1955 MAY 11 CC MIN454 El Segundo, California May 11, 1955 This being the day designated as "Boys' Day" in the City of El Segundo, under the sponsorship of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the follow- ing High School Senior young men were present in the Council Chamber repre- senting various city officials as set forth after their respective names, to wit: Duane Conover Mayor Tom Vargo City Administrative Officer Larry Franklin Councilman George E. Gordon, Jr. Dorne Hamblin Councilman Robert L. Frederick Jack Whipple Councilman Walter W. Swanson Warren Eads Councilman Wilburn E. Baker Frank Giannini City Engineer Jerry Thompson City Treasurer Don Ashley Chief of Police Dwight Efflandt Fire Chief Darrell Adams Assistant Chief of Police Neil Brightwell City Accountant A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, those present were led.- in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States by Duane Conover, representing the Mayor of the City of El Segundo, following which a prayer was offered by Mr. Tom Vargo, representing the City Administrative Officer, who was introduced.by Reverend Marvin Johnson, of the Community Methodist Church of El Segundo. The meeting was then called to order at the hour of 7:00 o'clock P.M. by the City Clerk, the Mayor being absent. Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that Councilman Gordon be appointed Mayor pro tem. Carried. Councilman Gordon thereupon assumed the duties of the Mayor. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Councilmen Absent: Mayor Selby. Mayor pro tem Gordon then expressed appreciation for the opportunity of having the young men hereinbefore mentioned present at the Council session. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 6th day of May, 1955, having been read and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS The City. ;Clerk reported that this was the time and place fixed for the hearing of protests or objections against the work or the district, as described in Resolution of Intention No. 1501 in the matter of the con- struction of a sanitary sewer in a portion of Nevada Street. 5R! The City Clerk also reported that affidavits, in support of the publication of the Resolution of Intention, the mailing of printed notices of the adoption of said resolution, and the posting of the Notice of Im- provement, as required by law, had been made and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. The Mayor pro tem then inquired of the City Clerk if she had received any written protests or objections against the work or the district, and the Clerk reported that no written protests had been filed with her prior to the time set for the hearing. The Mayor pro tern than announced that this was the time and place set for the hearing of protests or objections against the work or the assess - ment district, each as set forth in the Resolution of Intention hereinbefore mentioned, and asked if anyone present desired to be heard in said matter. No one responded. Councilmen Baker then offered and moved the adoption of Resolution Ordering Work No. 1503 in the matter of the construction of a sanitary sewer in a portion of Nevada Street, in the City of E1 Segundo, which motion was seconded by Councilman Swanson, and upon roll call, was adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tern Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. Councilman Frederick then offered and moved the adoption of Resolu- tion No. 1504, which resolution determines the general prevailing rates of wages for the construction of a sanitary sewer in a portion of Nevada Street, within the City of E1 Segundo, which motion was seconded by Councilman Baker, and upon roll call, was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. Frederick, Swanson and Mayor The Mayor pro tem announced that this was the time and place hereto- fore fixed for a public hearing, under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo, on the appeal of Ace T. Beall from the decision of the Planning Commission of said City, as set forth in its Resolution No. 215, adopted at a regular meeting of said Commission held April 11, 1955, denying Mr. Beall's application for change of zone for Lots 19 and 20, Block 59,.E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, from Zone R -2 to Zone P. The Mayor pro tem inquired of the City Clerk if notice of the time, place and purpose of this hearing had been duly given and published, and if• she had on file in her office the affidavits showing such notice. The City Clerk advised that notice had been duly and regularly given and the affidavits establishing such fact were on file in her office together with the files of the City Council and Planning Commission, to this time, in said matter. Mayor pro tem Gordon thereupon ordered that the files in said matter be made a part of the record of this public hearing. The mayor pro tem then inquired of the City Clerk if she had received any written protests to the request for change of zone hereinabove referred to. The City Clerk thereupon read to the City Council the following com- munications in protest of the requested change of zone: -2- 455 456 F- Bert 0. Wood, dated May 7, 1955; Andy Melton and Mrs. Betty Ann Melton, undated; Phyllis L. Simmons and Joseph R. Simmons, dated May 10, 1955; and Mr. and Mrs. Otis McNeal, undated. The Mayor pro tem then inquired if anyone present desired to address the Council in favor of the requested change of zone. At this point the City Attorney suggested that the City Clerk would swear all persons who expect to address the Council with reference to the matter now pending before it, if the Council so desired. The Council indicat- ing approval of this procedure, a number of persons arose and were duly sworn by the City Clerk. Mayor pro tem Gordon stated the Council would now hear from anyone present who desired to speak in favor of the requested change of zone. Mr. Ace Beall, residing at 335 Eucalyptus Drive, the applicant for such rezoning, then addressed the Council and stated he had been sworn, and stated substantially as follows: That the City of E1 