1950 JAN 25 CC MINL1 ;: -Tnundo, California. January 25, 1950. n re, -ular meeting of the City Council of the City of Ll Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber in the City !'_all of said Cit;, on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 o'clock F. by .William Selb;r, .'_ayor. n_ T- 109 Councilmen Present: Baker, Peterson, Iw.anson, Thompson and `avor Selby. Councilmen absent: Il :one. -L.. -_ JF PP �rIOtS .�LiII u. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 18th day of January, 19,0, havin- been read, and no errors or omissions having been noted, it ?• as i::oved by CounciL:_an Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swan7on, the minute- of said 7.eeting be approved as recorded. Carried. .;ritten co:r,uni cat ions, received from the persons, firms or corporations hereinafter na:me-, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the _anr_er indicated, foi 'Lo�rin,� reference to each hereinafter: P�TIIO:;, signed by Donna L. Dealer and 164 others, requesting that the Council give consideration to the follo ,,- .-ing: 1. Painting a pedestrian lane on Sepulveda Boulevard in line ,. lth its northerly intersection with :a.r4 posa Avenue; 2. Installing a pedestrian controlled traffic signal adjacent to such pedestrian 'Lane; and erecting a directional sign at or adjacent to the before mentioned intersection to apprise motor vehicle traffic of the location of : --1 :;e,undo proper. Follo.-.ring the reading of said coi:lmunication, the matter of nal-nting a pedestrian lane and installing a pedestrian controlled traffic signal at the location mentioned in said petition, was, by the :ayor, referred to the Chief of Police and Public Safety Commissioner Barer, for investigation and report. i'_ayor Selby also requested that said officials investigate the desirability of installing a pedestrian traffic lane on Fl Segundo Boulevard opposite the Administration Building of the Standard Cil Company and report its findings thereon. IIT-ilAL :'IG! ;�A'� A OCI':TIOI ", undated, notice of its annual meeting and election of officers, to be held in the City of Elsinore, on Saturday, January 28, 1950. Ordered filed. LOLi , dated Jan. 20, 1950; 213s••, dated 1- 19 -50; 'I: i'- USL''GFB, dated Jan. 19, 1950; and CLA *'C� iiGD =FICi: HA;'COC::, dated January 6, 1950, each being application for employment by the City of -71 Segundo. Ordered filed. -1- r 110 0° Od C� . , f California, l�-_L G C =Ii' �u; J Director of recreation State of dated January 17, 1950, calling attention to the Second California Recreation Conference, to be held at van Jose, on February 14 -17, 1950, L and recommending the City of =1 Segundo have representa L i on at said conference. By `eneral consent the comm' nication was ordered filed for future consideration. r ? C I 0­�, City �, it✓ of :az� attan Beach, C�erL C ,laced January 18, 1 °50, enclosing certified copy of a resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Yanhattan Beach at its regular meeting held January 17, 1950, granting to the City of �l Segundo permission and authority to furnish water on a temporary basis to the standard Di.l Companyts recreational area, as shown on 3r Following; the reading of said communication and certified co-y of said resolution, it was moved bl, Councilman Swanson, seconded by Council. *^an Ba'_Ker, the folloTwin-7 resolution be adopted: D, that the communication from the City Clerk_ of the City of :,iannattan Reach, and accompanying certified copy of the City Council of said City, adopted at its regular meeting held January 17, 50, granting to the City of El Segundo permission and authority to furnish water on a temporary basis to the Standard Dil Company of California employees? recreational area until such time as the City of I'anhattan Beach has adequate facilities to serve said area, be received and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for the purposes of iden- tification and reference; T 77-1— ­_")L7.` that the City Council of the City of Segundo hereby accepts ,,,for and on behalf of said City, the permit granted by said resolution and the terms and conditions under which the said permit is granted, all as set forth in said resolution, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to notify the City of :anhattan Beach of this acceptance of said permit. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: eyes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and ayor Eelby. ?'oes: Councilmen Pone. .absent: Councilmen *-one. r:r. Dale Holzboog addressed the Council, stating it is his desire to construct a dwelling on Lot 6, Tract 9448 (formerly a portion of Lot Mock 9E, El 3e,-undo)., that his plans call for a building 36 feet ti,n.e and in order to construct such a dwelling and meet the requirements �f the Lonin; Grcinance of the City of `1 3eaundo as to side yard width, =_t ,;ou-'I be necessary for him to encroach 3 feet over and upon a sewer Aasem:ent held by the City of 71 egundo on the easterly 15 feet of said lot, and he requested permission to make such encroachment. 011o�,ring (,:SCUSS4 of said request, by general consent the City Coordinator was directed to address a communication to the Planning Com,Trission of the City of Fl Segundo, advising it that inasmuch as the said City has an interest in the property involved, it is the recommendation of the City Council that said Commission give consideration to the branting of a variance, on its own motion, to waive the side yard re- quirements in the instant case, because of the particular and peculiar circui-:stances involved. T 111 - ;one. PJ OF STA' I.7 CO_l7LTT7­ H-1POtiTS OF OFFICEBti A_'73 SP-CIAL CCiCTTl� C. City Coordinator .:cCarthy reported that on Saturday morning last, :ayor Selby, Public Safety Commissioner Baker, Chief of Police ieBerry and said Coordinator had interviet:,ed the three applicants whose names were highest on the list of those persons who recently took the examination for police officer of the City of -71 -egundo, and had selected one of the said applicants for the position, to wit: Herbert -2. Force, and he recommended the Council make such appointment effective as of rebruary 1, 1950. Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that effective February 1, 1950, and until the further order of this Council, Herbert R. Force be and he is hereby appointed Police Officer of the City of -1 Segundo; said appointee to be compensated for services rendered in such capacity in accordance vith the provisions of the salary resolution of.the said City. Carried by the following vote: :yes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, S��ranson, Thompson and .ayor Selby. Councilmen ?,:one. Absent: Councilmen ?;one. City Coordinator .`cCarthy reported that recently he, Councilman Peterson and Street Superintendent Gunn had held a conference with Mr. Pratty respecting entering into a contract with said individual covering the collection of garbage and refuse within the City of El Segundo; that said officials feel that by entering into such a contract a considerable amount of money may be saved said City; that 1r. Pratty had left with him a copy of specifications covering the collection of garbage, combustible and non - co._ol-stible rubbish in other cities, which specifications the Coordinator trill examine and report on to the Council at a later date. The City Coordinator read to the Council the written report of Charles. Lortz, City Engineer, dated January 25, 1950, subject "Con - strt4ction of sanitary se,.�er on Cypress Street between Fast ',:alnut Avenue and mast Acacia Avenue, in which report said City Engineer advised that .:r. _:enry Claman desired permission to construct an 811 sanitary sewer and appurtenances in Cypress Street between the Center line o- mast Acacia Avenue and the center line of East .:alnut .,venue, in the Uity of El Segundo; that the said Engineer had prepared the necessary plans and specifications covering said construction, which he presented for the Councils consideration and approval, and recommended that the permit be granted upon filing by the applicant of a ;'1400.00 deposit to guarantee the construction and completion of said construction in accordance with said plans and Specifications and to the approval of the City engineer and Street Superintendent of the City of 2 Segundo. Fcllottiring consideration thereof, it iras moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman S.wanson, the following resolution be adopted: - -, City ingineer Charles �. Lortz, by his com- r:_ nice.tion a�dres-ed_ to tris Council under date of January °5 bearing s :t jest: "Construction of Sanitary