1948 JUN 02 CC MINS El Segundo, California June 2, 1948. 1i regfLar mtc ing of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was held in the ;council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date, having been c&lled to order at 7000 o'clock P. M. by William R. Selby, Mayor. R011- CEiZ:% Ccs r- ,:ilme -n Free spnt; Ba.k:!!r, Swanson, Thompson and -Mayor Selby. Councilmen Absent- Peterson READING OF MINUTES OF PRMOUS MEETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 26th day of May, 1948, having been read, without error or omission having: been noted, said minutes were approved as recorded upon motion of Councilman Barer, seconded by Councilman Thompson, which carried unanimously, WRITTEN COM04 LCATIONS. Uri -,,ten cozy mnivatirns received from the persons, firsts or corporations h-sreinafxex named, were read to the Counc=il and were disposed of in the manner lndi�,,ated, foll,:zring reference +_o each hereinafter. SEOEaLI.1-1111f- PiA i%INs ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA, INC o , undated, postal card invitation to attend a luncheon in honor of the State Beach and Park Commission, at M*nica, California, Friday, June 11th, 1948. The communication was ordered filed and Councilman Baker indicated he would attend said meeting, if possible, as a representative of the City of El Segundo. TH.PI:fIT-NING C'ONFRESS OF WS ANGELES COUNTY, undated, notice of its meeting to be held on Th,=rsday, June 10,.1948, at the Orange County Women's Clubhouse, Orange, California, Ordered filed. �ICLA H, P11ri 2SON, dated May 30, 1948, expressing appreciation, on behalf of the, Youth Symphony Orchestra, of the Council's endorsement of Said organization as sei forth in its resolution adopted May 19, 1948. Ordered filed. L. LEIS, dated May 31, 1948, requesting that in event any one of the six permite heretofore issued by the City Council for the sale of fireworks within the City of El Segundo for the 1948 period, should not be used by the permittee, that he be issued said unused.permit: After consideration, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Inomp8on, said request be denied, Carried. B.,� 51DE MOTORS, undated, advising that it has in said Company's yard a used international Fire Truck and offering to sell same to the City of E1 Segundo for the sum. of $3700.00 163 It appearing that said fire t,-uck had been inspected by the Fire Chief and that ub -ie Safety Commi3sioner Baker had talked with the firm's representative respecting same., aril raid officials reporting that the said truck is impractical for use by the City of El Segund.a, it was moved by Councilmen. Baker, seconded by Councilman Swanson, that the City ;.Nark be directod to advise Bayside Motors, that while the Council approciateu the offer, it is not inter°ested in a truck of this nature at this time. Carried -.1- S 164 RICHARD CARPENTER, LEGAL COUNSEL, League of California Cities, dated 26 May, 1948, advising that the League's Uniform Sales Tax Committee has completed its work on the revision of the 1946 model sales tax ordinance, and stating that a copy of the revised ordinance will be sent to any city upon request. By general consent the City Clerk was directed to procure six copies of said ordinance. PHILLIP M. LARGE, dated-6 - 2 - 48, stating that by reason of circumstances heyondfhis control, he is unable to attend the meeting of the Council held this date, which meeting he had been requested to attend, so that the Council might obta14 from him certain information respecting intended future use of the premises at 318 East Sycamore Avenue._ He requested permission to postpone his appearance until the Council meeting to be held June 16, 1948, and by general consent this request was granted. HOWARD GARDINER, ASSISTANT DIRECTM, LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, dated 19 May 1948, to which was attached copy of a -twd4r establishing specifications covering the kind, size, color "and height of street name signs for Cities within the State of California, as set forth under Chapter 790 of the Statutues of 1947 (Vehicle Code) and which specifications have been adopted by the Department of Public Works and become effective Jung 1, 1948. 1 By general consent the specifications were referred to the City Engineer for his information and guidance in the matter. BOB AUTRY, dated ,Tune 2, 1948, being application for employment by the City of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed. R. T. HUTCHINS, CHIEF OF POLICE, dated June 2, 1948, presenting for the Council's approval vacation schedules covering employees of the Police, Water, Street, Sewer and Garage Departments of the City of E1 Segundo. .Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baker,.the following resolution be adopted- RESOLVED, that those certain vacation schedules for the Year 1948, for the Police, Water, Street, Sewer and Garage Departments of the City of E1 Segundo, presented this Council this date, as follows, to -wit: Note-. E. H. Flowers and S. M. Annie have both elected to postpone their vacations for this year. POLICE DEPARNT Employee From To V. L. Wood June 22 June 29 - first week Sept. 7 Sept. 13 - second " S. J. Potts June 30 July 16 - includes July 15 and 16 without pay R. H. Dietrich July 19 August 2 F. F. Berkline Aug. 8 August 22- L. W. Maxwell Aug. 23 Sept. 7 A. C. Haddock Sept. 16 Sept. 22 - first week Dec. 23 Dec. 30 - second " T. B. DeBerry Sept. 23 Oct. 9 R. T. Hutchins June 16 June 30 Sept. 1 Sept. 15 W. At Callahan June 21 July 5 J. H. Burns July 8 July 28th - Includes July 23, 24, 25 & 26 without pay B. L. Coulter Aug. 17 August 31 Note-. E. H. Flowers and S. M. Annie have both elected to postpone their vacations for this year. S 163 WATIM Dr�."A.R JT PRI0yee From To Warren G. Bradford Aug. 19 Sept. 2 Fred Crawford Deco 6 Dec. 19 Ralph Freese No ,d . 