1951 JUL 18 CC MINA
regular meeting o
Segundo, California, was
Hall of said City on the
at 7:00 o'clock P. MI. by
' U 3.9 .
ornia EI Segundo Caiif
Jly 1$, 1c5i u
f the City Council of the City of El
held in the Council Chamber in the City
above date, having been called to order
,illiam R. Selby, '11'ayor.
Councilmen Present: Peterson, Thompson and I• "ayor Selby.
Councilmen. Absent: Jordon and Swanson.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 11th day of
July, 1951, having been read, and no errors. or omissions having
been noted, it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by
Councilman Peterson, the minutes of said meeting be approved as
recorded. Carried.
`Written communications, received from the persons, firms
or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council
and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following refer-
ence to each hereinafter:
dated July 17, 1951, being a copy of a communication addressed
by said Commission to R. W. Frederick, President Board of
Trustees, E1 Segundo Unified School District, advising that
in order to carry out the 1951 -52 program of the Recreation
Commission it is necessary that funds be placed at the disposal
of said Commission and the Recreation Director for supervision,
-instructions, materials and supplies, and recommending that the
following division of financial responsibility of the two
recreation sponsors be made:
1. The City to furnish funds for putting on a limited but
reasonably adequate general recreation program esti-
mated to cost -12,561.50.
2. The School District to furnish funds for putting on a
reasonably com &te recreation swimming program esti-
mated to cost ,5,517.00.
Said letter also made recommendations respecting the program
proposed for the use of the plunge during said fiscal year. Or-
dered filed.
MRS. GEORGE JUDGE, dated July -, 1951, being application
for renewal of a permit to occupy, use, and maintain a house
trailer at 421 West Palm Avenue for the use of her mother who
is ill and unable to care for herself.
T'oved by Councilman 'Peterson) seconded by Council "'? o
' - .pson,
that the following resolution be adopted:
RFSOL ED, that a temporary revocable permit be and
the same is hereby authorized issued to i•"rs. George Judge
to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer at 421 West-
Palm Avenue, said trailer to be used for sleeping pur-
poses only by her mother, P•.rs. O. ". Lowery; said permit
to expire by limitation October 31, 1951.
On roll call the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and ."ayor Selby.
"oes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Swanson.
• R. G.. PAULSTON, Engineer, dated July 18, 1951, transmit-
ting therewith reports on the construction of the following
projects which were financed by the 1948 Bond issue.
1. Construction of the reservoir and pumphouse under
Specifications No. W.B. -48 -4.
2. Construction of the transmission main from the
West Basin Feeder under Specifications No. W.3.-48 -5.
3. Construction of the main pumping station under Speci-
fications No, W.B. -4$ -7.
4. Installation of primary distribution mains in Section
7 under Specifications No. '�U.B.-48 -0.
By general consent same were ordered placed on file in the
office of the City Clerk.
EDWARD RUPERSBURG, dated July 17, 1951, being an applica-
tion for permit to operate a Gottlieb Shufflebowler at the Rose
Bowl Bowling Alley, 302 Richmond Street,
Segundo. in the City of E1
The Chief of Police having reported
investigation of•the machine proposed to
advised that same conforms to ordinances
Segundo controlling such devices, it was
Thompson, seconded by Councilman Petersoi
tion be adopted:
that he had made an
be operated and having
of the City of El
moved by'Councilman
z the following resolu-
RESOLVED, that the application of Edward Rupersburg,
dated July 17, 1951, requesting permit to operate an
amusement game, knoi�.rn -as a ''Gottlieb Shufflebowler" at
302 Richmond Street, in the City of El Segundo, presented
this Council this date, be received and filed and is
hereby referred to and by this reference incorporated
herein and made a part hereof; and
BE IT FURTHER RE3CLV:,D2 that a temporary permit,
revocable at any time by the City Council, without no-
tice, without cause and without liability, be and the
same is hereby granted to said applicant, 7dward Rupers-
burg, to place, maintain and operate an amusement game,
known as a. "Gottlieb Shufflebowlerl', at 302 Richmond
Street only; provided, however, that nothing herein con-
tained shall be construed as in any manner whatsoever
authorizing or permitting any gambling of any nature to
be conducted or permitted in connection with the place-
ment, use or operation of such device.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson,
goes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and
Thompson and Mayor Selby.
