1950 DEC 20 CC MIN - 491 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 • UAVIU t 1 1 L-h. UN. OFFICIAL COURT R[►ORT[R - MUTUAL 7789 i 330 these kind of meetings in this country, we are not going to have any interior conflicts, I don't think, among ourselves We can always work these things out. Thank you very kindly! MAYOR SELBY: Thank you. Does anyone else care to speak in favor of the application? MR. TOM JONES: I reside at 901 Hillcrest Street. I am speaking in favor of the applicants. I have been sworn. I speak for all of the property owners within a 1000 -foot area referred to on Applicant's No. 4 from the present and the proposed drill site. I express the desire of all of the people, the majority of the people - I beg your pardon - within a 2000 -foot radius of the proposed and present drill site. I herewith present a petition to the Council and would like to introduce it in evidence, of three hundred names, showing the desire of the residents in the other sections of the community. This petition, as you will notice, is made street by street. The density of its signatures we believe to be more important than its total numbers. MAYOR SELBY: Is there any objection, gentlemen? 1. COUNCILMAN GORDON: I would like to have that petition read, please. . 1 1 1; li 1< 1F 1s 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DAVID ETTLESON_ n....... a -­ e ------- ...._.._. .. 31 1 MR. JONES: (Reading) "Petition to the Council 2 of the City of E1 Segundo: We, the undersigned, residents 3 of E1 Segundo, believe in the interests of national defense 4 and in the interest of community planning, that the resolu- 5 tion as recommended by the Planning Commissioners regulat- 6 ing the drilling for oil and placing the location of such 7 drilling west of the proposed Freeway and adjacent to the 3 Hyperion Sewer Farm, should be adopted by your Honorable 3 Body without delay." COUNCILMAN GORDON: May I ask a further question? Were those people who signed that petition informed as to what the resolution by the El Segundo City Planning Board consisted of? MR. JONES: I will ask Mr. Gilbert. I did not circulate the petition myself. It referred to the petition that was up before the Council at this time, referred to as such. I can only state it as such, Mr. Gordon. I cannot vouch for its authenticity. COUNCILMAN GORDON: I see. It refers to a resolution, and I can understand that certain people would not be informed as to the nature of the language of the resolution. MR. JONES* That I am not in a position to answer •for you at all. I am sorry that I did not circulate the petition personally. I know it was circulated in the direct vicinity that the petitions were circulated in opposing it, L 1e U 1' 1 1 2 2 2 . .1 1- _ r. I ....ems e..n . MLITUAL 7789 32 and those petitions were circulated before this petition. This petitiori� was circulated in the period between last Friday morning and now. I mean, it seems like that entire district was informed during that time. May I present it as such on the face of it? MAYOR SELBY: If there is no objection, it will be received in evidence and I will ask the City Clerk to give it a number. CITY CLERK McCA.RTHY: It will be received in evidence and marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 6. The petition above referred to was marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 6 and received in evidence ... MR. JONES: Gentlemen of the Council, ladies and gentlemen: I think we have created a tempest in a teapot. A great many citizens are of the impression that your body is tonight deciding on an over -all program of r oil districts and granting multiple drilling permits. I am sure that any citizen who has read Resolution No. 87 realizes that the resolution plainly states that their recommendation is that the applicant be permitted to drill 1 one well and gives no permission or license, expressed or 2 implied, that he will be allowed to drill any other well a or wells. 