1954 JAN 13 CC MINv
- El Segundo, California
January 13, 1954
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, Cali -
fornia, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of-said City on
the above date, having been called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. M. by Dave
W. Peterson, Mayor pro tem.
Councilmen Present: Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem
Councilmen Absent: Mayor Selby.
The minutes of the regular meeting held January 6, 1954, having been
read, and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was moved by Council-
man Swanson, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the minutes of said meeting be
approved as recorded. Carried.
Mayor pro tem Peterson announced that this was the time and place
heretofore fixed for a public hearing under the provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of El Segundo on the application of North American
Aviation, Inc. for approval of unclassified use in an M -2 zone of a par-
cel of land situated in Section 7, T3S9 R14W, S.B.B. & M., bounded on the
east by Douglas Street, on the west by Duley Road, on the north by Mariposa
Avenue, and extending southerly therefrom a distance of 1531 feet, to be used
for proposed construction of a wind tunnel for the research and development of
airplanes, in the City of E1 Segundo.
The Mayor pro tem inquired of the City Clerk if notice of the time, place
and purpose of this hearing had been duly given and published and if she had
on file in her office the affidavits showing such notice.
The City Clerk advised that notice had been duly and regularly given
and the affidavits establishing such fact were on file in her office, to-
gether with the complete file of the Planning Commission and the complete
file of the City Council up to this time, in the matter. Mayor pro tem'
Peterson thereupon announced that the files in said matter would be made a
part of the record of this public hearing.
The Mayor pro tem then inquired if any written protests had been re-
ceived and the City Clerk stated none had been received by her. Mayor pro
tem Peterson then inquired if anyone present in the Council Chambers desired
to address the Council in favor of the before mentioned application.
Mr. H. A. Storms, Chief Technical Engineer of North American Aviation,
Inc., addressed the Council, stating that he felt his Company had heretofore
presented sufficient evidence at the hearing held before the Planninc Com-
mission and that he had nothing further to offer at this time.
Mr. Al±red Oakes, residing at 1110 East Acacia.Avenue, requested an
explanation of the type of tunnel which North American Aviation, Inc. anti-
cipates constructing, and Mr. Storms informed the gentleman that the tunnel
will be a high speed, air stream tunnel used for testing models only, no
engines to be used in connection with such testing.
Mr. Oakes made further inquiries of Mr. Storms as to a comparison be-
tween the present testing tunnels used by North American Aviation, Inc. on
the northerly side of-Imperial Highway and the tunnel proposed to be
constructed in Section 7, and Mr. Storms explained at length the differ-
ence between the two constructions.
Mr. Paul Nickel, residing at 861 McCarthy Court, stated that he is
unfamiliar with property locations in E1 Segundo and inquired the location
of Section 7, also how large the working part of the tunnel would be.
The Mayor pro tem informed Mr.'Nickel as to the location of Section 7
and Mr. Storms stated the working part of the tunnel would be approximately
seven feet square.
Mr. Arthur Viren, 852 Bungalow Street, inquired what guarantee the
City would have if the permit requested is granted that the installation
might not become a nuisance such as the tunnels presently used for testing
Jet engines are. City Attorney Woodworth explained that if the Council
should approve the application a specific area in the M -2 zone would be
designated for the construction of such tunnel and the Council might add
any provisions it desires in order to regulate the operation of such tun -
Discussion then ensued as to a definite sound criteria for the pro-
posed tunnel and Public Works Director Short read to those present excerpts
from a report he had heretofore made respecting his investigation of a
similar wind tunnel in the City of Cleveland, also his recommendations that
before the Council approves the application, a sound spectrum specification
should be established by sound consultants.
Mr. Kenneth Bailey, residing at 1212 East Acacia Avenue, inquired if
it might not be possible that persons living easterly of Aviation Boulevard
in the County of Los Angeles might be annoyed by noise emanating from the
tunnel, and if so, and such persons would bring suit, would the City of El
Segundo be included As a defendant in such suit.
City Attorney Woodworth stated that ordinarily, under such circum-
stances, the City is not joined as a party in such an action but there is
no guarantee that this might not happen.
