1950 DEC 20 CC MIN - 471 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2E u :. J DAVID ETTLESON. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER • MUTUAL 7769 J "Conter Building Supplies Co. .11202 Carmenita Road Whittier, Calif. December 16, 1950 "City Council, City of E1 Segundo .203 Richmond Street El Segundo, California "Gentlemen: Since circumstances prevent my presence at the hearing to be held Wednesday, December 20, 1950 on the property stated on the enclosed post card, I would like to put my consideration of the proposed drilling in writing. "I have been planning for some time to build on my lots located in that area and am, therefore, anxious to have the matter of drill- ing settled. I am definitely in favor of the drilling and would like to have my opinion given to the proper party and presented to the hearin§. Thank you very much and I would appreciate any further information on this subject being sent to me. CITY CLERK MCCARTHY: communications, Mr. Mayor. Yours very truly, KATHERENE L. CONTER Mrs. Louis A. Conter" Those are all the written MAYOR SELBY: If there are no objections, all of the communications which the City Clerk has just read will be received in evidence and made a part of the record of this public hearing...(short pause)...Hearing no objections - -it is so ordered. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I shall outline to you the procedure which the Council would like to follow in conducting this hearing, so that it may be done in an 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2b DAVID ETTLESON. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER • MUTUAL 7789 U 103 10 orderly manner, and at the same time afford everyone present an opportunity to be heard and to present testimony and evidence, both oral and documentary. FIRST: We shall hear from the applicant, and whom, for convenience in discussion, may be referred to as the "applicants ". Whenever this word is used, the Council will understand them to mean Edwin W. Pauley and Harold R. Pauley; and we will also hear from all those who may desire to support the applicants in this matter and who are in favor of the granting of the variance applied for. SECOND: We would like to then hear from the appellants and all those who wish to support the appellants, and who desire to oppose the granting of the variance applied for. THIRD: The Council will then afford the applicants and those supporting the applicants a reasonable opportunity for rebuttal. FOURTH: The Council will then afford the appellants a reasonable opportunity for rebuttal. We have here tonight a stenotype reporter is who is recording the proceedings, and itArespectfully re- quested that each person who addresses the Council, before proceeding with his or her testimony, state clearly and audibly his or her name and address for the purpose of the record. Further, in view of the nature of this proceeding, the Council will require that the witnesses and those 24 - - 25 Council at this time their testi_mnmr. Plrir1onnP nnri Ll 0 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 if is if 1! 21 2. 2' 2 2 2 2 a..n.Tffw MUTUAL 7789 11 addressing the Council and offering testimony, be sworn. In order to expedite this phase of the matter, the City Council would like to have the City Clerk swear all those present at this time who expect to address the Council. Any persons arriving later who may desire to testify may be sworn at that time. Each person addressing the Council shall state, after the announcement of his or her name and address, whether he or she has been sworn, so as to keep the record complete in that regard. Mr. City Clerk, will you administer the oath. CITY CLERK McCARTHY: Will all those who expect ti offer testimony or address the City Council with reference to the matter now pending before this Council please arise and be sworn. "You and each of you do solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give in the proceeding now pending before the City Council of the City of'E1 Segundo, California, will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God." ... A number of individuals arose and were duly .I sworn ... MAYOR SELBY: We now ask the applicants and those who wish to support the applicants to present to the Council at this time their testimony, evidence and argu- ments. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 k 81 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 U ...juL4�r2i�4,• err,- .., �. �-�X,��,.,:►.r� ,:J .s' �jt,�'3 t''1 '��; MlTfi ...�r! }�;C:�` _�C� Does anyone wish to speak in favor of the applicants or in favor of the oil well? MR. J. BARTON HUTCHINS: Mr. Mayor and Members of the E1 Segundo City Council, my name is J. Barton Hutchins. I represent Edwin W. Pauley and Harold R. Pauley My address and the address of the applicants is 717 North Highland Avenue, Los Angeles 38, California. If you don't mind, gentlemen, I will address your box customers tonight also, so that we can all understand just what we are talking about. It is a pleasure to be here and to be afforded the opportunity at this time to go into the matterll of our application for a permit to drill an oil well in the City of E1 Segundo. I state this because I want the record to show, or rather, I should like the record to show that we have played our cards straight up. We have not contacted any single member of the City Council, in order