1951 NOV 14 CC MINy Vi Segundo, California Ly .`:oveT;.ber l7' i oil A regular meetinj of the City Coanci' of the Cit,.' of El Se _,ndo, California, :ras veld in the Counc i'_' C'ramber in the C ity RalI of said City on the above date, having been called to order at , : �C otclock P. M. by William R. Selby, Mayor. Councilmen Present: Councilmen. Absent: ROLL CALL Gordon, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. ?one. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the regular meeting held en the 7th day of November, 1951, having been read, and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Council - man Gordon, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. WR_TTTF is COi�:, YUNTr'ATIO_l- Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: E. W. CANNELL, dated November 13, 1951, requesting an e :{terS4 of 1.5 calendar days in which to complete his contract for the installa- tion of certain water distribution mains, under Specifications o. 0^7.3. -48 -11 and setting forth his reasons for making such request. Accompanying said letter *.,ras a commuricati en frost: R. G. Pau' stop, Engineer, dated November 14, 1951, advising that he has made a caret ' review and analysis of the reasons set forth in the above mentioned communication from E. W. Cannell requesting such extension of tip :e, and that as a result thereof he is recommending that said E. W. Cannell be granted an extension of time of 15 calendar days within_ which to complete his contract under Specifications No. 7. B.-48-11, SUCK e cter.- sion mah;ng the date for the final completion without liquidated damages, as of November 28, 1951, °ollowing the reading of the foregoing com.,nications, it was Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the olio :ring resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, dated November Paulston, Engii referred to, be ordered placed and that the comi-,unication from E. Car-rel.-7 13, 1951, and the communication from R. G. zeer, sated November L. 951, hereinabove and the same are hereby received and on file 4.n the office of the City Clerk; BE TT FUHTP.ER RESOLVED, that the recommendations made by said R. G. Paulston, Engineer, that said E. W. Cannell be granted an extension of time of fifteen calendar days within which to complete the contract work under Specifi- cations No. W.B.- 48 -11, be and the same are hereby approved by this Council, and that the date for final completion of the contemplated work, Wit ho-at quidated dar:ages, be and the same is hereby changed from. - November 13, 1951, to November 28, 10151 On roil call, vote. Ayes: Noes: Absent: the foregoing resolution was adopted by the fo' c-a, g 11o,:nci2m en Gordon, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and :Mayor Selby; Council-nen None; Council en :lone. JAMES E. CARROLL, Accountant for the City of E1 Segundo, dated November 14, 1951, transmitting therewith report respecting distri- bution of current business licenses as to various classifications, one copy of which report was delivered to each member of the City Council, and thereafter, by general consent, said communication was ordered received and filed. ROGER B. EVERLY, Secretary to the Board of Trustees, El Segundo Unified School District, dated November 81 1951, acknowledging re- ceipt of a certain resolution adopted by the City Council on October 3i, 1951, respecting the City's willingness to accept School District money for Recreation in order to centralize disbursement of Recreation funds, and stating that he believes the Natter is now in form ,,,here a mutually satisfactory agreement ray be drawn between the � City Counci 1 and the said School District for use of said funds. By general consent, said corrmuricatior_ was ordered received and placed on file in the Office of the City Clerk and the sub;ect matter thereof referred to Councilman Thompson (the City's representative on the Recreation Commission) and the City Attorney, for a conference with Mr. Roger B. Everly, Secretary to the Board of Trustees, El Segundo Unified School District, for the purpose of working out the provisions of an agreement respecting the disbursement by the CIt;,T of the said District's Recreation Fund, and to thereafter rake report to this Council respecting same. GEORGE PA:E, Manager of Clarks Boctery; and N. ANTHONY, Owner of the Rose Bowl Cafe, dated ";ovember 1' +, ' requesting permission. to place a string of toy balloons across ,band Avenue, from the upper stork; of the said Rose Bowl Cafe to the top of Clarks Bootery, during the dates November 231-d to November 25, 1?51. Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded b�, Counc1lTan Tho-psor., the following resolution be adopted: RESOLITEED, that George Pane, Manager of Clarks Boot ---- and .. Anthony, Owner of the Rcse Bowl Cafe, be and the;, are hereby granted permission to place a string of toy balloons across Grand Avenue, from the upper story of the said Rose yowl Cafe to the top of Clarks Rooter -i, during the dates i`,over.ber 23rd to November 25, 10;1, the place rent of such balloons to be in a ma.rser satisfactory to the St: eet Su: erin- erdent of the City of El Segundo. Carried b-r the following vote: Ayes: Cou. ^.cilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson. and Mayor Selby; ?goes: Courcil^men None; Absent: Coinnclimen None. -2- 640 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, heir.; an order instituting investigation on the Corr..issionts owr, motion, in case No. 5337, to ascertain the present and potential demands for and availability of facilities for telephone service, and the need for a propriety of emergency modification of current rules or practices to facilitate the furnishing of telephone Service. Ordered filed. + OLLIE GOODSON COLE, dated November 5, 1951; and VIRGIL RAYMOND DURHAM, dated November L,, 1951, each be; ^g an application for employmnent by the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered riled. MARGAP.ET FORCE, Planning Co =ission Clerk dated November 1951, transmitting therewith copy of said Commission's Resolution rig. 112, adopted at the Special Meet`ng of said Commission he'd November 13, 1951, which resolution denies the application. of M'rs. Floy Lyle Goehring for a variance to permit the utilization of premises located at 215 Richmond Street for M -1 purposes. It appearing that no appeal from the decision of said Planning Commission, above referred to, has been received by the City Cosncil from the applicant for said variance, it was moved by Courcil,, :an Thompson, seconded by Council—man Swanson, that the communication from the Planning CoTrni ssior_ of the City of El Segundo, dated :dovember 1:, 1951, and the accompanying copy of said Cormissionts Resolution No. 112, be received and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. Carried. EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, being copy of a certain_ resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of said District, November 13, 1951, which resolution gives authority to the City of El Segundo to remove two electric light poles from the southeasterly portion of the - ootball field on E1 Segundo High School grounds, so that Winter LeaLueBaseball may be played on said wield, it being stipulated, ho-.,r- ever, that the removal of such poles shall be without cost to said District and that same shall be replaced and put into proper opera- tion. before August 25, 1952. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, t:;e following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that a copy of that certain resolution ado ^ted by the Board of Trustees of the E1 Segundo Unified School District, granting permission to the City of El Segundo to remove certain electric light poles from the El Seour_do u; Z.h School Athletic Field, subJect to certain provisions as set forth in said resolution, be received and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOL`I- that the ::.atte:^ be referred to Councilman. Swanson with power to act. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Coarcilmnan Gordon_, Mayor Selby; roes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen :gone. None. Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and ORAL CCM2 TXICATIONS REPORTS OF 3TA:-IDING CGt�ITT jES Public Iwork3 Commissioner Peterson requested farther t -;-rte in which to make his report on the matter of addit;or personnel for the c n eri - �r.;,i e rb Department of the City of El Cegundo, ;;..ic'r: att er had heretofore been referred to him, and thereafter, it was ,r.ov-?d by Councilman Swanson, seconded by CounciLman Thompson, that the subject of employment of additional personnel for the En- neer,_r: • Department of the City of El Segundo be T aken ^.der advise^ :art t' the further order of this Council. Carried. - Public Safety Co=issioner Thompson reported that he and Chief of Police DeBerry had Dade certain investigations respecting installa- tion of a certain traffic signal on gain Street, near the E2 7egu do High School but that such investiUatiors had not as ;,net beer_ _-crrrleted, and he would make further report thereon at a later date. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AI' D, SPECIAL CO? !ITT=3 r7ty Clerk: 1. Inquired whether or not it eras the Courcilfs desire that she make further investigation with respect to the present contract between the City of E1 Segundo and the California Rent Car for the leasing to the said City of certain police cars. The Council be_n� in agreement that the matter of any charge _n the present arrangement should be held in abeyance, - -t was moired' by Cour_ci - mar. Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the C_t, 0-1 be and she is hereby authorized to - -emove from_ the agenda until the further order of this Council, the item .respecting any renewal or change it con- tract between the City of El Segundo and California Rent Car, .0 -- leasing to said City certain motor vehicle equipment. Carried. 2. That the City Treasurer had informed her of the fact that cer- tain warrants in small amounts had been outstanding for a ru.:_ber of years and had requested permission to cancel. such warrants, to i,hich cancella- tion_ the Auditor for the City of El Segundo had agreed providing the City Cour_cil adopted a resolution approving such cancellation.; also that certain of these warrants had been drawn on the Sycamore Avenue Opening Fund of the City of El Segundo, which Furd is no longc.. a c t i ve, -nd that the amounts of such warrants should therefore placed in u.,, General Fund of the City following cancell.ati on the ^poi . Yoved by Councilman Gordon., seconded by Coun ^L7 -an Swanson, the follo =, resolution. be adopted: ?ESO DIED, . that the following described warrants, hereto- fore issued by the City of El Segundo, and which are presenti -I outstanding, be and the same are hereby authorized cancelled to w--t: S,- ca:ore j{�rnnte Onerinr Date T- ssi,,_d ^;o. of '.warrant Arro;nt of `,warrant - 2c, -26 25 :: ti6 l nn -; -< try ' �C _-21-26 35 �- I r Yom. L` • lJ� Warrants Issued from Ce_neral Fund L. -7 -45 51829 .SJ K_1 o- �2 % 58595 2.00 -rov_ded, hcwever, that rothirg :ereir contained shall be -4- construed as precluding any person lawfully entitled to any portion of the money represented by such warrants, fro, making a clai.rr. therefor, as and when such persons becore known; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any moneys .ihich Ti -ht rennin in the Sycamore Avenue Openi ^o Fund, 4. O�Iin? the cancellation of any of, the warrants here;rt�efore described, be and the same are heret,- authorised trans -7 ferred from said Sycamore Avenue OYer._ng Furd. to the General Fund of the City of El Seourdo. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the fol'ov;ino vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson., Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby; ?`noes: CounciL-ren None; Absent: Counci lrren :3or_e. 3. That thj Chief of Police reported the appointment of Ralph Clyde Rook as a Special Police Officer of the City of El . Segunda, and requested approval of such appointment. ; Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Courcil,ar cwarsor., that the appointment of Ralph Clyde Rook as a Special Police Officer of the City of E1 Segundo, by the Chief of Police of said City, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and corfirmed.' 1a ^r4 ed. director of Public ',-corks: 1. Gave a detailed report respecting his attendance at a hearing, held this date, before the California State Highway Com- mission in the matter of the construction of proposed Ocean Park;aay. Following such report, it was moved by CounciiTan reterson, seconded by Council.T_a.n Gordon, the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the matter of a proposed Ocean. Parkway (being an alternate to Lincoln Boulevard in the vicinity of Los Angeles International Airport, pas been a subject of discussion for some time past; and tvTiEREAS, the said :natter is now pending before the Highway Commission. of the State of California; and TTHEREAS, this Council has received a report of the testimony and evidence submitted at a hearing of said. Comrr.iss ion., held in the City of Los Angeles on the 14t: day of ^loverrber, '951; and . 9- 77Z✓AS, the Cit;,- of l Sege ndo is vitally _,.forested in the ,matter of the location of the said ,proposed Ocean Parkway, in the evert the same Is to be constructed; and WHEREAS, this Council Feels that it should :rake an official expression on the part of the City of El:egundo, with reference to said matter at this tire; "SOW, ThEEREF ORE, BE IT RESOL��ED B Y TI CITY ^O1JPICIL OF CI"Y OF EL SEGU:IDO, CALi OEJIA, as followys: FIRST: 'his Council is familiar with the various routes proposed for the said Parkway, as submitted at the said hearing. z JLCOID Tils .oulC =, r o s ��Te^ y, aft-,,: r carPt7,! cc r- si deration of all proposed routes so submitted, respec . {'•EL;, take the official position that the most feasible, eccnomical, adequate and desirable sol-_;tion of the over -all - roble- presented is the plan for the use of existir- "epuil,eda b Boulevard and of the proposed Se ^i;lveda Park•vtay, by the con - striaction of a cornectir- lirk with existIro li. :co,- �oule- -b - rard, all as outlined and now of record in the =v4dence presented by Donald Short, ^hector of P_ibliclorks of the City* of Fl Segundo, at the above mentioned hearing and substantially as shown upon that certain plat entitled: nCitJ. of .E1 Segundo's Suggested Solution of Ocean Parkway problem - `Ioverber lu, 1915111, on file _n the office of the City Clerk of said City, and which is ..ereby referred to and ^made a part hereof. 