Segundo is growing very rapidly; that he understands two new families are moving into the City every day; that the population has increased since he moved to E1 Segundo from 3,500 to 12,000, and that it is also his understanding that the maximum contemplated population has been increased by persons making population estimates from 15,000 to 17,000; that in order to afford shopping privileges to residents of the City it is necessary that additional stores be erected and if shopping facilities are provided, it will also be necessary to provide parking facili- ties; that the merchants presently situated on Main Street and Grand Avenue are already faced with a serious parking problem and have under consideration a parking assessment district, and if this is done the property which he has requested be rezoned to P Zone will undoubtedly be taken into the district and be under the supervision of the City; that on the lots immediately west of Lots 19 and 20, Block 59, he has a prospective tenant who proposes to erect a $130,000.00 store building if parking facilities can be provided, and he feels these facilities are necessary for the future development of the City. No other person desiring to address the Council in favor of the re- quested rezoning, the Mayor pro tern inquired if anyone present desired to ad- dress the Council in opposition to the requested rezoning. Mr. Robert S. Allen stated he is an attorney with offices at 442 Main Street, E1 Segundo; that he has been sworn; that he represents a number of property owners who are opposed to the requested rezoning and that their reasons primarily are as follows: First: There is a fairly large amount of commercial and business property which remains vacant and could be used for parking and that he refers to commercial property on Main Street, Richmond Street and Grand Avenue, and until such time as those vacant properties have been utilized, he believes it pointless to change present zoning of other properties. Second: That persons who bought property in this area bought it for residential purposes, have built homes thereon, and that when such property was purchased it was zoned for residential purposes. Third: That in the.block in question, there are presently 35 children, some quite young who are not conscious of the danger created by automobiles and the parking thereof, and if the particular property is zoned for parking, it would mean additional danger for the children in the neighborhood. Fourth: That if Lots 19 and 20, Block 59, are rezoned, it has been computed that not more than 22 cars could be .parked therein and that this would not alleviate the parking situation in the vicinity sufficiently to justify the change. M Fifth: That when this area was originally zoned as R -2, the City Council undoubtedly had good reason for designating such zoning and his clients feel the City Council should think-very seriously before chang- ing from one zone to mother, always keeping in mind that persons who bought property in the area bought same for residential purposes, and he therefore, would recommend the City Council heed the recommendation of the Planning Commission in denying the application. Mr. W. C. O'Connor, 427 Standard Street, addressed the Council and stated that he had been sworn, and further stated there was grave doubt in his mind as to what benefit would accrue to the people in El Segundo should the proposed building be erected and the zone change granted; that in his opinion Mr. Beall would be the only one who would benefit monetarily if the change is granted and that in his opinion other property in the neighborhood would decrease in value. Mr. Alton Reed, 407 Standard Street, stated he had been sworn; that he lives right next to the property and would be the one most affected; that when he purchased the property he had checked with the Planning Commission and was told it would always remain R -2 and had invested his money on that basis; that if the parking area is constructed it would take only about 20 cars; that he sees no reason why the City or the Police Department should have to take care of private parking property as stated by Mr. Beall, there- fore, he sees no reason for putting parking into an R -2 Zone. Mr. A. J. Sullivan, 442 Standard Street, stated he had been sworn; that he is opposed to the zone change; that this is the second time a pro- posed zone change has come up within the four years he has lived there; that there is a vacant lot directly across the street from him which the owner will undoubtedly ask to have changed to a P Zone also if the present request is granted; that it is his belief that if the merchants in the block would utilize the land in the rear of their stores, there would be no parking problem on Main Street; that Mr. Beall had stated the population would probably go to 17,000, and if they are going to go that,far, where are the people going to live if property is rezoned for parking. Mrs. Charlsie Wilson, 415 Standard Street, stated she had been sworn; that she has two small children and that is her reason for being against the proposed change; that if the parking lot is placed on the particular corner it will mean more traffic hazards, and that presently a traffic hazard pre- vails due to the young people leaving the High School grounds at a high rate of speed; that she does not care about the value of the property, but her only care is about the children's lives. Y Mr. W. S. Bailey, residing at 1200 East Sycamore Avenue, stated that he had been sworn; that while he does not reside in Block 59 he does own property there; that he is very much opposed to having parking in the block inasmuch as if one parking lot is allowed in the area, there is no question but what there will be another one at the other end of the block. The following named persons then each stated that he had been sworn and that they were opposed to the requested change of zone for the same rea- sons as hereinbefore stated by other opponents: Mrs. Sadie Howell Mrs. Edith.Goshen Harry Gibbons Mrs. Betty Hall William T. Grant Don Edinger J. D. Hall William A. Wilson Dorothy Reed -4- 125 East Pine Avenue 431-Standard Street 411 Standard Street 430 Standard Street. 