1949 AUG 24 CC MIN7_1 Segundo, California, August 24, 1949. A regular meeting of the City Ccun-::_-_ of the ` ty of E Segund —, 1- alifo:nia, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Nall of said City on the above date, having been called to order at 7000 o'clock P. K,: by ''aA,e Peterson, Mayor pro tem, H - i1.�Li L ALi ., Councilmen = resent: Baker, Swanson and I•.ayor pro tem Peter on. Councilmen absent: Selby and Tncmp8on. 1UAD_i�� OF la UTF;S OF PREVIOUS ?WETINO„ he minutes of the regular meeting held on the 17th day of August, =u49, :sere reGdt without error or o =ssion being noted. It was Lhereupon me -,ed by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the minutes of ,yid meeting be approved as re2ordedL Carried. 'YI'ii T 1 t'.1: Written communications, receive' fro!,-, the persons, firms or corporations neon= irzafter n6zae', were read to the Ccurcil and were disposed of in the manner yn;9ic:z-ted, following reference to each hereinafter° L4J', City Clerk of the C1t.y of Glendale, being "Notice of F;iblio Hearing On Petition to 2eccntrol Pent= _r� Glendale'. Ordered filed. _ 'A S P41.Ci� PPIi_IPPT, dated Aug. 23, 1949 GLENT? ..OSB, JR., dated Aug. 23, 1949; - DON A. JADDaL, dated Aug. 24, 1949: and ri_LL?AI4 !_ _ QUiNL�JT, dated August 24, 1949, each being application fcr c•v;rs t by the 0-1ty of it Segundo, Ordered filed. ,IRS i?�R'i INLE °, R, r?•, dated kug, 10, 1949, addressed to the Coordinator, c-rgratulating the City for the type cf men it has in its Fclice Department. ,e- sorrel and extending thanks for courtesies shown to her by certain police officers,. Ordered filed. ORAL CO u°"Ji 1--- -A IONO Floyd Carr, jr� addressed the City Ccuncil on behalf of the Junior ::hamber of �o._merc.Q, advising that on Thursday evening, September 1st, said organization is giving a dinner, honoring the E1 Segundo `Yyater Polo Tea.;, rih�-ch placed second in the recent intezrnaticnai water polo meet and in�itir.- Oouncil any? member5 of the offici.3i fanti.iy to attend said Y' =Wrier m °e.,ih.v� 14r. Carr further- stated it was the desire of the .7unjor Chamber of to present to each member of the polo team and the each, fir. Saari, ..itar_e awards; m aprreciation of the work done by said team Ind the coach, s,..� �s = recogniyi:.n by the cdtizen of Ell _` =gundo of the :?s.v: °a le publicity. ived by ,:,.id City through sai(,. Fw'R:, He requester t ne CI y -_ipat .e _n hsipin,; tc defray ti- r. cc: =t f Su --h awards, y ..ir.-an Thompson appeared at the meet._;.g dur-. n•" the above pre`"e_ ration, `•t; i,our- being 7 ;12 : e clock Y. P_% and he immediately took "Cis seat at the Lour cil t «.hlle . S Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the foliowing resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the matter of the participation of the City of E1 Segundo in the promotional support of the EI Segundo Swim Club Water Poo Team be referred to the Council as a committee of the whole and to the City Coordinator, for administrative handling, with power tc act, and report be made to the Council at its next regular meeting as to the action taken. On rol` -all, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote= FOU, Ayes. Councilmen Baker, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor pro tem