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1954 AUG 18 CC MIN - 53
..;' } y.?r '#� {i3 J^�.fkR n� R;t r . .. lky "'i M..'.�i"• aa: -I ••• tom..: :. . ;.�a�. 4.J `bAvID ETTLE$ON. C.s.R.. OrFiCIAL RarowraR ° ' 3 •; r , . Yjp ip ;°C_•i,„41L1.7;k?A. ^it,- H � f .'i: A �. r.i;.. S^ i . a: A/i '` 1 1 presented, but sometimes opinion differs very materially 2 as to what is the best solution of a given traffic problem. 3 And that is why the Council, even in that case, as they 4 are here tonight, are going to be called upon as judges 5 to settle the issue after having heard from both sides. 6 MR. BAILEY: I would like to ask the Street 7 Commissioner a question. The area that is involved at the 8 present time we know would not be opened as a public 9 thoroughfare. If Acacia Avenue was extended -- I am just 10 using this as an example it would not be a public 11 thoroughfare; it would only be a matter of entrance or 12 exit into the North American property. 13 If the problem of cul de sacking with 14 North Aerican and that street came up, would North America 15 have to relinquish their right by agreement for an opening 16 into that street or could. the City Council as a body cul de 17 sac that area inasmuch as it was residential property 18 instead of a through street? 19Do you follow me? 20 COUNCILMAN BAKER: I am not sure that I do. The 211 only thing that I question is whether the remainder of 1 r 221 Acacia Avenue has ever been a dedicated street. v 231 MR. BAILEY: I don't think it has. I think the 241 gentleman who proposed that particular territory could 251 probably enlighten us on that. The area has never been 261 dedicated for a street. 22 through our building P it zoning, ou won't take our word for 23 assurance if Y .,1 r1 p that it end we I an s 3 r .. �.: 4 74, 'be -li don t eu . , } COUNCILMAN : i,, "a.: t. time. .... _. ;< 6 x MR. BAILEY: It could be after suUd' 7 might be classified as a subdivision, and being PClaef f ied . 8 as a subdivision, if I am not mistaken, I think North 9 American has a right to move a gate on that street and r: to there is nothing in the world we can do to stop "them. 11 I would like to ask Mr. Taylor this: Do 12 you believe that it would be agreeable, simply as a point 13 in your favor, to relinquish the right of opening in that 14 one specific area, and for the street to be cul de sacked 15 by the City Council, which makes it binding? It is rather is 17 a leading question. n t. MR. TAYLOR:. In answer to your question, when I 18 ou► e was up there pointing to Acacia Avenue, I said it was 19 4 agreeable to North American. First, we did not have any 20 ;o intention of using the egress and ingress through there, 21 and it was agreeable to us to definitely through our 22 zoning, through our building permit, or whatever it may be, 23 i' provide that assurance if you won't take our word for it. 24 i 25 There is some other way to do it, and. we i 26 are willing to do it. tyia t 1 I It it, ` waahin�t PA. 1 ll� t f z 3 4 5 6 7 s s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 2 2 MR. '13AILEY: that I don't take your w rd. >fi ely there have been too many people involvedAthere are too many stories going around and onFFe'contred' the, other. other. Now, there has to be some asBuranae. MR. TAYLOR: I do not know the answer of hove' accomplish it. We have some attorneys who, I think, can work with the City people and figure something out. We are agreeable to doing that. We do not need to use, nor do we intend to use and we.will guarantee against using Acacia Avenue. MR. BAILEY: Well, that was only just one instant. What I was trying to put over is the fact this has to come to an agreement in some manner. We either have to with- draw so much, or you have to be defeated, or we have to be defeated. Thank you very much. MAYOR SWANSON: Anybody else? MR. E. J. KRUG: I live at 15+7 East Palm, E1 Segundo. Mr. Bailey and the rest of the folks that live on Acacia, they are pretty lucky. They don't have any gate in front of their street, but I live on Washington and there is a nice big gate there now. MR. BAILEY: I was just going to use that as an example, but I didnit want to be selfish and. take up any y� LSuTu,zow agq uT aTdoad x,zom�04 �c agq 3o oaso ONBq . jo q,zo s TTTM oqM : nux ' 2iW 9z •ggnos aqq woaj SuTMOO OT33Ba4 .zo3 agBS aouB.zqua uB sy :UOITyl OHN �z !UT SuTwoo oTJJW4 2uTua0w aqq ao3 agBS m aou -w4ua u8 s8 pasn aq TTTM qT uags :DnHX -IM zz aTs `oN :Hozays 'uw Tz LagBS qT xa u8 sB 4ON : MIIUX 619W oz TTB q8 94BO gTxa u8 ov pasn aq qou TTTM qT 4W4 uOTg . sT -uaquT ano sT qT ptm °pasodoad sT qI :Uog7,Vl *UN 81 •agES agq sT gEgq `.xTs `sad : fIHX *9W LT LuogSuTgsBM agTsoddo aT sT oq .zaja.i noA agBS aqs (114aWO uOTgBTYiOaTO oTJJval,, 91 gpaxsBm 4avgo oq SuTaaaJOa uTBSd) :U(YI7,Vl 'KW �T • asano o jo 999X : NOSNYMS HOXVW ET LmzOJ4BTd aqq oq do amoo I ABW :HOZ7ds *HN zT L 30 3j0 TT ' uang oq axTT PTnoM Aagq gaasgs ,zanagBgM oq uogSuTgsBM uMOp OT ggSTB.zqs 08 Oq paMOTTB aq Sagq TTTM. : JfIUX *UW 6 '40az.zoo sT 4vgs :HOZXtls -UH 8 Lgoa,z.zoo gBgq sI LopunSaS Ta oquT uznq ggSTa B axBm L oq paMOTTB aq Aagq TTTM •uznq 4JOT B ONvw oq paMOTTB aq 9 qou pTnoM uogSuTgsBM agTsoddo agBS ggnos aqq jo qno SuTmoo 9 aT33Ba4 agq gBgg pauoTquam noA gaOTABy *aW J • ssanS I `mOTgoad s uMo Am azTsBgdma oq paquBM gsnp I :DnUN 'HW z • awTq aaom T .. ►?-� � ,: � ` ,,_ � is ,��� �,4a. �;, �;�i � ����C.:i. -,, _ .. � ..�,�Fi��. �x :�.� ,�:�r.,?��hJrr •X ��h,! Y.S,.siiM+]�Ir:�fN�"�� `, RT_ MI.* e... res ic- %ba w can"emr)lovees or El Segundo N p 3 M�y e�i�(e 8 T MR. TAYLOR: North American personnel will direct the traffic within our property to be sure that it complies with what we have outlined as a traffic flow path. After it hits the street,, the City has to take control of the traffic. We can assist in directing, but we can not assume that responsibility on .our own. However, the basic portion of this plan is to provide a built -in guarantee against out-going traffic coming down Washington, as in your case, where you want to reduce the amount of traffic that you have on Washington. MR. KRUG: That's right. MR. TAYLOR: But here the exit for southbound traffic is on the easterly side directed to make only a left turn out on Walnut to Sepulveda. MR. KRUG: But no egress out of the Washington Street entrance., MR. TAYLOR: No egress out of there. MR. KRUG: Who will stop that? MR. TAYLOR: North American will prevent t from coming out there. MR. KRUG: But that will be used for the co to-work people in the morning? MR. TAYLOR: From the south,, yes. �ESO'Ni' t7t<rei��. '• r5UGs Fro the south? m MR. TAYLOR' Yes . 2 UGs •That is all. Thank you. 3 MR. else? NSONt Anybody , MAYOR SWA REIDER. I live at 1416 East i 5 MARY HELEN down is Sycamore, �' And the next street gvoam ©re Avenue. u�,vada running east h 1,0 � ®p I'Lrpl, I�h►�l� •p1,rAet, III altiVOa � wttl.c,l� I,n �li� rnar�lparr It►'ta�lll,« I h��; f�11�1 tti.Il,gC' �fl�l �1� ►LI{II � >�� �ipi�llll�r�) � fi nrld w ► i►I uk 11II�I� 1� 9 south on Sepulveda, the to is Sycamore. t Council i And I should like to ask the city 11 and the traffic ` lz that in case this variance is granted, North American. has. does not conform to the pattern that 13 0 on record as taking presented, does the City Council g 14 to control the traffic in whatever stEps may be necessary 15 just had assurance from I that residential area? We have j f is that the the City Attorney, unless I misunderstood. him, � 17 that; is that correct? authority to do is City Council has the MR. WOODWORTH.. That is correct. The City it is Council has the authority to make reasonable and a 20 regulations to control any problem in the City traffic p 21 I which in their opinion should be controlled. their However, there, 22 in that instance, �1 23 VA /,1 (ldcst n.1 I;r,nt.t;h1; nn evl.clonee submitted ir, Vito 1`191 I I,t1tr,V vrh Vol 1.1 t{rxvh L'c,, tzn n mal;Ltir of cour,oaY j r { {'' 28 rx,ui] ut l.a.vr, kp•J 1,, t,tti rS11,;/ 1,c,urcc;l,t I,t{>a,t, hn.vt.t►tG t 1^6 I; 1 ' :•.