1956 MAR 26 CC MINN,
1K 855
E1 Segundo, California
March 26, 1956
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal-
ifornia, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the
above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those present joined in
pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
The meeting was then called to order by William R. Selby, Mayor, the
hour being 7 :00 afelock P.M.
Councilmen Present: Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Councilmen Absent: Frederick and Gordon.
The minutes of the regular meeting held March 12, 1956, having been
read and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was moved by Councilman
Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the minutes of said meeting be approved
as recorded. Carried.
The City Clerk reported that this ryas the time and place fixed for the
hearing of protests or objections against the work or the district, as described
- in Resolution of Intention No. 1587 in the matter of grading, paving, construction
of curbs, sidewalks, driveway approaches or aprons, removal and replacement of
curbs and sidewalks and appurtenant work in Lomita Street and other streets and
The City Clerk also reported that affidavits in support of the publica-
tion of the Resolution of Intention, the mailing of printed notices of the adoption
of said resolution, and the posting of the Notice of Improvement, as required by
law, had been made and are on file in the office of the City Clerk.
The Mayor then inquired of the Clerk if any written protests or object-
ions against the work or the district had been filed with her in said matter.
The Clerk reported that certain written protests had been filed with her prior to
the time set'for the hearing by the following: Mrs. A. R. Bradley and Mr. William
R. Matheson.
The Mayor then asked if there were any interested persons present desir-
ing to be heard in the above mentioned matter. No one responded.
All protests were referred to the Engineer for checking and report as to
the percentage of the area represented thereby. The Engineer reported that the
protests represented approximately 5.38% of the total area of the assessment dist-
All Protestants, having been heard and an opportunity having been give&
to all persons desireing to be heard and a full, fair and impartial hearing having
been granted and the City Council having before them a diagram of the assessment
district, and being familiar with the assessment district, and also having con -
sidered all protests filed and having considered the matter as to the area of the
property represented by said protestants, Councilman Baker presented the following
resolution and moved its adoption:
�K 856
WHAMAS, certain protests having been filed by
Mrs. A. R. Bradley and Mr. William R. Matheson# protest-
ing against the doing of the work and improvement described
in Resolution of Intention No. 1587 or against the assess-
ment district; and
WHEREAS, the City Council having carefully considered
all protests or objections and having considered the area
of the district represented by said protests;
that it does hereby find and determine that the said protests
or objections have been made by the owners of less than one-
half of the area of the property to be assessed for said
work and improvement, as set forth in said Resolution of
Intention No. 1587; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each sad all of the said
protests or objections be, and the same are, hereby over-
ruled and denied.
Motion seconded by Councilman Swanson and carried by the following voice:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
Councilman Baker then offered and moved the adoption of Resolution
Ordering Work Ns. 1589 in the matter of grading, paving, construction of curbs,
sidewalks, driveway approaches or aprons, removal and replacement of curbs and
sidewalks and appurtenant work in portions of Lomita Street and other streets --i
and alloys in the City of E1 Segundo, which motion was seconded by Councilman
Swanson and upon roll call, was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
Councilman Baker then offered and moved the adoption of Resolution
No. 1590, which resolution determined the general prevailing rates of wages to
be paid on public works within the City of E1 Segundo, which motion was seconded
by Councilman Swanson and upon roll call, was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker., Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen hone;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
The Mayor then declared that -this was the time and place heretofore
fixed for a public hearing on proposed change of zone from R -3 to C -2 affecting
Lot 26, Block 412 El Segundo.
The Mayor inquired of the City Clerk if due and regular notice of the
hearing had been given and published, and if she had on file :bn her office the
affidavits showing such fact.
