1952 MAY 28 CC MINEl Segundo, California
May 28, 19;2
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said
City on the above date, having been called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. 1%
by William R. Selby, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Councilmen Absent: Gordon and Peterson
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 21st day of May, 1952,
having been read, and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was
moTed by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the minutes of
said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried.
Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corpora-
tions hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in
the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter:
W. ROSENBERGER, dated May 23, 1952, being application for a permit to
move a one -story frame dwelling and garage from their present location at
10-112 East Grand Avenue, El Segundo, to a new location at 847 Main Street,
El Segundo.
The Building Inspector had noted on said application that the buildings
v.ill conform to building ordinances of the City 'of El Segundo and that he
would recommend the permit applied for be granted, subject to the following
conditions: (1) That one coat of exterior paint shall be applied to said
dwelling and- :garage; (2) That the completion of removal and placement of
said buildings on foundations, and the exterior painting shall be completed
.dthin 120 days; and (3) That a Faithful Performance Bond in amount of
X1,000.00 shall be filed with the City Clerk to insure the fulfillrent of
tho required conditions.
Moved by Councilman. Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that W. Rosenberger, be and he is hereby granted
a permit to move a one -story frame dwelling and garage from its
present location at 1812 East Grand Avenue, El Segundo, to the
site of the permanent location thereof at 847 Main Street, El
Segundo, such permit being granted subject to the following con-
1. That the applicant, before moving said structures, must
post a Faithful Performance Bond in amount of $1,000.00,
with a surety satisfactory to the Mayor and in for.: ap-
proved by the City Attorney, conditioned that each, all
and every one of the improvements hereinafter indicated
shall be made within a period of 120 days from date of
the bond .9 to wit:
(a) That the structures must be set down complete in
place on permanent foundation and shall be made to
con forri in all respects to the requirements of the
U 91 ,(9
U 92t )
Building, Plumbing and Electrical Codes of the
City of El Segundo and to the satisfaction of
the Buildin- Inspector of said City.
(b) That one coat of exterior paint shall be applied
to said dwelling and garage.
2. That before such rer ^oval shall take place, permittee shall
pay to the City of El Segundo the requisite fees, make all
necessary deposits and file all forms and notices required
under the provisions of the ordinance of the City rclatirg
to oring of structures.
3. That said buildings shall be moved on dollies, or other
equipment satisfactory to the Street Superintendent of the
City of El Segundo.
L. That said buildings shall be moved from their present loca-
tion at 183-2 East 'rand Avenue, E1 Segundo, westerly on Grand
Avenue to Main Street, thence northerly on rain Street to the
site of the permanent location thereof at 847 Main Street, Ei
Segundo, on the 4th day of June, 1952, between the hour;
12 :00 o'clock midnight and 6:00 o'clock A. M.
5. That the Police Department of the City of El Segundo shall be
notified at least thirty minutes in advance of the start of
such removal operations, so that police escort may be pro-
vided therefor, if necessary.
�. That such removal and all operations related thereto shall
be prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street
Superintendent and the Chief of Police of the City of El
7. That this permit shall not become
the permittee shall have endorsed
ment to the terms and conditions
of this resolution and shall have
of the City Clerk.
effective unless and until
his approval obi and agree -
above set forth, upon a copy
filed the sane in the office
Or roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
kyes: Councilmen Ba'.,er, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Pioes: Courcihrer: :Done;
Absent: Cour:cilmen Gordon and Peterson.
RUTH HOPP, dated May 28, 1952, being her resignation. as Police Matron
of the City of El Segundo, effective midnight, May 31, 19;2.
?'Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Cox:cilman Swanson, the folJ_ow-
in resolution be adopted:
RESOLVE;, that th resignation_ of Rut' Hopp as Police
.'atror. in the police Department of the City of El Segur:doa
be and the'same is hereby accepted, such resignation to be
effect4 ve as of r..idnioht, May 31, 195'
0.: ro,l call, the foregoing resolution_ was adopted by the following :rote:
tiyes: Councilmen Paker, Swanson and Mayor Selbtr;
Pdoes: Councilmen ::ore;
tibsent: Councilmen: Gordon and Peterson.