DONALD LEE HUGHES, dated July 1951, being application for employment
by the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed.
SHORELINE PLANNING ASSOCIATION, being notice of its annual convention
to be held at Santa Barbara, California, September 14 and 15, 1951.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Mayor Selby, that Councilman
Thompson (the Cityfs- representative on the Recreation Commission) be and he
is hereby authorized to attend said annual convention of the Shoreline Planning
Association of California, to be held at Santa 3arbara, California, September
14th and 15th, 1951, and that said official be and he is hereby further authorized
to file his demand for his actual and necessary expenses in connection with
his attendance at said convention, such demand to be audited and approved in'
the usual manner before payment. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Swanson.
LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, dated 9 July, 1951, being its 1951 Legislation
Bulletin. Ordered filed.
L. A. ALLEN, Chairman, Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo,
dated July 16, 1951, requesting that the employment of Mrs. Lillian Roberts, as
Secretary of said Planning Commission, be authorized, such employment to be
effective August 1, 1951.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the
following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the employment of Mrs. Lillian Roberts,
as Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of El
Segundo, be and the same is hereby authorized, such employ-
ment to be effective as of August 1, 1951; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said appointee shall be
compensated for all services rendered by her as Secretary of
said Planning Commission and for such other duties as may
be assigned to her by the Building Department and the Director
of Public Works, in accordance with the provisions of the
salary resolution of the City of El Segundo.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen cordon and Swanson.
JOHN F. BENDER, Special City Attorney, dated July 16, 1951, with which
was transmitted Quitclaim Deed to the City of E1 Segundo, covering Lot 4,
Block 36, El Segundo, and which deed said Special City Attorney requested the
Council accept on behalf of said City.
IXoved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the
following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that that certain Quitclaim Deed, dated the 11th
day of July, 1951, executed by Yaynard L. Kast and Leah
Kast, conveying to the City of E1 Segundo, a Municipal Cor-
poration, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County
of Los Angeles, State of California, described as:
-3 -
Lot 4 in Block 36 of E1 Segundo, in the City of
El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of Cali-
fornia, as per map recorded in 3oo'.k 22, Pages 54
and 55 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder
of said County,
be and the same is hereby accepted by and on behalf of the Cit;
of El Segundo; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and she is
hereby authorized and directed to cause said instrument to be
filed for record in the office of the County .Recorder of Los
Angeles County, California. '
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the followinv vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Aloes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Swanson.
The City Clerk reported as follows:
1. That she was in receipt of a notice of a meeting to be held by the
Municipal Finance Officers Association. of Southern California, at Long
Beach on July 27, 1951, at which meeting Mr. Earl Chapman, Executive Officer
of the State Employees' Retirement System will address the meeting on
matters relating to retirement, and she requested permission to attend said
meeting, together with Payroll Clerk Nelle T. Sheldon.
The City Clerk also requested permission, on behalf of the Director of
Public :dorks and herself to attend a meeting of the Los Angeles Count;;-
Division of the League of California Cities, to be held at Inglewood,
California, July 19, 1951.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the
following resolution be adopted:
FESOLVED, that the City Clerk and Payroll Clerk relle T.
Sheldon be and they are hereby authorized to attend the meeting
of the Municipal Finance Officers Association. of Southern
California, to be held at Long 3each, July 27, 1951; and
BE IT FURTY—ER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk and the Director
of Public %forks be and they are hereby authorized to attend
the meeting of the Los Angeles County Division of the League
of California Cities, to be held at Inglewood, California,
Ju1;,- 19, 1951; and
3E IT FURTI= RESOLVED, that said officials be
hereby- authorized to file their demands for their
necessary expenses in connection with their atten
meetinbs, such demands to be audited and approved
*canner before payment.
and they are
actual and
lance at said
in t?-,e 1lsua -1
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following_- vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
:does : Councilman Pdone.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Swanson.
