1950 JAN 18 CC MINT 103 1 Segundo, California. January 18, 1950. n regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was held in the Council ChaTnber in the City Hall of said City on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 otclock P. I.. by 1:illiam R. Selby, r:ayor. ROLL CALL. Council ^en Present: Baker, Peterson, 3:anson, Thompson and ILayor Selb-. Councilmen Absent: cone. R✓ADIrIG OF ff =ES OF PREVIOUS =TING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 11th day of January, 1950, having been read, and no errors or omissions havinr, been noted, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. SPECIAL ORDER, OF BUSINESS. The Ifiayor announced that this was the time and place for reception of bids for the construction of a reinforced concrete reservoir, pu ^p house, pipe lines, electrical and mechanical equipment and miscellaneous appurtenances, and stated that if any person or persons in the audience desired to file bids for such material and improvements, they had one minute in which so to do. The time for filing bids having elapsed, the Mayor declared the time closed. The City Clerk announced he had in his possession, in the same condition as when received, ten bids. .Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by CounciLman Peterson, the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare said bids. Carried. The Council thereupon proceeded to open, examine and publicly declare said bids, which said bids were found by said Council to be as follows, to wit: All bids listed below were filed on regular for. provided therefor. Bid of- 1. J. E. Burrell & Sons 2. Davies, Keusder & Brown 3. Hoagland - Findlay Engr. Co. 4. The Contracting Engineers Co. 5. The Guy F. Atkinson Company 6. Hongola & Elliott Construction Co. 7. Spencer :":ebb Company 8. I.acco Corporation 9. Peter Kiewitt Sons? Co. and Fred J. Early, Jr. Co. Incorporated 10. Cecco Construction Co. Inc. Item: No. 1 Item No. 2 ,`,138, 000.00 No Bid . 156,470.00 No Bid 148,800.00 - „147,400.00 142,200.00 Io Bid 173,145.00 ro Bid 141,914.00 No Bid 148,341.00 No Bid 168,190.00 No Bid 163,407.00 No Bid 153,365.00 No Bid .Following the opening, examination and declaration of the above bids, it was i -noved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that said bids be taken under consideration for the period of one week, and in the meantime be referred to the Consulting Engineer and the City Engineer for checkin- and report. Carried by the following vote: -1- 2-104 00 r v� x Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and 11ayor Selby. I,ioes : Councilmen 'None. Absent: Counci7r±en !'one. �:i:ITTL ?? COI^:L�I:IC.�TIOi:3. Written communications, received from the persons, fi m.s or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the canner indicated, following reference to each herein- after: CITY PL AI 'IYG C0I2:I33IOT':, dated January 18, 1950, to which was attached copy of said Comrissionts Resolution 2;0. 73, granting a variance to Grover C. Dale to erect two single- farily dwellings on Lots 35 and 36, Block 59, El Segundo. .ordered filed. CITY PLAP.;ING C=:I SSIOh, dated January 18, 1950, to which was attached copy of said Comr..issionts Resolution Yo. 74, granting a variance for the place?�ent of a building for Boy Scout use on Lots 2, 3 and 4, dock 39, El Segundo. Ordered filed. CLIIf, i:I'\ZY tr., dated 1 -18 -1950; =0 ELAC?L:AN, dated Jan. 16, 1950; DOUGLESS, VICTOR =, dated Jan. 10, 1950; JIFF=3017, JOSEPi-I GEORGE, dated 1/4/1950; BR .=, DOI'ALD ALL AJ 1T , dated Jan. 16, 1950; and ' G, :�ZL' OSCAR, dated Jan. 16, 1950, each being application for employment by the City of Bl Segundo. Ordered filed. DL'D Fi' n. TROJA:,', dated January 11, 1950, requesting permit to place a "-illianls Baseball Game in the Rose Bowl Bowling Alley, 135 West Grand Avenue, in place of a Bing -0 -roll Game, now at said location. The Chief of Police having inspected said game, and having advised it meets with his approval, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that Dudley H. Trojan be and he is hereby granted perr.