1951 OCT 03 CC MINego Sesundo, CalI_-fc=_-;a October C:: 7 ) c 4 .- I Of the- C"ity r a -,r,,:. L r-, e e t- J r - r c 4- V -01�,_,C4 Ch a,-,r b a r was ii_ the _r. C 4 1 Cf + 4 Ha' 1 s a f on he above date. .-,,-e , -,,j I I h a vi n 7 -Io order at '-Icl-c�,. P. by ii I-Ilian. P .1 T T 0'a cil-en Prise t: Pet- erso- Swanson. and I�Iayo.- Sell-Y. '_S n� 11 r. a. - -'c: an- Tl-,ompson. �JW F)T71T. C',F J�j'r�TUrr-,:pq (_)IF PREVIOUS T,`EETIITI .. U 7 the r e Cg u I a -1- m e c t- --' n g h e I d o n t-',- e 2,tS t h I-'.av4Ln'- beer read, and no errors -or c-f' S­_ riber, czz I having bee: noted it was moved by "ouncilman q nnj seconded hy Councilman Peterson, the m4nute57 of 4 4 ov e s r e c o r CI. e d Car e a rn Carried. Sp-;'I'T CD-7R CT_l T:ITI�'T'�17,�Q t. '7: UI Cf C loc!,'arrive d , the th::-" tl'4s W-as T"re t4me and Place hcretof--re 17-1dinz a *nearin, mutter — A- c_> I— ­­ of the propose.d ar!)erl T :c. 3 J (T h- Lan, `-S._ Plan c - _-InZ Lrd4Lnarice v 0 e d i. by add- a new 3action thereto, to as Sect.-I on 22 -ph rk a dV4 s�._j L'n2rin had -H-er give-, 'I-'- -4ca-,ion, showin7 that - that dae and regular notice of and published ara' that the A-.ffidav;+- I — f,act, Isla; then JI-nquirea ,)r no any vqr-�t en _M.0 4 a C.-) T, n -he ca n, n or --o+-ests had bee- rpce4vej wi+-�- reference to t pro-o-z ei amend -nent. He ',,,azz 2dvised none had been re --eivad. i'ne C-i-ly C- Ierk arinou.r^ n_ .ha7 the �o:.,:pl"'3ta 'L-.'I-Ies of the T- n - �;_" j thn prPosed amnendment and also files of the 'i-Y � up to this tim,� -4 j I n O s -a propm ad amelnd,-,.e�nt, were in rosse_�;s_' lon of the City Clerk T av a Use a 'N,-avor +I- her orde re,.j that the sa !.d a C, "oun�-- 1 1 c +-h-s tire ,%rith ref U I -_ tip I - Lerence to the .mant ne recei�re,a in the matter now .pe A- 31 -1 'k �� rl 4 t a yo, ?IV -ted any.i one present iNrho Je_4-e J to address in, of the i-ropl-13ed amendment +I-o do 3o. No c n a a.­vnne - tc --peak in o-ro- -4-4,--_, on tc 4 e n nrn onc re7nonle-" W erl ol- Ora prote St's havi n:, beer, received th -4 4 I-er the I-avor the hear4no- close,--;. mat' 0 — I + —a t the C o �'ncii miZ 4n r troAiU,e a n. C% f ,^C' + U 591 the City Flannln?- CG.m^rissicr. '.ith res^ect to +�'e ' The ;J yt✓� Clem av tr'i.0 ti mn reams the tit of _.'. d i -ia ice 1\9, • ?Ci �,' tar. _.±, e : nrTIFQR "'T nn (,. '� CF S.,ii C ?""L y ,n,,n n T.T -,.,T ,T,.T,T I LF r. T-):, P', JI: \T �i J`-..nTC�n` mC: -, T 1 JAi r: r . r:c-, ,fir F .--ter3G. ^ co - �r .., tree rtu \^jL_vr rte __ Gf lair+/ -i n T o V r d�nan e .o. b ;Gtl_or -�•ar._ed I7 r^.I n 7 v7�p•i C�l_ulc�lT.en terson, S�ransor. r ^,:� or c�14� . . ,� ,e Co, n9, - l mAr N ' '' : lm- n ra m '„ounces .P.<, .rr...G:1 and lh::.,_ s^2":. ^' _.czr.c�L::an �, ,:anson thereur'on ir_troduceJ anti tle:d • . ;RD' TwI T,- UII !,-T CITY OF SE"JUNDU, ::;'•; �. i' . i.'\ ,.� ;T it i 1? I� r_ JT;`T t ()HDT'IAT_ \lCu NC.'. 