1951 SEP 26 CC MINU.580
.L,1 Segundo, �aliforr_ia
September 26-, lc'51
I regular meeting of the City Council
'1 sgti� do, Califo. nia, was held in the Co
in t:i i �•'; Fall Of 5? id vi y O ^. the abOVe
beer cared to order at '?:00 o'clock F.
o, ,y , i',:ayor. .
of the litJ of
uncil C: amber
d ve , hell 1r1
by William p.
�GUr. ^i1re- Present: Gordon, Peterson., Swanson and
t'ayor Selby.
Co_tn.il�^er. Absent: Councilman Thompson.
The mn --- _ a -lel F' t -P regular meetinc- he Id on the icth
lay of September, 1951, hay. ing beer. read, and no errors cr
O'-r',issi ons ha v i no been noted, it was moved by Ccunc- l_iran
Feterson , secor_dei by Councilman for ^o::, the mint:te� of
5 _ _: eeting, be approved as recorder;. Carried.
'ri:)T mrrHpr ^(:A FV7 r�r TCATIO:vS
+''r itten cc �s�:unicat__c:a, received fro- the persons,
firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the
and were disposed of in the manner indicated., follow -
irig reference to each hereinafter:
H T "11 , T T r �-
AnL vi',1.n, dated September 25, 1951, calling attention
to Lye traffic e,_istinc- at the intersection of
l-iaL icn a::w 1 Se--undo 9oulevards during certain hours of
,,he day and stating) that it is his belief that the situation
ccul_d he great'_; irprcted traffic light is installed at
}- ,section.
In connection with the above, letter, Director of Public
Jcrks Short stated that an a=eement has been made between the
�_urt ;r of Los Angeleas.ard the Atch'son, Topeka and Santa Fe
F-L_lwa-y Company to cause a signal to be installed at said
:tersection, the City of El Segundc to pay 255o of the cost
1 %'ayor Selby advised that he had recently attended a
:.eating of the Southwest Highway and Traffic Association, at
::yicy rreeti ^- it was decided that in the near future a survey
ti- i ll be _._ade of all intersections in the County of Los Angeles
a nd it )anticipated an. agreer,ent will. be entered t i,
„ pea into mutually
tye cites and jai d County whereby- traffic situations
suc 11 as those complained of by Mlr. Smith will be taken care of.
Thereafter, by general consen +. , the City Clerk was
di_ecLed to convey this information to Mr. Smith.
FLAP�i�Ii�'C CGP ISS1C 0 City of E1 Segundo, transmitting
L "_ret�ith ccpy of said Co'Pmission's :jeSOlutiOn Pao. 107, sat-
. rig'. V r i ... c• ,�n r'• v m... 1- c-
:1n g fo � 1 _i d�n�� and o o,menda —ons wltn respect to
,he alignment of proposed Ocean Parkway.
T,:oved by Cour:c:.lman Gordon:, seconded by Councilman_
Fe-ersor what tea beet ^:Etter of said resolution: be
V ♦ i, U v he sub �
referred Lo :,he City 'Jouncil as a conmittee of the whole
U ;81
fol. '_ 5- U-1 alld same be taken ui!der con siderat on!
uL �1 the rBeetin�- C•f _rc C..ty Council t0 L C:c -ol'nr
:'tiO�iA" A: STRI1°. ;, dated Ser:tEm_ber 2`, 1951 be
_n -
al,rl_, cat -c; n to r,cve a certain_ buy lding from its pre -cent
location or tr,, vest side of !,.in street, betrreer_ Ira
�.venL;n an-' Frank it Avenue, to a nevi location
on TOt (y
1OCi' �1 Seou::d0, itEi?":'" tr` ir.'.. °rt Of t•te 3L^L�yiCB `..
