1949 JAN 05 CC MINA regular meet-ing of the "--a--y _c;.,_-i_ Of the Calif crnia, was held in t,,e Gc�a=l.__ �'_hamner of- the City on the a*',-,o-,:,e date, hs-r_tng '-_een _zallad c Orde:, by William R. Selby, I�yor . HOLL. ,-,ALL: El Segundo➢ California. Janua.-,r 5, 1,949: - — of I - T-Y --I El '56E'�_ndc'j C--'T,y Hp-';__7 of s at 5110 Councilme-r. avfanson, 1hcrtipson _--nd l.-sycr Selbyc Coun.--I.Lmen A:zenz . J Tie YLnute-z c,,_f _.. --ne, ?th day of 1948, having be-e. reads Cr wrLEs:.cn I'i&­Lng noted, Z'.'� IN-az moved by Cc.ur—cil r -L n e II"..' n of slid m-_etiing r f i` at firm,-, sz C_Fc- nfi hereinafter named, we.,e k__CII=_- :__ and wers disposed Of _n tn4 manner indioated, LEO "i-LLLIAI-' 3.,-HAI_':;7 R, J �-r.: -949, being application fo-r 'ered led. employment by t-,-Le �J_'._V CI Ll_�o'�!.-'-IiL" Ord BOARD C: . 07 T- I FAOIFIG dated December 29, 194L s. by F N. SW:Llt, S-a+,.ng he had made a brief of the E! Seg=do IF--'re Chief Ion Farrzx for the ��_cellent J�" he has done 1:. +-',-e department; further stat-tng that- a major dra7vba-_k a-!- time is the lack of adeq:aat-p_ ho'-.L--' facilities for fire dep&xtIre_:%-_ at--a-a-T-us, which he hopeE will be solved in the near luture, ar-A a c omplez,e inspbvticr, of fire defense facilities a.-!' -,he of F-I 't�e made socin, as the new r--:leper arrive: and '.,-,,as passed tests, Ordered fi'_edW FREDERICK H,, dat�d 1­11 -947- Robert E. 3c:i xnergerq 19"?8; and -&,--,h being for PAN E71, PANSY L. FET,50'; da"* d -- renewal of perir2Lt to u e- and maintain & hcuBe hailer at t!-:e respeAlve addresses ser, for -,---h `.n ears_ perm:kt. The Building endorzed or. each of said his recommendaticn vhar_ app' --ed for be granted., it w& ; MC!"ec, -eraon, zza-�,-_ -ed '-y �,cun-_--'Llman Swanson, the by Coun ilman Pat na res,ilution be adopted. RES3I_7=j that a, temporary-, revo:,able perrdts in regular f=,, '--s glnanteN �c ear of -,n-e perscns w"O'se names are hereins-f-ter. TO 0�•UPY , !uSe allcl 4. 512 iIl`4;n t n- i6asz u e r 3r aadr,6:64- set _zWOO" te Robert B. bunw6ngeZ &4. IOL wtb &d td by the Rem l&,16r- No, .18- , t)olrig a re5c- of J,:tention of tho Planning Co=iatlti.� #,mit"Llng the dtte§ Tltr liear.lnaa on a proposed amendment to Crdirwico Vyas tle MnAnC ordir-Ance' # wAA c^ - rndment '_o --tid C)"di-nanze would p-Nmeldt wfiat matttr� - -Anvol. Ong proposed amendments to 4-ont Inoundarles,, in the wrtoi-A' tt -negst--'7e thsrtar '1--y the �AId W"'U'la �it, 1'-'AXA--&� exid zaTc'1-.asiYe -,4-,1eaa Ll appeal be taltr+ to the 04-+,tr -A-1. �—DALL dated Copy 01 jttt�t- j.�-. 1948, being to Aller. c�dt -h I o which leller Av=ttr ze L',o, o cffl,ers of the City o" Glendale CoWerning the 1.24Y 7 7.�"', —16 proposed Metropolitan RApid Tr6nzilt Distrie-A Act. and stAtt�a that ttie apt in question, If Adopt-ad in ids present for., v,,, Ic place the goverraent of wW district :rAwtized thersunder In the harAt Jr A '.-:c,&rd of directors iselected 'by the jommmitie# within the district. w.Ith 40,*tlzr4: power baii6d upon 6tosessed valuations in the Commu-nitiet, reprasenteod, which would mean that', &5 'S practital matter, wV at,��h #-n-ebllahed ir4 the Ccuntv c--?' -cUd be contr*ll*d by the C-!tly o.,` '-o3 Ange'&&a., Lengthy discussion ens da ant-.ered Into by zlember, of the 0,"Lty CO!incil end the City Att:.ornty," the Cwdn;A'-1.O n6v brine Ln favor of the provislon.4 f the proposed Act av ast 'the praisent draft t hereof j It was moved uq=ailman Themp3ons aecend@d 1-Y ca-,�nc'lm&n bakeri the follow-ing resoliiton P thtt tive 4'lerk be &nd he 10 hereby -.zwated to Addrese a t xur-,L,�&tion to A.-o' emblymen Glenn Ma ArAarsen$- &dvit-IrAt U.Y_ t: -_a clty �A- +,-�C- 0-,* V 4 .1 SsgunAa is very =,ct wl-ui tho m6tter of proposed �Ogillation fov t,r* at'll' S.