1949 JUN 15 CC MINEl ;;egundo, California.
June 15, 1949.
regular meeting of the _ 1ty rn ,nt;, of the :.,ity of ?1 Segundo,
Californi , 7,,a
h_-,d in the Council Ct?at;ber- in the City rill of said City on
the above date, having been tailed to order at 7:00 o1 clock P, Ai. by - .,'illiam
R. Selby, ':'isyor.
'OLL: C:iLl.:o
"'cu -:ci mer. Fresert: Teter on, Thomp_or, and ?�ayor Selby.
e�nc�" , ;en tbse� � : Ba' er and 3i, anson.
Ine minutas of the rEF�yar reefing held on the 8th day of June, 1949,
having been read, and nc errors cr omi-- lions having been noted, it *.•gas moved by
u Ci 11�,.i .'et.er on, =(. ccnded b`vr rG". n.`i-!mian hlomp: =on, the minutes of -said
:Tee +ing CC--- aprre -ved recorded. Carried
iht; li�c ur of n, 00 o! ci: cC , I' .. ;., at- this meeting having heretofore been
'iXed a 'he ti ... and .:zl_ -,? ,.e for rec-ep ,io.l of b��.d'= i t r delivering
°, iurnishi..g and d,.�_vering
to the City- cr i Segundo five Centu- ra- fugal lumps, and one 14 inch motor- operated,
Plu- type valve and one 21. Inch qui,= t- _10 -7 ing check valve, as advertised for,
thzv :V_,_ anriOunced s_.id. fact and stated that if anyone present in the Council
Chamber de:7�fre: to fi'e bids for furri ping said equipment, they had one minute
in vrhich sc to do.
`7-id time having arrived, the I,�'ayor declared the time for receiving
bido an certain :ent:ifugal pumps and -calves, as advertised for, closed.
The City Clerk announced he had in his possession, in the same condition
......, received, five bids for the furnishing and delivering cf five centrifugal
pumps, a.nd t%o bids for furnishing and delivering one 14 inch valve and one 24
inch val.vc .
; -ed by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the
,council proceej to open, examine and publicly declare trP bids received this
date for fuzrnishirig Ind delivering give centrifugal pumps, and that thereafter
the 71ouncil proceed tt open, examine and publicly declare the bids received
this date for fur•ris. irg ti.,-o certain valves, all as advertised for. Carried.
The :'-cunvi' thereupo.: prc:,e-eded to open, examine and publicly declare
t;c bids received this date for furnishing the City of El Segundo five
h::.iTontal centrifugal pump_, frhich said bids -rrere found by said Council to be
ae fcllo:rs, to writ:
Bid of Byron Jackson Co. cn regular form provided therefor, as follovr: :
1 ^E .: U - --------------
w3443 CU
- - - - - - -
-------- 4?52.CC
- - - - - -
- - - - - -- - 9304 . 00
� C'e_ ^Ct In, -'d2 -a!-' _`c- E. ate ._.��e= Tax. De_ 'very Athln lC~_`
ca.lE'ndar dsy,� c
S '782
Szid lbid w—n a-coTrpanied bar Cas'_ie:15 Cheat I�o, 37C6721, drawn on Clarendon -
Facific Branch, Bank of America, in amcurt of p2150000, together with graphs
and descriptive data respecting the type of pumps bid upon.
Big' of I 'eerle_ . Fump iivi_ion, 'r ;od .Machinery - Scrperatlon, on regular
form provided therefor, as follows=
I+em.do, 1 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - x<455�00
Item,Nc. 2-------- - - - - -- 2780.82
Item c. J - - - - - - - - — — — — — — 8595oi6
E�1 .d I," d ino" ude:- Ca? iforn a State Sale = Tax, and delivery may be completed
r:it .in forty -five d._y_.,, The bid ;Ja,= accompanied by Cashier's Check Nc.
<" 785458,, draµrn on Lincoln Heights Branch, Bank of America, payable to City
of El Segundo in the sum of *1400.00- Said bid was also accompanied by letter,
performance curves and bulletin illustrating and describing the pumps offered.