Mr. Nickel then inquired whether or not the tunnel would be used at
night and was informed by Mr. Storms that plans do not contemplate such
City Attorney Woodworth then stated that the City Engineer has testi-
fied that, in his opinion, something should be done with respect to estab-
lishing sound levels above which operations would not be permitted; that
the records of the Planning Commission do not contain sufficient evidence
with respect to this matter and if the Council desires to supplement evi-
dence presented by additional information, the hearing should be kept open
for that purpose.
Mr. Nickel inquired whether or not citizens would be given a chance
to vote -on the matter and the Mayor pro tem informed Mr. Nickel that'in a
hearing of this nature no vote is taken by the people.
Members of the Council who had attended a demonstration of the proposed-
sound-tunnel each stated that the noise emanating therefrom was not offen-
.•sive. Councilman Swanson stated, however, that the Council should abide by
the recommendations of the City Engineer with respect to the sound level.
Councilman Gordon inquired what frequency might be expected from the
sound tunnel and especially how many decibels might be expected westerly of
Sepulveda Boulevard. Mr. Sulkin, of North American Aviation, Inc., stated
that the frequency expected would be 40 to 10,000 cycles per second but that
the noise is dissipated with distance and that the noise at Sepulveda Boule-
vard should be no greater than that caused by a truck engine.
Following further lengthy discussions, City Attorney Woodworth stated
that apparently there is not in the record at this time sufficient charts
or data upon which to found specifications; that manifestly this should be
provided, and he inquired of representatives of North American Aviation,
Inc. if it could provide additional charts setting forth the sound fre-
quency so that the Council might make a decision as to the level of sound
which might be permitted without causing a nuisance.
Mr. Sulkin of North American Aviation, Inc. agreed to supply this
additional information during the coming week, whereupon it was moved by
Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that this hearing be
continued until the next regular meeting of the City Council to be held
January 20th, 1954, at the hour of 7 :00 o'clock P. M., and that in the
meantime North American Aviation, Inc. be and it is hereby requested to
furnish the City Clerk the additional data requested by the City Council.
Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corpora-
tions, hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in
the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter:
MR. ED H.AYER, dated January 13, 19540 requesting that he be given per-
mission to subdivide the remainder of Lot 4, Block 10, Tract 1685, which
comprises 85 feet, into two 42.5 foot lots, inasmuch as his present home
occupies 49 -feet of said lot. Accompaxkving said communication was a plot
map of said lot showing the desired subdivision.
City Attorney Woodworth inquired of Mr. Ayer if he would waive notice
of the time of hearing and would consent to the hearing on his application
to subdivide said lot at this meeting, and Mr. Ayer stated that he would
hereby waive any further notice of the hearing, and would consent to the
application being heard at this meeting of the City Council..
Thereupon, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman
Swanson, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that a copy of that certain plat map presented to
this Council at this meeting by Mr. Ed H. Ayer, indicating his
desire to subdivide the Easterly 85 feet of the Northerly 150
feet of Lot 4, Block 10, Tract 1685, in the City of El Segundo,
into two lots 42.5 feet wide, fronting on Walnut Avenue, be
placed on file in the office of the City Clerk and as so on file
the same is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that under the peculiar and special
circumstances as reflected on said map, and considering the loca-
tion of the property involved, the City Council does hereby ap-
prove the division of said lots as shown upon said map and does
hereby authorize the Building Inspector to issue building permits
for structures upon said respective parcels accordingly, pro-
vided, however, that all other building ordinance requirements
are observed in the construction features; and
$E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this action is not to be con-
strued as a precedent in any case,,as the City Council reserves
the right to consider and act upon each individual application
in accordance with its own merits and facts.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
' i
V '733
CHARLES A. INGRAM, undated; and
ARTHUR HERMAN BRUCE, dated Jan. 7, 1954, each being an application
for employment by the City of El Segundo. Ordered filed.
FRANK SMOTONY, BUILDING INSPECTOR, dated January 13, 1954, advising
that all matters in connection with the relocation of a building, hereto-
fore moved by Clark Trobough from Culver City to 226 Center Street, E1
Segundo, have been completed to his satisfaction, and he recommended re-
fund of the $1,000.00 cash bond heretofore filed by Mr. Trobough in con-
nection with said relocation.
