1954 AUG 18 CC MIN - 48iA, 4CIAL: CURT 6)kVi6.&Ttxso y d memb6ri �"of the public sent 1 gentlemen of the councils an 2 that you would care to hear the 286 different names read. 3 The announcement is that it does contain 286 names, and it 4 will remain on file in the proceeding, unless some one cares 5 to insist that they be, read.. 6 MR. JAMES WHITE: I would like to add just one 7 thing: That all of - those names are adjacent to the area, 8 and are residents and property owners adjacent to this 9 proposed rezoning site. 10 MR. WOODWORTH: These papers,that you are now 11 presenting, Mrs. Elsey, are the papers,,that were previously., 12 presented by Mr. White to you, is that,correct? 13 CITY CLERK ELSEY: That's right. 14 MR. WOODWORTH: Under the chairls,previous . ruling, 15 all these documents are being received as part of the record. 16 Whereupon the documents above referred too 17 purporting to be signed by 286 signatureso.were received 18 in evidence and made a part of the record ... 19 ... The following additional documents were then 20 read by the City Clerk: 21 "Aug. 9P.1954 22 ' "Members of the City Council. 23 City of El Segundo 24 Gentlemen: 25 As residents and property owners of 26 El Segundo, we wish to add our protests to th � � :1. m< : e {I w'� � -, ' ,,y 41 �'�� ,Xer��k• �.u..�.. ._ y �.�f ` � t r ,�.... f 'tr �k.•� "`r? VA1Et1 E' �T' L' �StiV ;'orh�ciRii�CaC�it�d�s��vo�rt�r °"^ Y , > Y �X t �. r '. V +,.,: r , f y4y ���, 1����."V�!��4,r � �iS�}u ^,T +�. ;1•'rtS ,y �`t/'w�'i r ��. a I 1 � L` � � � v� .• � -t� �. �YV'} 4 I�� j Zr` �- r K i�y' Hi�.r.�°`t�i ���� j�! ���`� � - �tJr����`�j a . �.f, r rX. n_it :E 4• �i . �i"'.F �. i.' a r % . �.r {. rM +y: J: 1 "proposed rezoning° of property -re r Y e 2 North American Aviation, Inch 3 No firm can say, with absolute certainty, 4 that enough off-street parking can be allocated 5 to their employees. If future commitments 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I result in expansion not contemplated at the present moment, established parking areas will become insufficient. We are employees of Northrop Aviation, Inc. in Hawthorne and we are aware of the situation in the residential areas surrounding that company. One -hour parking limits are flagrantly ignored. It is common practice for employees arriving too late to find space in company parking lots, to park on the street, accept the parking viola- tion notice - -and apparently, the City of Hawthorne cannot afford to have the streets .systematically policed as one a week is a fair average -- pay the $1 charge at Personne'1 I Activities for each violation and consider it 'cheap' parking rent. We have been residents and property owners in El Segundo for 11 years. We recently bought I! a home close enough to the area requested by J North American to be affected by the inevitable j stream of traffic which will fan out from such a7 R71 a 24 nand.ea to you previously by Mr. Bryant? 25 CITY CLERK ELSEY: It is, sir. ,�, ,T, .• : r , .r ;,�} �.;ti, -$ ^ , "establishment, regardless of how it is 2 directed at the point of origin. 3 We respectfully urge you to consider 4 the wishes of property owners in this area- - 5 people who have bought homes in what they 6 considered was a desirable residential 7 locality. 8 Yours truly, 9 Marvel L. Koren (signed) 10 Andrew Koren (signed) 11 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Koren 12 1121 E. Sycamore" 13 � ik iF iI iE 14 15 "Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cole 16 917 E. Walnut Ave. 17 E1 Segundo, Cal. 18 Aug 13, 195+ 19 City Council 20 El Segundo 21 Gentlemen, i.2 Beings we will be on our vacation and 3 out of town on your next hearing of August 18, 1954. We would like to have go on record that we oppose the rezoning of the Westerly 700 ft. lot 1, C. C. Hunt subdivision proposed by North 24 nand.ea to you previously by Mr. Bryant? 25 CITY CLERK ELSEY: It is, sir. ...�Cq lc�� rlyv t•'.s1 '. ,i r . DAVID LES(N Oripclx GPQRT`hit•OrrRd ' ` f` 4♦�,Y I�. r �• ' } µA�,.0 f .:Y si 1:y:1�S 1 "American. 