� 'F {{`�'� •xh:i�, .t alf;.',O�Fi�1lLik[I�'Gk�t�2 '�� ►, `txy�w'. x ,� . ` :s� R .4 r 7yy'• f 'li"vt `.,, s -. r j y,.. K >, �:? i F -�� n ,�r +,��•Arl - ' ' ; '.Tr: ' , d1�1"rtw" ., ��1f'Kvi��a.ra+:.:.�;�a %�'I «`tdw, = *, i� r `�S�,r'"��i�T:. i •s: ` ,.;,.Y j; � 1 public hearing on the particular matted that you - refer ;. 2 to, that they could perhaps not give you an answer to 3 your question tonight because that would. be determining in ! 4 advance of the factors then known to them a decision which 5 they might be at that time better able to decide and make. s Now, may I say this: The City Council is 7 alert at all times to try and provide regulations not only s on this street of which you speak, but also on all streets 9 within the City where traffic problems exist. And when 10 the problem is there, if the citizens will direct the 11 Councils attention to it, they will then study it very 12 carefuW and come up with the correct answer if they can 13 figure one out. But to commit the Council to a definite, 14 positive policy at- tonight's hearing on traffic as it may exist three or four or five or six months or a year from 15 is now, I think they could hardly properly commit themselves 17 at this time, not knowing what the actual conditions may be at that time. 18 19 And I trust that you will appreciate that 20 that would be applied to any street, whether it was Sycamore or any other. 21 22 MRS. REEDER: I do appreciate that, but I think 23 that is entirely the point here tonight, fiat we are 24 anticipating what is going to happen, and the fact that 25 Sycamore has been open for less than a month and. our 26 traffic has increased in there on that street already, oh, 19 IS LU VC uv --- -- 23 w l Mr. Taylor? .i• o.'•- -... +:..._.... i k r''!. + ♦ {? 1 ML A s"�' r t Af Z FPS w' 'A4 id,-DA �/1C 1 all out of proportion to whatever it was before, then 2 I think that we have reason to anticipate that this will s provide even a greater problem. And I think if we had 4 the assurance that whatever can be'done will be done, it 5 might make a little bit of difference. 6 MR. WOODWORTH-* I think that if the Mayor and 7 Council care to make a'statement at this time -- although 8 they are not making their decision on this matter until 9 they have heard all of the evidence -- that they would be to alert to any traffic problem, whether it was on your street 11 or on any other street, and would do everyt)1ing within 12 their reasonable power to try and. correct it; I think that { 13 is about as far as you could reasonably ask them to go 14 tonight in a hearing of this kind, where the subject is: 15 Should this zone be changed. is MRS. REEDER-* Well then, may I point out to the 4 17 Council that the traffic coming down Sepulveda, the first 18 street east and west on which they can travel would be is Sycamore. And a circle can be made on Sycamore up California, to Imperial 20 , and straight out Imperial east 21 and west, then north and south egress can be made from the 22 facility unless I have misunderstood things tonight. There 23 is to be no left -hand. turn on Sepulveda, is that right, 24 Mr. Taylor? 25 TAYLOR: Did. I understand your question, that 26 there is not to be any left -hand turn on Sepulveda? + `° I ���' i f'^ 1y Il• ; 44Lr �i7 �+G�j v , i 1 .. .. '`'t".Is'y1� ` 1 MRS. REEDER: That is correct. 2 MR. TAYLOR: No, that is not correct. There is a 3 left -hand turn and only a left -hand turn on exiting from 4 the south side of the parking area. And the reason there 5 is only a left -hand. turn is to prevent traffic from going 6 down Walnut to California, forcing the traffic coming out 7 to come to Sepulveda, and make a right -hand turn and go 8 south. 