3i %7 (IMulti` T\T Tl Ti C'-'i �- �' _ r\? *rn �- �r :, r :LL A: \✓ ✓L' ..,A:. ZUi\Ii \G ORDIi hl,CE ) /` ^ \ SAID CITY BY ADDIN G I 'T_ ;l SF,CTIGI�T TG RJ D Jii';Tz ;D nQ 0 CTIGN CF Si:I� J AT 3 , i'.S ritT� �I.T E If) ., 1- W as re au. I ITTF.. CU3'JTNICATTO S ,T • y Lv., _Lue:, cof ^:unicatio:: , received fro?'., the persons ._._..::S or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the � _.,Du r i__ °and :,;ere a, - nc';e? 9,f in the manner indicated, follo;•r- _ r fersnce to each her=�_ra�'ter • i'L F: =.Ur S:T�Ci , Fr�;�;�c_r, dated Ccvvto^er 2, 19,5y1, s _b- n,,� i ,nom ., ti:ere:t�th FrG�ress _ ��-J'1, cnr ` :st- f a-le No. 1 on contract 4- v , '3. at ^ rVo S+ , � :I. C�nnell f_lJtallation of °r_mary. D- str_bution i~Iain- it Section �$, under s e^ �', ca- n r , , p cif = . - -�_1, s.^, o-' .07.13 is ' 'i r ^ y'al18 `v0 L. :''.r'. 'Iarna at tI _J time a:1C� rei commending }l at t ^% TM w �y ^J _ 1 ^ T.- t i+ ..+ a-j... yyyy T, _`. �-.. _�'�.1 'Jn ..._ ___.� l•_iv ri.„ 1ay'a.,le to L. ''• said sum, f'%r CO _r_ ^_1• _ approval, and there - ar�e 1.y fiery. -.a 9,G n-1er , � P cc m,,1 tnlcatZGn -a.:5 Grder e y.. ��. „rri �° ref tf:`� C1erk• 7%T -1 TSSIU "', _ of ;;,1 ?C�,'.1�0, be in? o- -e a-r a- t`.p >� e l rT b• c, '' i r _ t 1" Ir �-'_ \ �` �._Q '.iOI'.^ii7:1SS10 -fin T -- amrer. or h , L on October 70 a+ t> e D. n/l r or yr n, -,. co nI' c o r9, =r+v vc.,._arce rc Lrots _ -._:'� _� �l.G 1. 2� El CAM, d 1 - , r. , o,l:: , '± �e ast.abl_sh..__.t 9,f an P = -1 TTSe in a !' -2 co:_e n n r,1a � Ti D 4T A - LTT rr..r r: c _ IG T T + ° --" notice or 7t nex },0_ -7 on G, 2:. of -_ - �� ` ♦r,� at :�1�.rrers Hn ```"'i .. - ✓� rev: -2- U 592 of — be y Th and ` f~ IvL - - :I _ 1. 1 . ,mT I'T - TT Z. ;� .�.7 .��v *r C.': T`., `TP'T,N r I A T }, 3:. u :h �G'!'^' - c .G: ^:)'...,."� f`1 fir• ` r` ,^ ---s -.� -, -_'. +JOuV''S�a1__o -"o :- °les, _4, t .� :.after of the a Flicatior= of U. Trans L .1._: eS ..,i D` c_fiC i Electric Railway v„ r_• N '? c r1 +•y% G "i zfe Berta n ^ranges in fares. in -Va''i:T� .1?L 1\1 , l i j f Jeol..irtdG, dated October -; _, •_ :a -?1V t•� e- a, c c P n.'1 :3a --;d "'iomrriI?s7ionf S = /t -cn T:o. �,^ yu orteJ a* a regular meetinc; of sai.:_i re, 4L September 2' , 1Y� I, w` resolution re -om.me r1 s d J rese.a- :,et -hac', re^ @".??itS on Construction f c i °Y-, a1 str� t .rc— -a 7 f -rind t_^ :e and place for .r r tv De cl� Gr' i;; `ve' �L -- .. file.i. 1:r. _ ;, _ y G E? co :nIa dated U be I sm�ttn� v� .'' 'ri cGT yr o Sc`l iu Comm. 1SSi.:) 't J ` S rTOS. l�'G a:.;? li , a }C -r-eG �t c. re ular mee lr� l Gar: field aep-- :..,,her �V, ; : %s' , w�,_ C'r reSCiLitions t fo �r a- - �orr:•� :d - _ e r' ions of t e P aster Plan. of ai :^sway's for the C f 7 C"�:Lin do a -i 1 :1•_'h r)-'a--e fOr public heari ,,.5 t.0 ti V `e .n _. .. .. A �~ C:a _. l :.1 •.::t Ij' -'r• �jrd.7 r_1 f --' I e- • G �rl, -neer, .t of Los AngeIe7, A�Tty bar ?�, ��� -, .T�t�- •!Jh_ .'rati `.ra -sr, lt. aA copy of e .. �.,y!a to of c.os t' r �, �',P .^. ,^t • t're LT..nr y -c - G _.,ion of Orion Plar� r_ -� .., _J'. a .��.. J('. G'A! ,.:Al� CGS vJ a: v1'�.1_rated rod °:.+v• i 1.�.. .i °..