14 Nov, 28 J. J Lind Aug. 3 Aug. 17 Oakley Mayo Sept. 1 Sept. 15 J. C. Osborne MAY 18 May 25 - first week W. A;zg ., 31 Sept. 8 - second week Clifford Smith July 12 July 26 Peggy Sullivan Sept. 13 Sept. 24 Dorothy Wallace Aug. 9 Aug. 20 15 GARAGE R. E. J. Grow Indefinite 26 Cordie Hulsey July 19 Aug. 2 ENGINEERING, C. E. Lortz July 6 July 19 STREET DEPARTMMT S. J. Aimino June 15 June 28 B. E. Campbell June l June 14 E. L. Coddington July 13 July 26 W. 0. Dodd Sept. 13 Sept. 26 E. E1sen Aug. 2 Aug, 15 A. R. Gunn July 26 Aug. 8 0. L. Lake July 19 Aug. 1 W$, R. Marcus JiLne 29 July 12 J. P. Thompson June 14 June 27 Earl Dorgan Elects to postpone until 1949 his earned vaoation A. Siebken Deco 14 Dec. 27 be and the same are hereby approved, prom ded, however, that such schedules are subject to change by the City Council or by the head of the department effected, if, in his discretion, the beat interests of the City of El Segundo would be served by amending the same. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following votes Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes.. Councilmen Nome. Absents Councilman Peterson. WELFARE COUNCIL OF METROPOLITAN LOS ATIG=S, dated May 27th, 1948, with which vare enclosed copies of certain model ordinances setting forth certain regulations relating to homes for the aged, mental institutions, private day schools, day nurseries, dry nursery schools, private boarding schools and children's boarding homes. By general consent the communication and. accompanying ordinances were ordered filed. for consideration by the Council at a future date. ..3- s. ins - COjR`JTY OF LOS ANGELES, HEALTH DrENUR.T141 M, dated May 27, 1948, enclosing copies of amendments to a proposed mUdel ordinance respecting regulations covering hospitals, Nest home s, homes for aged, etc. Ordered filed for future reference. ORAL COMMU ICATIONS. Rev. J. F. Gasser, on behr.lf of the Inter -faith Committee, representing all churches within the City of El Segundo, addressed the Council, requesting permission to erect a sign at Main and Grand Pvenue, in the area known as Pacific Electric park, which sign would give the name and location of said churches. He displayed to the Council a sketch of said proposed sign and stated he had obtained oral consent from the Pacific Electric Railway Company to place the sign on its property at said location. He further requested permission on behalf of First Baptist Church of E1 Segundo, to place certain directional signs respecting the location of said Church at various points throughout the City. Following consideration of the requests hereinbefore set forth, as made by Rev. Gasser, the matter was referred to Public Safety Commissioner Baker and Chief of Police Hutchins for investigation and report thereon to this Council at its next meeting. Mr. Ira E. Escobar addressed the Council respecting a certain drainage problem in the public alley adjacent his property and that of George Gordon, Jr. in Block 23, E1 Segundo, explaining that since his property had been brought to a level grade, the surface thereof is approximately 22 feet above the surface of the improved alley and that there now exists a pocket, in which storm waters accmuaulate, creating a bad situation and a possible hazard. Following discussion of the subject, the City Engineer, by general consent, was directed to prepare and present to this Council at its next meeting, an estimate of the cost of correcting the grade of the alley, so that storm vatero w111 not accumulate therein and will be carried from Grand Avenue into Franklin Avenue for disposal through facilities existing in said Franklin Avenue. None. REPORTS OF STANDING COINIITTEES. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COM IITTEES. Donald J. Farrar, Chief, E1 Segundo Fire Department, by written report dated June 2, 1948, entitled: "Re Probationary Period of Members of E1 Segundo Fire Department ", stated that certain members of B1 Segundo Fire Department have completed their six months probationary period as such members, and he finds their services to be satisfactory in all respects. Following the reading of said report by the City Clerk to the Council, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the report of Donald J. Farrar, Chief of E1 Segundo Fire Department, dated June 2, 1948, respecting the following names employees in said Department, to -wit: Floyd L. Ingram John A. Brennan Harold G. Chamberlain William I. J. Coulter Clarence W. Dinwiddie Clarence E. gyler -4- - S- 167- be and the same is hereby approrad aid ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk, and that• eal d employees armed in said report shall be retained in their p. -esent employment during the pleavare of this Cca,n -jc j1.1, The foregaing resolution v-p-�-• Ayes. Co�cilmn Bah & -r, :>Veirt_;< <a, ih ,sin, and Mayor Selby. Noes: Counc llmen ?'x�•ne , Absent. Councilmen Fet,e--acnri City Clerk McCarthy rs�s �Rr �.