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector of the City of E1 Segundo
has reported to this Council by written communication, dated
January 13, 1954, that all matters in connection with the re-
moval and relocation of a building from Culver City to 226
Center Street, E1 Segundo (Lot 18, Block 123), have been com-
pleted to his satisfaction and has recommended refund to Mr.
Clark Trobough of the x$1,000.00 cash bond heretofore filed
with the City Clerk by Mr. Trobough;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be
and she is hereby authorized to prepare and present to this
Council for its approval necessary demand and warrant to ac-
complish such refund, and that all matters in connection with
such removal permit be and the same are hereby exonerated from
any liability accruing subsequent to midnight, this date.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, dated January 6, 1954, advising
that its Gough Well No. 2 was abandoned on October 30, 1953, in accordance
with regulations of and with the approval of the Division of Oil and Gas of
the State of California, and requesting its bond covering said well be ex-
_ onerated from further liability.
Attached to said communication was a report from Frank Smotony, Build-
ing Inspector, stating he had made an investigation of said well, finds that
the abandonment has been completed in a satisfactory manner, and recommend-
ing that said bond.be exonerated.
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following
resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, there has been presented to this Council at this
meeting, a communication from Standard Oil Company of California,
dated January 6, 1954, advising of the abandonment of said Com-
pany's oil well named and known as Gough No. 2, and requesting
exoneration as to any liability accruing with respect to said
well under its blanket bond .No., 92587.t-with-the Pacific Indemnity
Company as surety; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector of the City of E1 Segundo has
advised that said well has been abandoned in compliance with City
ordinances and regulations governing such abandonment, and to his
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Bond No. 92587, with
Standard Oil Company of California as Principal, and Pacific
V '734
Indemnity Company as Surety, be and the same is hereby exon-
erated as to any liability accruing subsequent to midnight
this date, to wit: January 13, 1954, such exoneration to
affect Standard Oil Company of California's oil well named
Gough No. 2 only, under said bond.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem
IMPERIAL HIGHWAY ASSOCIATION, undated, being postal card notice of
its annual meeting and election of officers to be held at Elsinore, on
January 30, 1954. Ordered filed.
January-11, 1954, being notice of its monthly meeting to be held at Maywood,
January 21, 1954.
It appearing no member of the City Council or other City official is
in position to attend said meeting, by general consent, the communication
was ordered filed.
Mr. Thomas W. Howard, Attorney, representing Mr. Milton C. Wade and
Mrs. Ethel Wade, his wife, at this point addressed the Council with respect
to the revocation by the City Council of a certain permit heretofore granted
Mr.. Wade for the operation of a dog kennel at 1310 East Grand Avenue, E1
Segundo, which revocation, by reason of extension of time heretofore granted
by the Council, will expire January 15, 1954•
Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Wade has approximately $20,000.00 invested
in the kennel; that he has caused said kennel to be put in good condition
and has wire fencing on the premises ready for installation; that he also
has 70 dogs in the kennel which will have to be disposed of in some manner,
but that in view of the fact that Mr. Wade is doing everything in his power
-to abide-by all regulations of the City and of the County Health Department,
and the S.P.C.A, Mr. Howard inquired whether or not the Council would recon-
sider the revocation of said permit and permit Mr. Wade to continue opera -
tions of his kennel; that if this cannot be done, he requested the Council
to extend the time of such revocation until the expiration of Mr. Wade's
present business license for the operation of such kennel, which will be
March 31st, 1954, in view of the peculiar and extenuating circumstances
presently prevailing with respect to the disposal of the kennel, the build-
ings and the dogs presently housed at such kennel.
City Attorney Woodworth inquired of Mr. Howard if he had authority, at
this time, in event the Council should desire to extend the time of revoca-
tion, to state that there would be no request . made for further extensions
of time. Mr. Howard stated he felt certain no further requests would be made
but could not guarantee it.