COJ:;TY OF J 0 AI GELES, HEALTH DEPART"XIL, .T, dated May 19, 1952, trans -
n:i tti.:g there:.:ith for; . of contract covering public health services to be
performed by said Health Department for the City of El Segundo during
the fiscal year 1952 -53.
The City Clerk informed the Council that the form of contract had
been approved by the City Attorney and that the only difference between.
the contract presented for the ensuing fiscal year and the one in effect
d.,ring the present year is a change in the rate per inspection, same
being increased from X1.72 to X2.16.
The Council being of the opinion that this increase is fair and
reasonable. under present conditions, it was moved by Councilman Swanson.,
seconded by Councilman Baker, the following resolution be adopted:
HE30L7,r_ -D, that a coPL, of that certair_ Agreement, su::-
mitted to this Council at this meeting, between the County
of Lo_- Angeles and the City of El Segundo, providing for the
-1urnish;r of public health service by said County to said
City for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1952, be placed on
file in the office of the City Clerk, and that said Agreement,
so or. file, be and the same is hereby referred to a;_d by this
reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof; and
DE Tm FrmTHER RESOLVED., that the City Council of the
City of El Segundo does hereby apprcve the said Agreement and
does hereby authorize and instruct the Mayor of said City to
execute the same on behalf of said City and in its na::e and
the City Clerk to attest the said Agreement and cause such
Agreement so executed, to be delivered to said County in due
On roll call, the foregoing resolution :;as adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson. and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen r:one;
Absent: Councilmen Gordon. and Peterson.
E3TCE-STER REALTY CO., dated May 26, 1952, being an appeal from, the
decision recc^tly rendered by the :fanning Cor.=ission of the City of El
Segundo, denying the application of said Company for a change of zone af-
fecting Lot 152, Tract 15692, El Segundo, and setting forth said Company's
reasons for making such appeal.
Following discussion., it was moved by Councilman. Swanson, seconded by
Councilman Baker, the following resolution be adopted:
'V,T,.EHEA'S, there has been
appeal of Westchester Realty
Planning Co:IriiSSion's action
Westche3ter Realty Co. for r;
El Segundo; and
presented to this Council the
Co. with respect to the City
concer-ning application of said
-zoning of Lot 152, Tract 15692,
WHEREAS, in view of the statements made in said appeal,
the Council feels that the matter should be referred back to
the Planing Cor:r--issi.on for further consideration prior to
the time that the City Council sets the same for public hear-
ing so that the Council may be fully informed with reference
o the Commission's views in the premises;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the entire file and
sub4ect matter relating to said proposed zone change be and.
the same is hereby referred back, by this Council, to the City
Planning Commission for further consideration and such further
report and recc,,rcrendations to the Council, with reference to
said matter, as to said Commission may be dee:r_ed necessary or
desirable after such revieo;
U J't
U 9ti2
On roll call, the foregoing resolution_ was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilr en Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selb;.;
Noes: Councilmen. Done;
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Peterson.
LEAGUE OF CALIFOP=A CITIES, dated 2q Nay, 1952, transmitting
therev.ith copy of a "Recommended P unicipal Civil Defenze Policy",
developed by a special corr~:ittee of the League in pursuance of a polio
resoluticr, adopted by the State League Board of Directors on April 13th.
The City Clerk informed the Council that a copy of said Civil
Defense Policy had been giver: to each member and to the Assistant Civil
Defense Director for study and information. Thereupon said communication
ti•:as ordered filed.
,;one .
Councilman Baker, the City Council's representative on the Recreation
Co:r ission, informed the Council that at the last meeting of said Com-
mission, the matter of the proposed budget for the Recreation. Department
for the fiscal year 1 0,52 -5`3 had beer. studied very- thoroughly; as a result
of such study it would appear the proposed budget is the minim=, amount
u_der-: ich the Recreation Department can satisfactorily work and carry
out its program, and he stated it was the Comrrission's idea that the City
Council should, at an early date, have a conference with the Board of
Trustees of the El Segundo Unified School District, respecting the amount
of money which said School District will budget for the Recreation Depart -
ment's use.
