1956 APR 23 CC MINI/ 892 E1 Segundo, California April 23, 1956 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segandm, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those presenoined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, a' dr'which Reverend Gordon Yeaton of St. Michael's Episcopal Church offered a prayer. The meeting was then called to order by Kenneth R. Benfield, Mayor, the hour being 7:00 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Frederick, Gordon -and Mayor Benfield; Councilmen Absent: Baker and Meschuk. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING ` The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held April 17, 1956, having been read and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the minutes of said meet- ing be approved as recorded. Carried. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS The Mayor then declared this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a public hearing on the matter of ordering vacation of certain portions of Arena Street, Holly Avenue, and alleys in Block 61 and 62, E1 Segundo, as con- templated by Resolution of Intention No. 1588 of the City Council. The City Clerk reported that Affidavits in support_of ths.piLblication of the Resolution of Tntention and of the Posting of the Notice of Street Vaca- tion, as required by law, are on file in her office. The Mayor then inquired of the City Clerk if any written protests or objections against the vacation had been filed with her in the matter, and the Clerk advised that no protests had been received. 1 The Mayor then inquired if any person or persons in the Council Chamber desired to address the Council respecting such proposed vacation, and no one responding, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Council- man Gordon, that Resolution No. 1598, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE VACATION OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ARENA STREET, HOLLY AVENUE, AND ALLEYS IN BLACKS 61 and 62, EL SEGUNDO TRACT, WITHIN SAID CITY, AS CONTEMPLATED BY RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 1588 OF SAID CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED ON THE 12th DAY OF MARCH, 1956•, which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the follow- ing votes -1- 1K' 893 Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon and Mayor Bonfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen Baker and Meschuk. The Clerk notified the City Council that this was the time and place fixed for the opening of bids, pursuant to Notice Inviting Bids for the im- provement of portions of Lomita Street and other streets and alleys as contem- plated b,,y4Res-olution of Intention No. 1587, and also reported she had received two bids. It was then moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that the City proceed to open, examine and publicly declare said bids. Carried. The Council proceeded to open, examine and publicly declare said bids, which were found to be as follows: Griffith Company - - - - - - - - - - - $14,617.95 Oswald Bros. Co - - - - - - - - - - - 16,425.47 Reference is hereby made to the bids on file with the City Clerk for all details as to the unit prices and kind or class of work to be done. On motion made by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon.; and unanimously carried, both bids were referred to the City Engineer for check- ing and report back later in the meeting. Councilman Meschuk appeared at the meeting at this time, the hour being 7:11 o'clock P.M., and immediately took his seat at the Council table. The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the reception of bids for repainting the water storage tank, and inquired of the City Clerk if she had any bids therefor. The City Clerk advised she had in her possession three bids, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare said Bids. Carried. Bids from the following were received: Larson & Caldwell - - - - - - - - - - 5,343.00 Acme Maintenance Engineering Company - 4,941.00 Spence & Sullivan, Inc. - - - - - - - 3,585.00 Public Works Director Webb recommended that the Contract be awarded to Spence & Sullivan, Inc., and thereafter it was moved by Councilman Gordon, second- ed by Councilman Frederick, that Resolution No. 1599, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPT- ING THE BID OF SPENCE & SULLIVAN, INC., FOR REPAINTING THE EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR SURFACES OF THE EXISTING TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND GALLON ELEVATED STEEL WATER STORAGE TANK OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF SAID CITY., which was read, be adopted. On roll call„ said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. -2- Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; ill( 894 The Mayor announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the