L ,O L j
tc }._.c sa___ 1a .� din at said :.ev, location- :,Titl-out occupancy
J- sc, -1 .,U_or. ensue ., and it appearing therefrom, -h--,, the
4 on
I d ink Inspector had re o—ed or previous ap:•lica,_L
'he same appl_ cart t~ t said bu,ldir_g ^Q ; ; not 1,4
_.. ^v_. s t� ,ho, ". _ a`_r. -rrpr: ,,remer zs b _-'.ng lade thereto it
i mov'e b Cou: .:il7.ar Swab) son. seconded r.y Councilman
ou L._an
�etG. Son! .s i:iie c ":'= .icatiOn be der!iEC • Carrie r y the
i y o' 'r-
_C- .Q-,i'_":� T to
�%�,?, .,ouncilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
_AVID _ OT,; -' HYPLE, dated Septer:_ber 24, 1951;
=_r'.Z C'_' ;•.r I ':y ?' -ed September `� 1951•
N T,..,,.. 01 �,, t e tiger 2^ 1951;
O_Y;, ;� ,., �;, P: \, dated yyS Sept er`r , ,
1 LLAL�'J . V'P J.`iY_!. C: 3A.. JC�'! \, lA `]. ,.Ed yep : O`er'
H T 1'y, l -TNT 1 i P.-� + .,e ben 21,
r'-3ARA I- A %I E P? .Y,HCj'SE �' ' e t e �� 1
T a� d ep ernb r "._, 951,
•J VSEP i '4 7_T"h uT: v C i4'ES da t l . J°p +° be^ 26.0 u , 1951 ?
2ELE C:.I ..+ I dated September 20, 195' ;
ALICE AE ivE::rTG'c, dated. September 2C, i-Q�1;
T C... ��� i �� J O:� �L „hARD, dated ,;, tember 2-,
T�'Y.��"T._ ,T� I � I; E , a � dated Sentenlher 21,
GERYAI — RTTr: P':1.iTC SI, dated September 18, 1951x; and
PrARL Y illy o ted September 26 1 51, each being an
arrlicat _or: for e^r.'lO r:er.t ',.y the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered
tiATIONAL SrnpE TREE CONFERENCE. dated September �, 1951,
u:gir_g the Cit7lr of E1 Segundo to obtain a sustaining merrber-
sh -p in said Conference at a Lembershin fee of '10.00 per
year. Ordered filed.
.AY E. LEE, Chief Clerk, Boars; of Supervisors, Les Angeles
County, dated :.epterrber 1$, 1991, transL:ittir,g therewith copy
of L resolution adopted by said Board of S up e rvi so r s or :) 'e
rr.c�kinc- __
availaCe to the City of E1 Segundo the sum of
x2;, ^50.00 fcr the improvement of Loma Vista and other streets,
withir the City of El Sea
-ndo, said amount to be paid to..said
City upon: written_ request to the P.oad Co=nissior_ ,Then work is
ready to be starteld.
=cved by Cod:. ,J Imnar. Peterson, seconded by Councilman
5.r_:nLOn the comru_.icati;:n. and accompanying copy of resolu-
„ -Lon adopted c; t::_ Soa.rd of Supervisors, resrec:,ing appro- ”
_ati4cri to the C.:•j' ^.f El Segundo of 24y750.0C' for the
of ,orra �sta and other streets within the City
of -71 Segundo, le received and filed, and that the director
cf Put-14,c . ;cr s be and he is hereby authorized to apply to
e �ou._ty of Los Angels for said appropriated amount, when-
in pis discretion, such application should be made
pried by the following vote:
U 582
Ayes: Councilmen: Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
:Vayor Selby.
.does: Councilmen. None.
Absent: Councilman. Thomrson.
STATE^ T� �� P L+ T".� T �j' T n♦ a T T r y F �.
