1950 DEC 20 CC MIN - 501 2 3 4 5 s 7 F s 11 1 1 1 1 190%0 DAVID ETTLESON. OFFICIAL 1-0U r ­­ — 40 to remove the derrick you see in the picture and make the present well conform to the present ordinance. MAYOR SELBY: Mr. Jones, just a moment, we haven't accepted this as evidence yet. Gentlemen, is there any objection to accepting this in evidence? MR. WOODWORTH: May I ask a question, Mr. Mayor? MAYOR SELBY: Surely. MR. WOODWORTH: As I understand, you are offerin this for the limited purpose of showing what the applicant' believe would be the condition if they were permitted to clean up the dump, is that correct? s MR. JONES: Yes, sir. 4 MR. WOODWORTH: And it is for that limited 5 purpose only? s MR. JONES: That is right, sir. MR. WOODWORTH: Gentlemen, you have heretofore 7 18 refused to accept an exhibit which indicated that the 19 City of E1 Segundo might be relieved of an obligation if 20 this permit were granted, and the Council, I think very 21 properly, refused to accept that particular kind of 22 evidence. 23 This, however, is offered for the limited pur- pose of showing what the applicant's feel would occur if 24 25 . they were permitted to clean up the so- called dump, and 2s For that limited purpose it is my opinion that it is 25I ... Whereupon the photograph above referred to C n 42 1 pumping of the oil from underneath the ground. In this 2 particular type of pump there are no moving parts above the s ground. I do not say that this is the exact pump they 4 will use, but this is the new type of electric pump, so 5 that any type of electric pump would have to be similar to s it . 7 MAYOR SELBY: Gentlemen, is there any objection a to receiving this in evidence. Hearing none, the Clerk s will mark it with the next number. 10 CITY CLERK McCARTHY: It will be marked as 11 Applicant's Exhibit No. 11 and received in evidence. 12 ... Whereupon the photograph above referred to 13 was marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 11 and received in 14 evidence ... 15 MR. JONES: Could I offer the same picture 16 (indicating and presenting another photograph) showing 17 the present pump, showing what it looks like, for the 18 purpose of comparison? I do not warrant that the applicants 19 will install that particular pump. 20 MAYOR SELBY: Is there any objection, gentlemen? i 21 If not, I will ask the Clerk to assign a number to this 22 photograph. 23 CITY CLERK McCARTHY: It will be marked as 24 Applicant's Exhibit No. 12 and received in evidence. 25 ... Whereupon the photograph above referred to 26 was marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 12 and received in 251 of pump (presenting another photograph), which is the type I 41 1 admissible; but it is not admissible, in my opinion, as any 2 evidence, nor could it be received properly, in my opinion, 3 as such, which would offer any inducement to the City 4 Council as a City Council to try and avoid a possible 5 liability to clean up a dump, as that would not be material 6 to this case. 7 If it is offered for the sole and limited pur- s pose as you have stated, I think it would be admissible. s Otherwise, I do not think it would be admissible. 10 MAYOR SELBY: Do you agree to that, Mr. Jones? 11 MR. JONES: Yes, definitely. 12 MR. WOODWORTH: You offer it for this limited 13 purpose only? 14 MR. JONES: Yes, only for that limited purpose. 15 MAYOR SELBY: Is there any objection? If not, 16 I will ask the Clerk to mark it in evidence.` 17 CITY CLERK McCARTHY: It will be marked as 18 Applicant's Exhibit No. 10 and received in evidence. 19 Whereupon the photograph above referred"to 20 was marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 10 and received in 21 evidence ... 22 MR. JONES: The present pumps can be exchanged 23 for the new type, as required by our ordinance. I, at this 24 time, would like to present a picture to you of a new type 25 of pump (presenting another photograph), which is the type 26 recommended in the ordinance, an electric pump for the r 0 DAVID ETTLESON. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER - MUTUAL 7789 43 1 evidence ... 2 MR. JONES: I think those exhibits will answer 3 for the appearance and safety of the two proposed wells, 4 the one presently there and the new well proposed. 5 I, as the closest resident to the new proposed 6 well, prefer two of these modern pumps to the one noisy, 7 unsightly and dangerous pump that is now on the site, and s plus that, gentlemen, I being a directly interested party, s get the removal of the derrick that is now within my 10 constant sight to boot,in the bargain. I think the commun- 11 ity as a whole is interested in this improvement that will 12 be accompanied by the granting of this permit. I present 13 this series of pictures taken from the perimeter of this 14 area. This periimeter is all without the 1000 -foot area. 15 (Indicating photograph.) The first picture would be the one 16 from the crest of the hill on Walnut. That is marked 17 "B" would be from the rear of my house. 