Peterson., A:oe.s: Councilmen: None. A') s ent . Mayor Selby. Ism James Beerer, residing at 500 Virginia Street, El Segundo, addressed the Council respecting 3 trailer court recently erected on Sierra Street, and stated he wEs under the impression an ordinance was recently adopted by the _ �"'---cy which would prohibit the erection of such courts westerly of Sepulveda �culevard He was advised by the E'a7cr that the owner of such trailer court had applied for and received -a permit to construct such a court prior to the date of the adoption of the ordinance governing the erection of trailer court, ztie:,ter?y of Sepulveda Pcuievard. None, REPORTS OF STANDIr?G COQ IITTEES 4, RE FORTIS OF OFFIC RS `w7­ SFECIkL COIZ=TEES. City Coordinator McCarthy reported having this date received oral advice fn cm the. r -ounty Board of Superv1 crs to the effect that said Board had aYp.ovea the application of the City of El Segundo for permission to include ce.tain special propositions on the November 8th Consolidated Special Election ballot, and that written confirmation of such action would be sent by said -_ °.=d in due course. City Attorney Woodworth reported that, pursuant to instruction given nyr: at the last regular meeting of the City Council, he had discussed with 1�. Bar h Donahue, Attorney for Mr. Simons, owner of Lot 11, Block 67, "ici: property the City desires to acquire for waterworks purposes, the decision of said Council that it would be willing to pay '4400.00 to said owner for said property; that IL.r_ Donahue had transmitted such information tc his client and had received said clients approval for the sale to the City of the property in question at said price.. The City Attorney stated he was, therefore, closing his file in the matter. City Coordinator McCarthy thereupon reported he had caused an escrow to ore opened with Security -First National Bank of Los Angeles, covering the purchase by the City of El Segundo of Lot 11, Block 67, El Segundo, the purchase price thereon' being ,,:440C.00, and he requested ratification and approval of his :_aid a-t' and the authorization for the drawing of a warrant in the sum ."V -00.00 purchase price and ��,10.00 for estimated portion !e__ chargeable to the City. It was thereupon moved by Ccurci: mar. Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following resolution be adopted: -2- S 892 rFSCLVED, that the acticn of the :I ty Goordina.tor in causing an escrow to be opened with Security -First National Bank of Los Angeles, E1 Seglando Branch, covering the purchase by the City of ;l Segundo for water works rurposea of Lot 11, Block 67, L1 Segundo, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed; and BE IT F-D-HTITia,11 RE30LVED, that a warrant in the sum Of : :, "4411.00 be and the same is hereby ordered drawn on the Water Works Bond Election 1948, Construction Fund, psyable to Security -First National Bank of Los Angeles, ,;•, :egundo Branch, and the City Goor°dinator be and he is r: by authorized to c:.use said warrant, when duly drawn and signed by the proper officials of the City of El Segundo, to be deposited in said escrow. 