1949 NOV 16 CC MIN1=
El `'egandc
1,10 rep? -,or 16,
,k regular meeting of the City Council of the City of ;l :;dunrlo4
,: l.i.:ornia, was hel' in tha cuncil Chamber in the City Hall of Daid it y ,
on the above date, having; been called to order at 7,00 otclock :`1 by
ti- %,ill; am Vii, Selby, Mayor.
;ouncilmer .'re ent 9 et.er son, Swanson, Thompson and ay: -,r `flhy.
Councilmen Absent: Baker<
132AD.iN '13 iF .:TiTJTJTI-�S OF' r FtEV'OUS Iv=MNTG
The mir�utea of the regular meeting Held on the 9th day of i�cvFiaber,
1949, having been read, and no errors or �omi:�sions having been note?, it :3^f
roved by Councilman Peterson, = econded by Councilman Thompson, thF minute;-
said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried
ltritten communications, recei,Ted frrym the pennons, firms or carper:,r:_�
her °cinafter named, were read to the Council. and were dispo-ed of in the r nn
Indicated, follcwi.ng referenrve to each hereinafter:
1erT`•37:1 mated Nov. s
1 1949 adv'iir.�7
po-tponing decision on rent decontr ^l of cities in the Los An,-,e
area iintil after November 21:1t, to permit the governing body of any
city or affected county to adopt resolution objecting to decontrol of any r
all cities having; resolutions before him. Ordered filed.
J�?: S ?�i. 1, ,L:rt, dated November 8, 1949, requesting t. ".? ity is u�. t
nl a ,l1 xitclaim. deed, quitclaiming the Cityt s interest in pipe iirieC an,'
,:•p irtenances as granted to Arena Water Co. affecting the aae-tc:rly 61, fee',
(-,f the southerly 150 feet of Lot 12, Flock 98, Fi Segundo.
The City Clerk reported the charge of w5.00 for issuance of ,uch +jit
cl -aim deed had been paid, whereupon it was moved by Councilman 3vTanF0n,
seconded by Councilman reter.Eon, the following resolution be adopred
WMMEAS, the Cit., t•?:e City of El Se81M4 0 ,
California, hoe reoeiTr .13 c .a� cation in wor&s an&
figures as fo"..owe
"November 8, 19)V�
City : "olmoil
El Segundo,
T T v •6 t r y 64 'f+. Of 's �r
° t,}ae Z, y e.1, -:
150 ft. of 'of, ].' =; Blc:c.k 'k of E.l. Segundo, Calif aP
recorded i�ti. ?�._,,,.: ��i ^�aF. �ir'rd 23 of maps9 _,ff'i r,
of the ,ount:i z-iecord�r c•f e,s.i d c•:,aria y.
24 00 to
According to my pclicy of ti' ir- inamrance there is an ease-Me nt over
said land for pipe linee and incidental purposes as 07rMted t- -o
Ar�-na 'Water Co., in deed rr;^:ordsd in book 5505 page 294 of Official
recr rde .
T would like to have a u" +. cll:.im deed governing this pipe line
right of way. Enclosed is $5.00 to cover expenses for this.
James M. Riewer
2172 E. 52nd St.
Long Beach, Calif. ";
AND, 'JUREAS, this Coi:ncil Yeae investigated the subject re-
ferred to in the said coLmLaication and feels that with reference
to the partictalari property described in said communication, the
action hareinaf'ter takeeti is i dicated ;,
110'r7, Thy c 'CRE, C'.f.,y C3)1r_c1l of the City of El Segundo,
California, does her9by doe'-are, determine and order as
f �ylo ;4s
First: That said Cowici.l hereby finds and determines the. t,
the easement ref erred tc ire 6a id communication and which is herer-
inaf f ;er ;ascribed, is no lcnger needed by the City of El Segundo
and therefore that the Ci -y may pr.- -pa'- Jy quitclaim said particular
easement ovsr said particuular property.
