1949 NOV 02 CC MIN966 November 2, 1947� A re E Ear meeting of f the City C:ouncil of the pity of _711 Seg'aa nc, _, was held in the Council Chamber of the , ':ity Hall of aid on the above date, having been called to order at 7:CC, of clack b-r R. Selby, L-yor, ROLL CALL. -1mr-n Present- Swanson, Thompson an:' M-Eiyor --unc- - Baker, Peterson, 3 ounci '1men Ab_5ent, None. - OF K.11,7JUES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. The miinute!-: ---'L' the reg 'a.­ meeting held on the 19th day of October, L Ltn,:d of tne. meeting he lid cn the 26th day of October, 1949, I-ay.-ing 'bee- r°sad, and no szrors or omission_q having been noted, it Was moved; b.,v -'--%,-Inc i3liTuan se_­�,naed by Counciiman Thompson, the minutes of 3-aid rneez.-Lngs C�I= approved a5 recorded. ' . ,:P dT- I Eli CC'�'IRMICATILONS. tten C,^MrW.AnI-_,at ion!:,. received from the persons, Or n -.,o-ancil and were di3posed of in thrt ;anger namie_-, were :�ead -�G the Tr.-2,--uner lnzli::-=fed, teference to each hereinafter R3.,­_ A - 7­ES, dated 31 October 1949, advising that a,, tn� mcet =ng the of Directors of said 11 eag ue, he'd October 23rd, sald -ioard had una,--)_--rcu.,_-.Iy e-ndorse Proposi-tion No. 3 on the November 8th ball end ung=ng amity councils to adopt- resolutions of endorsement pr1oz, election, that hat is possible. it appearing that it would I 1e to have s,,.n.-h a resolution printed in the local newspaper prim the d-_Ae cf election, Inasmuch as same goes to press on th.4s date, thn c:,.,=nieation was ordered filed. -7 Z. D_ _-.1JIUDOIL, -�'IKRICIT, by Roger B. Every;;, --aperinti-nde. IE S, falled Cc_.ober 24, 1949, advising that at a regular meeting of the GJ -rustees of said cc-hoci District, held on October 1-1, 1949, a authorizing a request be made of the City Council of the City LI 3sgundc to cause Center street, in front of school property, 41-.o be pave(! betWeen the eyisting paving and the curb, the School Distrist. -11-o r��,'.Tytbur�e the City for the cost of such paving not to exceed the sum -f City Coordinator McCarthy presented for the Councilss consideration, an estimat"e nrepared by 5,,,reet. Superintendent Gunn of the Cost of such improvement -, such estixiate being in the sum of 'W'717--00, Thereaft•ei -, it •a moved by Councilman Peterson, secnnded Iby B&kpr, the resolution be adopted, ;)e _;uper`n-endtent be anc, he -ic ,t�rebv to cause th- , POT ,-0" 7 c: u­ting pavement and th' 1 'i te U - I. 'long t h boundary of t . Center ��'tree-�- Schoo' .2 � - i prvinly ,i,,h 27 plant r �6 �y grat`rg and c =t mste '- -led -v.-i t h t 'P S 0 U II C 1 t h I e t da, % S 967 AND, BE IT FUIRTMR RESOLVED, that upon completion of said improvement, the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause the El Segundo Unified School District to be billed for the cost thereof. ,1r rol'_ call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vcte: Ayes Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson an iiayor Selo-!. Vices: Councilmen None. ,bsert: Councilmen None. ��ESL i' T� ANDERSON, dated November 2, 1949, requesting that the City quitclaim its easement for water lines and appurtenances over Lot 8, Block 1.0, Tract 1685, E1 Segundo, and tendering check in amount of '5.00 in paym:snt of said quitclaim deed. 1-loved by Ccuncilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following resolution be adopted: 'kHEn.ENS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, has received a communication in words and figures as fcllows: "Nov. 2, 1949. The Honorable City Council of the City of El Segundo, California. Z would appreciate it if the City Council would give me a. quitclaim deed covering Lot 8, Block 10, Tract 1685. An easement over said land for pipes and aonduits for the distribution of water as reserved to the Sausa.l Redondo ::'a.ter Company i. i cl.sed is a check in the amount of Five Dollars:.'"500 }. Deed to be made to Wesley T. Anderson and Helen F. Anderson, husband and wife, as Joint Tenants. Sincerely yours Wesley T. Anderson "; .ri'ND, ,vH^c;RL. S, this Council has investigated the subject referred to in the said communication and feels that with reference to the particular property des- cribed in said communication, the action hereinafter taken is indicated; 1110W, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGU`•10, CALIFORNIA, does- hereby resolve, declare, - detemine and order as follows: First,! That said