opening of bids, pursuant to Notice Inviting Bids on Improvements and Additions to the South Reservoir of the Water Department, and he inquired of the City Clerk if she had any bids therefor. The City Clerk advised she had received two bids, following which it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Council- man Meschuk, that the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare said bids. Carried. Bids from the following were received: James H. Wilson - - - - - - - 140985.00 Arnold Schleuniger - - - - - 159540.00 L The City Engineer stated that while the bids were in excess of the estimate, inasmuch-as both bids were from reputable contractors and were very close together, he recommended that the Council accept the bid of James H. Wilson, the lowest bidder. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that Resolution No. 1600, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPT- ING THE BID OF JAMES H. WILSON FOR IM- PROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS M THE SOUTH RESERVOIR OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF SAID CITY., which was read, be adopted. On roll call said motion carried, and said resolution was adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; WEM, Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. WRITTEN COM14UNICATIONS Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corpora- tions hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter. WILLIAM R. SELBY, dated April 16, 1956, advising that at a conference held with Councilman Timberlake of the City of,Los Angeles, they had discussed the question of cooperation between the City of'E1 Segundo and the City of Los Angeles in handling traffic accidents at Imperial Highway and Main Street in the City of Los Angeles, and that Mr. Timberlake had agreed to investigate the matter. Accompanying,the before mentioned communication were copies of letters written by Councilman Timberlake to William H. Parker, Chief of Police, Lloyd M. Braff, General Manager, Traffic Department, and Dr. Charles F. Sebastian, Super- intendent Receiving Hospital, all of Los Angeles, requesting that a thorough investigation and report be made by all of these departments with the view of adopting some measures which will alleviate the condition. Following the reading of the foregoing communications, Mayor Benfield requested Councilman Mesehuk to follow through on the matter and the City Clerk was requested to cause copies of the communications to be given to the Press. MC CARTHY INSURANCE AGENCY, dated April 12, 1956, suggesting that the Council giv& consideration to paying the premium on the Treasurer's and City Clerk's bonds for a four year period instead of one year, thereby saving $225.00 on the premium of the Treasurer's bond and $56.25 on the premium of the City Clerk's bond. -3- Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Frederiok,.seconded by Councilman Meschuk that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized to 'request Mc Cai-thy'Insuiranpe Agency. t6lningmice the City' €or.,th® premium 6n the City'Treasurer`s and City Clerk's bofids, -on the basis of four years instead of one. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. WALTER N. ANDERSON, of the firm of Denison, Dietrich & Anderson, attorneys, dated Aprtll 12, 1956, with which was enclosed petition of David Boran requesting permission to place six additional amusement machines at the Imperial Bowl. Mr. Anderson, who) was present in the Council Chamber, addressed the Council and stated that due to the size of the establishment at the Imperial Fowl, he felt the installation of additional machines would be justified; that the machines will be placed along the walls so as not to interfere with ingress and egress, and that only machines having the approval of the Chief of Police will be installed and allowed to remain subject to his approval. Councilman Meschuk inquired how many small children played these machines, and Mr. Anderson stated they were not allowed to play. Chief of Police De Berry informed the Council that the type of machines proposed to be installed are of a type permitted under the Ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo, and that the only reason the application had been held up was on account of the Council's policy, in view of the fact that heretofore it had stated only two amusement machines might be placed in each place of business. Following further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Meschuk, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the application of David Boran, dba D. & M. Vendors Inc., dated April 12, 1956; requesting' permits to operate six additional amusement games at 1440 East Imperial Highway, in the City of E1 Segundo, presented to the Council this date, be received and filed and hereby referred to and by this reference included herein and made a