1950 JAN 04 CC MINT-77
El Segundo, California.
January 4, 1950.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, was held in the Council Chamber in'the City Hall of said City,
on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 otclock P. M_ by
William R. Selby, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Councilmen Absent: None.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on December 28th, 1949, having
been read, without error or omission having been noted, it was moved by
Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the minutes of said
meeting be approved as recorded. Carried.
Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corporations
hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner
indicated, following reference to each hereinafter:
CHAUNCY L. LARK-!-'R, dated 12 -29 -1949;
CARSON DENNIS LESTER, dated 12 -28 -1949;
HAROLD EUGENE VESTAL, dated 12 -26 -1949; and
RALPH BEVERLY BARR, dated Dec. 29, 1949, each being application for
Automobile for Hire Driverts permit,
Each of said applications having been satisfactorily completed, and the
Chief of Police having recommended that the permits be granted, it was moved
by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following resolution
be adopted:
RESOLVED, that subject to the provisions of
Ordinance No. 283 of the City of El Segundo, California,
and pursuant to the applications for Automobile for
Hire Driverts permits, presented this Council this date,
and which applications are hereby ordered filed in the
office of the City Clerk for the purposes of identifica-
tion and reference, and hereby incorporated herein and
made a part hereof, Chauncy L. Larmer, Carson Dennis
Lester, James Elmer Perry, Harold Eugene Vestal and Ralph
Beverly Barr be and thev are each hereby granted a permit
to drive, operate or be.in charge of any passenger
carrying or motor propelled vehicle defined in said
Ordinance; provided, however, that the permit hereby
granted.may be suspended by the Chief of Police of the
City of E1 Segundo at any time in his discretion, or may
be revoked by this Council at any time in its discretion,
and that such suspension or revocation may be so ordered
and made at any time, wd.thout cause, without notice and
without liability on the part of the City of E! Segundo,
or any of its officers, employees, agents or representatives.
`78 --
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the follo�,ing vote--
Aye.,: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and :Mayor :e'by.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
GE)= X ?ti ITT IA.lf �'2i.NAHAN, dated Jan. 3, 1950;
C:HA= FP��CT�N , ^1-T O7",lAYER, dated 1/4/50;
1_LAT.R` HOC. FH FROLLINGZR, dated Jan. 3, 1950;
Ba, JAi,1IN IRVIN JONES, dated Dec. 30, 1949;
JOMa CHARLES SPENCE, dated Jan. 3, 1950; and
IVAN EARL ADIOS, dated 12 -30 -1949, each being application for employment
by the City of El Segundo. Ordered filed.
Public Safety Commissioner Baker stated he and the Chief of Police had
nade an investigation of the alleged traffic hazard at the corner of Eaple
Avenue and Penn "treet, at which intersection a boulevard stop sign had been
requ�. ' 1, and he asked Chief of Police DeBerry to at this time make his
report on said investigation.
The Chief of Police thereupon reon-4 —d that investigation discloses that
there ha ')P-en but three collisions, all non - injury, at said intersection
i,� ing the'past three years., that he does not feel there is sufficient hazard
at Said intersection to warrant the installtition of a boulevard stop sign
and he therefore recommended such a sign be not installed, in which recommend to
Public ,afety Commission Baker concurred.
City Coordinator McCarthy reported as follows:
1. That he had received from Harry D. Jackson, Appraiser, a communication
under -:ate of December 29. 1949. in which he stated that as of said date, he
certified that the fair market value of the property which the City of E1
Segundo desires to purchase from Standard Oil Company of California for i,,,ater
work-1 purposes, being a portion of Section 7, T 3 S, R 14 ? ^?, B. B. & i`I., in
the City of El Segundo, to be "3500.00. The Coordinator stated that inasmuch
as said appraisal was in excess of the amount at which said Ftandard Oil
Company had offered to sell said property to the City, he had, pursuant to
previous instruction of the Council, ordered a title search to be ma,:e ::f
the property in question.
2. ;eported receipt of a communication from Mr. Ferdinand A. Bahr, of
the ,Tate Recreation Commission, in which Mr. Bahr stated that the recreation
appraisal made by him of the City of El Segundo will be ready for presentation
tc the City Council on or after January 11, 1950, and requesting that he be
advised of the date of the Council meeting at which the Council desires same to
be presented. By general consent, the Coordinator was r = quested to advise
Hr. Bahr the Council will hold an ?djourned regular meeting on January 26,
1950, at which meeting the report may be presented.
