1951 MAR 21 CC MINE1 Segundo, California March 21, 1951 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the above date,. • having been called to order at 7:00 ofclock P. M. by William R. Selby, Mayor.. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Gordon, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Councilmen Absent: Peterson. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS ,,=TING The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 14th day of March, 1951, having been read, and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. WRITTEN COYZUNI CATIONS Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: R. A. WATTSON CO., dated March 14, 1951, making application for extension of time of 89 calendar days in which to complete its contract for construction of a certain water transmission main under Specifications No. W.B. -48 -5, the said extension being based on the number of days which said Company alleges it was delayed . owing to non - delivery to it of pipe needed in said construction work. Attached to said communication was a letter from the United Concrete Pipe Corporation addressed to R. A. Wattson Co. in which said United Concrete Pipe Corporation advised that it was unable to make delivery of the pipe within the specified time due to delay in its receipt of steel. The Deputy City Clerk reported that following receipt of the above mention- ed communications she had referred the matter to Mr. R. G. Paulston, Resident Engineer on the water works construction project; that Mr. Paulston had made an investigation of the facts in connection with the request of R. A. Wattson Co. for an extension in its contract completion time of 89 calendar days and she thereupon read to the Council the written report, dated March 20, 1951, made by Mr. Paulston, setting forth his findings in connection with his investigation and making certain recommendations in connection therewith, which findings and recommendations read, in part, as follows: t' - - - - - - - - - - - as a result of our investigations we find as follows: 1. The R. A. Wattson Company based their specified time of completion on a pre -bid commitment from the United Con- crete Pipe Corporation promising completion of delivery 120 days after date of placing of the order by the R. A. v.1attson Company, 2. The contractor placed his order for this pipe approxima- tely a week before he had a signed contract. 3. The R. A. Wattson Company made repeated efforts to expe- dite the delivery of the pipe by the United Concrete Pipe Corporation. _' 1 - U 26-1 4. The United Concrete Pipe Corporation state in their letter of January 31, 1951 to the R. A. Wattson Company, "However, due to causes beyond our control and through no fault of ours, we were unable to secure the steel as originally promised and therefore, delivery to you was delayed in proportion to our receipt of teel.rt 5. The completion of the manufacture of the pipe was delayed a total of 69 days beyond the date promised in the commit- ment of the United Concrete Pioe Corporation to the R. A. Wattson Company, upon which their specified time of Com- pletion was based. 6. The time when the contractor made his original reque�'t for an extension of time due to delays in delivery of pipe met the ,specification requirements. In view of the above facts, the writers recommend that the City Council grant the R. A. Wattson Company an extension of time of 69 calendar days due to delay in the delivery of the pipe provided that your City Attorney finds that the causes of delay as set forth in the letter of R. A. Wattson Company dated :March 14, 1951 with attachments, are sufficient to meet the legal requirements for the granting of an extension of time by the specification provisions quoted above. If your Honorable Body sees fit to grant an extension of 69 calendar days the revised completion date will be March 15, 1951. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ft Following the reading of the foregoing communications, the City Attorney rendered his opinion that from a legal standpoint the Council has the right to accept said recommendation of Mr. Paulston inasmuch as the specifications State that any additional time granted the contractor shall be determined by the engineer. Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Coun- cilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted: WHE EAS, this Council is in receipt of a communication from R. A. Wattson Co. dated ?March 14, 1951, requesting an extension of time of 89 calendar days in which to complete its contract for the construction of a water transmission main under 7pecificat -tons No. W.B. -48-5; AND, WHEREAS, said Council i_ also in receipt of the written report of Mr. R. G. Paulston, engineer on the project, setting forth his findings with respect to his investigation of the hereinbefore mentioned request of R. A. Wattson Co., and recommending that an extension of time be granted said Company in the amount of 69 calen dar days; AND, W=EAS, this Council does hereby concur in the recommen- dations as made by said engineer; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that R. A. LTattson Co. be and it is hereby granted an extension of 69 calendar days in rhich.to complete its said contract, the completion date being hereby fixed as of March 15, 1951. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Swanson, Thompson and :Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Peterson. MRS. W. A. LESTER, dated March 16, 1951, requesting a permit to maintain a dog kennel at her home at 315 Nevada Street, (Lot 45, Block 123), E1 Segundo. -2- ? y IPW 2. Mrs. Lester, who was present in the Council Chamber, was questioned by members of the City Council with respect to her intentions in connection with the proposed dog kennel and such questioning developed the fact that the pre- mises upon which said kennel will be located are in an M -1 Zone, in which zone dog kennels are allowed; that it is not her intention to conduct a boarding kennel, but merely to keep therein dogs owned by her and perhaps raise several litters of puppies per year; that at no time more than seven adult dogs would be kept in said kennel. Following discussion of the subject, it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the following resolution be adopted: WT EREAS, application has been made to this Council by Mrs. W. A. Lester in a communication dated March 16, 1951, for a kennel permit applying to the premises at number 315 Nevada Street, E1 Segundo; AND, WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the said application and feels that the same may be.granted subject, however, to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, as follows: FIRST: That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the said applicant to maintain a dog kennel at said above mentioned address upon and subject to the following con- ditions, the violation of any of which will be cause for revocation: (a) That this permit is temporary only and may be re- voked by the City Council at any time on fifteen (15) day .4'; notice and without cause and without liability and must be accepted accordingly; (b) That no more than seven (7) adult dogs shall be. maintained or kept in said kennel at any time, nor shall any greater number of puppies or dogs less than six monthsof age be kept on said premises than the normal litters of such adult dogs so maintained on said premises; (c) That the said kennel mast at all times be kept in a clean, neat and presentable condition and must be so maintained as not in any sense to be or constitute a nuisance; the enclosure in which the dogs are maintained must be suitably and adequately fenced so as to effect- ively prevent the escape of the animals therefrom and the gates must be securely closed so as to prevent escape at all times, except when such animals are in the immediate charge and custody of persons having authority to take such animals to and from the enclosure; (d) That this permit shall not become effective unless or until the permittee shall have subscribed to and filed with the City Clerk the following endorsement on a copy of this resolution, to -wit: e have read the foregoing resolution and are familiar with the terms and conditions under and upon which the permit therein referred to is granted. y,`e hereby accept said permit upon and subject to the same. Dated this day of , 19 Permittee" -3- 266 Mom On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Gordon, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor celby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Peterson. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, CITY OF LOS ANGELES- dated March 16, 1951, acknot•:- ledging a communication from the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, re- questing that said Board of Public Works give consideration to the opening of Pacific Coast Highway and elimination of the present hazardous condition existing at the intersection of the said highway with Grand Avenue, and advising that said Council's communication had been referred to the City Engineer. Ordered filed. MARVIN N. MORGAN, dated March 20, 1951, being application for employment by the City of it Segundo. Ordered filed. E. A. JOHNSON, dated March 17, 1951, requesting that the Council give con- sideration to amending the Business License Ordinance recently adopted by it to take care of small owner operated businesses, which businesses are conducted on a part time basis only. The Council did thereupon give consideration to such request and being of the opinion that it had merit, Councilman Gordon introduced Ordinance No. 385, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BL ZEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINTANCE NO. 382 (THE BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE) OF SAID CITY BY ADDING A NEPT SECTION THERETO TO BE KNO -ATI AND DESIG- NATED AS SECTION 115.1 RELATING TO PERSONAL AND S�L4LL iNCOKE BUSINESSES; AND BY AKENTDING SECTIONS TOS. 56, 57, 58 ArdD 59 OF SAID ORDINANCE, NO. 382., which was read. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, being an order instituting an investigation of the present and potential demands for and availability of gas in California. Ordered filed. None. None. ORAL CON,Tf TICnTIONS REPORTS OF STAPIDING COMMITTZES REPORTS OF OFFIC :RE AND SPECIAL COI,,FITTEES The Chief of Police announced the appointment of certain persons as Special Police Officers of the City of El Segundo and requested approval of such appointments. Moved by Councilman Thompson and seconded by Councilman Gordon that the appointments by the Chief of Police of Arthur Newhouse, Charles Edgar ?-,food, Francis Hugh Rafter and Christie James Xanthakis as `special Police Officers of said City be and the same are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Peterson. Director of Public works Short made reports as follows: 1. That North American Aviation, Inc. had recently advised him it was said Company's intention to construct a new industrial building in a portion -4- U'267.., of Section 7 in the City of F,1 Segundo, which building it desired to construct over one of the City's new water mains in said ection. That in connection therewith said Company had further stated if the City of _Z1 Segundo would accept a new easement for the location of said water line, it would cause the present 'Line to be removed and installed at the new location at no expense to the City and in which event the City might quitclaim to said Company the present easement which had heretofore been granted the City covering that portion of the present line to be removed and relocated, and that said Company had also requested a letter from the Director of Public "':orks indicating the City's ttiillingness to quitclaim the present easement subject to the City accepting a net.: easement from 11.orth American aviation, Inc., cond_t_oned that the City.would bear no 'ex_ Dense in connection with the removing and relocatinP, of the pr,sant at _ . The L'irector of Public 7, ' orks recommended that the proposal above mentions; and made by ::aid Company be approved in principal, ub--ct to the f °c11o<in., specific conditions: 1. That the City 4 iii quit.._ain, t;i'- Ure. ant ea ;em-nt Coverinz that portion of th-e 12 inch water line to be relocated ,h-n said City is in receipt of an eaEe-?rient or ea- ements COV -ring the f'll extent Of Lhe line in its relocated position and a com:.itment in riling from i,orth mer4can ,viation, Inc. to the City of Ei �,egundo for the removal and replacement of :,aid line at no cost or expense to Said City, said removal and replace- ment to be made subject to the inspection and approval of the engineer to be designated by the City Council; 2. That all excess pipe salvaged from the present location and not used in the new location is and will remain the property of the City of El - egundo and is to be delivered to the pipe storage ;,card located on the north side of El Segundo Poulevard, approximately one -half mile Past of `epulveda 3oulevard; That idorth American .1 __ration, Inc. will a:-.-ume all lo;= _acs re- ultin.7 from any unforeseen hardship= or difficulties which may be en- countered or from any encumbrances on the line of work and it shall assume the defense of and inderinify and save harmLless the City and the City Council and each m ember of the C t :r Council and. iL.' oPfi cers and agents from all liabil-i ty and claims of any end t:'hat�:oever ari..inc- fr= tt removal and relocatinEr of subject pipe i; line. I 2. 'Lade a r =port .:ith re ecl the e �e e r =p� to � propos d- rvic o1 1f;ater by the City of _Ll : . eg-_;rdo to the City of .- anhattan Beach. That Durs -cant to direction of the Cit`r Cour_ci1, he had obtained three quotations on the proposed con: >trzction of an extension of the retaining i,-all at the egundo Fire Station, such quotations being as follows, to-wit: .x788,.)� 82J. J and •00.00; that upon investigation he -has found that the lowest bidder is a renutable contractor, fully qualified to perform such work and he recom- mended the award of a contract to the lowest bidder, ire Clark Trobough, at his bid of X788.00. Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman :z•:ahson, seconded by Councilman Thompson that the following resolution be adopted: HESOLV_';_;D, that a copy of that certain plan, entitled, "City of F,l Segundo, California, Concrete Retaining : -:all, S. `v, "all - New Fire Station, Dwg. No. Fire -1", be placed on file in the office of the Director of Public :ortcs and that said plan is hereby approved by this Council. On roll call, the foregoing resolution Uras adopted by the follo. %-ing vote: .=:yes: Councilmen Gordon, Swanson, Thompson and 'Mayor :elby. Noe::: rdone. sent: Councilman Pete.