1954 AUG 18 CC MIN - 56r' j•rti �—• r I • It "'. .t4p.; :r1.1.� "r. i� ' t. .erj.,.�s i 5 t b'_ n''.. bAVib ETTLE30N, C a.R.: OFMCIAC Rsroetre` 1 zoned R -1... 56 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 IThe portion bordered by the red. cross marks is presently zoned "p". We could put our building on this Propert without any zoning g change by putting it in this piece here (indicating on chart), the building is 100 f e But we desire to set it back. e t deep. We are requesting a zoning change. We don't have to have zoning to do it. feel that the best interet of our installation ut we community and the and. of the e neighborhood is by getting.it rezoned, MR. WOODWORTH: Before discussed the 'introduct You leave, Mr. Taylor, we ion of a rather large document that you have but I don't think you formally offered. that. You said that you would leave a copy, MR' TAYLOR: I would like to offer Of this an exact copy (indicating). (Whereupon the various charts prey and, referred to b previously used Y Mr. Taylor entitled "Headquarters and General Offices Building of North American Aviation, Inc." were marked as Applicant's s Counsells Exhibit No. 9, and received in evidence.) 22 MR- TAYLOR; All I want to add in conclusion 23 that I hope next time we is meet as individuals we are 24 friendly in some res more pects. I hope I have shown you good 25 faith. I mean it. The facts are there. And. I hope that 2s all works out well and we do not create any Problems for � r 0 V mbe3 in i the I f R 5 a'. 1�,,a' ` ;r. t .�,:':r\ t �i!ra i r•\ °ev fir. � .,- ,�.ti. r * t.,_ �.. a• �. ,t��l'rre �, v� r!'•di �I.,��,rl iir �s, , '. t.' ♦ riillr��' u :.,: I r r �. QAV 0 E1`1'L'ESON'� G e;Rd 1�1R ItaL Rtfbjhtk $ �', 4. !.' :.Y+e � / � Is.� Vr ` 4 r t .7,\ 1 fr i w are � 4.r t r , +t� J �r .,e t � f.a'�^ ♦ � �..v �1 +r7V �,� t 158n. lT rfR k. t\w .t .•v.'JRC;�+"{ �t' .v x ✓ + it v a ul ar\r! � .'�• "S 1 I want to make this brief, as have the others preceding• 2 me. I come back and. say again, all of the advantages of 3 that building I believe would be to the people that even 4 lived in that district, as well as those otWrs who live 5 elsewhere from a monetary standpoint and not from any crumb s being handed out in the form of purchases. z I don't sell North American anything, and s they buy nothing from me. So what I have to say is strictly 9 for the benefit of the citizens here, as well as myself,. 10 and that is this: That building being three stories high 11 would take that noise that is really objectionable and 12 it might even throw some of it back over into Westchester 131 and. rebound againstth at building and be sent back where 14 now it goes into our buildings. 15 - For the benefit of the lady that has got is or that would have the light shining in her window, every- 17 body who lives on a street corner has that if they are 18 on any street corner in E1 Segundo, where there is a light 19 from that street corner. I believe our City still provides 20 lights all night long. That takes care of that one. 21 In closing I would like to say again: 22 Properties are valuable where there is employment, and 23 getting back to when I came to E1 Segundo, we were the 24 third factory manufacturing in here, and we had. three 25 employees. Properties were worth a thousand dollars or 26 twelve hundred. dollars, and I.heard one gentleman say, ca ten or fifteen thousand' uvilu' -- or m - 23 't need that $21,4CC ore tax assessment, if you don 1 11 (Iren -- I have !,�kAi�"�F� t„r of +.: F, a�a +• ;a L� : r�r a �r ... ..�... - :� � x� ,�;, s.+� r '�' / < < �C:� s, ti �y4 �� � 1• �� a F't 1 � .•s,4c�': 1 "I hate myself because uy.