3. :eported that inasmuch as up until yesterday, so few applications
had been received from persons desiring to take the proposed examination
for Fire Department Engineers and Captains, that the date of the examination
had been postponed until February 18th, 1950.
4. Advised that Mr. Charles E. Lortz, City Engineer, by written report
dated January 4, 1950, reports that the firm of S. Moran Smith Co. had
satisfactorily completed its contract to furnish and deliver to the City of.
E1 Segundo one 14t1 Cast Iron Motor Operated Rotovalve, in accordance with
Specifications W. B. 48 -2, and recommending that payment be made to said firm
of the amount due it under its said contract, to -wit: I3472.00, plus payment
to the State of California of $104.16 Sales Tax.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the
following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that payment to S. Morgan Smith Co. in amount of
$3472.00 and to the State of California in amount of 0104.16,
covering the furnishing and delivering to the City of El
Segundo by said S. Morgan Smith Co. of one 14t1 Cast Iron Motor
Operated Rotovalve, which Rotovalve is hereby accepted by and
on behalf of the said City, be and the same are hereby
authorized, and the Water Superintendent be and he is hereby
directed to cause demands and warrants, made payable to S.
Morgan Smith Co. and the State of California, in the respective
amounts hereinabove set forth, to be prepared and presented to
this Council at its next regular meeting, and after allowance to cause
said warrants to be delivered to said payees in due course.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson;'Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
City Engineer Lortz, by written report dated January 4, 1950, advised the
Council that an intensive investigation had been made of the columns
supporting the roof structure at the Treatment Plant Reservoir; and that it
was found the wooden columns needed immediate replacement, which he recommended
be done and that the City Engineer be given authority to proceed at once to
remedy the present condition.
Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following
resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby
authorized to cause necessary repairs to be made to the reservoir
roof supports at the municipal water treatment plant at the
earliest possible time, as the City Council hereby finds and
determines that it is essential, in order to preserve the public
peace, health, safety, comfort and convenience of the City, that
said repairs be made immediately.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
r-er:ortea that Peerless Fumg Company and
wric:. f.rms contracts had heretofore
ce � iver_L certain horizontal centrifugal
-at -43 -1, had furnished and delivered
atn stiecifi cations therefor, and that said
=;1 e� nza-VM n.I- ~e made to them of the amounts due under
thy_ . _ - ;F c;t _ r t . =aid City -nigineer further stated that
the speci.ficat.:cr.� for a performance test to be made of the pumps,
but that tnis ii'� n.Dt _joss_ tie for some time in the future, and he
_,.._'I, 1'e orrsn<er_datien he stated the consulting engineers
of pa" cf the amounts due each under their
respectiv nact_:, 1�;'' thereof to be retained by the city until the
required to_t: iav? .;e -.n satisfactorily completed.
ihE City- Loom -` also concurring in the recommendations hereinabove
made, to cerzain payments under contracts to Peerless Pump
: 7; -r )n .;ack <<7rs ompany, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded
by Ceurci =mss ''hompson, the fcllowing resolution be adopted:
the City of E1 egundo did heretofore enter
irit.o s contract � t.h Peerless Pump Division Food Machinery
"c;rp: rat`or., dated the 25th day of July, 1919, for the
furr.� hi�.g to said Pity of the following equipment, to -wit:
Centrifugal Pimps direct connected to Electric
Mcl.or°s for "Lo:•: ?read Units at Main Pump Station "., and two
iicri-ontal Centrifugal Pumps direct connected to electric motors
fcr "� i do read Liri i s at Main Pump Station. ",
of said equipment has now been furnished
under said contract; j
r4 = :; , it appears that due to no fault or the part
of said contractor-, it is impossible and will continue to be
imposzAL) e for some time to make the necessary performance test
upon sai�: equipment so installed;
';,1- �2: 7, both the consulting engineer and the city
engineer have reported to this Council that in their respective
opirilcn.s it vrouid be fair, just and proper to pay to said
contractor at this time 90ro of the contract price called for
in s =sid : ontract and to retain 1% pending the results of such
performance t e. -lt ;
the City Council has duly considered the
sa =d matter and the report and recommendations of said engineers
that under the circumstances the retention of the
entirE >nt:ac-c price, as provided in the contract, until
fins' .+cce,3tan<;e, i•-ould be unfair and unjust to the contractor;
T.; :' H?_)RP,, E'; IT REFOL•V=by the City Council of
the Ci+,7 c f _a : eguldo, California, as follows:
That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized
anca in t.uc ed try prepare and present to this Council at its
nex.t.reRu_ meeting, the necessary demand and warrant for the
, .Dntract or under said contract of ax, a:rount
r,J:._ '0 ; ;'; of -:.r, contract price, and upon allowance of such
c_;.usc tht warrant representing the same to be
delivered to said :,,o tr4c-t lr.