3aid Council takes this position in view of the follow- ing factors ar, ong others, nam_el; (a) Sepulveda 3oulevard provides, at this tire, and will continue for the reasonable future to pro- vide the immediate solution of the problem pre- sented, and the completion of the proposed Sepulveda Parkway will provide the ultimate solution. - (b) The over -all costs in-rolved by ase of this sug- gested solution would be materially less than any other plan so proposed and :could serve traffic requirements equally as well, if not better, than any of the other methods suggeste^. (c) The plan so suggested by this Council would minimize the effedt of devaluating adjoini.r? properties and wciald constitute the '`east isruption of present and future development throughout the entire area to be served. (d) The const:'t _,ction of any freeway or parkovray westerly of the Los Angeles International Airport would con- stitute a permanent and unwarranted barrier to the full and adequate use and extension of so essential a facility. This Council feels that the testimony of eminent, well qualified and sincere experts, familiar with the requirements of present day and future air growth, should be seriously heeded to the end that this ::annificent facility may serve its full and most useful purpose in the fields of commerce, transportation and defense. THIP.D: This Council expresses to the Commission its extreme confidence that the Comiriissior, will give most serious and careful study to tie -mire subject, to the end that a solution, at once practical and at the same time adequate to serve traffic requirements for all time, may be found. FOUHTF: This,Council, after a review of the evidence submitted at said 'nearing, does most emphatically state the pres_ t official position of the City of EL Segundo as being opposed to the location of the proposed Ocean Parkway, or any portion thereof, so as to contemplate its extension into or through any part of the City of El Segundo. FIFTH: That the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and instructed to forward a certified cop;, of this -6- U 4k1 . U 644. resolution, together with a certif4ed ropy or the mar hereinabove referred to, to the California State :iighway Comm..ission for its information and for inclusion in the record of said matter. On roll call, the foregoing resolution. was adopted by the fo1o7rn vote: 1ig Ayes: Councilmen ordon : eterson, Swanson, Thomp nor. an!-, Mayor Selby; :toes: Councilmen 'None; Absent: Councilmen ":ore. 2. That he anticipates being absent from the City of El Segundo on the date at which payroll and other demands :v 1.1 be presented to the City Colincil for its approval and that, there- -ore, he has requested Clifford Smith, Water Department Foreman, City of El Segundo, to approve 'slater Department demands which may be presented at said meeting. Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Gordon, that the arrangement made by the Director of Public Works for the approval by the Water Department Forer.-:an, Clif ford Smith, of any payroll or other warrants which may be presented by the Water Department of said City, to the City Council during the absence of said Director of Public Works, be and the same is hereby ap- proved. Carried. Citir Attorney: 1. That he had received from OlMelveny & Meyers, attorneys the matter of the proposed sale of 550,000.00 El Segundo Waterworks Bonds, Election 1948, a certain form of resolution which the City Council should adopt, directing the-publicatiori of a certain notice inviting bids on the sale of such bonds, which form of resolution said Attorney read to the City Council. Thereafter, it was moved by Courciir.:an Thompson, seconded :,y Councilman Swanson, that Resolution No. 1199, entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT'_' OF _-L SEGUNTO, CALIFOR1NIA, DIRECTING -- CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE IPNI "I" G SEALED PROPOSAL.:, FOR 50, HOC ;'7ATERi10Rh=S BONDS, ELECTIO'1 1948, SERIFS 3 OF SAID CITY., which was read, - adoped. On roll call, said motion carried and said Resolution was adopted by ±�e follo ino vote: Ayes: Councilmen cordon, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby; Foes: Councilmen "done; Absent: Councilmen ".one. ?`.oved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Counclyfian Gordon, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to notify OrMelvery and 14yers, Bond Attorneys, that the City Council does hereby approve the employment of Jeffries Banknote Company for the pur- pose of printing the X50,000 -X Waterworks Bond, Election 1948, Series 3 bonds. U-645'. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following ZrOtF -: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson., Thompson and Mayor Selby; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. - At this time Director. of : abl -lic Works Short, inquired whether or not a Notice Inviting Bids on Cast Iron Pipe ,.right not be ',ubl_: hed, which pipe is to be purchased from the proceeds of the sale of the above mentioned bonds. The City Attorney stated this proceedure might be taken, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman cordon, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that a copy of that certain notice entitled "Notice Inviting Bids on Cast Iron Pipe for the City of E2 Segundo" be placed on file in the office Of t'� City Cleric, and is �reby referred to and by this referenc - ncorporated herein and made a part hereof; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLT7ED, that the City- Council does hereby approve sa4 d form of notice and does hereby* author- ise said City Clerk to publish sale in time, fora: and :Wanner as required by lwvi. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. 2. That he had recently communicated with Mr. Gordon_, of :'.^e :acific Electric Railway Company, respecting the matter of the pro- posed acquisition by the City of El Segundo o" a ce_tair ^o_ -t_on of said Company's right- of-vaay between_ Main Street and Eucalyptus Drive; that Mr. Gordon '_ad info_—ned him. said Company _s eri ^cin,o Company �Xi�„ e.. some difficulty involving its title to said right -of -way, and it may, be necessary to secure a title report on such proYert,, �• b '. , at that .e had promised to expedite the :ratter as much as possible. That he had received from Westchester hester Realty Co. , a comma �.;r:i- cation to which was attached a letter from United Pacific Ins rarc,, Company addressed to the City of El Segundo, in .,chick said l::_arance Company consented to the char. ?; rc of certain. street races in T-.-act oy -o grades 156?2, and the lowering of san;_tary sewers ir. }` �a:°' by Court, _.. said Tract, all as heretofore requested y said 7,.,'estcreSte= Realty Co., and in connection wilth which Tract United Pacific lnsurance Co: - pan;,- had -furnished the City of El Segundo a Subdi -:-4 _sion _pro °re - :.ent Bond in the s,_,.,, of 1221,000.00. Director of Public Works Short stated that he had irvesti_ated the charge of grade and the lowerinb : of the sanita r sewer lire in said Tract, as requested by said Westchester Realty Co., and that he .vould approve such charges. Thereafter, it was moved by Co :: n i,mdr Peterson, seconded by Council.ar. Gordo:., that a copy of that certain communication -from Westchester Realty Co., dated •:ovember 8, 1951, with respect to makin_o certain changes in grade and lowering of certain sanitary sewer lines in Tract No. 15692, together with the communication from United Pacific Insurance Company, consenting to the making of such changes, be received and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. Carried. S LI 646 ?loved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Cordon_, the f01101)r? n_g resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, Westchester Realty Co, subdivider of Tract No. 15692 and the Principal on Bond ':o. 13C385, furnished by United Pacific Insurance Company, has requested the following charges in the plans for the improvement of said Tract as heretofore submitted and approved 'cy this Coen ' 1, to wit: li 1. Changing of the street grade of Acacia Avenue between Center Street and Lomita Street. 2. Changing of the street grade of Lopata Street between Acacia Avenue and _VcCarthy Court. 3. Changing of the sanitary sewer grades on the above mentioned streets to conform with street grade changes. 4. Lowering the sani ta: r sewer on McCarthy Court between manholes No. 28 and 29; and 10JEEREAS, the dated the 8th day with this Council changes and the o' not be impaired; said Surety, b y written communication on, of November, 1951, and heretofore filed at this meeting, has consented to such: - ligation of its bond according!y will NOW, THIEERE 'ORE, TIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SE'GUNDO, CALIFORPdIA, does hereby consent to and approve the said above mentioned changes in said plans as so requested by said Westchester Realty Co., and as con- sented to by said Surety; and BE IT FURTHER, RES.OL"TED, that this Council does hereby modify its previous action. accordingly but only to the ex- tent as hereinabove set forth. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the fo'lcring :ote: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson:, Swanson, Thompson and INTayor Selby; n ?oes: Councilmen ;:one• f Absent: Councilmen None; Mayor Selby repo.-ted that at a meeting of the County Sanitation Districts, held this date, he had conversed with Mr. A. M. Ravin, Chief Engineer of said Sanitation Districts, respecti ^.g the :.ratter of County Sanitation District 7' o. 1 taking over the seder system presently owned I-,y the ,ity of El Deg:;. ^do and which is located in said Co•rty Sanitation District 1o. 5; that Mr. Rawn informed him the only proceedure necessary would be for the City of El Segundo to issue a quitc'_ai.