�: e , ,�- �M'�'r'�'�,R!,. -' �•':: 2 back of Penney's parking lot; I could have gotten that 3 great big lovely building for $425. That was when there � T 4 was no noise, no North American; that was when there were + 5 no Douglas plants; that was when there was no industrial` 6 area. 7 And I say to you again that in an industrial Y 8 area -- none of us here I think will ever be millionaires, f s so we had, better look to have our homes located. where ; 10 employment is accessible, and in a city that has industry 11 like E1 Segundo has, you have the lowest tax rate. Why? 12 I sat in the Council Chamber while some of 13 you left tonight and. heard a resolution offered to the 14 effect that the Council has the power to assess you ten 15 cents on every $100 of property assessment to provide funds 16 for recreation if they want to. 17 Now, they are going to have to do it if they 18 don't have money, and if you vote anything now, or if you 19 ask your council to close in now, saying, "Boys, we've 20 got all the business we want! We've got all the money; 21 we don't want any more Fire Department, we don't want 22 any more Police protection," -- if you don't need that extra 23 ten or fifteen thousand dollars that would come from this 24 tax assessment, if you don't need that $21,000 or more 25 that would come in for schools for your children -- I have 26 raised three children, and for those of you who don't know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 if li P if 21 2' 2 2; 2 Z 2 DAVID ETTLESON. C.S.R.. OrFlCiAL RErORTtR it, I have adopted. one more to raise; of coursq, it will be a little while yet before it starts going to school -- but I am interested in these good school facilities we have here, the same as you are. When I came here, we didn't have one -tenth of what we have now. It all came and you are all here because of this tremendous industrial growth. Now, don't be satisfied. just with what you have, but be satisfied with what there will be for those that come after you, maybe those that would want to buy a home and they would naturally want to be where they can go to work. Some of you drive a long ways to work; some of you only drive a small way. I close by saying again to this body, there is no man up there that didn't vote for it, and there is no man up there that I won't vote for again even though he goes in opposition to this thing because they have something that they will welgh more carefully than I have. And I say again, I am in favor of it because it will make employment for you, for me, for your children and for mine, i and taxation from that investment will be handed down to you, not in a ten thousand dollar amount as they pointed. out there on the chart, not in twenty-one thousand. dollars' sum that goes to schools, and ten thousand dollars k 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 i.. .. i �!�°.- _ ... ... y".:v'' .. :' "i /Y -�"1 �+Ki�c1 �f.X i y':4 �`N ; 7, '1 •„?^ thousand. dollars.. If you want to go to benty years, it is better than half a million. I just want to say -this to you gentlemen: You being elected by these lovely'people, consider them one of us, please, and protect our interest in seeing that this body has funds to spend for police protection, fire protection, and for the schools and for the playgrounds that we need here, having that in mind, vote on this when it finally is to be decided. MAYOR SWANSON: Is thane anybody else who wishes to speak in favor of this thing, and then we are going to try and hold it d.own to one minute, if possible, on your remarks. It is now 12 :30 o'clock. Is there anybody else who wishes to speak in favor of the zone change? MR. ERNIE BOWDRY: I would like to speak in favor of the proposed zone change. I have heard a lot of talk here tonight about buffer zones and protecting what we have, what we already have and so forth, but after seeing the charts, I can't see where there is any buffer zone out there. I notice along Acada. Street they are right up next to C -2 property. If you can show me a buffer zone in there, I want to see it. It seems to me that it would be a lot nicer to have an office building sitting there with occasional traffic coming in and out, instead of having a couple of in LsY 24 I expressed., essed, if 1 alu b-- µ -- - . for that• My opinions are expressed right annl �i ze T Bonn 1 fi , T 1 s' ith ,. ands hat; have YO an .n urs a day a t`kabout� 12 or- hO an ou `A' Thank y °U• to put a to have ANSON% We are going this deadline on t4;�Mpy.OR SW e going to put a �.�. we ar 1 °n i this . 6 •..�t1�1e t 11mit.;' .K.. .. oI clock at least• else who wishes to speak at 1.00 body Is there any 7 to those s in favor ? (pause) now we will switch over All rights for rebuttal• s them their opportunity s and give will let 0�ed to it, I am sure Mr• Taylor 10 opposed. JAMS WHITE. erty 11 0 • 8 ' here . The owner of this pr °p , .. use his Exhibit N percent of this is 12 me about sixty p rkRy. bef ore that tib . 