1949 DEC 28 CC MIN'.r— ./ El Segundo, California. December 28, 19 , t, regular meeting of the 1-ity Council of the City of El Segundo, Californiz, wa: 7 held in the Council Chamber in the Citv Hall of said City on the above date, havlr.- been called to order at ^:00 otclock P. M. by the City Clerk, the ?_ayor being absent. : Dved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that - ,cuncilnan Thompson: oe appointed fsayor pro tem. Carried. rcuncilman Thompson thereupon a-csumed the duties of the Mayor. -_"LT CALL. Councilmen Present: Saner, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tem T:icmpson. Ccuncilmen Absent: iIa­cr Felby. r.: C _j CF : 1 "T -77.. OF PREVIOUS IEETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 21st day of December, 1.949, h«vin,- been read, and no error_ or omissions having been noted., it wa= moved b.* cuncii�n,_ Petersen, seconded by Councilman `�u,-anson, the minutes of said :rI tin i�� approved as recorder. Carried. The minutes of the public hearing conducted by the City Council in the Auditorium of Richmond Street Elementary School, on December 15, 1949, kith r =:fe:en ^- tc the decontrol of rents within the City of it Segundo, having bE.'en rn=!;d, and no error; cr omic lion= having been noted, it was moved by o-- -c' loran Swanson, seconded b­., cunciLman Peterson ;'<that the minutes of said hE'a_ring be approved as recorded. Carr - ed. IT ''P"' ri ter' 1,ritten communications, received from the persons, firms or corporation: he-,.inafter noted, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner in-- icated, following reference to each hereinafter: L-)" A17GLF7 COTNTi DIVI`?!; , L "nGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, dated Deccmbcr 2C, 1949, advising that said Divieion has undertaken the responsibility for '_.udying City- County relations, and ti that end, has appointed a committee, I'dth a FubcoIIlnittee headed by Clarence E. ::orris, Chief of Police of Pasadena, which subcommittee has subm'tted a report made by it of a special study of local traffic regu.lationsa "i&hich report indicates that there is an appalling lack of i�niformsty among the various ordinances of the County. It 7.!as that in order to assil,t cities in Corr =cting th4_7 chaotic condition, the report be referred to the Chief of Police, City Attorney or other department head, f ^r ,study and a report regarding the poeition of this City. Thereupon it was moved by Councilman Peterson, second ^d by CounciLmIrn that the report made to the Los Angeles County Divisi ^.n, League of Californi it °`., Syr l arenc'= 7rri=, �'':_ _ O� _'011 ^e Of a. iena, urlth reference 'moo T r"Iffic rpp- ulatloni_, a^ -et tip by far 1 r Ctie i rty of Lc- 'nr-F,!- within the CoL •:, b-- to th- Chief ­f -,.d the, "'ity 'ttorney for study, and any rc^ommendationt said official= me f­_1 it desirable to make to this Council vitn reference : aid matt,r. Car: b,-- tre folloving vnte: :ncilrlPr, a :er, _ ecer-,,n . u ansor. and If!,y;,r pro ten Thompson. Df • it; t. 1 ', T- 75 I;one. 0HAL CO ^i'rI�IC TIJI�S. REPORTS OF °TAIMING COIrrZTTEE-S. Public Safety Commissioner ^aker reouested another week's time in which to investigate and make a report on the matter of the installation of a boulevard stop sign at Eaple `.venue and Fenn :'treet, as heretofore requested by Yr. ;:ri. 3ohanns.n, i:rhich extension of time, by general consent, was granted. REPORT-S OF OFFIC ,F,° AND ,` PECIAL COI�XITTEE°. 'ity Coordinator '- `cCarthy reported receipt from the Department of Emplopnent of 7tate of California, of a certificate to the effect that the HouG.irg r-tI —.rity of the City of E1 Segundo is covered by the California Unemployment. =r. r, -irance Act. The 'ity Clerk reported receipt from the Office of the City Engineer of the of Los Angeles of its Financial Progress Report No. 40, with reference to the I- _yperion :'_ctivated "lodge Plant, one copy of which he delivered to each the City 5.ttorii y and City Engineer. The !'ity Clerk reported receipt from David Ettleson, Official Court Reporter, cf five certified copies of transcript of the testimony taken and proceeding:= ';ad In the ent Decontrol Hearin- conducted by the City Council on Thursday, the 15th e,a-,r of ,ecember, 1949. The City Clerk reported that, pursuant to instruction of the City Council_ given at its regular meeting held F.ecember 21, 1949, he had employed , ":r. Harry �. Jack,;on, an appraiser, to make an appraisal of the property which the City of Fl :- egundo desires to purchase from cta.ndard Oil Company of California, for ,rater department purposes, the cost of such appraisal to be `"50.00, and that 1-,` s.nticipates receiving laic! appraisal on Thursday, December 21•, 1949. City attorney L *oodworth made a progress report with respect to the matt: -f -making available to the >te -ring C^mmittee of the Boy Scouts Grganizat'on cf _'_ -:gundo, certain city property upon which said organization might place a buii.ding for Boy Scout use. City Attorney 1•1-oodvorth reported having received this date from City Ln inFer Lortz, descriptions and dra7-ings covering easements which the City of ."1 Segundo 'M need for its 27" crater transmission main line; that he will prepare the re.es=ary forms of easements and present same, when ready, to the Council for it, ^onsidcratlon. City- attorney - '!oodi•,rorth also reported having received from the Cite Pn- incffr, a aeccription of that portion of Inglewood- Redondo Road, lying -r.-ithin t.r,e Ci - -,,. .f El Segundo, and that he prepare the necessary ordinance, for the ``ouncil' con -iderption, to effect the ::a:_ge of name of said portion of Tnplev,,00d- F.edon'':^ _=.oac` to i!'-cation Boulevard. -: the matter of cecontro' �f rer_t- in the City of l .°egun de, v.hich matter -v ,ar ;, -1, vhe la,-,t regular meF;,inr� of t_ ".� ;'.^ (:ouncii taken under con- ideration v.nt.i:! i•r, _: I.:eeting, the' member= of -:aid ;�''nci; being of the opinion_ irt er ;t.,2-' ' f,-en the c-�-lbje-ct, _t .,a.. moan.. , Lncilrran Peterson, seconded by "101-11, -, t':^^t the matter of decontrol rents in the City of 22 eg slda ^,e taker, 76 under further consideration by this 1-ouncil until its meeting to be held on January 4, 1950. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tem 'Thompson, Noes: Councilmen Yone. Absent: Mayor Selby. PAYING BILLS. None. K1,17 BUSINESS. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was m^_•ved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the meeting adjourn. ^Lrried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: i :ayor. . -� W r 00