--amat- of rar'-d tranult, distriate uA wm4sl appreciate teir.� :,npt irifo-rTaod with reference to MW int-roduatier, zf f I' I = t rfiw c tag t u 6 h nzt t e r 4,v - It!r - - ths,t thi Cbw-w4 I r-��ke Itl pos- --4n 1--" in -,!� � I , . . - :-,� , �.,- t 1�.- I ], 4 -,Tt 0 : "r- Toompstn aw! 513 None o - -2- oun: h- ul� tne M _rar -'er 0- cf ser- ice -being sae -ca e Ow zM-16 ww�.LL-1-11- Hawthorne and EL Seg�!:.dcz w i-r 7 to OR- City Of Z -:;e,,-..-CLC. cz- ..-Ie :�ene_4­ Oumner of 1�s_ ar Company, whc wai pr Swar,4= Ex,_a�n�d, e r thest on c r Z� axL z �ib Was either noz, the -time cf L -A not s` uf f- I e% f In the town a-- '_ imel, D u;7,7 - i __ -_ h cusy s hc- d. zc c d day for 3U :.h or-1,y '_­_%Z r.sr_ lrA.de. He fur-:-,he7 e_­a�ect he had received a n=It­�_- fie fakei, a_ wnen the taaLca� arrivel& r_- Lot or no E_'. IL E -6 a Gi c a c, t, -,q, S CL T a Il a --er, L on nim _16n, weu b Jl ld e zsuedi time Ine irad -,-,vc- ui v:­ 6 I: Ac o1rer ICIn ago and report h la Y161 : agreeng w­ 4- h At the Gicia tha-c , ,j S A,z �t -he Keeping t axL ' .;-n El Segwrido :',C K&I Yak, ne aid the matter of yon. _- deri.ng a change -An the zrc_Ea,_rc- cf for taxicab dr.17ers -..-.rough the FBI -WAS referreC 7C COMM,_ Plil- lil c Sal, et:,- _- czr2a I I C, nz e; e,: e cr ng in the matt ez, of -, rm:- ipplicat-Lo,­1 cf Tro 'an " c-.7-___-,, e. -1 ;c ,c czaer&t e an electri :0--if :,oars. and a 50' bing-o-rol-_ g&me &� -L-6 hose Bow! bowling &L_eya stated he had noll-I as yet -Ad --o the Bing-O-Rc.-_I game, t recommen.ded t r, at: T-, n e e —.. rL-L -, app e d f c g r i :Led for t- I i e o p c- r a t- _` 0 n- V_ r-cw.L-Lng a�_Ieyjq by Trojan Ncvs!i6--_'eE c--- ar- -,-I . C 0�_ 0 -j g r" and he -eques'l-ed _=-iE ra Of a pe_n-Lit for the Bing - O-Rcll Thereaf'te,_, __,L z A- conded by Peterson., the jar. Novalt:r_p_g all -,a 7 c: --smisslor. to operates the Rose Bowl "-,Cr"-- S -ell Segandej whi_-h -%eas - -�- -es_ t ni v - Journed reKL:I&r meetilng Ana same :s hereby S 514 without roti,eb without cause and without liability; be and the same i$ hereby granted to said applicant, T:~olan Noveltie5, to place; maintain and operate one elestric ;shuffle boa-rd at mad location, 135 West Grand Avenue, on yy pa o-r ded, howe7rer that nothing herein --orta.ined shal-1 to construed as ire any manner whatso- ever a�,thorizing or permitting any gamb3ing of any nature to to conducted or perrAtted in connection with the placement; use or operation of such devicee On ro =l calls the fcregcing resolution: was adopted by the following vote, Ayes, Counci mer. Baker; Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and :,;a;; o: Selby. Noe5 � Coung- 1.1*men None,, Absent. Couna _:_men None. Publi Safety ::ommissioner Baker informed the Council that the C-h_ef of Police had advised hLm of the fact- that the El Segundo Branch of Sep °ity� First National Bank had requested permissior. to conne:t its burglar a..arr, system k^ th the Police Department of the City of El Segundo, said conne; `.10r, to be installed and maintoined wlf rout expense to the City. Thereafter it waz moved by Counilman Peterson, seconded by Co�:r. i ^ar Swanson, that said mattema be referred to the Chief of Police with power to a s it being undsr'etood, hawa —,rer, that should said Chief approve the ir.stallat=.Alcn by said Bang: of said su;:h work s:-:a=7 be done and the cone-- tio::. mainta,ir.ed without expense to the City of El Segundo. Carried by the fclroyh ng VAS ter Ayes 'Cur,c -Ime. Baker, Peterson., Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes Cv=w.ncil men None. Absent. Courr :L Lim-en None. Ra'OPiS OF O FIC RS AND SPECIAL COMITTEES yr. the matter of the removal of debris, and