Councilman Baker also informed the Council that the salaries shown in
said budget are in line with those paid in other corrmunities of comparable
size, and he recommended the Salary Resolution of the City- of El Segundo
be amended.in.order to effect the proposed salary change.
Mayor Selby requested Councilman Baker to confer with the City Clerk
during the coming week and that they be requested to prepare a list of the
proposed salary changes and present same to the Council at its next regular
meeting to be held June 4, 1952.
Public Safety Commissioner Swanson, reporting in the matter of pro-
posed a*nendment to the Traffic Ordinance of the City of El Segundo, to allow
parking on the west side of Loma Vista Street only, between Grand Avenue and
Mariposa Avenue, recommended that such change be made and the proposed park-
ing given a trial period of approximately six months. He further stated
that the Chief of Police had prepared a list of additional boulevard stops
which are needed throughout the City, and he recommended that such boulevard
stops be included in the proposed amendment to said Traffic Ordinance.
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Swanson., seconded by Councilman
Baker, that the Chief of Police be and he is hereby directed to furnish the
City Attorney necessary data, and the City Attorney be and he is hereby
.directed, upon :•eceipt of such ,data, to prepare and present to. this Council
fora, of ordinance amendin7 the present Traffic Ordinance of the City of El
Se =do, which amendatory= ordinance shall provide for parking on the west
side of Loma Vista Street only, between Grand Avenue and Mariposa Avenue,
and shall include the locations of additional boulevard stops as recommended
by* said Chief of Police. Carried by the following vote:
eyes: Councilmen Baker,
Noes: Councilmen. Pone;
Abscnt Councilman Gordon
Swanson and Mayor Selby;
and Peterson.
The City Clerk reported as follows:
1. That she had in her possession in the samo condition as when
received an envelope marked 11Bid on Real Property't.
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the
Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare said bid. Carried.
The Council proceeded to open, examine and publicly de --lare said
bid which was found by said Council to be as follows, to v:it:
Bid of Dexter K. and Olga R. Benson, bidding the sur; of
000.00 for Lot 5, Block 15, E1 Segundo, and the sum of
X500.00 for Lot 6, Block 15, E1 Segundo.
It appearing the bid hereinabove set forth is the appraised value
placed by the City Council upon. the lots indicated, it was moved by
Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that Resolution No. 1233,
which was read, be adopted.
On roll call, said motion carried and said resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes; Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Peterson.
2. Presented for the Council's approval the request of J. G.
Schoening,_Farks Department Foreman of the City of E1 Segundo, that he be
granted one week of his earned 1950 -51 earned vacation and two weeks of
llis. 1951 -52 earned vacation, between the dates June 2nd and June 20th, 1952,
both dates inclusive.
Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that J. G.
Schoening, Parks Department Foreman of the City of El Segundo, be granted
permission to take one week of his earned 1950 -51 vacation and two weeks
earned 1951 -52 vacation between the dates June 2nd and June 20th, 1952,
both dates inclusive. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Peterson.
�. That the present contract between the City of E1 Segundo and the
Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, providing for the care
Of City prisoners in the jail ward in the Los Angeles County General Hospi-
tat, had expired March'7, 1952; that she had requested said Board of Super-
visors to ptepare a new form of contract covering such services, and that
said fonit had been received by her during the prior week.
She further stated that the fom had been approved by the City Attor-
ney and is in similar form to the previous contract which has now expired.
