1952 JUN 04 CC MINU 929
El Segundo, California
June 4, 1952
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City ;'_all of said
City on the above date, hiving been called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. ?f.
by William R. Selby, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Councilmen Absent: ;Gordon and Peterson.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 28th day of May, 1952,
having been read, and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was
moved by Councilman. Baker, seconded by Councilman. Swanson, the minute3 of
said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried.
MOBILHOME CO. OF LOS kNGELES, dated May 28, 1952, being application for
a permit to move a one- storT dwelling from El Monte to 420 Richmond Street,
El Segundo.
It appearing that said building had not as yet been inspected by the
Building Inspector to determine whether or not same meets the requirements
of the Building Code of the City of E1 Segundo, it was moved by Ccuncilman
Baker, seconded by Councilmar. Swanson, that said application be taken under
advisement until the next regular meeting of the City Council to be held
June 11, 1952, and that the Building Inspector be requested to make the
necessary inspection in the interim. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes:.- Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen. Gordon and Peterson.
MILDRED PATTILLO and ::ARTY MEACHAM, undated, being application to con -
duct a taxicab stand in the City of El Segundo.
It appearing that said application has not as yet been completed in
satisfactory form, by general consent the said application was taker, under
adviser:,ent pending completion in proper form of the said document.
MORRIS E. WIAJLMAN AND FIVE OTHERS, dated May 21, 1952, being petition
requesting that the City Council cause action to be taken to eliminate the
flood condition which exists in the vicinity of East Maple Avenue and Center
Street during the rainy season.
Diroctor of Public Works Short stated he had recently held a conference
with the petitioners and is of the opinion the condition complained of may be
solved satisfactorily' -to both the petitioners and the City with very little
expe,rse to 'the City; .and thereafter the Mayor requested Mr. Short to pre- '
pare and present to this Council for its consideration his plans for taking
care of such flood waters.
PLANNING COMMISSION, City of El Segundo, dated May 29, 1952, transmit-
ting therewith copy of said Co, -mission's Resolution No. 124 adopted at its
regular meeting held May 26, 1952, approving the application made by Alice
Galligan for a variance in front and rear yard setback requirements on
portions of Lots 6, 7, 9 and 1C, in Tract 1634, El Segundo.
t,;oved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the
following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the communication fro; the City Planning
Co ,ission, dated May 29, 1952, and accompanying copy of its
Resolution ,o. 124, approving the application made by Mice
L. Calli.gan for a variance in front and rear yard setback
requirements on portions of Lots 6, 7, 9 and 10, in Tract
1634, El Segundo, be received and ordered placed on file
in the office of the City Clerk; and
BE IT FUR' ='?;FR R ,SOLVED, th ;nt the City Council does
c the action of said Planning Commission, as
set forth in its Resolution no. 124, and does hereby direct
the City Clerk to return to said Planning Commission its
file in the matter.
On roll call, the foregoing, resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councizmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
absent: Councilmen Gordon and Peterson.
PLANNING COrful,iISSION, City of El Segundo, dated May 29, 1952,
transmitting therewith copy of said Commission's Resolution No. 1251,
adopted at its meeting of May 26, 1952, which resolution recommends a
change of zone from R -2 Two -Far; 1-T use to R -3 Multi nle -Fa., ily use for
Lots 28 through 34, inclusive, Block 41, Tract 18260'and Lots 16 through
2LL, inclusive, Block 41, El Segundo Tract, located on the westerly side
of F,ucalyptus Drive between Holly Avenue and Grand Avenue, in the City
of El Segundo.
Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the
following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the toms unication from the City Planning
Commission, dated May 29, 1952, together with copy of said
Commission's Resolution No. 125, recommending an amendment to
Ordinance ;:o. 306 (The Land Use Plan - Zoning Ordinance) to
permit a change of zone from R -2 to R -3 for Lots 28 through 34,
inclusive, Block 41, Tract 1826, and Lots 16 through 24, inclu-
sive, Block 411 El Se�;-_urdo Tract, in the City of El Segundo, be
received ar_d ordered placed on file in the office of the City
Clerk; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby
set the Tatter of the proposed a:.endment to Ordinance No. 306
(The Land Use Plan - Zoning Ordinance) of the City of El Segundo,
referred to in said Resolution No. 125 of the City Planning Com-
Tission, for public hearing before this Council, to be held in
the Cour_cil Chamber of the City Hall of the City of El Segundo,
in said City, on Wednesday, the 25th day of June, 1952, begin-
ning at the hour of 7 :00 o'clock P. M.; and that the City Clerk
be and she iz hereby authorized and = r_structed to give notice of
said hear ing - . time, form and manner as contc�rplated by law.