The City Clerk advised that notice had been duly and regularly given
and published and the affidavits establishing such fact were on file in her
office, together with the complete file of the Planning Commission and the com-
plete file of the City Council up to this time, in the matter. The Mayor there-
upon announced that the files in said matter would be made a part of the record
of this public hearing.
llll 85'7
The Mayor then inquired if any Written protests or communications
had been received With reference to the proposed - change of zone, and the
City Clerk thereupon read•a letter to the Council from Mr. W. N. Bailey dated
March 24, 1956, protesting the rezoning of Lot 26, Block 41 from R -3 to C -2
due to the fact that said lot is immediately south of his residential and
apartment house property and if stores are built upon the C -2 property to the
south, the rear of the stores would abut ed his- prepsrtjr. The Mayer,then
inquired if anyone present in the Council Chamber desired to address the Council
in favor of the proposed change of zone. No one responded. He then inquired if
anyone present desired to address the Council in opposition to the proposed
change of zone, and Mr. W. N. Bailey stated anything he might say at this time
Mould be repetitious to that contained in his hereinabove mentioned letter.
No other persons desiring at this time to present testimony, it was
moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the hearing be closed.
Councilman Swanson then inquired if request had been made that the
entire westerly side of Block 41 be rezoned from R -3,to C -2. Mr. Bailey replied
in the affirmative, stating the Planning Commission had turned down his request
excepting for Lot 26. It appearing that the owner of Lot 26 was present in the
Council Chamber and desired to speak on the matter, the Mayor declared the hear-
ing would be re- opened.
Mr. Frank Cavin, owner of Lots 26 and 27, Block 41, stated he was under
the impression all of the property across the street easterly from the Civic
Center was C -2; that inasmuch as Lot 27 was already zoned C -2 and is a pie - shaped
lot, he is in favor of rezoning Lot 26 to a C -2 zone, to enable him to use his
property for business purposes.
Further discussion ensued and it appearing that members of the Council
desired further time to study the matter, it was moved by Councilman Baker, secon-
ded by Councilman Swanson, the hearing be continued until the hour of 7:00 o'clock
P.M. at the next regular meeting of the City Council to be held April 9, 1956.
Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corpora-
tions hereinafter named, were read to the Council mad Were disposed of in the
manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter:
1956, advising that a Ground Observer Corps post, which is part of the Civil
Defense organization, had recently been established in Hermosa Beach; that he
feels it desirable for the City of E1 Segundo, as part of said organizatiog,
to share the expenses with the city of Hermosa Beach for the operation of the
Ground Observer Corps post in said latter city; that a survey indicated the
cost to each city would be approximately $84.00 per year, and he recommended
the Council authorize this expenditure.
Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that it is the consensus of the Council
that the establishment of a Ground Observer Corps post
at Hermosa Beach is desirable in connection with Oivil
Defense activities, and that this City should pay its
pro rata cost of expense of maintaining said Ground Ob-
server Corps post; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and
she is hereby authorized to prepare and present to this
ylf 858
Council for its approval, demand and warrant
in the sum of $42.00 as this Cityte share of
the semi- annual cost of such maintenance.
Carried by the following rote:
Ayes: Council :Saber, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absents Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
ST. VINCENT BE PAUL SOCIET7' dated March 23, 1956, being a request that
a free - license be granted to it to make salvage-pickups in 11 Segundo. It appear-
ing that said organization is a bona fide charitable organization, it was moved
by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the following resolution be
RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby
authorised to cause a businos license to be issued, with-
out fee, to-the St. Vincent de Paul Society, to make
salvage pickups in E1 Segundo, under the provisions of
Section 118 of Ordinance No. 382.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
T. L. BARAN, dated March 13, 19560 being.his resignation as Junior Civil
Engineer in the Engineering Department in the City of E1 Segundo, such resignation
being effective March 31, 1956. Ordered filed.
being copy of a letter forwarded by said Board to the Governor, members of the
Senate and Assembly of the State of California, recommending that Assembly Bill
No. 4 (creating a State Department of Water Resources) be amended to exclude the
State and Regional Control Boards. Ordered filed.
ST117E BOARD-OF EQUALIZATION, dated March 16, 1956, transmitting therewith
executed copy of agreement covering State Administration of City Sales and Use Tax
in and for the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed.
SISTER ELIZABETH KENNY FOVNDATIDN, ditel March,19, 1956, requesting
permission to solicit funds in the City of E1 Segundo during its annual campaign
to be held in May, 1956.
Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following
resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that Sister Elizabeth Kenny Foundation of
Southern California, Inc., be and it is hereby granted
permission to conduct a solicitation -:of funds for said
organization in the City of E1 Segundo during the month
of Nay, 1956, it being provided, however, that before
such solicitation is commenced in said City, persons _
making the solicitation shall identify themselves to the
Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo and furnish
such department with any information and data which it
fools is necessary in the promises.
ORA L. BROWN, dated March 20, 1956, requesting a permit to allow the
American Legion Auxiliary to sell poppies in E1 Segundo on May 25 and 26, 1956.
1K 859
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the
following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, El Segundo Unit No. 38, American Legion
Auxiliary, has made application to this Council, by written
communication dated March 20, 1956, for permission to sell
veteran -made poppies in the City of E1 Segundo on Poppy
Days, May 25th and 26th, 1956; and
WHEREAS, said applicant is a local organization and
the proceeds of the sale of said poppies will be devoted
to a civic purpose, namely, the relief of disabled war
veterans and their families, particularly those who were
or are residents of the City of El Segundo;
First: That said above mentioned communication be
received and filed in the office of the City Clerk, and
that acme as so on file, be and it is hereby referred to
and by this reference incorporated herein and made a
part hereof.
Second: That the City Council of the City of
El Segundo does hereby find that the facts recited in
the preamble of this resolution are true and that, there-
fore, no license fee shall be charged for the permit
herein granted.
Third: That said applicant, E1 Segundo Unit No. 38,
American Legion Auxiliary, be and it is hereby granted
permission and authority to make sale of said American
Legion poppies in the City of El Segundo on the said dates,
way 25th and 26th, 1956.
Fourth: That the City Clerk is instructed to forward
a copy of this resolution to said permittee as evidence
of the permit herein granted.
ROBERT E. ROSSKOPF, ATTORNEY, dated March 9, 1956, setting forth the
price and certain conditions under which the Pacific Electric Railway, will sell
to the City of E1 Segundo certain property which said City desires to acquire
for recreation use, and for the acquisition of which condemnation proceedings
have been started. *The Council desiring to study the provisions set forth in
the above mentioned communication from Mr. Rosskopf, by general consent the
matter was taken under consideration until the next regular meeting of the City
Council to be held April 9, 1956.
EDWARD G. SMITH, dated March l4s 1956, advising that during the con-
struction of the improvement of California Street by Oswald Bros. Co., said
Contractor had made a fill adjacent to the property he owns at 423 Kansas Street;
that during the rains in February a large quantity of the fill was washed on to
his property and the dwelling and furnishings damaged. Mr. Smyth further stated
that he had made repeated requests to Oswald Bros. to look over the damage and
discuss the matter, but such requests have been ignored, and he requested that the
City of E1 Segundo award no more contracts to Oswald Bros. Co. until it corrects
or pays for the damage above referred to.
Mayor Selby stated he had informed Mr. Smyth that in his opinion the
City had no liability in the matter, and in any event could not refuse to award
ylf 860
contracts to Oswald Bros. Co. in event it was the lowest bidder on any work.
The City Attorney gave as his opinion that there is no liability
on the City's part for acts done by an independent contractor except in con-
nection with the actual construction work.
The City Engineer and the City Clerk both informed the Council that
Mr. Nick Oswald had cone to their respective offices and informed them the
matter had been turned over to the Companyts insurance carrier, and by general
consent, these two officials were again requested to check with Oswald Bros. Co.
and ascertain the present status of the matter.
MRS. WILLIS HAYS BLISS, dated Narch 12, 1956, transmitting therewith
a compilation of information gathered with respect to the enactment of compul-
sory anti - rabies vaccination. The City Clerk stated the material was quite
lengthy and would be mn file in her office should any member of the Council
desire to read same.