=on. Omitted from above. Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advise North American Aviation, Inc. that the City Council is willing to proceed along the line as reported to this Council at this meeting by said Director of Public Works with reference to the relocation of the portion of the City's water main involved, subject to the conditions as hereinabove expressed by said Director of Public Works in his report to this Council. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: V 268 Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.. Noes: 'Councilmen None. Absent:-Councilman- Peterson. i °iOVeO bjr Councilman c4:aYi301, :eCOndEd Cy 'our -ha- C4 0 p._:�i. �f3� ;:o, l_3?, retitled: V v cn ,gas . ead, be adopted. un ro_l cal1, the fores-oing resolution ,,-as adopted by the following vot A ye Councilmen Jordon, :ansJn, Thompson yi^ 71-ror . -elbv. .''Oe- :: o':rc r,Gr .nn Ab:;ent: CounciLnan FetEr =on. The f` t,r rittorney made r- r)ort:_ a fOIlOP. 1. That during the pact .. _'c'r: }i _ had c.ono r--=-- :;� . o!)l__", i the staff of iir. Gordon .,nitnall, 7orin,^ Con_'.pant, wit, tJ�u C2rtain CO?I1prEl en-iVe map and Cop-1 thereof of str�_ets and .lghl ^:ay:' :,"lthin the City of _l _cgundio -pon T,,,hich he felt p d�--lrable, to affix certain cert- ificate.; and that ';r. obi.—son '-ad stated ne: l: -as in complEte accord with the su�-�re-tlons and re:co,=i-nd .tiJn._� m ^d = by ."r. ,'Jodi•. -orth in connection Tr'lt :i ap maps and would have -am- corrected accordin7ly during the coming week, and thereafter return -ame to th� City Council for its further action. 2. That he had prepared and forwarded to Pittsburgh -Des nines Steel Co. for its execution the necessary contracts and forms of bonds in connect- ion with the contract recently awarded said Company for constructing certain alterations to the exi,-.ting water storage tank of the City of E1 Segundo. 'JP;FINriSHED BUSINESS Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Thompson that Ordin- ance No. 384, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FL SEGbIZO, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF 100,000., which was introduced and read in full to the City Council at its regular meet- ing held March 14, 1951, and re -read in full at this meeting, be adopted. On roll call, said Resolution carried and said Ordinance was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor `'elby. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Peterson :Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the follow- ing resolution be adopted: ,,TEREAS, the City Council of the City of Ei Segundo, California, did, on the 14th day of March, 1951, adopt its Resolution No. 1131, making certain findings and determinations relative to the proposed improvement of Holly Avenue between Center Street and Bungalow- Drive, and of Bungalow Drive between Holly Avenue and Pine Avenue, in said City, as per petition of property owners filed with the City Council on February 14, 1951; AP1D, WHEREAS, the City Engineer and Director of Public '.,orks have reported to this Council and this Council has heretofore found that the said petition was signed by property owners owning 65.1 per- cent of the property within the district to be benefited by said improvement and assessed to pay the costs thereof; -6- "„ RDI;G - i__Cf),j v cn ,gas . ead, be adopted. un ro_l cal1, the fores-oing resolution ,,-as adopted by the following vot A ye Councilmen Jordon, :ansJn, Thompson yi^ 71-ror . -elbv. .''Oe- :: o':rc r,Gr .nn Ab:;ent: CounciLnan FetEr =on. The f` t,r rittorney made r- r)ort:_ a fOIlOP. 1. That during the pact .. _'c'r: }i _ had c.ono r--=-- :;� . o!)l__", i the staff of iir. Gordon .,nitnall, 7orin,^ Con_'.pant, wit, tJ�u C2rtain CO?I1prEl en-iVe map and Cop-1 thereof of str�_ets and .lghl ^:ay:' :,"lthin the City of _l _cgundio -pon T,,,hich he felt p d�--lrable, to affix certain cert- ificate.; and that ';r. obi.—son '-ad stated ne: l: -as in complEte accord with the su�-�re-tlons and re:co,=i-nd .tiJn._� m ^d = by ."r. ,'Jodi•. -orth in connection Tr'lt :i ap maps and would have -am- corrected accordin7ly during the coming week, and thereafter return -ame to th� City Council for its further action. 2. That he had prepared and forwarded to Pittsburgh -Des nines Steel Co. for its execution the necessary contracts and forms of bonds in connect- ion with the contract recently awarded said Company for constructing certain alterations to the exi,-.ting water storage tank of the City of E1 Segundo. 'JP;FINriSHED BUSINESS Moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Thompson that Ordin- ance No. 384, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FL SEGbIZO, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF 100,000., which was introduced and read in full to the City Council at its regular meet- ing held March 14, 1951, and re -read in full at this meeting, be adopted. On roll call, said Resolution carried and said Ordinance was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor `'elby. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Peterson :Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Gordon, the follow- ing resolution be adopted: ,,TEREAS, the City Council of the City of Ei Segundo, California, did, on the 14th day of March, 1951, adopt its Resolution No. 1131, making certain findings and determinations relative to the proposed improvement of Holly Avenue between Center Street and Bungalow- Drive, and of Bungalow Drive between Holly Avenue and Pine Avenue, in said City, as per petition of property owners filed with the City Council on February 14, 1951; AP1D, WHEREAS, the City Engineer and Director of Public '.,orks have reported to this Council and this Council has heretofore found that the said petition was signed by property owners owning 65.1 per- cent of the property within the district to be benefited by said improvement and assessed to pay the costs thereof; -6- ' U; : 269' NaVl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare the necessary plans and specifications for the improvement of such streets, as per the petition of the pro- perty owners hereinabove referred to. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Peterson. PAYING BILLS The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: General Fund Elliott's Photo Service 7.02 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 126.34 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 1367.35 Bertelen Products Mfg. Co. 38.63 Taylor Wholesale Electric Co. 1.44 Lillian Rush 31.00 T. B. De Berry 5.46 Title Ins. & Trust Co. 8.50 Inglewood Blueprint & Supply 18.54 Blake, Moffitt & Towne 169.38 Imperial Highway Association 5.00 Los Angeles County Health Dept. 60.06 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 1986.66 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 2042.30 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas, 1177.70 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 1151.58 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 1431.83 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 882.40 Hospital Serv. of So. Calif. 186.70 State Employees? Retirement Sys. 771.57 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 18.75 The Gamewell Company 208.06 Tobiets Shop 5.50 Clover Construction Company 15.00 Frank F. Berkline 15.00 Willis V. Williams 16.00 TOTAL X11,747.77 Pension Fund `fate Employees? Retirement Sys. "627.6c TOTAL ''627.49 :dater Vorks Bond Election 1948, Constru- ction Fund ' City of El Segundo Water Dept. �" 97.22 Lippincott and Rowe 650.00 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph 20.20 TOTAL � 767.42 Water Works Fund ?Marren G. Bradford 137.47 Fred Crawford 142.27 Jayne Field 90.50 J. J. Lind 122.79 0. C. Mayo 129.80 Alfred Mulheron 110.50 John Odom , ' 145•01 James Osborne 130.07 Clifford Smith 142.93 Dorothy Wallace 109.42 Perry Wood 10.04 State Employeest Retirement Eys. 90.53 State Employees? Retirement :cys. 90.76 Hospital :;erv. of Fo. Calif. 6.05 California Pencil Co. 4.89 Mefford Chemical Co. 337.43 John D. Meschuk, M.D. 3.00 Century Oil Company 16.10 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph. 20.20 Transport Clearings 10.10 Howard Supply Company 18.05 The _l Segundo Press 95.04 Reliable Iron Foundry 106.83 Grinnell Company 67.73 Smith - Blair, Inc. 100.03 Crane Co. 793,19 Donald R. Short, Petty Cash 22.15 TOTAL ;)31?7.76 l-.oved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman :wanson, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds cover- ing same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gordon, Lwanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Peterson. -7- .U, 2`40 Nom„ 3U'z'IN' -]SS Councilman `wanson recommended that ina3much as the Fire Denartment would no longer have use for the sheet iron building presently located northerly of the City Hall, that same be removed to the ':;'arehouse site for use by the °treet Department of the City of L1 `egando. The Council concurring in such rzeco=endation, it was moved by Counci nan Gordon, seconded by Councilman Thompson, th folloi• :ing resolution be adopted: i JLV D, that the Director of Public :'orks be and he ? reby authorized, to cause the -- --mall �._eet iron building pre. r:rtl;r Local - northerly of the City Eal- to be - :~_ov�d t:� City of -1 : e undo for a .e by 'treet D =partment of 1 he ity of _ l -undo . - un roll call, t:,e for °•:;oin. - re_oiuti.n :a, adopt =d ; tt: fo;lo::'_. ,ot HYES: '-ounc111ren Gordon, ._!''a -on, 7.'—)mm :on and! . :-j%or .. 1 I,oe;,. Councilmen i one. Ab-Fnt: Councilman Peter:.on. o further bu_in..E._ app °ar -n-c- t- b• ran_. ct:d `:t t 'r- moved by Councilman Gordon, E-�cond.c by ],)i :(1cfL aii T .O. ^.:p_Oi7, t;: adi-ourr :. Carried. :,Cr,rov: =.d : c a,-,,o r a