1949 NOV 30 CC MINT40 E1 Segundo, Califcrnia. November 30,1949• regular meeting of t:e City Council of the City of El Segundo, C&Iifor7iis, was held in thle Council Chamber in the City Hall of said City, on the above date, having ?peer` called to order at 7:00*oeclock P. M. by i•lilry Lam R, , elby, Ma,7or� ROLL CALL. Gouncilznen Present, Brxker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. --e:;ncil men Absent. -None, HaAfiINu OF `"Thr(?TES OF PREVIOUS =TINE, he minutes of the regular meeting held on the 23rd day of November, 1949, ha. -ring been read, and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was moved by -'ourcilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the minutes of said n.eetina be approved as recorded. Carried. lurpl i_„_:2y f"U=1,ICA_IONS.. 'lalt'eit comMrunicatior_;o, .rec;elved from the persons. firms or corporations r,• -air -ante. railed, mere read to fhr. ..Heil and were disposed of in the manner indicates, jcilowdng reference tc hereiz:after. :Lr.a_,, t -T 0 �1''rri - :i _� BEACH, dated November 29, 1949, advising Llidt a per_- . hearing on •de:ontrc' f re.nt.s in the-City of Manhattan Beach be-Lft in said �-ity on i? a5 3y, the 13th day of December, 1949• Ordered �y LeROY GP„IFFIN FAIN, dated Nov.. 29, 1949, being application for employment .r the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed. .J,�',r' i,�.ilF ^FtIA iL;it1\It?� COt1GPSS, -an-dated, notice of its December, 1949 ^je_-' ng to be held in Ventura. California, on Thursday, December 8, 1949• Ordered fie:, �.`-.� � :ice ''� rF.'tai v �Tri :�_1f•, undated, being notice of its meeting to be hrl�--' i =. cn -�_tur ay; 10th, 1949. Ordered filed. Nsne .. CO%YJNICATIONS. =FORTS OF STANDING COMYJTTEES . Public .clr:e cirau�;sicner Feterson, reporting in the matter of installation new _.tresl, lights to tre City of El Segundo by Southern California Edison .:cm err s =Y e- _. i :Orn an, ° is making good progress; that the major part of sic ,• rk i s ire =tai t,cr c, ' xci_tionai trans=formers and roles, -nnd that this P rt one v- rc-re `•c !i =J be completed the latter part of next week, stated a number, of cit .tens had talked tal :stun rf uross -Walk on ^ -r2nd Avenue at Writing 00 x i 41 Street; that he had made an investigation and found that traffic going easterly on Grand Avenues coming from the west down the Grand Avenue hill, has attained considerable speed when it reaches Yniting Street and he recommended such crass- •ipralk be installed or. Grand Avenue at the westerly side of Whiting Street. By general consent the matter was referred to Public Safety Commissioner Baker and Chief of rolice DeBerry. :ublic Safety Commissioner Baker reported that a zone meeting of Police Chiefs had been called by the Attorney General, to be held at Santa Barbara, on Friday, u._acember 2nd, 1943, that Chief of Police DeBerry desired to attend said. mesting and he recommended his attendance be authorized. .Loved by Coincilma.n Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that Chief of Police BaSer,ry be and he is hereby authorized to attend a meeting of PGi.lre Chiefs, called by the Attorney General, to be held at Santa Barbara, cn Friday, December 2nd, 1949, and that said official be and he is hereby authorized to file his demand for his actual and necessary expenses in connection with his attendance at said meeting, such demand to be audited and approved in the usual manner before payment., Carried by the following vote: t?yes: Councilmen Baker, re,erson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes - Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen gone. REPCRTS OF CPP CE. A:0 SPECIAL COMMITTEES. ,::ity Co__-linstor Mc:-arthy reported receipt from the City of Los Angeles of a form of maintenance agreement in corunection with the maintenance of traffic signal- ?.t .imperial Highway and Sepulveda Boulevard. He stated the terms of such agreement are satisfactory to the City Engineer and said agreement had been approved as to farm by the City Attorney. He thereupon read said agreement to the Council, following which it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the following .resoluti -n be adopted. RESOLVED, that a copy of that certain "Maintenance Agreement ", between the City of Los Angeles and the City of K Segundo, presented to this Council at this meeting, re- lating to the m &intensnce of traffic control signals at imperial Highway and Sepulveda Boulevard, be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk . AI ), BL 1T FU _;Lr, RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby approve the said form of agreement and does hereby 3ath;r±ze and instruct the 11",tyor and City Clerk of the City of El Segundo to execute the said agreement on behalf of said City of El Seg -undo and in its name and to make delivery thereof In due cc::rse, Cn roll cad' -,, the f'0r690ir9 resclation wa_ adopted by the following vote: ..yca a Cc's ,:-i2x!er. Bakers Feter5cn, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. ,;;c es Ccunc_ =men Nones . l:ua6nt° Councilmen :.ones, =i,;;r o Y inat::r �ici srthey fcr smd on behalf of City Attorney Woodworth, wh Y= na'c�e tc be present �t this meeting, made the f'ollowirg reports: 142 oc r �c 1� Reported receipt of a letter from the State Employees Retirement System, explaining why it was necessary that contracts between cities, who are members of said System, and said System, be amended to include various amendments to the Retirement Law, and cannot be automatically amended to include any and all amendments to said Law. 2. In ccnnectior..with condemnation action filed by the City of El Segundo to acquire possession of Lot 10, Block 67, for reservoir purposes, that today Judge P.ichards of the Superior Courtin Inglewood had signed an order giving the City immediate possession of said property upon deposit with the Clerk of said Superior Court of the sum of 311000.00, pending court iftigaticn. 