C-- roll call, the foregoing resolut -on was adopted by the following vote:
,yes: ColinciLmen raker, 3war_son and Mayor Selby;
Noes: CounciIn 'one;
Absent: Councilmen. Jordon and Peterson.
IL-P U 1_
?j1I.L1 J. FOX, County Engineer and Surveyor, County of Los
Angeles, dated May 2?, 1952, transmitting therewith copy of the
"Report on Rubbish and Refuse Disposal for Los Angeles CoantytI, pre-
pared by said County Engineer.
By general consent, the said report was referred to the Di-actor
of F,iblic Works for his study.
The City Clerk reported as follows:
That at the last regular meeting of the City Council held
May 28, 1952, said Council had approved the purchase of Lot 214, Block
123, El Segundo, at a gross price of w2,400.00, less a real estate a,;ent's
co:-~7iissior of 10 %; that in conferring with the owners of said lot she had
learned tr_cy had anticipated paying only a 5% real estate commission,
should said lot be sold through a real estate agent, and hence, would
consider no price less than 12,280.00 to the City; that she had contacted
three merbers of the City Council who were available at the time, and had
received their consent to offer such price to the owners of said lot,
which had been accepted by said owners, and she requested the Council's
approval and ratification of her action.
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the
following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, this Council did heretofore, at its last regular
meeting, authcrize the purchase from the owners thereof of Lot
21- 4,_Block 123, in the City of El Segundo, for the sum of
x`2,160.00; and
HIiEREAS, in the interval between this Council meeting and
said previous meeting it was determined that said sale price
was not firm but that the true offering and sales price was
the sum of $2,28C.00;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the offer of said
City heretofore made in the premises be and the same is hereby
increased to the said sum of OW2,280.00; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the action of the City Clerk
in opening an escro:; for the consummation of said purchase on
the basis of said sum of $2,280.00, be an: the same is hereby
approved, ratified and confirmed br this Council.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Counclme: Baker, .Swanson and Mayor Selby;
i�oes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Peterson..
2. The City Clerk requested that the Council adopt its resolution
accepting the Grant Deed to said Lot 214, Block 123, El Segundo, and it-
was thereupon roved by CounciL:.an Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker,
the- follov,-ing resolutio^ be adapted:
R�_�_OL'iED, that that certain_ Grant. Deed dated the 2nd
day of June, 19;2, executed by Robert W. Bre. ;taker and Helen
H. Brewbaker, husband and wife, conveying to the City of E?
Segu. -ado, a *rcw:_icipal corpol ation of Losrbeles County, -
Cal ifor. = a, the real property in the City of El Segundo,
County of Los i�ngeles and State of California, described as:
Lot 214, Block 123, El Segundo Sheet No. 81 El
Segundo, as per r:ap recorded in Bcck 22, Fagce.
1,96 and 107 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles
County, Californ-a,
for public purposes, be and the sane is hereby accepted by
and on behalf of the City of El Seg,_rdo; and
BE Ii FU HER RESOLVED, +h-.t the City Clerl. be and she
is hereby aut'.:crizcd and directed to cause said instrument
to be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder
of Los Angeles Count; °, California.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution: was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,
Toes: Col- mcilr.!en none;
nbsent: Councilmen Gordon
Swanson and Mayor Selby;
and Peterson.
3. Reported for the Chief of Police the appointments of Robert
eville Collins and Roy Woody as Special Police Officers of said City,
and requZsted the Council's approval there-cf.
Moved by Councilman Swanson., seconded by CounciLmnan Baker, that
'he_ appointments by the Chief of Police of the City of El Segundo of
Robert Neville Collins and Roy Woody as Special Police Officers of said
City, be and the sage are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Carried.