13 heard me say ,_- right. R_1• I still think that t I am so it doesn't 14 is C -2 (indicating) � I 15 This This is R_l (Indic ating)• In the picture . enter ore. or m 16 sixty percent into think it is ou add the R "3 17 still the By time y {MALE VOICE. F 18 ` it certainly is' else? 1 1s : Anybody MAYOR SWAN SON brief • I 1r 20 I want to make it very t I have MR• SKELLY resentative that 14 21 1 North Americans rep As to the Dpi C want tell as such. 18 22 with North American, I wis 23 no quarrel wi et a little huffy tonight, 1s i f I did � I, y1t i I eXPressed, opinions are expressed rig 20 24 o iZe for that • My f is . I mean 21, 25 to apt g to parking and traf 22 26 from the heart as I 23 24 and tha' ' 25 MR. VIREN: Just one short rebuttal, Stan( 3 j 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Y D.'ETTLr ON; c.S.R:. OFFICIAL RKPORTeR' � .'{ ..�: a` : R 10 ,sincere' about it., And I believe that North American is Z going to grow in the next ten years as it has in the last number of years. It is the greatest growing industry in the world, today, and your traffic is going to be worse by far five years from now than it is today, and what are You going to do? You are just out there in a residential area, and there will be all heck popping. I would like to put this in the exhibits on our side (indicating newspaper cut -out) showing that E1 Segundo is leading Los Angeles County in building the first seven months this year, and. we are doing all right in our building, and we are still under those conditions entitled to a desirable place to live in for our homes and friends. MR. WOODWORTH: Do you wish to enter this as Exhibit A in.opposition? MR. SKELLY: Yes. MR. WOODWORTH: All right, will it be so marked, Mr. Mayor? MAYOR SWANSON: It will be so marked as Opposit' Exhibit "A". (Whereupon the newspaper cut -out above referrer to was marked as Opposition's Exhibit "A" and received' evidence.) MR. VIREN: Just one short rebuttal, and tha /' the fact that even though this was originally a Stan( /, E-� xti, k' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 4 19 0 if I town, very few people in E1 Segundo now live here who work for Standard Oil. A lot of us work outside of town. We have to go through the corner of Imperial and Sepulveda to get to our jobs. If you add 800 or more cars to that corner, it is going to take us another half hour to go to and from work. Therefore, I am opposed to this zoning change. MR. SIMMONS: Bill Thompson brought out the point that North American says they can move in here and. put that building in here. It was never brought out whether or not they could go ahead., even if the Council voted them down and put that in with the required. parking. I would like to have Mr. Taylor answer it, whether he still thinks they can put that in there with the required parking? MR. TAYLOR: The answer to your question is, yes, we can put it in. there and provide the required parking under a C-1 zoning as it is now existing there. MR. VIREN: Where could you put your parking in that area? MR. TAYLOR: Part of it in that area and part of it in the other. MAYOR SWANSON: Anybody else? MR. FLOYD CARR: As I stated previously, I am resident of the Junior*Chamber of Commerce. I would like ,read something under Article 6, which concerns R-3 - I; tiple family zone. I would like to read this in answer t i to be heard? Now is the time to speak up and then we will I close the hearing. What are your wishes? f K"; �I I i i 1 a question I was Basked. I asked if I might answer it, and�� 2 I would now like to do so. 3 The question was,-asked whether or not parking 4 facilities would be available. I merely want to point out 5 that under Article 6, which concerns multiple - family zones, 6 commonly referred to as R -3, under subsection 10 therein 7 it statess 8 "A public parking area, developed as 9 required by this ordinance, when the side 10 line of the lot or parcel on which it is 11 located in the R -3 zone forms a common 12 boundary with a lot or parcel zoned for 13 commercial or industrial purposes, but in 14 no case shall the property so used consist 15 of more than two (2) lots or parcels or 16 be more than fifty (50) feet in width, 17 whichever is the lesser." 