the grading and leveling of Lots 8, 9 and I.C, Bloch: 659 El Segundo, which lots have heretofore been used by the ::ity for the storage of discarded material and which matter was discus_.ed by the Co:pncil at ins laet regular meeting and at said time referred to the City Attorney, the City Clerk rep eLed that Street Superintendent Gunn had advised hir-u this date that he had caused said lots to be cleared and leveled, and that Mr. Joe Pipirtcsys whe states he is the owner of said lots, had declared hi el!' to be entirely sati -fled wyth the manner in which the lots had been cleared and had offered tro, write a `et.ter to the City Council, expressing his oppress ^Wat_c. of the work done and absol- Ong the City from any liability in connect--c—t. with !616 former use of said lots. he City Clergy: fulher stated that the Engineering Department had prepared a sketch of Lot--a 4, :, 6 and 7, Block 65, upon which lots the C _t,.- hs,-, Material deposited at +-h--'B time, which sketch shows the nature of the and by -rrhat department deposited, He further reported that he and the Fire lief had ma.Ce an inspestyon of the sa- d lots and of the storage fac_lities of the City a1 t.--e __paL garage :his date, and he recommended that member= of t -le Council look o7e- the property Ir question, with the view: of erlerg " F presen t, storage space for ma erials ana equipment of the various of the C;"y new 'using the mani :34pal garage building _for this purpc ,e, -4- S - 515 the CcunLil agreed tc do in the ea- L:.t u e o City A ttorney Woodworth,, _c .Itom the '_`:first hereinbefore ment oned :natter had been referred by this .1ounc-11£ stated he c6nourred fir. the report a rendered w it-h res e :° to said Lo .s 8 9 and �G DIoCk of the Gity �ie.rk p -� 9 � C� *y 'peak ,:- Car -hy cared the attention of the Ccunoil to he fa.NL tha:_ the H.e�reatior Department payroll, for dhe month of December., 104e, presented tc, -rhe L:CUn•- " at this meet::ng fcx apprcval, 6onta,ined n_iLmez of enploy�e- , the employmeYyt of Knom had not :,Eretofore been approved by the C,121C�� aisc rates of may- were set up C a-- 7 p &y:' Il rrh�:°:: are ro¢. C'_' pay her etc f cre _ - -' Xs by the Council for 1iAL empi^v^ en: • �jy genera`l. --orser_t �t v;aB dEC d ,y C. take paid ma t€•: UP e.- _:C t _n this greet Ing, City Clerk z-eper-ted L -le nad had an _ quiry >rcm tre _ a-wocd, . eq� s~ ing an opper"t`ar =ty to p-_- :ruse from, the City (f r- 3eg..ndC Its dis aided rat' c e:q,x_-.rnent, that he had ' eretofcr e been ad-irised •.y t'-- firm which had installed :she new radio eq:x_pment.. that it also desired rurc..nase trc usea eq;:_p, -nenti that :_Ct knowing whether or not the tG �1� �•r_� a�C ° u Yt1L'La"o nr� c &' ?a%tl�ln� fc bids, ht had yy an f_ _yid frcm tale of L?Idi a .sealed bid from Y3:Zfi\e L �*i9. �.. Y_� ' :r L3�.,. trvea same condiv .obi as wher, Ip. r: ynqLi` 7 aia d cy '_ouncii- the Ci _y .fit k 4rn e v .. •' ht_ czL' _i�, the .,cur.___ said egaipment w,st hcut for bids.. and in -v- €w of the a _sme In •wtic:_ said equipment , ,wL-_d be tixsab , e and .he +1rri.'t e.''i ma, et for ..., mate. -aP .y ham- felt the City Mig`I: Lsa . co:r'side ,alle money in a_:o °L:.d .-t adopt such method of sa i E Tt was thereapcn ma, ,)-zd by Co'wn�� msir Thompson,, seconded by Council:: vw,inaon, t. let the .._ y :;`,erk be and 1-_e is hereby directed to present to h.?s �:=Lncil any informal bid:3 '-:e may hwre received upon the used radio e Fmert of the City., i=' is no longer needed by said City. Carried. ',e L_ity Clerk thereupon announced he had received an oral offer fot j ai ° use", radio egaipmert cf the City of iiay�rood. He opened the sealed bzd received f_ m Radioricsy which. bid was yo,.