2. That she had this date caused an escrow to be opened in Securit7T -First
° icnal Bank of Los An.`eles, El Segundo Branch, covering sale by the City of El
Segundo to Ben Libick and 3illie �.ibick, husband and
wife as Joint Tenants, of the northerly t.venty -five
feet of Lot 5, Block_ 5C, 71 Segundo Sheet '.:o. 2, it
the City of L1 Segundo, which sale had heretofore been
authorized by said Council at its regular meeting held
July 11, 1c,51.
"oved by Councilman etersor�, seconded by Council-
man Thompson, the following resolution be adopter.:
RESOLVED, that the action of :,he City Clerk
in opening the necessary escrow in the Security-
First 'rational Dank of Los An -eles, Li Segundo
3ranch, for the consummation of the transfer by
the City of El Segundo to 3en Libick and Lillie
Libick of the following described property:
The Frorth 25 feet of Lot 5, in 31ock 5C
of E1 Cegundo, Sheet No. 2, as per map
recorded in Book 1$, Page 145 of "`.aps,
in the office of the County Recorder of
said County,
be and the same is hereby approved, ratified and
confirmed; and
BE TitTT TT ',T(� T'1 that *� Selby,
E IT r ua7HER � ES)OLVED, that ,.m. R. Seloy,
:ayor and Neva :•. Elsey, City Clerk, be and they
are hereby authorized and instructed to execute
and place in said escrow for delivery therein,
a Corporation Grant Deed from the City of E1
Segundo to said purchasers, as Joint Tenants.
On roll call the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and 'rayon Selby..
Noes: Councilmen. Prone.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Swanson.
3. That she had in her possession in the same condi-
tion as received, a bid on tax deeded real property owned
by the City of -11 0'egundo.
?oved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman
eterson, that the Council proceed to open, examine, and
publicly declare said bid. Carried.
The Council thereupon proceeded to open and examine
and publicly declare said bid which said bid was found by
said Council to be as follows, to wit:
3id of Reuben Joseph Slater on regular form provided
therefor, bidding the sum of ''150.00 cash for the :4esterly
20 feet of the Northerly 300 feet, and Southerly 25 feet
of the :Iesterly 20 feet of Lot 3, Block 03, 71 Segundo.
Said bid being satisfactory to the City Council, it has
moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
7hompson, that Resolution No. 1165, entitled:
I Rl AI i'T vlTi Oi i �,D 1A r D ,EDED FRO: ERT1 ,
which was read, be adopted. On roll call the foregoing
resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and mayor Selby.
"roes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Swanson.
Director of Public forks Short reported as follows:
1. That the Council had heretofore referred to him
for investigation and report, a request made by a certain
property owner in the City of El Segundo, that a street
light be erected at the corner of Bayonne Street and Pai,r,
I venue, in said City; that following such investigation
he would recommend such light be installed.
roved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Cour.cilr: -.an
Thompson, that the Director of Public ;'forks of the City
of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to cause
Southern California Edison Company to erect a 2500 Lumen
mast arm street light at the corner of ;Bayonne Street and
Palm Avenue, in the City of El Segundo, such light to be
an addition to the existing street lighting contract be-
tween said City and the Southern. California Edison Company.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and .ayor
Se lby. .
floes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Swanson.
2. That pursuant to a request filed by I.Ir. Louis
Boccuzzio with the City Council at its last regular meet-
ing, and instructions of the City Council that he investi-
gate and make report to this Council respecting street
lighting on Richmond Street between Grand Avenue and Holly
Avenue, he had made such investigation; that he finds there
are five business establishments and one church on the
"? erly side of Richmond Street in said block and a park-
.4 e s
ing lot in the rear of the pose Bowl Cafe on the Easterly
side of the said street;
That there are at present no street lights on said
street between Grand Avenue and Holly Avenue, and he recom-
mended that Southern California Edison Company be author-
ized to install necessary ercury Vapor Lamps, not to exceed
three, in said Richmond Street between Grand Avenue and
I Avenue at the same time as a proposed change -over of
other street lights in the business district is made.