Council hereby finds and deterr.L nes that the easement referred to in said communication and which is hereinafter described, is no longer needed the City of El Segundo and therefore that the City mr: properly quitclaim said particular easement over sai, particular property. -2- S 96-8 Second: That the :Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to execute a quit- claim deed from the City of E1 Segundo and in its name, quitclaiming to Wesley T. Anderson and Helen F. Anderson, husband and wife, as joint tenants, so gar as the same a =fec-- L.T. 8, Block 10, Tract 1685, El Segundo, as per map recorded in Book 21, Page 98 of Maps, Records of Lcs Angeles County, California, that certain easement over said above described property (only) for pipe lines and appurtenances, as granted to Sausal Redondo ',�`ater Company No. 1, by deed from Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank, a corporation, recorded in Book 891, page 395, of Official Records of Los Angeles County, California, (of which said easement said City of El Segundo, by mesne assignment of record, is now the owner). inird: That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to make delivery of said quitclaim deed to said grantees upon the payment to the City of El . Segundc of -the sum of ,5.00, which the Council hereby finds and determines to be the reasonable amount to be paid to said City as the consideration of said deed. r0 .1 rt-11 < 7ha.t, nothing herein contained shall be cons rued as con. - It•.,ting any precedent in the premises vdth reference to the release of the easement above referrer to at any other property or propertie_ %ith n said. City, as the City Council reserves the right to consider each application for a release of such general easement as it applies to any particular property at the time that such respective applications for such releases ..Lay be presented to said Council. roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: AA. yc— : Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor _'lby� Noes: Councilmen Prone. Absent. Councilmen None. EL SE UNIDO CITY tEI LOYEES? ASSOCIATION, by Orvin Lake, rreJident, d-jed October 25, 1949, expressing appreciation on behalf of said Association for the action of the City Council in authorizing attendance of certain members of the Association at the convention of the California Stag Employeest Association and the Los Angeles County Employees? Associatlons, recently held in Santa Monica, California. Ordered filed. BERT W. -OLD AND MARILYNN DODD, undated, requesting permit to maintain a dog kennel at 2092 Richmond Street, E1 Segundo. By general consent the application was taken under advisement and in the meantime referred to the Health Officer for investigation and report to this Council. SLATER, ' -=BERT ARNOLD, dated 10 Oct. 49; PEEAJT�: STEI.r EY E74ARD, dated Oct. 21, 1949; 7'O X, FAY, dated Oct. 19, 1949; FERRi',, JtKES LeRCY, dated Oct. 26, 1949; CIS �t �R, • TL' iGE RICHARD, dated Oct. 26, 1949; Hu *;1ARD '.;= =CK, dated Oct. 27, 49; - = 111ARD dated Oct 9 JR _, , R.ALPF SIP2,1SON, dated Oct. 30, 194; -3- S 969 PICKEL, GEORGE ODIS, dated Nov. 2, 1949; Di-HTOAT, HARRY DF;L, dated Nov. 1, 1949; vELTHERFORD, RICHArJ) METZ, dated Oct. 19, 1949; t,.ATTS, EDWARD LEE, dated Oct. 21, 1949; and LASTEY, CECIL THON;AS, dated 10- 31 -49, each being application for employment by the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed. DONALD A. PETERS, General Board Chairman, Los Angeles County -ELent Advisory Boards, undated, containing copy of resolution adopted by said Boards, at its meeting held October 110 1949, requesting various Federal, Stag ; County and City governmental departments to provide funds and personnel for a surrey and study of rental and vacancy conditions in Los Angeles County. Ordered filed for future consideration. H. H. TAQL7 -TH, CHIEF, LOCAL ALLOCATION DIVISION, DEFARTME271 OF FINA?:CL: OF THE STATE GF CALIFOIRNIA, dated October 19, 1949, with reference to repayment to the State by the City of E1 Segundo of the amount paid by the State to said City in connection with the to orary emergency veterans* housing project identified as Application No. 2931, the amount thereof being ,3197.25, and enclosing therewith five copies of Agreement to Terminate Agreement, which it requested be executed by proper officials of the City of E1 Segundo, together with copy of a resolution to be adopted by the