�:d to bs in .,he s'_,jTl _f ;Wk-76'ov10� er the Prseentation of the! &tovs bids by the City Cleri:3 _1t wa.e :`,`.rsd b y l ou-.? va I e� _,'_et e son., se ontaed --y �ounC mID$n Swansori9 the f'3— �iig resolution be �}adopted-. ri_r1L LLUirq thiE Co`i ncLi i'az rec6' ved i'Crnal rids for Yit - ? cwY -ed. y ..:_e ��ty Cif L� Jeg"llidC and -- �icdt` .:,y' �t� hG eina Jer des��rbed; - Cat _- d� a.t on of z.; bi recei -ed __d:s ':a i _._ �� W� a `y L`� ii,�.,TWC Cu i } y _�"e a d te.s � a fcl :a "�;i egi:pIIi ?°iv 1 :CI C, ? ... l��v w T�,_._. ^�..� __ �.d•Y -"��7 °h'T• . the cffr" �* c J_: S 51.6 1 ?Motorola T69 -20A Mobile radio telephone t7ar_sr imeter and recei :er; 2 Pierson- DeLane PM- 20-1,"i Mobile radio telephone transmittters and receivers; 1 F. L. Dine & Co. Inc � K'a5 Motorcycle transmitter and receiver; 1 Fierscn ®DeLane ES ®1 Mad. F 50 -101t, o inn Station transmitter and receiver-, be and the same ie hereby accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute and deliver to said City of Maywood a bill of sale for said equipment in condition "as is "9 in form to tg prepared by the City Attorney and the respective department heads in vharge of said equipment are hereby authorized to make delivery thereof to the representative of the City of :Maywood in the City of E1 Segundo when notified by the City Clerk that an official purchase order from the City of I-ayweod has been received by him, and the :pity Clerk is - thereupon directed to bill the City of 2flaywood for the .agreed purchase price of said used equipment ttae = °�• On rc:1 ca:ls the foregoing rescl;�t- on was adopted by the following , °ote Ayes-. Councilmen: Bake?£ Feter$cn, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes Councilmen None. Absent. Councilmen None. he City Clerk reported he had on hand a kodak, owned by the City of E1 Segundo, which had been purchased for use of the Engineering Department c =. City and for which said Department had no further use, and he inquired why disposition the Council desired to make of said equipment. Inquiry by the Mayor of various department heads present developed the fact that both the Fire and Building Departments might have use for suoh a kodak, whereupon it was moved by Coun.- illm.an Baker, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that said kodak, hereinabove referred to, be placed in cs't, "cdy of the Fire Department for its use and that said equipment be made available for use by the Building Inspector when he has use for same in his department. Carried by the following vote. Ayees Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes ° Coun: ilmen None. Absent- Councilmen more Mr. Charles L. Lortz, on behalf of himself and Street Superintendent. uann,, - ,resented the wr, itt- er, report of said Committee, dated December 29, 19481 ves nz its est2r.,ate of the cost of making certain improvements in Indiana Street, between Grand Avenue and Hon_1y Avenue, which report he -sad to the and khich estimated the emir= cost of -such improvement to be 11� aCC ®6� a Public Works Commissioner Peterson stated he approved the type of improvement contemplated in said report, and recommended that said report be accepted as satisfactory. It was thereupon moved by Cc�ncilman Peterson,, seconded by Coun:i± man Swanson, the fcllowJng resolution be adopted, WFiErEASj, this Council has received a communication in words and figures as follows; ''E. Segundo, California, December 29, 1948. City Ccun :il City of a Segundo California, Gentlemen Pursuant to your request of Dec. 15, 1948, this comniittee submits herewith an estimate of the cost to improve Indiana Street between Grand Avenue and Holly Avenue, all in the C-.ty of E! 3egundo9 Califcrr a o This estimate '1. Ludes the cost of the following improve- ments, tc wit i. Tc establieh a final grade which will take into :onideratyon the present and future improvements adjacent to said street. 