1952 DEC 10 CC MINV 189
El Segundo, California
December 10, 1952
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said
City on the above date, having been called to order at.7 :00 o'clock
P. M. by William R. Selby, Mayor.
„ouncihren Present: Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby; -
Councilmen Absent: Gordon.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 3rd day of December,
1952, having been read, and no errors or omissions having been noted, it
was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the minutes
of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried.
Councilman Gordon appeared at this time, the hour being 7 :01 o'clock
P. M., and immediately took his seat at the Council table.
Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corpora-
tions hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in
the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter:
transmitting therewith copy of its Resolution Mo. 134, granting a variance
on the rear yard requirements on certain pie- shaped lots in Tract 15692.
After discussion by the Council, the matter was taken under considera-
tion by said Body until its next. regular meeting to be held December 17, .
1952, and in the meantime referred to the Building Inspector for conference
with said Planning Co=- issien in order to obtain a clarification of para-
graph 2 under the last subdivision thereof.
transmitting therewith copy of its Resolution No. 133, disapproving the ap-
plication of James 0. Cummings for a change of zone from R -1 to R -2, affect-
ing all of Lot 4, Block 101, El Segundo.
:Moved by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the com.murication from the City Planning
Co=ission of the City of El Segundo, dated December 10, 1952,
and accompanying copy of said Body's Resolution No. 133, deny-
ing the application of James 0. Cummings for a change of zone
-from R -1 to R -2, affecting all of Lot 4, Block 101, El Segundo,
be received and ordered placed on file in.the office of the City
Clerk, subject to the right of the applicant, James 0. Cummings,
to file an appeal within the time allowed by law, should such
applicant so desire.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
V 190
THEMA IN CALIFORNIA, dated December 8, 1952, transmitting therewith
certain data and information which it had comtiiled in connection with
the subject of garbage disposal.
The City Clerk stated she had presented to each member of the
Council a copy of said communication and accompanying data for its
information, whereupon the documents were ordered filed.in her office.
Mr. W. A. Callahan, who retired on November 30, 1952 as an employee
in the Police Department of the City of El Segundo and who was present
in the Council Chamber, was then called to the desk of the Mayor who
presented Mr. Callahan, on behalf of the City and the City Council, his
20 -year service pin.
Tyr. Richard Stammerjohn, 203 East Oak Avenue, El Segundo, stated
he is Explorer- Adviser for the E1 Segundo Sea Scouts; that said group
is desirous of raising funds to purchase a boat for its use and he
requested permission for the members of said group to make a house to
house canvass in the City of El Segundo for the purpose of selling a
product which is presumed to make Christmas trees fire - resistant.
After discussion by Mr. Stari-rerjohn and members of the City Council,
it was moved by Councilman Sv ;anson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the
following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that under the provisions of Section 118 of
Ordinance No. 382 of the City of El Segundo, the El Segundo
Sea Scouts be and it is hereby granted a permit to sell to
residents of the City of El Segundo a product which it is
presumed to make Christmas trees fire- resistant, such permit
to be issued without fee inasmuch as this Council finds that
the funds derived from such sale will be used locally and
that said organization is a non - profit organization, it
being provided, however, that before such permit is issued,
there shall be filed with the City Clerk the written approval
of the Fire Chief of the City of El Segundo, of such product.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
At this time the City Clerk read to the City Council for informa-
tion of certain persons present a written report of complaints recently
received by her office in connection with noise nuisance created pre-
sumably by the testing of airplane engines at the Los Angeles Inter-
national Airport.
Mr. Earl Moles, 638 West, Imperial Highway, El Segundo, then ad-
dressed the Council, stating that many planes fail to follow a line
straibh'' to the ocean from the runway but were turning southerly over
the northwesterly portion of the residential section of the City.
Mr. Jeff O'Hern, representing North American Aviation, Inc., then
addressed the Council, stating that his company was doing no testing of
planes at night excepting while same were in the tunnels provided for
that purpose and that he was confident noise was not discernible beyond
a distance of 100 yards when planes were tested in such tunnels.
Mr. Black, of Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., then introduced
Mr. Max Miller, Sound Engineer for said Company, who gave his ex-
planation of the reason why the noise is more discernible now than
at other times of the year and which reasons were due to the wind
direction and also the fact that the relative hu:..idity has been either
too high or too low, both conditions allowing easy transmission of
sound. He further stated that a low layer of clouds will reflect
sound back and that such sound could be picked up from a great dis-
Mr. Al Cline, representing Northrup Aircraft, Inc., stated that
his company had completely complied with regulations which it had pre-
sented to this Council several months ago, and that its log indicated
only one engine had been tested in recent months and that being on
Monday last, at 8 :00 o'clock A.M.