18 "C" (referring to a third photograph) would be 19 648 West Oak Street. 20 "D" (referring to a fourth photograph) would be 21 from Hillcrest and Palm. 22 I enter them in a series, as one exhibit. 23 MR. WOODWORTH: They may be received, if it is 24 your pleasure, gentlemen, as one exhibit, stamped as one 25 exhibit. 26 (To Mr. Jones.) As I understand, you have 251 proposed Freeway, laying in this direction (indicating on 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.9 20 21 22 Z3 24 25 26 44 labeled them A, B, C and D; is that correct? MR. JONES: That is right. MAYOR SELBY: Any objection, gentlemen? If not, the Clerk will mark them as Applicant's exhibit next in order. CITY CLERK McCARTHY: They will be marked as one exhibit, Applicant's Exhibit No. 13, and received in evidenc ... Whereupon the four photographs referred to were marked as Applicant's Exhibit 13 and received in evidence ... MR. JONES: These pictures show the prominence of the derrick and present pump. Gentlemen, if you can visual- ize these pictures with the present equipment removed and a modern pump 100 feet to the south, both pumps landscaped and screened, I think you will agree with me that the grant- ing of this one permit will greatly improve the scenery on the west side. You gentlemen are more familiar with the proposed Freeway than I am, but I must point out that the island that will be created to the west of it will be a catch -all for all the refuse that people dispose of on dark nights, unless we find some use for that land and make someone responsible for its appearance. The island I refer to is on Applicant's Exhibit No. 4, that island created by the proposed Freeway, laying in this direction (indicating on Exhibit 4). i 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 neVln FTTIIFSAN- n.ncuL COURT RzF0PtY[II = MUTUAL 7780 45 You gentlemen are familiar with the so- called Seven Oompanies' lease to the north of Imperial Highway, where there are some wells now. It is possible to drill from these into Hyperion and El Segundo. Those rigs and that operation we would have no control over whatsoever. The soundproofing of drilling operations, the insurance and the bonds required, the reliability of the Pauley Company, and many other factors, you are more aware of than I am. Any future development is strictly conjectural and can only be appraised when this well is completed. I a sure the City of E1 Segundo will reserve all of its rights of restriction and franchise with the granting of this permit. However, should anyone be fearful that your body would create additional drilling sites in the future, I would like to show what modern methods can do. (Presenting another large photograph.) I cannot enter this into evidence, because it is not my property. I set it up here. Can I refer to it, or should I ask permission to enter it into evidence? It is only for the purpose of showing you what modern conditions can do to a location. MR. WOODWORTH: I can answer the gentleman's question, Mr. Mayor, if you wish me to. MAYOR SELBY: If you will, please. MR. WOODWORTH: You are presenting your case, sir L 11 1] 1: Ic 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 DAVID ETTLESON. OI►IGIAL entl r wrnnntrn _ "[I..... m 1 and if it is your purpose to introduce the photographs in 2 evidence, you have that privilege. a MR. JONES: I may refer to something in the 4 presence of the - -- 5 MR. WOODWORTH: Yes, you may do so, but of course, when it is put down in the record, there is no rj picture to refer to, so unless you describe very accurately I what you are looking at, why, the record would just simply I show that you referred to a picture, but if no picture is put before them, the Council won't have a chance to refer tb it when they are studying the transcript. MR. JONES: Thank you very kindly, sir. I will withdraw my reference to that, and I will tell you that I have seen and you have seen not only in Huntington Beach, in Redondo and in Venice, but you have seen in Beverly Hills and so have I, in very exclusive residential districts, where they have created an island of drilling, and the land- scaping and modern techniques have made them not objectionab to the property surrounding it, but rather, they were used as an asset. I want to refer to your future, that in so granting an island permit, and so forth, we should not be frightened of that future possibility. However, that