Director of Public ,,corks Short reported as follows:
1. Trot he is not fully satisfied Frith the result of i n ✓estigatio° c
rade by hi.7, with resr__ct to the rezronsibility of the cor::pany submitting
the lowest bid for the painting of the elevated steel water storage tank
of the City of El Segundo, and he a'_�c feels that the other bid submitted
for said work io too high. He further stated that he is of the opinion
the specifications covering this ;nor'.: ray be rewritten and if the City re-
advertises for bids it ' obtain . a lover price for such pa4ntinE, work;
and he therefore : ecoimendcd that the bids received by t.-,is Council or. Yay
21st, 1952, for repa.i tir_g sa -d cl�-.atcd steel water storage tank be rc-
�ected and that he be authorized to prepare and sub,-n--+, to the Council new
specification_ or such work.
The Council concurring in such _,ecorm.endation, it was moved by
Councilman Swanson., seconded by Council:-,,,an Baker, the following resol ,,z -
tior be adopted:
"-SOLVED, that the report: of th, Director of Public, Works
of the City of El Segundo, with respect to bids received by
tr:is C! -r. C41 on May 21, 19-52 for the work of repaintinb she
e: :terlor surface of the 2 T,x'_ gallon - levated stool water
..fora '^ ar cf said City, be ar=' the same is hereby approved;
BE IT FURT?iEF R`SOLVFD, that all of said bids hereinabove
referred to, bs and the oaie are hereby reflected, and the City
Clsrk is hereby authorized and directed to return to said bid-
ders the deposit checks acco::paryinZ their respective bids; and
-L -
BE IT FURTHER P.ESOLVED, that the Director o`' Fublic
Works be and he is hereby requested to prepare and present
to this Council for its approval neti;, specifications cover -
in; the work of r�rairtinb said storage tank.
On roll call, the foregoing resclution was carried by the following
;yes: Councilmen Ea per, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilman None;
tibsznu: Councilmen Gordon. and Peterson.
City ktterney ?goodrerth reported that in the matter of the pre -
ser_tation of an ordinan --e amending the Traffic Ordinance of the City
of E1 Segundc, which amending ordinance he was authorized by the
Council to prepare, he had been informed by the Chief of Police that
he desired additional matters be included in such amending ordinance,
and that as a result, such ordinance was not ready for presentation at
at this meeting but would be prepared for presentation. at the next meet -
ing of the City Council.
N, one.
At this tine the Mayor appointed Councilman, Baker as Finance Co^!-
r.issioner nro tcr:. due to the absence of Finance Commissioner Gordon..
The fcllofing demands, havi .g had the approval of the Comimittee on
Finance and Records, were read:
General Fund
Gordon Whitnall '00.00
Mort Brandler
El Segundo Chamber of
Co:T_ :ercc
50. CO
So. Cal. H-w-:ane Society
Lelal, Converse
Lenno« Disposal Service
k erican Disposal
Sec. First Nat'! Bank,
El Segundo Branch
C. V. Baird Auto Supply
Brown -Bevis Equipment Co.
Title Ins. & Trust Co.
California Rent Car
Industrial Blueprint
Supply Co. Inc.
New Pacific Lumber Co.
So. Cal. Disinfecting Co.
Ruth Hopp, City Treasurer
TT Tr rT It
rr rf TT IT
Tr TT n Tr
Tr rr rT Tr
',:in-,-a Curtzwiler, Secretary
El Segundo City Group
State Employees' Retire -
ment System
*' .
Water Works Fund
Ruth Hopp, City Treasurer �
it rT IT TT
Linter Curtzwiler, Secretary
El Segundo City Group
State Employees? Retire-
ment System
State Employees? Retire-
ment System
Howard Supply Company
Hersey Mfg. Co.
Luippold Eng. Sales Co.
Reliable Iron Foundry
Minneapolis - Honeywell
Regulator Co.
Century Oil Company
Crane Co.
Rich Mfg. Co.