�O, ,_ _ r�5� l IC.� �.:SC.:h1 �� FUND �rar�s.,,�.tting
therewith an endorsement to be attached to the City of E1
S -3gur_dc's Workmen's _.ompensation. Insurance Policy, in
creas the present insurance rates of the C," b
iro `y y
such increase+being necessary because of 1951 amendments
affecti.— Work .men's ComnTDensat:: vn ben- ?f�tS.
general consent the City Clerk was a�:tr.crized to
7; Q on �
a.tta;r Said endorse -:ent to the City's Workmen I s Compensa-
t __ lnsura .ce policy.
Serte,iber 2L;, 1951, advising that or. September 18, 1951,
sr_d Rcar_ had referred to tre Regional Planning Commission
of -.1-e Count, of Los Angeles, a resolution. adopted by the
__ty Council of the City of E1 Segundo on September 5, 1951
with reference to a proposed realignment. of Ocean Parkway.
Ordered filed.
GECR-7E FRANKLIN EVANS, dated September 19, 1951, being
ar. 2.p,P•1ication_ for Automobile fcr Hire Driver's Permit. The
:ity Clerk stated that said application had been completed
in satisfactory form, and had been approved by the Chief of
Police, whereupon it was moved by Councilman, Peterson,
seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be
RESCL?Tr.D, that subject to the provisions of
Ordinance No. 283 of the City of E1 Segundo, Calif -
crnia, and pursuant to the application for Automo-
bile for Hire Driver's Permit, presented to this
Council this date, and which application is hereby
ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk for
the purposes of identification and reference, and
hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof,
George Franklin Evans, be and he is hereby granted
a permit to drive, operate or be in charge of any
passenger carrying or motor propelled vehicle defined
in said ordinance; provided, however, that the Chief
of Police of the Cit. of El Segundo may, at any time
in his discretion., suspend the pewit hereby granted,
or said permit may be revoked by this Council at any
time in its discretion., and that such suspension or
revocation, may be so ordered and made at any time,
without cause, without notice and without liability
on the part of the City of El Segundo, or any of its
officers, employees, agents or representatives.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
follov; ing vote: ,
Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby.
:noes: Councilmen :done.
Absent; Councilman Thompson.
i;r. Bohr: T. Lustig, representing Par: - American Aircraft
J -mac: u0., addressed the Council with reference to the matter
of testing of airplane engines
of business, located 1700 East
to which testing objection had
siding in the neighborhood due
such testing.
at said company's place
Holly Avenue, El Segundo,
beer made by persons re-
to noise emanating fror:.
U Ci
i�r. Lustig stated he had made arrangements to conduct
such testing at the Los Angeles International Airport, but
he was requesting permission to start the engines at said
companyts plant in El Segundo for periodsnot to exceed five
minutes and for not more than three times per week for the
rurpose of ascertaining the ci.li fiow of such engines, or
nether or not minor adjustments might be necessary before
the er:gines are transported to the airport; that this test -
in0 ;gill not create excessive noise inasmuch as the engines
Will be held to not to exceed 800 r.p.m.
Yessrs. Harry Gibbors,/Jackley and 0. K. Gibbons, each
.hen addressed the Council with reference to the objection -
able noise heretofore created by the testing of such airplane
engines, and each stated he felt no testing should b(�, done
unless a soundproof room: is erected in which such testing
can be made.
Ir. Henry Claman, owner of the building in which Pan -
American Aircraft Sales Co. is located, addressed the Council
stating that the first he had known of the objection to such
testing was when Mr. 0. K. Gibbons had complained to him
about it, as he ? heer_ out of .he City some time; that he
had inquired. o tenants of other buildings owned by him on
Y;ashington Street, all of whom, stated that such testing had
riot disturbed them, and that he felt the noise created by
low - flying airplanes might be as objectionable as that made
by the engine testing.
Mr. Frank W. Brown, residing at 529 Indiana Street,
then addressed the Council stating that he lives approx-
imately-500 feet from the location at which the airplane
er•gines are tested, and that when such testing is being
done he is compelled to close all doors and windows and
the noise is still objectionable; that persons living as
far away as California Street and Mariposa Avenue have com-
plained to him respecting such noise, that he had recently
attended a meeting of the Planning Commission at which time
the provision of the Zoning Ordinance respecting the creation
of noise was read, and that the airplane testing in question
is clearly in violation of such Zoning Ordinance provisions.