Mr. W. N. Bailey addressed the Council stating that he had been in-
formed by Mr. Udall, former City Administrative Officer, that as soon as the
cement shortage was over, the sidewalk allegedly damaged by Oswald Bros. Co.
along his property, would be repaired; that it is a hazard to his tenants and
other persons, and he inquired when he might expect to have these repairs made.
The City Engineer stated he had made an investigation of the matter;
that Oswald Bros. Co. had repaired all the sidewalks which said firm had damaged
in the process of improving Grand Avenue; that the sidewalk referred to by Mr.
Bailey is an old sidewalk; has been in bad condition and is one of the side-
walks proposed to be repaired under the Sidewalk Repair Program of the City.
He further stated that he has been advised that the Contractor, Mr. Schleuniger,
who will do the sidewalk repair work, anticipates eosaeneing same next week, and
that Mr. Bailey's sidewalk would be repaired in due course.
City Clerk made reports as follows:
1. Requested permission to cancel Warrant No. B -3750, dated March 9,
1956, drawn on the Pension Fund, payable to the State Eaployees' Retirement
System, due to the fact the amount is in Nrror. 0
Moved by Councilman Swanson, ascended by Councilman Baker, the following
resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby
authorized to cause Warrant No. B -3750, in amount of
$1•9116.51, to be cancelled; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED# that the City Clerk and the
City Treasurer of the City of El Segundo be and they are
hereby directed to make appropriate entry of such cancella-
tion in their respective books of record.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Couneilmn None;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gorden4
2. That she had received a communication from the firm of O'Kelveny
& Myers, attorneys, who are handling the proposed parking district matter,
with which communication was :transmitted a tentative draft of the proposed
petition together with copy of a resolution to be adopted by the City Council
and which resolution sets forth the contribution to be made by the City toward
the cost and expenses of the acquisition and improvement of such district.
She thereupon read to the Council the form of the resolution, and the
Council desiring to make further study of the matter, it was moved by Councilman
Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that said matter be takes under advise-
ment until its next regular meeting to be held April 9, 1956. Carried.
3. That Mayor Selby had received from L. E.
Councilman, a report covering an investigation made
operations at the Los Angeles Municipal Airport by
which report has been placed on file in the office
by any interested person.
City Attorney made reports as follows:
Timberlake, Los Angeles City
by him with respect to engine
Northrop Aircraft, Inc., and
of the City Clark for perusal
1. That recently officials of the League of California Cities and
a delegation of attorneys had made an investigation of the-Sales and Use Tax
matters and had recommended that those cities which did not have a Sales and
Use Tax Ordinance prior to the adoption of such ordinance under the Bradley -Burns
Act, should adopt additional ordinances to provide for collection by the City
of such Sales and Use Taxes, instead of by the State Board at Equalization in
event the previous Ordinance is declared illegal.
He thereupon presented to the Council for its information and action
two ordinances, the first providing for the imposing and collecting of sales tax
by the City, and the second ordinance providing for the imposing and collecting
of a use tax by the City.
Thereafter, Councilman Baker introduced Ordinance No. 480, entitled:
which was read.
Councilman Swanson then introduced Ordinance No. 481, entitled:
which was read.
2. That the Chief of Police had received from the City of Los
Angeles, a request that the City of E1 Segundo grant to the Traffic- Depart-
ment of the City of Los Angeles permission to install and maintain certain
traffic stripings on Imperial _Highway between Nash Street and the westerly
line of Aviation Boulevard, all as set forth on a certain drawing entitled:
„IMPERIAL HWY PAINT (AIRPORT)„, and which print said City of Los Angeles
requested be approved as to that part which pertains to the City of El Segundo.
• 1
1K 862
Councilman Swanson suggested that a condition be imposed upon the
permit requested by the City of Los Angeles to the effect that when and if a
new northerly and southerly street is constructed southerly of Imperial High-
way and along the westerly side of the se-�+ealled Nast Plant, that a shadow lane
be constructed at the intersection of said streets.