The Council being of the opinion that such contract should be renewed,
it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the follow -
resolution be adopted:
U i
U 924
=OLti�ED3 that the com,Tinication dated May 26, 1952,
from Arthur J. I:iil, Chief Administrative Officer of the
County of Los Angeles, by L. S. Hollinger, Chief, Budge
DiviSior enclosing the original and seven copies of a pro-
2 posed contract to provide for the care of City prisoners in
.he Jail Ward of the Los Angeles County General Hospital for
a term. of five years from, the date thereof (subject to cancel-
lation by ei ±her party on ninety (90) days written not4e- -Lc
the other) presented to this Council at this meet_r__� ce filed
ii. he Offic of the City Clerk of said City, tob with ith a
cops of said proposed contract, and that said communication
and contract as so on file be and the same are hereby re-
ferred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made
a part hereof; and
BE iT FUETHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the
,it,- of El Segundo does hereby approve the said contract and
each and all of the various provisions thereof, and does hereby
auti,orize ana order the Mayor and the City Clerk of said City
.o execute the said contract on behalf of said City of E1
,3egl_.do and in its name and to make delivery thereof in due
On roll call, the foregoing resolution. as adorted by the fellovirb vot-.
"yes: CcurciLmen Raker, Swanson and Mayor Selby
Noes: CounciLr-.en ',.one;
"-sent: Cour_c_L ~.en Gordon and Peterson.
4. That she had received from the Department of Public Works of
the City of Les Angeles, its invoice No. 11276 indicating an amount due
from_ the City of El Segundo, under its contract for the construction of
t.:e :yperion Sewage Treatment Plant, of the s-= of 8294.88, one copy of
vrhich report she nad delivered to each t'.e City Engineer and City
5. ?,_,ported for the Chief of Police tie appoint ::ent of John Alfred
Ogden as a Special Police Officer o_° the City of El Segundo, and requested
the Council's approval thereof.
Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the
appointment by the Chief of Police of "he City of El Segundo of John Alfred
Ogden as a Special Police Officer of said CitiT, be and the same is here'cy
ratified, approved and confirmed. Carried.
Director of Public Works Short made reports as follovrs:
1. That the investibation of the resTonsibility of the lc�-�est bidder
on repainting the elevated steel grater storage tank for the City of El
Segundo had not as yet been completed by himself and Councilman Baker, to
the matter had beer. referred at the last regular meeting of the Council,
and he requested an additional week to complete such investigation.
it was thereupon moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman
Swanson, that the bids received by this Council at its regular meeting held
i�Lay 21, 1952, for repair_t inb t:le elevated steel water storage tank, be taken
under further adviser.ent by this Council until its next regular meeting to
be held June !, 1952. Carried.
2. That in connection with the request made at the last regular
meeting of the City Council by the Board of Trustees of E1 Segundo Unified
School Distract that additional street lighting be furnished by the City
at the 4ntersectior of Center Street and Palm Avenue, he and the Chief of
Police had made an investigation of the present lighting at said inter-
on and find there is no deficiency of lighting at said intersection
U 9A �
as compared to other intersections, and it is rece^imended that such
additional lighting be not installed.
Councilman Baker concurred in the recom�mendatior_ r.ade and thereafter,
by general consent, the Director of Public Works was instructed to inform
the Loard of Trustees of El Segundo Unified School District that in the
opinion of this Council, the present lighting at the intersection of
Center Street and Pali Avenue is adequate.
3. That in the matter of oiling the sand dunes westerly of the
City of E1 Segundo, which matter had heretofore been referred to him,
he has beer. informed that the City of Los Angeles is presently negotiating
a contract between said Ci and the Gordon Sand Company, under which con-
tract the Gordon Sand Company will agree to excavate and haul away the
sand dunes i=rediately north of Grand Avenue and west of the City limits
of El Segundo, and he recommended that the matter of oiling such sand
dunes be held in abeyance until he is advised of the result of oach present
negotiations; in which r:=.-rnendation the Council concurred.