Mr. Collin, representing Pan - American. Aircraft Sales
�G., stated that during the past month the engines have not
been run more than fifteen minutes; that it is necessary for
said company to keep a log of such running for the C.A.A. and
that such log will show the exact time the engines were run.
a.yor Selby stated that apparently an error had occurred
in the issuance of the business license for such airplane
engine testing'-work ir that the proposed business was not
decked with the Planning Commission prior to the issuance
of such license and that under the provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance, if such a license is issued in error, it is null
and void; that while the Council has no authority in the
matter, the City Cierk does have authority to revoke any such
license issued in error.
• j
U 534
Lengthy discussion was then entered into between
the above named persons and City Attorney Woodworth, and
said City Attorney explained in detail the provisions of
the Zoning Ordinance and stated that since the license
was issued in error and since objection has been made to
the conducting of such business by testimony of citizens
at this meeting, that such license can be held to be null
and void; that such a business.cannot be permitted in an
":" -1" zone unless the Zoning Ordinance is amended or a
variance granted, and that if such variance be granted
it would undoubtedly set a precedent.
After further discussion, Mr. Lustig agreed to
refrain from any further testing of such engines until
adequate and satisfactory facilities have been provided
for such testing whereby same may be done in a completely
soundproof structure, and he further agreed to transmit a
com,,unication to the City Council so stating.
gone .
The City Clerk made reports as follow:
1. That the Performance Bonds and Contractor's Labor
and Material Bonds, furnished by Oswald Bros. Co. in con-
nection with its contracts for the resurfacing of Loma
Vista and other streets and reconstruction of a portion of
Richmond Street in the City of E1 Segundo, had been approved
by the.City Attorney as to form and by the Mayor as to
surety, and that it would nc,:!; be in order for the City
Council to approve the bonds.
TY'oved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman_
Peterson,- the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that Contractor's Labor and Material
Bond and the Faithful Performance Bond, each dated
the 21st day of September, 1951, with Oswald Bros.
Co. of Los Angeles, California, as principal, and
M'aryland Casualty Company, a Maryland Corporation,
as surety, for the resurfacing of Loma Vista Street
and other streets within. the City of E1 Segundo, be
approved by this Council and that the City Clerk be
and she is hereby authorized and instructed to en-
dorse evidence of this approval upon said bonds; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Contractorts Labor
and Material Bond and the Faithful Performance Bond,
each dated the 21st day of September, 1951, with
Oswald Bros. Co. of Los Angeles, California, as princi-
pal, and Maryland Casualty Company, a Maryland Corpora-
tion, as surety, for the.reconstruction of Richmond
Street betweer. E1 Segundo Boulevard and Grand Avenue,
within the City of El Segundo, be approved•by. this
Council and that the City Clerk be and she is hereby
authorized and instructed to endorse evidence of this
approval upon said bonds.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
U )85
Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Thompson.
2. That she had interviewed and investigated the
qualifications of various persons presenting applications
for the position of P.B.X. Operator for the City of E1
Segundo, and as a result thereof, she recommended Hazel
Cum-min be appointed to fill said position.
Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded
by Councilman Peterson, that the following resolution be
RESGLVED, that Hazel Cummin be and she is
hereby appointed P.B.X. Operator nor the City of
El Segundo, such appointment to be effective on
October 15, 1951, and that said appointee shall
be compensated for the duties performed by her in
said capacity -in accordance with the provisions
of the salary resolution of the City of El Segundo.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen. None.
Absent: Councilman. Thompson..
3. That the Chief of Police had presented for the
Council's approval his appointments-of certain persons as
Special Police Officers of the City of E1 Segundo.
Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman
Swanson, that the appointments by the Chief of Police of
the City-of E1 Segundo, of James W. Thomason, Wilbur B.