The Council concurring in such recommendations, it was
moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
Thompson, the following resolution be adopted :.
aESCLVED, that the Director of Public ".forks be
and he is hereby authorized to request Southern. Calif-
ornia Edison Company to install �llercury Vapor Lames
(,not to exceed three) on Ricliffiond Street between Grand
.venue and Holly Avenue, in the City of L1 Segundo,
such installations to be made at the same time that a
proposed change -over is made in the street lighting
system on portions of rain Street, Grand Avenue, and
Richmond Street, by said Company.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and ?ayor Selby.
floes: Councilmen done.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Swanson.
3. That pursuant to direction given by City Council
at its last regular meeting he had made an investigation
of the request of 17.1r. James i cBride that the City pave
the alley between Lomita Street and Sierra Street imme-
diately Forth of Grand Avenue when the City resurfaces
Lomita Street Northerly of Grand Avenue; that said investi-
gation reveals that said alley was at one time paved but
such paving was not paid for by property owners; that the
resurfacing of Lomita Street which is presently being con-
structed is being paid for by property o,,lners fronting on
said Lomita Street, and that no part of such work is being
performed by the City of El Segundo; that T!r. i,cDride t s
property is the only one not included in such paving as he
was not willing to contribute to the contractor employed by
the property owners his share of the cost of such paving.
Following the report of the Director of Public ;'forks
hereinbefore set forth, by general consent he was directed
to convey such information to 'Mr. 'McBride.
4. That this Council had 'heretofore at its regular
meeting held October 4, 1950, requested an allocation from
the County of 1'3310,00 for the resurfacing of Richmond
Street between Grand Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard; that
following such action it had been determined that such re-
surfacing is not feasible or adequate inasmuch as, at the
present time, large cracks are present in the surface of
said street which the proposed resurfacing would not en-
tirely cover.
Said Director of Public �'Torks recommended that the
Council request an additional allocation from the County
Board of Supervisors-of "4361.40 to allow for the removal
of the present surface, the regrading of same, and con-
struction of an entirely new surface on said street.
The members of the City Council concurring in the
recommendations made by the Director of Public Oorks, it
was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
Thompson, the following resolution be adopted:
U 4 j •:
�vriEREAS, this Council did heretofore, at its rea_ilar
meeting .held'on Cctober 4, 1950, request an alloca-
tion from the County of Los Angeles of the sum of
"'3310.00 for the resurfacing of.Richmond Street
from El Segundo Boulevard to Grand Avenue, such
allocation to be made from "Aid to Cities" (Gasoline
Tax) Fund; and
�1?irj E '.) subsequent to said date it appears to
the City Council that the specifications for the pro-
posed resurfacing as contemplated under said resolu-
tion are inadequate, and that the said portion of
said street should be treated by removing the present
surface, reshaping and compacting the subgrade and
installing an entirely new surface thereon; and
�'uriLREAS, . such additional work it is estimated
:Pill increase the cost involved by the sum of4361.4C
over and above said original requested allocation of
w3310,00; and
'WHEREAS, this Council feels that it is essential
that the better improvement be installed as otherwise
the resurfacing would not result in a satisfactory
Council does hereby approve the recommendations of
the Director of Public forks of the City of E1
Segundo that said complete improvement be made
instead of that previously cor_templated, and that
said Council does hereby respectfully request, an
allocation from the County of Los rngeles for said
improvement in the sum of "7671.1�0 E _
mQ4+t instead of the previous request of "3310.00
sucr. allocation to be made from "Aid to Cities"
(Gasoline Tax) Fund; and
3E TT FURTH.R RESOLVED, that the Director of
Public '!forks be and he is hereby authorized to
prepare and file any and all necessary documents
which may be required by the County of Los Angeles
in connection with such requested allocation.
On roll call the foregoing resolution was adopted by the
ollowing vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon
Thompson and Mayor Selby.
and Swanson.
5. That he had made an investigation of the time re-
quired with the present street sweeping equipment of the
City of E1 Segundo to complete sweeping of paved streets
in said City and finds that such work with the present
equipment requires six equipment days and nine man days;
that with proper equipment this work could be done in one
equipment day and one man day, the -reason being that the
present sweeper owned by the City of El Segundo has insuf-
ficient capacity;
That he has also made an investigation of other street
sweeping equipment and finds that a sweeper of sufficient
capacity to take care of the Cityts needs can be purchased
at an estimated cost of !x$500.00, and he recommended that
the Council take action to advertise for bids on such
i`oved by Councilman Thompson., seconded by Councilman
Peterson, that the Director of Public :'Yorks be and he is
hereby directed oto submit to the City Council the necessary
data for the preparation for a notice to bidders on street
sweepers and that the City :=attorney be and he is hereby
authorized to prepare such notice and submit same to this
Council for its approval at the next regular meeting of
the City Council. Carried.