+ission to substitute a ',.'illiar!s Baseball Game for the present Bind; -0- Roll Game on the premises at 135 :est Grand Avenue, -1 Segundo, all other provisions of the permit heretofore granted him by this Council for the operation of said Bing-0-Roll game at said location, to remain as set forth in said pen it. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and 2ayor Selby. I•:oes: Councilmen i:one. Absent: Councilmen Done. R. BLAK'.2LkI', dated 1/13/1950, being application to move a one stor;� stucco building from its present location in Los Angeles to a new location on Lot 41, Block 43, `.l Segundo. The Buildins Inspector having inspected said building, and having approved the same, subject to installation of a Fire Zone T:o. 2 regulation roof thereon, it i,ras moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baler, the follovrin,� resolution he adopted: it ­`Vim, that H. B- akeran, be and he is hereby granted a permit to rove a one -story stucco building from its present location in l Angeles ngeles to a new location on Lot 41, 73lock 43, l UeG ndo, said perr.it being granted subject to the followin, terr.:s and conditions, to wit: -2- T 105 1. That before such removal shall tale place, pen:.ittee shall pay to the City of El Segundo the requisite fees and shall make all necessary deposits in connection therewith. 2. That said building shall be roved on roller, or other equiprent satisfactory to the Street Superintendent of the City of _-1 Segundo. 3. That said buildin- shall be moved on a date and along a route agreed upon between the Chief of Police, the Street Superintendent and the per, i ttee. 4. That the Police Department of the City of 1 Segundo shall be notified at least thirty minutes in advance of the start of such removal operations, so that police escort ?gay be provided therefor, if necessary. 5. That such rer.oval and all operations related thereto-shall be prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent, the Chief of Police, and the Bu.ildinu Inspector of the City of Segundo. 6. That pertrittee hereby agrees to and will place on said building a roof in accordance with Fire Zone lo. 2 regulations, and that said building shall not be used until this regulation has been complied with. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen ''one. Absent: Councilmen '?one. HOLKES & ','ARV=R, dated January 12, 1950, expressing appreciation for services rendered by the Police Department of the City of El Segundo in a robbery incident involving one of the employees of said firm, who was robbed on the evening of January 6, 1950, and especially commending Captain „'oods for the efficient manner in which he handled the case. Ordered filed. 1Jone . 01-UL C012,=ICATIOI\TS . R� - 03TS - DF ST, I DIT,G C012-'ITT =S. Councilman Paterson reported, that pursuant to request of Mayor Selby, he and Councilmen Swanson and Thompson had attended a meeting called by the Board of Directors of the City of Pasadena, on January 17, 1950, to discuss smog control-in Los Angeles County; that a committee, consisting of all11ayors of all incorporated cities in Los Angeles County, had been forr~ed to study and assist the County Board of Supervisors to the end that a more expeditious manner of effecting air pollution may be devised, and that I'ayor Selby will be advised of'future meetings of said committee. Councilman Baker reported that at a meeting of the Recreation Corr.:rission held January 17, 1950, Recreat_L Director �iard had presented a financial statement for the first six months of the fiscal year, showing that slightly over ;;2000.00 had been received by said Commission from the sale of handicraft material, badrinton,etc. C17 �C =, OZTS 0:' OFFICERS A17D SPECIAL CO :f,iITT.F S. The City Coordinator read to the Council the written report