Bid of Worthington Pump. and Ilachinery Company, on regular form provided
t herefo_-, as follows'-
itew. o. 1-------- - - - - -- $3743.00
item No � 2 — — - — — — — — — — — — - — 4366.0
Iterl No. 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8222,00
:;aid prices do not include Federal, State or City Taxes.. Delivery to Le made
-v:ithin 266 days, Said bid was a- .company ed by .Money Order Flo. 3224209
xrai,T, (-,n Santa Fe .& 49th Bunch, Blank cf America, payable to City of El Segundo
in amount X510} -X and C'ei tified Check No, 1258-10, dra`4%m on fidelity Union
Trust Company, payable to City of 7_1 ;egundo, Calif. in amount ".1600.00.
I" d bid was also accompanied. by explanatory letter, performance curves and
descriptive literature
Bid of De naval Steam Turbine Co, on regular form provided therefor,
as fcllovls
11 ell. Nc, . l — — ,— — — .— .-. _ — — — — — — v'4647 s C0
itemNo., 2--------- - - - - -- 4684.0
Item Nos 3 -------- - - - - -- 11,126000
Said prices do not include California State Sales Tax. Delivery to be made
within: 130 days. Said bid was accompanied by Bid Bond, -vith Fidelity and
Deposit Company of Maryland as Surety, with De Laval Steam Turbine Company, a
Corporation, as Principal, in the stm of „210000. Said bid was also
accompanied by performance curves and descriptive literature.
The City Ntterrey called to the Council's attention the fact that in its
.1dice to Bidders, calling for bids on pumps, which the bid of De Laval Steam
Turbine Co. covers, it .Alec, fora certified or cashier's check only, whereas
said bidder had furni_ ;hed a bidder"-- bond. The Attorney further stated he
fe t that if the Ceunc_1 had no cbJec. ion thereto, it nigh,. waive the
prc-v:ision that a certified check or cashier's check be filed, in view of the
fact `.•hat - B- .dder�' . Bone wa- furn4shed, and the Council indicated it had no
c b i e c o n thereto.
ii d cf '_^:L'_ ba:? 's, Morse J- Gi' regd! r fog n provided therefor; as
fc_1ows I
S 773
Item No, 1 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - x4853J8
Item No- 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4412.42
Item No, 3 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9089.50
Said prices including State Sales Tax; delivery to be made within 140 days.
Said bid was accompanied by Certified Check No. 64699, drawn. on Citizens
National Trust & Savings Bank of Lo- Angeles, payable to City of El Segundo
in amount ;?1900.00. I Said bid was also accompanied by letter, performance
curves and bulletins covering the pumps proposed to be furnished.
she City Clerk announced the above were all the bids received for
furnishing certain centrifugal pumps, and the Council thereupon proceeded
to open, examine and publicly declare the bids received this date for the
furnishing of two certain valves, as advertised for.
Said bids were found by said Council to be as follows, to wit!
Bid of Rensselaer Valve Company, on regular form provided therefor, as
Item No. 1 - 141, plug type valve No bid
item Noy 2 - 24" quiet closing check valve 01464.10.
Said bid does not include California State Sales Tax, is subject to 1/2% discount
within 10 days, net 30 days from date of shipment, and delivery thereof will
be completed with 280 days,
Said bid was also accompanied by Certified Check No. 7333 A, drawn on
The Manufacturer's National Bank, Troy, Tea v., payable to City of E1 Segundo
in the sum of ?150.00, together with descriptive data and catalogue.
Bid of S. Morgan Smith Co. on regular form provided therefor, as follows.
Item No. 1 - 14" plug type valve 1347200
Item No. 2 - 24" quiet- closing check valve No bid
Said bid does not include California State Sales Tax or use taxes; delivery
to be made within 75 calendar days. Said bid was accompanied by Certified
Check No. 83081, drawn on First National Bank, York, Pa. payable to City
of E1 Segundo in the sum of $350.00. Said bid was also accompanied by
descriptive letter, and catalogues.