City Council, should the City desire to make such repayment. City Attorney Woodworth reported he had made examination of both the form of resolution and agreement submitted, and that he is approving same as to form. Thereupon it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the following resolution be adopted: J%JTERti; '-, the State of California and the City of El Segundo entered into an Agreement for Allocation of State Aid dated November 28, 1947, as amended and supplemented, under the provisions of Chapter 29, Statutes of 1946 (First'E:tra Session;, as amended, whereby the State of California allocated to the City of El Segundo, the sum of FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SIX AND 351100 DOLLARS ($4,106.35) for expenditure for establishing temporary and emergency veterans' housing project known as Project No. CAL -V -4498; and IA AS, said Agreement, as amended and supplemented, is now in full force and effect; and WHLREAS, the City of El Segundo now desires to repay the State of California the sum of THREE THOUSAND ONE HM,Ru"D NINETY S=-,J AND 25/100 DOLLARS (33,197.25) received by the City of El Segundo from the State of California in connection with said Agreement, as amended and supplemented, and terminate said Agreement and all amendments and supplements thereto; a-id an Agreement to Terminate Agreement for Allocation has been submitted to the City of El Segundo for consideration; N&Wj TF-ERE.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Oo--- ci1 of the City of El Segundo that the City of E1 Segundo repay to the State of California the sum of THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDP�-':r) NIr' 77 TY 2IND 25/100 DOLLARS Gi" ^3197.25), and that said" -4- 970 Agreement dated November 28, 1947, and all amendments and supplements thereto, shall be terminated, and IfJm. R. Selby, I,'Iayor of the City of El Segundo be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sign on behalf of the City of El Segundo said Agreement to Terminate Agreement for Allocation and submit the same to the State of Cali- fornia, Department of Finance, Local Allocation Division, for execution. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the folloe,*ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. GOiDON P. LAFSON, Director, Air Pollution Control District, County of Los Angeles, dated October 28, 1949, enclosing therewith copy of the monthly report prepared by said District, with respect to elimination of smog. Ordered filed. Lo r.CL�Tl - SONS,, dated October 24, 1949, advising that in order for said firm to secure reimbursement to it for costs of repairing damages to the Maxim pumper delivered to the City of El Segundo, which damages were sustained by said pumper enroute and were repaired at the expense of said L. N. Curtis & Sons, it will be necessary to have an assignment from said City releasing its rights in said claim to said firm., being Claim Pdo� L« 3362. City Coordinator McCarthy having reported that the damages sustained by the Maxim pumper had in fact been repaired by L. N. Curtis & Sons, without cost to the City of El Segundo, and the City Attorney having approved the form of assignment with the exception of a minor correction, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the following resolution be adopted: RE'SOLTEED, that 14Tilliam R. Selby, Mayor of the City of El Segundo, be and he is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of said City, the form of Assignment to L. N. Curtis & Sons of said City's rights, title and interest in Claim No. LA 3362, as requested by said L. Y. Curtis & Sons, above referred to. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote, Ayes: Councilmen. Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby, Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. JOM,' C z CLhL.V'D, CHAIRMAN, Steering Committee, Boy Scout Activities, El Segundo, dated 24 October 1949, advising that the Boy Scout organizations of El Segundo are in position to acquire a suitable building from Douglas= Aircraft Corporation for use of said Boy Scouts and inquiring whether or not the City of a Segundo has land which it would be in position to make available for placement thereon of said building. The City Attorney having rendered his opinion that the City, might 'eea.11y lease or otherwise make available for use of the Boy Scout organizations real property owned by the City