2. The rough grading of .the full street right - of -way 30 feet) thereby including the side - waik area on both sides of sgid street, as we-,1 � - -s the street. 3. The finished grading of the street to a width of 30 feet. 4. The paving of said street with 1? Macadam Veneer to a width of 30 feet. (future curb to ^urb di4tance) The -break down of the cost estimate to improve Indiana Street is as follows* 140 Cu. Yde. of excavation and the rough grading @ X75- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9105.x` 15,500 Sq. Ft. of Fine Grading @ $0.015 - - - - 234.0 -3 15,6000 Sq. Ft. of oiling with HX Bitumuls or ecraal @30.025----------- - - -- -- 390.00 15,6:0C' S G Ft. of 'No. 3, 4 & 5 Rock @ $0.02 - 31tov0 15,60^ Sq. r of ro:.k spreading @ ?0.015 Estixot•ed Construction Cost �12'75.U0 7- 517 S 518 n ineering, inspection, C erical �:ork and scellaneous ® m ® m ® m m m = - - ® x200.00 Total estimated Cost of improvement $1475.6^ Spreadyno the 7otai L�_timated owt cf the im- rcvement over the combined frontages of each side of Indiana S +reer• result_ in a cost of „ 1.58.57 per front foot-9 .'his Committee recommends ,, if' it meets the pleasure of the City Ce-ancil, that the afore-mentioned estimate be taken into consideration as being to the best interest of the property holders involved, and further., that said imprc?,ement be carried out only at such time as the property holders involved depo --=t yr th the City Clerk of this CITY, sufficient, money to corer the entire amount Az et• 1•yrth by said estimate. Payment to'„ld, _f it meet.-;: pleasure., be distributed or: a front foot bas , . ,es actful -ly yours.., r ri= i ordered f led; .uaL - .:' �_.. , t zt the Street Superintendent he and he is .hereby authorized to notify the representative n ` t.e -, p cperty ownez s lintereLted tha., the City Council is erf— nIz to p_`aceed w-_ ;aid '..mproveiI en' upon the basis as cut 'lined in raid car r --a'-ion as scc . as the req;ured depozit In accordance wit z the estimated amount has been made w;1•h 1- he City G ,er , for de.:__ y ery to the City of El Seg:.ind^ upon; t%he making, of .'`i Ich order. it -oil call -"- - e f cregci ng resolution sties adopted by the following vote; Ceur:- _ *yen Ba.�r ;'et zrson, Swanson, Thompson a:: �? :;aycr Selby.: Noes: ;,o,,Lnciimer P'on e Absent !men ic•�T 6 e or-z lre ze.ntcd Yi"��.. wi`.Lt%en report, dated var.uar. r9 .4 i-.i: as tc thy- u_`_`iciency of the petition he? eU . re r= que_zt-_*n& she opening of an easterly and wr8 �_Y:.. og PIa :r, 114x ZI Segundo, which report stated that said peti' 69o445 .'_rf the total &re3 oL property within the pr per x o + was moved 't -_ r ~.1..i �'✓Y .i.11� V �, �' rcr�der lY� .•.L .,�i i Ci l.[. r'�•, �H YYa� mV l' :3. �� ^"`' U; �_ ucir - _.,. �., i S 519 City Attorney "v- oodwCrth reported respecting his attendance at a meeting of City Attorneys of varicua c_'-,les in the County, held at. Glendale, on December 30th, 1948, at which meetl, ng tie matter df the new appl icati Filed by The Facific Telephone acid Ic egraph Company for permission two increase its rates, was discussed; a, r_u��osr of .ides had indicated their Willingness tc again resist su ln_drEaees and that the cities of Ul ndale, Fasade_':a and Burbark are defin_tE`_; gcing to fight z3id appliccation. The Council, believing it would be to the interest of the „it.y tc Join with other cities in resisting increases in rates applied for by ;aid ractfl: eiep} :;,ne and Telegraph Company, it was moved by Councilman Feters:>n, secr::ded by Cau:ncilman fc'lcri g re.so ±ution be adopted: RJSOL TEDy that -he City of El. Sa&ando jean. with he cities of Glendale, Burbank and a adena to resist the pending application of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company before the Public Util_t -ILL. of the State of Cali.forrua for increase in rates of said utility, t,7 I-t yT T - - Y + y f r;, c11`!iy 4L 1 Fir lt�il 1ll.JUYJLuJ fi• that the Vet �J !