18 Therefore, they can take fifty feet of this is property and make parking out of it which will provide for 1 250 cars which are necessary under the requirements of C -2 zoning. MAYOR SWANSON: Anybody else in opposition? Anybody else in opposition who has not spoken and who wishes i to be heard? Now is the time to speak up and then we will close the hearing. What are your wishes? COUNCILMAN BAKER: I move that the hearing be won't have to come clear back to the City Hall again? f.. t +� 1 2 3 4 DAVID ET'% or' F' C.S.R., OFFICIAL REPORTER `•�_�:. die MR. WOODWORTH: Mr. Mayor, may this meeting J itself be considered closed for the purpose of this hears only, because the law requires that any official action n that the Council takes must be taken in the Council Ch 5 so far as official action is concerned. amber s this hearing can be recessed. at this time, with the under - r standing at this time that the Council will return I immediately to the Council Chamber and, gentlemen suppose that , I You may wish to take the matter under advise- ment when you reach there officially? COUNCILMAN GORDON: Very definitely. MR. WOODWORTH: Then, Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen would it be fair and would . it be r our � S pleasure to announce to the people that the Council is returning to the Council Chamber at this time and that when it gets there it Proposes to Officially the hearing a close h and then take the matter under advisement? Would that be a fair statement? MAYOR SWANSON: Would that be fair, gentlemen? If so, that is the wa Y •it will be. MR' WOODWORTH: Gentlemen, will it be understoo that the Council then will return to the City :hamber at this time Y Council that this recess will end, and that ou will officially close the hearing at that tim ake the matter under a and advisement for decision b so that the e Y the Council P ogle will know what you propose to do and al won't have to come clear back to the City Hall again? '! I E 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1s 20 21 22 23 3 c � 14 t 1 2 3 4 DAVID ET'% or' F' C.S.R., OFFICIAL REPORTER `•�_�:. die MR. WOODWORTH: Mr. Mayor, may this meeting J itself be considered closed for the purpose of this hears only, because the law requires that any official action n that the Council takes must be taken in the Council Ch 5 so far as official action is concerned. amber s this hearing can be recessed. at this time, with the under - r standing at this time that the Council will return I immediately to the Council Chamber and, gentlemen suppose that , I You may wish to take the matter under advise- ment when you reach there officially? COUNCILMAN GORDON: Very definitely. MR. WOODWORTH: Then, Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen would it be fair and would . it be r our � S pleasure to announce to the people that the Council is returning to the Council Chamber at this time and that when it gets there it Proposes to Officially the hearing a close h and then take the matter under advisement? Would that be a fair statement? MAYOR SWANSON: Would that be fair, gentlemen? If so, that is the wa Y •it will be. MR' WOODWORTH: Gentlemen, will it be understoo that the Council then will return to the City :hamber at this time Y Council that this recess will end, and that ou will officially close the hearing at that tim ake the matter under a and advisement for decision b so that the e Y the Council P ogle will know what you propose to do and al won't have to come clear back to the City Hall again? '! I •' ` � •ra} �w •ti,; .j `A ' 4•,, zr' qr "'!Vj!"`y t,t %,• t �� �'' "�! } r 7rtrll^`* a t; i�A'�'i1 •1 17`Lid36N" a.sre.. O I!FfC1AL l MITER r" t • `' ,.►"' ' +� �r °.j%t G� Yz, ���r r�? Ma .���. -1 t w?• �. ..• T-.-the- arttornetys- ` for North American. It has been stated. by Mr. Taylor that 2 2 . time is very important to us with respect to the action 3 by the Council here. We would be glad to assist in any 4 way we can in expediting the preparation of this transcrij 5 .R so that it may be in your hands at the earliest possible s• moment. I'm sure that we can get it in your hand.srwithin 7 a few days, far short of two weeks, and that we will make 8 those arrangements with the reporter. 