Following the opening, examining and public declaration of the above
bids, it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson,
that the bids received this date for furnishing the City of El Segundo with
five centrifugal pumps, as advertised for, be taken under advisement until
the hour of 7;00 o'clock F. M.:, June 29th, 1949, and in the meantime said
bids be referred to Consulting Engineer :owe and the City Engineer for
checking and report. Carried by the following vote;
Ayes. Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes; Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker- and Swanson.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that the bids
received this date for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo two certain valves,
S 7°8 4
as advertised for, be taken u. -der con -iderat on until the hour of 7:00 P. P�
at the r egalar meeting of this �cur_il to be held June 29th, 1949, and in
the meantime said bids be reic_'red to ConSs I .ting engineer Rowe and the
City Engineer for c? ecking ar.d repo: t :tarried by the fclloi,;�ng vote:
Ayes, _ Fete- nsor., Thompson and Mayor Selby.
rbsenta Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
Written co.-nmuni;ations, received from the persons, firms or corporations
hereinafter named, were read to the I;Iouncil and were disposed of in the
manner indicated, fc.11oving reference to each hereinafter.
REDO INjQ BEACH ',, tIU,,L6'1:R OF C312- �R.CE, dated June 13, 1949, addressed to
the Maycr, advising thst MIr, iienret•h P. Feel, Chief, River and Harbor Sections,
T,ni t z d Dta.tes Engineer Of__°i ;e, Lo= An g-e ± es, will present. the Goverment! s
final play_.= fcr the Clnel, Harb ,- at Redondo Beach at a noon meeting of said
Chamber, of C-,=er�Fe Tw :a s, c " �yw'�, ar:c invltir<g attendance of the I ayor
and many mlemt cr of the o fi lal family of the City of Ll Segundo as may
find it ccn.Ter.Lent to attend.
3p nr1T1 � tIh t its membe?° G_' t!lc l iLjr Council present is in position
tc- atten'd said rneetir_;;, the on Yeas ordered filed and the City
Ciern t,c sc advise sa.ld 2,hamber of C`omm. Comm.erce.
i:�:r:i•�.':....+" ICJ' i °:r.�... .. , , dc.t- eC June ,' �.. 49
_ ., ._--°d June '19 11949;
R.CS.3, T_ R,, r I- D,, dai.t ea
:{H!✓ALL, ::Ait`a -f, aced '.7 1i 'i4�y
L'-dated June) S, 19495
iOOIREE 1'J:, ROBERT Hl , dated ..rune 13, 19495
ALEXAIIDER, RO'l, dated June 13, 1949;
,n1,77H, E., d r 1 ", 1949;
B YU.^e i f f l`, - - 4
RZLL, RI -INti .:D, dated June 1'', 19495
T!ICi'_I ✓IA?�', l^r .. �! \, d$te" J i1riF.,` 9, 1949;
S01,5=tdI=, AL"AI1, dated June 9, 19495 and
`II? R rdated, each being application for employment
by the City of El Se&-zndc.d Gr-dered filed,
CITY PLAIMING "0I•211SSION, dated Jure 15, 1949, to which was attached
copy of said CoTmniss icnl Resolution NTo. 62, making recommendation with
reference to repo -eH site for erection of a new fire station for the City
of El Segundo- Ordered filed,:
R, Hz DIETRICH, dated June 14, 1949, being application for permission:
to moire c Lin= St_- y frame dwell. ng from it. l present lonaticr_ at 954 Loma
Vista °r r -e t, -I Sege =~ ds, to I,c J S, Tract NOW 2111, LI Segundo..
The Building .Inspect.o7 ha%ring noted on said application., that the building
in its present ccnd'tion doe: no-' meet the requirements of the Building Code
of the City of El Segandc, bu-. that applicant has agreed ± bring said
building to code reaulrementE, end having recommended the r--e-mit be granted,
it was moved by .o- =.cilman The msan, seconded by Ccunci'_ran Peterson, the
follo-v,-ing resolution be adopted
granted a p'eM!Lt to move.
its .resent lccaticn in
location. on 1ct 8, Tract
being g_& teu subject to
Ii r.trich be and he is hereby
a one story frame dwelling from
the ("ity of El Segundo to a new
e1'l) El Segundo, said permit
the fol "lo�:--ing conditions, to wit:
That before such removal shall take place,
perm:.ttee shall pay to the City of El Segundo
the re uisi -te fees and shall make -all-,
na_e,=iar;r deposit c- in connection there;,!ith.
2. That said building shall be moved on rollers
^- other equipment satisfactory to the
Street Superintendent of the City of El Segundo.
:hi t, .,a_'! d `wilding shall be moved on a date
and along a :cute agreed upon between the
Chief of cl.ce§ the Street. Superintendent
and the permittee,.