Mr. Kent Wilson, Plant Engineer of Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.,
stated that at the present time Douglas does not operate westerly of
Sepulveda Boulevard; that it does not operate any engines outside of
cells; has run no jet engines at night, only conventional engines; that
it has recently completed installations at its main plant for testing
jet engines, which installations are soundproof and are the only installa-
tions of this nature in the United States.
Mr. Woodruff DeSilva, Manager, Los Angeles International Airport,
stated he had taken up the matter of traffic patterns with everyone con-
cerned; that the Civil Aeronautics Authority and the Federal Government
have certain regulations under which airlines have to operate and he had
found no evidence of deviation from such regulations.
Mr. Ellingson, Regional Representation of Federal Airlines; Captain
MCBain, representing United Airlines; Mr. Bredehoft, Chief Pilot, Western
Airlines, Mr. Osborne, Chief Observer of the Traffic Control Tower of Los
Angeles International Airport; and Mr. A. W. Smith, representing the Civil
Aeronautics Authority, each addressed the Council respecting the observance
of air traffic patterns by commercial airlines, and each stated that with
few exceptions all planes followed these traffic patterns but under cer-
tain conditions same might be deviated from. Mr. Smith then advised those
present to telephone Mr. DeSilva, at Oregon 8 -1151 should they observe any
such deviations.
The.City Clerk reported that this was the time and place fixed for
the hearing of protests or objections against the work or the district,
as described in Resolution. of Intention No. 1263, in the matter of the
grading, paving, construction of curbs and sidewalks, and appurtenant
work in a portion of Walnut Avenue and other streets.
It appearing from explanation made by Special Assessment Engineer
i:onroe that it would be necessary to adopt a new Resolution of Intention
in connection_ with said proposed improvement, Councilman Peterson offered
and moved the adoption of Resolution. No. 1268, being Resolution of Inten-
tion for the grading, paving, construction of curbs and sidewalks and
appurtenant work in portions of Walnut Avenue and other streets, as per
plans and specifications adopted by.the City.Council November 5, 1972,
and for the repealing of Resolution of Intention No. 1263 adopted November
5, 1952, which motion was seconded by Councilman Gordon, and.upon roll
call was adopted by the following vote, to wit:
ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen. None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
V 192
The City Clerk reported that this was the t:Lme and place fixed
for -the hearing of protests or objections against the work or the
district, as described in Resolution of Intention No. 1265, in the
matter of grading, paving, construction of curbs, sidewalks and
sanitary sewers in Acacia Avenue and other streets.
The City Clerk also reported that affidavits, in support of
the publication of the Resolution of Intention, the mailing of
printed notices of the adoptior of said resolution, and the posting
of the Notice of Improvement as required by law, had been made and
arc on file in the office of the City Clerk.
The Mayor then inquired of the Clerk if any written protests or
objections against the work or the district had been filed with her
in said matter. The Clerk reported that no written protests had been
filed with her prior to the time set for the hearing.
The Mayor then announced that this was the time and place set
for the hearing of protests or objections against the work or the
assessment district, each as set forth in the Resolution of Intention
hereinbefore mentioned, and asked if anyone present desired to be heard
in said matter. No one objected.
Several persons in the audience made inquiries with reference to
certain features of said improvement and were given satisfactory answers
by Director of Public Works Short and Special Assessment Engineer Monroe.
Councilman Peterson then offered and moved the adoption of Resolution
Ordering Work No. 1269 in the matter of grading, paving, construction of
curbs, sidewalks and sanitary sewers in Acacia Avenue and other streets,
in the City of El Segundo, which motion was seconded by Councilman Gordon,
and upon roll call, was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent-: Councilmen_ None.
Councilman Baker then offered and moved the adoption of Resolution
No. 1270, which resolution determines the general prevailing rates of
wage for the grading, paving, construction of curbs, sidewalks and sani-
tary sewers in Acacia Avenue and other streets in the City of El Segundo,
which motion was seconded by Councilman Swanson, and upon roll call, was
adopted by the followinb vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
At this time, the hour being 9 :10 o'clock P. M., the Mayor declared
a recess. At the hour of 9 :20 o'clock P. M., the Council reconvened,. all
members being present and answering roll call.