�L Segundo wil`_' pay its pro rata portion of the cost, based o.-. pop,. xticn of she cities making such resis- tance ,, a,: ir_.dlrated ty- tr.,e cur °rays of the Regional Planning Ccvnisslon of 1oz Krgelss County, aubstan- tially in the =game manner as way employed in the resistance of t :e va.riou citiea to the previous appiiciatio:. of said z:tlyl y fc�- = n:-reased rates by Hrc, lermael j. TormsrE and , ' > the City Clerk advise the Clay of Glendale tha:, the Citvp of Bl Segundo is willing to so parti:�ipe e in_ the costs of said defense, including the fees of '.'x . 1 o_man, roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote Ayes voun!.'Llmen Baker,, ;:avor Selby. Noes. Councilmen None. Absent: Ccuncilznen None reterson, Swanson, Thompson and City Attorney 11oodwcrth, reporting in the matter of the request of Block 0'_1 Company that it be released from the payment of its 1949 oil well license fee co- rering its Block We" I No,_ 21, due to alleged abandonment. of sa_d well, and which matter was heretofore referred to said Attorney, stated he had discussed the matter with qtr-. Sam. Block of said Block Oil Company and at the conclusion of the discussion Mr. Block had agreed he would have his -deck covering said.oii well license fee in the hands of the City Clerk on c'c before the lrth day of jaruary, '-9'9,, n :i h date is the last day upon which such license fees may be paid - vrithout penalty attaching. City Attorney itioodwcrth reporting in the matter of the request. c" Imperia`i.. Development Corpor Lion that iti1e City of El Segundo reconvey '.^ is a pa.resl of land 20 feet-wide by apprcximat3el.y 1550 feet in length, lying ayorg the southerly line of Imper' l Highway, stated he had discussed the .`at --er� h .th the City Clerk, had we.�.:ewed the criginsl map of T�� -e t• Dloo 1545; and the endorsernentZ made upon sa-Id tract map, and is unable to f-' nd a,ry .e V'idence to the effect ',L-gat said � were al Deirslopment Corporation: had ever conveyed such strip of !and to the �-Ity for street purposes. He suggested S 520 said Corporation might be adTased th�� tf�SdCi9 y has no record of akv conveyance to it of a 20-foot striki for public street purposes along the southerly side of imperial Highway, easterly of Center Street for a distance of approximately 1550 .fex�t:e ~-:t that if said Corporation still feels there is in effect such ccrxeyan�e, that it p--cvure a title report covering the property -n gaesticn, and present same -�c the City Ca-ancila It was thereupon. Le Jed by Ccunci:ffaz, Manson., seconded by l C`pn: i:man Thompson., that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to advise imperial Development Corporation that. a search by ^ity officials of the various records of the City fails tc disclo -ne where said Corporation had ever conveyed to said City a strip of land 20 feet in width and approximately 50 feet in length, vying along the �cutherly side of Imperial highway., o,h =cr said C;rporati^�n has recraested the City of El Segundo to rerorvey to t., Ord. that if said Ca �pcaaticr is sti9_" of the op_rion that s1- -h conveyance ny it to the City exizzts, that it be requested to furnish to the City a title repo-_--t. f - ^om a repatahle ILtle .Ccmpany, a°pon receipt of whi�;h C•aancii wi"l gire the matter- its furtohev consideratica :o Carried '::.y -the follcti�ing rct•e: Aye-_ ° Gcwwn �' Liz.en. ?e ra:"s3r fl Bakerg 3- wanson., Thompson and Hay3r Selby. llb�ente. vV a�. W.rLi'll�e.. lVd- 9.:�i1 The tine Gt.ief stated ?