of E1 Segundo which might be suitable for such use, by genera' consent the matter was referred to the :ity Coordinator tc work out details with the Committee above referred to, ..aid "oc:dina.tor to P--resent his f_n ingl tc this Council at a future meeting, for its further ieration.. -5- T- I J. R. LEST"E.F. BYLE, dated October 26, 1949, submitting proposal for furnishing engineering services in connection with a special assessment district proposed to be formed for the construction of sewers, curbs and sidewalks and paving of certain streets in the northerly portion cf -1 Segundo easterly of Lain Street. Special Assessment Engineer Monroe, who.was present in the Count =l (chamber, suggested the matter be taken under advisement at this meeting +_,D enable Mr. Boyle to file further data in connection with said proposal, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman 5wanson, that the proposal received this date from J. R. Lester Boyle in his letter dated October 26, 1949, hereinabove referred to, be received and filed, and the subject matter thereof be taken under advisement pending receipt cf further information from the writer on said subject. Carried by the following vote: Ayes:. Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor delby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. =;11,L SECTRITY AGENCY, PUBLIC iTALTH SERVICE, undated, being report. cf Prater supply examined for use in interstate traffic. Ordered filed. �U3TIN, FI��� D & FRY, �RCFTTECTS, dated October 25, 194°, enclosing original and two copies of agreement for architectural services on Fire and Police Station Building. By general consent said letter and accompanying documents were ordered received and taken under consideration until t:.e next regular meeting of the City Council. J� L. STI"�" ETT and others, a petition in five sections, signed by property owners and residents of the City of E1 Segundo, requesting that some action be taken to curb low - flying of airplanes over the City of El Segundo. The City Clerk reported that only recently his office had contacted :r. James E. Read, ,assistant Regional Administrator of the Department of .ommerce, Civil aeronautics Administration, on the subject, and that :1r. Head had stated he would take immediate steps to have the practice stopped; that on numerous occasions said City Clerk had previously made complaints on the subject, and he suggested that in the present instance copies of the petition be made and filed with said Civil Aeronautics Administration, The Council being in accord with said suggestion, it was moved by Council- man Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to cause photostatic copies to be made of the above mentioned petition (in five sections) and thereafter to forward one such copy to said Civil Aeronautics Administration. Carried by the following vote: .r.yes Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and i':aycr 3c-lby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. At this time the hour being 8:02 ofclock P. M., the Mayor declared a recess. At the hour of 8:05 otclock P. M., the Council reconvened, all members being present and answering roll call. -6- T =2 Go At this time the City Clerk announced he had in his possession, in th-e same condition as when received, one bid on City owned tax deeded property. Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman fakers the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare said bid. Carried. The Council thereupon proceeded to open, examine and Fublioly declare said bid, which said bid was found by said Council to be as follows, uo wit: Bid of I, F LkC11MJ, on regular form provided therefor, bidding the sum of �K850.00 cash for Lot 9, Block 6, El Segundo. Said bid was accompanied by Certified Check No. 313, drawn on Westchester Branch, Security -First National Bank of Los Angeles, payable to City of El -'eeundo in the sum of %:8- "OI.00. Said bid being the appraised value heretofore placed upon said lot by the City Council, it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that Resolution No. 1039, entitled: A RESOLU'T'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUIZO, CALIFORJJIA, ACCEPTING THE CASH BID OF IL. F, LAMvf -kN FOR CERTAIN CITY Oti,'NED TAX DEEDED PROPERTY, which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said Resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes-. Councilmen 3aker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and ".ayor Selby. Noes, Councilmen None. Absent° Councilmen None. City Clerk MlcCarthy stated that on November 4, 1949, the City's ^orrprehensive liability insurance policy would expire; that he had in his possession one sealed bid on such insurance; that he believed other bids would be filed and he recommended said bid be not opened, pending receipt of additional bids and that in the meantime a binder be secured to protect the City during the period between the expiration date of such insurance and the procuring of a new policy. Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to secure from a reputable insurance carrier, a binder, covering comprehensive liability insurance, for the period intervening between the date of the expiration of the City's present insurance policy and the procuring of a new policy for such coverage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Sel -y. Noes: Councilmen None. Absents Councilmen None. ORAL C012,I2TICATIONS. :r. Robert J. ''cCarthy and Mr. Louis Heath each addressed the Council, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of E1 Segund. ^s inquiring whether or ncrt the City has in effect any ordinance which would limit the period of time in which a merchant might conduct a closing -ou-_ sale, and If , riot, if the City would consider the adoption of such an ord= "nance,. —7— T- 3 Discussion ensued, following which, by general consent the City Attorney was instructed to prepare and present to this Council at its next meeting, an amendment to the present business license ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo, with respect to auction houses, closing -out sales and second hand dealers. Mr. 14illiam walker addressed the Council, inquiring what price the Council had placed upon the Southerly 5 feet of the Northerly 45 feet of Lot 12, Block 106, E1 Segundo, which property the City had acquired by tax deed. He was requested to call at the office of the City Clerk, who would be able to give him all information respecting his inquiry and provide him with the necessary bid form blanks, should he desire to place a bid upon said parcel. Mr. John C. Cleveland addressed the Council respecting the subject matter of a letter written by him on behalf of the Boy Scouts of El Segundo, _ addressed to said Council and heretofore at this meeting presented to it9 and he inquired if the Council had taken any action as to the request made therein that it provide a location upon which the building to be donated by Douglas Aircraft Corporation for use of the Boy Scouts might be placed. Ins. Benfield of said Douglas Aircraft Corporation then presented for the Councilts consideration a blueprint and pictures of said building. Following discussion of the matter by members of the City Council, the City Attorney and Mr. Cleveland, the latter was advised to contact the City Coordinator so that details respecting the request made by the Boy Scout Committee might be worked out and the result thereof presented to the said Council for its further consideration. P� PGRTS OF STANDING CO101ITTEE5. Public Safety Commissioner Baker reported that the Fire Department has (completed the renovation of the storage shed into a building to house one of the fire engines of the City; that the work had been done by Lire Department personnel in a very satisfactory manner, and he felt the Department should be commended therefor. lioved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following resolution be adopted: 1 l4S, the City Council of the City of El Segundo did heretofore authorize the renovation of the storage budding northerly of the City Hall premises for use in connection with the housing of Fire Department equipment; ANTS, '*=,_S, the work of such renovation has nov! been performed by the personnel of said Department, making use of materials purchased by the City; AID, i=REAS, the City Council feels that the building, as presently adapted to the needs of said Department, represents a fine investment of time and skill of the personnel involved in the work; 1W . , EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City ��� does hereby express to the Chief and members of the Department, its appreciation of the prompt and excellent manner ir which the improvement of the old building was made and the beneficial use ighich the City will obtain therefrom at a nominal expendi- ture of public funds, due to the enthusiasm, cooperation and shill of the rrersbers of the Department; r4 � 00 C�7 x v B I T FUrTri�?