Tne City Clerk made reports as follows:
I. That she had contacted Mr. Jack Hillman of the California Rent
Car rich respect to adding an additional car to the present contract
- -L;-
between said Compar;y and the City of El Segundo, under which contract.
the City of El Segundo presently rents four cars for Police Depart -
ment work, and that Mr. HilLman had advised that he is willing to add
such car to the present contract at the present contract price per
Thereafter, it was moved-by Councilman Gordon, seconded by
Councilman Swanson, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the present month to month contract
between the California Rent Car and the City of El Segundo
for the renting to said City at a cost of 174.00 per month
per car, shall be and the same is hereby amended to read
"five cars11 instead of "four carstf, all other provisions
of said contract to be and remain the same as presently con-
- stituted; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall
notify said California Rent Car to provide said car when
instructed so to do by this Body.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes :.. Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Director of Public Works Short reported that he had this date re-
ceived a telephone call from Mr. J. R. Lester Boyle, Engineer, who stated
that he would come to E1 Segundo on Thursday morning next, and would at
that tine have for Mr. Short's perusal a complete stonri drain survey.
City Attorney Woodworth reported as follows:
1. That Director of Public Works Short had submitted to him for
examination a certain agreement between the Pacific Electric Railway
Company and the City of El Segundo, covering the widening and improving
of the Pacific Electric Railway crossing at El Segundo Boulevard and
Sepulveda Boulevard.
Director of Public Works Short then explained to the Council that
the reason it is necessary to secure such an agreement is that the
Division of Highways of the State of California requires the widening of
El Segundo Boulevard at said point in order to provide a right -turn lane
from Sepulveda Boulevard into El Segundo Boulevard.
The City Attorney then read said agreement to the City Council and
stated he had approved same as to form, whereupon it was moved by Council-
man Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the following resolution be
RESOLVED, that the communication from F. W. Spencer,
Chief Engineer, Pacific Electric Railway Company, dated
December 1, 1952, file No. W.O. 52369, addressed to the City
of El Segundo for the attention. of Mr. Donald R. Short,
r Director of Public Works, together with a copy of the agree-
ment therein referred to, `be received and ordered placed on
file in the office of the City Clerk, and as so on file same
are hereby referred to and by this reference incorporated
herein and made a part hereof; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby
approve the said agreement and does hereby authorize and direct
the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the same on behalf of the
V 194
City, and that the City Clerk be further authorized to
make delivery thereof in due course.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following
;,yes: Councilmen Baker,
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Gordon, Peterson., Swanson. and
2. That he had reviewed the minutes of the meeting of the City
Council held November 19, 1952 with reference to the appointment of
Robert W. Frederick as the City ?s representative on the citizens?
comr4-ittee to assist in solving the air pollution problem; that it now
appears there rp�r be some expense involved in connection with such ap-
pointment with.respect to attendance at certain meetings, and in order
to take care of such expenses lawfully he presented form of resolution
which he stated the Council might adopt if it so desired.
Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman
Swanson, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the City Council of
the City of El Segundo, held on the 19th day of November, 1952,
Mayor Selby announced the receipt of a communication from the
Chief Administrative Officer of Los Angeles County informing
that the Board of Supervisors requested the establishment of
a citizens? committee to assist in solving the air pollution
problem, and would appreciate the appointment of a citizen
from the .City of El Segundo to serve on such committee; and
WHEREAS, responsive to said communication, the Mayor an-
nounced that he had appointed Robert W. Frederick of the City
of El Segundo to serve on said committee from said City;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of El Segundo, California, that the said City Council does
hereby approve, ratify and confirm the appointment of said
Robert W. Frederick as such member of said committee as so made,
said appointee to be the representative of said City of El
Segundo on said committee, effective as,of, on and after the
said 19th day of November, 1952, and continuing until further
order.of said City Council; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said appointee, Robert W.
Frederick, shall be entitled to reimbursements for his reason-
able and necessary expenses incurred in connection with his
services as such member of said committee.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Director of Public Works Short stated he had inspected the work of
street improvements in Tract No. 15692 in the City of El Segundo as
shown on the following plans, to wit: "Street Plans for Tract No. 1569211,
consisting of 13 sheets; "Sanitary Sewer Plans for Tract No. 1569211, con-
sisting of 7 sheets; 1fStorm Drain Plans for Tract No. 1569211, consisting
of 2 sheets; and "Water Distribution System Plan for Tract No. 1569211,
consisting of 1 sheet; that all of said work has been constructed in
V 195
accordance with plans and specifications therefor, and to his satis-
faction, and he recomended acceptance thereof by the City Council.