Cei -:er_ -� Ctreet beti-cen _as' „-alnut ::venue and r-t _x.cacia r .:as ir��orred thi. Council thatrenry Claman has _enue�te per_�s °ion to construct an 81' sanitary sewer and appurtenances in Cypress Street, between the center line of Nast Acacia Avenue and the center line of last -.:ainut Avenue, trip t e i ty of �1 Segundo; and T- 112 '^, -ineer .:as further reporter. that l!e has prepared Plan an.. .'roflle ..o. 500125 arc' :;pecifications io. 0 -1941, cover-inc the construction of the sanitar, serer referred to, which said plan and profile and �pecifica14 ns = -eve been pres,entec this COL'nci l for appro -val ; a_i lri °3_ cation, the said �'1,ine=", nv inference, recor~.:::ends `pat the per: --t requested ee granter. anci further recor::iends that t'r:e a -p^licant make a certain Gepoc_t to insure the satlsfactor , construction an .,::,pleti�r cf the proposed sanitar;, se: ^'er and appurtenwnces; 1 that Flan �:.rd Profile o. �0012j, entitled: "Play: and Profile of Cypress Street �e�,rer '.orth of .;alnut :venue ".. and ,_: pecifications :o. C -1941, entitled: "Specifications of the City of El Segundo, Callforn a, C -1941, Specifications for Sanitary Se,,ers, June, 1941 ", be and the same are hereby approved and adopted aS the Plan and Profile and Specifications for the installation of the sar�itar�r, sewer hereinafter referred to, and ore copy of each thereof is hereby ordered placed on file in the office of the City _nL-i neer of the City of --1 Segundo for the purposes of identification and reference; �? =D, B-' IT FiIHT= rESCLVED, that Henry Claman be and lie is hereby granted pernission to install an 8,11 sanitary sei:,er in Cypress Street, between the center line of last ycacia Avenue and the center line of .Tast .: "alnut Avenue, in the City of E.1 Segundo, in accordance with said Plan and Profile and said Specifications hereinbefore referred to, at his of ^:n sole cost and expense, provided said work is prosecuted and completed, in all respects,-'to the satis- faction of the City Engineer and Street Superintendent of the City of El Segundo, and provided further, that said per-,-Lit shall not become effective until said Henry Claman shall have deposited with the City Clerk of the City of l Segundo the sun of ;;1100.00 to insure the construction and completion of said sewer line in accordance with said Plar. and Profile and said Specifications, and the backfilling and settling of any excavations in any portion of the public streets made on account of said construction and the restoration of any street surfaces affected thereby, shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of said City, such deposit to be returned to the pernittee herein named only after certificates of the City Engineer and the street Superintendent respectively are filed with the City Clerk, certifying that the work herein authorized to be performed has been completed to their satisfaction. Cn ro11 call, the foregoing resolution. was adopted by the folloeing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Kayor Selby. -oes: Councilmen i'one. Absent: CoUncilm -en ?-one. The City Clerk reporte:: receipt from the City engineer of the City of Los .rgeles of said Cityrs Financial Progress Report :o. 41, respecting the :'yperion :activated Sludge Plant, one copy of which report he delivered to each the 'City Engineer and City Attorney. -1- 00 City Coordinator :'cCarthy reperted that City :engineer Lortz and Street :Superintendent Gunn had collaborated in the preparation of Project Statement :o. 2- 49 -50, covering the i,-gprovement of i•:ain Street between El Segundo Boulevard and Imperial Highway by constructing, a leveling course and resurfacing with a 111T average thickness of asphaltic concrete paving material, at a total cost of ';25,388.97, which Project statement the City Engineer recommended the Council approve and authorize submission thereof to the Division of Highways of the State of California for its approval. .