is not the consideration, as I understand. At this time, over and above all considerations, monetary and otherwise, we of El Segundo are patriotic and loyal Americans. We believe that unless we are totally ... Whereupon the chart above rererrea To was Y G U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 '10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 g 2 21 22 23 n4 prepared, we will be in a war of annihilation in the very near future. We believe that oil is one of our front- line defenses. If I seem to use large words, I mean that very shortly, unless we are prepared to produce the goods, we will have to fight Russia. We feel that wherever there is oil to be obtainec whether it is under Hyperion or under E1 Segundo, it must be developed. When a war is started, it is much too late. If we can help obtain this oil now -- and I refer to the petitioners who recommended the granting of this permit -- we feel that we have been of service to our country. We hold no malice to our neighbors who would prevent thin, or any drilling, whatever their reasons may be. (Referring to chart.) I present this chart as my concluding exhibit, to show you the serious situation of our oil condition in California at the present moment. I don't think I need to describe the chart to you because you gentlemen are all familiar with the same thing as I am. This chart only brings it into more graphic condition, to us all. MAYOR SELBY: Is there any objection, gentlemen? If not, the Clerk will assign it a number. CITY CLERK McCARTHY: It will be marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 14 and received in evidence. ... Whereupon the chart above referred to was larked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 14 and received in I, v 0 0 0 -MaW !"'OFF1CI[L`C0QR"[P0 RT[R - MUTUAL 7789 48 1 evidence ... 2 MR. JONES: Now, from off the script. We are 3 all aware that during this month, for the first time in the 4 history of California, oil is being imported from Borneo, s many weeks' distant by boat, because we are short of oil. s It is very expensive to bring it here. We have depleted 7 our supplies. We notice from the chart that we came from a s peak of 168 million available barrels at the start of the s last war until we depleted our stocks -- we had gas ration - 10 ing and everything else, as you know -- down to 62 million 11 barrels. At that time we had just practically won the war, 12 so we were able to recoup. is But in the last six months we have made a serious 14 drain on our available supplies. I think the chart will 15 show about 68 million barrels of available stock at the 16 present time and yet, at the peak of the last war we had 17 162 million barrels of available oil in California to start 18 that war with. This war is going to be a much tougher one 19 than the last one. 20 It is surprising to me to know that we import 21 900,000 barrels from Saudi Arabia to our east coast. That 22 supply would be cut off very shortly after we got into a 23 shooting war. I only recommend that as my patriotic duty 24 as to why I am interested. ,25 Over and above all other considerations, if there 26 is oil underneath my ground, my country can have it now at 1 any time! If they want to take it, they can have it free! 2 Gentlemen, the first man who will drill under- 3 neath my ground and ask me to give it to my country, can 4 have it. Put up or shut up! You can have it any time you 5 want to, as long as you give it to my country! 6 Gentlemen, that concludes my remarks. 7 MAYOR SELBY: Is there anybody else who wishes 8 to speak on behalf of the applicants? 9 MR. SAMUEL BENNETT: I reside at 451 North Rodeo 10 Drive, Beverly Hills. 11 Mr. Mayor, Councilmen, ladies and gentlemen: 12 I am here tonight to acquaint you people with a little bit 13 of this oil situation. How much stores we have and what 14 the general condition is in California relative to the 15 supply and demand and what we are going to have to have 16 regardless of any war. 17 You people all live out here in this coastal 18 area. You see these ships that are going in the water 19 every day and the amount of oil that it takes. Only today, 20 in the Los Angeles Evening Herald there is an article by 21 Alex Campbell - he is the Oil News Editor, and he writes 22 in this column that 100,000 barrels of oil a day is coming 23 out of storage. In other words, we are going to have" 24 3 million barrels of oil a month and if we have this 25 condition in the future that we have had in the past, this 26 100,000 barrels of oil will amount to from 100,000 to 25 in this well -- but if Mr. Pauley is willing to come in her 26 and spend $150,000 to $200,000, which it will cost him to n r