City Attorney `.Toodworth made reports as follow:
1. That subject to the approval of the Director of
Public ;'forks he had made an appointment with a representa-
tive of the Pacific Electric Railway Company for 11 :00
o'clock A. :i. Friday, duly 20, at the City Hall in the
City of El Segundo for the purpose of discussing the
proposed acquisition by the City of a portion of said
,ompanyts.-right -of -way along Grand Avenue between: Luca -
lyptus Drive and "Tain Street, in the City of El Segundo,
and that he would be pleased to have any members of the
City Co,,i Heil who might find it possible to do so to
attend said conference, The Director of Public T,�orks
indicated that the time fixed for such conference is
satisfactory to him.
2.. That pursuant to directions of the City Council
heretofore giver_ him he had prepared an ordinance amend -
in� Ordinance No. 30-' (the Zoning Ordinance) to provide
for a classification, which Ordinance he delivered
to the City Clerk for presentation at the proper time.
3. That pursuant to the direction of the Cit;r Council
he had prepared a form of ordinance ame:ding the Traffic
Ordinance of the City of 71 Segundo to provide for the
installation of additional boulevard stop signs in the
City of El Segundo, which Ordinance he delivered to the
City Clerk for presentation to the Council at the proper
4. That he was delivering to the City Clerk for
presentation to the .,olincil a Resolution of Intention to
order the vacation of a certain portion of public'allev
in Block 42, of Tract 1821-' ir. the City of 71 Segundo.
r�. That he was delivering to the City Clerk for
future use, form of ordinance and of resolution in con-
nection with fixing the amount of money necessary to be
raised by taxation and fixing the rate of taxes to be
levied in and for the City of 71 Segundo for the cl_zrrent
fiscal year
At this time the City Clerk presentee and read to
the City Council Ordinance No. 388, entitled:
3 wT T T• \ Z ITTS \ T�TT T„1
Eel BLI HIND Giv AT D LI ,l II\G HE US S 0_ LA_ L)
\T T\ Tw, !T w T T/TT TT '�/"� r,�1Tw,T \T-7
.LG. 30': 3Y AJ'J1r. J A i��v�J SV _IG;' L% J=�I:J •.J_J ii: tlis'.i =..
TT /"" T T1 T1 T'.n Taw,. TTT\ " TT (1T�f1T iT 1 t T,Tr
�'�. 30 to DESIG1.AT ED S �-
wl•±1, n T IwT T\ T 1. ^TT : 1 .w!IT \T T\ T/w T?wT
"I"a T� A C T TT TT TI" OF nT�nmTnw, � TT \T j TT L n�Z7
1 OF A�ti1RAP?� A. S -r _ice , C -1- I1._
T.IT : A,:UF C `T , N3 s ZCT. T _1 Or S:ID GRD,, :
Following the reading thereof, it appeared .that the
Council desired to have the Plan nin� Commission of the City
of 71 Segundo clarify certain sections thereof with respect
to parking space and it was moved by Councilman Thompson,
seconded by Councilman Peterson, and carried by the unanimolis
vote of the members of the City Council present, that the matter
o, ter introduction of Ordinance No. 388 here?nabove referred
to be taken under advisement by this Council pending receipt
from the said.Planning Commission_ of the information herein-
after requested of it.
At this time, the hour being 8 :4� o'clock P.
"ayor .declared a recess.
At 8:170 o'clock P. T the Council reconvened, roll call
being as follows:
Present: Councilmen etersor;, Thompson and T'ayor Selby.
Absent: Councilmen cordon and Swanson.
