1954 FEB 17 CC MINV7 796 E1 Segundo, California February 17, -1954 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, Cali- fornia, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting_to_ order, those present joined in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, following which a prayer was offered by Reverend Marvin Johnson, Pastor of the Community Methodist Church of El Segundo. The meeting was then called to order_by William.R._Selby,_Mayor -, the hour being 7:00 o'clock P. M. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby; Councilmen Absent: None. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 10th day of February, 1954, having been read, and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. SPECIAL ORDER. OF BUSINESS Mayor Selby announced that this-was the time and place heretofore fixed for the continued public hearing under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of El Segundo, on the application of North American Aviation, Inc. for approval of unclassified use in an M -2 zone of a parcel of land situated in Section 7, T3S, R14W, S.B.B. & M., bounded on the east by DouglailL. Street, on the west by Duley Road, on the north by Mariposa Avenue, and extending southerly therefrom a distance of 1531 feet, to be used for pro- posed construction of a wind tunnel for the research and development of air- planes, in the City of E1 Segundo. The Mayor then advised that North American Aviation, Inc. had requested additional time in which to study the supplemental report submitted by Mr. Donald P. Loye, Sound Consultant, and recommended the hearing be continued for another week. The Council concurring in such recommendation, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that the hearing on the above mentioned application of North American Aviation, Inc. be continued until the hour of 7 :00 o'clock P. M. at the next regular meeting of the City Council to be held February 24th, 1954. Carried. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corporations, hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were.disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: PACIFIC COAST BUILDING OFFICIALS CONFERENCE, dated February 15, 1954, ( .r advising that Mr. Donald S. Woodford, Assistant Building Inspector of the City of El Segundo, has completed a course in Building Department Adminis- tration sponsored by said Conference; that Mr. Woodford completed the course with a high grade and complimenting the City of E1 Segundo on having such an able Building Inspector for its Building Department. Ordered filed. -1- .. V­ 7s.? MRS. D. L. STEPHENS, 516 Kansas Street, E1 Segundo, dated February 12, 1954, addressed to Leo B. Freedman, Fire Chief, thanking the El Segundo Fire Department axid especially Firemen Barlow and Lenz for their very.efficient•manner of handling a situation which developed at her resi- dence recently. Ordered filed. PHYLLIS JUNE COMBS, dated February 17, 1954; and ALBERT EUGENE MOWRY, dated February 15, 1954, each being an applica- tion for employment by the.City of E1 Segundo.. Ordered filed. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, dated February 12, 1954, enclosing therewith, copy of said Company's application, dated February 12, 1954, to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California for a certificate that present and future public convenience and necessity require or will re- quire the construction and operation by said Company of a new Steam Electric Generating Station to be known as the E1 Segundo Steam Station, together with the transmission lines and other appurtenances to be used in connection with said station. Ordered.filed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Sanford Mullins, 645 Virginia Street, El Segundo,.addressed the Council respecting the storm water situation at Virginia Street and Palm Avenue, stating that during the recent rain the manhole at this location had overflowed, causing water and sewage to collect in his yard to a depth of 14"; that this water was not pumped away until in the evening Saturday, February 13th, and he inquired why the water and sewage were allowed to stand _ for this length of time inasmuch as same presented a health menace, in his opinion. Councilman Peterson explained to Mr. Mullins that the sewage lines westerly of Main Street are overloaded and became so full that the manhole cover was forbed_ out of place allowing the sewage and water to escape, but that the Council will at this meeting award a contract for installation of a new 15" sewer 1•ine in Imperial Highway, which will connect with the Sewer Pump Station presently on West Imperial Highway, and which will undoubtedly relieve the overtaxed condition of sewer lines in the vicinity of Mr. Mullinst home. Mr. Harold Grant, 641 Virginia Street, addressed the Council on the same subject, and Mayor Selby informed Messrs. Mullins and Grant that. an investi- gation would be made by-the City