�_fter consideration of the same, it was moved by Counciln an Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the following resolution be adopted: =SOLV=, that Project tatement i:o. 2- 49 -50, dated January 25, 1950, containing an estimate of the cost of resurfacing of lain Street, between El Segundc Boulevard and Imperial Highway, within the City of El Segundo, addressed to the Director of Public ,:`orks, Sacramento, California, prepared and submitted to this Council this date by the City Engineer of the City of ,l Segundo, be and the same is hereby approved., and the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to cause the same to be fonrarded to the Director of Public s':orks of the State of California, through the office of the District Engineer at Los Angeles, California; A' L, BT IT r -' Ti �;_ SOLV=, that one copy of said Project Statement be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for the purposes of identification and reference. On roll tail, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilr.-Len Baker, Peterson., Swanson, Thompson and 1,ayor Selby. ? oes: Councilmen ?'one. .absent: Councilmen lone. in the matter of the request of :'r. Otis Smith, heretofore made to this Council, that he be allowed to construct curbs in front of his property on Last Sycamore Avenue and Pepper Street, the City Coordinator reported that ?r. J. n. Lester Boyle, the engineer employed to prepare plans and specifications for certain improvements contemplated in the northeasterly portion of the City, within which district i'.r. Smithts property is located, had advised him that he is preparing a report with respect to said matter, which report he will have ready for presentation to the City Council at its meeting to be held February 1, 1950, and by general consent the request of ?'r. :Smith was taken under further con- sideration, pending receipt of such report. City :.ttorney ,:nodworth reported he had not as yet received an answer to the communication he recently sent Hr. Cunningham respecting rent delinquency of said person, and that he would again take the ir_atter up by letter or make a personal call on i'r. Cunningham between his date and the next meeting of the City Council. City Attorney ' :oodti�rorth delivered to' the at the proper time by all parties concerned, f, VcClain Const. Co. and the City of El Segundo, said Company of certain portions of Eucalyptus the alley in Block 15. -5- City Clerk for execution Drms of contract between covering improvement by Drive, rd'hiting Street and r- 114 TjT?'PI'. En EUSIII SS . At this time the City Coordinator read to the Council a letter dated January 24, 1950, signed by Charles E. Lortz, City Engineer and Engineering Offices of Lippincott and Rowe, by E. A. Hoge, in which said persons requested an additional week to file reco:n*nendations with respect to award of contract under Specifications Fo. :.L. -40 -4, P or the construction of a reinforced concrete reservoir, pump house, etc. fir the City of Segundo,advising further that their i.nvesti,�7ations have advanced sufficiently to enable them to state that their recommendations for award will be limited to one of the two lowest bidders, and recommending the checks of other bidders be returnee to them. "_'oved b7 Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the followin- resolution be adopted: -:H HEkS, this Council has received a communication in words and fiEures as follows: rrJngineering Offices Of Lippincott and Howe Los kngeles 15 4926 Crinda ivenue, -one 4 January 24, 1950. The T,onorable City Council City of El Segundo El Segundo, California Gentlemen: Gn January 18, 1950, your Konorable Body received and opened 'aids under Specifications ''o. I'.B.-48 -4 for "The Construction of a : einforced Concrete Reservoir, Pump :souse, Pipe Lines, Electrical and "echanical Equipment and ::iscellaneous. kppurtenances.11 :_fter opening the bids you referred same to the under- signed for analysis and report with recommendations at ,sour regular meeting on January 25, 1950. Our investigations have not yet been completed to the extent that we can make a definite recommendation of award at this meeting and request that we be allowed an additional week or until your regular meeting on February 1st, 1 50, to file our written recommendations. ,ar investigation.F have advanced sufficiently, however, that we can state that our recommendation for award will be united to one of the two lowest bidders. In fairness to the other bidders, we recommend that checks accompanying their bid be returned to ther^, the City retaining the checks of the two 'Lowest bidders, namely Bongola c- Elliot and . 