Public Works Commissioner Peterson stated he had made an inspection
of the Tract and findsthat clean-up work has been performed in a satis-
factory manner.
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
Gordon, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby concur in
the recommendations of the Director of Public Works herein -
above set forth,with reference to construction of improve -
ments in Tract No. 15692; does hereby approve the improve -
rents rereinabove referred to, and does hereby accept same
for and on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bond of Westchester
Realty Co., a California corporation, being Bond No. 130385,
with United Pacific Insurance Company, a corporation, as
surety, in the sum of 0121,000.00, heretofore furnished as
a guarantee that the improvements above referred to would be
constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications
therefor, and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public
Works and the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, is
hereby exonerated as to any liability accruing thereon sub-
sequent to the date of the adoption of this resolution, to
wit: December 10, 1952; and
BE.IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she
is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this reso-
lution to said Westchester Realty Co. and to said United
Pacific Insurance Company.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution. was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilr::en None.
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
General Fund
Winston K. Williams, M. D.
American Disposal
Johnts Electrical Service
Gibson Motor Parts
Southern Calif. Edison Co.
The Tabery Corporation
Bob Frederick Chevron.
Gas Station
T. B. DeBerry
Charles W. Bahme
Southern Calif. Gas Co.
Southern Calif. Edison Co.
Title Insurance & Trust Co.
City of El Segundo
Water Dept.
Ducommun Metals & Supply
Facific Electric Railway
General Fund - Contfd
Ira E. Escobar
Pacific Radionics
El Segundo Bldg. Materials
Grimes Stationery Co.
El Segundo Paint Center
P'ew Pacific Lumber Co.
Southern Calif. Disinfecting
Oswald Bros. Contractors
Industrial Blueprint &
Supply Co.
Industrial Stationery &
Printing Co.
Century Oil Company
Morgan & Son
Southern Calif. Edison Co.
H. C. Dodenhoff
El Segundo Hardware
1%,. L 0
TOTAL $3,545.63
V 196
Recreation Fund
Goliger Leather Co., Inc. $131.24
Pacific Hide & Leather
Company, Inc. 38.74
- Burtons Leathercraft 54.23
TOTAL $224.21
Water Works Fund
Hayward Equipment Co.
Pacific Radionics
K.i.rnball Elevator Co...
City of El Segundo, C
1C. 00
Ltd. 11.00
alif. 7,500.00
Water Works Fund - Contfd
Ira E. Escobar
Infilco Incorporated
Mutual Liquid Gas &
Equipment Co., Inc.
Rains Glass Shop
Century Oil Company
Mefford Chemical Company
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
Reliable Iron Foundi -j
Donald R. Short, Petty Cash 57.15
Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman. Peterson, the
demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the
respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen. Baker,
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
-Mayor Selby requested permission to absent himself from the City
of El Segundo for the period beginning December 14th and ending December
21st, 1952, and to absent himself from meetings of the City Council which
right occur during said period.
Moved by Mayor Selby, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the following
resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that Mayor William R. Selby, be and he is
hereby granted permission to leave the State of California
and to absent himself from meetings of the City Council
between the dates December 14, 1952 and December 21, 1952,
both dates inclusive; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Mayor be requested to
sign and file with the City Clerk a waiver of any notice of
any kind whatsoever of any special meetings of the City
Council which may be called by the Mayor pro tem or any three
members of said Council, during the period of said leave here -
inbefore granted.
On ro-11 call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote : -
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
Gordon, Peterson., Swanson and
Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that
Councilman Dave W..Peterson be and he is hereby appointed Mayor pro ten,
to servg in such capacity during the absence of the Mayor for the period
beginning December 14, 1952 and ending December 21, 1952. Carried.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the
following resolution_ be adopted:
RESOLVED, that Donald R. Short be and he is hereby
appointed as alternate delegate for the City of Ei Segundo,
to serve on the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles County
Division, League of California Cities, during the absence of
Mayor Selby from any meetings of said Board of Directors
wl ich may be held; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Donald R. Short be
and he is hereby authorized to file his demand for his actual
and necessary expenses in con - section with his attendance at
any such meetings, such demand to be audited and approved in
the usual manner before payment.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution: was adopted by the following
Aves: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absent: Councilmen None.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it
rras :roved by Councilamar_ Gordon, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the
meeting adjourn. Carried.
-1� zc-
Mayor PRa TEM
Respectfully submitted,
Neva N. Else,, Ci 4. Cl k
V 197