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1949 APR 27 CC MIN
ii Segando, "a.lifcrnia. April 27, 1949 � A regular meeting of the LJLt y Ccancil of the C.'ty of _71 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Ch�nber in the City Hall of said City on the above date, having been called to order at ?:CC o'clock P. l:. by William R. Selby, Mayore nrLL linLL o Councilmen Present-V Baker, Peterson, Swanson and "ayor Selby, Councilmen Absent - Thompson. il.utu.ii.�.: U: 1- �,.J1L,.. �" L't:.::,d i'�)LJ I•1:::1_:':.x The minutes of the reg _ _r meet -ng held on the 2.0th u _ . of Anil, 1949, having been read and no errors or omissions having been nctea, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman BaAer, the minutes of said meeting be approved s recorded. Carried. 1NRI —I -ii_`J l�vi`Lll. ~J1vATi�J1bTSe V.rittrzn communicationZ, from the persons, fir= or ccrporations hereinafter named, were read t,; *,he 'CoUrc .l and were disc _ ed :,f in the ma-nner indicated, folloti -ng referer_:e to each hereinafter CHARLES H. r,ORTi= �.i�i, 1_2y,�,r cf the City of Redondo Beach, 4_Lc. ed April 21, 1949, . requesting the presen --e of he I ayor and members of the :.ity Council at a meeting of Mayors and it• r Councils to be held in '.Melton" s Cafe, on Monday, liay 9th, 1949, at 7:_i. Ii, for the purpose of discussing mutual problems concerning the South Cistrict. Mayor Selby requested that ::embers of the City i7c raight be able to attend said meeting, so advise the City Clerk. i- LBr`RT EDWARD BADHAIi, dated ht:ril 27, 1949, being spry icat•inn for employ- ment by the City of El Segundo, Ordered filed. CORPS OF ENTGIiu=S, U. . AEk`!, dated 20 Apr2l 191L: 7, ;,dvI sing that application has been made by IMre Pe D. Killer of yos for permit to install a small -boat mocrir.g .., ^,.y approximately 75r-, feet Eeaward of mean_ high tide line in D,-,Tie a-re, Santa I,ionica Bay, an"` st at. g that interested persons may inspect drawing of the proposed work and file objections, if any, in writing, based on navigation. irtRre_.•:1 c"' dYs on or before ll a.m., Friday, Arr=i 29, 1949, Ordered r�]e IrSe IiYnTLE We IZONS, dated April 20, 1949, sugge_;T rg c.'r.:It the proposed map of the '.'aster Plan for ETulevards and Streets of vegundotl, be published and final hearing= be held only after every it,erested. individual has been given an opportunity to study the plans and -vc-ice e kis ,suggestions. By general consent the cam �u:���vior. was ordered filed _-._ c^py thereof tra::smitted to the City Py. arr.ing Commission.. �_A=LE K. D7,11 1, dated A.-r -iL ^-, 1949.1, request ing -- -'` `rr due her husband at the time of him dent. : ". for services thereoo" °_ "e- e_-ed the 'amity of El ::egundo, be pal.'. To :.Ez y inasmuch as tiie .. i;ner eof iS —1' S 710 The City Attorney stated that ir_ his opinion said anmo=t :night be properly paid to said Carrie i:c . al n, under the c.ircu.^i_ts -ice and it was thereupon moved by Councilman eterson, seconded by i:car_c_1: :an Faker, the following resolution. :e adopted W :ErEAS, this Council has received a written ccmiruni_ cation, from Carrie K� Dulin, the widow of Roy E nulin, Sr,, deceased, indicating to this Council that said Carrie Dulin, as the surviving widow of said Roy E. Dulin, :3.,, i-z entitled to receive the payroll balance due to sail deceased by the City of t Segundo at the time of hi-z. dent:.; and 1-ZH=AiEhS, the City Council has received advice from the City Attorney to the effect that in his opinion_ such balance may be properly paid to said Carrie K. Dunn, :::der the circumstances; 'O�ti, TI-'. .TORE, EE IT R :i0l.Vidi, that the City Cc ncyl does hereby approve the request of the said Carrie I1:. Dulin that the payroll balance due from the City of E1 Segundo to -id Roy E. Dulin, Sr at the time of his death, to wit. the sum of X10.00, be paid to said Carrie K. Dulin, �.._ ;3t Tarrant Lo. Yi -8 -at and she Eame l he-e" C uereQ cancelled and the proper officers of the City of ELI 3egund) charged with the duty of executing warrants on behalf of said City, are hereby authorized, instructed, directed and ordered to issue a new war-rant for the sum of "10000, payable to the order of Carne K� Dulin, in lieu of said ;arrant I97o. n 2891, and to forthwith deliver the same to said Carrie K. Tulin upon su:,n execution thereof. :n roil call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote.: Ayes: Councilmen Eaker, Peterson, Swanon a.rc : ;,, c Selby. ':oes: Councilmen Done. Absent. Councilman Thompson. tBLIC ILiTIES COI2. v' THE STATE Or CALIF G �i�l�,; 4piication Io. 30095, being copy of Notice of :searing before said Commission in the --1 -ter of the application of Pacific Electric Railway Compary, a corporation, for authority to make certain changes in its rail and motor ,carh system. Ordered filed. W. E. CARROLL and other's, resubmitting a Petition '_.i d .alver) for the improvement of Whiting Street, between Franklin Avenue -and L' Seg ndo Boulevard and that portion of the public alley runn :.ng ir. ? northerly and southerly direction through Block 15, E1 Segundo. ,_.ed '-- Councilman_ Baker, seconded by Councilman: ,a:._ ,-, the following resolution be adopteds &TIEREAS, there has been presented to this .;our:cii e petition of E. Carroll and others, requesting ti,- *ement of ,"kiting Street betweer r'anklin Avenue and El .