• s REP CHmJ ( '_' :.m._.. �!? S vONT'IT`1'THE's '-,Pr-e of ^ r rc �ta7 ir_ the ' :)- whf_ ch ,a-: U 59113 rte. C_Or e ere^-e ;,he street Chr_stmas decorations he :Cl r r,:... vim. i.. _'1C, _ D n v`'^4 lrl­v i,r7�.Ta trc =red Of t1-e prOn' ^:;Z , �aC _cr it.Or . and t ve } a rr 1 l r o- -.. __ ,„. ate, o_ "2 labor in conmectil on t-ere- =t th aJ sa, Ccmp.a. ^y hzc done so and ha � C+ e , f; ? "re C r .'� ? ,r Str_t_C., a' 1 c� f'lol:r2 n l U- I°_ � - ... :iC'r connection r:1tL: c_ al_- ne2e.s_ciry pO t :y_7 the replace -:2rt of a:-,-, - c:t` , the to run_ ; sr s -"ch lamps • - . C 1J: _1- a.- SG.r ansc- f'.,rt�e„ Stn -e ^', _ .,c . _ one ?' i. 5.14 C e.- nc.:r o T, o,re , „ ne- !-r,,, s c'n th, e11:ron - v er.' - Cou 1 ^ Fe±ersc ^ -- .J --- ..SKr: .. is Co-unc_l a rOr^o? -, �� -,q:, .e °Stern DeCOr R�ir' n oT „• Ie -r_d �` __ r..er� ,. C. .r.loed to erect all Chrustr ?� . ,`_' o l Cy:rct i��� , ;r ^rdance +--I--- �,eretofcre male "n�- n;1ma,. of :?_'�^. L! ::erk ✓3 be done ,,�. t _ rider ,he sunervi -4 on oL;nc_. ^jar and at a co.St Of -tot- to excee.j� -r T 4. l �. �.E r _ - - r _ . - -'a a arr,e_� �r -I-,e follo"."i.n ; vote . r ,ounc -liner, �ordcn, Fet�rson, Swanson ar_ l:i: _ va I [, NLli .1. !': L' CC'1 ' �Ni I T.. E i!J �t miler'__ r or:.e fo o,,,,, ti � -at the Chief of Po -p-n- val his appoir_tments a _? liam_ �. SchoenberT U lice had rresented for the Council -s H of ., ^ . illation, H. Jerome '."Ti-hers s Specia.?- F01� = Of�'� cerG of tti,P .. by Corr_, i,.•..:r.. S.•:rans:o , s'sco le : tier Councilman n .;crd,- , that the r by the Chef of Police of the r H P^, o f T_' rr LT d o_ S._o, rido, ,�_ �. a l0" , �;erC,T ^a 'vT1tr12rS an lia.m r• Schoanberg as Special police Officers of said 1 -az be and the same are r:ereby rat_.f ell, approved and con - : 11 mG . Ja rr�e;.l • ir= _tor of Putt' :7or'F Short reported} that 4—n accordar_ce r� v_ "_ Jnst•iriictic? s -i enn 7�' `I P, vitj' Council he iic^.d cCnsiilved a c or.tra_ tor ;'er. r or^ _no a_l t erat ions oat, tre City TT all with re, s e + tC'P r•l ceTPrt tile- in the COUIICI.l sa_u contractor ha i agreed to l_o,rer the ^eili.r `c ^c•- ; Sete the ^c-er, g %' -- r„co,, t_cal tile and to relocate -- elle ^`r_ cal Cl;tivet, whic.- 2^elOiat_O: GIO L be ne^eSSary should the ceiling e lo;-.ered, the total price therefor ter be- 1 o: ^ ^, "'hereafter it was moveld by Councilman. Peterson, se corder_? .. Cc':ncilrran 'ior,JC2 -he f'Cl1CRIing resolution he adopted: RESOI VE2, that the ; atter of nla^emert of �. l 1 � cous��ca_ t,le in "he Cour_cil Chamber of the City .all '^.e - e14,rre^ to Councilman Swansor and D;i ec` -.or of P­,, t!_' , :dorms ,nor -- • ' ha v s -ago officials he a.- -d are ho reh.y- ra �ectel to consult accousli ^.al resnec to said matter an that c_'f, are_ _ re •-_ven aut?:ori* - 1c act in - �'' rece t ^e "it"r of cos - - ^•r_-e�es s )e, ar�- 14 t men- ^ f ..Vrks, - .-nar^_C, report !No 6i In14 --tin-, Y `. ".� o� � ?�? • due ,aid , t . ��rom ,he Ci—V of E1 5egundc `.'o=r .'"Grit.:- of .Jn ^.