2 Although we do not live in the 3 immediate vicinity we would hate to see all a 4 the lovely homes around there suffer with cars 5 parked all over the streets. Which is inevitable 6 with any large - commercial building . Also would 7 it not be possible for North American to purchase 8 more property and commercializing the whole 9 section. The representative who was at the 10 Planning Commission said they dropped. one parcel 11 of land because it was too expensive. Is that 12 the reason they do not purchase property.on the 13 East side of Sepulveda, where.commercialism is 14 wel c om e . 15 For the Business man, Manufactory and, 1G Doctors of E1 Segundo, it's a good deal. For 17 the poor guy who has to fight traffic in and 18 out of town, we oppose. Sincerely, 1s 20 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cole" 21 22 MR. WOODWORTH: Are the documents that you are now 23 going to present, Mrs. >Elsey, the documents which were 24 handed to you previously by Mr. Bryant? 25 CITY CLERK ELSEY: It is, sir. 16 MR. WOODWORTH: And it consists of several sections enhance the value of property and would bring r *t.4, k�Jt Al ,;•. - r DAVIb ETiLESON,' OMMYCIAL CdURT RRpRTIM ;;Ov ",.c v , > •i �S �*� 1 of a petition, each of which has substantially the same 2 language at the top, is that correct? 3 CITY CLERK ELSEY: That is right, sir. I have 4 not had an opportunity to check the number of signatures 5 on these petitions either. It is addressed to the Honorable 6 City Council, City of E1 Segundo, California, and reads 7 as follows: 8 "Dear Sirs: 9 We,*the undersigned residents of the 10 City of E1 Segundo, respectfully request 11 approval by the City Council of the applica- 12 tion for change of zone filed by North 13 American Aviation, Inc., concerning that 14 property located on the South side of Imperial 15 Highway between Sepulveda Boulevard and 16 California Street. We make this request for 17 the following reasons, among others: 18 1. This property, due to its nearness 19 to the Airport and other industrial areas, is 20 more suitable for the general office building 21 to be built by North American than it is for a 221 residential area. 23 2i The general office building would 24 enhance the value of property and would bring 25 prestige to the City of E1 Segundo. M 3. The national welfare would be served r 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7 24 25 26 r-. A f 49� r;- , - -n" �-Ik - "', - , -- ".-I I - � Z I i.,` by the i�bi6hfii since X NwEn, s opejy!a'- 2 'iions,are directly related to our national defense, 4- There is no available and adequately zoned area in I this vicinity which Would be satis- factory for such a general office building.", Whereupon Similar . petitions, totaling 50 in number, similar to the one above read by the City Clerk, Purporting to contain 734 names altogethero having been Previously handed to the City Clerk by Mr. Don Brygntj, were received and made a Part of the record MR. E. G. KRUG: May i qiA,. as the council at ode this time?*. WOODWORTH:. Pardon me., Mr. Krug. /i back Mr. Mayo'r.."before , we get I into the oral testimony part of this meeting, I suggest that the ' ;e in witnesses who expect to address the Council all be one time in order to save time and, if this is tr one testimony, Sir, I suggest that You be Sworn bef have ment is made because all the rest will be req• sworn unless it is merely a preliminary inqj - a., this MAYOR SWANSON: Before YOU contin wne to want to give some instructions here at t'. Z. ae petitions MR- KRUG: All right. ected, neigh that she read, i please answer 23 CLLA%A V&&�w 24 that f or me? 25 MR. BRYAUIT: Yes, Sir, It in throii[rhoiit. the Pntirp 0" I 4 .�,+ . _ ., ter: .- ,t,�'�'� ":s. �•t•m�,�,��y'�f�� ��.%��;tr�:,��, >' MAYOR SWANSON: Are those all of the written -2° communications, Mrs. Elsey? A 3 CITY CLERK ELSEY: Those are all, Mr. Mayor. 4 MAYOR SWANSON: At this time we will refer to the 5 audience for their''pros and cons. We will hear from those' 6 first in favor of the zone change, and then from•those 7 opposed to it. s First, we are going to give those who are 9 in favor of the change an opportunity to present their side 10 of the case. And then the opposition will have an oppor- 11 tunity to make `their statements. After that`we will go back 12 to those in favor of the change for rebuttal and then 13 refer back again to those who are opposed to thechange in 14 rebuttal. 