9 i MR. WOODWORTH: Gentlemen, if you wish to do th r' 10 the Council will have to make up its own mind as to how 11 much time you need for the decision. However, if you wis 12 to take the matter under advisement until your next meeti 13 then you can still take it under further ad.visement if 14 you find that you are not in a position to make a d.ecisio 15 at that time. That would be then in the light of whatever 16 occurred during the week. 17 COUNCILMAN GORDON: That would be agreeable with 18 me. We will do the best we can. 19 MAYOR SWANSON: The testimony is a long one, and 20 it is going to take some time to look at that transcript, 21 and I for one would. like to review that before I could 22 come to any decision. 23 MR. WOODWORTH: Well then, Mr. Mayor, do you at 24 25 this time declare this recessed hearing Over so that you ' 26 may return to the Council Chambers with the other members M DAVID ETTLESON, C.S.R., OFFICIAL RKPORT[R 168 1 of the Council and there take any official action that 2 you wish at that time? 3 MAYOR SWANSON: Yes, this meeting is recessed at 4 this time. 5 ... Whereupon the hearing recessed at 12:45 6 o'clock midnight, the City Council to reconvene again in 7 the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of E1 Segundo, 8 for further advisement and consideration of the pend.ing 9 matter. The reporter was excused at this time ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I I a �''� •� i i `�f✓ ws! fi . 4 ��� STATE OF CALIFORNIA9 ) ) ss: COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) 1111 I, DAVID ETTLESON, C.S.R., an Official Reporter of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles, hereby certify that I was in attendance at the El Segundo City Council Meeting held on Tuesday, August 18, 1954, commencing at 7:00 P.M., at the City Hall of El Segundo, California; that all matters heard therein that day were reported by me in shorthand to the best of my "skill and-ability; and that the foregoing pages No. 1 to 168 inclusive, constitute a full, true and correct trans- cript of said shorthand notes. r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand this 25th day of August, 1954. f r i r Official Reporter q I ` '•YI .W 93 1W 94 ►' Following the recess of the City Council,as hereinbefore set forth, .for. the.purpose of conducting the hearing in the matter of .the appeal of North American a;,pf the Aviation,k Ind: , from' the deisi' o • f, ahe` ?larni Commission City" 41 .Segundo..` denying said Company's. Application or change of:, zone to' -C 2 of the,,"westerly -'BOO feet , of ` Lot" 1, •C. C. Hunt Subdivision, the Council reconvened in'the'Couricil'Chambers in the City Hall in said City, the hour being 12:50 o'clock A. M., Thursday, August 19, 1954s the following members of said Council being present and answering roll call: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon and Mayor pro tern Swanson. Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the hearing on the appeal of North American Aviation, Inc.,and others, from the dedision of the City Planning Commission as evidenced in its Resolution No. 192, be closed. Carried by the following vote: Ayes.: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon and Mayor pro tern Swanson; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Mayor Selby. i Moved.by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Baker, the follow- ing resolution be adopted: the decision of the City Council RESOLVED, that /in the matter of the appeal of North American Aviation, Inc., and others, from the decision of the Planning Com- mission of the City of El Segundo, as evidenced in its Resolution No. 192, denying the application of said'Company for change of zone to C -2 of the westerly 700 feet of Lot 1, C. C. Hunt Subdivi- sion, xaUxnattar be taken under advisement until the next regular meeting of said City Council to be held August 25th, 19%. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Frederick,-Gordon and Mayor pro tern Swanson; Noes: Councilmen None; • Absent: Mayor Selby. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was Moved by Councilman Frederick, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, ,!Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk Approved: Mayor pro tem. f