�� :� ;� ; `� � Co ?.a?� � i l ° w consideration, Street Dead, executed by Orville K tai tx a�. sy : °�;r ; h Gibbons, respecting dedication to the City of KL 5 � _ o u_.� p�:,r tioris of hots 173, 374, 375, 388 and 389, Block 123; a-lac - a:ec:a ed by Melvin H. Wright and Elmer H. Wright, dedicatix43 . t, �-Jlve Cfty u.:l Segundo the westerly 25 feet of Lots 391,-392o 393 and 394. 1:23, K. Segundo. It was there. pon mooed by t',`��a�c �.t���. Thr— ,=,5son seconded by Councilmn Baker, the following resolution be RESOLVED, that that. ct--°ta.in Streser, 'Dead, dated the 2nd day of June, A. D., 154¢, axe.rLit;ed by Orville K. Gibbons and Marjorie L. Gibbons, husl,,wQ, anft wife, conveying to the City of El Segundo, a muniel -,- l c°cr.po °:►.tjlon, for public street purposes, the real. property jr- the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as. The Easterly twent.T. -I°ive (25) feet of Lots 373, 374 and 375; saki tieaterly twenty -five (25) _ "'«et ,7f .1.tDts 388 and 389, all in Block 1.23, as shown upon El Segundcs Sheet No. 8 ; rigoorded in Fscwok 22, pages 106 -107 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, California., and on file In the office of the County Recorder of said County; and That certain Street Deed, dated the 27th day of May, A. D. 1948, executed by Melvin H. Wright, a single mace, and Elmer H. Wright, a single man, conveying to the City of E1 Segundo,.a municipal corporation, for public street purposes, the real property in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: The Westerly, twenty -five (25) feet of Lots 391, 392, 393 and 394, all of Block 123, as shown upon E1 Segundo Sheet No. 8, recorded in Book 22, pages 106 -107 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, Cal- ifornia; and on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County, be and the same are hereby acc&ptesd by and on behalf of the City of E1'Segundo; AND, BE IT FURTMM REjOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized arii directed to causer said instruments to be filed for record as one documart, in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California. -5- S 1.68 The foregoing resolution Was adopted by the following vote: Ayt.7: Councilman Baker, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent; Ccuncilmign Peterson. None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. P. "YING BILLS. The following dsmand &, having had the approval. of the Committee on Finance and Records, were reads V. E. H. P. Fund Water Works Fund Modern American Products, Inc. 701M Pay Roll Demand No. 12636 to 12644, Incl. $886.31 Water Works Fund Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 67.00 Mints. Curtzwiler, City Treas. 78.25 Mints Curtzwiler, Sec. E1 Segundo State Employees, Ret. System 88.94 Group 15.75 State Employees' Rot. System 124.65 Braun Corporation 3.47 El Segundo Hardware 29.49 Pacific Abrasive Supply Co. 150.68 J. C. Osborne 97.73 Multigraph Sales Agency 8.10 Addressograph Sales & Ser. Agency 2.80 Logan R. Cotton 200.00 Mefford Chemical Co. 247.91 El Segundo Herald 49.87 Hcward Supply Company 10.28 Union Oil Co. of Calif. 28.24 James Jones Company 101.71 Crane Co. 148.92 Industrial Stat. & Printing Co. 101.48 TOTAL $2361-56 MoTed by Councilman Baler, seconded by Councilman Swanson, the demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, uWanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Peterson. NEW BUSINESS. Councilmen Thompson introduced Ordinance No. 331, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 127, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, MAKING CERTAIN RULES AND REGULATIONS WTTE REFURENCE TO THE Ua OF THE MUNICIPAL SEWER SYSTEM OF SAID CITY; MAKING CERTAIN REGULATIONS WITH REF=CE TO CON- DEC ON WITH SAID SMWER aSTsEM; AND AUTHORIZING THE HEALTH OFFICER AND/OR PLUMBING INSPECTOR OF SAID CITY TO CONDEMN AND TO COMPEL THE REMOVAL OF CERTAIN PLUMBING FIXTEMS, S'EMS, CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANK; WITHIN THE SAID CITY. ", BY AMENDING SECTION 20 OF SAID ORDINANCE NO. 127, which was read. Councilmen Baker introduced Ordinance No. 332, entitled: 10 AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMMDING ORDINANCE N0. 155 OF SAID CITY, ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CREATING A CERTAIN RESIDENCE DISTRICT IN AND FOR SAID CITY AND MAKING CERTAIN REGULATIONS WITH REb'E MCE TO THE KEEPING OF LIVE STOCK THEREIN. ", PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 25TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1929, BY AMENDING SECTION 3 OF SAID ORDINANCE N0. 155, which was read. Councilman Thompson introduced Ordinance No. 333, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING VACANT FOR PUBLIC ALLY PURPOSES ALL THAT PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEY LYING NORTHERLY OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF PINE AVENUE AND WHICH RUNS NORTHERLY AND SLY IN BLOCK 118 WITHIN SAID CITY, which was read. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Thompson, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted) Approved: City 91or Mayor. 29