15 I am going to ask that each and every one 16 of you wait and speak in the proper category that I have 17 just indicated. 18 MR. KRUG: Honorable Mayor and Gentlemen, this y, 19 is merely a question. Mr. Bryant would be the one to 20 answer it. Are these signatures that are on the petitions 21 which he handed into the City Clerk in the affected neigh--', 22 borhood. That wasp t brought out in the a � g part that she read; 23 and that isn't quite clear to me. Would you please answer • 24 that for me? xtf" 25 MR. BRYAM,.T: Yes, sir, it is throughout the entir 26 city. 24 MR . WOODWORTH : RAT i I If .5 k b ETTLESON, OrFv6X*L counT R[rOeTik MR. KRUG: The question I asked is this: Are , 2 the signatures on*the petition that you handed in as 3 coming from the Junior Chamber of Commerce those of people 4 in the affected area or where are they from? 5 MR. BRYANT: From various locations in the city, G including the area that is directly affected. 7 MR. KRUG: All right, that answers the question. 8 s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 is 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Thank you. MALE SPEAKER: I would like to make a statement at this time. I heard the name of the Junior Chamber of Commerce mentioned in this petition. I would like to state here that the Junior Chamber of CommerceA&tioned in this petition. I would like to state bane that the Junior Chamber of Commerce had nothing to do with this petition whatsoever. (Applause) What I mean to say by that is, that we did not circulate it. We have some people that did sign it and some people who did circulate it. MR. WOODWORTH: Mr. Mayor, I am going to interrupt by stating that the witnesses should be sworn before they start making any further statement. MAYOR SWANSON: The City Attorney will make an announcement at this time. MR. WOODWORTH: By request of the Mayor, it is { announced at this time that the City Clerk will swear ally, persons who expect to address the Council with reference s W ;► q d' :.� �... sriskktv' 1 othe matter rth11c A r now *pending 'tit oi.Vli t'gll FOR a ,Zi r o' 2 those who expect to address the Council please ride at this' 3 time, raise your.right hand and in response to the oath 4 which the Clerk will administer, say: "I do," or words to s' that effect. 6 ... Whereupon the vast majority of the audience 7 was duly sworn by the City Clerk .. . s MR. ERNIE BOWDRY: I reside at 627 West Acacia s Avenue. I just wish to have it cleared up before we got 10 started, Mr. Bryant was representing himself not only as 11 a member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, but also as a 12 resident of the City of E1 Segundo. He did not submit the 13 petition as an official J.C. paper. The Junior Chamber 14 of Commerce did not circulate a petition. That is all I 15' wanted to say, Mr. Mayor. 16 MAYOR SWANSON: Thank you. 17 At this time now we will throw the meeting 18 open to those in favor of the zone change, and I think it is would be right if North American, the one that is requestinE 20 it, would have the first opportunity. 21 DR. MESCHUK: I live at 811 California Street. zz Before you open it' up,, Mr. Donald Au e , who is the a 23 Superintendent of Standard Oil of California, heard rumors 24 to the effect that Standard Oil has officially taken a 26 stand on how they stand on this particular matter. He was 26 unable to get a communication to the City Council in time 24 1 'L 0-- -11UM ta_l=11U0 c.11u 1 act: numc upliusiTion. „r) I hope that we are Fill fri pnr1r, i t { w �, t .G�', t 4•�i! 1! 1: Ss �'Z ai:11I �i, >'?�'A� e, t ! , vi •!x ' DAVID ;'tti`'jL'fi$6 NfdXS�I►4tl t { P 1• 1 qu .. '• .. � JJ P t<t Y�Y�, ,�, ' 1 and has asked -tne' 'as a per friend, would I tell the 2 people here and the City Fathers that Standard Oil has 3 not taken a stand, and they are entirely neutral in the 4 matter. (Applause) 5 MAYOR SWANSON: In order to help the Court i 6 Reporter get this information down, Capt. Woods would like 7 to make a statement on the direction of the microphone. 