Mayor pro tem Peterson then requested the members of the City Council
to express their opinions with respect to said matter, and each stated he
felt Mr. Wade had been given ample time to evacuate the premises, but in
view of his present serious illness and the further fact that his former
Attorney had passed away, it did not desire to work a hardship upon Mr.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Swanson,
seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted:
V '735
WHEREAS, Mr, Thomas W. Howard, Attorney at Law, represent-
ing Mr. Milton C. Wade and Ethel Wade, his wife, owners of the
kennel at 1310 East Grand Avenue, E1 Segundo, has addressed
this Council at this meeting and has requested that the order
of revocation, heretofore given by this Council, of the permit
for said dog kennel be extended as to its effective date up to
and including the 31st day of March, 1954, at midnight, upon
the representation that Mr. Wade would terminate the said ken-
nel at said time 'and remove the animals therefrom; and
WHEREAS, in view of such representation and the fact that
the City Council does not desire to work any undue hardship
upon any individual, but rather has the desire to tezm inate
the said kennel and the use of said premises for kennel pur-
poses in view of the large number of complaints lodged with
this Council respecting the same;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises
and of the.representations made by counsel as aforesaid, the
City Council hereby extends the effective date of said revoca-
tion until midnight, March 31, 1954; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is
hereby authorized and instructed to forward a certified copy of
this resolution to said Permittee and a like copy thereof to his
said counsel for their information and files in the premises; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this action is predicated upon
the further condition that in the interval between this present
date and said date of March 31, 1954, said premises must be kept
in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
Mr. L. A. Blackburn, residing at 14" East Palm Avenue, addressed the
Council and the Director of Public Works briefly with respect to the pro-
posed improvement of Sycamore Avenue and other streets, and was informed
said matter would come before the City Council at its meeting to be held
January 27, 1954.
The City Clerk reported to the Council the revocation of the appoint-
ments of the following persons as Special Police Officers: Arthur J. Beswarick,
Frank 0. Boteler and Justin A. Hill.
Director of Public Works Short reported as follows:
1. Presented for,the Council's approval plans, specifications and
cost estimate for the construction of a 15" trunk line sewer in Imperial
- Highway, which proposed sewer line will be a part of the trunk line con-
necting Sewer Pump Station No. 5 to the Los Angeles Outfall Sewer, the
estimated cost of construction to be $38,366.00.
Following consideration of said plans and specifications, it was moved
by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Baker, that Resolution No. 1376,
V 736
which was read, be adopted.
On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that a copy of that certain nNOTICE INVITING
dated January 13, 1954, as presented to this Council at this
meeting, be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk
for the purposes of identification and reference; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Council hereby approves
the said form of notice and the contents thereof in each and
every particular, and does hereby find and determine that the
prevailing rates of per diem wages within said City set forth
in said notice, are the prevailing rates of wages for each of
the respective professions, crafts, trades, callings and voca-
tions therein mentioned or referred to, and that said rates
are hereby fixed and established as, and shall constitute the
minimum rates of per diem wages to be paid in connection with
the prosecution of the work under said notice; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that sealed bids be and the same
are hereby invited under said notice, and that the City Clerk
be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said
notice to be given and published in time, form and manner as
required by law.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
2. That he had received a petition from property owners requesting
- -the improvement of a portion of Penn Street, Sierra Street and Holly Avenue,
by the construction of curbs and pavement therein; that the petition is
signed by 56.45% of the owners within the proposed assessment district but
that four lots are owned by the City within said district which, if signed
on behalf of the City.of El Segundo, will increase the percentage of signa-
tures to 6�.73% of said proposed district, and he requested the Council
authorize the Mayor'pro tem to sign said petition on behalf of the-City.
- Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Mayor pro tem of the City of El Segundo
be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign that cer-
V 737
SEIYNWO CALIFORNIAtt, presented to this Council at t s
mee on behalf of the City of El Segundo, includi any
city ed property which lies within the assessmen dis- -
trict roposed by the improvement referred to in s id peti-
Carried by th following vote:
Ayes; ouncilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson a Mayor pro tem
P terson;
Noes: Co cilmen None;
Absent: May r Selby.
Thereafter, it as moved by Councilman Go on, seconded by Councilman
Swanson, that the Cit Engineer be and he is reby authorized and directed
to prepare the necessa plans and specifics ons to accomplish the improve-
ments as requested in t e above mentioned pe i
V '738
SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA ", presented to this Council at this
meeting on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo, including any
city -owned property which lies within the assessment dis-
trict proposed by the improvement referred to in said peti-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem
Mayor pro tem Peterson thereupon announced that he had signed said
petition on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo.
