1948 NOV 17 CC MINS 442 E1 Segundo, California. November 179 1948. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was held in the Council Chamber of the.City Hall of said City, on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. Zia by the City Clerk, the rayor being absent. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that during the vacation period of Mayor Selby, to wit: November 17th to December 5th, 1948, both dates inclusive, Councilman L. Rexford Thompson be and he is hereby appointed and constituted by this Council as Mayor pro tern, to act in the absence of said Mayor Selby. Carried. Councilman Thompson thereupon assumed the duties of the Mayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tern Thompson. Councilmen Absent: Mayor Selby. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS rE NG. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 10th day of November, 1948, having been read, and no errors or omissions having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. :a'RITTEN C01-1 UNICATIONS. Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, M LTH DEPARTTUNT, dated November 15, 19489 granting a clearance covering sanitation and housing with respect to the application of Mrs. Alma Pool, to conduct a child care center at 707 Lomita Street, E1 Segundo, subject to such limitations as may be determined by the Los Angeles County Public Welfare Commission. Ordered filed. CHARLES E. SHERBNO, dated 15 November 1948, being application for permit to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer at 134 Eucalyptus Drive, El Segundo. The Building Inspector had made notation on the application to the effect that applicant has purchased a home at this address, which is about 90% complete, wishes to live in the trailer during construction and will thereafter park the trailer on the premises, and he recommended the permit be granted under the circumstances. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson,, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLI'M, that Charles E. Sherbno be and he is hereby granted a temporary, revocable permit, �r: regular form, -1- S 443 subject to the conditions set forth on his application by the Building Inspector, to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer at 134 Eucalyptus Drive, El Segundo, said permit to expire by limitation on March 31, 1949. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote-, Ayes: Councilmen, Baker, Peterson, Swanson and :Mayor pro tem Thompsono Noes: Councilmen Alone. Absent: 1layor Selby. D'P` r"; STAHLE, and six other, bein, 'Petition and 'Jaiver for the Opening of a Public Street Easterly and �Jesterly through Block 110, E Segundo. :,:cued by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following esolution be adopted: ',=AS, there has been presentee to this Council the petiti --n of Della Stahle and six others, requesting the opening of a new public street easterly and westerly through Block 110, in the City of :i Segundo, as more particularly set forth in said petition, and that the costs of such opening be assessed upon a district; said petition purports to waive the require - Tents and investigation tinder the pro;risions of the '`Special _ssessment Investigatic ., Limitation and .Majority rrotest Act of 1931". being D_v;ision 4 of the :streets and Highways Code of the State of 3alifor d* a; AA?D, '511,-AS �i, this Co°,r; iii feels that the ownerships of the respective properties referred to Yn said petition, opposite the signatures o' the respective petitioners, should be checked with reference to ownership; NOW, THEREFOEZ, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Assistant to the City Engineer and to A. S. i.Tonroe, Special Assessment Engineer, for the purpose of checking said petition as to ownership and that said officers be a_rd they are hereby authorized to procure such title report or reports as may be necessary in the premises. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote; Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and tilayor pro tear. Thompson. Iloes: Councilmen None. Absent: :Mayor Selby. THEODORc, JOFR, isLDL , dated Oct. 30, 1948, being application for employment by the City of El Segundo. Ordered filed. LOS ANGS COUTJ'I'Y DIVISION, LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, dated roc v *ember 8, 1948, announcement of its regular monthly meeting to be held at Hawthorne, California ,, November 18, 1948. Ordered filed. 