1956 JUN 11 CC MIN�Ilf 944 E1 Segundo, California June 11, 1956 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those present joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, after which Reverend Harry Hanson of Foursquare Church offered a prayer. The meeting was then called to order by Kenneth R. Benfield, Mayor, the hour being 7 :00 o'clock P. M. Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: ROLL CALL Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; None. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the regular meeting held May 28, 1956, having been read and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed, pursuant to statute, in the matter of adopting with certain amendments and deletions the Western Plumbing Officials Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, and inquired of the Deputy City Clerk if proper notice of the hearing had been given and published, and the Clerk replied that Affidavit of Publica- tion was on file in her office. The Mayor inquired of the Deputy City Clerk if any communications had been received with reference to this matter, and the Clerk advised that none had been received. The Mayor then inquired if any person or persons in the Council Chamber desired to address the Council regarding the adoption of the Plumbing Code, and there being no response, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that the hearing be closed. Carried. It appearing some members of the Council desired additional time in which to make further study of the proposed Code, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that the matter of the adoption of the said Code be taken under advisement until the next regular meeting of the City Council to be held June 25, 1956. Carried. The Deputy City Clerk advised the City Council that this was the time and place fixed pursuant to statute and notice given for the hearing in the matter of the assessment for the improvement of Oregon Street, Franklin Avenue, Nevada Street, and other streets and easement in Block 123, as con- templated in Resolution of Intention No. 1514 adopted by the said City Council on the 22nd day of June, 1955• The Deputy City Clerk also informed the said City Council that affidavits of the mailing, posting and publications of the Notice of Filing Assessment were on file in her office, and that a written appeal or objection had been filed in her office prior to the day set for the hearing by M. J. Haddad, owner of Lots 3, 4 and 27, Tract 2028, objecting to the high cost of the improvement and to the change of grade made at the time the street was constructed, which necessitated expense to him for relandscaping and driveway relocation in connection with his building previously constructed to the original grade. -1- °4 The Mayor then asked if there were any interested persons present desiring to be heard in the above mentioned matter. The following persons then addressed the Council: Arvid D. Hoxie, 126 Nevada Street, owner of Lots 5 and 6, Tract 2028; Andrew Lockton, representing Clifford L. Shinn, 235 Oregon Street, owner of Lots 72 and 97, Block 123; Anthony N. DeLucio, 5042 South Oak Knoll, Los Angeles, owner of Lots 21 to 25, inclusive, Tract 2028; Phillip Tillson, representing Harry Tillson, 650 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, owner of Lot 131, Block 123; K. C. McIlroy, 538 Loma Vista Street, owner of Lots 34 to 36, inclusive, Tract 3012; L. J. Later, owner of Lots 1 and 2, Tract 2028; and J. D. Mecey, representing the Standard Oil Company of Cali- fornia, part -owner of Lots 133 to 138, inclusive, Block 123, all objecting to the high cost of the improvement, and Mr. Hoxie also com- plained that a portion of the asphalt paving on Nevada Street is soft. Following the presentation of the above objections, City Engineer Webb and Special Assessment Engineer A. S. Monroe explained in detail the costs of the improvements and the individual assessments. City Engineer Webb further explained that softening of the asphalt paving, referred to by Mr. Hoxie, had been caused by dripping gasoline from automobiles parked daily on the grade at that location; that there is no evidence of base failure and that the City Street Department would correct any deterioration if and when it might occur. After a fair and impartial hearing having been granted to all per- sons desiring to be heard in said matter, and all appeals or objections presented having been heard and fully considered, and the City Council being satisfied with the correctness of the assessment and diagram, it was moved by Councilman Frederick that all appeals or objections be overruled and denied and that the assessment and diagram be confirmed and approved, and that the Superintendent of Streets shall forthwith attach a warrant to said assessment, bearing the date of this order of the City Council, which motion was seconded by Councilman Baker, and carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed, pursuant to statute, for the public hearing in the matter of the appeal of Sebastian P. Eger and Salvatore J. Maietta, dba Aero Grinding Company, from the decision of the Planning Commission, as set forth in its Resolution No. 256, denying their application for variance to allow a precision grinding service at 215 Richmond Street, in a C -2 Zone. The Mayor inquired of the Deputy City Clerk if due and regular notice of the hearing had been given and