`O.:f -er in ycnmg2� .iJir: :'V ..t con 3- _U_ of z. _:. n.. , one c Vyr ;re ��y^eVtheay Er ^n coov of G...i :: re^Cr t `stile C he �`� - -, nE: n.7 s-S e •O�' P 1 l f o r ,r a ., U 94 acccr dar_ce with they_ rin 44 j7 ar_ , u_s^ - _cr after such Consultaticn. "a-- _ed by the, fc'' vote: L.L owir�; t byes: C01rci -Ime Ger;on, Peter cn., Swanson an�' lcay or. Selby; CouncIIm,,er: 'one; C qty Attorrey _reported as rol'_ows ead to the Ceunc4l a comu_:ur_ication dated Se ^te^rber I-ad received frorr! the amity t'.�` ' _ „Orne`y o_ of Glendale with reference to the part_cipatian C certa.._ cities in f_linb an o , ectinr: tG t;:E ^"O ^G ad L ° ire rates by S. L V�':er__ Cali fore 1 a Gas Company any ,, a so N t. 'as i GaS O ",_,ar7, rearin— u�On appil cati ^r for ~e ' :. ._shsi loci l be held .�'as rglor on October i , e he Fec l P ov e r o or; that if all of the -tic= ,h--h fcrmerly oa__'tic= r � c.ted re in a p. v: oL - arplica- :0n Gfr this n atitre ,r0uIJ again. jOin �; SuCh CCt"b1I1 ° -d r h _ J -Cr Ps� ,�.at a .s`�� �. i . e to S gun, o, 'Cased upc- J,on , ,scald be TM 4 • 15 an ? he ;r.qu; ^ed wh e t h o, r.cil desired to a ,,.thorize him to advise said City of the City of Glendale that the City of El ✓ `--'In dc would a.gair participate Jr said matter. Thereafter it was moved ty Councilman Gordon, seconded '-,y Councilman Swanson:, the following resolution be adopted: HESOTVED, that the City Attorney be authorized to advise the Citr Attorrey of the City of Glendale, that in response to his comirr,unication of September 25 1951, with reference to the Southern California Gas Co ^:;;any - Fl Paso I;at .,�.� Gas Company proceed; u� a_ J �o:� proceedings, ' e+ City of El Se ?undo is '_ 1 ing. to b w� l �, � participate with the- other Cities GS indicated in said Com.muni cation and upon the basis as ther::in set forth. Cn roll call, tIe foregoing resolution was adopted by the fcllowing vote: ,.yes: Councilmen: Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and IVayor Selby; "ITOes: Courcilmen None; Absent: Counciimar Thompson. U dFT "TTSHED BUQT1,�F,SS i,h reference to the adoption of a resolution respecting the natter of the realignr:ert of Ccear Parkway, the City rttOr. cy stated that after u1S^i SSiOr_ Was had with Council r: era; nt.a.,_;res during the past week he had orepare� � �o with .F. e nce to It matter, which v v � JCi�r r ems; G1L V , rI i ; t N Y•Y• C wh h re so- 1 . r v read �o vry '-oancil for 4tl consideration. ti F _O'r:ing she --ea^ing the --ecf, it was moved by COUrC41- . - -_r. Gordon seconded �y Coy n the following •, .