� PESGL i�L', that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Chief of said Department for the informa- tion of its personnel. On roll calls the foregoing resolution was adopted by the fcllov,•ing vGve' byes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selo'-, Noes: Councilmen None; absent° Councilmen None. Fublic Safety Commissioner Baker advised the Council that the City -.s the owner of two pool tables, which have heretofore been loaned to the Ac:reation Department; that they are not being used by said Department, and that one of said tables is.in fair condition and could be renovated so that same would be usable. He suggested this be done and the table placed it the ante room to the City Hall Auditorium where it might be use•ry by the Old Timers'r and members of the Fire Department•. It appearing that the Auditorium may be utilized in the near future as a Council Chamber, the natter of the placement of the pool table was taken under adv=.-sement. �EFOPTS OF OFFICERS AT\TD SPECIAL C01MITTEES. S. ?Monroe; Special Assessment Engineer, reported that C:cmpiQint and Siu,,_.nons in the matter of the case of City of El Segundo vs. Oliver ,.rno�d, et al, Jr. the Superior Court of the State of Caiiforni=., in an" for the County of Los i- ngeleG, have been prepared by him and he requested authorizat -on to have the necessary copies thereof printed. 'Y =cved by Coup ilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Bakery the fol.l r;,Jing resolution be adopted- ?L u1, that :Jpecia± Assessment Engineer A' S Hionroe, be and he is hereby authorized to obtain the necessary printed copies of documents in connection with the opening of new public streets through Blocks 1011, lu ^, 110, 111 and 1 4, as in his judgment or in the jud;nent of counsel, may be necessary in the premises, the costs and charges of such printing to be advanced by the City of 71 Segundo. Cn .oll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the fol "lowing -,rot.e Ayes_ Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and P,:.•yor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. Moved by Courcilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that ife City Council of the City of El Segundo does hereby authorize the a:; =ociatlon of Wm,, Mackenzie Brown., attorney at law, as Special Counsel in that ce=-t& --n action., now pending before the Superior Court of the State of Californib., in and for the County of Los Angeles, entitled. "City of El Segundo vs. Oliver P. Arnold, et al". Carried by the following vote° ayes: Councilmen Baker, Feterson, Swanson, Tho=sc•r, r.a i:your LF.lby� Noes° Councilmen none. rbsente Councilmen None. -ity Coordinator sCarthy reported that Mr. Frank -19,etory, -Eui.idirt-, nspectcr, had requested that the City Council give ear"y considera.t•ior. M T- 5 the adoption of the 1949 Uniform Building Code, together with Specification Documents; that said Building Inspector had procured the necessary number of copies thereof and had caused amendments and modifications to be typewritten and inserted in each of said copies. By general consent the City Attorney was authorized to prepare and present to this Council at its next meeting-the necessary form of ordinance adopting said 1949 Uniform Building Code and Specification Documents, and in the meantime a copy thereof be referred to Public Service Commissioner Thompson for study. of The City Coordinator advise receipt from the Building Inspector of written report, dated October 25, 1949, to the effect that as of said date he had made final inspection of the dwelling located on Lot 2, Tract 8159 {the Luster house), and had given his approval of the construction thereof. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the following employees of the City of E1 Segundo, be and they are hereby granted their 1948 earned vacations during the dates set opposite their respective names, to wit: John Odom Nov. 14th to Nov. 25th, both dates incl, Ray Mayo Nov. lst to Nov. 14th, tt ►t It Gerald Gillig Nov. 1st to Nov. 14th, it 11 it Carried by the following vote, Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes- Councilmen None. Absent, Councilmen None. Chief of Police reBerry announced the appointment of Mitchel Frank Geisler as a. Special Police Officer of the City of E1 Segundo and requested approval of such appointment. Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the appointment, by the Chief of Police of the City of El Segundo, of Mitchel frank Geisler as a Special Police Officer of said City, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. The City Clerk reported receipt from the City of Los Angeles of Project Statement No. 4043, together with Financial Progress Report No. 38, respecting the Hyperion Activated Sludge Plant, which Project Statement showed the City of E1 Segundo's share of the cost thereof for the month of September as being $7767.80. He further reported one copy of said Statement and Report had been given to each the City Attorney and the City Engineer. City Coordinator McCarthy reported he had requested Street, Superintendent Gunn to prepare an estimate of the cost of labor, material and equipment necessary to grade and pave with 1tt plant mix all the walks and around the wading pool in Grand Avenue; also the cost of purchasing and erecting a link fence 70 ft. long and 4 ft. high and a concrete wall on the East side of said pool'at said Park He stated the estimate as prepared by said Street Superintendent is "711.00, and he recommended that in the interest of safety for children using the Grand Avenue Park, the fence and wall be constructed, -10- T-6 C7C CsJ >C and that in order to assist in keeping said pool clean, the walks be paved in accordance with the estimate presented. Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman. Swanson, that the City Coordinator be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the walks in Grand Avenue Park to be gradea and paved with a 111 plant mix; that a link fence 70 ft. long and 4 ft, high be purchased and installed on the easterly side .of the wading pool at Gran'. Avenue Park and a concrete wail be constructed on said easterly side of said wading pool, all in accordance with the Street Superintendent's estimate presented this Council this date, the total cost thereof not to exceed the sum of "711.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby,. IT Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. The City Coordinator presented and read to the Council a letter- from City Engineer Lortz, under date of October 25th, 1949, respecting the request of G. Iannini company heretofore presented this Council for permission to install a sewer line to serve said Company's factory building being ere-ted at 1521. East Grand Avenue, E1 Segundo. Accompanying said letter was a document entitled; "SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A VITRI _ --EE CLAl SL „ER L=id ON THE Uf".=GAT= F ORTION OF KANSAS STREET BET':: !IN THE _'MA I: IC ELECTRIC RIGi1T Or WAY r`ii�m S L SLR PUKING STATION N0. 4 ON HOLLY AiR'tTE ". It appearing that a map showing the location of said proposed sewer 1irs is in prccess of preparation by the Engineering Department, the Counc- l took the mater under consideration until its next meeting in order that t,n=: file in said matter might be complete. T�,_ C-Ity Cccrdir_at.cr rercrted receipt of a letter from the Regional Plann.Lr cr;rL:ss'on of the County of los Angeles, dated October 26, l9µ9, which state: ,ha.t the let.taY addressed to the -Planning Congress of Los Angeles County by Coordinator under date of October 17th, 1949, respecting the matter of renaming Inglewood - Redondo Boulevard had been referred to the Street Naming -ommittee of said Regional Planning Commission, and that the matter will be discussed at the next meeting of said Committee. The City Coordinator reported that in June of 1947, the City of El Segundo had entered into an agreement with the Veteranst Committee for Housing, Inc.., under which agreement the City had agreed to sponsor the veteran:' housing project located at the Southwest corner of Mariposa Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard; that wince the agreement was entered into, the said conanittee has changed personnel many times, and it now appears that various reports requi -red by the Federal Government are not being filed properly by the persons who may be in charge of said project and the City has been so adv1sed on several occasions by the Federal Housing Authority. Following discussion, the matter was referred to the City Coordinator and the City A.torney for investigation and report to this Council. The City Coordinator inquired as to the desires of the City Council With respect to Christmas decorations for the coming holiday season, inasmuch a.