Second: That the -raid ba.:san e of 1Cw, payable under
said contract, sha.? 1 b-.� rer. i. ^.Pd by the City of Ta Segundo
pending the performance to -t calleci for in said contract
and the approval arri ac%eptartze of the items furnished, as
therein contemnlmt-d.
Third: That the. 'ity ..lerk i<s further instructed to
forward a copy of thi .' to paid contractor for
its information anr i'll-1 ? ln~the premises.
Fourth: That the C ^o ncii hereby finds that the
facts recited in the pre air_b1 e, to this resolution are true.
in roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vr,."
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, :'wanson, Thompson and Iiayor
;woes. Councilmen 1.7o e.
Absent: Councilmen none.
N!oved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the
folio-wing resolution be ac;_opted
1-5=r-AS, the Ci;y of EI 'egundo did heretofore enter
into a contract Frith Byron Jackson Co., dated the 15th day of
July,. 1949, for the furnishing to said City of the following
equipment, to wit: One Horizontal Centrifugal rump direct
connected to JElectric motor for "Reservoir Puma Station.":
AND, WHE.REAS, all of the said equipment has now been
furnished and delivered uunder .aid contract;
AND, it app: ar.-, that due to no fault on the
part of the said eontra,.tor, i.t is impossible and will. continue
to be impossible for cme time to make the necessary performance
test upon said equipment -o is stalled;
ART, V5='FA , both the consulting engineer and the city
engineer have reported to this Council that in their respective
opinions it vmould be �, =ir, ju-t and proper to pay to said
contractor at thi time of the contract price called for
in said contract and. to retain 10r pending the results of such
performance test;
AND, rdH�.i�.'2L , er:_ :-it,, ;' o -,ncil has duly considered the
said matter and the report and recommendations of said engineer::
and feels that under the circomstances the retention of the
entire contract price, ar; provided in the contract, until final
acceptance, would be 71i_n °air and unjust to the contractor;
Ngv,, THMR- 'Fk -)F`, i::.. 1T RTSSLUTI- by the City Council of the
City of F.1 Segundc, California, as follows:
First: That the Cite ",perk be and he is hereby authorized
and instructed to prepare and present to this Council at its
next regular meetirg, the :_Acessary demand and warrant for the
payment to said contractor said contract of an amount
equal to 90�16' of ..he contract price, and upon allowance of such
demand, to cause the ,rar_c-nt repro- renting the same to be
delivered tc -aid contractor.
shat the :,aid balance of 10%, payable under
said c:.ntr,-� c, shall be retained by the City of El Segundo
pending t. <, perf.,:Qnce test tailed for in said contract
and ti-e ,_ppraval and acceptance of the items furnished, as
th =^ein
Third. `fiiat the City Clerk is further instructed to
for „.sri a -:f 'his resolution to said contractor for
- -n ;nJ f ' a:, in the premises.
c._i:rrth --hat the City Council hereby finds that the
facts recited in the preamble to this resolution are true.
On roll tail, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote.
Ayes: councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor - ,elby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Abaent: ;.ouncilmen None.