�.: ilevard, in the City of :egundo, ad pertio c zlley in -.L 15, El SSegundo; n S 711 IM, i05rE<�-EAS, said petition purports to waive - e requirements and investigation under the provisions of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation: and I.aJorl-t y Protest Act of 1931 ". being _sion 4 of the Street:. and Highways Code of the State or 0-a.l forma; AND, uATIiEREAS, this Council feels that the owners ips of the respective properties referred to ir petit'on opposite the signatures of the respective petitioners, should be checked with reference to ownership; TH.EUMPE, BE IT RZ3O:,-VED, that tile said petit'on be and the same is hereby referred to the City Engineer and to A. S. i:onroe, Special Assessment Engineer of the ±; of E? Segundo, for the purpose of checking said petition. a. to ownership and that said officers be and thley are Tier et:;; authorized to procure such title report or reportz. a- M y be necessary in the premises, On roll call, the foregoing res: °Iution was adopted by the following votes ;,yes Councilmen Baker, F eterson, Swanson and = <_y-or _elby. ?..Ces o Councilmen Ton e c,sent Councilman .hompsan. 'RED V. HASLETT, dated ��- �Q1:�, being appl-L a,tior. fc_° pe-r. t to occupy, use and maintain a ouse�traiier at 754 Californi_ -tree'., El Segundc, The Building Inspector ht,i nr; noted or: the application, that the applicant is building a home at t:_is address, which is about 905`' complete, and that when the home is completed, the trailer will be stored at the premises, and having recommended the perrhit applied for to granted, it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by CouncLIm_tir_ = ec.erson, the following resolution be adopted.: RESOL1,Th—j, that a temporary, revocable permit, regular form, be and the Sarre is hereby granted F reel 70 iia.zlett, to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer wt 754 California Street, Z! Segundo, said permit to expire by limitation on rune 30t?, 199. On _oll Ca'l'l, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the "lowing vote. Ayes: Councilmen Eager, F- eterson, Swanson and rro: ;:elby� Noes-, Councilmen. 1 one Abse ^t; Councilman ''11, son. CITY F7 LNTN,!1 G 00:121":I331..1 , uated April 27th, 191+9, ;:? _._ __ that =aid Planning Cer=.ission, after con..u.:ting two required puc .._ _ _e :r;:,gss, adopted its Resolution No. 60, recommending the adoption of _r; e er`:ncy trailer park ordinance thexeln perrLtting t ra=ler parks in ___ .. -i area g eacte:ly cf 3epulveds 7-11,--_7* Transmitted wit'_ nication were :_opies of said Resolution 'o. GO and said amera_ . .. nance. r- crowing cons_derat1on th6rec.t°, it was moved b;' c� �...... Peter °cn' - s7 eco^ded by c u:vili�a_. sws:150:., 1 follm ing reS _ _t C -i n S 712 RESOLVED, that the coz 7ication from the C2t;;r Planning Commission, dated April 27, 1949, together with copy of said Commission's Resolution Peo 6C and ropy of proposed emergency ordinance, amending Ordinance 1,o. ?06 cf the City of El Segundo, with respect to tr�L- courts, be received and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk; AND, BE IT FUitTH R ' BOLTED, that the _ty :.�_ d,�es hereby set the matter of a certain amendment to ,rdinance NO. 306, the Zoning Ordinance, referred tc r. said Resolution No. 60 of the City Planning Commis ion, for public hearing before this Council, to be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of _Ll Segundo, in said City, on rlednesday, the 25th day of bray, 1949, beginning at the . hour of 7:00 o' clock F ... , and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instru;ted to give notice of said hearing In time, f•�i:: and manner as cone- emplaced by law. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted b-�. l .c foyloirdng vote: Ives: Councilmen Bake., :.tea son, Swanson. na 'Noes o Councilmen. !,one, Absent: Ccurciiman Thom on, 01nAL r-' C_- 2:7dICIATIONS: _Sr. Sam Block addressed tine Council, requesting that it exonerate t':e oil well drilling bond, hEa^stofore filed by ::r. Block, respecting B' cc'rt s Well No-,. 