419 Standard Street 506 Standard Street 430 Standard Street 415 Standard Street 407 Standard Street 457 1K 458 At this point, Mr. Stephen B. Doss, 849 Penn Street, was sworn by the City Clerk and stated that about four years ago the Building In- spector did a good job of remodeling the City Hall, and he inquired why the Planning Commission had not done as good a job. Mayor pro tem Gordon inquired of Mr. Doss if this was to be con- strued as opposition to the requested change of zone, and Mr. Doss answered in the affirmative. The following additional persons then each stated he had been sworn, and each expressed opposition to the requested rezoning: Mrs. Lois Syracuse Mrs. Marie Bailey Mrs. Jewell Grant Mrs. Rosemary Martin Mrs. Leora Gibbons Mrs. Peggy Sullivan Mrs. Dorothy Wood Mrs. Barbara Edinger Mrs. May Hokuf 406 Standard Street 1200 East Sycamore Avenue 419 Standard Street 402 Standard Street 411 Standard Street 442 Standard Street 516 Standard Street 506 Standard Street 119 East Pine Avenue Mr. A. J. Sullivan, 442 Standard Street, stated he did not believe that the fact had been brought out that in a change of zone from R -2 to P, anything could be done in a P -1 Zone that could be done in R -3; that if at any time the parking lot is not used to good advantage a hotel or apartment house could be built on the lot, and he inquired if this was not correct. The City Attorney was requested to answer Mr. Sullivan, and stated that in his opinion the gentleman's statement is correct. The Mayor pro tem then stated that those in favor of the requested rezoning would be given a chance for rebuttal, and Mr. Ace T. Beall stated he had no further remarks to make. Those opposed to the requested zone change were given a chance for rebuttal, but no one responded and thereafter, it -was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the hearing be closed. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent& Mayor Selby. The Mayor pro tem then inquired if the members of the City Council were ready to make their decision in the matter at this time, or desired to take the matter under advisement until a later date. Councilman Swanson indicated he was not ready at this time to make a decision. Councilman Frederick stated he desired to disqualify himself on voting on the proposition inasmuch as he owns property in the vicinity of that which Mr. Beall has requested to be rezoned and if-Mr. Beall's request is granted, it would enhance the value of Mr. Frederick's holdings. City Attorney Woodworth stated that-Mr. Frederick was to be commended for his honor and integrity in making the statement and in view of his dis- qualification and one member of the City Council being absent,'it left only three members qualified to vote on the matter, but this could be done if they so desired. Following further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the matter of making a decision in the appeal of Ace T. Beall from the decision of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, as set forth in its Resolution No. 215, denying Mr. Beall's application for change of zone for Lots 19 and 20, Block 59, E1 Segundo -5- W 459 Sheet No. 3, from Zone R -2 to Zone P, be taken under advisement by this Council until its next regular meeting to be held May 25th, 1955• Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. Mayor pro tem Gordon thanked the audience for the courteous way in which the testimony had been given. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corpora- tions, hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: MARY E. SHORT, PRESIDENT, WOMENtS AUXILIARY, EL SEGUNDO CENTRAL LITTLE LEAGUE, dated May 11, 1955, being application for a free Business License to allow the said League to operate a snack bar for the sale of hot dogs, cold drinks, etc., at the League's grounds located at Washington and Walnut Streets. Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the fol- lowing resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized to cause a business license to be issued, without fee, to the El Segundo Central Little League to conduct a snack bar on said League's grounds at Washington Street and Walnut Avenue, in the City of E1 Segundo, said license to be issued under the provisions of Section 118, of Ordinance No. 382, of said City. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. RUTH HOPP, CITY TREASURER, dated May 11, 1955, advising that she had received from Robert C. Kirkwood, State Controller, the sum of $14,167.45 Gas Tax allocation. Ordered filed. EVELYN WRAY, 123 Sierra Street, being application to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer at 126 Sierra Street, E1 Segundo, and stating her reason for the request is that she owns and manages a trailer court imme- diately across the street at 123 Sierra Street, and would like to locate her own trailer on the opposite side of the street in order to afford her more privacy and relaxation. The Building Inspector had noted on the application that he had in- spected the premises on which the trailer location is requested, and he recommended the permit applied for be not granted. Mayor pro tem Gordon inquired if Mrs. Wray was present in the audience so that she might address the Council, but it appeared that the applicant was not present. Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Council- man Baker, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the application of Evelyn Wray, 123 Sierra Street, for permit to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer at 126 Sierra Street, in the City of E1 Segundo, be received and ordered filed in the office of W 460 the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said application be and the same is hereby denied by this Council. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. LOS ANGELES COUNTY DIVISION, LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, being notice of a combined meeting of said League with the Orange County Division on Thursday, May 19th, 1955, at Culver City. The Mayor pro tem requested anyone desiring to attend said meeting to notify the City Clerk so that proper reservations might be made. At this time a number of the High School Senior boys present in the Council Chamber requested permission to leave, which permission was granted, and Mr. Duane Conover, the young gentleman who acted as Mayor during the day, stated it had been a wonderful opportunity for the young men to learn City Government and to become better acquainted with the City officials, and he believes that all now understand the functions of City Government to a better degree, and thanked the members of the City Council for the interest they had taken in making „Boys? Dayn a success. PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, dated May 10, 1955, with which was transmitted copy of said Commissions Resolution No. 217, adopted at a regular meeting of said body held April. 25, 1955, granting a variance to C. M. Malmsten to allow a north and south division of Lots 7 and 8, Tract 9549, E1 Segundo. By general consent, the communication'and attached resolution were ordered filed pending the expiration of the twenty -two day appeal period. PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, dated May 10, 1955" ttans- mitting, therewith, copy of its Resolution No. 219, adopted at a regular meet- ing of said body held May 9, 1955, recommending approval of-final map of Tract No. 21603. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Baker, that Resolution No. 1505, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 21603 LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY, CONDITIONED THAT A CERTAIN BOND OR CASH DEPOSIT IN THE PRINCIPAL SUM OF $18,000.00 BE MADE AND FURNISHED FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID TRACT., which was read, be adopted: On.roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. -7- M CITY CLERK, CITY OF EL MONTE, being copy of Resolution No. 1818 of the City Council of said City, endorsing a proposed new highway route into Los Angeles designated as Mill Valley Highway. Ordered filed. PAUL SLANKER, SOUTH BAY DISTRICT TICKET CHAIRMAN, BOY SCOUTS, dated May 5, 1955, addressed to Mayor William R. Selby, requesting that said Mayor designate the week May 16th to 21st, 1955, as Scout-O-Rama week, and also requesting permission to allow the Boy Scouts to sell tickets on the streets of E1 Segundo on May 21st, 1955, for the Scout-O-Rama to be held June 3rd and 4th, 1955, in the Coliseum in Los Angeles. Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the communication from Paul Slanker, South Bay District Ticket Chairman, Boy Scouts, dated May 5, 1955, requesting permission to allow the Boy Scouts to sell tickets on the streets of El Segundo on May 21st, 1955, be and the same is hereby received and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Boy Scouts be and they are hereby granted permission to sell tickets on the streets of El Segundo on May 21, 1955, for the Scout-O-Rama to be held June 3rd and 4th, 1955, in the Coliseum in Los Angeles; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all such solicitation shall be conducted in a manner satisfactory to the Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. Frederick, Swanson and Mayor ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. E. J. Loss stated he is an Engineer with the Pittsburgh -Des Moines Steel Company; that his company is building a wind tunnel for North American Aviation, Inc. in a portion of Section 7 in the City of E1 Segundo and that he had received a communication from the City Prosecutor of said City stating that his company is in violation of Section 2710.1 of Ordinance No. 362, as amended, of the City of E1 Segundo, which states that all structur- al welding shall be done and performed by welders registered and certified in accordance with the current regulations of the American Welding Society only; that the welders performing work upon the present structure are qualified welders in accordance with the regulations of the American Society of Mechan- ical Engineers which has more restrictive qualifications than the A.W.S.; that they are abiding strictly by the Code and that final approval is subject.to approval by the State Industrial Accident Commission; that to qualify his welders it would mean a minor amendment only to the City Building Code and this is his principal reason for being here at the.Council meeting; that the test given welders of the A.S.M.E. is practically identical with the A.W.S.' Code under which Code welder9 may be qualified.to weld many classes of materials. The City Attorney explained to the Council for its information that the particular amendment referred to is the amendment to the Building Code adopted on the 9th day of June, 1954, and became effective thirty days there- after, and he thereupon read to the Council Section 2710.1 of the Building Code, as amended. 11-1B1 461 462 Building Inspector Smotony stated that prior to the particular amendment referred to, many persons called themselves welders and did work in the City of E1 Segundo just because they were capable of placing pieces of steel together, and he did not classify that as welding; that all refer- ences in the Building Code are to A.W.S. and that Mr. Loss had failed to inform the Council that ?:e himself is attempting to qualify his welders and that he has no objection to going to the other type providing they are certi- fied according to approved methods of certification. Mayor pro tem Cordon inquired if the welders were Masters or Journey- men, and the Building Inspector stated they were Masters, and further that he believes the principal objection of the Pittsburgh -Des Moines Steel Company is because it would be an expense to have their welders certified under A.W.S. The City Attorney inquired of the Building Inspector if A.S.M.E. had certified them and they carried appropriate cards if he believed the tests to which they had been subjected would make them the type of welders he would care to have working in the City, and the Building Inspector stated in the affirmative. The City Attorney then inquired if welders carried both cards, would he be willing