�r.ci.i::.ar. Swanson, _ sc, i•on ': e adopted : TI. u F ' Counc�.l a cop7. No. ;n s�o,ririg a. u ther:: was heretofore referred to this of a certain map designated as "N:ap the prcpcse-_� location_ of Ccea : Park- U iq n� 4'HEREAS, this council did at its regular meeting of September 5, 1951, duly and regularly refer the said map to the Pianni_ng Com,:�issi on of the City cf EI Segundo fcr investigation, report and recom_men dation thereon to this council.; ar.d ' ','liiEREAS, said Planning Commission has con- sidered said map and has also considered the report cf Councilman Dave '. Peterson, dated September 19 l ^51, wi +'- reference to said proposed Ocean Par kray' , :tiri th 'which report this council is also familiar; ar.d :r, ERE S, said Planning Commission has now a,.ade its report to this council and the council is pre - sertly fully advised in the premises; ":C: ^,', THEREFORE, TT- CITY Cd0UNCIL• OF THE CITE' OF OES VIE C�LI FCIRI:I A, 1 IER -7-Y .RE Sv,i h _.LGl';'J . FIRST: T: . That a con.,,- of said above mer_tione;, ►►r,:.al ;T.`,. 1+1� which shows imposed thereon_ in red color- ing the suggested locat r. io of said Ocean_ Parkway and :, hich :rap is entitled "City of El Segundo's Suc-= jested O Location of Ucean Parkway. Oct. 3, 1951f1 b be , placed on file it the office of the City Clerk of the City of Ll Segundo and as so on file be and the same is hereby referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof. SECUND: That the City Council of the City of El Segundo feels that the location suggested and which is shown in red or. said. above mentioned "City of E1 Segundo's Su�dested Locatior of Ocean. Parkway. Oct 3, 1051" reap warran`.s due and favorable consideration_ for the follow- ing reasons. (1) The locatic7 -will have the least effect on - presently developed residential areas not only within the City of El Segundo limits, but likewise within the Playa Del Rey area; (2) The locatior follows and utilizes presently dedicated and improved streets to a great ex- t-r+; namely, Pe.shin- Drive from Oulver Boule- vard to Century Boulevard, Vista Del Tar from Imperial Highwa.- to Coast Boulevard, and Coast Boulevard to a point rear 45th Street and High- land Avenue in El Porto. This fact, obviously, will result in a substantial reduction, in the total cost or the project, particularly, inso- far as property acquisition is concerned; (?) he total length of the ultimate im ^rovement from the proposed Marina Parkway toI the southerly boundary of the City of El Segundo will be ar^ro}- imately the same as the location proposed by 'the City of Los Angeles; The location will not result in affecting the proposed beach recreational plan within the Playa Del Rey section; `5) The suggested locatior, utilizing Vista Del P;ar t I C) the Hyperion_ Sewer Plant area is -V- U ,y6 a logical and practical one considering the presently classified use of this area; and (6) That the parkway location as non proposed through the westerly- residential area of the City of E1 Segundo will be of no value to such area or to said city; in fact, i`. vli11 be detrimental. THIRD: ThG- the City Council of the City cf El Se�knd.o, after due consideration, does hereby respect - fully urge that the proposed Ocean. Parkway be located Parkway at the location therefor as shown in red cclorinc, on said 1TCity- of El Segundots Suggested Location of Ocean �arkv,• a . C)ct 3, 1951" map, rather than at the location as indicated