Martin, Clare L. Sundquist, Raymond G. Bowman, Harry L.
Karson, Robert B. Carstens, Mabon Ezra Smith and Allen 0.
Tasker as Special Police Officers of said City, be and the
-same are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Carried.
Director of Public Works Short reported as follows:
1. Presented for the Council's approval diagram of the
property affected or benefited by and to be assessed to pay
the costs and expenses of the construction of lateral sewers
in portions of Maple Avenue and California Street, in the
City of El Segundo, under Resolution of Intention No. 1145.
Itiioved by Councilman. Peterson, seconded by Councilman
Gordon, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the diagram of the property
affected or benefited by and to be assessed to
pay'the costs and expenses of the construction
of lateral sewers in portions of Maple Avenue and
California Street, in the City of E1 3egundo; under
Resolution of Intention No. 1145, be and the same is
hereby approved by this Council.
-in roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
Pollowing vote:
U i86
Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Thompson.
2. That he had received from the Division of- Highways
of the State of California, first supplemental memorandum
of agreement for expenditure of gas tax allocation for major
City streets within the City of E1 Segundo, for the 1952
fiscal year, and which memorandum of agreement he requested
the Council approve.
Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded
by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted:
11HEREAS, a first supplemental memorandum. of
agreement has been presented to be entered into
with the State of California in accordance with
a project statement submitted by the City of E1
Segundo for expenditure of the gas tax allocation
to cities for the fiscal year 1952, and
WHEREAS, the city council has heard read said
agreement in full and is familiar with the contents
THEREFORE, be it resolved by the city council
of the City of El Segundo that said project state-
ment be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of
proposed expenditures of the gas tax allocation to
cities, and said agreement be and the same is hereby
approved and the mayor and the city clerk are directed
to sign the same on behalf of said City, said agree-
ment to be binding upon the City-upon its execution
by the authorized officials of the State.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Thompson.
3. That he had received from Santa Fe Land Improvement
Company a communication dated September 20, 1951, with which
were transmitted.print of plans for relocation of water
lines, extension of sanitary sewers, and improvements con-
templating the extension of Maple Avenue and proposed Mash
Street, all of such improvements to be constructed on said
company's property in a portion of Section 7, in the City of
El Segundo; that said company had transmitted to him a fully
executed street deed in favor of the City of El Segundo,
covering dedication to said City of property necessary for
the proposed extension of 1tiaple Avenue and proposed opening
of mash Street.
Said Director of Public Works recommended that the
matters contained in said communication be handled admin-
istratively at this time and that the street deed be not
accepted until the other improvements delineated upon said
plan are constructed.
The ::ity Council concurring therein, it was moved by
- ! -
Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the
following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the communication from Santa Fe
Land Improvement Company, dated September 20, 1951,
hereinabove referred to, be received and played on
file in the office of the City Cleric; and
HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all matters therein
mentioned with the exception of the street deed be
referred to the Director of Public Works with power
to act administratively, said Director of Public
,'forks to inform this Council at the proper time when
the deed tedered by said Santa Fe Land Improvement
Company should be accepted.
O. roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
fo11ov,•ing vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mavor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Thompson.
City Attorney Woodworth reported as follows:
1. Presented for the Council's consideration
Ordinance No. 394, amending Ordinance No. 306 (The Land Use
Plan-Zoning Ordinance) of the City of E1 Segundo, which has
for its effect the creation of a new zone to be known as
He thereupon read said Ordinance in full to the Council
after which Councilman Swanson introduced Ordinance No. 394,
2. Presented for the Council's consideration
Ordinance No. 395, amending Ordinance No. 306 (The Land Use
p lan- Zoning Ordinance) of the City of El Segundo, which said
Ordinance No. 395 sets forth certain properties which shall
be designated as in the "C -Mll Zone.