that it would be perfectly obvious that the people of the City of E1 Segundo, as the citizens, through their representative Council, are the ones in the final analysis to decide this issue. Let me go back, if I may, just a couple of years, to give you the background of our present applica- tion. A number of years ago the City of Los Angeles owned the property in question. They thought there was oil to be developed in the sewage plant district. The Council r. 1 2 3 4 5 s 7 8 s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 is 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DAVID ETTLESON, OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER - MUTUAL 7789 13 called for competitive bids for an oil and gas lease. As a result, a couple of gentlemen were successful bidders. Their names were Willis and Shirley Ward. After they successfully obtained this leas Edwin W. Pauley and Harold R. Pauley purchased it from them and undertook to do exploratory drilling. At that time you will recall that an application was made to the City of El Segundo to drill from E1 Segundo under Hyperion. The reaso for that was that the City of Los Angeles had not yet approached the finality of its plans to build this plant and as a result didn't know where to let anybody drill. , The first well was completed for approxi- lhately 800 barrels a day. The Department of Natural Resources will show you that the well was thereafter re- completed for approximately 39 barrels a day, and that is what it is producing today. The time came to drill a second well under the usual procedure of drilling, under the provisions of oil and gas leases, and again the City of Los Angeles came up with the immaturity of plans as to the exact location of the plant. The Los Angeles City Council has been giving us extensions continuously in order to come to a conclusion about drilling on Hyperion until about six months ago. Now they have said, "We built a plant and there isn't any place to put your oil well, on account of the enormity of the project." 24 marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 1 and received in 25 evidence ... 26 MR . 14T0 nn1ATnnml.r. T+ 4 r. 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 r . .. .. DAVID ETTLESON. OFFICIAL COURT R[PORT[R - MUTUAL 7789 1`t I offer now for you gentlemen a plat which show completely the finished plant as it is now, and if you care to, you may put this in evidence. MR. WOODWORTH: I will show it to the audience first. ... Whereupon the large map of the area in question was displayed to the audience ... MR. HUTCHINS: I would like to call your atten- tion, ladies and gentlemen, to the completed form and to call your attention to the only vacant spot in this corner and building there is going ahead right away. These lines (indicating) you see here, the red lines, are the result of slope easement which the City of Los Angeles condemned to obtain an order to remove the hills that were once upon a time there and make, I think a one to 12 -foot slope from those lines down here to the Vista Del Mar. MR. WOODWORTH: This instrument has been offered in evidence by the Proponents, Mr. Mayor and Councilmen. May we receive it? MAYOR SELBY: What is your pleasure, gentlemen? If no objection, it will be received in evidence and marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 1. Whereupon the map above referred to was marked as Applicants Exhibit No. 1 and received in evidence ... MR. WOODWORTH: It is not necessary, Mr. Mayor, ') , I own vin r, r,hP rr -ir.T i,,, -n, r _ . -71■ r. 15 1 to make a motion each time an exhibit is introduced unless 2 you so desire. The Chair can solely make an announcement, 3 unless there is objection,that it will be received in 4 evidence and marked as applicant's number, whatever it is, 5 and then the Chair will make the announcement as to what 6 the number is. 7 MAYOR SELBY: All right. 8 MR. HUTCHINS: One of the reasons I offer this 9 in evidence is to show the complete coverage of the area 10 that is available for the disposal plant. In spite of 11 this, we have diligently and conscientiously been negotiat- 12 ing with the City of Los Angeles and are still in the hopes 13 that some day we could get over there and drill these 14 wells straight down instead of having to operate from El 15 Segundo and slant -drill them. 16 There are two bodies of people interested in 17 that. The State Park Commission, which has a contract with 18 the City of Los Angeles. In this instance, when they 19 traded some tidelands, some beachlands under the so- called 20 ninety million dollar Christmas Tree Bill about Five or 21 six years ago, wherein the State acquired certain length 22 of tidelands and beachlands in swapping equal values with 23 the State and City. Then the State leases them back to 24 the City. I believe you may have some down here of your 25 own that the City leases for $1.00 a year for management 26 purposes. As a matter of fact, we have an appointment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DAVID ETTLESON, OFFICIAL COURT R[PORT[R • MUTUAL 7799 16 January 26th with the State Park Commission in San Francisco to again go into this matter. Now, I mention these things, folks, because I want you to know of this application from the beginning of this. It was about six months ago that we initiated proceedings here for a permit to start this next well. We have done everything we could