4. That the Police 71epartment of the City of El
Segundo shall lie notified at least thirty
«i utes in adzrar_.e of the start of such
remo-,ral cperaticns, so that police escort
mt y be pro? °ided therefo., if necessary,
not sush Y-e,Sr r sl and all operations related
thereto shat -i be prosecuted and completed to
the satisfac tion of the Street Superintendent,
The Ci:1ef of Police and the Building Inspector
cf the City of El Segundo.
On roll call, the fc-rego.ng resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Peterson,
Noe s , Co-1;ncilmen 117cne
Absent., Councilmen Faker and
Thompson and Mayor Selby.
BUCKBEE. TEHO� A, dated 6- 13 --49;
BRO[T,d, JESSIE,dated June 10, 1949;
SC. rIF, MRS. M. RION A., dated June 14, 1949; and
STAMAN, C11-FTC17 Fog dated 5--14- 1949: each being application for renewal
of perridt to occupy, izse :n!' maintain a. house trailer at the respective
locations set forth it the respective applications.
=t appearing that. two of said applicants are constructing dwelling
houses at the addresses for which permits are requested, and that extenuating
circumstances exist in the case cf two of said applicants, which make the
granting of the perm=.t _requested desirable, and the Building Inspector
having recommended that the permits hereinbefore requested, be granted,
it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman. Thompson, the
following resalutior. be adort.ed
R r,S l�iTi.TJP y that L! iq_C�?"c"l.°y, revocable pP.rR1 =t5, a.n
regular form, be am, t r,e same are hereby granted
the ficl ^ ii ty T1 STiEC ceronsY to occupy, use and - maintain
a house trainer aT the add ^ess set opposite t'�,eir
i'C^ ✓F'i,L�.PO "_3:i1e5, tr 1V-
• 1
Theo, A� Bu :kbee - - - - 120 She -.don Street
Jessie Brown - - - - - - 529 I_-diem Street
Krs. Marion A, S hlief 1022 E� Mariposa Aver
Clifton F. Seaman - - - 1445 E� Pala Avenue,
all in the City of El Segundo, California, said permits
to expire by limitaticr on the jC'th dad- of September, 1949
On roll call, the foreze'ng zt .sclut:__cn was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes, icun:ilmen Peterson,
Noes: Councilmen ,'Ycne.
Absent', Ccuyn_Timer. Raker and
Thompson and Mayor Selby.
S ,,, a i i san
HE17tY H� BRC R, dated 6 -8 -1949, being application for permit to
occupy, use and maintain a.hcuse trailer at 1605 East Grand Avenue, El
The Building inspectcr ha °ping noted on said application that the
applicant is completing a r esiden e at =aid address, which is approximately
800 complete, and having reccTnirended the permit applied for be granted,
it was moved by Ccun il-nan Thompson., seconded by Councilman Peterson, the
following resolution be adcp*_ed:
R 3OLVEi t t a hemwar�.,r, ~evocable permit, in
regular form, be and the see is hereby granted to Henry
H. Brower to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer
at 1605 East. Grand Ave., i:1 Segundo, said permit to
expire by limitation or. September 30th, 1949•
On roll call, the forego_ng resolution yeas adopted by the following vote:
Ayes; Councilmen Peterson,. Thompson. end Mayor Selby,.
Noes ° Councilmen None.
Absent: Coun:11men Baker and Swanson..
IIMS. IENITLTH BRASS, dated June 13, 1949, requesting permit to occupy,
use and maintain a house trailer at 524 East Palm Avenue, E1 Segundo. The
Building Inspector having noted on said application, that the trailer is
not to be used in connection w��th the const—�action of a dwelling on said
premises and having recommended the permit be not granted, it was moved
by Councilman. Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson_, the following
resolution be adopted:
R7SOLOEL, that the application of Mrs. Kenneth Brass,
for a permit to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer at
524 East Palm Avenues El Segundo, be and the same is hereby
denied, without prejudice, noivever, to the filing of a
subsequent applicattcn, if so desired.
On roll call, the foregcino resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Courc linen -e+erson,
Noes Councilt::en A'one..
Absent Coun :finen ' :at er and
Thompson and Mayor Selby.