of Charles E. Lortz, City :engineer, dated January 18, 1950, respectin- his attendance at a meeting of the Engineering Advisory Clor.:ittee in the matter of the California eater Service Company, et al, vs. City of Compton, et al. The City Coordinator read to the Council the written report of Frank Smotony, Building Inspector, dated January 18, 1950, with reference to the r._aintenance of a house trailer at 217 East Sycamore Avenue, for which no current permit is held. Attached to said report was an application frori G. F. Laun, dated 1 -18 -1950, for a pewit to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer at said address, which permit the said Building Inspector recommended be granted. Followin- the reading of the report of the Building Inspector and of said application, it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by CounciLr±an Peterson, the following: resolution be adopted: City Coordinator ?ScC�.rthy reported it had been called to his attention that termites are damaging the dwelling owned by the City of 71 Segundo, located 616 :.est Imperial Highway; that he had secured prices on work to complete extermination of said termites and necessary repairs to said dwelling, which bids are as follows: The Darby Company ;;122.00 Kirk Eyer Territe Control 152.00 L. J. Roberts 160.00 Following consideration of said bids, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by CounciLr^an Swanson, thatrthe work of eradicating termites in the dwelling located 616 '.est Ir.,perial Highway, and the making of necessary repairs to said dwelling in connection with such eradication, be and the sane is hereby awarded to The Darby Company, in accordance with its bid for doing such work, at a cost of not to exceed ;;122.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Does: Councilmen ?done. Absent: Councilmen done. City Coordinator McCarthy reported that the annual spring meeting of the City !�anagerst Department of the League of California Cities will be held at Santa Barbara, February 17th to 19th, Incl. 1950, and he requested pern'i ssion to attend said conference. ?roved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that City Coordinator ?,icCarthy be and he is hereb.I granted permission to attend the conference of the City I, :anagerst Department of the League of California Cities, to be held at Santa Barbara, February 17th to 19th, Incl. 1950, and that he be authorized to file his demand for his actual and necessary expenses in connection i.rith his attendance at said Conference, said demand to be audited and approved ir_ the usual r._anner before payment. Carried b -Lr the following vote: .yes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and T.ayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen Pone. P.bsent: Councilmen 11one. esolved, that George F. Lain be and he is hereby granted a temporary, revocable peri-it, to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer at 21'7 East Sycanore :.venue, El ; eg-_mdo, said permit to expire by limitation on -arch 31, 1950. Carried. -4- '107 City Attorney Woodworth made a progress report to the Council with respect to delinquency in payment of rent of an occupant of the Veterans' Housing Project units. City Attorney S:oodworth reported having prepared a forma of lease agreement between the El Segundo Boy Scout Association and the City of �1 Segundo, which form he presented to the City Clerk for reading at the proper time. 77FIIJISHE-�D BUSITT=3. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman 3aker, that Ordinance of Intention 117o. 365, entitled: All ORDIT7,nJ CL OF TF-- CITY OF EL SFG'v71"DO, CALIFORr;IA, DECLARING THE INT- TION OF THE CITY COL'?d IL OF SAID CITY TO CLOSE UP, VACATE AITD ABAI;DOI; FOR PUBLIC ALLEY PUR :'OS S, A CERTAIN PORTION: OF THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEY RUNvI:ING ITORTH AldD SOUTH IN BLOCK 42 OF a SEGUNDO, AS SHO-141, ON EL SEGUiIDO SHEET 1' 1 3ER 3, RECORDED INd BOCK 20, PAGES 22 AND 23 OF N- -, kPS, RECORDS OF LOS COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, ON FILL IN THE OFFICE OF THE T =CORDER OF SAID COUNTY_, which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 11th day of January, 1950 and reread at this r eeting, be adopted. On roll call, said Notion carried and said ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Ayes_:. Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Does: Councilmen None. Absent:' Councilmen None. The City Clerk at this time presented and read to the City Council a form of "Lease Agreement ", prepared by the City Attorney, for the leasing by the City of E1 Segundo to El Segundo Boy Scout Association, of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 39, E1 Segundo. No action taken. Councilman Baker introduced Ordinance I4o. 366, entitled: AN ORDIN .KITCE OF' THE CITY OF EL S= GUNIDO, C J IFORKIA, AI h'DII:G ORDIN' C' N0. 306 (T L � US],,,' PLAN - I' ZONII?G OF,DINA.I?CE) OF SAID CITY BY ADDING SECTION 17.3 TO SAID ORDINIAN;CE 1,0. 3o6 AS ! ,_��'DE'D; AND BY Ar1E1 IIIG ThL ZOI;IliG I-, kIP LAND USE PLAN T=Z,�IN? REFER= TO, AS CONTEMUTED AND RW40MED BY THE CITY PLA • "IN<G COI a- SSIOT-J OF SAID CITY, which was read. PAYII'G BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on :finance and Records, were read: -5- T108 General Fund l nta Curtzwiler, City Treas. •,;1670.21 nta Curtzwiler, " " 2037.94 ":rota CurtZvviler, T1 " 1720.00 Tanta Curtzwiler, " " 1157.88 ",:inta CurtzIN'ller, rr rr 1180.02 ;":inta Curtzirriler, rr rr 18.75 1inta Curtzwiler, It " 665.40 hospital Service of So. Cal. 220.35 Victor D. EcCarthy, City Clerk .25 State _.:_ployeest Ret. System 905.03 Soule Steel Company 50.00 Ansul Cheriical Cor:pany 3.55 i= Reduction Pacific Co. 2.48 Dancroft- .,hitney Company 24.21 City of El .3egundo 90.00 City of =1 �-,egLndo 48,148 victor 'J. cCarthy, City Clerk- 30.62 ?a; Cities Bldg. Supplies 2.80 _ . 7. C,-'L, :ate Dru; 8.96 George F. Cake Company 79.78 Lloyd Denneets 3.71 Grip ~:es- 3tassforth -:tat. Co. 51.98 In-711ewood blueprint -: Supply 26.20 Pacific electric Ry. Co. 9.44 :_ _. service :cations 3.09 Paci�ic - -adionics 91.17 Pacific Clay Products 5.69 ;o;;_thern Calif. Edison Co. 855.54 southern Calif. Gas Co. 1.75 Th- Tod- Co :'pany 2.43 - n _oF An tiles Co. Nea J_ l Dept. 11.29 asern Plw .bin. t Off. Assn. Inc. 15.00 i�edondo Daily Breeze 4.90 Pacific Toro Company 13.55 The .:edondo 17.eflex 2.22 Interntl. Business "_ach. Corp. 8.40 esco :;feel Co:.pany 92.70 :. �. De3erry 10.92 Fa cific Tel. _- Tel. Co. 145.00 TOTAL "`11, 271.69 ?rater Works Fund Pay Roll Demand No. 13776 to 13788, Incl. "1390.32 "rota Curtzwiler, City Treas. 72.40 ?pinta Curtzzriler, rr rr 6.25 Hospital Service of So. Cal. 6.05 State Employees? Ret. System.? 99.96 StateD=ployeest Ret. System 109.13 Crane Co. 26.75 7Vater ;dell Supply 548.67 Airport Rentals 24.00 Industrial Stat. & Printing Co. 25.74 ':�orthington -Gallon "Teter Co. 187.93 City of :11 Segundo, Cal. 56.78 Addressograph :ales Ser. :fig. 7.C7 Pacific Tel. �- Tel. Co. 41.15 Charles E. Lortz, Petty Cash 1L.01 TCTAL 24 °3.01 rater ,orks Bond, Elec. 1948, Con - dtruction Fund Barclay :=ve .ln n 7 Company ,"'280.00 Peerless Pump Division 7735.64 Peerless tamp Division 2502.74 TOTi,L „10518.38 J.E.H.P. Fund City of El Segundo, Cal. 200.00 TOTAL 200.00 Pension Fund State.ployeast t,et. System 82� 5.1� TOTAL ;,825.44 .roved b.r Councilman Swanson, seconded by CounciLman Peterson, the de:;tands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the sane. Carried by the following vote: yes: Councilmen Daker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and .iayor Selby. i,'oes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. 10 _ne . .'o further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was roved by Councilman Tho:_,pson, seconded by .:ayor Selby, the meeting adjourn. Carried. HeEpect :.pproved : 1 -ayo r . -6- r ov