Second: That the acid City Clerk be and they are hereby
authorized and ins txucted to exacuts a quitclaim ueed from the
CYty of El Segundo and ir. its quitclaiming to James M. Riewer
and La erne Diary Riewer. his wife, as Joint Tenants, so far as the
same affects the astarly 6 , feet of the Southerly 150 feet of Lot
1"?, Block 98, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 1, El Segundo, as per �Ycp re-
corded in Book '2A Pages:; 22 and 23 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles
County, California,, that cer,�airz Easement over said above described
property (only) for pipe lines and appurtenances, as grunted to
Prena. `Water Company, by deed from Los Angeles Trust and Savings
Bank, a corporation, recorded is Book 5505, page 294, of Official
Records of Los Angeles Ccunty, California (of which easement
said City of El Segundo, by mesne assignment of record) is now the
Third: ^hat the Litz C"?rk b5 and. he is hereby authorized
to make delivery of said quitclaim deed to said grantees upon the
payment, to the City of Ems. `eA91,3r d! . of the awn of $5.00, 14111c.h tha
CoiLn,_il hereby findo and dak.rrrei.nos -to be -the reasonable a ;_r:ult. to
brl paid to said City as th -i consideration of said deed .
Foie °th: That nothing herein, contained shall be con:et^ued as
constituting any prsced_nt in way, prenisGs with refer;.n,5 'to the
release of the ea ,4emL4rit a.bcera raf'erred to as affecting any .thnr
property or properties within -!aid City, as the City Council re-
ae-cvez t-he right to coneller 9a,ch application for a, r8loa.>;'�F• of
auc.h general eaahment as it ,appli9�1 to any particular i,ciy-- r'r..y at
the time that such respActi v &-gplicattons for such 'rel5as : s may
be presented to said Coluicil.
On roll call, tide fc_wegoi..zg rE+solirtlon was adopted by the -Pollowing Mote:
kyas: CortruiiMen r =.tervc�n,
Noes: Counr ilr n
Aboent: Councll:.can
Swanson, Thompson a::: ? A Iayor. Selby.
Applications fcr• en.Tlcy! ent were received- from the following
named persons, and ordered filed- Lawenae John Andersen, JO:an Lawrenco
Bowden, William Isa•ar Burgess, Ke.-nneth Merlin Brass, Robert Lee Brewer,
Robert Pron Brodie, Char! --a Victor Crowe, Dear. Arthur Gibbs, Charles
Earl LaChance, Bruce Bresee Little, Clarence kegley Loe, John Edward
McCormick, Jr., David J, -anlor Mote,, Aline Leone Mote, :dames Nlsck Phillippi,
Donald Phillip Prel^_oda, Dory Owen 14%, ite, Elmer Aug -astus Young, Jr.,
Virgil Asher, Ernest C. CarE.;cn,, James Thane Weber, and Williac, Johan Smith.
SlEfEE LL OIL COMPANY, dated Cctober 27, 1949, requesting that
permits heratof'ore issued the Shell. Oil Coaparq, Inc., by the City of
El See -undo for the ina•tallation and. maint9rLa.nce of certain pipe lines
be transferred' to its eucceseor°, Shell Oil ConTany.
Councilman Baker appeared. at the Meeting at this time, the
hota° ein, 7:10 o'clock P. M., ay-.d he _mmediately took his seat at the
It rappear °ing that Shell Oil CGiprxi, inc., had transferred to
its parent company, 31hell Oil Coii_m� ar.�v, all of the business properties,
obligations and operate sne of ea.id firat mentioned company, and the City
Attar°ney having given hi-- opinion that it• would be in order to transfar
the zerm:ite ae r equeated, it was moved '•,y Co,•?aci 11mazl Peterson, secor}ded
by Councilman Thor son, that Resolution No. 1',045, entitled:
which 4.:.s riiad, be e.dopted. Or, roll call, the foregoing notion carried,
and said resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen. Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thci:maon, and
Mayor Selby.