2arrell ('� moons, until the contract has been a,,,.rarr7 eC. . 'es !eCtfl l'ly sub:7dtted, C _ .. _ _h?uE,.� � LO: LTG, C 1 �,r �,n! 7ineer _=- neerinr Offices of LIPPII'COTT -LI °L x "_ "x this Council has duly considered the recoin endations and requests therein made; .r, l== - - - :E, L_ .�S.�v�_ 'O- the Clay C^ .0 -- of the City of 1 Segundo, California, as follows: rst: That all bids for said improvement be taken under advisement by thi Council until the hour of 7:00 of clot% P. on Febrdar-,- lst, 1950, at the regdlar meetin; of said "ouncil to be held on said date. econd: shat the City Clerk, in accordance i•rith the reco :mrendations of the Tnn,-ineer, be antl he is hereby authorized to return the bid checks of all bidders except the chec'.rs of the two low bidders, namely: Gongola c- Elliot and J. --. Burrell R- Sons, as re- commended- by the City 7ngineer and the Consulting �nVineer. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the foilo,eLn vote: ryes: Councilmen Balser, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and i -ayor Selby. ?,Toes: Councilmen ? "one. Absent: C,n,.ncilmen i "one. i_oved by "ouncilnan Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that Ordinance i'o. 366, entitled: .t,' JijDI' T -- OF THE CITY OF EL �BGU`ADO, CALIFOF? .k, ".JTMI'.rS '70. 306 fir_ La.;D U3E PLAN. - ZOi'I ?`G O: DIiT 4P C� j OF LAID CITY BY kDDI ?vG SECTION 17.3 TO :SAID OP.DIi '.'CF ?'0. 306, nS .37?^)LD; A',l BY AID ' INC, 77E ZO''II'G 'i -kP LA?-D USg PLAN: T?-: R I?- n.- F-`- -H = TO, AS COi•'T=PLATED A?:D R.TC0i2-�E1r:DZD BY TF-- ?LAidi'I'TG CO ?i :ISSI02: OF SAID CITY, which was introduced and read at the regular meeting of this Council held on the 18th day of January, 1950, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. On roil call, said motion carried and said Ordinance was adopted by the foilowinl- vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Si•ranson, Thompson and iiayor Selby. i`oes: Councilmen ?'one. Absent: Councilmen ?Tone. ? liP'G BILLS. The folloAing demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and a,ecords, were read: ,ewer Bond Fund Election 1925 ?Forman I. F'adel Department of Public A. L. ?4urphy l.orl�s; City of Los Angeles "10,826.03 -r -ac !,ten Incorporated Total `10,826.03 'rongola &.. Elliott Fred J. F,arly, Jr..Co. General Fund Incorporated Offco Construction Co. "5C.00 Davies, heusder �-• Brown Schleiniger Co. 50.00 Bell House Yovers n T- 115 General Fund "50.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 72.88 T116 General Fund ', ^acco Corporation "50.00 ;arren Southwest Inc. urerican Chain & Gear Co. 1.22 Armco Drainage a :etal 3. '::. Stoneman Sons 50.00 Products, Inc. Carburetor F Flectri c apply Co mpany 20.56 Pater Kzwit ons Co. C. Fred. J. larly, Jr. Co. 100.00 7u,lcan Pipe -ngr. Co. 50.00 Dieterich Post Co. 20.21 1 ,�egu.n do Paint Center 26.31 Hichardson's Printing 19.06 F Fountain & Grill 6.65 Termite Control 5.00 `''he =.edondo =reflex 1.88 Standard -ail Co. of Cal. 1.10 Granite Construction Co. 50.00 Victor :cCarthy, City Clerk 37.0/ General Fund '10.00 234.21 Southwvestern section International Assin. of Electrical Inspectors 10.00 Brown -Bevis equipment Co. 62.x'3 T. B. 7 e'erry 4.50 'ultigraph Sales kgency 3.48 . B. .'et cal f 17.65 L. J. ?oberts Co. 5.00 Hedondo Daily Breeze 3.00 outhern Calif. Gas Co. 167.16 Spencer ',:ebb Co. 50.00 southwest Steel olling 111s 10.00 TOTAL ,1630.62 Loved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: 'oes: ?.bsent: Councillmen Baker, '� :ayor Selby. Councilmen I:one. Counc' lmmen t'one . Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Councilman Thompson reported that ,s. Herbert Slater, residing at the westerly end of 'pest Pine Avenue in the City of L1 Segundo, had adviser-' him that sand from the said dunes in the City of Los Angeles westerly of his premises, is again encroaching upon his property. By Veneral consent the matter was referred to the City Attorney and he was requester' to contact the proper officials of the City of Los Angeles with respect thereto. Yo further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it w•as moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the r:eetin- adjourn until Thursday, the 26th day of January, 1950, at the hour of 7:00 P. ? Carried. espectfull submitted, ..p-roved: f - Ci f� .:ayo r. C7C x