8 CAPT. WOODS: We have the use of this microphone 9 here for those who desire to use it. The Court Reporter 10 has requested that you come up to the microphone, state 11 your full name and address so that he will be able to copy 12 it correctly, and then make your statement. 13 If you will hold the microphone within two 14 or three inches of your mouth while you are speaking, you 15 can be heard very plainly and clearly by all those in the 16 auditorium. 17 MAYOR SWANSON: We will hear first from a represen 18 tative of North American Aviation, Inc. 19 MR. LELAND TAYLOR: My name is Leland Taylor, and 20 I am the Assistant toIthe president of North American 21 Aviation, Inc. My business address is 5601 West Imperial 22 Highway, Los Angeles. My home address is 257 North Bentley 23 Avenue, Los Angeles, California. 24 I see some friends and I see some opposition. 25 I hope that we are all friends even though we are not on 261 the same side of the fence in this issue. .. _, r, v ...­_11 va .. 111 I-1 .1 . 11111 �.. ,Z+ ��,; i��•� �� r�+�tr "':IC •. °3'�r �''xxr,:i ,.f- �'i:'y�Nti����+J � .+ j,.l r •s1 jC }`A i iti; • , + ' , AV l.E$ e� !COUNT -,i + • r + / . r 41_� o +. •�• t .a u, X 4vtr,y, ik - r�/'u�+��tS�,` ,�+ ; i � 'S•f � ,���; �+yp �y+ a�: •CS f ,I' Wz r i- >i+� b r'a{ e J�(�..'��� .ld .a � a Gentlemen, if you will permit me, T think 1, x r� +• 2 I can present the case of North American better with some 3 toys that I have here, a presentation of what we propose, o 4 how we propose it, and the things that we have gone into 5 to resolve some of the problems that we have learned in G the last several weeks that have created some of the 7 opposition. With your permission I would like to do that. s MAYOR SWANSON: You have my permission. MR. TAYLOR: 44hi7e this is being set up, I would 9 10 like to take this opportunity to thank every one of you 11 for being here tonight. Whether you are opposed. to-what 12 we have requested in the City of E1 Segundo, or whether. 13 you are supporting us, we appreciate your interest because we believe at North American that community interest is 14 15 important, and the fact that there is a strong community interest in E1 Segundo is important to us because we are 16 now a member of this community, we hope to be more of a 17 member of this community. 1s With reference to these things that are 19 20 being set up here, charts and photographs and so on, as 21 you know, we were turned down by the Planning Commission 22' on our application for a rezoning. There have been some developments since then that have changed our plans. I 23 will get into that in this presentation. 24 We are now here on an appeal of that 25 application before the Planning Commission-. We have learned 26 r :.� j� f •ch • i h ♦,; l�rf :. i, ♦ v .: .. 5r, . v3`�i ,�' -,1 SA �� •!_ fr i'Y7. .) tr rLNi.�.•,: ; y'.. '`rr '+� r'F'i'r Q� ��;5 It r• 7 i \t o } � ^�1 t. irF+1y • i 1 #!4 s+ , s H +�+b DdlMlq ETTI.ES�,1NrtiCa s f�+ ICIAL Fi[TORTt1l 4 l sw g • �kMa ..}e fin„ ti' . ;F -..!`� r ti._ i a S ,Ih 4✓ � `r : sa'} rSt' '{:R s,7' % r �} jrya j, � z • t��l��Vfrt��r �� �� ''1Pfi "..�11 � `� .; ' . ,�{ s i'r 4 .:.'y,'�S•`�.i) 4 S +k�4 � t rai1 , ;,..� I� ;t 5d=� ! , R r r`rt z r,. ` r ,.�, r `�"i/:A•r: dty��.t� # �rAt �FL `i J. +, I Lµ.>ti •r ..!. "F aih'� W ...F.:, r 1• tha Kd °basic objections to our proposal., 2 First, a fear that a rezoning would bring in undesirable 3 industrial development. I hope to clarify that, and that 4 is not what we intend. 5 Secondly, that the present traffic problems 6 in the immediate_-,.° neighborhood are the result of our 7 installation of what we call Hangars 8 and 9, just north 8 of Imperial Highway. I believe that we have the facts 9 here to show that we are not the cause of that. I will 10 admit that we contribute to it. 11 Another part of the fear that has been 12 expressed to us has been that if we go in here with 800 13 cars parked in the immediate area, the immediate neighbor - 14 hood will be a- hazard day and night. I think we have 15 developed a plan with some of the officials of the City _ is of E1 Segundo, that will put your tears to rest on that. 17 And I must also..