_Toe 3 : Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen. None.
:ciAT;1;T.avr G,)I�iZ1..:.SI {?Ivy, dated NvowaMb.�r 36, 1949, ts'art?M't!�i ,
c. i>
of its Ree,;.lutfors No. 6 --,, o6t.t rg a date for pablic hewing on a.
p-roposal or, the ova= motso . to reclassify from P-3 a l P -1 to
c_2, prop6rt.y design-atad a� Lot 3, Block 1,07, and to reclQssif3 from P-3
to C-21, prni 3r-ty cie ig:ira,ted as Lot 4, L.lcck 1.07, El Segundo. ?.cd.er•_d filed.
Mt'. ldillazd u. Skeelle;y addr -3sp-ed the Council., inquiririt; what
proced�:s:jw wou�.d ts - :,.ece� sar;y to aecwe, water to serve parer e�tJ In
1(3ck L,`% yi`Y 11ngi:nser L,:.rtz staf.ei that in hia opinion,, 6e-wara, si3e-
4n ' {a 3::d ciir & r4ho`.;:i :�_ .� '_c 't•r�.11sd a.':. the timx3 T.;a.tea` fright,
"Lf' coil :x . Pnd that this wn, l r•i nec s��' '.,5+` E�O �7 d� 0 tilt3 ii'.S t', of
unRg'in,-,4r'i the matter was taken. i;nrlear adivoe-
m.r:.t J;:' onci w(- --k an'a referred to t ;L'c-. '`.'fty Engineer for %1 chi ck.
W. Jo!Ln Council, inquiring whet
w,i d now r�ace:3sary to ea,ZD1,e ' ..�, r „d. �i;;sB Cr- ittee of the isoy Scouts
C�°ge_ ^ization of E1. S£gLT�17o A,c 4�t,t i� c;, r_eer�t cf the City Council to place
tt,r: '�i).Dlkling being donated to .slid upon property which the City
hat iriicatei `.,. -w li. f uct: -r-n ^pose. City Attorrvey Woodworth
informed Imr. . Ci =;veland. '11-'ha!, If s.-0. when � e said Cc= ! t.tee has incur -•
p„r^a s9d., t,ha c-31- poration shot:�d ai:drbso a letter to the City Council re-
queoting ill be given &athoi -ItY as -.d li.r _An3e to locate said building on
such proryrty a,:.s t'he City will provide for such purpoea, statingin said
request Trhat conditions the Said corpo-ration dealres ir•orporated in said
a.u't•horl t y a:nd. licensF.
Chief of P:311ice De Berry, by written communication dated Novemm
filer° : � 1949, . requested that 2o,7d L. Coulter be granted permission to take
ttr� bala,nca .:f his 19V_; caxned vacaticr amounting to five days 'Letween
the date,.-3 Nc °c37iiber 22 tc, Ti ^vr�?i':.' er 26, .19149, inclusive.
Movr,a by e-- _,tailed by Councilman Thompson,
cyd L. Go. ter b and by is hen—by granted permiseicr_ to take the
ba.lance of his annul earn d vacaticn for the year 1948 amounting to
fr d iya�etween the dates r?r to, November 26, 1949, in cluL:tive.
f olu'� war �,;d br locrr -the: following vote:
Ayea. Cou-mo ?sr..3? -, Taker , Pz U-arsor?, Swanson, Thompson and
Noes: councilman ;
Move kd by Ccunci .sn Baker,, by Councilman Thompson,
that the uc> z _xcil. y c'cead tc, cp,e f 1e T-A r,e an-1 publicly declare said bids.
"I"he Council thereurcn prcceedad to open, examine and declare
said bidey which bids were tc�uzd by .paid Council to be as follows, to wits
Did of ic1hn C. !_ 1-eyeiarjd w i-,h t•he Ohio Casualty Company as
surHty, bidding the scum of $:,,,741.90 as deposit premium, which amount
includes $329.25 deposi premier for the inclusion of property damage
coverage C�•i'�i t�,f9,�"s `i,l'.d�:Cmr i°i� l.a .