PACIFIC COAST BIT-7 7)-W 0 =r 1S C0.""=NCE dated June 8, 1949 y
being not-'se of its annual Conference, to be held at Seattle, Washington,
September 2C-23, 1.949, Orderect fi--ea4-
At this time, the hour being 7,332 .''clock F. 11, the Mayor declared
a recess. At the hcur, or 7,3f, •1, the Co,,Lricil reconvened,
re-M call being _a_=
- '!men Fresen�,
,Icunc-- 0 � Te-Lerson, Thn (amp won and Ivi-ayor Selby.
Councilmen Absent , Baker and 5,,7an3on.
,!L;y of Inglewood, undated, being preliminary
E, S. DIXON L'�.aj I
announcement of the rneez.4.ng of the Lo F Angeles Division of the League of
Californ a Cities, tc he held cr, TUj-y_ 2' -.91,9,
Ordered filed.
SATE TE BQt _RD CF TUAL` ' T_ __�_ C111,11 dated ' /8 / �P - I
__Z� � $ b ,"+,, being notification of
application-of Della S. Dctcs for an On Sa -e Beer License at 209 Richmond
Street, El Segundo, 0 rt -- : - e -d _'Lledc
T +
UI%_LCL-e , being an invitation to attend said
C on, p,:&ry' s exhilbit. the 111_:_-t_-'o_--.a_` Tru'�k, Trailer, and Equipment Show, June
15 to 18, 1949, at 1 e-n F_Fa-1f1'_- Los Angeles. Ordered filed.
T T z:�
C' 7 - 7 -7171"T
being an inl7itaticn to pa",e_nd --- scnferenoe on Personnel Policies, to be
held at said T n5t- L u-e cn -7h i:v f Y 7 -Y 21, 194 9.
Moved by 7h=,-, --c-onded by Councilman Peterson, that
,- . - -, - + -, ". -, � 1, �'
City 'ler'k -c'-y -u`-h'.--zed to attend the conference
1-9- -t-
on Perscnnel -,,c '�e t' Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California, c-. T, July .�j _U_ 1949, as a representative of
the City of El Segund3, and tna, Said official be and he is hereby further
authorized to file his demand fc-r his actual * and necessary expenses in
conrection -,rith' his --t- said i-peet-ing, said demana to be audited
and approved in the usual manner before payment. U.a.r•ied by the following
Ayesc (ounciimen Fener_7c.n., Thompson and Play or Selby.
K e_-, Ncne,
Absent; 2=-k,::-- and
-,74T C) -- -1 1 17r, - dated ne 14, -1949, transmitting
J_ -
therewith petition, In e_,j7'."t bearing 544 signatures, petitioning
the City C'oun" -il tc _-.auz� yi ce-lebration t.c be held in the City
of Z-1 Segundo in 10/4?'
",-'ecf 1t. was moved by Councilman Peterson,
seconded .Iie fc`,ovr_ng reso-ution be adopted:
JL_ resolution.
the _o,,Tuiunication from th;E E'_
Segandlo Chamber of c,ne_ dated June 1-4, 1949,
trar,_=Mi+,-__4n.v a retitlon, comprising eight
section3, 1:1th a total of 5w4 gnatures thereto,
-,-e to .�auce a Centennial
Fiesta t.1- ce held -L:i-:- ty cf E-, Segundo r, 7j491
be re :c_e-_' and cr!lered -1 ed In the office c f h e •
fur-.'er a---on the-reon by th'-
0 1, 1 riC e • ent-_ng re--elpt of acid
e zz d a --udget from the
_12 -
S 788
On roil call, the fo_egc;nossclution was adopted by the following vote
Councilmen Peterscnl. Thc-mpson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen Done
Absent, .,CanL_lr_en ak—.e� :nc Swanl.one
`' 'C'R S CF r,T, , T�!-ti 'p T j:jT R -±fin
LE v "_L-ER AIvL� tT E IAL v02,2`fI T=S„
City Clerk rI ^.Car_?y read rc trle Co,;rvil the .erritten report and
recommendations c- ° . . i ov, Superintendent of Mobile Equipment
and himself, wLth referenve tc -,.roc lids received by the City Council at
its meeting held June 3t, l94' ?, fcr farn_shing the City of r Segundo
its gasoline, cil, lut.ie sts, e :. requ-rements for the Fiscal Year
1949 -1950, which said h were at. said meeting referred to said Committee.