City Clerk ic(::arthy reported receipt from the League of California
�.ities of it builstin dared December 28, 1949, with which was enclosers a
foluer, describint.; the i +. -stern Institute for Traffic Training, which is
s::heduled to b�- he li on the 'UCLA campus, January 23rd to February 10, 175; .
lie ;fated he and =ublic :Jafet,y Commissioner Baker had studied the courses
7ffered at said institute and recommended that a member of the Police
epartment of the City of El egundo be authorized to attend the Peace
Traffic Training and the Pedestrian Protection and Control courses. The
Chief of Folice concurring in the recommendations heieinabove made, it way
moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that a member
of the Police Department of the City of El Segundd, such member to be selected
by the Chief of Police of said City, be authorized to attend the Peace
.:ifficers Training ^ ^urse of the western Institute for Traffic Training, i^ be
held January 23rd to February 3rd, 1950, at a cost of not to exceed :`35.00:;
also that a member of said Department, likewise to be selected by said Chie,
be authorized tc) attend the Pedestrian Training and Patrol Course of said
Institute, to be held February 6th to 10th, Incl. 1950, at a cost of not t,a
exceed w2C.00. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor 71e :1by.
Noe-z: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
City Attorney 5,1:oodworth reported receipt of a request from the Aud'tor of
Los Angeles -runty for his approval and consent to the cancellation of certain
taxes erroneously levied on certain improvements within the City of E1 Cegundo,
and he requested the Councilts authorization to give such consent and approval.
Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
,wanson, the following resolution be adopted:
that the City Council of the City of El Segundo
does hereby approve, ratify and confirm the action of the
City Attorney of said City in approving and consenting to the
making of the following changes and cancellations on behalf
of said City on the Assessment Roll, as requested by the
County Assessor of Los Angeles County, to wit:
r .,,uthcr.; --a L..-,
5. 3F
and ',,Terna
and vaLue
fl-or to
c, i t E, d on above described real
n r,-), rt7 7-Diutuion was adopted by tht-- C11, W,
!'eterson, ,wanson, Thompson ai,''
'o:erel in the-',P-Mynna tj _L-ve
e 7,, lution 1,7o, IC54,
.taxer .7ecnr,�Iled the m-1-tion, L.,,ii
i t a
4t adopt: efl by
Peterson, .-.*anson, Thomp:*_-;, - _aiiti
., :.r L =-,;r. C
h;, p ,son, seconded by Councilman
LiA i :,n
7 17
IT'? 7-
7" UT
:'hi n rol, I ail, -aid motir,Ii C',_ 11-�-
t o` io-Arin� vote:
--,,anson, Thomm-7-)n an"."
_ne', _ne.
r;. the .:a,,-,l
'o:erel in the-',P-Mynna tj _L-ve
e 7,, lution 1,7o, IC54,
.taxer .7ecnr,�Iled the m-1-tion, L.,,ii
i t a
4t adopt: efl by
Peterson, .-.*anson, Thomp:*_-;, - _aiiti
., :.r L =-,;r. C
h;, p ,son, seconded by Councilman
LiA i :,n
7 17
IT'? 7-
7" UT
:'hi n rol, I ail, -aid motir,Ii C',_ 11-�-
t o` io-Arin� vote:
--,,anson, Thomm-7-)n an"."
_ne', _ne.
i d
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
Pension Fund
State Bmployeese Ret. System $46.84
TOTAL ,p ='46.84
Sewer Bond
Elec. 1925
Department of Public Works 223.79
TOTAL 3.79
General Fund
Eckdahl Auto Parts Co. $13.87
George W. French Company 131.50
General_ Elec. Supply Corp. 10.20
Master Pest Control, Inc. 9.50
El Segundo Chamber of Commerce 50.00
John P. Miller 16.67
Shanni,ha.n, Inc. 50.00
Moved by Councilman 2wanson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands
be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was
moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that this
meeting adjourn until Friday, the 6th day of January, 1950, at the hour of
4:00 o'clock P. M. Carried.
General Fund
City of E1 Segundo Water Dept. $7300.93
Automobile Club of So. Cal.
The Advance Publishing Co.
C. V. Baird Auto Supply
B & M Siren Mfg. Co.
Logan R. Cotton & Bruce Brovme 40.00
Gordon Duff
County of Los Angeles
Ditto Incorporated
David Ettleson
Donald J. Farrar
E1 Segundo Bldg. Materials
H & H Fountain & Grill
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
The Tabery Corporation
Taylor Wholesale Elec. Co.
Southern Calif. Humane Society 50-75
Moved by Councilman 2wanson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands
be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was
moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that this
meeting adjourn until Friday, the 6th day of January, 1950, at the hour of
4:00 o'clock P. M. Carried.