upon said original "Map No. 3 ", so submitted to said council. FCURTH: That in the event it be eventually deter - mined that the said Ocean Parkway be located at any point other than that presently proposed through the residential area of the City of El Segundo, that then., and in any such event, adequate junction facilities should be provided so as to afford convenient and proper ingress and egress to and from said City of E1 Segundo. FIFTH: That the City Clerk be, and she is hereby irstructed to immediately forward a copy of this reso- lution, together with a copy of said "City of E1 Segundo's }uggested Location of Ocean Parkway. Oct. 3, 1951" map, to the Honorable City Council of the City of Los Angeles for its infor7ation and consideration in the prer.•ises. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson., Swanson and - = Iaayor Selby; Noes: ,o uncilnen None; Absent: Councilman Thompson.. The City Clerk at this time presented and read the title of Ordinance No. 394, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORi3IA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3C6 (THE LAND USE PLAN - ZONING ORDINANCE) OF 'Se -ii) CITY BY AMENDING SECTION 3; BY AMENDING PARAGRAPH "A. USE." OF SECTION 9; BY AMENDING I TEr, 11111 OF PARAGRAPH "A. USE." OF SECTION 10 OF SAID ORDI- I,JANCE; AND BY ADDING A NEW SECTION TO BE DESIGNATED AS SECTION 9.1 TO SAID ORDINANCE NO. 306., which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council veld on the 2c.th day of September, 1951. Loved by Councilman. Gordon, seconded by,Councilman Peterson, that the further reading of Ordinance No. 394 be waived. Said motion carried by the following vote: Aves: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby; Nces: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Thompson. -7- U ' Moved by Councilman Gordon., seconded by Councilman_ Swanson, that Crdinance No. 394, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AM-ENDING ORDINANCE NC. 306 (THE LAND USE PLA; U 598 City Council held on the 26th day of September, 1951, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said Ordinance was adopted by the followin vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Paterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby; Ices: Councilmen ?Acne; Absent: Councilman Thompson. Councilman Swanson called attention of the Council to the fact that the doors at the Fire Station, which utter has been under discussion by the Council � for some time and v;hich the architects had on numerous occasions promised to have repaired, had -not as yet been given any attention. Thereafter, by general consent, the City Clerk was directed to contact said architects anal to advise them +.I at the City Council expects immediate action in the matter Or it Z,,'lll cause said doors to be repaired at said archi- tects' expense. PAYING BILLS "'' n . 1- following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: General Fund -; rt 3ra ndler 0.00 General Fund - Cont'd MintaCurtzwiler;.;ityTr. 