21; that the 3. old cli had been abandoned; that the derrick had been sold and t•.cuid be removed within the next ;,wo weeks and that the premises surround -ng said well will be i_. satisfactory condition within a short period of time; that, in the meantime, to secure removal of the derrick and the placing of the sand premises in good condition, he is willing to deposit a negotiable "'lauted :;fates Government Bond, in the amount of 11000.00 with the C uc Co- =cil, said bond to be returned to him when all matters in connection with the = andonment ' --id Block's ��ell ode. 21 have been placed ;_: rorditiar, satisfactory to said Council. City Attorney Woodworth Mated he had been in ccnfcre:7�7F .;,`Lth i,:r. Block with respect to ' r. Flock° s request, and in his opinlcn, if the Council is so minded, it might_ grant said regaest. Thereupon it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconie- b,0,r Councilman Baker, the following resolution: be adopted: Wr.rliEAS, Sam Block, pe=, ttee under various oil frs;l permits issued by the City of El Segundo and for i,-i Indemnity Insurance Company* of North America Bond :0. 960357, with Satre Block and Son, a co- partnership, of Sam Block and Milton G. Plock as Principal, posted in the sum of "�1G', O"C a'_?J, to cover the foil r �r oil wells and permits ;rithir, the City of El Segzrd-, . wit. -4- S 713 Blocks? Well No. 12 (formerly known as Wallace - Copinger ';,ell), Blocksg Well No. 13 (formerly known as Republic's L1 Segundo Nell No.. 1), Blccks' Well No. 14 (formerly known as Republic's El Zegundo Well No. 3), Blocks' Well No. 15 (formerly knor�%n as Republic "s ii Segundo Vell NO, 4), Block =? Well No. 16 (formerly known as Republic #s 1�1 Sef.ndo yveil No. 5), Blockst Well No. 17 (formerly known as Dart Oil Company :Jell Blocks? Well No. 18 (formerly known as Dart Oil Company 0uell No. 2), Blocks' well No. 19 (formerly known as Dart Oil Company �deii No. 3)� , Blocks' Well No. 20 (formerly known as Dart Oi'1 Company Drell No. 4j, and BlccksY Well No. 21 (formerly known as Elsie Well ido. 9 -1); and WHEREAS, it is noir requested by said permittee that said bend be exonerated as to Blocks! Well No. 21 (formerly known as D sie Well No. 9 -1) only, as to any liability ac r:�ing thereon subsequent to this date, as permittee has negotiation_ pending for the removal of the derrick and the cleaning of said prends'es as hereinafter contemplated; and WHEREAS, it appears to this Council that the absndo=ent of the well known as Blocks' i'iell No. 21 has been completed to the satisfaction of the officials of the City of E1 Segundo excepting the removal of the steel derrick and foundation thereof now existing upon said well site and the filling of the sump and excavations upon said premises and the restoration of said premises to a clean and safe condition; an WFIEREAS, said permittee has offered to post with the City of E1 Segundo a negotiable United States Government Bond in the principal sum of „1000.00, as a guarantee that said derrick will be removed and that said work of filling said excavations and sump and of cleaning said premises will be completed within a period of sixty days from this date, April 27th, 1949; and WHEREAS, the said Council has duly considered the said request and feels that the same is reasonable, all facts con- sidered and that the City should cooperate with the permittee in that respect; NOW, THEREFORE,, BE iT =OLVED by the City Cc _Lnci_ of the City of El Segundo, Cali fornia, as follows.- First: That the regsaest of said permittee for per- mission to post said above mentioned United States R Y.mE:t Bond in -the principal sum of .',Pi00O.00, as a guarantee the derrick will be removed and the premises resv4--d hereinabove indicated, be and the same is hereby E-_- subject to the approval by the ;pity Attorney of `.`�: ;e ^_Ur._ty S - '714 tendered and to the signing by the permittee of a sufficiency deposit instruction and agreement covering the deposit of said bond in the office of the City Clerk, said form to be prepared by the City Attorney. Second,, That upon receipt of such bond and the deposit instruction and agreement, so prepared and approved by the City Attorney, the City Cierk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to address a communication to the said permittee and to the said Indemnity Insurance Company of North America, advising that the said Bond No. 960357 is exonerated as to any liability accruing thereon subsequent to this date, April 27, 1949, and that thereupon the said bond shall be and the same is hereby so exonerated, as to said Blockst (dell No. 21 only. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by tht following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and ',iayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. None. REPORTS OF STAAIDING COMMITTEES. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL C011ITTEES. City Clerk McCarthy reported that during the past week, in connection with the expansion program of the municipal water works system, for which it is necessary that the City acquire certain property in Block 67, El Segundo, he had - a.used an escrow to bp opened with Security -First National Bank of Los Argeles,coverinf purchase by the City of Lot 9, Block 67, El Segundo, the purchase price thereof being 07000.UO, an! he requesuda ratification and approval of his said action, and the authorization for the drawing of a warrant in said sum of Q*7000.00, payable to said Bank. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the action of the City Clerk in causing an escrow to be opened with Security -First National nark of Los Angeles, E1 Segundo Branch, covering the purclha.se by the City of E1 Segundo for waterworks purpose of Lot 9, Block 67, E1 Segundo, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed; and BE IT FURTHER PLL OLZ'EED, that a warrant in the sum of A7000.00 be and the same is hereby ordered drawn o:. the Water works Bond Election 1948, Construction Fund, payable to Security -First National Bank of Los Angeles, El 2egundo Branch, and the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to cause said warrant, when duly drawn and signed 1--y proper officials of the City of E1 Segundo, to be deposi;,ed in said escrow. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted b.R t-he following vote: �6- x 711 Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Svranson and 11 r Selby. Noes: Councilmen None, Absent: Councilman Thompson. The Chief of Police announced the appointment of Mr. Jack Thomas Gee as a Warrant Officer of the City of El-Segundo., and requested approval of said appointment. Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the appointment, by the Chief of Police of the City of E1 Segundo, of Jack Thomas Gee as a Warrant Officer of said City, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent. Councilman Thompson. The City Clerk reported that in connection with the purchase, by the City of E1 Segundo, of Lots 26 and 27, Block 42, E1 Segundo, he had received from the Attorney for the Estate of George Johnston, Administrator's Deed, covering said lots, which said attorney requested the City Council accept, after the form thereof had been approved by the City Attorney. City Attorney Woodworth thereupon examined said Deed and stated he would approve same as to form, Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain Administrator's Deed, dated the 25th day of April, 1949, executed by John F. Bender, As Administrator with -will- annexed of the Estate of George Johnston, deceased, conveying to the City-of E1 Segundo, a municipal corporation, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of.Los Angeles.. State of California, described as: Lots 26 and 27 of Block 42, El Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per map recorded in Book 20, Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, for public purposes, be and the same is hereby accepted by and on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause said instrument to be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. The City Clerk reported receipt from the Department of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles of its Invoice No. 1015, show =.ng balance to the credit of the City of E1 Segundo in assigned and deposited funds, in connection with the construction of sewage treatment slant at Hyperion, -7- S '716 one copy of which he delivered to each the City Attorney and City Engineer. City Clerk McCarthy stated that in connection with the proposed expansion of the water works system, it will be necessary to abandon Holly Avenue, between Lomita Street and Maryland Street, and the alley in -Block 67 for a distance of 190 feet northerly from the north property line of Holly Avenue, and inasmuch as such expansion work will be started in the near future, the Council should take steps to cause such abandonment to be completed at as early a date as possible. it was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to furnish the City Attorney vdth the legal description of the portion of Holy* Avenue, between Lomita Street and Maryland Street, and the portion . of the alley in Block 67, proposed to be abandoned, together with a description of the assessment district to pay the costs and expenses of said proposed abandonment, if any, and that upon receipt of such data the City Attorney be and he is hereby authorized to prepare and present to this Council such proceedings as may be necessary to enable said Council to accomplish in due time the abandonment of such portion of Holly Avenue and said alley in Block 67, E1 Segundo. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby. Noes. Councilmen None. Absent, Councilman Thompson. The City Clerk, reporting in connection with the request of the City Planning Commission heretofore filed with this Council, that a clock be installed in the Council Chamber, stated an electric clock, suitable for the purpose, could be purchased and installed at a cost of approximately -20.00. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase an electric clock and to cause same to be placed in the Council Chamber cf the City Hall in an appropriate spot, all at a cost of not to exceed p`20.00, plus California State Sales Tax. Carried by the following vote: Ayesa Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby. Noes. Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. City Attorney Woodworth, reporting in connection with his investigation of the drifting and accumulation of sand at the westerly end of Pine Avenue, in the City of El Segundo, due to which a house at said location had been seriously damaged, stated he had this date received a message from Mr. Gillelen, President of the Board of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles, which: message stated (1) that the City of Los Angeles is erecting a drift fence, which it is anticipated will correct the future condition, and (2) the City of Los Angeles is-arranging to remove the excess ea.d which is still around the house S '71-7 UNFINISHED BUSINESS, The City Council discussed the matter of the request of Mr. Davre J. Davidson, made at its last regular meeting, that the said Council amend its business license ordinance relating to the subject of vending machines. Following such discussion, it was moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following resolution be adopted; RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to notify Mr. Davre J. Davidson that the City Council, after consideration, is not disposed at this time to make any further amendment to the business license ordinance of the City of El Segundo relating to the subject of vending machines, as discussed by Mr. Davidson at the last regular meeting of said Council. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby. Noes. Councilmen None.. Absent: Councilman Thompson. Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that Ordinance No. 353, entitled: APd ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS 313 (THE TRAFFIC ORDINANCE) OF SAID CITY BY ADDING THREE NEW SUBDIVISIONS TO BE DESIGNATED AS 11(v)rf, n(w)" AND "(XI" RESPECTIVELY TO SECTION 1 OF ARTICLE XIV OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 313, which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of April, 1949, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. On roll call, said motion carried and said ordinance was adopted by the following vote-. Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and ?Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent., Councilman Thompson. PAYING BILLS„ The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read. Recreation Fund Collector of Internal Revenue X30.88 Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk 8.00 TOTAL .,38.88 General Fund Lei'Land A. Irish, Inc. ',-26.86— 11ultigraph Sales Agency 8.00 Southwest Pipe & Supply Co. 6.88 Western Union Telegraph Co. i914 Underwood Corporation 128069 Victor- D. McCarthy, City Clerk 9.20 General Fund Carrie K. Dunn -7-0.30 Allied Tractor Coo 15.00 C. V. Baird Auto Supply. 6.74 Hollywood Janitor Supply CO.' 97-38 Eckdahl Auto Parts (;o. 11.28 Milliken Che ,-rolet 7.50 Rawlins Bros, Iac. 18.98 G. B. Taylor 30.99 Skeyhan Stat, & ;;-inting Co. 9.23 H &_ H Fountai-. -- Grill 1.35. Southwestern "ection Interratl , Q_ ysstn. of Electrical Inspectors 3.00 S '7f8 General Fund General Fund J. C. Holland T87-78 International Association of Roberts Real Estate Co. 40,00 Chiefs of Police $10.25 Donald J. Farrar 3.50 Arthur L. Mayfield 1.50 TOTAL , 9.32 Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes- Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. NFd BUSINESS IT No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the meeting adjourn© Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: , � N �A ' Cit Mayor. -10-