*a deed to said Sanitation District, which deed should contain a description of the property involved. Thereafter, by general consent, the Director of Public Works was 'nstructed to procure the required data and furnish same to the City Attorney for the preparation of the necessary document. 1 :gone. A s U Fib: PI J_ :Z.:;S The follO. -iino deiran.ds, having had the appr oval OI the Co:."^ i t ;ee on Finance and Records, were read: Gen=eral F ,-nd .^',o. Calif. Ed Son Co. X1,578.39 Sallard & Son Furn. Shot 45. ^0 State Compensation 2. ?; . Insurance Fund 933.73 North American Aviation Inc. 1.04 Southwest Tractor Sales 8.31 Carburetor a Elec. Supply Co. h.60 Fabian Construction Co. 5,035.03" Atlas Desk & Safe Co. 421.05 W. P. Fuller & Co. 12.37 Clyde C. Lehigh 26 n Arnold Schleuniger Co. 169.6 Neva 2 =. Elsey, City- Clerk 29.35 Inglewood Book & Sta. Co. L4 .06 Los Angeles County* Health Department 10.49 Ace Beall 2C.00 Moved demands be respective Ayes: Noes: Absent Barclay Surveying Co. „1,^. c Remington Rand y acific Electric Ra-lllway 2. ?; . C. Dodenhoff 18.81 Bay Cities Typewriter 3--op 5.6C Ci t - of El Segundo Water Department 172.34 Fred L Carter Co. 2-.,;' 7 So. Calif. Edison Co. 24.65 James T. Carder. 42.00 Bertelen Products Mfg. Co. 23.69 Pacific .Tel. & Tel. Co. i4l "r.C9 TOTAL $ 9,154.45 Water Works Fund State Compensation T nsurance Fund 170.21 TOTAL _ .. 170.21 by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Council -an Peterson, the allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and raid out of the funds covering the same. Carried by the follmiing vote: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson., Thompson and Mayor Selby; Councilmen None; CoanciLL ^en None. NTFt1 BUSINESS Mayor Selby requested that the Council approve his absence from the City of El Segundo and the State of California for a. seven may period - -n add-ition to the leave of absence granted him between the dates `.Tovember 21st to 25th, both dates inclusive, 1951. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Saansor., seconded by Counci1- man Thompson, that William R. Selby be and he is hereby granted per - mission to absent himself from the City of _1 Segundo and the State of California for seven day's in add iticn to tree leave of absence beret o- `_'Ore g--anted ..i� :, which leave of absence would now be between the dates Nc :•e^.ber 21st ±o December ?�r'd both dates ir_clusi�.re, 1051, it being pro - : ided, :owever, that said P;ayor shall sign and file Leith the City Clerk a wa .r-- of any- notice of any 'rind L; atsoever 'of any sYecial meetirgs Of the C?t; ''01- -:cll, which may be called b; the Mayor r-ro te: , Or any t. ^ _nee __:emCel'S Of Said COLnC1l, du_rin.o the : er ° leave _od o� said before granted. Carried b. the following vote: Ayes: Counci_S.^.en Gordon, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby; 'foes: Council en 'None; Absent: CourciLmen None. "ou-, -]^Lan cordon requested permission to absent himself from .:._et2 -s of the City Council, to leave the State of California and lr;- U 648 the United States of iL eri can _ro^ i'?ovember '17th to 27th, both dates inclusive, 1951. Moved by Cour_c_l,_.an Thom p =on , seconded by Col,rci__man Con o::, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that Courcil.:.an georbe E. � ;ordcn, ir. , be and he is hereby granted perr..i ssion to absent hi,: sel' between the dates I:ovembe'r _;th to 7th, both- dates clusi ve, 1951, from the State of California, and the United States of America; and BE IT FURTHER RF�O11 , that said Cou.nciLman .e re- quested to sign and file with the City Clerk a waiver of any notice of any kind whatsoever of any special Teetings of the City Council, which May be called bi the 14aynr or any three members of said Council, during the period of said leave hereinbefore granted. On roll call, the foregoing resolution_ was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: CounciLmen Gordon, Peterson., " anson, Thompson and Mayor Selby; Iioes: Councilmen None; Absent: Cour_ci7r:en None. Mayor Selby brought up for discussion the matter of -t -he vacation_ by the Cit - of El SeL CD do of a strip of ground ter. feet in width, lying along the wester";; boundar, of Aviation Boulevard between -1 SegUndo Boulevard and Imperial Hf ghway, which parcel of property i� presently used for street purposes for a portion of Aviation Boule- vard. By general consent, the matter was taken under consideration_ until a future date. No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Coucilman Swanson, the meeting adjourn until the hour of _ : ^0 otclock P.M. on T��:esd a; , November 20, 1951. Carried. Approved; 1 � � n Mayor -yl 1- Respectfully submitted, ?eva M. Elsey, City env