The City Attorney thereupon read said Ordinance No. 395
to the Council, after which Councilman Peterson introduced
Ordinance No. 3G5, entitled:
Requested ,hat rs. Lora Dunn, Secretary in kis
office, be granted ore week of her earned �
1950 vaca_o:
bet rear. the dates Oc-�ober 15 and Uctober 19, 1951, both
d -Les inclusive.
"Moved by Councilmnan Swanson, seconded by Councilman
Peterson, that ;v:rs. Lora turn, Secretary in the City
,r ttcrney's office, be granted per: fission to take one week
cf her earned 1950 vacation between the dates October 1{
and October 19, 1951, both dates inclusive. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby.
Noes. Councilmen None.
. n
Absent � ouncilmq:, ♦ _":cmp jc`_ .
I That � ,at he had received from Mr. Richard Carpenter,
Lebal Counsel for the League of California Cities, fern
resolution with reference to the subject matter of
revenue bond financing for public works and which resolu-
tion,he read to the Council.
Thereafter it arras moved by Councilman_ Gordon seconded
y Councii^ar Swanson, the following resolution be adopted:
r.HE,RE.U, the case of Glendale vs. Chapman is
now pending in the District Court of Appeal for the
Second Appellate District; and
WHEREAS, the poorer of the City of Glendale to
issue revenue bonds to provide :Honey for additions
to and improvements of the City's waterworks system
is a major issue in said case; and
WHEREAS, the decision of the Supreme Court in
Garrett vs. Swanton has been construed to urohibit
revenue bond financing of such additions and imnrove-
merts; and
vP,EREAS, the City of E1 Segundo, California, is
vitally interested in the outcome of this litigation
and has considered the issuance of revenue bonds in
connection with essential public works; and
dHEREKS, Stephen E. Robinson has been employed
to prepare a. am�_us curiae brief in support of
petitioner, City of Glendale, and is willing to
represent this city and other cities, and without
cost to this city in said matter;
Robinson,' Attorney - at- 1a' „�, ?20 Rowan. Buiidirg, Los
Angeles, California, is authorized to represent this
City as special counsel in filing an amicus curiae
brief in support of the petitioner, City of Glendale,
in said case of Glendale vs. Chapman in said District
Court of Appeal, and without cost to this City; and
_ c_
FURTHER M'QCTVED, that `h C;mow, "erk
L IT FLIRT, �_. R�Id L e , -„ ,
be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to
forward a certified copy of this resolution to said
Stephen B. Robinson for his information, files and
use in the premises..
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen: Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Ac,ayor Selby,
Noes: Councilmen done.
Absent: Councilman Thomnson.
5. r`Iade a progress report in the ;natter of the recuest
of the City of El Segundo that Pacific Electric Railwav
uo.'Ti;Ja. ^_fir sell to said ity a portion of said Companv's rizht-
of- wav +on Grand Avenue, between '111ain Street and Eucalyptus
Drive, and stated he had beer assured by Mr. Gordon, of
Pacific Electric Raiiwav Company that the City Council
would receive a letter from said Company respecting said
matter within the next few days.
The following demands, having had the approval of
t:-e "or
_M4 on Finance and Records, were read:
General Fund
T. B De Be rry
Pacific Radionics
E1 Seo-urrdo Press
Blake, Moffitt & Towne
C.V.Baird Auto Supply
Pacific Elec. Railway
5 6
General Fund
Hardin. & Flanagan ;;20.75
El Segundo Clearers 3.07
Hercules Motors Corp. 14.95
Snap -On Tools Corp. 2.01
Mae D. Lewis 5.00
Clarence W. Dinwiddie 4.42
Total 3 4.19
P <.oved by Councilman Jordon, seconded by Councilman
Peterson, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on and paid out of -�he respective funds covering the same.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
kayor Selby.
noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Thompson.
1:0 further
ca ic_lr,an Gord,
ousiness appearing to be transacted at this
moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by
Dr., the meeting adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Neva ! . Elsey, City C rk
-1 �-
U 559.