3. That arrangements had been made with Mr. David Ettleson, Court -epc. ter, to be present at the hearing to be held on rent decontrol, December 15th, 1949, tc take testimontir received at said hearing and make transcript of the proceedings had. T1711?ISI.LD BUSINESS. !loved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that Ordinance rTo. 362, entitled? Ai OR IIvri;CL O= TT ii CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFO. -a?IA, ES BLI31411',TC `=Z R.EG ATIONS RELATING TO AND FaGULATIN-T THE 1' CTION, CONSTRUCTION, ENLARGEHENT, ALT' ATiON, =. iF, 110VIEG, P�40VAL, DE IOLITIO:T, COi Ty.�%SiOTT, E•.UIPMENT, USE, FIGHT, AREA AIT- :iAINfi ?vANC b '•r BUILDINGS ANM STRUCTURES IP1 TH E, St � —MY; r2C'V -STAG FOP, THE ISSULNCE 07 PERI•�TS AND THE ?AYI.IEAI i OF FEES 'TIEREFOR; DECLARING AND ESTAB:IilHIIiv FT? LIS �t -CTS; PROVItING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION T_H- �iEOF, AND REPEALING ALL CP`DIDTA_nT„L,, AND PARTS OF C,UDINANCZS IN CONFLICT 11.1=41 T N; BY ADOPTING A CERTAIN CODE DESIGNATED I a: � N AS " "UNIFOR_T1 BUILDING CODE 1949 EDITION VOLUNLE ", AS A rrTED FOR USE IN SAID CITY; AAM "VOLWE II UNTIFORIT BUILDING CODE STANDARDS 1949 EDITION" , FUBLTS=_ BY TICE. PACIFIC COAST BUILDING OFFICIALS COQ rZRIEWCE, which wav introduced and read at a -regular meeting of the City Council held on the 23rd day of November, 1949, and reread at this meeting, be adopted, On roll call, said motion carried and said ordinance was adopted by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and ITayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen Yone. Absent: Councilmen Yone. The City Clerk stated that he had received no protests, either oral or written, objecting to the vacating or abandonment of Oak Place, in the City of Z Segundo, whereupon Councilman Peterson introduced Ordinance No. 363, entitled AN 0111SINIUTCE CF TIE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIF01UTIA, DECLA_RIfTG VAC�STT FOrL. F'-' LIC STREET PURPOSES ALL THAT CER'"riIN PUBLIC` STPIET WITHIN SAID CITY DESIGNATED, NA- IriplD AND" Hl` Cf,-.TT AS OAK PLACE, AS CONTEISLATTIM BY RE-J AIT =CI' OF Its T -, -T314 IdO. 1038, which was read. -3- T, - 4scussion was they, had by the Council with respect to amending the present business 'License ordinance by adding a new section thereto relating to auctioneers, auction sales, auction houses and closing out sales. At the ccnclus on of the dlsc:ussion, Councilman Swanson introduced Ordinance No. 364, entitled,, -'_P� O,DI':�0TCE Or =r. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CAL?FOR11IA, . -2- DING ORDINA�'CE 12 �/ T BUSINESS LICENSE G: DI'1 ?3CE O SAID CITY, BY ADDING A 1\TW SECTION TH =0 TO B.E KNCGitd AND DESIGNATED AS "SECTION 11.1"" :irLATING TO I - "IIO5, AUCTION SALES, AUCTION H USES AN CLOSIT�G GTjT SALFS whi-h vaa read, FAY1f,,G BILLS,; T-43 The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and i.e:.ords, were read_ Eater Works Bond, Election 1918, Construction Fund Clerk of Superior Court Los Angeles County F`1i .00 TOTAL .w1000.00 i,`_c ved by : ouncilr,-n, ` oran ony seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands Mowed and warr°antr ordered dram on and paid out of the respective funds col ,,e ing the s-me ';a.rried by the following vote: Ayes, Coun--ilmen Baiter, -eter�on, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. i?ces: ounsdimer.::cne, Absent,, ;ouncilmer, h;...e r.;.f �LSZrTr�s� Y� Nc further buslineSs appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Counci] -Ta -. Baker, seconded by Mayor Selby, the meeting adjourn. arri.ed rye spectrul] �K� ,7 una E± Segundo Paint Canter, 3�7 Pacific Tres Lumbe= Sc. �99 E1 Segundo t:a-rdware 35-713 Jerry [Vditt 6iB.On :,y of i71 Segundo, �C,aIu 29^06-9 City c_ El Segxndo, Cal 1;5�00' John Cete, Housing Manager 8,18 T01, T 1 .AL a .Y f^ 7 C .1. �_J,-�,G Eater Works Bond, Election 1918, Construction Fund Clerk of Superior Court Los Angeles County F`1i .00 TOTAL .w1000.00 i,`_c ved by : ouncilr,-n, ` oran ony seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands Mowed and warr°antr ordered dram on and paid out of the respective funds col ,,e ing the s-me ';a.rried by the following vote: Ayes, Coun--ilmen Baiter, -eter�on, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. i?ces: ounsdimer.::cne, Absent,, ;ouncilmer, h;...e r.;.f �LSZrTr�s� Y� Nc further buslineSs appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Counci] -Ta -. Baker, seconded by Mayor Selby, the meeting adjourn. arri.ed rye spectrul] �K