-z the decorations the City now has on hand will need some renava.tlor before again being used. By general consent the matter was referred to '. ouncilman Swanson and Street Superintendent Gunn for investigation, -11 T- City Attorney Woodworth reported having received title report re Lot 10, Block 67, El Segundo, which report he had transmitted to Special City Attorney Bender for use in connection with the City "s condemnation suit respecting said lot. UNFINISN.ED BUSINESS. The City Clerk at this time presented and read the title of Ordina-nce No. 361, entitled° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AY�ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 242 (THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY, BY !,MENDING SUBDIVISION "(1) NL79 IMPROVEMENTS"OF DIVISION If(E) IMPROVEMENTS AND DRAINAGE" OP SECTION 114. SUBDIVISION STANDARDS" OF SAID ORDINANCE, which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of October,1949. i,`oved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the further reading of Ordinance No. 361, be waived. Said motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Does; Councilmen None. Absent Councilmen None. moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that Ordinance No. 361, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF TIE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ANa,:NDING ORDINANCE NC, 242 (THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE) OF SAID CITY, BY AMENDING SUBDIVISION It (l) NEW 1EPROV XE TTS1t OF DIVISION II (E) IMPROVI2., 'i'S AND DRAINAGE OF SECTION 114. SUBDIVISION STANDARDS" OF SAID ORDINANCE, which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the i9th day of October, 1949, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said Ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. PAYING BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: General Fund Donald J. Farrar 2.20 City Wire and Iron Works 22.62 Booth's Garage 41.25 Carburetor & Elect. Supply Coo 10.05 Gardena Valley Milling Co. 10.35 Griffith Pipe & Supply Co. 527.46 Inglewood Camera Shop 1.20 General 'Fund City of E1 Segundo Water Department $11-6.76 Ducommun Metals & Supply 1.46 Essick Manufacturing Co. 14001 Giant Products Company 1L57 C. E. Kenney, Agent 229045 Leiland A. Irish, Inc. 6.02 -12- z -8 x General Fund General. Fund Earl Morgan $7.85 Mutual Electric Co. a,,h23 22 Los Angeles Co. Health Dept. 23.14 Edward D. Maltby Co. 13.85 W. F. Miller Glass Co. 30.97 F. Morton Pitt 93-03 Thompson Auto Service 9.00 California Door Check Service 4566 J. G. Tucker & Son 34.54 Gordon Whitnall 100.0 Lichtenberger- Ferguson Co. 3.16 TOTAL •k6214o271 Ansul Chemical Co. 14.21 C. V. Baird Auto Supply 29.37 Barclay Surveying Co. 24.00 Recreation Funs: Rich Budelier 20.39 American Handicrafts Co. A` 4�13 E1 Segundo Bldg. Materials 26.38 Associated Crafts 8-4� H & H Fountain & Grill 1.34 Burtons Ltd. 114,,46 Inglewood Blueprint & Supply 1.49 Wyckoff Leather Co. 7.85 C. 0. Sparks & Niundo Pacific Crafters 2.71 Engineering Co. 46.62 Hollywood Trophy Co. 59.06 George M. Sutton 17035 Cline - Stewart Co. 28 00 B. K. Stoneman Sons 359.48 TOTAL X754.65 Victor D. McCarthy, City Cl. 47.80 Western Union Tel. Co. .90 Clyde L. Robinson 10.30 Oswald Brothers 74.08 Pension un Ydnta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 62.70 State Employees4 Ret. System r:46.81� State Empl. Ret. System 135.87 TOTAL `4 .84 Victor D. McCarthy, City Clk. 10.87 Richardson's Printing 19.06 State of Calif. Dept. of Finance 3197.25 Sewer Bond Donald J. Farrar 3.75 Elect. 1925 Bancroft- INThitney Co. 19.06 Fund Division of Highways 21.49 Department of Public Works X77 7.80 Du -Rite Cleaners 18.36 TOTAL $770 Industrial Stat. & Prtg. Co. 3.71 John F. Bender 186.00 Coding Publishing Co. 39.91 Multigraph Sales Agency 3.57 Water Works Fund El Segundo Paint Center 63.27 Charles E. Lortz µ8y10 amen Southwest Inc. 31.86 TOTAL k,8T5 .1;J Los Angeles Ladder Co. 10.26 Master Pest Control 9.50 L. A. Allen 82.00 Title Ins. and Trust Co. 8.25 Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby; Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen None. NEW BUSINESS. ?None . No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the meeting adjourn Carried. Respectfully sub °tted, Apl roved City 1e ;Mayor, Pro tem -13-