�e r.a delivered to each member of the City r ` the a fy. W, report prepared � him r� ,npi s i-, Council and r �ne .. }ty ��e k ,� .. �•,, �� :r-e��.: p.� �, -Y � .g Street 3uperi.ntendent, Ci`.�.nui = e .cited t .at during the past frew days ne had 'c` nd an incroa. --hident had teen mau4 by a property owner who had bunt a wall in Califorri.a, &I-reet, an! he _° uirad ­;:.nther or not some method could 7-F found to prevent such encroa hme :,t,s in the future. Conn derable dis�:u lion fo'.LLcwcd., and it was suggested that a tayr;T'. .. ght be imprinted in the sidewalks cons" racted in future subdiviz_aris9 1 �Ili.ng attention to :,he fact that the property line begins at a point +; pp feet from the inside sidewalk line., and by general con! °snt the :;tr Luperintendent was dire; ted to nake investigation as to the cost of a i-wtable stamp of this nature Public Safety Commissioner Baker drew the CouncilQS attention to the ark of fire hydrants or. %Talnut Avenue easterly from Center Street. dater Superintendent iortz r- eported *.ra,+ the - egaired hydrants were on order but had not as yet been i endi.ng receipt of such hydrante., Counci -.an:. Peterson: agreed to make an in- restigation to see whether or not 1hrE.g might be borrowed from one of the lcval industries. ;;twee 3uPesi.nte d+snt- .Li.r.1". reported he had caused tempobary rr��adps tort th ?reflectors to be ins -t ." a.ed a: � ! Center Street and Gal.lforiti8 :; •T'E' ert,ranc,es to YaLm Averoape'g w Bch G_ "_= ': clf Pei Air's =ue has heretcfiT"e bee i abandoned by the City of ME Se ;w' ^]v; t,.at; ne had a:lso puL c. :aced a "Dea- EX"' and that 111E cone`!`:.' -tcr ,"'g' �bu '� ;. "` ' W_` �' G new y .,G t� tC.i :dry `a %aliat �.oca1ItT 'n �g'9 C:E'a to n `n i r y r � o- n..- `wri; : t ne ;l ri^ tt l o,.:27 ITL..,1. _ a red a�.te; . ___ tea,. ..,._g.� 1,7 ne j'._ s At this point, it was moved `!y Baker, seconded by Councilman Thompson,, the follaw -Lng resolution be adopted W=FAS, the partllz" lsr- s-_-Lentlon of this Council has beer. directed to ay`_°: _ eet iVo ',R6, which re- has t_hs payroll for- the Re we ti Department of the -Ity cf a Segundo for :-r_e pe_ : d Dle_-em'�_.er 1st T c ijeLeniter jlat, Tnc uaivey 1948; ANDs WO.FaASA it appears that 7a J ous of the position o emp oymerots ther ei.ra &-_-s rates for whic.-a pr'oN':s cn has n0ll -v heret : fc_. ! be,, . -n made ty t• :.. S .cunc tl, AIZ) a�, J�� �y r er rile e_: `=tyt n._ e s �.,re CLty CVa_nc-1 . feels that the action hereinafter '.&key^ - ;ho•,: -d be takers NOW, THEREFORE;, BE IT r�SOd � .her the City Co°anzil of J the Ciry of _ SeXardo as fo, l vw,L- . First 7­_n,&-,- 4 , he does hereby approve, ratify an&I z�f the officerP and employees cf the Recr °e a:,icn Depart $nt in appointing for for the per_:d c veiled by �!&t'd payroll t e various ciassifice `ono and pcsstico.e th -areon noted at the Various rates of compenset! :s acr W a_ . reape -tiva classifIL:st .cns cr° employmerys as n o r :pc_r ;sa.t.d payroll for said perinI_ covered by said payroll c _' y. Se 0r:d - Teat t r W of Public Safety be requested t,o p cmaptly -:ont­ w,th the offici S 522 General Fund Minta, Curtzwller, Secretary El Segundo City Group State Employees' Ret. System National Car-Loading Corp. Victor D. McCarthy,, City Clerk Rase Bawl H & H Fountain & G---4-11 Master Pest Control, Inc. Cordon hi.tnall E Seg.n c Chamber cf Com, Inglewrccd Humane Sc --iety EG Segundo Hard-ware Grime s-Stas a forth Stat,. tic g Inglewood Bock 1,Llliken. Chevrolet 1=_t,_a.1 Z�Iecte lc Company 'Fa.cific Area, Lumber Co. ravific pie t"rlc Rye Cc acifi: Coat: _ ^t,er- �2�:a,;r!ta�.r° assoCiat:.'m, ., ry LOS Schwabacher -trey Co. 528c 0 OswaId Bros. American Bytunruls Co. 18,,4 C� 00 S,-,arks, Inc. 042 l l ibCx We W d lfecea Freese Inglewood Southwest Builder I EI Jegu_n.dc Herald , "tF.'