to satisfy the officials with whom we came in contact of our plans, and I would like to go into them right now. To begin with, I would like to say that at no time have the Pauley brothers made a petition to the Planning Commission of Los Angeles which has been turned down with respect to going into drilling directly on the Sewer Farm. The engineer in Los Angeles likes to call it t, Sewage Disposal Plant, but it is still a Sewer Farm. We made an application and the hearing was held, the maps were prepared by a qualified engineer in Los Angeles for the Planning Commission, and as a result of an understanding between Mr. Gordon Whitnall and our- selves, we are furnishing an engineer, because at that time the City of El Segundo did not have one. Our plans have progressed, then, to where we havo some definite provisions to follow, and the recommendation is Resolution No. 87. In addition to that, I would like to say this, gentlemen: that although the recommendation for a permit does not call for it, we ourselves would like U 105 Y f 1. 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2: 22 23 J- DAVID ETTLESON, OFFICIAL COURT RKPORT[R - MUTUAL 7789 17 to fix a derrick up with what is known as soundproofing, a blanket. It is said that about 80 per cent of the noise will be removed by a blanket, and that about 95 per cent of the 20 per cent that will be left will be removed by muffling any and all machinery we have including these pumps. At this time I would like to present pictures of soundproofed derricks so you will know what they look like. The Seaboard Oil Company built, in the Elysian Park area in the City of Los Angeles, one of these soundproof derricks, and at the time they did, they had some motion picture audio - recording instruments there to find out how much noise there actually was. My understanding is that the noise and sound there was practically negligible. The next important well that was drilled this way was by the Shell Oil Company just at the edge of Beverly Hills by Park LaBrea during the last World War. Since then this has become a very common practice. Signal Hill is full of these now. As a matter of fact, we have recently ourselves completed a well about ten days ago right in the middle of a very densely - populated area, so densely - populated that we had to purchase a home and move it in order to provide space enough to keep away 25 feet at all angles from this derrick. Well, that was sound- proofed and muffled and I can refer you to the landowners themselves, they all live there, as to how much noise that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 DAVID ETTLESON. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER - MUTUAL 7769 .I well made. The well is at the corner of Grant and Wilton Streets in Signal Hill. We just also completed one at Athens, at the Athens Oil Field, under the same circumstances, and had it muffled and soundproofed. (Referring to photograph.) This is one of them here that was built by the Richfield Oil Company in Boyle Heights just the last few years. MR. WOODWORTH: Do you wish to introduce that into evidence? MR. HUTCHINS: Yes. MR. WOODWORTH: So that the record is clear, this instrument has been presented in evidence, Mr. Mayor and gentlemen. What is your pleasure with reference to its introduction? MAYOR SELBY: If there is no objection, I will ask the Clerk to give it a number. CITY CLERK McCARTHY: It will be received in evidence and marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 2... ... Whereupon the photograph above referred to was marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 2 and received in evidence ... MR. HUTCHINS: I would like to offer, gentlemen, this next picture also in evidence. It is another sound- proofed derrick that the Richfield Oil Company had in the same area. It was in a residential place in Boyle Heights, ri 6 I U it)E� 11 1] li 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DAVID ETTLESON. OFFICIAL COURT P.—T.. _ x.00 R 1 in a very densely- populated area. The reason these are 2 being offered to you is because the records and the records 3 of landowners and their reactions are all available to you. 1 (Referring to another photograph.) This is another one drilled a little farther down on the hill, right in the middle of a densely- populated district. With r your permission, I would like to introduce it as applicant' I next exhibit in order, Mr. Mayor. I MAYOR SELBY: If there is no objection, we will have the Clerk mark it as applicant's next exhibit in order. ... Whereupon the photograph above referred to was marked as Applicant's Exhibit No. 3 and received in evidence ... MR. HUTCHINS: (Presenting another photograph.) This will show our interest in what we propose to do about the well itself, the derrick itself. That will account now for the reason we have left that steel derrick up there. We had intended to take it down in the middle of the" summer and we were figuring on drilling the new well with a portable mast. But we have determined that it will be to the best interests of you folks, as well as ourselves, if the well were drilled with this soundproofing on it. Therefore, we left the derrick up pending a permit to skid it about 50 feet over towards the dump there. And then when that derrick is through drilling, immediately after the well is on production, within the next fifteen or twenty 04 1 Ran - l-, --.'1, C E c