3. Presented for the Council's consideration, petitions for certain
improvements as follows:
Petition for the improvement of Maple Avenue between Virginia
Street and Hillcrest Street, by the construction of curbs and pave-
ment therein, and signed by 73.6% of the owners of the property
within the proposed assessment district;
Petition for the improvement of Maryland Street between Franklin
Avenue and E1 Segundo Boulevard, by the construction of sewers, curbs
and pavement therein, and signed by 67.2% of the owners of the property
within the proposed assessment district;
Petition for the improvement of Center Street between Grand
Avenue and Mariposa Avenue, by the construction of sewers, curbs,
sidewalks and pavement therein, and signed by 65.7% of the owners
of the property within the proposed assessment district; and
Petition for the improvement of Standard Street between E1
Segundo Boulevard and Grand Avenue, by the construction of curbs and
pavement therein, and signed by 73.89% of the owners of the property
within the proposed assessment district.
Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman
Swanson, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed
to prepare the necessary plans and specifications to accomplish the improve-
ments as requested in the above mentioned petitions. Carried by the following
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
4. That he had received from R. T. Dorsey, Principal Traffic Engineer
of the City of Los Angeles, an original and nine copies of a proposed in-
stallation and maintenance agreement covering the installation and maintenance
of certain traffic signals at the intersection of Imperial Highway with
Douglas and Nash Streets, which form of agreement the City of Los Angeles re-
quests be executed on the part of the officials of the City of El Segundo.
Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that a copy of that certain "Installation and
Maintenance Agreement'', by and between the City of Los Angeles
and the City of El Segundo, covering the installation and main-
tenance of certain traffic signals at the intersection of
Imperial Highway with Douglas and Nash Streets, be and the same
V 739
is hereby ordered placed on file in the office of the City
Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, and that as so on file
said "Installation and Maintenance Agreement" be and the
same is hereby referred to and by this reference incorpor-
ated herein and made a part hereof; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the
City of El Segundo, California, does hereby approve the
said' "Installation and Maintenance Agreement" and does hereby
authorize the Mayor pro tem of the City of E1 Segundo to sign
said Agreement on behalf of said City of El Segundo, and the
City Clerk to attest the same, and to make delivery thereof
in due course.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tam Peterson;
• Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
5. That he had received from R. T. Dorsey, Principal Traffic Engineer
and Consultant of the City of Los Angeles, a communication dated December
18, 1953, with respect to request of Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc. for re-
vision of existing methods of coordination of train movements with traffic
signals at the intersection of Imperial Highway and Aviation Boulevard; that
_ the Department of Traffic of said City of Los Angeles had made an investiga-
tion of the matter and has recommended that a mast arm be installed in the
City of E1 Segundo, the estimated cost thereof being $250.00; that Mr. Dorsey
had requested the City Council of the City of El Segundo grant permission to
the City of Los Angeles to make such installation and to allocate for such
purpose the sum*of $250.00.
..Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by
Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the communication from R. T. Dorsey, Principal
Traffic Engineer and Consultant, City of Los Angeles, dated Decem-
ber 18, 1953, with respect to request of Douglas Aircraft Company,
Inc. for revision of existing methods of coordination of train
movements with traffic signals at the intersection of Imperial
Highway and Aviation Boulevard, be received and placed on file in
the office of the City Clerk and hereby referred to and made a part
hereof; and
BE IT.FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves
the request therein made and the recommendations of the City Engineer
of the City of E1 Segundo in that regard and does hereby allocate and
reserve out of the Traffic Safety Fund the sum of $250.00, being the
estimated cost of said installation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of E1 Segundo does hereby
grant to the City of Los Angeles the necessary permission and author-
ity to enter into the City of El Segundo and upon the portion of the
public street affected for the purpose of such installation and
maintaining same; and
. BE.IT FURTHER RESOLVED,.that the City Clerk be and she is hereby '
authorized and instructed to forward a certified copy of this resolu-
tion through the office of the Traffic Engineering Department of the
City of Los Angeles as the authority of said City of Los Angeles to
proceed in the premises.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby. _
City Attorney Woodworth made reports as follows:
1. Presented and read to the City Council two resolutions which
he had prepared, one requesting cancellation of taxes on certain property
required for the vkdening of Maple Avenue westerly of Sepulveda Boulevard,
and one for the opening of new Coast Boulevard.
Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman
Baker, that Resolution No. 1377, entitled:
which was read, be adopted.
On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Baker, that Resolu-
tion No. 1378, entitled:
VARD ). ,
which was read, be adopted.
On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
2. That there had been referred to him for checking and report the
claim of Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc. against the County of Los Angeles,
the City of E1 Segundo and the City of Santa Monica for refund of certain
solvent credit taxes, in the sum of $14,406.09, which said Company claims
were erroneously and illegally collected for the year 1953.
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of El Segundo, California, held on the 30th day of December,
1953, there was presented to the said City Council of said City
of E1 Segundo, California, a certain "claim for refund" by
Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., to the County of Los Angeles
and its Board of Supervisors, the City of El Segundo and its
City Council, and the City of Santa Monica and its City Council
and which was verified under date of the 23rd day of December,
1953, by H. W. Strangman, Treasurer of said Douglas Aircraft
Company, Inc., for the refund of excess solvent credit taxes
for the year 1953 alleged by said claimant to have been erron-
eously and illegally collected from said claimant in the sum of
V 741
$14,406.09, or such other sum as may be legally refundable;
WHEREAS, at its said meeting said City Council of said..
City of E1 Segundo referred the matter of said claim to the
City Attorney of said City of E1 Segundo for a report thereon
to said City Council of said City of E1 Segundo; and
WHEREAS, said City Attorney has now made his report to
this Council and has recommended that the said claim in the
sum of $14,406.09, or in any other sum or amount whatsoever
should be denied; .,
FIRST: That the said claim of said Douglas Aircraft
Company, Inc., hereinabove referred to, for the refund to
said claimant of the "Sum of $14,406.09, or such other sum
as may be legally refundablett, be and the same is hereby dis-
approved, rejected and denied, both as to the said sum of
$ 1+,406.09 and as to any other or different sum or amount what-
soever; and that this City Council on its own behalf and on be-
half of the City of El Segundo does hereby deny any liability
to said claimant of any kind or nature for any sum or amount
whatsoever under or by virtue of said claim, or any of the
matters therein referred to.
SECOND: That the City Clerk be and she is hereby author-
ized and instructed to forward a certified copy of this resolu-
tion to each of the following:
To the said claimant, Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.,
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles
County, California, and
To the Honorable City Council of the City of Santa -
Monica, California,
as notice to said claimant and to said other parties of the
disapproval, rejection and denial of the said claim by said
City of El Segundo and its City Council.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
The matter of approval of the Master Plan of Recreation Areas, having
been taken under consideration by this Council at its last regular meeting
until this meeting, at this time was discussed by said Council.
Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman
Baker, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo
does hereby set the matter of the adoption of a proposed new
Master Plan of Recreation Areas in and for the City of El
Segundo for public hearing before this Council, to be held
in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, in said
City, on Wednesday, the 10th day of February, 1954, beginning
at the hour of 7 :00 o'clock P. M.; and that the City Clerk
be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to give
notice of said hearing in time, form and manner as contem-
plated by law.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro ten-, Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
General Fund
Bob Frederick 4,20
Bowlus Chevrolet
Gibson Motor Parts
A. M. Danaher & Son
The Lighthouse, Inc.
Western Plumbing Officials
Mefford Chemical Company
Association, Inc.
Western Decorating Company
The Sidu Company
Calcrest Chemical Company
Pacific Radionics
Pacific Electric Railway Co.
Century Oil Company
E1 Segundo Hardware
State Board of Equalization.
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Lee Parmelee
Industrial Stationery and
Printing Company
Grimes- Stassforth Stationery Co. 56.36
J. B. Sebell
Morgan & Son
John F. Bender
City of E1 Segundo Water Dept.