Transport Clearings
Donald R. Short, Petty Cash
Payroll Demand 1,733.95
TOTAL l 4,653-17
Pension Fund
State Employees? Retire-
ment System 930.48
TOTAL 930.48
Recreation Fund
Rath Hopp, City Treasurer $- 739.73
If IT it TT 105.60
U C •,
Conttd - Recreation. Fund
State Employees? Retire-
ment System W 47.3
?-hospital Service of
Southern California 4.75
Recreation Fund - Corttd
?pinta Curtztkiler, Secretary
E1 Segundo City Group Y 11.3
TOTAL �4938.75
Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson., the
demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the
respective funds covering the sa;:e. Carried by the following vote:
tiles: CounciL.Len Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
?oes: Councilmen Xor_e;
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Peterson.
i BU.3I=Lj
At this time, the hour being 7 :30 o'clock I.F. P-:., City Attorney
I-dood:;crth was excused from further attendance at the meeting and he
=ed iately left the Council Char.ber.
.r. Robert E. Doherty, representing l`_r. M'i'tchell Lopin, addressed
the Council respecting an application which had been filed in the City
Clerk's office for pernnission to move a qucnset but from its present
location in Torrance to 130 Penn 3tr3et, El Segundo, and which applica-
tion had not been acted upon at this meeting.
T'r. Doherty stated that he and his partner, Mr. Lopin, had a
deadline of June 8th to meet, before which date said building must be
::roved fro ~: its present location, and inquired if the Council might take
action thereon at this meeting.
The City Clerk stated that the application had only beer. presented
this date and therefore, the Building Inspector had not had an oppor-
tunity to inspect said building or to make any recommendations with
respect thereto, hence, inasmuch as said application was incomplete she
had not presented it to the Council.
Considerable discussion ensued, following which it was moved by
CounclLman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the following rez;olu-
ticn be adopted:
RESOLVED, that Mitchall Lopin, be and he is hereby granted
d permit to move a tin quonset but from its present location. at
2 130 - 233rd Street, Terrance, California, to the site of the
permanent location thereof at 130 Penn Street, El Segundo, such
permit being granted subject to the approval of the Building
Inspector upon -his inspection_ cf said building, and to the follow-
ing conditions:
1. _11;Lt the applicant, before moving said structure, must post
a Faithful rerforma.nco mound in amount of $1,000.00, with a
surety satisfactory to the iiayor and in form approved by
the City Attorney, conditioned that each, all and every
one of the improve:ents hereinafter indicated shall be
made within a period of °0 days fro::; date of the bond, to
(a) That the Building Inspector shall, upon his approval
of the moving of said building, indicate tc the City
Clerk any and all conditions which he desires incorpor-
ated in said permit, and that in addition to any con-
ditionc which said Building Inspector shill requii7e,
the applicant shall agree to place a business building
front on said structure, which front shall be con-
structed in a manner satisfactory to the Building
(b) That the structure must be set down complete in
place on permanent foundation and shall be made to
conform in all respects to the requirements of the
Building, Plumbing and Electrical Codes of the
City of El Segundo and to the satisfaction of the
Building Inspector of said City.
That before such removal shall take place, permittee shall
pay to the City of El Segundo the requisite fees, make all
necessary deposits and file all forms and notices required
under the provisions of the ordinance of the City relating
to moving of structures.
3. That said building shall be moved on dollies, or other
equipment satisfactory to the Street Superintendent of the
City of El Segundo.
4. That said building shall be rioved or a date and along a
route agreed upon between the Chief of Police, the Street
Superintendent and permittee, between the hours 12:00 o'clock
midnight and 6:00 o'clock A. M.
5. That the Police Department of the City of El Segundo shall be
notified at least thirty minutes in advance of the start of
such removal operations, so that police escort may be pro-
vided therefor, if necessary.
6. That such removal and all operations related thereto shall be
prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street
Superintendent and the Chief of Police of the City of El
That this permit shall not become effective unless and until
the permittee shall have endorsed his approval of-and agree-
_ ment to the terms and conditions above set forth, upon a copy
of this resolution and shall have filed the same in the office
of_the City Clerk.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
:Toes: Councilmen: Lone;
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Peterson.
Tuo further ousiness appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it
was moved by Councilman. Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the meeting
adjourn. Carrico.
Respectfully s-ubmittcd,
Neva M. Elsey, City Cl *rk