Said writte. r.c cr: _tat said 'ommittee had found the bid of
Century Oil Company tc the icrrest and orgy firm bid received, and
recommended the contrast _or lhe said above materials be
awarded to said '-cmpany,
Thereaftee, it Was mnc =d -, ; ou z: ..Imn Peterson, seconded by
Councilman Thompson, that Pescl:aticn 'o. X006, entitled:
,.-L1Y OF EL SE�U �O, ! "L-L t CRP��n, AWARDING
1, 1949 TO JUNE 310, 1950, INCLUSIVE,
which was read, be a.dopte& On rail call said motion carried and said
Resolution was adopted by the following vote;
Ayes. Cou- cilmen Peterscn,
Noes- Counciimen Dons:
Absent: Councilmen Baker and
Thompson and Iiayor Selby.
City Clerk 11:eCarthy reported that 11r, Petrie, City Manager of the
City of Manhattan Beach, had telephoned him this date, requesting that
the City Council of the -ity of El Segundo cause telegr ms to be sent to
certain State Legislators, voic:-n. opposition to the adoption by the
State Legislature of Assembly Bills Nos. 2304 and 2150', which have to do
��th water Pollution.
Discussion ryas entered =r_to by the Council. and su.c'-: discussion
develorin'g the fact hat u_._ __l'_s appear tc: be, Jr, their present form,
iniaLcal to the n. e =e: raticv cl tee ,ieaith of ^itizens Jl -he State of
S '789
California, and it appearing also that Assembly Bill 1804, having to
do with the creation of urban districts within Los Angeles County is one
to which this Council is opposed, it was moved by Councilman Peterson,
seconded by Councilman Thompson, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be.and he is hereby
authorized and instructed to immediately dispatch telegrams
to the appropriate representatives from this district,
presently in Sacramento, expressing opposition, on the
part of this City Council, to the following Assembly Bills:
Nos. 2304, 2156 and 1804.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes:. Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
City Clerk McCarthy reported that the City of Manhattan Beach is
preparing to have Rosecrans Avenue, between the Westerly City Limits of
said City and Aviation Boulevard, striped; that inasmuch as said street
is a boundary line street, the City of E1 Segundo would be responsible for
one -half the cost of said striping; that Mr. Gierlich, City Engineer of
the City of Manhattan Beach had suggested that one of two methods might
be used, to -wit: The County of Los Angeles would be asked to perform
said work and to deduct the cost thereof from funds which may have been
allocated to the City by said County; or, the City of Manhattan Beach
would perform such work and thereafter bill the City of E1 Segundo for
its proportion of the cost thereof, which cost, in the estimation of said
Engineer, would not exceed the sum of *100.00 as this Cityts share.
Thereafter, it was .moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
Thompson, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the City of Manhattan Beach has requested
that the City of El Segundo share with the City of
Manhattan Beach the cost of striping Rosecrans Avenue,
between its Westerly City Limits and Aviation Boulevard;
AND, WHEREAS, it appears that one -half of said
cost will not exceed the sum of -'100.00;
Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to
notify the City of Manhattan Beach and any County
officials necessary, that the City of E1 Segundo will
pay one -half the cost incident to such striping, providing,
however, that said amount, so far as the City of E1
Segundo is concerned, shall not exceed the sum of :100.00;
and, provided further, that the City Clerk shall have
the power and authority to determine the particular
method in which the City is to so participate, according
to whatever plan may be agreed upon between the County
of Los Angeles officials, the City of Manhattan Beach,
and said City Clerk, as representative of the City of '
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
Fire Chief Farrar, by written communication dated June 15, 1949,
requested that Captain Harold G. Chamberlain of the E1 Segundo Fire
Department be granted permission to take his earned 1948 vacation between
the dates June 19th, 1949 and July 3rd, 1949, both dates inclusive.
Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that
Harold G. Chamberlain, Captain, E1 Segundo Fire Department, be and he is
hereby granted permission to take his earned 1948 vacation between the
dates June 19th and July 37d, 1949, both dates inclusive. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
Chief of Police DeBerry filed with the Council his written report,
dated June 11, 1949, which report contained a traffic survey made by the
Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo to determine a reasonable
and safe speed of travel on El Segundo Boulevard, between Virginia Street
and Sierra Street in said City, and recommended adoption of an amendatory
ordinance to the Traffic Ordinance, reducing vehicular speed on said
portion of said Boulevard to 35 miles per hour.