Bid of Mae 1). Lewis, biddtng the au r of $2800.00 for comprehensive-
liability insuranc.q.
yid of Ro ei-~ '. j. with the Glcba Indemnity Company as
s ar' -ty, bidding thn, sum o f as x.aposit premium, which amount in-
cludys the sum of $28,1.85 ae deposit, p*°,amium to cover property damage other
than auto r?.obile.
Folloving oon.sidsarancn of said bids, and it appearing that the
bid rf Robert J. *cCax thy is t%5 ioww t 1 id submitted, it was Moved by
Councilman Sweatean, saccr -Aq& by Goua:cillma.:i Peterson, that the bid of
Robert J. McCarthy wit-11 Gilobe. TnArmri -Itj Company as surety, in the amount
of ae deposit premim,9 lbs and the san'a is hereby accepted and
* ;he policy gwrr°d.ed to aal_d �IJ.d.ar° Carried by the following
.yen • Councilmen, Bake -'� y _ Puss eo±n, Swanson,- Thonpson, and
Mayor° 30-,•1by .
`s�toeca Ccuno t' men !ione .
AlseY^:t: C. ion iLmert 1, :;Ce .
The City Clerk report,-IA that the Council had heretofora, on
+he 14th day of September, 1949, approved map of tract No. 14254, that
the officers of the City of' El Sagando required to endorse their approval
on f-, yid map had done so prior to t'xe date of signing by property owners
Involved., and that the Cc ;-.ty Surveyor had requested that the 4ate of sign-
ing by City officials be changiA to show a date subsequent to the date of
signing by the principal:.
Moved by Councilman Feterecn, seconded by Counci..an Baker,
t ;hat the .following L esoltzticg be adoptad,
WEEREAS, this Cc izncil d.id here-tofore, on the 14th day of `
sept,vu,t,Hr, 1949, at a regular meeting of said Council held on
said date, give its fyrjal to the subdivision map of
?'raci; 11o. 14'254;
AIlh) 9 'AMREAS, cn the _2'0t-.h da,j 'of' Septembbr the officers of
tY?£ City cr El S,ggu;�dc ^ _rt,ii`� cw ewch approv�sl on aai i t:,ra.c t Ma
AIMP fJR�' AG, t,ha eaftar of property affected,
eLl'lxed their aign.atur'ee to sa,i.d. rap - und-or a subsequent dat t ;
A11D, VUMEA i, thy= County Sur eyor has rrz.turnad said ref,
for correction so 11-hht t4,a d . of by the CI ty rf "Loials
shall 'rye a dat. ci, 'w- s6q,,)e�;:t; ,:c, ,_ �: of such intereated ,Vnere;
`rz ")s °�-°
AND, WB]9?FAS, the Council now desires to authorize the correc-
tion of such dates accordingly
NOW, TH=CRE, BE Ii RESOLVEiiy that the City Council of the
City of El Segundo, California, does hereby, as of this date,
November 16, 1949, approve the final map of Tract No. 1+254,
presented to this Council at this maeting, and doss hereby authorize
amd instruct the officers of said City whose signatures are re-
quired ors said map, to certify as to this approval on this or
subsequent date and t:c correct said previous endorsements of ap-
pro7al accordingly.
On roll call, the foregoing r�aeaolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilme -ri Pal:ar, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and
Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen Nc)ne .
Absent: Counc iiMen None.
Water Superintendent Lortz reported that in connection with the
transfer of pump and met-or i"rom No. 9 Well site to Well No. 12, it was
found that various .replacements not heretofore contemplated are necessary
in order that said change be consummated, the cost of such replacements
being the sum of $1100.00.