part hereof; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in view of the fact the premises upon which the amusement games would be installed, cover a considerable area, and in view of the further fact the types of machines to be installed have the approval of the Chief of Police, temporary permits, revocable at any time by the City Council, without notice, without cause and without liability, be and the same are hereby granted to said applicant, David Boran, dba D. & M. Vendors Inc., to place, maintain and operate six additional amusement games at 1440 East Imperial Highway; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as in any manner whatsoever authorizing or permitting any gambling of any nature to be conducted or permitted in connection with the placement, use or operation of such devices; and further, that all such oper- ations shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. QAZ Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; OR ylf 896 W.-A. ROBINSON, undated, advising that during the heavy rains in the month of January, his property located at 540 -42 Standard Street, in the City of E1 SeAundo; was damaged due to collection of rain water in the streets; that he feels there was negligence on the part of the City and that he hhould be compensated for the damage to his property. By general consent, the matter was referred to the City Attorney and the City Engineer for investigation and report back to the Council. RACHEL HALLEY, undated, registering a complaint against machine shops which have been allowed to operate on Richmond Street. By general consent, the City Clerk was requested 1!b reply to the communication advising Hiss Halley that the Planning Commission presently has the matter before it for hearings. WALTER W: SWANSON, dated April 18, 1956, being his resignation, effectb- ive immediat4ly, as a member of the Board of Trustees of El Segundo Public Library. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, that the resignation of Walter W. Swanson as a member of the Board of Trustees of El Seg- undo Public Library be accepted effective this date. Carried., PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, being copy of First Amendment to Application No. 37753 of the Metropolitan Coach Lines for authority to adjust rates. It appearing from discussion that unless expert rate testimony can be presented at the hearing, it would be of no avail to take other steps, the com- munication was ordered filed. PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, transmitting copy of its res- olution No. 251 denying change of zone to Wilma M. and Ralph B. Hoard for Lot 3, Block 28, El Segundo. By general consent, the communication was ordered filed pending expir- ation of the time for appeal. CORPS OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY, dated April 9, 1956, advising that application has been made by the City of Los Angeles, Department of Water and Power, for permission to install two circulating water structures at a point approximately fifty feet north of the E1 Segundo City boundary, and advising that objections based on navigation interests only, may be submitted on or before Monday, May 7th. Ordered filed. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, being notification of further hearings in the matter of application of Southern California Gas Company for authority to increase its rates. Ordered filed. At this time the City Engineer reported that he had tabulated the bids received for the improvement of portions of Lomita Street and other streets and alleys, as per Resolution of Intention No. 1587, and finds that the bid of Griffith Company is the lowest regular bid submitted for said improvement. Whereupon Councilman Frederick offered and moved the adoption of Res- olution No. 1601, awarding the contract to Griffith Company at the prices named in its bid, said bid being the lowest, regular bid submitted for said improve- ment, which motion was seconded by Councilman Gordon, the said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes; Councilmen Frederick, Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. Dim Gordon, Mesehuk and Mayor Benfield; �( 897 None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES City Clerk made report as follows: 1. The City Clerk requested permission to attend the Municipal Finance Officers Conference at Washington, D. C., June 3 to 7, 1956, inclusive. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, the follow- ing resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby author- ized to attend the Conference of the Municipal Finance Officers AssociatioA"to be held at Washington, D. C. June 3 to 7, 1956, both dates inclusive, and that the City shall pay all reason- able and necessary expense; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in all incidents where City personnel is authorized to attend conferences, meetings, etc., on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a warrant in advance of such conferences, meetings, etc., to defray ex- penses of such personnel. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield;. Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. City Attorney made reports as follows: 1. That pursuant to instruction, he had caused a new Electrical Code to be prepared, the provisions of which ordinance he explained to the Council. The City Clerk read the title of Ordinance No. 484, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIF- ORNIA, (DESIGNATED AS THE "ELECTRICAL CODE11) RELATING TO AND REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, CONNECTION, INSTALLATION, ARRANGEMENT, LOCATION, PROTECTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, USE AND OPERATION OF ELECTRIC WIRING, CONNECTIONS, FIXTURES, DEVICES, APPLIANCES, EQUIPMENT, APPARATUS AND OTHER ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND WORK WITHIN SAID CITY. It was then moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick and unanimously carried by the following roll call, to wit: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker; that the further reading of Ordinance No. 484 be waived. Councilman Frederick thereupon introduced Ordinance No. 484 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIF- ORNIA, (DESIGNATED AS THE "ELECTRICAL CODErt) RELATING TO AND REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, CONNECTION, INSTALLATION, ARRANGEMENT, LOCATION, PROTECTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, USE AND OPERATION OF ELECTRIC WIRING, CONNECTIONS, FIXTURES, DEVICES, APPLIANCES, EQUIPMENT, APPARATUS AND OTHER ELECTRI- CAL MATERIALS AND WORK WITHIN SAID CITY., 10 �K 898 which was read. 2. Informed the Council that the cities of Hermosa Beach and Man- hattan Beach have brought suit against the City of Los Angeles and'other cities and districts using the City of Los Angeles Hyperion Outfall Sewage facility; that the defendant cities have until May 4 to file an answer to the complaint and that said defendant cities are holding a conference at the City Hall at Los Angeles after the hearing on the injunbtion, to deter- mine what action to follow; that inasmuch as the next meeting of the Council will not be held until May 14th, he recommended that the City Council con- sider the employment of special counsel to represent the City of E1 Segundo at such time as is necessary, and also recommended that the Council employ Robert Dunlap, an attorney, as such special counsel, who has heretofore represented the City in other cases. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the City Attorney, in connection with the action brought in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, by the City of Manhattan Beach and the City of Hermosa Beach against the City of Los Angeles, et al, asking for the abatement of nuisance and other relief with respect to Hyperion Outfall Sewage Facilities, be and he is hereby authorized to employ, and there is hereby employed by the City of El Segundo, Mr. Robert H. Dunlap, attorney, of Pasadena, California, as Associate Counsel for said City in all matters and to represent said City in the above mentioned matter, and-that the City of El Segundo shall pay to said Associate Counsel the regular and usual charges for services rendered in like or similar cases. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. Director of Public Works made reports as follows: 1. Presented for the Council's consideration two street deeds dedicating to the City five feet of .property necessary for the widening of Maple Avenue. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain Street Deed, dated the 2@)th day of April, 1956, executed by Henry Joseph De Neui and Eleanor L. De Neui, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: and The northerly 5.00 feet of the easterly 65.00 feet of Lot 7, Block 111, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 5, as recorded on Pages 114 and 115 of Book 20 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California., -7- U • 1 1 STREET DEED, dated the 11th day of April, 1956, executed by Theo Haley and Evelyn J. Haley, conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: The southerly 5.00 feet of the westerly 1/2 of Lot 12, Block 109, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 5, as recorded on Pages 114 and 115, of Book 20 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Los Angeles, California., for public street purposes in connection with the widening of Maple Avenuw, in said City, be and the same are hereby accepted for and on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to cause said instruments to be filed for record as one document in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield;� Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. 