0:: Mll calf, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following votes .Ayes. Councilmen Saker, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor pro tem Peterson. dv CounciLmen Pone, Absent, <,ayor Selby, Ul1i i i Hsi BI iT1 :) D _rci:.ator leperte4 ttia in c;onnectizn with t'e acq,-i,ition, �t;y- :� l : e�u.rdo, of certain properties for water works site t is ..er-essary t r -ict certain tenants on said properties, and he read t•c. t hr Cot- moil a form of "Notice of Termination of Tenancy and To Quit it rfa_ moved y Coof'tc -Loran & anson, seconded by r n ':= _; , ' :,e .`:1fcFY;i_sg : esclution :�e adopted, „ou_ c4.man lW v7 that a copy o_' that certain "Notice of Termination of Tenancy and To Quit premises'', addressed to Kr. Alton P. Turrill and Iirs s Alice T'urrill, and a copy of that .erta_` n „^tice of Termination of 'Tenancy and To Quit Premises ". a'i ressed to Mr. Wi A _ :aOLJUrTIOE OF THL CITY CCUI`N'--IL OF THE CITY OF E.. SEG'UNID0, CALIF01 -UilA, CALLING, OR.DEFdi TG AND FOJI:)INC FOR, AiTi i SING 2':OTIC% OFy A S'FECIAL I'Lfi;IC =PAL• r iF� i.0" m0 F H ^I.D IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, THE x:43 DAY OF N01M:=R , 1949, FOR THJ PiTIPOSE OF ::JU -' T -1P-TG T� - ALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID (7I'1''i A TA�r1 r.1N1- iAT-7 E NR .O_ T ON On KZASLRZ Tr~clri u TDATING SAID SPECTr,L F ZFED Tom ArD CorvJCL r.'.P.'ZI 'PAL ELEECTI.OIu WITHIN SkTD --y - tiIaTl; lr?y CONSOLIDATED SFECIAL ELECTION TO BE HE -D IN THE i1T- Cie v "til�FUltivin UiT S.EI ! Dr`�I 'eye._', r-e-Ld, be ad- led. C)n roll, call, Said motion carried and said u- Lut.ion was ado ts:i by tt e fad lcwri g vote: Aye. ':,a n, ^i:lmen Eake; • 507anso n, Thompscn and Mayor pro tem Feterson. Idr F s; C;oun si arien alone Absent: Maycr Selby, 'i"lo' red ti.y L-,o n J 1man Th�-,m son y seconded by r eun.cilnar Baker, the following - .�.:.lutio^ be adouted, YrI P �i, the Superior Court of the State of California, s as.3 for the Coursty of Tob, Angeles, in Action No. 489,890, ert' -} ed r "The People of the State of California, Flaintiff, ors � City of Los Argues, a Iiuni si pal Corporation, et ale, Defendant -,'* has orde:^ed that each of the defendants named in the Notice of Lotion dated Jl-d3, 15th, 1949, file with the Court a report setting fo --,.h all that it has done to ccrrrr.ly with the portion of the judgment referred to in said Notice a° IMotion, as modified by the Court, and to serve on Ge;.see for iaintiff a :copy of said report, which filing and service is to be made on or before the 29th day c,f August, 1949; Alvin i-1 -Z'c EAC;, the City- of E- 1'3egurdo, as one of said d,f- ndant:, ha, completer it_ financial arrangements for rieEting its share and proportion of the costs and expenses incident to the construction and completion of the sewage treatment and disposal plant, and ocean outfall line, at ?iyperion, presently being constructed by the City of Los Angeles, ANTED, WH=AS, sald City- has already paid or assigned ar�d caused to be paid to said City of Los Angeles on account of such costs and expenses, amounts sufficient to meet said costs and expenses of the defendant, City of E1 Segxdo, based on a previously estimated cost of Twenty - one Million Doliar °s -17' , it iE now e_Tin;a_ted that the total e ±.imated c, - -t f zsai w-'11 be not to exceed the sum rclu.siuF cf plans and office en8-- neerirg" _f Fcrty -Tent i. Ilion, ':und_•e 1 Seven Thousand, Six