published and if she had on file in her of- fice the affidavits showing such fact. The Deputy City Clerk advised that notice had been duly and regularly given and the affidavits establishing such fact were on file in her office, together with the complete file of the Plan- ning Commission and the complete file of the City Council up to this time in the matter. The Mayor thereupon announced that the files in said matter would be made a part of the record of this public hearing. The Mayor then inquired if any written protests or communications had been received with reference to the proposed variance and the Deputy City Clerk reported none had been received. The Mayor then inquired if anyone present desired to address the Council in favor of the proposed variance. -2- 945 llll 946 Mr. E. 0. Berry, Attorney at Law, representing Messrs. Eger and Maietta, then addressed the Council stating he had no additional evidence to present at this hearing; that although the equipment involved makes less noise than the electric typewriter in his office, yet technically it can be classified as a piece of machinery requiring a C -M Zone for opera- tion. presentl y Richmond would wai fied unde Ordinance It appearing from discussion that the City Planning Commission has under consideration an over -all plan to rezone portions of Street southerly of Grand Avenue, Mr. Berry stipulated that he ve all rights to a decision in the matter within the time speci- r the provisions of Ordinance No. 434, the Comprehensive Zoning of the City of E1 Segundo. Following lengthy discussion between members of the Council, the City Attorney and Mr. Berry, and it appearing no other persons desired to address the Council in the matter, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the hearing be continued until August 13, 1956, in order to obtain sufficient facts in the matter. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corpor- ations, hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: GERALD M. LANG, dated June 6, 1956, requesting extension of time for trailer permit heretofore granted for use at 641 Hillcrest Street, E1 Segundo, while completing construction work at said address. The Building Superintendent had approved said request and recommended an extension of time be granted. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that a temporary revocable permit be and the same is hereby authorized issued to Gerald M. Long to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer at 641 Hillcrest Street, El Segundo, during the process of construction of a residence at said address, such permit to expire by limitation on August 25, 1956• Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY, INC., dated June 4, 1956, requesting the -" City of E1 Segundo take under consideration the installation of appropriate traffic signals on Aviation Boulevard at 118th Street and at 124th Street, and at the intersection of E1 Segundo Boulevard and Douglas Street, in order to provide a safer and more efficient traffic control system in the area, a portion of the costs to be paid by said Company. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Meschuk, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the matter be referred to City Manager Sailors and City Engineer Webb for investigation, report and recommendation to this Council. Carried. - _-3- ylf 94'7 JAMES G. McGINNIS, dated May 31, 1956; and JOHN C. PARKER, undated, complaining that fumes from the Hyperion Sewage Plant have caused damage to the paint on their homes, and expressing concern that the fumes constitute a health hazard. Mayor Benfield stated that investigation of the matter is now being made by representatives of Hyperion and that Mr. Park and Mr. McGinnis have been so advised, following which, by general consent, the communications were ordered filed. BOB BARGMAN, ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER, HYPERION SEWAGE PLANT, dated June 7, 1956, advising that in connection with the complaints of damage from fumes from the Hyperion Plant, he had taken samples of the paint used on Mr. McGinnis' home for analysis to assist in evaluation of the observations; that an investigation is being conducted and a report will be made to the City Council thereon at a future date. Ordered filed. CALIFORNIA SEWAGE AND INDUSTRIAL WASTES ASSOCIATION, dated May 18, 1956, advising that the 29th Annual Conference of the National Federation of Sewage and Industrial Wastes Associations will be held in Los Angeles October 8th to 11th, 1956, and inviting representatives of the City to attend. Director of Public Works Webb advised the Council that some of the sessions of the Conference would be of interest and benefit to certain em- ployees of his departments, following which, by general consent, the matter was referred to City Manager Sailors for designation of persons to attend said Conference. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, dated May 31, 1956, advising that under Chapter 882, Statutes of 1955, the County may cause the annexation of unincorporated islands or strips of land to be annexed to either of the adjoining cities, and calling attention to the existence of this problem of portions of Aviation Boulevard between E1 Segundo Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue, lying between the cities of Hawthorne and E1 Segundo, and requesting appropriate city officials review the matter and confer with County officials thereon in order to work out an agreement mutually satisfactory to the County and both cities. Following discussion of the matter, by general consent, City Manager Sailors and City Engineer Webb were requested to confer with officials of the County and the City of Hawthorne, and to make their report to the Council in due course. G. V. BAKER, dated June 4, 1956, calling attention to the traffic bottlenecks at the intersections of Vista Del Mar and Imperial Boulevard, Los Angeles, and Vista Del Mar and Grand Avenue, El Segundo, and making suggestions for the alleviation of the conditions. Ordered filed. JOHN J. SAILORS, CITY MANAGER, dated June 6, 1956, advising that the committee heretofore appointed by the Council in the matter of the request of the E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce for funds from the City, has recommended that the City contract with said Chamber of Commerce for advertising services in amount of $300.00 per month for the fiscal year 1956 -57 only. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the report of John J. Sailors, City Manager, dated June 6, 1956, with respect to the recommendation of the committee investigating the request of the E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce for funds from the City of El Segundo, be and the same is hereby approved by this Council; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Attorney be and he _is hereby requested to prepare a form of agreement between the -4- 1K 948 City of El Segundo and the E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce, covering advertising services by said Chamber of Commerce for said City for the fiscal year 1956 -57 only. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, being copy of appli- cation for transfer of Alcoholic Beverage License from premises at 1149 Sepulveda Boulevard,'Manhattan Beach, to 311 North Sepulveda Boulevard, El Segundo. Ordered filed. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, being forms for use by the City of El Segundo in making applications for funds for repair or restoration of public property pursuant to the Flood Relief Law of 1956, for which the City Engineer had heretofore been requested to obtain appli- cation forms. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, State funds have been appropriated by the Flood Relief Law of 1956 for the cost,of repair or restoration, or both, of public property damaged or destroyed by storm and flood or flood conditions during the months of December, 1955, and January and February, 1956; and WHEREAS, said conditions during said period caused extensive damage, estimated at $4,600.00 to public property hereinafter described, lying within the boundaries of this City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that application is hereby made to the State of California for State assistance under said Flood Relief Law of 1956 for the repair and restoration of the public property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the applicant hereby promises and agrees to make available the applicantts con- tribution towards the total cost of the work, by the follow- ing method: In cash or equivalent from its General Fund; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that John J. Sailors, City Manager of the City of E1 Segundo, is designated as the applicant's duly authorized representative in all matters arising under this application, inclusive of the power to execute, on behalf of applicant, the agreement with the Department for the performance of the work. - -5- lK 949 Exhibit "A" LIST OF REPAIR AND RESTORATION PROJECTS UNDER FLOOD RELIEF LAW OF 1956 Type "All - Streets, Highways & Bridges Highway Users Tax Revenue Apportioned during Fiscal Year CITY OF EL SEGUNDO July 1, 1954 to June 30, 1955 Local Agency $30,017.90 Road Number Street Name Location of Project Center St. Between Maple Ave. and Palm Ave. Sepulveda Between Imperial Hwy. and Boulevard Rosecrans Ave. E1 Segundo Between Aviation Blvd. and Boulevard Sepulveda Blvd. Estimated Length Description of Cost Miles Proposed Work $1,700.00 0.066 1,000.00 2.00 LSIOIIWil"i I0 V Repair subgrade, replace pavement, resurface. Repair erosion damages, repair pavement. Repair erosion damages; place revetments at culvert. Other Throughout City 1,000.00 Replace washed Streets out pavement; replace eroded shoulders. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, dated June 7, 1956, trans- mitting copy of Resolution No. 261, adopted at a regular meeting of said Com- mission held May 9, 1956, granting a variance to Albert M. Hyatt to allow a die casting business in an M -1 Zone. By general consent, the communication was ordered filed pending expiration of the appeal period. PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, dated June 7, 1956, trans- mitting copy of Resolution No. 262, adopted by said Commission at its regular meeting held May 9, 1956, setting for hearing a proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 434 with respect to the height of fences. Ordered filed. PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, dated June 7, 1956, trans- mitting copy of Resolution No. 264, adopted by said Commission at its adjourned regular meeting held June 6, 1956, recommending approval of a proposed plan to construct by -pass roads to relieve traffic congestion at the intersections of Sepulveda Boulevard with Imperial Highway and El Segundo Boulevard. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Baker, that City Engineer Webb be and he is hereby authorized and directed to work with the Planning Commission in the development of the proposed plan for con- struction of by -pass roads at said intersections, and to advise the Council of progress in the matter. Carried by the following vote: M lllf 950 Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Mayor Bonfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and City Manager Sailors advised the Council that the City should have a Master Plan of Streets and Highways, or until such time as a Plan is adopted, a survey by a competent traffic engineer should be available; that the Planning Consultants for the City Planning Commission had offered to make a survey and Master Plan, or would be willing to develop a Master Plan from data compiled by a competent traffic engineer. The matter was discussed by members of the Council, but no action was taken at this time. Mayor Benfield reported to the Council that conversations with Supervisor Chace indicate that the County is proposing in its current pre- liminary budget an allocation of $100,000.00 for the widening of E1 Segundo Boulevard between Main Street and Sepulveda Boulevard, and that the City of E1 Segundo should bring to early completion its right -of -way negotiations and engineering for this improvement and, by general consent, the City Engineer was requested to proceed as mentioned above, and that the office of Supervisor Chace should be kept informed as to progress. PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, dated June 7, 1956, trans- mitting copy of Resolution No. 263, adopted by said Commission at its ad- journed regular meeting held June 6, 1956, recommending approval of Santa Fe Land Improvement Companyts plan to improve property and dedicate streets. Moved by Councilman Meschuk, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the Council approve the recommendations of the Planning Commission, contained in its Resolution No. 263, and that said recommendations be implemented by the City Engineer. Carried by the following vote: _ Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and CITY OF LOS ANGELES, dated June 6, 1956, being copy of communica- tion to the Board of Public Works, State, County and Federal Affairs Committee, transmitting to said Board the City of El Segundots resolution requesting the City of Los Angeles make certain improvements in the tunnel on Sepulveda Boulevard between Imperial Highway and Century Boulevard. Ordered filed. MUNICIPAL COURT OF INGLEWOOD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, being report of fines and fees collected for City of E1 Segundo during the month of May, 1956, amounting to $3,723.00, the City's portion being $3,313.47. Ordered filed. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, being notice of hearing to be held July 5, 1956, in San Francisco, on Applications Nos. 38017, 38018 and 38019, of Transcontinental Bus System, Inc., Continental Pacific Lines, and Pacific Greyhound Lines, respectively, for increases in fares and /or rates. Ordered filed. RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, dated June 11, 1956, transmitting copy of resolution adopted by said Commission at its ad- journed regular meeting held May 31, 1956, submitting the working drawings, specifications and bidding schedule for the E1 Segundo Community Park to the Council for its consideration, and recommending that Item #1, with revisions A and B. of the bidding schedule, be approved for said Park project. Ordered filed. PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, dated June 7, 1956, advis- ing that at an adjourned meeting of said Commission held June 6, 1956, a resolution was adopted under which the Planning Commission, of its own motion, -?I- lI1C 951 has set for hearing on July 11, 1956, the matter of proposed change of zone for certain properties in Blocks 11, 120 21 and 22, and change of classifi- cation of certain C -M uses to M -1 use. Ordered filed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Floyd Wallace, residing at 127 Loma Vista Street, E1 Segundo, requested that in preparing plans and specifications for the improvement of Loma Vista Street between Franklin Avenue and the alley southerly thereof, being the east -west alley in Block 15, El Segundo Sheet No. 1, the City give consideration to keeping said alley open to traffic in order to prevent a traffic problem inasmuch as this alley provides ingress and egress to the southerly extension of Loma Vista Street. Mr. Wallace also stated the El Segundo Medical Center is of great benefit to the citizens of the City and he appreciated the convenience of its 24 -hour service, and expressed the hope that it would be given the support of the City to insure its continuing service, and requested the City Council give consideration to this matter, if possible, with respect to entering into future contracts for services of this kind. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES City Manager Sailors made reports as follows: 1. Presented for the Council's consideration form of resolution making certain adjustments in salaries to employees of the City, and repeal- ing Resolution No. 1509, the Salary Resolution presently in effect, and recommended approval thereof. Moved by Camci] man Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that Resolution No. 1621, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF THE VARIOUS OFFICERS AND +r• HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY, AND OF THE VARIOUS EMPLOYEES THEREOF; AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 1509 OF SAID COUNCIL AND ALL RESOLUTIONS AMENDATORY OF OR SUPPLEMENTARY TO SAID RESOLUTION NO. 1509., which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. 2. That the Recreation Director desired to purchase certain equip- ment, which items are included in the Recreation Department's budget, to wit: a portable record player and amplifier, and a sound projector and screen, at \ costs of not to exceed $280.00 and $525.00, respectively, plus Sales Tax, for use in the Recreation program, and Mr. Sailors recommended approval thereof. Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to cause a purchase order to be issued to cover purchase of one portable record player and amplifier, and one sound projector and screen, at costs of not to exceed $280.00 and $525.00, respectively, plus Sales Tax, for the Recreation Department of the City. Carried by the following vote: lK 952 Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and 3. That inasmuch as Proposition IWI was approved by the voters in the June 5, 1956 Primary Election, the City might request the Metropolitan Water District to include in its capital outlay plans provisions to install additional feeder lines to bring more water into this area; that this matter had been discussed with officials of said District and it appeared that an allocation for this purpose would be available. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Water District of California has received authority from the voters, by virtue of the passage of Proposition 'W't at the Primary Election held June 5, 1956, to use funds due it, said funds being collectible at future times from areas annexed to the District; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Water District proposes to use said funds for capital improvements to its system; and WHEREAS, the City of E1 Segundo has employed water consultants and said consultants have informed the City that an additional supply of water will be needed on or before the year 1965; and WHEREAS, the Water Superintendent has informed the Council that the City is rapidly approaching the time when it will need additional water supply, not only for present users but for the definitely assured growth in the immediate future; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council does respectfully request that the West Basin Water Board'"If Directors request the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Water District to give early consideration to a program that would result in a larger supply of water for the West Coast Basin area served by said Water District. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Mayor Benfield: Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and City Attorney Bush made reports as follows: 1. Presented for the Councilts consideration form of resolution respecting presentation, auditing and payment of demands by the City. Following discussion by the Council, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that Resolution No. 1622, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO AND REGULATING THE PRESENTATION, AUDITING AND PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AND CLAIMS AGAINST SAID CITY., which was read, be adopted. �Al 953 On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. 2. Presented for the Council's consideration an ordinance repeal- ing Ordinance No. 317, relating to the presentation, auditing and payment of demands. Councilman Gordon thereupon introduced Ordinance No. 488, entitled: which was read. entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 317 OF SAID CITY RELATING TO AND REGULATING THE PRESENTING, AUDITING AND PAYMENT OF DEMANDS., UNFINISHED BUSINESS The Deputy City Clerk read the title of Ordinance No. 483, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND DEFINING AND SETTING FORTH THE POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF. It was then moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, and unanimously carried by the following roll call; to wit: es: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None, that the further reading of Ordinance No. 483 be waived. Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that Ordinance No. 483, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND DEFINING AND SETTING FORTH THE POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF., which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 28th day of May, 1956, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. =915 1K 954 entitled: The Deputy City Clerk read the title of Ordinance No. 487, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALI- FORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 434 (THE COM- PREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING "SECTION 1509tt OF "ARTICLE 1519 OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 434, AS AMENDED. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Baker, and unanimously carried by the following roll call, to wit: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and that the further reading of Ordinance No. 487 be waived. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that Ordinance No. 487, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALI- FORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 434 (THE COM- PREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING "SECTION 150911 OF ARTICLE 1511 OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 434, AS AMENDED., which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 28th day of May, 1956, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; + Absent: Councilmen None. PAYING BILLS The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Water Works Fund Payroll Demand 83,077.93 Ruth Hopp, City Treasurer 399.30 it it it it 24.99 State Employeest Retirement System State Employees' Retirement System Title Insurance & Trust Company Arnold Schleuniger Co. Southern Calif. Gas Co. Kimball Elevator Co., Ltd. Pacific Radionics Dept. of Public Works Carl Wilson Christmas Electric J. G. Tucker & Son 193-35 206.87 67.20 1,156.76 5.78 11.00 10.00 193.35 40.00 126.70 14.20° (Conttd) Water Works Fund - Conttd Burroughs Corporation $ 117.62 James Jones Company 371.99 Western Water Works 498.89 Ira E. Escobar 15.80 Dayton Foundry 74.88 Mutual Liquid Gas & Equip. 6.08 Hersey Mfg. Co. 1,612.83 Howard Supply Co. 29.60 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co. 589.84 The Lacal Company, Inc. 20.87 Underwriters Equip. Co. 12.72 TOTAL 8-,878-55 Water Works Bond Election 1948, Construction Fund C. J. Hendry Company 387.30 TOTAL $ 387.30 (Conttd) -11- Pension Fund State Employees' Retirement System $ 1,539.56 TOTAL $ 1,539.56 Recreation Fund Ruth Hopp, City Treasurer $ 1,843.34 it it it it 192.39 Hospital Service of Morgan & Son Southern California 5.05 State Employees' Grimes Stassforth Stationery Retirement System 38.61 Torrance Desk & Richfield Oil Corp. Office Equipment Co. 186.94 Forrest Stationers 15.74 Southern California Pacific Electric Railway Co. Edison Company .84 E1 Segundo Hardware 5.01 Sherrill Prescription Pharmacy 6.62 Burtons Leathercraft 38.96 Coca -Cola Bottling Company 16.90 Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk 8.11 TOTAL $ 2058.50 General Fund Los Angeles Daily Journal 6 12.95 Charles Bruning Co., Inc. 16.34 T. B. DeBerry, Chief of Police 31.23 Morgan & Son 114.20 El Segundo Hardware 62.63 Grimes Stassforth Stationery 49.56 Elliott's Photo Service 13.48 Richfield Oil Corp. 697.07 Industrial Blueprint & Supply 88.02 City of El Segundo Water Dept. 579.75 Pacific Electric Railway Co. 14.75 George C. Porter Printing 30.68 Belcher and Schacht 11.83 The DeVilbiss Co. 24.00 A. M. Donaher & Son 7.21 El Segundo Bldg. Materials 6.50 The Foxboro Co. 121.89 Snap -On Tools Corp. 14.87 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 26.39 Carburetor & Elec. Supply Co. 4.97 Hessell Chevrolet 8.44 Larson Duplicating 16.31 J. E. Bauer Co. 64.34 Kenneth R. Benfield 8.25 Monroe Calculating Machine Co. 25.00 Police Safety Council 400.00 Lee Parmelee 6.20 Neo- Flasher Mfg. Co. 27.06 City of Redondo Beach 47.20 U. S. Government Printing Off. 1.00 Winston K. Williams, M. D. 15.00 Forrest Stationers 127.69 Briles Mfg. Co. 125.00 Dickenson & Miller 42.00 Dickenson & Miller 340.00 Chaddick Contractors 25.00 All Coast Construction Co. 36.40 Ira Escobar, Inc. 2,108.92 Columbia Showcase and C. V. Baird Auto Supply Cabinet Company 614.12 M.G.R. Construction Co. 4,400.00 36.69 (Contfd) General Fund - Contfd Ruth Hopp, City Treasurer $2,291.29 it it it tt 861.03 It tt it tt 906.54 it it it it 4,949.62 tt tt tt tt 1,628.04 it it tt tt 2,433-58 tt it it tt 2,731-56 tt it it tt 43.90 it tt it tt 2,400.95 State Employeest Retirement System 1,622.38 Ruth Hopp, City Treasurer 21.25 Title Insurance and Trust Company 4.80 Hospital Service of Southern California 15.90 Gordon Whitnall 100.00 Lennox Disposal Service 3,235.05 Southern California Humane Society 200.00 E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce 50.00 Lelah Converse 100.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 8.25 Koeller Bros. House Movers 221.00 Motor Rim & Wheel Service 1.75 California State Personnel Board 36.59 Ira E. Escobar 26.60 Industrial Stationery & Printing Co. 38.74 American Accounting Assn 5.00 State of California, Printing Division 9.36 American Photocopy Equip. Co. 44.99 Brachman Ignition Works 39.81 Air- Refrigeration Corp. 20.00 New Pacific Lumber Co. 58.15 C. V. Baird Auto Supply 11.40 G. J. Payne Co. 28.48 Pacific Mill & Mine Supply 36.69 Contractors Asphalt Sales 18.52 Pacific Radionics 314.94 Gibson Motor Parts 26.46 L. A. County Peace Officers Assn 8.50 Howard Supply Co. 12.20 T. B. DeBerry 5.05 Park Maintenance 7.50 F. Morton Pitt Co. 118.52 Worley & Co. 2,013.44 Rains Glass Shop 47.67 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 25.70 R. B. ''Bobo Walker 36.86 Torrance Desk & Office Equipment Co. 498.94 Floyd Carr, Jr. 37.00 All Coast Construction Co. 25.00 Robert Brandlin 25.00 Dickenson & Miller 65.00 Oswald Bros. Co. 1,827.85 Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk 79.53 Clayton D. Robbins and Frances M. Norman 17.71 TOTAL $ 39P573-40 -12- 955 956 Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield: Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. 0 z B3ib)i0:4M None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that the meeting adjourn, the hour of adjournment being 9:40 o'clock P. M. -Carried. Approved: Mayor -13- Respectfully submitted, NEVA M. ELSEY, CITY CLERK /M