Moved by Councilman war.�on, seconded by Councilman Baker, the
following resolution be adopted:
W FLEAS, tni s Cc�lrniAl did heretofore, at its regular meeting
held Septembar 14th, 10149, an horize the Water Superintendent to
chars,,e the pmW and mt to from 4ell No. 9 to Well No. 12 at a
cost of not to exceed $9co.a,;
AND) WMNMS, as the work proceeded, it became evident
that additional work would be required as reflected in the fol-
lowing communication from the Water Superintendent, submitted to
this Council at this meeting, to wit:
"Date November 16, 19+9
To: Honorable City Council
From: Charles E. Lortz, Water Supt.
In connection with the transfer of No. 9 Well Pump and Motor
to No. 12 Well Site, this is to advise you that said pump has
been removed from Well No. 9 and during the inspection of same
it was found that various replacements, not heretofore con-
templated, are mandatory in order that said change can be con -
In view of the above and taking into consideration that a
agate of emergency exists by reason of furnishing an adequate
supply of water for fire fighting, sanitation,etc., in the City
of El Segundo, it is hereby recommended, if it meets the co— arcils
approval, that the Water StpL. be given permission to make an
expenditure of an additional $1100.00 to complete the change over
of Well No. 9 Pump and Motor to Well No. 12 Site.
Respectfully submitted,
Water Supt.";
I 2 0
A:vLy ,i�r. EAS, `.,ire, C� x:.ii has csref`�:,lly conaiderad th4 said
matter and feels tha'. the A_ :a-<e;esnts Made in said above quoted
ecmmursication are true, and tbat an emergency exists affecting
the pub;.i; `pes<;e, iaarz:Lth and iafety of" the City
y and that the
addj. ±.io:3al expr ndi ` e ;.:a said communication should
bA mad-e gder tb,3
?VOW, TMEFCRE, BE II' U. SOIVED. that the City Coar-cil of the
City of El Segundo herer,y approyes .th6 recommendations -made by
saa d Water Superrint- d.e Wit, In said above quoted communication for
t.hF reasons tlxere'n stated and. `fhich a_ra herein found to be true,
ea ,,d does hereby a thor�' ze ane: ins truct the Water Superintendent
to cause the necessary Work and change -over as contemplated to
be accorrpl-1 ehed at thr time at an additional
cost of not to exo�tFd�
On roll call9 the foregoing re. o_lution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Co�ar�cilme:? Bakiir, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and
Mayor Selby.
Noaq: Coancilmerr done.
`absent: Col cllmen
City Attorney Woodworth reported having drafted a letter to
the California Depart "ment of EmTIoy .y., t• with reference to certain employees
of the City of El Segiud.r,- being S'Y. 0ct to the Unemployment Insurance Act,
which letter he read ;;o Y�he: Co n,311. After hearing the co=anication, the
Council approved same,, a:rA lautharized the City Attorney to transmit said
ecmtm,x- .1c,at,ion tc said Caiiforr:_y_a Department, of Employment.
The matter of the w pra,aal of an agreement between Austin, Field
and Fry, Architects, and the City of El. Segundo for performance of archi-
tactural services by said company respecting a new fire and Police station
T.,ai.lding for the City of El Segundo was discussed, and same appeared to
b6 satisfactory to the Cetu.rviy with the exception that in Article 11 of
said agreement, the Council i'e`±t that said architects should furnish three
copies of completed plans ax]�i e,jpeolfi.cationa instead of two, as ast forth
therein. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Council-
man Petarsori, 'tr.at the following r-eaol.i.tion be adopted:
RESOLVED, that a copy of that certain "Agreement" between the
City of El Segurdc and Austi�z, Field and Fry, Architects, for
architectural services irr_ con:iaction with the designing and con -
structior. of a new proposed police and fire station for the City
of E1 Segundo be ple,ced on .file in the office of the City Clerk
and as so on file be and the lama is hereby referred to and by
this reference incorporateA herein and made a part hereof;
AND„ BE IT FURTMU� RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby
approve the said torm of agreement, save and except that instead
of two sets of plans tc, 'be fuwriished by the architects to the
City as sFecified In Art-licla 11 0 ' said agreement, t'iree such sets
are to be furnished.-,
ANDI P DE IT F"CIRTM, 2 RESOL' D, that the Mayor and Ci `y Clerk
be and they are her• ---bTM autYior' zed and instructed to execute the
aaid agreement ae. so modified on behalf of said City and make de-
livery thereof in due .collr -36.