"oved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Council-
man. Thompson, the following resolution be adopted:
',VH7REAS, the City Council -as had occasion
to review the provisions of Section_ 12 of Ordinance
T,o. 30^ (the Zonin¢ Ordirar.ce i of the City of F'
Segundo relating to 1iParkin.2: Space "; and
',v ,LR�HJ, this �,ounciL feels that there is some
question with reference to the amount of parkin_--
space which might be required in the case of build -
ings which may be erected in the proposed ne,,r
7"EREFORE, RE -r- 0ES011 %E0, that the City
Council refers to the City Planninm Commission for
41_tS consideration and subsequent report and recom-
endation to said Council, the question of the pos-
e i ble amendment of the orovi s ions of said Section 12
relating to parking; space so as to eliminate any
ques' i on (if an,r ) as to the amount of parking space
which may be reauired in connection with buildineTs
crostructed in the new "71 -1,711 zone, and at the same time
to give consideration to the particular lanouaae
of said Section 12 with reference to the application
of the said Section to ot�e r zones of the City as far
as parking space requirements are concerned.
Councilman 'Thompson introduced :rdi.nance '�o. 3
�N ] TwT/� "CE T TE C771 r TT ('T ^�/TTTwTn + TAT
tii'J UR�i1NX�^- UE, 1�: _ 1! l i �! J UUieLU, vAT —Fr'�_•ii ,
X, Ew:)I.,.0 GRDT• �'A TJ T 70 . 313 (7-- AFFIC R o R Jl. a i
GT1 .' ' T�TT ^ "1TTT�Tn TTTwT T,; ' 7- -' "w♦
_ S I CI 11 n ALj 1.. 1 ELE v -w '�E �liEDIti _5-��., �, Cl
311 n,�-..,P ...T T'`, 77 11""91 T,T.T A7:) DESl�.-NAT AS Su T v -
�� nr �rE 1 E. t r.iJl .r -
SIG "vS 1130It.9 "31 "0 "32119 tt33"9 "31, 119 1T3 f7 It9 111 - 01
It "tf 1T^ tt tf \lit wT^ it " ^ ^'T' " n777 ^7
3 , , � � , 3 A1J 1J w0 "'G S�� 1 IG.� 1.� C':=c , --
T T TNT ',77 l �1 1TR ^w ♦r1 T-T rT
Tv I Cr SHID ORD_ v -- - 3 , AS .il.__
which was read.
:'oved by Councilman Peterson, seconded bu Councilman
'Thompson, that the following resolution be adopted:
RrJJLvT"J, that that Certain map entltlEd:
"'.1an sho- ,ring' port ion of p b_ _c alley i n 'j_
ock w2
of tract : o. 182", ?1 Segulndo, proposed to be
vacated under Resolution of it /tention 7o. i1'4 ",
presented to this Council at this meeting be re-
ceiired anal ordered placed on file ir. the office of
.,he City Clerk and open to public inspection.
Cn re11 call the foremoina resoll.ztion ?vas adopted b-r t -,e
follo:ring vote :
:gives: Councilmen : EtRrson, Thompson and :'ayor
Se1ti fir.
',oes: Councilmen one.
Absen._: Councilmen Sordon and Swanson.
"oved by Councilman Peterson, C
seconded by o1_,,ncilman
ompson, Lnat ReS01ULlOn Of intention �'O. 11`4, EntitlEa:
A R��U UTI ^,T CiP TP.� vI7`r "C II,C7T 07 'T'1- -,
V1 _ 11t�,
/1 ,TAT r� T ^ ^ -TT *.T TI0 n h T TT1 �� wTT .1�r.T 7�T1* 4
I1 1 V l� J O"U l) 1'� 1-J V , (�`
TT'T T:TTnnTTT 1-T T.J 7n 'TTT" Vii; /AT G1\ / ����
1 � � �1V L u1:. 1 1C TO G LD- L 1117 I "U71
JEC,1 T T/� MTT^ 7-71TJTT n TT�w.T T?� TTTn TT ^ --" OF
1V 1fl - .);J1LVH1 0 Aii1J P�_y,/1�P 1.�iJ1'J 11-
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LL e1- .11-: GrL��Cly C� 1-I -�i_, - U LI�... A_!�LE�y .vnlv..
RLTs 'ICP"'T,7�TT, Al D OCUT. -iERLl Tr O ?Gli BLOCK
42 I l`T TT) ^T :TC '.TT mT�TTT !"+ T\
1 L L i 4�. 182 � .��� ��Ii
which was read, be adopted.