to honor one as well as the other, but that in view of the plain provisions of the Code there is only one certification the Building Inspector could accept and he answered this inquiry in the affirmative. Considerable discussion then ensued as to whether or not Mr. Loss would be willing to recommend to his company that the welders employed be certified under the A.W.S. and Mr. Loss stated he would not care to make this recommendation. Mr. Loss further stated that the A.S.M.E. Code originally was set up for boilers and pressure vessels but that persons who set up the Building Code are members of the A.W.S. although the testing procedures are practically identical. The City Attorney then inquired of Mr. Loss how long it would take to have those qualified under A.S.M.E. qualified under the A.W.S. so that they might meet the requirements of the Building Code, and Mr. Loss stated that after reviewing both Codes all it amounts to is a change of form of certifi- cation, and that it would take approximately one week. Upon inquiry, the City Engineer brought out the fact that there are two types of welders certified, one being for structural welding and one being for vessel welding, and the Building Inspector stated he would be willing to accept the A.S.M.E. welders so far as the vessel welding is concerned but the structural welders, under the Code, should be A.W.S. Following discussion, by general consent, the matter was referred to the Building Inspector and to Mr. Loss, representative of Pittsburgh -Des Moines Steel Company, to work out, if possible, a satisfactory solution to the problem presented within the next two weeks, with the understanding that the Building Inspector shall report to the Council at its next regular meet- ing, to be held May 25th, 1955s what conclusion has been reached, if any, and if no conclusion has been reached, that the provisions of the Building Code Ordinance shall be enforced; that if there is no evidence of cooperation dur- ing such period on the part of the contracting firm, that the Building In- spector ih empowered to stop•the work.. The hour being 8:50 o'clock P. M., the Mayor pro tem declared a recess. The Council reconvened at the hour of 9:00 o'clock P. M., the follow- ing Councilmen being present and answering roll call: Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tern Gordon. 463 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - CONTINUED The hour of 9:00 o'clock P. 1.. on this date, May 11, 1955, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of El Segundo, having been heretofore fixed as the time and place for a public hearing on the order to James C. Stewart to show cause why his Conditional Use Permit for a used car wrecking yard and parts sales purposes at 2143 East Rose - crars Avenue, in the City of E1 Segundo, California, should not be revoked, the Mayor pro tern announced said time had now arrived. (THEREUPON, THE.HEARING PROCEEDED AND TESTIMONY WAS GIVEN, QUESTIONS WERE ASKED AND ANSWERS THERETO WERE MADE AND ACTS AND PROCEEDINGS WERE HAD, ALL AS SET FORTH IN THE "COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT OF TESTIN014Y GIVEN AND PROCEEDINGS HAD BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 11, 1955, IN THE MATTER OF THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE TO JAMES C. STEWART WHY THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A USED CAR WRECKING YARD AND PARTS SALES PURPOSES AT 2143 EAST ROSECRANS AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZED BY SAID CITY COUNCIL ON THE 9TH DAY OF FEBRUARY; 1955, SHOULD NOT BE REVOKED" AND WHICH SAID COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT IS NOW ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND AS SO ON FILE IS HEREBY REFERRED TO AND BY THIS REFERENCE EXPRESSLY INCORPOR- ATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF AS FULLY AND FOR INTENTS AND PURPOSES AS THOUGH THE SAME WERE HEREIN SET FORTH AT LENGTH.) At this time the hour being 10:05 o'clock P. M., the Mayor pro tern declared a recess. At the hour of 10:10 o'clock P. M., the Council recon- vened, the following Councilmen being present and answering roll call: Coun- cilmen. Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tern Gordon. Mayor pro tern Gordon then inquired if the Council is ready to make its decision or if it desires to take the matter under advisement until a later date. All members of the City Council present indicated they desired to take the matter under consideration pending an opportunity to study the transcription of the testimony taken. Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the decision of this Council in the matter of the hearing to_ show cause of James C. Stewart why his permit to operate a us %Ao R fevoked yard and used parts sales at 2143 East Rosecrans Avenue, E1 Segunnlo, �gc aken under advisement by this Council until a later date. Carried. Mr. Bowles, attorney for Mr. Stewart, thanked the Council for the courteous manner in which it had conducted the hearing, and he and his client left the Council Chamber at this point. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Public Service Commissioner Frederick stated that recently a report had been received of a survey made of the Water Department by Frank E. Alderman, Consulting Engineer, and he recommended that the Mayor appoint a committee con- sisting of the Finance Commissioner, Public Service Commissioner, City Admin- istrative Officer Udall and the City Engineer to study such survey and make its report thereon at the earliest possible date. Mayor pro tern Gordon thereupon appointed such committee, and Council- man Frederick agreed to assume the chairmanship thereof. REPORTS OF OFFICERS..AND••SPECIAL• COMMITTEES City Administrative Officer Udall made reports as follows: 1. Advised that due to the fact that Mrs. Anne Schmidt, Account Clerk I, has resigned as of the 13th day of May, 1955, that Mrs. Miranda L. Nelson be appointed to fill the vacancy, such appointment to be effective on the 13th day of May, 1955, and the appointee to be compensated at Step B. Schedule 4, of the Salary Resolution of the City of E1 Segundo. -10- lK 464 Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that effective May 13th, 1955, and until the further order of this Council, Mrs. Miranda L. Nelson be and she is hereby appointed Account Clerk I in the of- fice of the City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, said appointee to be compensated for her services in such capacity under Step B of Schedule 4, of the Salary Resolu- tion of the City of El Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tern Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. 