4 The property in the first 1000 feet are primari 5 concerned with the testing of their property for oil. The 6 majority of their property is undeveloped and they would like to determine the best use of their land. 2 In the first place, the people in the 2000 -foot 3 area are interested in oil possibilities,and in any 4 revenue they might receive from their oil rights. Second- s ly, they are interested in the general appearance of the 6 west side. In this 2000 -foot area, I am referring to 7 those people who have oil rights. Anyone who has sold his a oil rights or who purchased only surface rights did so s with the expectation that the owner of those rights would 10 attempt to recover on his investment, and in dividing the 11 surface and subsurface rights, the purchaser of the surface 12 admitted the rights of the owner of the subsurface and 13 should not interfere or prevent or attempt to legislate 14 against him, just as he expects the subsurface owner to 15 do the same for him. is The residents referred to in the petition are 17 interested in the political, social and economic well - is being of the community -at- large, and oil revenue would is be secondary to this consideration. They are interested 20 in fair play, however, which is characteristics of most 21 Americans. If a man buys a parcel of land for the ex- 22 press purpose of recovering oil therefrom and such parcel 23 is known as oil land and referred to as such in the 24 community and especially by his neighbors, he should be I 25 allowed to realize on his investment. 26 The people in the 1000 -foot area and in the 0 1 2 3 4 .. "pfl DAVID ETTLtSVrrv• UFF-c­ w... •- - - 34 2000 -foot area and the community -at -large are all interested in a national defense and the important part that oil is now playing and will play in that national defense. In the 1000 -foot area there are four houses and twenty -six separate pieces of property. Should the same area be transposed to other sections of the City, it would be approximately 156 City lots. In this section, the most immediately concerned, they are 100 per cent in favor of granting this permit. (Pause.) Do I hear any objections or exceptions to that? (No response.) I have contacted all of those I people. I In fact, if you take in the area bounded by Imperial, Hillcrest and Palm, there are 39 percels or s approximately 234(40 by 165) City lots. I have been able 7 to determine only one objector in that area, and his s particular piece of property would compare 40 by 165 feet s as one to 234 in the area, of course. ;O I would like to give you a picture of this area :i to refresh your memory, if you have not been out there :2 lately. I would like to introduce this in evidence, if 13 I may. This comprises the area of which I speak (introduc- 24 ing a photograph). 26 ... The photograph was distributed and examined 26 among the City Councilmen ... 1 2 3 4 5 s 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1s 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 nAVln FTTI Ff[li N. nFVICIAL COURT R[PORTCR - MUTUAL 7789 35 MAYOR SELBY: Is there any objection, gentlemen, to accepting this in evidence? Hearing none, we will accept it, and I will ask the Clerk to give it a number. CITY CLERK McCARTHY: It will be marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 7 and received in evidence. ... Whereupon the photograph above referred to was marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 7 and received in evidence ... MR. JONES: In fact, gentlemen, in this picture the objector's parcel is not included. The owners of every square foot shown in this picture request that you grant this permit. Most of these owners have held this property for many, many years and have paid taxes for the support of the City and received practically no service in return except, as they thought, the protection of their oil rights. Typical is this telegram which I received from Chula Vista. It is very short. I will just read it and then I would like to introduce it into evidence. It reads as follows: "Tom D. Jones, 901 Hillcrest St., E1 Segundo, Calif.. Tom Jones or To Whom It May Concern: We, Chester and Grace Skinner, owners of Lot 7, Tract 1685 E1 Segundo, do hereby state that we have owned this lot for 30 years and was bought solely for oil prospects. Having leased same ! t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 's MA%11n CTTI CCf'%M n.r1r..1 en11nT QtwonTiN - MUTUAL 7769 36 twice. We consider it our constitutional rights to again lease for the purpose of drilling. We will cooperate 100 per cent with decision of meeting and support any effort made in favor of drilling. CHESTER H. SKINNER" MAYOR SELBY: Is there any objection to accepting it in evidence, gentlemen? If not, the Clerk will give it a number. CITY CLERK McCARTHY: It will be marked as Applic- ant's Exhibit No. 8 and received in evidence. ... Whereupon the telegram above referred to was marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 8 and received in evidence ... MR. JONES: The people in the 2000 -foot radius are interested in the revenue from their oil rights. This is assured for them in this resolution. I refer to the part of the resolution which says that, "If this permit is granted