Following the reading of said report, it was moved by Councilman
Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that the report be received
and filed, that this Council does hereby approve the recommendations
made therein by the Chief of Police and does hereby authorize and instruct .
the City Attorney to prepare and present to this Council, for its further
action, the necessary form of ordinance to accomplish the recommendations
made in said report by said Chief of Police. Carried by the following
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilman Baker and
Thompson and Mayor Selby.
The City Clerk reported that inquiry had been made of him as to
whether or'not the Council might consider selling Lot 9, Block 22, El Segundo,
to which property the City now has tax deed. After consideration, by
general consent, the City Council indicated it was not disposed to sell
said lot at this time.
The City Clerk reported that, inasmuch as the Notice to Bidders on
Centrifugal Pumps and Valves, bids upon which were received this date,
provided that each person, firm or corporation desiring a copy of the
specifications therefor must make a deposit with the City Clerk of :10.00
for each such copy, refunds of such deposits must be made by him upon
the return of such copies in good condition, and he requested the Council
adopt a resolution, authorizing the making of such refunds, without the
necessity of each such depositer having to sign a demand in order to obtain
such refund.
S '791
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
Thompson, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, in connection with the receiving of bids
for certain pumps and valves, the various bidders thereon
were required to make deposits with the City Clerk, as
various sets of plans and specifications were taken by
said respective bidders;
AND, WHEREAS, it is now in order to return such
deposits to all such bidders who return such plans and
specifications in good order;
AND, WHEREAS, the City Clerk reports to this
Council that the total amount so involved for refund
will be the sum of $120.00;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a demand be
approved and warrant drawn upon the General Fund of the
City, into which said deposits were made, in the sum of
$120.00,,payable to the order of the City Clerk, out of
which fund the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to make the necessary refund to the respective depositors
referred to and to file his report with this Council at a
subsequent meeting, evidencing the disposal of such fund;
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing
action shall not apply to those claimants who have filed
independent demands with this Council.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen_ Baker and Swanson.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the
following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, as part of the acquisition, construction
and completion of the municipal improvement authorized
by the electors of the City of El Segundo, California,
at the Special Election held in said City on the 14th day
of December, 1948, being additions to and extensions and
improvements'of the water works system of said City, it
is necessary for the City of E1 Segundo to maintain a
deposit with the West Basin Municipal Water District in
the sum of $35,500.00, in order to obtain the service and
use of certain meter and pipe line extension facilities
installed by said West Basin Municipal Water District and
Metropolitan Water District, in connection with the obtain-
ing and serving in the City of E1 Segundo, through its
municipal•zystem, of Colorado River water from the Metro-
politan Water District;
AND, WHEREAS, by General Fund Warrant No. A 0479
of said City, the said deposit was advanced;
S '7'92
AND, WHEREAS, it is now necessary for the said
General Fund to withdraw said advancement deposit and
it will be necessary for the " *waterworks Bond, Election
1918, Construction Fund " to advance and maintain said
deposit in order that said City may use said meter and
pipe line extension facilities so installed and thereby
obtain, as a source of water supply for its said Municipal
System, Colorado River water through said West Basin Muni-
cipal Water District and said Metropolitan Water District;
AND, WHEREAS, to require the physical making of
such refund by said West Basin Municipal Water District
to said City of the present general fund deposit; the pre-
paration and approval of a new demand and warrant on said
Bond Fund to replace the said deposit so withdraw; and to
require the performing of the various clerical and accounting
procedures necessary to accomplish such a physical with-
drawal and redeposit, would be burdensome and involved;
AND, WHEREAS, the end result to be obtained from
such involved procedures can be more economically and best
obtained by the simple procedure of transfer hereinafter
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of
El Segundo, California, does resolve, declare, determine
and order as follows:
First: That there shall be and there is hereby
ordered transferred from the "Waterworks Bond, Election
1948, Construction Fund'? . of the said City of E1 Segundo,
the sum of .$35,500.00 to the General Fund of said City,.
so as to maintain the deposit of said amount hereinabove
referred to without the necessity of pursuing the involved
procedures.hereinabove mentioned.