Following discussion it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by
Councilman Baker, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the City of Los Angeles through its Department
of Traffic has presented to the City of E1 Segundo a set of
prints showing the proposed plan of double center and lane
line striping on Imperial Highway between Aviation Boulevard
and Sepulveda Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, a boundary line between the cities of E1 Segundo
and Los Angeles is 2 feet south from the center of Imperial
Highway between Sepulveda Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard;
WHEREASp it appears to be to the best interest of the
people of the City of E1 Segundo that a uniform plan of
double center and lane line striping on said roadway be
adopted, approved and maintained; and
WHEREAS, the City of Los Angeles, Department of Traffic,
has offered to install and maintain the-markings to effectuate
the proposed plan of double center and lane line striping;
NOW, THENMRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of E1 Segundo that the set of prints shorting the plan
for double center and lane line striping on Imperial Highway
between Aviation Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard be and the
same is hereby approved and adopted, and that the Traffic ,
Department of the City of Los Angeles be and it is hereby granted
the privilege of entering the City of E1 Segundo for the purpose
of installing and maintaining the markings required for the pur-
pose of effectuat)iag said plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the authority herein con-
tained be conditioned upon the equal observance and consider-
ation in the maiutenanee of such stripings and markings of
the traffic imposed upon Imperial Highway at and by the com-
pletion of a street running south from Imperial Highway and
along the westerly boundary of that certain parcel of land
csm my known as the Nash Plant.
Carried by the following votes
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
Director of Public Works made reports as follows:
1. Presented for the Council's approval the specifications for the
repainting of the elevated steel water storage tank of the Water Department and
requested that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for the doing
of said work.
Moved by Councilman Jia.ker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the follow-
ing tesolution be adopted:
iK 863
RESOLVED, that a copy of „Specifications No. W -56-1
for repainting the exterior and interior surfaces of the
existing two hundred thou"nd gallon elevated steel water
storage tank of the Water Department of the City of El Se-
gundo, California ", be placed on file in the office of
the City Clerk and that said specifications be and the
same are hereby approved by this Council; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and
she is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in time
fora and manner as required by lax, for bids on the work
contemplated under said specifications.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayea: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noss: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
2. Presented for the Council's approval the specifications for the
improvement and addition to the south reservoir of the Water Department of the
City of E1 Segundo, and requested that the City Clerk be authorised to adver-
tise for bids for the doing of said work.
Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that a copy of „Specifications for the improve-
went and addition to the South reservoir of the Water Depart-
ment of the City of.El- •Segundo, California", be placed on-file
in the office of the City Clerk and that said specifications
be and the same are hereby approved by this Council; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and
she is hereby authorised and directed to advertise in time
fora and manner as required by law, for bids on the work
contemplated under said specifications.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
Building Superintendent made reports as follows:
1. Presented his written report dated March 19,1956, advising that
he had employed Mr. William Arthur Wilson as part -time custodian two days per
week for the Police Building, at a salary rate of $1.64 per hour, such employ-
ment effective March 17, 1956; that he had also employed Mr. Francis Maynard
Mote as a full -tine custodian for the City Hall, under Schedule 3, Step C of
the Salary Resolution of the City of El Segundo, such employment being effective
March 19, 1956, and he requested approval of his action.
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the employment by the Building Super-
intendent of William Arthur Wilson as part -time custodian
at the Police Department Building, two days per week, at a
rate of $1.64 per hour, such employment being effective
March 17, 1956; and
�llf 864
The employment of Francis Maynard Mote as a full-
time custodian at the City Hall under Schedule 3 Step C
of the Salary Resolution of the City of 11 Segundo, such
employment being effective March 19, 1956, be and the
same are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
Carried by the following rote:
Ayest Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Nose: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
2. Presented his written report dated 3 -26-56 advising that he
has recently analyzed Qw equipment presently owned and Tamed by the City
for the purpose of maintaining floors of the City buildings; that to effect-
ively and efficiently carry on this work he feels a new 16 inch floor machine
should be purchased, and ke recommended the purchase of a Molt Aristocrat
No. HA -16D 3/4 HP motor at a price not to exceed $37 0.00 plus tax.