2• Recommended that the City Council authorize payment to the grantees of the northerly 5.00 feet of the easterly 65.00 feet of Lot 7, Block 111, E1 Se- gundo, and the grantees of the southerly 5.00 feet of the westerly 1/2 of Lot 12, Block 109, E1 Segundo. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that payment to the following named persons in amount set opposite their respective names, and covering prop- erty deeded to the City of E1 Segundo as follows, to wit: Name Amount Property Henry Joseph De Neui and Nly 5.00 ft. of Ely 65.00 ft. Eleanor L. De Neui $60.13 Lot 7, Block 111 Theo Haley and Sly 5.00 ft. of Wly 1/2 Evelyn J. Haley $239.07 Lot 12, Block 109 be and the same are hereby authorized, and the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to present to this Council in due course demands and warrants in said amounts, such warrants to be paid from the Special Gas Tax Fund. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. 3. That he had prepared for the Council's Consideration a report respect- ing certain phases of the Water Department, in which report he recommended that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications, and necessary documents for the drilling of a water well and the construction of a pipeline to the treatment plant; also that the City Engineer be authorized to make a study of F -8- lK 900 water rates charged by municipal, private and mutual water companies, and make recommendations for necessary adjustments in existing rates, to bring revenues into more favorable comparisons with appeating costs and capitol expenditures. Following consideration of the report, it was moved by Councilman Meschuk, seconded by Councilman Frederick that the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized to prepare plans, specifications and necessary docu- ments covering the drilling of a water well and construction of pipeline, and to present same to this Council for its further action. Carried. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized to make a study of water rates, as recommended in his report, and to thereafter advise this Council of the results of such study. Carried. 4. That he had tabulated the bids heretofore received by the City Council for furnishing a dump truck for use by the Street Department; that two of the bidders had submitted bids on identical equipment, to wit: Downtown Ford Sales, and Ira Escobar, Inc. Discussion was had as to the various phases of the bids submitted, and it appearing that the bid of Ira Escobar, Inc., is to the best advantage of the City, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that resolution No. 1602, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BID OF IRA ESCOBAR, INC., FOR ONE CERTAIN DUMP TRUCK AS THE BID MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO THE CITY, AND REJECTING ALL OTHER BIDS., which was read, be adopted. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Does: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. 5. Presented for the Council's consideration form of Easement Agree- ment from North American Inc., covering installation of a water line along the easterly six feet of said Company's new office building site on Imperial High- way. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that a copy of Grant of Easement Agreement by and between North American Aviation, Inc., a Delaware Corpo- ration, therein termed the Grantor, and the'City of E1 Se- gundo, a municipal corporation, therein termed the Rrantee, wherein said Grantor grants to said Grantee an easement and right of way for the location, installation, construction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance, and use by said Grantee of a pipe line, together with its necessary pipe fittings and appurtenances, for the transportation of water in and under the following described parcel of real property situa- ted in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Anol*si, Mate of California, to wit: The Easterly six (6) feet of that certain parcel of land deeded to North American Aviation, Inc. by Document No. 606, re- lK 901 corded December 13, 1954, in Book 46357, at Page 260 of Official Records of Los Angeles County, California, on file in the office of the Recorder of said County., be and the same is hereby accepted for water pipe line pur- poses on behalf of said City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the pity of E1 Segundo does hereby approve said Grant of Easement Agreement, and does hereby authorize and instruct the Mayor 9nd the City Clerk of said City to execute the same on behalf of said City and in its name; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to cause said instrument to be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. Building Superintendent made reports as follows: 1. That effective April 18, 1956, he had employed Mr. William Waters as Assistant Building Inspector under Schedule 9, Step E of the Salary Resolution of the City of El Segundo, and requested approval of his action. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that effective April 18, 1956, and until the further order of the City Council, William Waters be and he is hereby employed as Assistant Building Inspector for the City of El Segundo under Schedule 9, Step E of the Salary Resolution of said City. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. 2. Advised that all work in connection with relocation bond No. 558.34, furnished by Tom Hood, for relocating a dwelling ,a-t322 Penn Street, and another dwelling relooated at 220 Sheldon Street, E1 Segundo, had been completed to his satisfaction, and recommended the exoneration of said bond. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, the follow- ing resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain Relocation Permit Bond No. 558134, dated December 12, 1955, with Tom H. Hood as Principal, and The Travelers Indemnity Company as Surety, in the sum of $1,000.00, be and the same is hereby exonerated from any liability accruing thereunder subsequent to midnight this date, to wit: April 23, 1956. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. -10- Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; ylf 902 3. Advised that all work in connection with relocation permit, bond No. 523038, furnished by N. J. Miller, for relocating a dwelling to 217 Sheldon Street, E1 Segundo, has been completed to his satisfaction, and recommended the bond be exonerated. Moved by Councilman Gordon,.seconded by Councilman Meschuk, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain Relocation Permit Bond No. 523038, datediApril 28, 1955, with N. J. Miller as Principal and The Travelers Indemnity Company as Surety, in the amount of $1,000.00, be and the same is hereby exonerated from any liability accruing thereunder subsequent to midnight this date, to wit: April 23, 1956. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. 4. Advised that all work in connection with relocation permit bond dated June 21, 1955, furnished by Mary E. Squires, for relocating a dwelling and garage to 656 West Imperial Highway, E1 Segundo, had been completed to his satisfaction, and recommended the bond be exonerated. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain Relocation Permit Bond, dated June 21, 1955, with Mary E. Squires as Principal, and Pacific Employers Insurance Company as Surety, in the amount of $1,000.00, be and the same is hereby exonerated from any liability accruing thereunder subsequent to mid- night this date, to wit: April 23, 1956. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. UNFINISHED BUSINESS The City Clerk read the title of Ordinance No. 482,•entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY UNDER THE PRO- VISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 434 (THE COMPRE- HENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION, DESIGNATED AS 1315', TO ARTICLE 3 OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 434; AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, ACCORDINGLY. It was then moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, and unanimously carried by the following roll call, to wit: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker, that the further reading of Ordinance No. 482 be waived. -11- Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that Ordinance No. 482, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUND09 CALIFORNIA, RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY UNDER THE PRO- VISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 434 (THE COMPRE- HENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION, DESIGNATED AS 13151, TO ARTICLE 3 OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 434; AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, ACCORDINGLY., which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 9th day of April, 1956, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said ordinance was adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. PAYING BILLS Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; At this time Mayor Benfield appointed Councilman Baker as Finance Committee and Councilman Meschuk as Finance Committee pro tempore, for the City of El Segundo, it being understood that Councilman Gordon would act as Finance Committee for this meeting. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Water Works Fund Water Works Bond Constr.Fund Payroll Demand $ 3,175.89 Rich Mfg. Co. $ 797.16 Ruth Hopp, City Treas. 399.00 H. Burlin 790.40 tt » » » 6.25 Rensselaer Valve Co. 707.80 State Employees) Ret.Sys. 193.35 J. E. Young Pipeline » » it » 206.87 Contractor, Inc. 251.01 Hospital Service of TOTAL 2,546.37 So. Calif. 47.15 Arrow Pacific Drayage .93 Recreation Fund James Jones Co. 316.65 Ruth Hopp, City Treas. $ 339.00 Smith - Blair, Inc. 183.69 it » » » 39.70 Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. 