µ That at the last regular meeting of the City Council he had pre-
sented for the Council's acceptance, a street deed from Mr. Ted Eades,
deeding to the City of El Segundo a portion of certain lots in Block 123
or the purpose of opening portions of Washington Street, Pine Avenue,
Holly Avenue, and Kansas Street; that he was under the impression that the
property so deeded was held by P•r. Eades as his separate property and that,
therefore, it was not necessary to secure the signature of Mrs. Eades to
such deed; however, upon inquiry made by him of the Title Insurance and
Trust Company, he was informed that this was not the case and he had there-
fore obtained a new deed to said propery, which new instrument has been
gned by Ted Eades and Ruth Eades, husband and wife, which new deed he
recommends the City Council accept.
It was thereupon moved± by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councils an
Swanson; the following resolution be adopted
RESOLVED, that the action taken by the City Council at
its regular meeting held May 21st, 1952, in accepting a certain
street decd executed by Mr. Ted Fades, conveying certain property
in Block 123 to the City of El Segundo for public street purposes
and which action is of record in the minutes of the proceedings
of the City Council on pages U -915 and U -916 thereof, be and the
same is hereby rescinded; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said street deed be returned
to Mr.-Eades upon his request therefor.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,
Noes: Cc- .:ncilmen ''%,one;
Absent: Councils en Gordon
Swanson. and Mayor Selby;
and Peterson.
Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
PFSCLVED, that that certain Street Deed, dated tine 22nd
day of May, 195, executed by.Ted Eades and Ruth Eades, husband
and wife, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a municipal corpor-
ation of Los Angeles County, California, the real property in the
City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles and State of California,
described as:
The west 25.00 feet of Lots 223, 224, 225, 275, 279
and 280; the east 25.00 feet of Lots 272, 271, 270,
and 269; the south 25.00 feet of Lots 225, 269, 280,
and 272; and the north 25.00 feet of Lots 223, 271,
and 278, all in Block 123; of Ei Segundo, Sheet .;o. 81
as recorded or. Pages 106 and 107 of Book 22 of Maps - n
the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles Count;,-,
for public street purposes, be and the same is hereby accepted
by and on behalf of the City of El Segundo; and
BE TT FURTHER FESGLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is
hereby authorized and directed to cause said instrument to be
filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los
Angeles County, California.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution. was adopted by the follow-in_ vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
i.oes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Peterson.
5. That in connection with the acquisition by the City of El Segundo
of certain property for storm draim purposes, he has made a survey of the
City and finds several areas of the City in which areas the City should
acquire such property if possible, but that to date he has found but one
lot which might be acquired by the City at this time, namely, Lot 211,
Block 123; that the owners of said lot have informed him they have listed
said lot for sale with a real estate agent at the price of X2,400.00, but
that said owners had indicated they would be willing to sell such property
to the City of El Segundo less any real estate commission which they might
have to pay should such lot be sold by a real estate agent.
The City Council, believing that said property should be acquired
by the City of El Segundo for storm drain purposes, it was moved by
Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Bal-er., the following resolu-
tion be adopted:
? ^1IiEREAS.1 the City Council is informed that tho m-mers of
the following described real property in the City of El Segundo,
County* of Los Angeles, State of California, to wit: Lot 211 ,
Bloc': 123, El Segundo Tract, Sheet No. E, as recorded.on pages
106 and 107 of Book'22 -of Maps in the office of the County Re-
corder of Los Angeles County, California, are willing to sell
said property to the City of El Segundo for the surf: of $,'2,240.00,
said property to be free and clear of encumbrance except condi-
tions, reservations, restrictions and rights of way, if any, of record
against the :cane; and
?�HE.EEAC, in the opir_ior_ of the City Council of said City,
said real property is necessary at this time for public pur-
poses and should be acquired by said City; and
". SAS, this Co ncil feels that the said price is fair
and reasonable and represents the rniiarket value of said proper-
?071 , TH PE-FOR E, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of El Segundo
Nurchase from the o,mers of said property the said land herein-
above described at said purchase price, said property to be free
and clear of enc:anbrancc except as aforesaid; and
E IT JP '. R RESOLVED., that the City Clerk be and she is
hereby authorized and instructed to cause an escrow to be opened
it -he Security First. .rational Bank of Lcs Angeles, El Segundo
Bra-ch. for the purpose of consummating the said purchase and to
execu,e and deposit in said escrow any and all written. instr c-
yor.s - -il may be necessary on the p -rt of said City. Said City
-s to pay one -half of the escrov, charges incurred in con-
nection with said transaction. Title costs and charges and
one -half of the escrow charges to be paid by the seLer.