2. Recommended that Miss Blanche Wright, Account Clerk I in the office of the City Clerk, be reclassified as of, on and after the 16th day of May, 1955, as Account Clerk II. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that Miss Blanche Wright, Account Clerk I in the office of the City Clerk, be re- classified as of, on and after the 16ith day of May, 1955, as Account Clerk II. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. 3. Recommended that Austin Rexford Woodruff be appointed as a Laborer in the Sanitation Department of the City of El Segundo, under Schedule 3, Step C, of the Salary Resolution of said City, such appointment to become effective May 16, 1955• Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that effective May 16, 1955, and until the further order of this Council, Austin Rexford Woodruff be and he is hereby appointed Laborer in the Sanitation Depart- ment of the City of E1 Segundo, said appointee to be compen- sated for his services in such capacity under Step C of Schedule 3, of the Salary Resolution of said City. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. 4. That he had received from the Department of Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles a communication dated May 10, 1955, advising that the Board of Water and Power Commissioners I on May, 10, 1955, had adopted Resolution No. 865 declaring the necessity to acquire a power transmission line right -of -way easterly of and near the westerly boundary of the City of El Segundo between Imperial Highway and Holly Avenue. Attached to said com- munication was a copy of said Resolution No. 865 together with a "General Map Showing Location of Property in Los Angeles County Sought to be Condemned By The Department of Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles ". a1a The City Administrative Officer stated that approximately seven - eighths of one lot and the corner of another lot owned by the City of E1 Segundo in the area would be included in such condemnation proceeding. Thereafter, by general consent, the communication and attached documents were ordered filed for future reference. 5.. That Mayor Selby had been called to Sacramento this date in the interests of pending legislation of the West Basin Water District which would affect.the City of E1 Segundo, and he requested permission to be al- lowed to absent himself from the City from the evening of May 11, 1955 to the morning of May 14, 1955, inclusive, and that he also be granted author- ity to file his demand for his actual and necessary expenses in connection with such attendance. Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, that Mayor William R. Selby be and he is hereby authorized to attend sessionsof the Legislature of the State of California at Sacramento, California, and to absent himself from the City of El Segundo on the dates May 12th and 13th, 1955, and that he be further authorized to file his demand for his actual and necessary expenses in connection with his attendance at said State Legisla- ture sessions, said demand to be audited and approved in the regular manner before payment. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen. None; Absent: Mayor Selby. Frederick, Swanson and Mayor 6. That he had received an invitation from the West Basin Water Association, addressed to himself and members of the City Council, inviting such officials to attend the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors of said Association to be held Thursday, May 26th, at 6:30 P. M., at the Palos Verdes Country Club, and he requested any member of the City Council desiring to attend said meeting to notify him so that proper reservations might be made. The City Clerk made reports -as follows: 1. That she had received from the Los Angeles County General Hospital regular form of agreement for the furnishing of ambulance service by the County to the City of El Segundo for the year beginning July 1, 1955; that said agreement is in the same form as previous agreements with the exception of change of dates; that she had conferred with the Chief of Police who stated he was well satisfied with the service rendered by the County, and that it would now be in order for the Council to approve the execution of the document on behalf of the City of El Segundo. Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that a copy of that certain agreement between the County of Los Angeles and the City of E1 Segundo, cover- ing the furnishing of certain ambulance facilities to said City, be and the same is hereby ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Council does hereby approve said form of contract and does hereby authorize the Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo to sign such contract on behalf of said City, and the City Clerk to attest the same, and such executed copy be forwarded to the County of Los Angeles in due course. -12- 465 llll 466 On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. 2. That she had received from Westates Electrical Construction Company form of contract for the installation of traffic signals and high- way lighting at intersections of Sepulveda Boulevard with Mariposa Avenue and Maple Avenue, which form contains bonds furnished by said Company in connection with said work, and which bonds had been approved by the City Attorney as to form and the Mayor pro tem as to Surety, and it would now be in order for the City Council to approve same. Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the Faithful Performance Bond and the Contractor's Labor and Material Bond, with Westates Electrical Construction Company as Principal, and Union Pacific Insurance Company, a Washington corporation, as Surety, covering the installation of traffic signals and highway lighting at the intersections of Sepulveda Boule- vard with Mariposa Avenue and Maple Avenue, in the City of El Segundo, be approved by this Council, and that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to endorse evidence of this approval upon said bonds. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. City Attorney Woodworth made reports as follows: 1. That he had received request from the County Auditor of Los Angeles County for the cancellation of certain taxes on property acquired by the E1 Segundo Unified School District. Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Council- man Baker, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the City Attorney be and he is hereby authorized to approve, on behalf of the City of El Segundo, California, cancellation of taxes on certain parcels of property, to wit: Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36, Block 75, E1 Segundo; as described in Cancellation Request of the County Auditor, Authorization No. 25550, account said property was acquired and is owned by El Segundo Unified School District for school purposes. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. -13- 2. That as directed by the City Council, he had conferred with Mr. Ray Lindman of the firm of O?Melveny & Myers with respect to charges made by said company in connection with services furnished for bond pro- ceedings and he had been advised that said company's services are rendered to various cities on a 2% cost of acquisition and improvement with the understanding that if proceedings are abandoned within a reasonable time, that a fee would be charged that is reasonably commensurate with the work actually performed but not to exceed the sum of $500.00; that he had further discussed with Mr. Lindman the method of proceeding in the proposed parking acquisition matter, and Mr. Lindman had advised that the petition is one of the most important features of the whole matter; that it must show the boundaries of'the district, the properties to be acquired, the assessed val- uation and other features, and that the best method to proceed would be for the committee which has the matter in mind to outline a tentative or pro- posed district on a map and indicate the properties which are presently con- templated for acquisition so that the map may be used as a basis for discussion between the committee and interested merchants; that Mr. Lindman had further stated that he would be available for conference any time next week but that this week he was attending sessions of certain committees at Sacramento in connection with legislation pending before the Legislature which would have for its effect the amendment of the present parking acquisition act; and that Mr. Lindman had further stated that, in his opinion, the attorneys' fees would be a proper charge for the City Council to assume on behalf of the people. The City Attorney stated that if it is the Council's pleasure to pro- ceed, it could advise the City Administrative Officer to make arrangements for a meeting with Mr. Lindman in connection with the above matter and, by general consent, the City Administrative Officer was so instructed. City Engineer Webb made reports as follows: 1. Presented for the Council's consideration and acceptance one Street Deed for use in the proposed widening of Maple Avenue easterly of Center Street. The City Attorney having stated he had examined said deed and found same to be in form satisfactory to him, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain Street Deed, dated the 25th day of April, 1955, executed by Norris E. Winkelman and Lucille A. Winkelman, his wife, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: The Northerly 5.00 feet of Lot 6, Block 110; of E1 Segundo Sheet 5, as recorded on pages 114 and 115 of Book 20 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Los Angeles, California., for public street purposes in connection with the widening of Maple Avenue, in said City, be and the same is hereby accepted for and on behalf of the City of El Segundo; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to cause said instrument to be filed for record in the office,of.the County Recorder of Los Angeles'County, California. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. Frederick, Swanson and Mayor -14- 46'7 • 2. Recommended that the Council authorize the payment to the Grantees, Norris E. Winkelman and Lucille A. Winkelman, as set forth in the deed hereinabove described of the amount due such Grantees for the property dedicated, to wit: $115.13. Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the payment in amount of $115.13 to Norris E. Winkelman and Lucille A. Winkelman as payment for the property dedicated to the City of E1 Segundo under deed hereinbefore described, be and the same is hereby authorized and the City Clerk be and she is hereby directed to present to this Council in due course the demand and warrant in said amount, such warrant to be paid from the Special Gas Tax Fund. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. Frederick, Swanson and Mayor 3. Presented for the Councilts consideration and acceptance, four Street Deeds in connection with the dedication of portions of Oregon Street and California Street, in the City of E1 Segundo, which deeds had been ap- proved as to form by the City Attorney. Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that'that certain Street Deed, dated the 2nd day of May, 1955, executed by Richard Seifried, Jr. and Joy C. Seifried, his wife, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: The west 25.00 feet of Lots 128 and 129, Block 123; of El Segundo Sheet No. 6, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the Counter Recorder of Los Angeles County, California., for public street purposes in connection with the dedication of Oregon Street, in said City, be and the same is hereby accepted for and on behalf of the City of El Segundo; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that that certain Street Deed, dated the 10th day of May, 1955, executed by James S. Trulove and Robert W: Trulove, each owner of an undivided one -half interest in the real property hereinafter described, convey- ing to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: and The West 25.00 feet of Lot 185, Block 123; of El Segundo Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps'in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California., -15- STREET.DEED, dated the 9th day of May, 1955, executed by Paul U. Kiechle and Anna M. Kiechle, his wife, convey- ing to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of Cali- fornia, described as: The East 25.00 feet of Lot 152, Block 123; of E1 Segundo Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California., and STREET DEED, dated the 9th day of May, 1955, executed by Howard W. Dingman and Ethel M. Dingman, his wife, convey- ing to the City of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of Cali- fornia, described as: The East 25.00 feet of Lot 153, Block 123; of El Segundo Sheet No. 8, as recorded on Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California.' for public street purposes in connection with the dedication of California Street, in said City, be and the same are hereby accepted for and on behalf of the City of El Segundo; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to cause said instruments to be filed for record as one document in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absents. Mayor Selby. None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS PAYING BILLS The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Water Works Fund Hersey Mfg. Co. $781.52 Rich Mfg. Company 289.02 Addressograph- Multigraph Corp. 1.91 TOTAL $ 1,072.45 City Hall, Police Dept. and City Jail Bond Construction Fund- 1955 Sriith -Emery Company S 353.86 TOTAL $ 353.86 Recreation Fund Goliger Leather Co., Inc. $54.25 TOTAL $54.25 General Fund Industrial Stationery & Printing Co. $ 18.48 Pacific Radionics 170.90 Charles Bruning Co., Inc. 19.98 So. Calif. Disinfecting Co. 76.40 (Continued) -16- 469 1K 470 General Fund - Contfd Southwest Sewer Tool Co. $ 101.51 So. California Edison Co. 2,204.54 Wm. R. Selby 5.00 Eastern Bag Co. 10.30 The Todd Company, Inc. 2.59 So. Calif. Edison Co. 7.95 Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk 90.25 (Continued) General Fund - Contfd Southwest Tractor Sales $ 13.85 Ethel Sisemore 16.63 Lee Parmelee 16.65 Tide Water Assoc. Oil Co. 633.08 J. G. Tucker & Son 85.37 City of E. S. Water Dept. 109.29 TOTAL $ 3,582.77 Moved by Mayor pro tem Gordon, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absen�: Mayor Selby. Frederick, Swanson and Mayor NEW BUSINESS Councilman Frederick requested permission to absent himself from meetings of the City Council, and to leave the State of California for the period beginning the evening of May 13th to the morning of May 16th, 1955• Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that Councilman Robert W. Frederick, be and he is hereby granted permission to leave the State of Cali- fornia and to absent himself from meetings of the City Council between the evening of May 13th to the morning of May 16th, 1955; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Councilman be re- quested to sign and file with the City Clerk a waiver of any notice of any kind whatsoever of any special meetings of the City Council which may be called by the Mayor pro tem or any three members of said Council, during the period of said leave hereinbefore granted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, pro tem Gordon; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. V Frederick, Swanson and Mayor It was thereupon moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, this date, May ll, 1955, was heretofore desig- nated as "Boys? Day" in the City of E1 Segundo, upon which said day students from the El Segundo High School have served not only as officials of the City of E1 Segundo but also in various capacities in the business and professional life of this City; and - WHEREAS, during this day, by assignment of the offi- cials.of said school, students have functioned as officials of this City and in such various other capacities; and WHEREAS, the Members of this Council have thus been able to observe at first hand the attitudes and abilities of said students so assigned; and -17- WHEREAS, this Council, after such observation and opportunity to work with said students believes that the expressions hereinafter made are in order; NOW, THEREFORE.. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA: FIRST: Said City Council does hereby extend to all students who served in such representative capacities on said "Boyst Day" the thanks and appreciation of the City and of the Council for the interest and ability which they have manifested in the performance of their respective duties; SECOND: That this Council believes that the close association of these junior citizens with the officials of this City- has been beneficial not only to the students them- selves but also to the Members of this Council; THIRD: That this Council finds inspiration in the realiza- tion that the youth of this City is possessed of not only intel- ligence of a high order but has also evidenced outstanding qualities of community interest and leadership; FOURTH: That this Council most sincerely congratulates the student.officials of this City who have served during this day and bespeaks for each of them most promising roles in the future leadership of the City of E1 Segundo; and FIFTH: That the City Clerk is requested to forward to each of said student officials a copy of the minutes of this meeting of the City Council at which this resolution was adopted. Carried. No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Frederick, the meet- ing adjourn until Friday, May 13th, 1955, at the hour of 8 :30 o'clock A. M., the hour of adjournment of this meeting being 11:25 o'clock P. M. Carried. Approved: -t Mayor -18- Respectfully submitted, X - Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk "• t 4'71