•recognize another fact: is Amongst many people and this is understandable; it' is was shown here tonight when Mrs. Elsey was reading a ' letter while a transport took off -- it gets annoying at 20 21 times -- I must admit that, and I will explain what we 22 have been doing to keep that noise down for the immediate ° area from our operations across Imperial Highway. I 23 24 cannot promise that we will not make any noise from our 25 installations to the north of Imperial Highway because I 26 cannot make a commitment that I cannot live up to. But I 24 (Chart) "Our obligations to the nation's i,, r 1 will sft off and try to show you -- 2 MALE VOICE: May questions be asked during the 3 presentation of this gentleman's remarks? 4 MAYOR SWANSON: Please ask your questions after 5 the gentleman gets through. If you are one of the o pposi s tion, you will ask your questions when the meeting ip 7 turned over to the opposition. First of all, we will hear 3 from those in favor of the rezoning change. s SAME MALE SPEAKER: I was trying to straighten 10 that point'out, as to'whether we will be permitted to ask 11 questions during the discussion or later on. 12 MR. TAYLOR: We will follow your procedure, but 13 for the record'I wish to state that I have other gentlemen 14 from North American here who are experts in this particular 15 field of questions that may come up, and we will be most is happy to answer any questions from supporters or the 17 opposition that are put to us. 13 Those of you in the back part of the room 19 undoubtedly will not be able to see this chart clearly, so 20 I will read, it to you: "Headquarters and,General Offices 21 Building of North American Aviation, Inc." 46 22 (Chart) "We plan to move our executive 23 headquarters to E1 Segundo." 24 (Chart) "Our obligations to the nation's 25 defense program have steadily increased to a point where 26 they involve: 54POO employees 24 25 talking about a headquarters office building. 2s (Chart) "We need a site that meets DAVID ETTLESON. c.s.R., OrncihL RsroR'Twa 1 "Plants in Los Angeles, Downey and 2 Fresno, California, and Columbus, Ohio, 3 and more than 20 supporting facilities b 4 "Design, engineering and manufacture 5 of Air Force and Navy airplanes...guided 6 missiles... electronic systems ... rocket 7 engines ... peaceful applications of atomic 8 energy." 9 (Chart) "We built or leased new produc- 10 tion areas as we outgrew the old ones, and 11 now we need more office space." 12 (Chart) "We need a separate, modern 13 headquarters building: 14 To centralize the direction of the 15 company's activities 16 To provide offices for the company's 17 executives and ample office space for 18 900 staff advisors and. administrative persons 19 20 To expand over - crowded conferehce and reception areas." 21 22 We are talking about an office building, an 23 executive headquarters; we are not talking about a shop; 24 we are not talking about machines and equipment. We are 25 talking about a headquarters office building. 2s (Chart) "We need a site that meets 4 �� " ,,d}e��`J "F��ii��i;*^ t - DAVID IMLESON.� s'it..'OrricuL,Rtl'Psf�M4 Yr ?; r i1.. C r' 1 fir.., v •� +7 t. P '+ i M ♦ iY'4 t t� �!�� =t. N ,. v •� �{ 7�fSlx .t mot. �t�• Yi s •� af� tai , _. :� �' I ,� ' ° 4 ;ij' �µ l st ; I '��!tv t � ° t•" +'��s ii' 4�s�rYttJ'r ;�kf . Ij�.N 1 "these qualif�oationss; 2 Close-'proximity~ to operations for 3 efficient liaison 4 Accessibility for employees and business 5 visitors 6 Ample room for entrance and off-street 7 parking areas around the office build- 8 ing." 9 (Chart) "We've selected this site in E1 Segundo." to (Photographic map) To orientate you, this is 11 Sepulveda Boulevard to the north (indicating), Imperial 12 Highway going to the west, this is the new 11ouglas hangar 13 here, our hangars 7 and 8 here, Patmar's here on the 14 corner, the car dealer's place here, the motels in here, 15 this piece of property right here (indicating) -- 16 MR. WOOEVORTH: Pardon the interruption, Mr. Taylo , 17 but for the purpose of the record, when it is transcribed _ 1s it will not appear, what you are pointing at. Would you is please identify it as being an area map, or whatever it is' so that when it is introduced 20 , if it should be subject 21 to review, that the instrument that you are talking about a 22 will be identified in the record. 