them they will not be granted another permit unless they drill under the area of E1 Segundo," and it sets up the provisions whereby the people in that area will parti- cipate in any royalties therefrom. I am not qualified to say how much they will receive. Perhaps someone from the oil company can give you that answer. I can say this, however: the Pauley Company is ready, as you heard, and anxious to enter into leases' U 2 3 4 5 6 z 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DAVID ETTLESON, OrrIC1AL COURT RKPORTER - MUTUAL 7799 37 with the people from this area. To insure their intention, they have made a condition of this permit that they will drill their next well into these leases. This is the first definite commitment that these people have ever had and it could possibly be their last. By all the rules of fair play, I do not see how we can deny them that chance now. These people in the 2000 -foot area are also interested in the general appearance of the west side. I present this picture to you, to refresh your memory (presenting a second large photograph). MAYOR SELBY: Do you wish to present that as an exhibit, Mr. Jones? MR. JONES: Yes, please. COUNCILMAN GORDON: May I ask you a question; How far east of the proposed oil site -- that is, by naming the street -- will 2000 feet be? MR. JONES: I don't know whether your scale is on this or not (referring to photograph). However, for your information, I know what you want to know, Mr. Gordon. It will take in east of Hillcrest and it will take in south of Palm, 2000 feet. The 1000 feet will not take in east of Hillcrest and will not take in south of Palm. COUNCILMAN GORDON: Well, 2000 feet is approxi- mately a half mile, not quite. MR. JONES: Yes, sir. COUNCILMAN GORDON: Wouldn't that take it pas' I I n- I T+p( tP'rn "nni-4 nn - -' . * 1__ . 1 4 22 23 24 25 26 DAVID ETTLESON. OFFICIAL COURT REPORT.. .DV - that is, east of Virginia Street? MR. JONES: I can't tell you that, Mr. Gordon. That was determined from the City plot map, which we used, and was determined on a sliding scale and the exact boundar- ies, I don't know. I mentioned 2000 feet,and what streets exactly it takes in, I don't know, I can't say here. COUNCILMAN GORDON: I think the people at this hearing would be interested in that. MEMBER OF AUDIENCE: Are you suggesting that you represent all of the people in the 2000 -foot area? MR. JONES: I don't suggest that I represent all of the people in the 2000 -foot area. I am reading some of my remarks from script so that I will not and cannot be misquoted. The court reporter is recording what I say. If I stated that I represent everybody in a 2000 -foot area, I made an error in what I read from my script, because my opening remarks were as follows: "I speak for all property owners in a 1000- foot-- radius of the proposed well. Secondly, I express the desire of the majority of owners in a 2000 -foot radius." Each time, as you notice, when I expressed the desire of those people, I stated it as such, what their desires Would be and I said their desires were in the oil rights underneath their ground and in the appearance of the western section of our city. Does that explain my position, Mr. Gordon? U 1 2 3 4 MV ty 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25' 26 COUNCILMAN GORDON: Thank you, Mr. Jones. MAYOR SELBY: May I go back for just a minute. Mr. Kenny simply asked Mr. Gordon if they had determined the 2000 -foot radius, and Mr. Gordon told him approximately Loma Vista Street. MR. JONES: With your kind permission, Mr. Mayor, I will proceed. Ladies and gentlemen of the audience: A picture I just presented in evidence, you will notice, is a very distressing sight. The picture I now propose to place into evidence has been transposed, the same picture, showing you what can be accomplished and what would be accomplished -- and I'm sorry you did not allow the condition of the dump to be introduced, because in this picture I have erased the dump because the people in the 2000 -foot area are interested in the appearance of our west side. I do believe that appearance has something to do with the con- sideration in this, not only the drilling of a well and oil royalties, but also the appearance of a section that might depreciate our homes. This picture, being transposed, shows what the area would then look like if we eliminated the dump, eliminated the garbage ramp, eliminated the derrick, eliminated those unsightly things that are now presently setting there. I draw your attention to that fact because with the granting of this permit, the applicant is required rj n n