Engineer as to why the accumulation of water and sewage was allowed to remain for this length of time.. Mr. Stephen Doss, 849 Penn Street, inquired of the City Attorney if the law permits a person to;grade his property in such.manner as to cause water to flow on adjoining property. City Attorney Woodworth replied to Mr. Dosst question, stating than storm waters area common enemy; that every person has a right to combat . them in his own way so long as he does not cause them to be collected and dumped on a neighborts property, and so long as he does.'not- i,-byyhis­ act; injure his neighbor. The City Attorney thereupon further elucidated.by giving several illustrations of how this injury to neighboring property might occur.. Mrs. Springer, residing at 840 Penn Street, stated it was her under- standing that the City was interested in the erosion caused by storm waters in the rear of the 800 block of Penn Street, in view of the fact.that it owns a storm drain in this vicinity, and she inquired what had been done in the matter, and whether or not the City had contacted the owners of property who live above Penn Street on McCarthy Court. She stated the house imme- diately above her.was still in the hands of a realtor and inquired whether or not such realtor might be.advised of the situation and a provision included in the deed to any such property whereby the purchaser would agree not to -2- 798 divert storm waters. Mayor Selby informed Mrs. Springer that -t14is matter would be an --entirely personal -one between the owner and the purchaser. City Attorney Woodworth advised he had a copy of a letter written by the Westchester Realty - Company to the owners of property on McCarthy - Court, which letter he read to those present, and which letter very strongly cautions those persons to make no change in the approved drainage plan which would cause storm waters to be diverted to Penn Street. Mrs. Springer then inquired what was being done to take care of the tremendous amount of. water accumulating on Penn Street and which originates from the Imperial School. Mayor Selby then explained to Mrs. Spring that the School is presently in the process of having plans drawn for -a new storm drain which would cause such water to flow into the sump at Center Street.. Mr. Moore, residing at 1141 Center Street, and Mr. Cooper, residing at 432 Center Street, each then addressed the Council respecting water and silt accumulating in their yards caused by the fact that storm waters wash around the railroad tracks and carry the silt into their back yards. City Engineer Webb stated this matter could be taken.care of and_, by general consent,-same was referred to him for attention. a= - Mr. Frank Aikens, 845 McCarthy Court, stated he was one of those per- sons who received a letter from the Westchester Realty Company and further stated that the water accumulating in his back yard does not drain to McCarthy Court, but simply stands there unless-it is drained westerly. Mr. Art Johnson,- 832 Penn Street, 'stated he had betr -- informed that, A the Building - Department had issued three building permits to build hames on McCarthy Court with the understanding that the contractor will build the. foundations high enough and the land graded so that:the water will drain onto. McCarthy Court, and-he felt this should have-been done when former building permits were issued in the same location. Mr. Frank Booth inquired whether or not, if by grading., the water might - be-held on higher ground instead of being allowed to run to lower ground, and the Mayor stated he was not familiar enough with this matter to give an opinion thereon.. Following further discussion, City Engineer Webb stated he had thor- oughly investigated the matters above referred to,- and is prepared at this time to recommend regrading the westerly slope of the embankment in the rear of the 800 block of Penn Street so that same may be put in its original con- • dition, plant sufficient ice plant to prevent erosion in the future, prov�d- ing measures are taken to prevent storm waters being diverted over said embankment in the future; and also suggested that a- temporary fence be erected to..protect::suoho ice-plant during its growing period' to prevent children from walking or-playing thereon and killing the plants. •- Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded bat Councilman - Peterson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the reccmmendations of the .City Engineer, hereinabove set forth, with respect to grading the slope easterly of the 800 block in Penn Street, - planting said slope with ice plant, and erecting a temporary -fence to protect such ice plant - during such growing period, be and the same are hereby approved, and the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with such work by force account.- - -3- V� Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and 'Mayor Selby; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. None. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES The City Clerk made no reports. City Engineer Webb read.to the Council:his written report, dated February 15, 1954, with respect to bids received by this Council at its regular meeting held February 10th, 1954, for the construction of a.15" Trunk Line Sewer in a portion of Imperial Highway. Said report stated that the low bid was submitted by John C. Kujundzich at a total price of $33,289.00; that said Engineer has investigated Mr. Kujundzich's financial ability to perform the work, is satisfied with his findings.in the matter, and recommends that the contract be awarded to John Ce Kujundzi;ch in ac- cordance with his bid and the plans and specifications. Moved by Councilman Peterson, Seconded by Councilman Baker, that Resolution No. 1387, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY_. OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING TO JOHN " ,--: C. KUJUNDZICH A CERTAIN CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWER TRUNK LINE IN A PORTION OF IMPERIAL HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA., which was read, be adopted. -On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution -was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby; _ Noes: . Councilmen None;' Absent: Councilmen None. -City Attorney Woodworth reported that he is submitting to the City Clerk, for presentation at the proper time; a resolution which the election firm of Duane Wheeler and Company had recasnended._be adopted by the Council, requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles to pre- pare and furnish to the City of E1 Segundo for use in conducting its Muni- cipal Election, to be held on April 13, 1954, mailing Idabei+ss upon which are imprinted the names and addresses of the registered voters of-said City, which work will be done by the Registrar of Voters, pursuant to the pro- visions of Section 9483 of the Elections Code of the State of California, at a cost of approximately $27.50._ City Adaunistrative Officer Udall 'reported as follows: 1. That he, with the City Attorney, members of the City Council, members of the Planning Commission, certain realtors of the City, and the City Engineer, had discussed the matter of the City of.El.Segundo adopting a hillside erosion ordinance; that such discussion develops that at this* time there are no unimproved dwelling lots in the City of E1 Segundo which would be subject to the Subdivision Ordinance, but if.it developed there were such lots, that prior to approval of the subdivision by the City 799 VT S00 Council, it could take action with reference to adequate drainage, etc., and on this basis he recommends no action be taken at this time with reference to the adoption of a hillside erosion ordinance. 2. That with reference-to the demolition of the old warehouse build- ing and certain needed changes in the new'warehouse building, he had made an investigation, together with the City Engineer, Councilman Peterson, the Building Inspector and the Garage Supervisor, and it was found that certain changes should be made in the new building and also in the approach thereto; that the matter of the painting has been taken care of and it will be handled by the contractor without any additional expense to the City, as the contractor and the architect have agreed to do the necessary painting without additional expense. _ Mr. Udall further stated that -there is_ need for a,small door between the shop and the office; that the contractor has agreed to leave this open without additional charge; that the gas tank and pump should be relocated from the position.shown in the original plans, and inasmuch as they have not yet been placed, the contractor has agreed to place them in the posi- tion requested at no extra charge;-that the approach to the shop should have a wider gate to permit large pieces of equipment-to be towed_or•pushed when out of service; therefore, that the gatd should be widened and also a .fence constructed against the building; that he has conferred with Mr. Flewelling, the Architect, who has indicated the charge for this change would be approximately $41}.00 for the fence. That with reference to the approach to the building, the curbing in front, and blacktopping along Holly Avenue from the alley west to the end of the building, this is advisable rather than having dirt there and partial concrete driveway, and the cost of the blacktopping would be approximately $198.00. He stated that the City Engineer has advised that City force cost would approximate this amount," or exceed it. Mr. Udall advised that bumpers should be installed on the sharp corners of portions of the building to prevent -vehible damage to -the buildings and that the three bumpers required would cost $35.00 each, or a total of $105.00. He further advised that the largest item has been the difficulty re-, garding electrical input for welding apparatus; that the Architect had not been apprised that the City's electric welder required 200 amps., and-that the specifications call for 100 amps.; that the cost.to install the 200 -am- pere hookup would be approximately $620.00; that Mr. E. 