On roil. :alp; i1e i ;wsg_i g. e- sei:r<ticr. wig alol -tad b;,, the following vote
Aye-a' Councilmen Baker, Peterson. Swanson, Thompson and
Mstycr Selby.
Noes o Cou.ncilme i Kc;nE, .
Ala en t � rounc^ i stirs None .
The following demarin.a, having had +-hp approval of the Commi tee
on Finanoe and Reccrda, wz,rr- read
General 'Pond
Advance Finishesy I zr.c.
p�1C• 7
South Bay Daly Breoz,�
� 080
South Bair Dispo�4al Ccmpa y
Earl Mcrgan
:ric Shop
The Electric
Pac if i^ Electrri, Railway C-0.
Southern Calif. Edison Co.
Southern California. Gay+ Co.
El Segundo He,z,eUd
A. S. Mars• ^e
5'� •'- C
Thomae Par -ker
West Priblishirg Company
`' •Ori
Moved by Cauncilyna z - Si,ranson, seconded by Councilman Peterson,
+,r e demax-!18 be allowed artd warrants crdered drawn on ardd paid out cf
the ;;eneral Fund coffering the, same. %"aa-ried by the following vote
A sack o Coun3ilmarj. Bak -3r, Pe -er son, Swanson, T1iompson
&al Mayor Selty.
Nose: Coimci man Pone.
Abef,rit o Councilmen None.
Councilman: Peterson: r ecommeadsd that postal card notices be
sent to all water consumers in 'the City of El Segundo, which notices
shall sat forth the date upon whioh the recently adopted .leash law will
teccme effectiv6. Said recommendation meeting with the approval of other
members of the City CoUncil, it wag so ordered-
yo further buniness aprea'ing to be transacted at this meeting,
it was moved by Councilman ThomPsolky miccrided by Councilman Baker, the -
meeting adjourn. Carried.
App- cv .3
tf'ully submitted,
General Fund
LPi:lard A. Irish, Inc.
C. 0. Sparks,Inc.,& Mundo
Eng.Co. 45.19
- Barclay Surveying Comxany
Ti' e Pacific Te . & Tel . Cc .
1. R. Lseter Boyle
F & F Radio & App. Co.
So'utherr Calif. Edison Co.
H & H Fountain & Grill
Tcbie °s. Shop
[ -ya:iter 111. Swanson
88. 1.4
Wiil�uxn E. Baker
88 • �'
Moved by Cauncilyna z - Si,ranson, seconded by Councilman Peterson,
+,r e demax-!18 be allowed artd warrants crdered drawn on ardd paid out cf
the ;;eneral Fund coffering the, same. %"aa-ried by the following vote
A sack o Coun3ilmarj. Bak -3r, Pe -er son, Swanson, T1iompson
&al Mayor Selty.
Nose: Coimci man Pone.
Abef,rit o Councilmen None.
Councilman: Peterson: r ecommeadsd that postal card notices be
sent to all water consumers in 'the City of El Segundo, which notices
shall sat forth the date upon whioh the recently adopted .leash law will
teccme effectiv6. Said recommendation meeting with the approval of other
members of the City CoUncil, it wag so ordered-
yo further buniness aprea'ing to be transacted at this meeting,
it was moved by Councilman ThomPsolky miccrided by Councilman Baker, the -
meeting adjourn. Carried.
App- cv .3
tf'ully submitted,