Hundred Dollars (S??42, %0 7, 600 ,OO j ; ANT!, T H : Ri - n - out of said amount-3 hereinabove paid and deposited, with said City cf Los Angeles, there reni,ifns to, the credit of the City of El Segundo a balance of se-. -eral thousands of dol "]-ors; _µs a 0 0 5 1 of L' 3eg�;ndc �as mad:- Ail*::;.v _r_'LLA,3, th I- -v I L L. -�_r- anFtrment, 3 to and s preDjreq to pay to said City -,i -�n rt� e - p,� -L, ­i the C-xist7-nR agree.ment y f'u'_-tr�er twmcunt-s U may De necessar- vr f rory. 7V ��l Se�­mdo_ to me-�!t the obligatinns cf said v -L�_ider _yid pay the ful-I FT3PU tiOn' A-V Of F] Seg-and� ;,f such costs and expense-F- oa:zec. c-n a new to-,a! sijrr,, (_in_'L usive of _plant 1L ng of Forily-.'No MI'Llon, Seven HundrF� th15 Cc-uncil feels that in view of the -crego-1-nig prei-ai;;e6, the (-li+y cf F.1 Segundo has compi.`Led Nvath 1- it iuig 1 -� pgier.t. cf ­nc_+ ­0,_jr- made in s&id Action, and na3 the highest -g-ocd faith in meeting the re- ,t �f the C�mrt'5 judgment in said Action; T'jE�74 7 r 7 - - LIVE, D that the City Attorney .j iT_ Y of __ Secgan,_,�c- be �_nd he in- hereby authorized an irs+lru:- ed to prepare rind file with the said Superior '_V:A,M and to Serve upon Co-,_in.Bel for ' Lf -lairtj f therein, or-, ��r Ln e fc: tr:e 2 "-, *' h day cf 11 a report on beha-If cf the -izy of a and its officiais, responsive -hp, i.`ourt.�_z op:jer,, based on said above-mentioned motion, as mod-'-fied, 'F�re_ffoing ra�olut-_ion wa7 - ,donted 1..,y the vrcLe� .D�wanson, Thompson and Mayor pro tem Pete i° n, iu�asa "'cum-11mer, Fone, M'Ayol- selbV_ C.­_-�y "le—nk st t1,.rjs tjyne preserited and read the titllF of Cjrdinan^,'-- AN 0r-C;.i'E,AjGE (11' --hE '-TTY Or EL. , , C !FO,- A, NDIC�o AL M K"LING -1'H.E AMOU14T OF MONLY N1�C.EOSSARY TO BE RAISED BY TA]K_,kT1ON UPON Ta.-' TA): 0LE PROPERTY THEREIN AS A RY ON 11flE IjAjr 101ENCIE "0 CAR- j7 LOUS DEPARRENTS OF SAID -7 - C,1717; ?AY ITS 11*,�'DZBT DNE'"S, 14EET ITS OBL T LGA- i�J _:.N-_-; (,-A:,1?OR�,—IA STATE EKIPLOT-E-E—S' HTIRE11EtfT r At"d; A_ND ��AINICAINT THE FREE PUBJ.--Ir- LIBRARY OF SAID C117t AKID KY-ING THE A11,C)UNT OF 1401EY NECESSARY TO BE iUl SE D BY Tk� TI ON UFON THE TAXABLE LAND OF "ACT OF il�E'ROV=IENT DISTRICT NO. 1" OF SAID 1927 "'Fum j ;' 1, CITYj FOR ThE kcu.0 NT FISICAL I'EAR 1949-1950, rid read i-L a reg-a", ar meeting of the City Counci I h- cl `h- 1-th day cf August, " I U 1949. Moved by Baker, seconde,-! by Councilman Thompson., that the readIng cf' Ordinance No. 359 be waived. Said motion oarr:led to,' "'�Ih'� I-1cwIng vote - "i e n fi*er' S""anson, Thompson and Mayor pro te,.,,, I Ar .3ent a y c r S' e1l, b I Moved by Ojcunccilman S'w&rison, seconded --'Y Councilman Bak-sr, that Nc. 7 T FT -111, EZ_ RA _r SE -TN U_ 0 r r U �H.L TfD�:L_ AS Tc "Air'-p"Y' uN DE, ARIIIIAIT-N-ITI: 1"F j I-v7 L 1 r !T3 3-31.1,-_ "IN"La H -'Al LMY 7 AND MA-1 NdAiNl _T 5 4 C-111VI 'E" r AJL�'_j' TO BEE BY TA-Lk ._,:2J jP,*V T J. I UZ -1 4 �T I'frIN 7 PAI IVIY_ _7129, I! D It 0� SAT T T', FOR IfE CU-RMENT FISCAL YEAR i 91 4, � A h was introduzed and read at a regular meeting of the Cit,v - the 17th dsy of August, 1949, be a-lopted, On roll cal) L .: rrled auid -_;a J, Ordinance was aaopted by the following vot_-, A ys E C=nciimen Baker, Swanson, TI-homp son and Mlayo-C, t. an N, c e E Coluicilmen None. Ab-zent,, Mayor "7;el.by. 7 by Counciii.ri-xi 7fi,:,Ker, 3econde(:1 ' by Cot"rciiman T� .1 - , , -P — " -,z-- ua_ I I U1, U _7 ­ry . - il U�11 OF TILLE CIIf DF EIL `E-QUNDOJ CALIKRNIA, F-7JUING TEI (.