On roil call the foregoing motion carried and said Resol-.4-
tion was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and °ayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen °v'one.
Absent: Courlcilmerl Gordon and Swanson.
At this time the Mayor appointed Councilman Peterson
Finance Officer pro tern due to the absence of Finance
Officer Gordon.
The following demands, having had the approval of the
Committee on Finance and Records, were read:
General Fund
General Fund
;;estchester fealty Co.
5 7.70
"inta Curtzwiler,
IJoeller Eros. Housemoving
City Treasurer
Harry R. ' ;White
P:iinta Curtzwiler,
Arthur F. Gray, Inc.
City Treasurer
H. S. Gibbons
"pinta Curtzwiler
Henry Claman
City Treasurer
Pac. Tel. cc Tel. Co.
J�'irta Curtzwiler,
Underwood Corp.
City Treasurer
So. Calif. Gas Co.
TTinta Curtzwiler,
Milliken Chevrolet
City Treasurer
A. H. Jacobsen
??inta Curtzwiler,
Fckdahl Auto Parts Co.
City Treasurer
Gibson 1Motor Parts
1inta Curtzwiler,
Richfield Gil Corp.
City Treasurer
Carl Entenmann cl Son
State L.mployeest
Smith -emery Co.
Retirement System
Crane Co.
Hospital Service of
L. A. County ''lealth Dept.
Southern California
Giles Lumber Co.
TOTAL X13,59.11
Leiland A. Irish, Inc.
Ne-,v Pacific Lumber Co.
27.'r) 0
P ac. =1ec. Railway Co.
So. Calif. Edison Co.
Ace Gift cc Office Sply.
is. 54
Oo. Calif. Edisor. Co.
E1 Segundo Press
J. 3aue-r Co.
western 3adge (I Sutton
Doubleday w Co., Inc.
E1 Segundo hardware
Grimes stationery Co.
Kit Kraft
71 Seg zndo rlard-,vare
Goliger Leather Co'.
'7. 5
City of E1 Seg. .',rater Dept.
2 }0
Sun "-etal Products Co.
marl ' "organ
So. Calif. Jdison Co.
Ira E. Escobar
Coates, TT e-rfurth
c, England
" 9$.40
State Emp. let ire . Systern
77 .Ol
;Water 7,10 rks Fund
?ayroll Demand
Hosp. Serv. of Southern
California 7,55
State 7T Retire-
ment System 10c.10
State mployeesf Retirement
System 101.x$.
)nap -Gn Tools Corp. 12
racific Electric Railway 5.00
Sparling "eter Co. 4 04.14
Fraser Cement Products Co. 2 3.74
Braun Corporation 24,5?
' est Basin 1%lunicipal
;orks Bond
Water District
Crane Company
James Jones Company
Hersey Mfg. Co.
Pac. Tel. c. Tel. Co.
Rensselaer Valve Co.
49 -.55
Industrial Stationery &,
Printing Co.
Ll Segundo Press
Jonald R. Short, Petty
Cas:� $.34
l��inta Curtzwiler, City
"130 ,5G
inta Curtzwiler, City
. 725 1.3 G
Dept. of Traffic
m„.� r
Traffic Safety
47, al
47 �I
;orks Bond
C ons t rust
i on - Fund
City of El Segundo
;Water Dept.
�, 55
City of 7-1 Segundo
Mater -Dept.
City of -11 Segundo
eater Dept.
i1 .39
Rensselaer Valve Co.
Reliable Iron Foundry
12- 02
"130 ,5G
r,'oved by .•ayor•Selby, seconded by Councilman .Thompson,
the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and
paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried
by the fallowing vote: CD
Ayes: Councilman Peterson, Thompson, and 1 "ayor
does : Councilmen ',Tone.
Absent: Councilmen Gordon and Swanson.
g'"-.r -U-- "' 7 "1
:'Juv0 0 D_Li4�D
No further
meeting, it .,vas
Councilman Fete
business appearing to be transacted at this
moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by
-son, the meetin adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Approved: Neva Llsey, City �'lerk
e ayor