4214 .23 El Segundo Chamber of 11 " " �" $4.60 Commerce Gordon Whitnall 50.00 100.00 " " " " 2,593.71 ►' " " So. Cal. Humane Soc. 61.70 " 1,2$4.4$ " " " " 1,364.00 F. D. Foley* 904-73 �► ►► ►► ►' 1, 500.13 Lelah Converse 50.00 1,106.43 California Rent Car 296.00 " " " " 41.20 Neva 1M. Elsey 24.07 ►► ►► ►► ►► :Willard I. Bailey 47.50 ti ►► ►► it 455.00 Fabian Coast. Co. 10,757.47 " " " " 414.25 H & H Fountain & Grill 5.85 State Employees' A & M Grill 1.80 Retirement System 843.80 Rose Bowl Cafe 1.15 TOTAL 424,832 So. Calif..Gas Co. 3.55 .29 George E. Gordon 10.00 Recreation Tarry R. Shuler 10.00 Fund I'oore's Stores 10.30 MintaCurtzwiler,CityTr. 440.1 Sears,Roebuck & Co. 21.56 " " " ►' 64.50 :yew Pacific Lumber Co. 3.30 ►► rr See' Affiliated I'letal Prod. 31.84 E1 Segundo City Group 10.30 Detroit Products Co. 27.81 Hospital Service of Milliken Chevrolet 3.85 Southern California 5.35 L1 Segundo Building State Employees' :�iaterials 3.24 Retirement System 38.59 Gordon Duff 1+ K. B. & S. SDortin,- ilson's Carbon Co. 101.97 Goods 8.G7 frank Smotony 140.15 Burtons Leathercraft 84.62 Smith -Emery Co 10.00 TOTAL - 5, ,- Rita .:illigan 20.15 w American Disposal 84.00 Pension Fund Ace -Hi Blueprint Co. 15.98 State Employees' Osivala Dros . 76.31 Retirement System 729. g4 TOTAL 72c,84 -9- tia-s„ Yfork,z Furi� Payroll Dema ,d . 3 .43 , inta . urtzwiler, Cit«'Tr.1�4.60 l„ v5.25 tt tt „ t' 't Set c Ei Segundo City Group State Employees' Retire- ment System , ^e•1 State Employees? Reti ^a- men , Svstem l-l.$$ 3t ar dard Gil $1 -7 Se. ,: Tne 1 gUndo Press ;3.$I Hi -ball Elevator Co. 10.10 Hersa g. Co. I 1 l` 4 �� `.. 7 4 amae s Jones Company 332.13 onrard Sup-1y Co. 2.0$ ... .r —sen P;.otors 1 b84 P v Cent � %, r_"-evrolet Co • 402.05 - , ,1, ..1 a -V al ` 'C . 15.4[ ..tnnea�,olzs- :Toney all ; R� of �civor Co. 12 • �3 � 'ich :fo• Co• 145.$5 . ra ne Company 179.98 'roved by :; ouncilman Peterson, the demands be and cai d out of the Carried by the follo zng Gordon, allowed Dspectiv, vote: U 399 -r : .Ial�er :'gorks. Fund _ (Continued Reliable iron Foundry , 4 ,o7.2_ Donald R. Short, Petty mash TOTA� �i^ 098 70 'dater ''orY.s Bond. Election 1948, Construction Fund City of El. Segundo Water DeAt . µ 177.02 Rolland G. Paulston 3�5;GC Reliable Iro-- 'Foundry 5$.$6 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. 114.02 Pittsburgh- DesIV'one s - 1 �omI J 621.50 Uanreli �• $,207.13 TuTA? ;I a 0 , , 5' -.-. 43 Sewera7e Facilities Dept. of Public ;,orks = 2 TOT A.1 023.06 seconded by Councilman and warrants ordered dra,%rn funds cover s..:cIT the same Ayes Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and .Mayor Selby; Toss: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilman Thompson. NEW BUSINESS :To_ne r . No further meeting, it was Councilman Pete business 3pr_ =.aring to be transacted at this moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by :^son, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Anr —oved: T.'.ayor I Respectfully sIbmitted, Neva M. Elsey, City C k