'J. Grow, Garage Supervisor, has agreed that the-cost of the boxes,-conduit, wire, etc.could be procured at little or no charge, and that with City forces and an electri- cian, this change could be effected at a reduced cost, and Mr. Udall recom- mended that if the_City can procure the necessary equipmentiat::little- expense, this course should be followed. With reference to the demolition of,the.old warehouse building, Mr... _ Udall stated that moving from the old building to the new building is nearly completed, -and that about Thursday afternoon,,,February 18th,-the-contractor can begin to'demolish the old building to enable completion of other new. buildings on bld shop site. He suggested that certain items such as. widening'of the gate, the'black- topping, and the installation of bumper§ on the building'be recommended for f` Change Order so that'the contractor could contact the Architect for necessary ►`� approval to proceed. He requested additional time to investigate the electrical _ installation matter. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by:Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the recommendations, hereinabove made by the City Administrative Officer, with reference to certain - —5— V additions and alterations at the new Municipal Warehouse, be and the same are hereby approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Administrative Officer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to approve the Change Orders indicated, and to cause other work indicated in said report to be performed at the most reasonable price obtainable. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS PAYING BILLS The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: General Fund Pacific Electric Railway Co. 6 6.67 Meyer Repair Works 3.91 Taylor Wholesale Electric 6.75 Solar Steel Corporation 15.93 George F. Schenck 21.50 Inglewood Daily News 2.05 Golden State Supply Co. 48.10 Ditto Incorporated 38.15 Blake, Moffitt & Towne 126.07 Bowlus Chevrolet 1,498.43 The Lighthouse, Inc. 35.84 Gordon Duff, Inc. 11.63 Atlas Desk & Safe Co. 248.65 Automatic Venetian Blind Laundry 9.96 Southeast Pump Service 145.12 Pacific_ Coast Rld I d, no - - Officials Conference 25.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 324.50 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 94.25 Industrial Stationery & Printing Co. Robert W. McGurk (Continued) V� General Fund - Conttd Wesley T. Anderson ;120.00 Wesley T.:Anderson 1 12.50 Oswald Bros. Company 32,735.86 Mrs. Earl Moles 50.00 Robert L. Webb, City Engineer 40.89 TOTAL $357743.7 Water Works Fund Luippold Engineering Sales 2.35 Mueller Company - 96.41 West. Basin Municipal Water District- 15,256.70 Century Oil Company 14.15 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 7.18 H & M Merchandising Co. 47.38 Park.Son, Inc. 27.30 Howard Supply Company 5.25 Construction Products Sales 57.41 Robert L. Webb, Petty Cash 14.25 TOTAL $ 15,588.38 96.40 __._- Recreation Fund 25.60 Burtons Leathercraft 110.28 TOTAL 110.28 Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes:, Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor- Selby; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. NEW BUSINESS Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that Resolution No. 1388, entitled: -6- F 801=` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO REQUESTING THEIBOARDOFI SUPER — VISORS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO PERMIT THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY TO -RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO THE CITY OF EL -SEGUNDO, RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON APRIL 13, 1954., which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried, and said resolution . was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. At this time Mayor Selby announced the appointment of William G. Thompson as a member of the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, to succeed himself, such appointment being effective February 22, 19549 and expiring February 22, 1958. Moved by Councilman Peterson., seconded by Councilman Gordon,, that the appointment by the Mayor of the City of El.Segundo of William G. Thompson as a member- -of' the Planning Commission of" said- 'City, for the four­year term beginning February 22nd,,-1954, be and the same is hereby-approved. -Carried by the following I owing vote:- Ayes: Councilmen_Baker, Gordon,, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: . Councilmen None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting,, it was moved by Councilman Baker., seconded by Councilman,Swanson,, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted Neva M. Elsey., City Clerk A prove _Mpftr LJ -7-