23 MR. TAYLOR: Yes, sir, we will do better than that 24 I will enter it into the record, a copy of this photograph, 251 and so identify it as I have marked it with a sheet 261 explaining what I have said from the transcript, is that x I __ __ - — __ __.V .._ aaa, vc UUMI tip1Q, Would 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 I 14 15 16 17 17 1� 2 2 'l DAVID E1'TLESOM+ cs,R.. r, satisfactory? Mft. MOODMOilT I Will that be so received, Mr. Mayor? MAYOR SWANSON: It shall be so ruled upon and properly noted.. MR. WOODWORTH: For the purpose of the record., will it be designated as the Applicant's counsel's Exhibit No. 1? Would that be agreeable ?' Will it be so ordered, Mr. Mayor? MAYOR SWANSON: So ordered. MR. WOODWORTHi All right. (Whereupon the photographic map above referred to was marked as Applicant's Counsel's Exhibit No. 11 and received. in evidence.) MR. TAYLOR: ,That piece of property that I marked out there constitutes ten acres, part of that ten acres is already a C-2 zone. As a result, we asked the Planning Commission to approve C -2 zoning for all of the site. Now, I would, like to pause here to digress from this. We are now asking the City Council to consider these additional facts before acting on our zoning request, and here I would like to depart from this (referring to 1 , chart). There has been some criticism that has come to us 2 of C -2; why C -2 zoning. Because C -2 zoning in the mind of !3 some people in the immediate area, we have been told, would 4 open the area for more than we say that we contemplate doing, and what assurance does anyone have that more than t-.i mP, and s However, time is of importance to us. To s refile our application for C-1, which is all we now require, io we do not have an over height limit plan on our building. 11 We do not require laboratories as we did originally. We 12 can not, under the existing requirements of the City, 13 change from C -2 to C -1 under the pending application. We 14 would, be compelled to refile which would require a time 15 delay. io Therefore, we are proposing tonight, and I 17 would like now to offer a letter to the City Council, with 18 the approval of the City Attorney, the substance of this 19 letter is that we continue on our hearing and present 20 application for C -2, subject to a letter commitment from 21 North American upon the granting of this; we would. proceed 22 with our building, but limit our building activities to 23 those requirements of C -1 zoning and immediately file for 24 C -1. Our purpose in doing that is to save time, and that 251 is the only purpose in it. I should like to read that 261letter and then you may enter it in your record- ME y4 J Tr tL 'p�`3 a r A_.sRC� r icc./tiroveYin DAVID ETTLSON, c.a.rt.i o►ru :. 1 that won't happen in the future? We originally needed 2 C -2 zoning. Originally we planned, in addition to our 3 administrative headquarters, engineering activities. We 4 contemplated a larger building. Since then our plans have 5 changed. We have developed new plans for those activities 6 and this location and this site is specifically for 7 administrative and executive facilities. s However, time is of importance to us. To s refile our application for C-1, which is all we now require, io we do not have an over height limit plan on our building. 11 We do not require laboratories as we did originally. We 12 can not, under the existing requirements of the City, 13 change from C -2 to C -1 under the pending application. We 14 would, be compelled to refile which would require a time 15 delay. io Therefore, we are proposing tonight, and I 17 would like now to offer a letter to the City Council, with 18 the approval of the City Attorney, the substance of this 19 letter is that we continue on our hearing and present 20 application for C -2, subject to a letter commitment from 21 North American upon the granting of this; we would. proceed 22 with our building, but limit our building activities to 23 those requirements of C -1 zoning and immediately file for 24 C -1. Our purpose in doing that is to save time, and that 251 is the only