. cx 7.--a E. Escobar 8 . i;5 Edna Ee Leland l8 Soul,'. Pay Disposal v 9,w�� El Segaradc Faint Center C a 0., Griffith 3 0` 5 State Board of Equalization 0' : TOTAL 1127C, - 3 w 3320 77535 5,82 30 3-50 9E50 101. .03 5000 53,,00 5c y 1 39c85 38.12 012 9co 51 � L 00 i�cv d by Councilman Sva,ani e , demands be allowed and wax-rants ordered funds covering the same. Car:ieV 'ty Ayes C.curclime Baker, Mayor _'-�-Ily Noe!! Co- ja.+cilmen None, Abaent" Cc- n .-ilme. Ncrx Water Warne Fund Payroll Demand No. 13038 to 13046, 1=1,, 913041 1L4 ft , Curtzwriler9 City Treas. 52.90 11L.nta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 625 Mint•a. Cult :wi'l er., Secretary M S- -,r ndo City Group L6060 State Employees` Ret 0 System 7873 State Employees` Ret. System 11087 Carr. Wilson 1`0.00 Logan R. Cotton & Bruce Browne 100000 Kull =e7atcr Co. Ltd. 9020 Addressograph Sales and Serri .e Agency 9.95 irSduEtrial St-at. & Prt:g� Co. 12085 Ey, Segundo Herald 58.43 Ren on Ra=ad 1n:0 y ng 16.52 E Seg,mdc aint Venter 3.84 Bran Corporation 38083 Rensselaer Valve Co. 199087 Z. Sevnoc Hardware 3.17 1'effczd Chemf_c,al Coo :3'051+ Inc. 16038 Bcs tht s Gar age : 0.50 - ow S apply Co,_ 8513 Inglewc--d, Inc. r� 014 ha- ee E. Lo:^t , Fetty C rah lC .80 TOTAL P2135x91 ReWreat1-on Fund -4 Board of Equalization 604' iAi`r.; >a _ler, City Treas. 931.1E Manta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 0 TOTAL 21027.93 Pensicri Fund State Employees? Ret. System JM'5 c18 ToTAL .915.18 seconded by C -'.]rcilman Peterson, the drawn on and paid out of the respective the f.-1--o-wing vote Fat.erscn., 63wanson, Thompson and Councilman "re£erto ira4, .i'cG "L:4�ed O:d.r?ab._-e No. 3459 ent led; wr'_ySri was read. AP' OPW- rr.Tf�rr" LF 7HE _ ? C071.1C.IL OF" :HE CITi :r T7 FOR Tn ! uEi :7 h n 'KNDS ,n_D _ -- �rl T� sr°lOLM ` r K` :sue ... F0: 9" ST_R7::CTTn,) Y SAILL A ,?:_ TAI?': 173NICIFAr j_, S Counciirrar_ Thompson repo led --hat membere of the City Pla z.rg ciIII1L' aSiCn and its coneuc.l -ia tg Mr, -fit: r, :flihl nar 'l£ dp°ired toysmeet� -A-- h members of the City C.'a�.i2'aeci cn e t"- " t ne e° ening of- januar y .24th., 25t h car 28uh. Ir appear_ -ng that the sver_. -g o.f :.�aruary t�tah, 191�q would be sat= efactory to all members of he City Ccu cil for the holding of such a meeting, Councilman. Thompson was rregaested by the Mayor to so adv-se the. Planning Commissicn� aublic Service Crn.ssioner- T�,c -Tson reported that Parke Superintendent Hcl,valn is desirous of holding a train_:ge.lass for employees of the Faris Oepa,r -,mert and other employees of the C_t.y who may care to attend said class, for the study of trees£ flowers and shrubs£ and that for the use of said Mass he wishes to pug chase 500 fc a, whizh will- coet approximately °$25„5 . 1loved by Co: nc -Li a Sriparson, seconded by Councilman Fetersony that the purchase of 1500 foes for use by the Fa,r:Ks Superintendent in the conducting of a training Mass fot- tre study by City employees of Jreees plants and shi -abs, a: a cost of no', t c. exceed 330.00, be and the same hereby authorized. Carried by the fol 7 a- ng vote AYS5 zrsc- me.. Pa_ker� ret•erson., Swan.so s, Thompson and Mayo= Selby. Noee a CcunciLy en None Absent- Co= _`_.men Nc -e "ac f ►r ,her bus -esy appearzY-g to be transacted at this meeting,, it was moved by Councilman vwand -r.., iel,:^n ed by Councilman Peterson., -:,he meeting ad cu-1 C r ed. tpprcved Mayor" Respe4;t fl a .ly submitted, 5Z3