anc-e i� V��e G T7 Tr, ? m y ?la .a al- j i. "1 tl.e said easement, be accepted. , " ^fried b,; l- -^ llol:ir • fC �� Cte . • yes�u: A_ O :n fib i n.a' ?', r "y.., T C e s . _r:_e�7 _ _.ems , _ ederi c:_, u _ _ -, and r a� or Benfield I;oes: Coune_1,men .;one Absent: Cc_ncilme:: IT 2. Presented for the Council's consideration a "Con s tc C ran t of Easementff in connection with an ea ement ire:: t e United States Navy Department. tG the Southern California ".iso Company, in order to facilitate installation cf rGlrer nCS to a wind tunnel -L-, Section 18 T S �'1 `'r' S.B.D.?° r . .,.. r u -_7e .�iso.. Corar:y. T,loved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Ccuncil:::an Ba�:er, the following, resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that a copy o- that certain "Consent to urant, of E,asementff wherein the City? ol E1 Segundo con- sents to Grant of Easement from.the United States of Amer ica acting through ti:e Department of 1', av'y" tG `fie Southern California Edison Company fer the construction, installation, maintenance, operation, repair and replace - ment of a guy stub pole, guy wires and anchors in, over and across the following described property: That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 7, Tovmship 3 South, Range 14 West, S.B.B. and in the Rancho Sausal Redondo, in the City of El Segundo, County of Los An;_,eles, State of California, as shown on a Map filed in Case No. 11629, of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for said County of Los Angeles, included witl.in a strip of land _iv c (5) feet wide, lying two and one half feet, measured at riv.lt angles, on each side of the follo-oiinZ described center line: Beginning at a point in the South line of said Southeast quarter of said Section 7, said point being ;Mort:.¢ 54' 271 ^Jest, 924.57 Feet, measured a , -I said South line, fror.:.the Sou t: east corner or CD said Section, ''• � T.o�.t: gyro ��t lE,t T v._,., :: ,e _ .i ) :�Civ v' a dis- tance of one hundred (100) feet; EXCEPTI'_'JG from said strip of -land that portion thereof 11 ing within. the South 20.00 feet cf the Southeast quarter of said s X 600 be placed on file in the office of +Ul-e Ci.y Clerk and as se on file it.-is referred to and by this reference in- corporated herein and made a part hereof; and BE IT FURT=R RESOLVED, that the City Council o tl_e City or El Segundo, Califor:ia, does hereby approve said "Consent to Grant of Easement" and does hereby authorize and instruct t.1le 'Mayor and City Clerk of said City to execute the same on behalf of said City and in i.s name, and to make deliver ;� thereof in due course. Carried by the follot,in- vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Ilescl:u:, and Tlayor Ben_'ield Toes: Council _en No.ze Absent: Councilmen ":one 3. That the .Iaintenance Agreement between the Ci y of E1 Segundo and the State Division off :ii. hways, dated Auk ;ust 1'., O, calling for payment to the City of 2,000.00 yearl;- o_ f itenance o� Sepulveda Doulevard w-Lu �i.. the city has n1loVen tc be entirely inadequate, and lie recommended the Council aut -ori ze tl.e terTM.ination of said agreement on and alter June 5' 4- and that a new agreement be entered into with the State -or the issuance of encroachment and transportation per- m it z .9 onlz.r. I*Ioved by Councilman Fredericl., seconded by Ceuncil�.an Baler, -ha,, the I�`a*n- enance Agreement between the State Division of Ii ---rh vay and the City of E1 Segundo be terminated, and that Agreement for the issuance of encroachment and transpor- taticn permits, only, be entered into. Carried. PAYING BILLS The following demands having had the approval o-!" the Committee on Finance and Records were read: Demand Register - Demands 5132 to 5240, inclusive: General Fund 909,361.15 Recreation Fund 2,581.78 Pension. Fund 3,080.42 Trust Fund _ 16,005.15 TOTAL X111029 .50 Demand Register - Water Department - Demands 1501 to 1536, inclusive: :^pater Operating Fund x,20,002.06 Capitol I...provement Fund , 1.4'9.1" TOTAL . � "21,4 71.24 I "oved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of v '� .e respective funds covering the same. Carr - edby tree following vote: IALyes: Councilmen Laher, Frederick, Gordon, R'Ieschuk and I,Iay cr Benfield '` "oes: Councilmen :Done Absent : Councilmen " "one - 7 - X 601 '_ L�,J I3�SI'TESS Mayor Benfield stated his attention had been called tc the condition of the city owned let on Mariposa Avenue at .aryland Street and inquired of the Council what its thcudi:t was concerning vacat_nb said lot or to consider putting the street throug 'discussion, h. After iscussion, City Manager Sailors was requested to investigate and report at the next regular meeting. Councilman Meschuk called the Council's attention to the large attendance at the baseball games in the Parl and the Need of more seating space. Director of Recreation and Parks Melly reported that a large attendance at the start of the sea- son. had been anticipated, but that after the first weed: the attendance had fallen off, so that there is now ample seating; that June 8th was the first time the American Legion played on tie time he would be in a position to _'iela and :rithi n a shores :,ow if the attendance would warrant increased seating space. Councilman Meschuk also stated that he had received an inquiry from local industry regarding having lights installed on the soil ball diamond to permit night ball playing. Councilman Frederick made inquiry regarding placing picnic tables and small play equipment in the Library Park. The Director of Recreation and Parks stated it was entirely possible; that in the past the park: was considered just a park to look at, but that if it was the wish of the Council to have use made of it there would be an increase in the cost of maintenance. After further discussion, the City Manager was re- euested to -hake investigation and report at the next regular meeting concerning lighting of the soft ball diamond, broader use of Library Park, and installation of play equipment in the Parkettes. There being no further business to be transacted at -.his meeting, it was moved by Councilman Meschuk, seconded by ,. Councilman Frederick, the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjourn- ment being 8 :10 o'clock P. T!. Carried. APPROVED: r Mayor Respectfully submitted, City Clerk