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the
purchase of a Holt Aristocrat No. JA -16D 3/4 HP motor,, at a price not to exceed
$370.00 plus tax, be and the same is hereby authorized.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
3. Presented his written report dated 3 -26-56 as follows:
"In my opinion,, a serious maintenance condition exists with
relation to said walls throughout the ndw buildings where
asphalt the butts up against brick walls. This condition
allows floor machines, floor mops, etc. to be pushed up
against wall surfaces causing discoloration. This discolor-
ation ove•a period o.f time will not be able to be removed,
but will necessitate painting the entire wall. This condi-
tion was pointed out to the Architect prior to the completion
of the buildings. At that time, the Architect stated that
the base was purposely left off of certain wall areas because
of appearance. In my opinion, the appearance is much more
unsightly wigs a discolored wall. It would be impractical
and quite expensive at this point, to apply a wood base board
and wood shoe to said areas, because of the necessity to dowl
and plug the walls for fastening said base. Therefore, if a
base shoe is to be applied, we�are left with a choice of
asphalt Mile or rubber top -set, which is approximately 4"
high and is coved at the bottom. While asphalt tile is
slightly less expensive, it is quire brittle and will be
broken if bumped by any hard or sharp objects. Therefore,
the rubber top -set is much more suitable. The rubber top -
set is available in various colors; one color being quite
similar to the color of the existing wood base. I have ob-
talued three bids on the installation of same, and the cost —
for this item would be approximately $350.00. I would, there-
fore, recommend the installation of this base protection.
Also, I have received a request from the Police Department to
cover the Civil Defense room and the -north portion of the Pistol
Range with asphalt tile. The north portion of the Pistol mange
would necessitate either a vymal asbestos tile or.a grease proof
tile, because said area is used for cleaning of guns, etc. Prices
on the Civil Defense area would be around $170.00. The Pistol
Range area, complete with base, would run about $82.00. I would
also recommend that this be accomplished.„
1K 865
Following the reading of the foregoing report, it was moved by
Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following resolution
be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the report of the Building Super-
intendent as hereinabove set forth be and the same is
-hereby approved and said Building Superintendent is
hereby authorized to proceed to clause the various work
as recommended in said report, to be performed at the
cost so stated therein.
On roll call, said resolution was adopted by the following'vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,'Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
k. That it has recently come to'his attention that the shower doors
located in the Fire Station are of a shatterable type glass, and he recommended
said glass doors be replaced with a shatter -proof type preferably, wire- reinforced,
at a cost of approximately $60.00.
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the
Building Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized to cause shatter -proof
glass doors to be installed in the showers =ate 4h6 <<F ir& Stibi®ny t at ee�eiar�r �of
approximately $60.00.
On roll call, said resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absdnt: Councilmen Frederick and Gordon*
5. That at the last regular meeting of the City Council he had been
requested to obtain prices on the cost of closing in the space underneath the
Police Station on Standard Street; that he did not have any plans and specifica-
tions from which to work and therefore did not obtain bids, bnt based upon infor-
mation given his by the Police Department as to what it desired to have constructed,
he estimated the cost would be approximately $1,600.00.
By general consent this matter was taken under consideration by the
City Council for study.
He then discussed with the Council the matter of installing louvers on
certain windows in the Police Department, on the easterly side of the City Hall
building and the westerly window in the City Clerk's office. ,
By general consent, he was directed to obtain quotations on the installa-
tion of such louvers and present same to the City Council at its next_regular meet-
ing to be held April 9, 1956.
6. That in connection with the condemnation of certain buildings. lo-
cated at 361 North Sepulveda Boulevard and 511 East Franklin Avenue, he reported
to the Council that one building has already been demolished and the other build-
ing is in the process of being demolished and he anticipates no further action
will be necessary in the matter.
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
i 1 1
Water Works Fund
(Conttd) General Fund
Payroll Demand
Ruth H opp, City Treas.
Ruth Hopp, City Treas.
n n » »
n » a' • a
» a n »
State Employees Ret. lye.
n » n »
n n » n
» » n »
Hospital Service of So. Calif.
n » » »
George C. Porter
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Fraser Cement Products Co.