Said property is to be free and clear of toes excepting only
taxes for the fiscal year 1952 -53, a lien but not yet payable;
BE IT FURTHER RESOL`v=, that the City Clerk be and she
is hereb- instructed to prepare and present to this Council
the necessary demand and warrant or warrants to cover the
City's obligations in the matter of such escrow.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
tiyes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Co•__ncilmen Gordon and Peterson.
City Attorney Woodworth made reports as follows:
1. That he h -d received information: from the Title Insurance and
Trust Company this date that said Company had just completed its report
on the property owned by the Pacific Electric Railway Company and used
by said Company as a right of way in the City of El Segundo, and that
said title report should reach said Attorney within the next, few days.
2. That he had just received a memorandum of agreement ti•;h -ch sand
operators in the City of El Seg-ando have signed and which agreement con -
tains certain provisions respecting such sand operations, and which the
liners thereof agree to abide by.
The City Attorney then read said memorandum of agreement to the
Council and stated he had not been informed as yet whether or not a copy
of such agreement had been for•�•rarded to the protestants in the McIlroy
case for thair approval but would obtain such information_ and if necessary
he would cause a copy ther,rsof to be sent to the proper parties.
U1.'Ir`ISi-7= BUSI,?ESS
At this tii.:e Mayor Selby appointed. Councilman Faker Finance Com-
missioncr pro tem, due to the absence of Finance Cormissioner Gordon..
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
Ger_eral Fund
J::. R. Selby
T. B. DeBerry
So. Calif. Edison. Co.
So. Calif. Gas Co.
John F. Bender
Clean -Rite Windo;,r Cleaning
West ransco
Hawthorne Glass w- Mirror Co.
Addressograph Sales 8-
Service Agency 2.10
Smith- Emery Co. 45. CO
Schi—.abac: er -Frey Co. 5.13
Keuffel & Esser Co. 20.17
Homelita Corp. 257.57
ed Spe. rs 165.00
es per Seay House Moving 82.85
Obcrg Bros. Cor_st. Co. 77.70
General Fund
Carpenter Building Co. w 15.00
Hyten's Key Service 10.73
i:eva M. Elsey, City Clerk 62.61
TOTAL 1,093.42
Recreation. Fund
Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk w 3.00
Kit Kraft 41.70
TOTAL w 44.70
Sewerage Facilities
Department of Public Works $t 294.88
TOTAL 294.88
,eater Works Fund
.`utual Liquid Gas &
Equipment Co. 13.15
U w -.Os
Cort td- ;later �rlorks Fur_d Cor_t td- 4later Works Fund
The Lacal Co., Inc. 120.4; Mefford Chemical Co. w 374.92
tiErSE r'- ;
y mob. CO. 741.42 Jw,-ies Jones Company 56�. i
Industrial Sta. L. Frintinb 4-3 8 TOTAL w 1 „11.11
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the demands
be allor:ed and T,,:a--rant s ordered drawn on and paid out of the respecti,. e,
=unds cover _r& the sa, _e. Carried by the fcllo ,,,ring cte:
ti-,es: Co;n:c lrre Ba ? :cr, S"•lanson and Maycr Sel'cy;
:'ces: �ouC_L7,er �:O 6i
Absent. Cc'.1r_cIlmen icrdon an.. Fetcrson
?;o f r °- business appearin„ to be transacted at this meeting, i+
1 ua 1
:a.s :::ovcd by CGUncilTMar Swan --cn, sscorded by Council -an Baker, the mect4I'g
ad�cr Carried.
. pproved.:
Fespectfull.- submitted,
,.eva M. Elseyr, City Clerk