D. A. Corbett
Healy Plastering & Construction 60.00
Dr. Jack Van Bloom
Robert C. Stapleton
General Fund - Cont'd
Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk 42.75
Clark Trobough 1,000.00
TOTAL 8,715.43
Water Works Fund
C & S Concrete Products Co. $28.63
Pacific Radionics
Transport Clearings
Century Oil Company
El Segundo Press
Logan R. Cotton
Mefford Chemical Company
Western Water Works
Rich Mfg. Company
Hersey Mfg. Co.
West Basin Municipal
Water District -
City of El Segundo, Cal. 380.49
Recreation Fund
State Board of
Equalization 7.90
TOTAL 7.90
Traffic Safety Fund
Dept. of Public Works
State of California 2,669.14
TOTAL 9 2,669.14
Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the demands
be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
Councilman Swanson called the attention of the City Council to the fact
that a resident had complained to him that high school children going to the
High School, who reside in the vicinity of Sierra Street and Pine Avenue, are
compelled to climb an exceedingly high bank in order to cross the Pacific
Electric Railway Company's tracks, and he inquired whether or not the Council
felt anything might be done to alleviate this condition.
V 743
It appearing that no member of the City Council was familiar with
the condition, it was decided by general consent, that Mayor pro tem
Peterson, Councilman Swanson and Junior Civil Engineer Allen should
look over the situation and report thereon at the next regular meeting
of-the City Council to be held January 20th, 1953•
At this time, the hour being 9:33 o'clock P. M., the Mayor pro tem
declared a recess. At the hour of 10 :12 o'clock P. M., the Council re-
convened, the following Councilmen being present and answering roll call:
Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson.
During the above recess, members of the City Council, the City Clerk
and the City Attorney had made an inspection of the upper floor of the City
Hall in order to determine if it would be at all feasible to provide an
office on said floor for Assistant Chief of Police Vernon L. Wood.
The Council having come to an agreement in the matter, it was moved by
Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that Public Service Com-
missioner Baker be and he is hereby authorized to provide partititioned
quarters in the Council Chamber of the City Hall for occupancy by Assistant
Chief of Police Vernon L. Wood, said Commissioner being given power to act
and without limitation as to the amount necessary to be expended for such
construction work. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
Building Inspector Smotony informed the Council that certain structures
located at 118, 126, 1261 and 126 -3/4 Sierra Street, in the City of E1 Segundo,
are in an unsafe and unsanitary condition and he has been unable to get any
cooperation from the owner of said structures in the matter, and he recom-
mended said buildings be condemned and the owner be required to remove same
from the premises.
Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by
Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the City Attorney and Special Counsel
Dunlap, Holmes, Ross and Woodson be and they are hereby author-
ized and instructed to investigate the condition of the build-
ings located at 118, 126, 1261 and 126 -3/4 Sierra Street, within
the City of E1 Segundo (concerning which the Building Inspector
has complained this date), and report to this Council respecting
the same and any action which in their opinion may be indicated
in order to either correct the conditions complained of or con-
demn and abate the said buildings and any nuisances which may
exist therein or thereat.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Peterson;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Mayor Selby.
Director of Public Works Short informed the Council that the recent
rainstorm had created' conditions never before experienced in the City in
that there was a prolonged outage of electric power which prevented the
pumps at the Sewer Pumping Stations to be operated for approximately three
hours; that at the present time the City has no standby power system of any
character for either the sewer pumps or the Water Department pumps; that he
had obtained quotations on a 30 -K.W. generator unit for installation at
Sewer Pumping Station No. 1, which unit will cost between $3,500.00 and
$4,000.00; that he had also obtained quotations on a 100 -K.W. trailer -mounted
V '744
generator which could be transported to any location for use by either
the Sewer or Water Department in any emergency, the cost of which would
be approximately $10,500.00, and he recommended that he be authorized to
make a further investigation and report thereon to the Council in the
near future as he felt the purchase of these units is necessary to pre-
serve the public peace, health and safety of the citizens of the City of
E1 Segundo.
Following consideration, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded
by Councilman Gordon, that the matter of obtaining quotations, specifica-
tions, etc., on certain generator units for use by the City of E1 Segundo,
be referred to the Director of Public Works for further investigation and
report to this Council at his early convenience. Carried.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was
moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the meeting
adjourn. Carried.
Approved: -�
Mayor pro tem
Respectfully submitted,
_r), . LL=
Neva M. Elsey, City Cle t