-,,F 'lA.7/�E7 SAI Zo. RAr 6E Cr' Y C71PI7 COUI �14�Lj 31' T"EL SAID .L.. . JCJI� E ORDINAIMCE NC, -159 Tln-REOF, PA.53SEO AND ADOPTED N T-M-17 -2-1,TH 1"I'AY OF AT!'GU`T r '19,�'9;0 AJTj EYPENSE _r , —7GN CY ME iiATES OF L fULD , Al :) FOR -' - AT­ RL NIT FESU*,kL YEA-a- 190-195' ,i, L UA in_ ' 4- a_Ioptea, C.n rcl, I C8_11, sa:L A� Moticn, Car�'-je n'l 7­1, -1 alopt,-_­d by the followinv vote.-, Aye s o C'ouncL'Imen Baker, 6wan-son, -hcmp_-cn and i`:,:tycr pr, Lem 11 � Lmen j C -- 5 ".1- _ �. .1ri c 1 Absent; M: -.Vcr selU37. ,-,Ity Coor-inatcr MIcCarthy reprr-ted to the that in A-UgI13t, 1948, r' Tit tc, rece-1,ve'l-I therefor, t-he City had entered into a ccntra:t -vrj.t!-, _-1_-11 c C"crperat .-Ior. cl, Amer;­_; 'or the furnishing to said City of a cerLaiii twr;­-way radio col mun-icatul" on system for the Poli_-e and Fire Dej-artments; what &11' c." the ec,,ulpmienz t ;; '-.,e Ifurn-J--hed thereizider has been- r` ­ceiqed h y "y y _lt:- OL one cv�,bile transmitter and receiver for tht;. T':1y�Iey that r,,tvr..thctanda.ng repeated re quests that the contra,,tnr -IM-1 said it has not yet d:�ne so, although the City has p ,:L i d reqze---t�;-d that the Council the --ontra-,-L, P---] a',j i IC any, de-sIred taken in thr-: matter. Eaker stated that a2! of the police cars radic' :,-CLrriiun cat' icn _zystems and he that ID-_ tO SUbStivute a and I_ etc- -Ivet' for one . =wh car6 In r1a,­­ of the motorcyc_.Ie. was Y secondh!ft by Baker, that, the C,tY CO-n-rdi:Atol- be anid he is hereby A-thordzed and lirecte,q to "I`G-ct C' sIbI e 'IT'7111s! tj on the trallom" t r to r I or, . snd report. the2"- 1 g Ad 7 "ent I id t petition fl led wi+lh th J 6 -- " regular meeting h c t . . I I 74 w Pet,-;-ti--;,irF, the na Street, bet've'- '�nd A-;'� e t. e Lv on has been Viii "-v Gs pe ty awners affect:- A proposed improvemert, PAY- LKil� U RIT.;'T---' - -ing demands, having r-&-,j t'-j� The fc)'Iow of the Committee cn oval I nance and Recoj-d-s, were read, Water Worts Bond, Elec. 1948, Con ',:4 und ,ty of El Sev.,undo, C.al. p3 521a08 B7raLl, 'o- Tax ^;oll,, 17-911 T%OTIAL 3539.01 T: wa f -fie Safety Fw "-rt Bres. 'I 77- siv TO - 9 7 -t"-te EMP .0yeese Ret. SYS-'. � 876;�:7-7: T C, TA L 76 5 r �egundo 11'6'-irwai'.Y -Upp - TOTL General Fur-• -41 Car Journal X X3.00 4rtis & Sons 1 100-84 aec. Supply Corr), 9.15 Book Stat. Co. 9 9.66 Stores 1 1.22 -ay- Products 4 4.02 Ambulance Serv. 5 5.25 .7-utton 8 8.65 on Tel. 3 3.88 --'fic Rubber Co. 1 1988.91. And Trust Co. 3 3.9i -.1-khart Co. 2 28-55 4.00 rage. 3 37-75 &tIng Groods 2 24-72 Of"guyllo 2 20.00 Laundry 2 2.50 30gundo 4 4,-50 House Mover;; 1 104.60 1-rinting 1 1.6.22 rIr'()TAL C i1T an �, Baker, the demarid: be Mcved bZ,- oWlc-1 iff.an on allo-wed and wa-rMnts ordered drawn nay _:; ; Y of the respective funds -:cvering the same, "_ zrried by the� Ay-'! 1; , ilmer. Baker nand Noes - mayor pro tem Feterson. ---LU'c,ilmsn none, Abssnt° Mayor Slelb-Y. NEW Bli-JiLI':1-1,-'-�' -, None. N,% Iur-thee bu3i-nez-s -appeaLr-4rIg at this meeting, it wa�-, by ThoirDson, r', -M Petersorl, tY.-e ineetin.- —7—