Second: That the officers of the City of E1
Segundo having charge of the records and accounts of said
City are hereby authorized and instructed to take the
necessary steps and procedures and to make the necessary
entries in said records and accounts to accomplish the
transfer hereby ordered for the purposes and reasons
hereinabove recited and referred to.
On roll call,.the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
In the matter of the proposed abandonment of a portion of Holly
Avenue and a portion of the alley in Block 67, in connection with the
anticipated extension of the present waterworks site, which matter was
heretofore referred to the City Planning Commission for its report and
recommendation, the City Clerk read to the Council said Commission's
S '79.3
Resolution No. 61, in which Resolution said Planning Commission
recommended the closing up, vacating and abandonment for public street
purposes of the portion of said Holly Avenue and the alley in Block
67, proposed to be vacated,
Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by
Councilman Thompson, that Resolution of Intention No. 1002, entitled:
which was read. be adopted. On roil call, said motion carried and said
Resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
Consideration was given to the matter of the adoption of new water
rate schedules for the Water Department of the City of E1 Segundo, as
heretofore recommended in the written report filed with this Council on
June 1st, 1949, prepared by Public Works Commissioner Peterson -and Water
Department Superintendent Lortz, following which it was moved by Councilman
Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that Resolution No. 1007,
which was read, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said
Resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
Mayor Selby announced the appointment of Councilman Thompson as
Finance Commissioner pre tem, due to the absence of Finance Commissioner .
Swanson from this meeting.
S 794
The following demands, having had approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the
demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the General
Fund covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
Mayor Selby at this time announced the appointment of Councilman Baker
as a. member of the Recreation Commission, for the period of three years
ending June 30,1952.
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman
Peterson, that the appointment by Mayor Selby of Councilman Baker as a
members of the E1 Segundo Recreation Commission for the term of three years
expiring June 30, 1952, be and the same is hereby approved. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the
following resolution be adopted:
kTOREAS, this Council is informed with reference
to the expeditious and courageous manner in which the
Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo functioned
on the occasion of the attempted robbery of E1 Segundo
High School premises on the 13th day of June, 1949;
Council does hereby express to the said Department and
to the particular officers involved in the apprehension
of the accused in the said matter, the appreciation of
this Council for the excellent manner in which the
General Fund
General Fund
The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
Union Oil Company
Southern Calif. Edison Co.
So. Calif. Edison
Southern Calif. Edison Co.
So. Calif. Edison
Smith Booth Usher Company
Chester G. Clark,
R. B. Cut Rate Drug
for Chapman Valve
Biby and Hassler
Fred L. Carter
Ira E. Escobar
Burke, Marshall &
John F. Bender
11m. Lane Co.
Monroe Calculating Machine Co.
Portrait by Lyle
Southern Calif. Gas Co.
Mae D. Lewis
Jack T. Gee
Calif. Door Check
Service 108.84
Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the
demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the General
Fund covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
Mayor Selby at this time announced the appointment of Councilman Baker
as a. member of the Recreation Commission, for the period of three years
ending June 30,1952.
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman
Peterson, that the appointment by Mayor Selby of Councilman Baker as a
members of the E1 Segundo Recreation Commission for the term of three years
expiring June 30, 1952, be and the same is hereby approved. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the
following resolution be adopted:
kTOREAS, this Council is informed with reference
to the expeditious and courageous manner in which the
Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo functioned
on the occasion of the attempted robbery of E1 Segundo
High School premises on the 13th day of June, 1949;
Council does hereby express to the said Department and
to the particular officers involved in the apprehension
of the accused in the said matter, the appreciation of
this Council for the excellent manner in which the
S '796
said Department and the said officers functioned upon
the said occasion and commends most highly the courage
displayed by the particular personnel, Officers Haddock
and Potts, present at the scene.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen Baker and Swanson.
Public Service Commissioner Thompson presented a report, prepared by
Parks Superintendent McIlwain, which report showed the type of tree planted
on various streets in the City of El Segundo and which indicated 341 trees
had been removed and 425 trees planted during the period July, 1948, to date.
Thereafter the City Clerk was requested to cause a copy of said report to be
prepared for each member of the City Council.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it
was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the
meeting adjourn. Carried.