14.23 Hospital Service of So.Calif. 9.80 Century Oil Co. 9.62 So. Calif. Gas Co. 14.73 Mutual Liquid Gas Equip.Co. 6.08 State Board of Equalization 9.26 Robt. L. Webb,Jr. 74.18 American Inst. of Park John's Electrical Serv. 9.50 Executives, Inc. 15.00 Rensselaer Valve Co. 980.37 Goliger Leather Co.,Inc. 71.96 Park.Son, Inc. 39.00 National Recreation Assn. 1.50 West Basin Municipal t'Hi -Bob Custom Arrow Co." 13.50 Water Dist. 19,228.50 Rose City Archery Co. 142.00 Luippold Engr. Sales Co. 70.20 Moore's Stores 36.71 36.71 George C. Porter 30.94 Torrance Desk & Equip. Co. 204.76 Addressograph- Multi- Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 58.73 graph Corp. 12.36 Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk 2.41 Golden State Sup. Co. 4.59 Burton's Leathercraft 25.64 City of El Segundo 2,488.94 TOTAL # 984.70 West Basin Water SAssn. 27.00 Allied Equip.Co. 8.00 Pension Fund TOTAL $ 27,533.29 State Employees' Ret. Sys. $ 1.466_22 TOTAL $ 1,466.92 -12- ti� ylf 904 General Fund General Fund, Cont'd Ruth Hopp, City Treas. 1,826.27 State of California 9.27 n » » n 895.74 G. J. Payne Co. 814.63 rr n » » 1,149.73 So. Calif. Edison Co. 541.54 4,430.56 Construction Products Sales 32.03 » » » rr 1070.95 A. M. Donaher & Son 6.85 » » rr n 2,384.83 Lee Parmelee 15.70 » » rr » 2,429.70 Dept. of Traffic, L.A. 203.51 n » n » 2,245.44 The Lighthouse, Inc. 36.01 » fit it » 18.75 Gibson Motor Parts 211.49 State Employees' Ret. Sys. 1,595.31 Berkley Engr. & Equip - Hospital Serv.of So.Calif. 379.10 ment Co. 38.83 Title Ins. & Trust Co. 277.80 Elliott's Photo Service 152.17 Ruth Hopp, City Treas. 943.81 County of Los Angeles 40.39 Oswald Bros. Co. 341•49 Liberty Waste Mtls.Corp. 14.13 Morgan & Son 62.41 C. V. Baird Auto Supply 27.69 Mrs. Doris I. Skidmore 15.00 The White Motor Co. 26.13 Mrs. Clara Runge 15.00 So. Calif. Edison Co. 1,740.00 Mrs. Eunice A. Kenner 15.00 Postmaster, U.S.Postoffice 19.27 Mrs. Paula Hilligas 15.00 F. Morton Pitt Co. 217.81 Mrs. Mildred A. Rowly 15.00 Egnew House Movers 6.00 Mrs. Sylvia Van Tress 15.00 Brown -Bevis Industrial Foursquare Church 15.00 Equipment Co. 1,893.14 Mrs. Mary E. Mullins 15.00 The Filmstrip House 5.03 Mrs. Estelle Hutchins 15.00 L.A.County Health Dept. 23.33 Mrs. Jessie Billingsly 15.00 JohnD: Meschuk, M.D. 30.00 Mrs. Bernadine Borg 15.00 Geo. Co. Porter Printing 41.24 Mrs. Mamie G. Miller 15.00 Pac. Elec. Ry. Co. 9.41 First Baptist Church 15.00 Radio Corp. of America 97.45 Mrs. Edgar D. McKinley 55.80 Jack Morgan 32.60 H. J. Cary Co. 12.00 Colich Constr. Co. 15.00 Wm. R. Selby 8.00 So. Calif. Gas. Co. 36.17 State Board of Equalization 0.94 Underwood Corp. 437.75 So. Bay Welder's Supply 8.86 Hercules Motors Corp. 11.20 Robt. L. Webb, Jr. 32.50 Torrance Desk & Office Equip - Ja. R. Engine & Supply 25.54 ment Co. 1005.14 John R. Reeves & Son 12.50 So.Calif. Disinfecting Co. 377.29 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 514.25 Oswald Bros. Co. 4044.50 Mode 0' ®Day 9.33 Gravely Pacific, Inc. 68.14 Le Roi -Rix Machinery Co. 36.57 Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk 55.06 T. D. De Berry 26.76 E1 Segundo Neon Sign Co. 20.00 County of Los Angeles 9.00 L. J. Roscitto 41/40 Phil Minner 47.50 City of E1 Seg. Water Dept. 246.13 Nat'l Fire Protection Assn. 10.00 - Uniform Uniform Build ing Code 24,.76 (Cont'd) Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respect- ive funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. NEW BUSINESS At this time Mayor Benfield announced he was appointing Councilman Gordon as Alternate Director to represent the City of El Segundo at meetings of the County Sanitation Districts. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, the following resolution be adopted: -13- ylf 905 RESOLVED, that George E. Gordon, Jr., a member of the C1ty Council of the City of E1 Segundo, be and he is here- by selected and designated as an alternate member of the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos. South Bay Cities and 5 of Los Angeles County, who shall be a member of said District Boards to act in place of the presiding officer of this City Council during his absence, inability or refusal to act as such member of said District Boards. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. Mayor Benfield announced it would be necessary to appoint two new members to the Board of Trustees of El Segundo Public Library, to fill the unexpired terms of former members Selby and Swanson. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that Councilman Meschuk and Mayor Benfield be appointed as members of said Library Board to fill the unexpired terms of former members Selby and Swanson. Carried. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, that Resolution No. 1603, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL 3EGUND09 CALIFORNIA, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 1408 OF SAID COUNCIL (MAK- ING PROVISION FOR SHE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AS COMMISSIONERS), PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY SAID COUNCIL ON THE 4TH DAY OF MAY, 1954., which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, that Resolution No. 1604, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO* CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1509 (THE SALARY RESOLUTION) OF SAID COUNCIL BY ADDING A NEW SUBDIVISION, TO BE KNOWN AS tt (F) tt, TO ttSEC TION 1. FIXED SERIES" OF PART 1 OF SAID RESOLUTION NO. 1509; AND BY REPEALING SUBDIVISION ttln OF PARAGRAPH "(A) ADMINISTRATIVE SERIEStt OF SECTION 3 OF SAID PART 1 OF SAID RESOLUTION NO. 1509, AS AMENDED., which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. -14- Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; 1K 996 Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that Resolution No. 1605, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CREATING THE POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER OF AND FOR SAID CITY; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND DEFINING THE POWERS OF SUCH ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER; AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 1384 OF SAID COUNCIL., .which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that effective April 24, 1956, and until the further older-of this Council, John J. Sailors be and he is hereby ap- pointed Administrative Officer in and for the City of El Segundo, to be compensated for his services in such capacity in accordance with the provisions of the Salary Resolution of the City of El Se- gundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Mesahuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, thatL effective April 22, 1956, and until the further order of this Council, Donald L. Wilkes be and he is hereby employed as Fireman in the Fire Department of the City of El Segundo, to be compensated for his services in such capacity under Schedule 6, Step A of the Salary Resolution of the City of El Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. Moved by Councilman Meschuk, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that effective April 24, 1956, and until the further order of this Council, Forest Harmon be and he is hereby employed as Laborer in the City Garage, to be com- pensated for his services under Schedule 4, Step B of the Salary Resolution of the City of E1 Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. The City Clerk announced that Mr. Laverne Thompson had tendered his resignation effective April 16, 1956; as call man in the Fire Department of the City of El Segundo. -15- The City Clerk called attention to a communication from T. B. De Berry, Chief of Police, in which he set forth the need of the Police Department for a new automobile to replace a 1954 2 door Chevrolet Sedan presently in use by said department, and which is in bad condition and too expensive to overhaul. She further stated that quotations had been received from local suppliers, such quo- tations include trade -in allowance on above mentioned Chevrolet, as follows: Hessell Chevrolet $1,260.59 including 4% sales tax Ira Escobar, Inc. 1,250.93 n n it it Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that a purchase order be and the same is hereby authorized to be issued to Ira Escobar, Inc., in amount of $1,250.93, covering purchase of one 1956 4 door custom line Ford sedan, to be equipped with accessories in accordance with specifications. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. The City Clerk called attention to the fact that a Mayors' and Coun- cilmen's Institute would be held at Monterey May 24 - 25, 1956, and that if any of the Councilmen desired to attend such Institute, hotel reservations should be made at an early date. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo and any Councilmen desiring so to do, be and they are hereby authorized to attend the Mayors' and Councilmen's Institute to be held at Monterey May 24 - 25, 1956, and that the actual and necessary expenses in connection with attending such Institute shall be paid by the City of El Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Meschuk, that the Administrative Officer of the City of El Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to cause ash trays to be purchased and installed on the chairs in the Council Chamber; also that suitable ash trays be purchased for the Council table and other tables. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Baker. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Meschuk that the meeting ad- journ, the hour of adjournment being 8:45 o'clock P.M. Carried. Approved: Mayor Respectfully Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk submitted, -16- 90'7