purpose in it. I should like to read that 261letter and then you may enter it in your record- ai d 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12i 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7 1 V7 77 DAVID E`ITLES6N, C �3 �1b 'CIAL r.: (Reading) "NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION, INC. International Airport, Los Angeles 45, California In August 18, The Honorable City Counci City of E1 Segundo E1 Segundo, California Re: Application of Aviation, Inc. reply refer to: 1954 L North American for Change of Zone Gentlemen: There is pending before you for consider- ation and decision, the above entitled. appli- cation for change of zone to Zone C -2 reference to the property described as the westerly 700 feet of lot 1 of C. C. Hunt's Subdivision. When this application was filed, North American requested change to a C -2 Zone for the reason that contemplated operations in the proposed building could only be carried on in that type of zone. Since the application was filed, however, it has been decided to conduct these operations elsewhere. It is now proposed that the premises be used as an office building for the company's executive tine property for purposes other than those _7 �`'V - jy., ,r'y .J ' ^�a �`,•. a -i �, <. rV! - < . I ' 7�I�r DAVID ETTLESON, c.s.R uL rtcPoRrie 1 "personnel. Such an office building, with 2 appropriate parking facilities, is permitted 3 in a C -1 Zone. In North American's vital part in (5 national defense and welfare, time is of great 6 importance. It is essential on account of 7 unprecedented. expansion for North American, at 8 the earliest possible time, to complete the 9 construction of its new office building in 10 order to more efficiently perform its work and 11 to eliminate overcrowded conditions and to 12 centralize its key personnel. 13 North American is anxious to close its 14 pendingdeal for the acquisition of the property 15 and to commence construction of the office 16 building as soon as possible. We are informed that C -1 zoning is 17 acceptable to many of the nearby residenbs and, 18 as above noted, it is sufficient for our pur- 19 poses. We suggest, under all of the circum- 20 stances, that your honorable body grant our 21 application for C -2 Zone with the understanding 22 that North American will not make any use of 23 the property for purposes other than those 24 25 which are permitted under a C-1 Zone; further, 26 that North American, as soon as it legally may ' r . • \ :...r P'•t . ,A_" � � � � ��.�pjr t�' i. + St- • CIA �Y; Y� �e7fFLE $ON+ c S.r '� �, S kt:.i;.ty.. `i. 'G ly +__any RT^��i +, Y44 .. as .f'• ' *nZt^i���'�� � l ". be done, following �`ti�Q; 1 Zoning Ordinance, file a new application 2 with the City Planning Commission for the 3 purpose of changing the C-2 Zone to a C-1 4 Zone. 5 We assure you that North American will 6 cooperate in every respect and that it will, 7 if a C -2 Zone is granted at this time -- s which will enable us to proceed. with the s construction of our office building without 10 delay --file an application to change the zone 11 to a C-1 Zone as soon as it can be legally 12 accomplished following the adoption of the C -2 13 Ordinance. 14 Very truly yours, 15 NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION,INC. 16 (Signed 17 Leland R. Taylor 18 LRT /lpd Assistant to the President" 1s 20 x 21 22 MR. WOODWORTH: Do you wish to present that as 23 Applicant's Counsel's Exhibit No. 2 in evidence; is that 24 correct? 25 MR. TAYLOR: Yes, sir. 26 MR. WOODWORTH: Very well, Mr. Mayor, will it be mZ,�%i}� .�� h c ".0 xr t +i`J �rfta., a ?��y (r,( a{ r r Ts� t Yr. �? pr7++.y 1 yt y yA fTS'� ft�'• + ,�: ":i� oil r 1 received, if you will make =°t].:.Rntdyjq'etger�; r"V:t� ! lytti: �"�{':'PA' ,3 iA.i ✓r%1r F. . :.'+', . �.: 2 1w rr Fr7 t MAYOR SWANSON: It shall be received as 3 Applicant's Counsel's Exhibit No. 2 in evidence. 4 (Whereupon the letter above referred to, consisting 5• of two pages, was marked as Applicant's Counsel's Exhibit , 6 No. 2 and received in evidence.) 7 MR. TAYLOR: Incidentally, on this land we, as of s right this moment,do not own the land in question. We have s entered into an agreement to purchase it subject to our 10 Zoning. 