61AYNE A. BOSSE, owner, Blue and White Cab Company, 11anha;,tan. Beach California, dated Nn- vember 2, 1948, requesting an opportunity to serve the -2- S 444 City of M Segundo, should the need arise for taxicab service in said City. Ordered filed. W. T. SESNON, JP.., Chairman, Los Angeles Chapter, American National Red Cross, dated November 11, 1946, addressed to Honorable Roy Selby, iiayor of the City of El Segundo, advising that it is essential that the Blood Program, being conducted for the benefit of the people of this community, be very materially stepped up to meet urgent needs, and stating further that a Group Participation Plan has recently.been developed, respecting which Mrs. A. B. Woodside, Chairman of Blood Recruitment for El Segundo, is prepared to discuss at any time. By general consent the City Clerk was directed to send a copy of the above mentioned letter to the President of the E1 Segundo City Employees' Association, with the request that the subject matter thereof be given publicity among the City Employees and that Firs. Woodside be requested to address a meeting of said Association at a convenient time, explaining said Group Participation Plano None. ORAL CO=ICATIONS. RETORTS OF STAIMING COIL ITT=S. Councilman Baker, representative of the City Council on the Recreation Commission, stated that at a meeting of said Commission held on November 9th, 1948, Mr. R. R. Tillotson made a progress report respecting the lighting on the tennis courts at El Segundo High School campus; that bids had been received on such work, but were found to be too high, and it was the intention of the Commission to have the work done by force account; that the City would be advised at a later date as to the cost thereof. Councilman Baker also reported that at said meeting of said Recreation Commission, Recreation Director lard had outlined his plans for this yearts basketball tournament. REPORTS CF OFF-= AND SPACIAL C012TTEES. Chief Acting/if Police DeBerry, by written report dated November 17, 1948, announced the appointment of C. D. Coleman as a Special Police Officer of the City of El Segundo, and requested approval thereof. Moved by Coun llman 3aker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the appointment by tfT�Ref of Police of the City of E1 Segundo of C. D. Coleman as a Special Police Officer of said City, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Carried. The City Clerk announced that on the date of the retirement of R. T. Hutchins as Chief of Police of the City of E1 Segundo, to -grit: November 15, 1948, at midnight, said Ro T. Hutchins had appointed T. B.DeBerry as Acting Chief of Police of said City until the further order of the City Council. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following resolution be adopted- �� -3- S 445 RESOLVED, that effective on and after the 16th day of November, 1948, To B. DeBerry be and he is hereby appointed as Chief of Police of the City of El Segundo, to be com- pensated for his services rendered in said capacity in accordance with the salary resolution of said City, and to continue in said office until the further order of the City Council. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following votes Ayes. Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and ldayor pro tern Thompson. Noes: Councilmen Noneo Absent: Mayor Selby. Commissioner of Public Safety Baker presented written request of T. Bo DeBerry, that he be granted permission to take.ten days of his earned 1948 vacation between the dates November 22nd and December 5th, 1948" both dates inclusive. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that T. B. DeBerry, Chief of Police, be and he is hereby granted permission to take ten days of his annual earned 1948 vacation, beginning November 22nd and ending December 5th, 1948. Carried by the following vote: ryes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tern Thompsono Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Mayor Selbyo Public Safety Commissioner Baker recommended that during the vacation period of T. B. DeBerry hereinabove granted, Vernon L. Wood, Captain of Police, El Segundo Police Department, be appointed Acting Chief of Police. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that during the vacation period.of Chief of Police T. B. DeBerry, hereinabove granted, to wit, November 22nd to December 5th, 1948, both dates inclusive, Vernon L. Wood be and he is hereby appointed Acting Chief of Police, to be compensated in said capacity in accordance with the provisions of the salary resolution of the City of E1 Segundoo Carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tern Thompson. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Mayor Selby. Public Safety Commissioner Baker recommended that Alex Haddock, Police Officer, be appointed Acting Captain of Police during the vacation period of T. B. DeBerry, Chief of Police, whereupon it was moved by Councilman. Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that Alex Haddock be and he is hereby appointed Acting Captain of Police during the vacation period of the Chief of Police, between the dates November 22nd and December 5th, 1948, both dates inclusive, and that he be compensated for his services in said capacity in accordance with the provisions of the salary resolution of the City of El Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson. Swanson and Mayor pro tem Thompson. Noes: Councilmen Ncne. Absent: Mayor Selbyo -4- S 446 City Attorney Woodworth reported there had been presented to him for his approval, Comprehensive-Liability Pocy No. 5338 of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, with $50, 000 1100.,00 Liability and $5,000.00 Automobile Property Damage Liability; that he approved said policy as to form, but was calling the attention of the Council to the fact that said policy provided for automobile property damage liability only and that if the Council desired additional property damage liability, said policy should be so endorsed. By general consent the matter of increasing the property damage liability to cover other than automobile liability, was taken under consideration by the Council. City Attorney Woodworth read to the Council a form of "Notice of Sale of Sewer Equipment and Inviting Bids Thereon ". Following the rearing thereof, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following resolution be adopted; RESOLVED, that the form of "Notice cf Sale of Sewer - Equipment and Ir..viting Bids Thereon!% be and the same is hereby approved by this Council., and a copy thereof authorized placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; AND, BE IT FURTHER P.ESOLVD, that said City Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to cause said Notice to be published twice in Ell Segundo Herald, and a con- densed form thereof published in the Southewest Builder and Contractor, Water and Sewage Works, Western Cities, and any other media of publication in which it may be considered desirable to publish said notice, the date for the reception of said rids being hereby set for January 12, 19499 at 7.15 o'clock P, M. On roll sell, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote- Ayes- Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tern Thompsono Noes - Councilmen None. Absent-. Mayor Selbyo City Attorney Woodworth reported that, pursuant to instruction of the Council, he had written Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, advising said Company the City is contemplating the abandonment of a portion of Palm Avenue, in which public street said Company has an easement for pole lines, that before the City adopted its final ordinance causing such abandonment, it desired to be assured that the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company would secure such an easement from the E1 Segundo Unified School District, which would be the owner of the Droperty abandoned by the City; that in reply thereto he had received a letter from said Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company, in which it stated it had made application to said Scha -cl Board for the necessary easement, but had not as yet receives; a reply- to its request. City Attorney Woodworth read to the Council a progress report he had received from Mr. Emuel J. Forman, Attorney, representing the City of E1 Seg -ndo and other cities, before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, in the matte: of the application of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company now pending before said Commission for permission_ to in_crease.its telephone rates. —5— S 447 Water Superintendent Lortz reported that on November 9, 1948, he had employed Mr. Co L. Watson as Laborer- second class, for temporary work in the Water Department, and he.requested approval of said employmento Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that, the temporary employment of Mr. C. Lo Watson, November 9, 1948, as a laborer - second class, in the Water Department of the City cf E1 Segundo be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed,, said appointee to be compensated for his services rendered in such capacity in accordance with the provisions of the salary resolution of the said City. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker., Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tern Thompson. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Mayor Selby. Assistant to the City Engineer Lortz at this time reported, that pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No. 969 of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, he was presenting for the Council's approval certain revised plans and profiles covering various work to be performed by the subdividers of property included in Tract No. 15455, which maps and profiles he had checked and found to be satisfactory and he recommended the Council's approval thereof. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the following resolution be adapted: RESOLVED, that the following revised plans and profiles, to-wit- 1. Plan and Profile of Sanitary Sewer in Tract No. 15455, El Segundo, Calo Noo 481014 -1; 2. Plan and Profile of Sanitary Sewer in Tract No. 15455, El Segundo, Cal., No. 481014-2; 3. Plan and Profile of Sanitary,Sewer in Tract No. 15455, El Segundo, Calo, No. 481014 -3; 4. Plan of water mains to be constructed in Tract 15455, No. 481012; 5. Plan and Profile of Acacia Avenue from Center Street to 3911 efly of California St., No. 481013-1; 6. Plan and Profile of Acacia Avenue from 3911 E. of California St. to E. line of Tract Noo 15455; California Street from S. line Tract No. 15455 to Imperial Highway, No. 481013-2; 7. Plan and Profile of Alley Sly. of Imperial Highway from Center St. to 391' E11y of California St., No. 481013 -3; 8. Plan and Profile of Alley S11yo of Imperial Highway from 3911 E. of California St. to Alley E of California St; Alley E11y of California Street from Alley S. of Imperial Highway to Imperial Highway., No. 48101,3 -14; 9. Plan and Profile of Center Street from Imperial Highway to Walnut Street; No. 481013 -5 R. S 448 be and the same are hereby spprol!ed by this Council and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Engineer. On roll call, the foregoing resoluticn -vas ad.p +ed by the following vote, Ayes- Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and I,iayer pro tem Thompson. Noes° Councilmen None Absent- Mayor Selby. The City Clerk reported that Mr. E. J. stow., -Superintendent of Eobile Equipment., for the City of El Segundo, dq -'�gd to take off accumulated overtime during the period December 21st./- tisnuary 3rd., 1949, both dates inclusive, whereupon It was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that. Eo J. Grow., Superintendent of Mobile Equipment, be and he is hereby granted perms lion to take off accumulated overtime during the period from December 21st, 1948 to January 3rd., 19499 both dates inclusive. Carried by the following vote- Ayes- Councilmen Baker., Paterson., Swanson and Mayor pro ter, Thompson. Noes- Councilmen None. Absent - Mayor Selby. Councilman Baker expressed ±he opinion that some provision should be made for the servicing and repairing of iity equipment during the absence of I1r. Grow. Other members of the Council concurring, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following resolution be adopted-, RESOLVr;, that during the absence or inability o±° the Superintendent of Mobile Equipment,, that the Department Head of any Department, having equipment requiring immediate repair or servicing during such time, with the consent of the Commissioner of said Dspar ment, may have any such equipment repaired or serviced at any local or other garage or shop where the required repair or service may be obtainedo On roll call, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote. Ayes.- Councilmen Baker, Peterson., Swanson and Mayor pro tem Thompson. Noes - Councilmen None. Absent- Mayor Selbyo In the matter of the appraisal of tax deeded properties owned by the City of El Segundo, the Council, by general consent, agreed to meet and make such appraisal on 'Monday, November 22nd, 1948, at the hour of 3 -00 o8clock P. M. and the City Clerk was directed to contact Mr. John F. Bender, Special City Attorney, to ascertain if I1r. Bender might meet with the Council at said tfine and date. Ulifi r ?i: t PT- TESS The City Clerk at this time presented and read the ±it:le of Ordinance No. 343, entitled; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF = SE4UNDO, CALIFORNTLi., AME!,TDi ING ORLINLNOZ' P 306 (`IIE- L TTD USE PLAN - ZONI^ S!C?F.DII� OF -:t,ID CITY B L ADDING SECTTOI' 17.2 Tr ��i�D G ?u iTI.i AI��L _•_ ,j'i (;� i Iii ...r *. �1'�i� :r�i' Bi G THE MINING L:.'i FTYI._;'- Tu���_71 �:. —'3 ^� T0, PL'RS'J ?T m�, F.7, -, . J77' 77' _. Ty'.L n THE ?r ?LIC•ATIOI' OF EL SE -L"'DO LTI'IFIr' SCHOOL DTSTRI sm, S 449 which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 10th day of November,, 1948. It was thereupon moved by Counci'm - Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the further reading of Ordinance NTo. 343 be waived. Said motion carried by the following °vote° Ayes- Councilmen Baker, Feterson, Swanson and Mayor pro ten Thompson. Noes-. Councilmen None. Absent- Mayor Selby. Roved by Counc -L man Peterson, seconded ny Councilman Swanson, that Ordinance Nom 343, entitled; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EI, SE,GUIdDO, CALIFORNIA, A1,21DING ORDINANCE NO. 306 (THE LAITD USE PLAN ZONING CRDIN.PiNCE ) OF SAID CITY, BY ADDING SECTION 1702 TO SAID ORDINANCE NO. 3062 AS Al-MDED, AM BY Al- TDINU THE ZONING HAP LAND USE PLAIT TI=N REFERP= TO, PURSUANT TO FRCC=7NGS HAD ON THE, APPLICATION; OF r i� SEGUNDDO UNIFIED SCHGOL DI:: TRICT, which was introduc=ed and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 10th day of Novemfber, 1948, be adopted. Said resolution carried and said ordinan --e was adopted, on roll call, by the following vote: iges: Councilmen 3aker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Thompson. Noes: Co.y-^.ciLmen None. Absent: Mayer Selby. FAY.TNG DI=, The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read; Pension Fund State Employees? Ret. Syst. 3955.71 Water Works Fund Pay Roll Demand No. 12954 American ®LaFrance ®Foamite Corp. to 129639 Inclo u945.2h u nta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 56.90 Uinta Curtzwiler, City er 6.25 State Employees? Ret. Systo 78.76 State Employees? Ret. Syst. 110088 Hospital Service of So. Cal,, 4.90 Eckdahl Auto Parts Coo 102.16 The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 35090 City of E1 Segundo, Cal. 117.06 Ira E. Escobar 59.79 Crane Coo 123.31 Howard Supply Coo 20.76 A.B.C. Wiping materials 22.55 The Fred W. Hanks Co. 32097 Kimball Elevator Co. Ltd. y.20 Addressograph Sales Agency ' 3.44 F & F Radio & Appl. Coo b.cb El Segundo Herald 55.37 E. James Robertson 88.03 Charles E. Lortz, Petty Cash 17.67 City El Segunde, of Call. 262L.00 / ;7 TO i Ay ' 4 7 2!.. 8� IM Hospital Service of So. Cal. 180.90 Sate Lmplloyeesw Retirement Sys. 836068 General Fund American ®LaFrance ®Foamite Corp. .8.97 L. N. Curtis & Sons 72078 Fletcher Tire Co. 40059 N. L. Curtis 6.15 City of Manhattan Beach 5.68 R. To Hutchins 1063 Industrial Stat. & Prtg. Co. 11.07 Inglewood Blueprint & Supply 1.61 Los Angeles Co. Health Dept. 14079 H & H Fountain and Grill 1030 The Redondo Reflex 18.71 Title Ins. & Trust Co. 16000 Union 0il Co. of Calif. 117.06 The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Coo 14700 Edna E. Leland 72.47 Jayne ®Purdum & Co. 2426.24 Simmons Key Service 8.20 PIirta Curtzwiler,, City Treas. 1517.13 :4ii:ta, Curtzwiler, City Treas. 2453.89 Pinta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 1458055 i �:ita C,,z+zwiler, City Treas. 1487036 `'.iota, Curtzwiler, City Treaso 859015 21inta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 750.52 pints, uurtzwiler, City Treas. 37.50 Hospital Service of So. Cal. 180.90 Sate Lmplloyeesw Retirement Sys. 836068 S 450 General Fund South Bay Disposal Co. $306.00 Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk 72.6 TOTAL 13307,,45 V. E. H. P. Fund City of E1 Segundo Water Dept. $126.65 Recreation Fund Converse Pharmacy $18.20 Collector of Internal Revenue 7.64 Rite Note 22.67 Schwabacher®Frey Co. 4.31 Glenn Stanley Sports Shop 34.64 Ace Gift & Office Supply Co. 1.79 Leather Supply Co. 11.61 American Handicrafts Co. 3.13 Drakels.Leathercraft Co. 17.6o TOTAL $121.59 Moved by Councilman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following votes Ayes. Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Thompson. Noes: Councilmen None. Absents Mayor Selby. NM.' BUSINESS. Commissioner of Public Safety Baker stated that when appointments were first made to fill various positions in the Fire Department, the Position for one engineer was left vacant; that Clarence E. Kyler, at present classified as Hoseman in said Department, had been filling said position for sometime past, and that the Fire Chief and Captains in the Fire Department had recommended the appointment of Mr. Kyler as such Engineer. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that effective on and after the 16th day of November, 1948, and until the further order of the City Council, Clarence E. Kyler be and he is hereby classified as Engineer in the Fire Department of the City of E1 Segundo, said appointee to be compensated for his services rendered in such position in accordance with the provisions of the salary resolution of said City. Carried by the following votes Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Thompson. Noes: Councilmen None. Absents Mayor Selby. Commissioner of Public Safety Baker stated that Mr. Kenneth E. Searles, a former police officer of the City of E1 Segundo, now on leave of absence from said Department, had indicated he desired to resume his employment with said City. By general consent the matter was taken under consideration by the Council. Commissioner of Public Service Thompson stated that Parks Superintendent McIlwain had reported to him that the wiring on the Christmas tree in Library Park is badly worn and in need of replacement; that he had made an investigation of said wiring and found same to be in a very unsatisfactory condition; that he had obtained a quotation from a local electrician of $120.00 for material and $85.00 for labor to completely rewire said Christmas tree and he re- commended this be done. -9- S 451 It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that rewiring of the Christmas tree in Library Park be and the same is hereby authorized, at a cost of not to exceed $210.00. Carried by the following vote. Ayes. Councilmen Bakery Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Thompson. Noes. Councilmen None. .Absent.- Mayor Selby. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk, By Approved. Deputy. Mayor pl& tern. -lvm :T