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Addressograph Multigraph Corp.
Hospital Service of SoyCal.
City of El Segundo
State Employees het. Sys.
Century Oil Co.
Title Ins.& Trust. Co.
Luippold Engineering Sales Co.
M. Be Royalty E.Lec. Co.
Arnold Schleuniger Co.
Primo California Co.
Golden State Supply Co.
Lee Parmelee
Mefford Chemical Co.
T. Be De Berry
Crystal Silica Co.
George Co Porter
Hersey Mfg. Co.
Municipal Finance Officers
Robert L. Webb
Assn. of the U.S.& Canada
Brachman Ignition Works
Pacific To. & Tel. Co.
Pension FunA
Chaddick Contractors
State Employess'Ret. Sys. S 1,544.03 Du -Rite Rug & Upholstery
n » n » 1,122,05 Cleaners
TOTAL 226660.0`8_ The Lighthouse,Inc.
La Brea Radiator Shop
City Police CiU JaillBond, Jeffries Banknote Co.
Constr. Fund Floor Machine Co.
Baruch Corporation S 13,481.17 Consolidated Rock Prod. Co.
TOTAL 13,481.17 Alcorn Fence Co.
Pacific Guano Co.
Recreation Fund City of El Segundo Water Dept. 29.61
Ruth Hopp, City Treas. 339.00 L.A.County Health Dept.
a » n » 39.70 United Merchandising Corp.
Hospital Service of So.Calif. 9.80 C. V. Bmird Auto Supply
Pacific Tel.& Tel. Co. 6.88 So. Calif. Edison Co.
So. Calif. Edison Co. 8.11 Toole Engr. Co.
National Recreation Assn. 4.62 Title Ins. & Trust Co.
Goliger Leather Co.,Inc. 8.21 So. Calif. Edison Co.
Archery Magazine 3.00 Southwest Tractor Sales,Inc.
California Motor Transport Co.,Ltd. 6.09 So. Calif. Chapter,American
Pacific Arts & Crafts 21.20 Inst. of Architects
Kit Kraft 137.34 Roy L. & Flora R. Anderson
Connell Sales Co. 31.68 International City Mgr. Assn.
Rose City Archery Co. 118.50 Hawthorne Community Hospital,Inc.
Burtons Leathercraft 38.35 Robt. L. Webb, Jr.
Neva M, Elsey, City Clerk 18.53 Wilson's Carbon Co.Ltd.
TOTAL $ ' 791.01 Oswgld Bros. Co.
Burroughs Corp.
General Fund haftes Bruning Co.,Inc.
A. Koren 25.00 The W. H. Anderson Co.
Goo. Renfro 25.00 Herbert Seerman .
Aluminum Taper Milling 154.50 Remington Rand 6 .
Neva M. Elseyt City Clert Comttd) 174.24 TOTAL
Moved by CouncilvantBaker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the demands
be_ allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
co*eiing same. Carried by the following votes
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: .Councilmen None;
Absents Councilmen Frederick and Gordon.
y1f 86'7
Mayor Selby stated he felt a person should be appointed on the
Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of William G. Thompson,
deceased. It was then moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman
Swanson, that Mr. Dave W. Peterson be and he is hereby appointed a•member
of .the Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, to fill the unexpired
term of William G. Thompson, deceased. Carried.
Councilman SwWon called the Councils attention to the fact that
the City has an Ordinance requiring all pumping equipment in connection with
oil wells to be enclosed by a six foot link fence, and.that his attention has
been called to the fact that in several instances this has not been done.
By general consent, the matter was referred to the Building In-
spector for investigation.
Discussion was had with respect to the matter of removal of certain
billboards within the City of El Segundo., and by general consent, the City
Attorney was requested to make an investigation of the matter and report to the
Council at its next regular meeting to be held April 9, 1956.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was
moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the meeting adjourn
until Monday, the 2nd day of April, 1956, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon, the
hour of this adjournment being 6:50 otclock P.K. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Neva M. Elsey, City Cler