11 (Chart) "1. Necessity 12 "On our side 13 Our needs are imperative 14 And no other suitable 15 Site is avilable 16 "On your side 17 Our move will help you continue to is control the personality and growth 19 of your community 20 Because 21 "Your knowledge of us is protection 22 for the community 23 You know our capabilities and our 24 intentions 25 You've watched our growth and pro- 26 gress both as a resident and a neighbor 241 •.s"V. i1 uc au cyuul i ti.• 'CIAVIDI /i, .I, t �'_. , Its LA J tfii � °�✓.'F - L4 •ti•y.r [ry •,t /(- YJ. ► r �, y S + .4 n . i, +1 III � i.l n IP `fir I:,r ,`•it�n {I , I .`.b i"(y1'etY.c�'�M�Y�fL,�s. Y+Sv�` IY Kr-141 2 You've -.-worked with us in your civic 3 activities and your welfare groups." 4 Now, I know there are many people that question 5 our intentions with regard, to some of the noise that comes 6 out of the hangars 8 and 9, but I would like to say that 7 we have invested a million and a half dollars in tunnels 8 from one side to the other side of Imperial Highway in 9 order to keep that noise down. (Chart) 10 "There'll be direct benefits to the entire 11 Community through our move 12 The City will receive an additional 13 $10,000 a year to use for civic improve - 14 ments 15 The school district will receive an 16 additional $21,500 a year to help 17 fulfill its obligations to the community 18 An attractive, $1;500;000 building will 19 be added to the community's assets." 20 As a matter of fact, our tax bill in 21 E1 Segundo this last year was over $90,000. Our school 22 taxes last year on the wide district addition over there, 23 part of which is in litigation, incidentally was $286,000. 24 (Chart) "There'll be an equal 25 Number of indirect benefits 26 Your stable economy will be further DAVID ETTLESON. C.B.R., OFFICIAL Rff 6 1 "protected 2 A known industry will occupy an area 3 where Tess beneficial and less 4 desirable commercial activities could 5 locate 6 The personality of your community will 7 be further protected by the addition 8 of another knowns responsible corporate 9 citizen." 10 (Chart) "II. Suitability 11 "Our building will harmonize with 12 nearby residential areas 13 !'Architecture will be attractive and 14 modern 15 Entrance and boundary areas will be 16 appropriately landscaped 17 Orderly off-street parking areas 18 will provide ideal buffer zones." 19 Let me show you what this building is going to 20 look like (a photographic chart shown). That doesn't give 21 you the full impression of the thing. It looks pretty 22 blank., so I had them fix it up the way it should look and 23 the way it will be. (Exhibiting a second photograph.) 24 These are aluminum panels (indicating). abey are raised 25 and they are recessed. It is the newest type of construc- 26 tion and architecture that has come out. You probaply 1 1: 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 20 21 ' 22 23 n 24 f c t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �yK Sk u . } a51!�rMp �ij�,�✓�i 3:' L B,.• + >', Sit ti t ., .,,�.. .;._ aix^.' 7�"a7:� i �'' ay o r t D/�VID" L .: 1� ,74 � t `may ;i j1. .t - :f • ^Y 11`�i p6 Y . V(,1 a r ''S.y b'. recently read about the new office building in New York that they put up in a big hurry and fast. It is this type of construction. This is the area that will face Imperial Highway. This would be the main entrance here, Imperial out here. MR. WOODWORTH: Do you wish to introduce the docu- ment that you have just referred to as AppyicanVe Counsel's Exhibit next in order for identification, so that the record will reveal what the document was you were talking about? MR. TAYLOR: Yes, sir. (Whereupon the photograph above referred to was marked as Applicants 6ounsel's Exhibit No. 3 and received in evidence.) (Chart) "Construction details The three story building will provide about 100,000 square feet of floor space Outside walls will be built of modern aluminum panels Air conditioning, escalators and ele- vators will be provided inside." (Chart) "Our actions will harmonize with nearby residential areas Quiet, clean office work Light, controlled. automobile traffic - —L i,orls traffic —­e> r,ere; a short strPA} E 4 s