9 Northbound traffic out of the facility will to be directed out on the north, on Imperial, to make their 11 turn left here (indicating) on the chart. Does that ! 12 answer your question? 13 MRS. REEDER: Yes, because I thought continually 14 you said that traffic would come south on Sepulveda. 15 MAYOR SWANSON: Anybody else? 16 DR. MESCHUK: I live at 811 California Street. 17 I have lived on the corner of California Street for the 18 past six years, and. I have seen the traffic problem grow. 19 I have attended. a similar hearing in which we had one of 20 our engineers -- his name was Mr. Short -- and at that 21 particular time we had, a traffic problem at the time 22 California Street was paved. We didn't have much of a 23 traffic problem until then. 24 Then they had this little jog over Calif orn3 25 Now before California Street was paved and the little jog 26, going into North American hangars 8 and g, the traffic H Y r P. i flow was primarily divided, and at that particular time 2 Center Street was taking the bulk of the traffic. And if 3 my facts are correct, the property owners on Center Street 4 were partially paid for their paving by California gash 5 taxes. Whereas people on California Street had to submit 6 the full brunt of paying for pavement and sewers there. 7 Now the traffic flow has shifted from Center Street to 8 California Street. s Now, the addition of North American coming to in there will bring additional traffic on California Street 11 through Playa del Rey, through Manhattan Beach, through 12 Redondo Beach, through Rolling Hills, and all those outlying 13 areas. 14 And I want to submit a further fact, and I 15 think it would behoove the Council to think about this, 16 and think for a long time about it before they submit to 17 a traffic light at Maple and Mariposa, and I say this for 18 this reason: At the present you have a great congestion 19 of traffic at the corner of Imperial and Sepulveda, because 20 I have an awful time getting to the hospital in the 21 morning. 22 Now, if you put a traffic signal at Maple 23 1 and Sepulveda, you will divert a lot of traffic which is 24 now coming from Los Angeles, North American, Northrup, 25 Douglas, and they will try to miss the three -stop signal 26 at Imperial, and you will have Maple Avenue as heavily 24 to your observation, Doctor, that Maple and Mariposa will T)r ,i(i - t-11 r -, i i i, I v 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 131 14 i 15 16 17 1a i 19 20 21 22 23 i 24 25 26 c �rePully,� bee ause,. 4�.' n a deve`'o co in` i there, it will only 74 a matter of years until there will be a great number of factories there. I am not trying to stop progress, believe me, but the problem is going to be acute and the particular area that I live in has lots of children around., and we will have to consider the safety angle from their standpoint. So think of that also as a factor. (Applause MAYOR SWANSON: Anybody else? MRS. EDWIN J. *KRUG: I live at 1547 East Palm Avenue, which is right on the corner of Washington Street, and I would like to ask Mr. Taylor why it is necessary to have a gate on Washington Street at•all if the gate which is at the east end of the parking lot is considered sufficient for egress in the evening? Why can't that be used for ingress in the morning as well? Why can't that be closed as Acacia Avenue would be? MR. TAYLOR: (Indicating on chart) This traffic signal, and this traffic signal -- and. it may also apply to your observation, Doctor, that Maple and Mariposa will provide the facility for a left -hand turn off of Sepulveda for northbound traffic. If there were a signal contemplate 1 AA IJ t• 1 /1J Ffe, 1 1 .� ��l hl�� �-1.. .�.._ .-.._l 7 J I I _— —