1948 JAN 07 CC MIN91 Segundo, California. January 7, 1948. A regular apeeting of.'the..City gQuncil Hof -the City of. El •SegWAo,,' California. was hpld.,Xn -the Council Chamber., of. the City -HaY1- of"8441 City on the above date, having,-been -called, to:.order at 7.O0o'.cloCXtP. M. by the City .Clex$,. die Mayor ,being - absent. 1. Moved - by.-.Councilman Peterson,._ seconded by- :Councilman Skelley.), that, Councilman Thqzipson be_iappointed -Mayor -pro, tem. . Carried.. Councilman Thompson thereupon assumed the duties of the Mayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen_ Present.* Peterson, Skelley and Mayor pro tem Thompson`,; �. Councilmen'Absent: Baker and Selby. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 30th day of December, 1947 and of the regular meeting held on the 31st day of December, 1947, having been read and-no errors or omissions havinig been noted, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the minutes of said meetings be approved as recorded. Carried. WRITTEN- COWMCATIONS. Written communications, received from the persons, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: M. & M. HOUSE MOPING CO., dated January 7, 1948, application to move a one story frame building from Mines Field (Los Angeles Municipal Airport) easterly on Imperial Highway to the Easterly City Limits. The City Clerk reported that said building had been moved this date, without a permit having first been obtained so to do, and that the mover had been given a citation by the Police Department to appear in the City Court on January 19th, 1948, for violation of the house moving ordinance. Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the matter of the application of M. & M. House Moving Co. presented this Council this date, for a permit to move a building over Imperial Highway, in the City of 11 Segundo, be taken under advisement by this Council, pending further information with reference thereto. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley and Mayor pro tem Thompson. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Baker and Mayor Selby. MAURICE B. WARD, Recreation Director, dated January 2, 1948, announcing the opening of the 11 Segundo City Adult Basketball League, January 8, 1948, and requesting cooperation in supporting this league and encouraging a good turn out. Ordered filed. MRS. ALICE HOPE, dated January 3, 1948, being her resignation as a member of E1 Segundo Recreation Commission, effective immediately. Moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED,, that, t" repigna4iop, El, 'El. ii;iin4 of Xro, as a zft or of dared this --Connclft #113,, date, witi regreiti `that 11 h said Council y1th th6'unse -Mrs. Hope deep gratitude'"'; ""iha sai-i ce V c ha's rendered the City .of X1_Sq$=do-pzd Jts,,S;Xizpps 4jWijjg.,t term-'of her" office` as a maifiber - o?'-daild 406 a I;ereby express its appreciation of said service; and does hereby. direct .the City ,..qerk-to cq,nvey,4tq Mrs. ape. tAo-, - expression of said Council heroij.4'so j k The foregoing 'resolution �ras adopted' by'th6" bllowing'vote'-. Ayes: Councilmen Paterson, Noes; Councilmen None.. Absent-: _qouncilman Baker and 'Selby EbVAP6:. tko*�§ 1: a -e�erm'r5e G. B. �T'Ndl- dii�ed-�J 1�48;: ARTHUR NICHOLS, dated Jan'. 5, 1948; ROBERT F. MERPW, dated,J8q1t,. . 8; , ­ - _Z' 194 And .- - 10 WILLIAM CHARLES PHILLIPS, dat6d Jeri. .2 4-0acation, for employment by the City of El Segundo. Ordejr6tfiled. MR. AND MRS. R. H. ALBERT,' dat6d- J! an, CHARLES IBRODOWY, dated January 2,. 191+8:;- apd- HELEN W. WUBBEN, dated Jan. 6, 1948 ation for renewal of house trailer permit. Moved by Councilman Paterson, seconded �i &ouncAM fi, _S)EiiUqZF,,,that a temporary, revocable permit, in regular form, be granted to eaA"o-i-the io116jring,A_a_med persons, to occupy, use and maintain a house trailer at the address set opposite their respective pec ti ve names,., each_ to - on March 31st, 119-48:" Lap dj­74' Mr. and We.. R —_'H.4 :7 :7 *ert r�ast%e uor Charles Brodb ,,ca Helen' 6�be 7 Carried by the fo34owing.vpte:, Ayes: Couftellmon7 lieioeriion, Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Baker and ,pro Thwip 0 01i Mayor ,$olby. JOHN D. CAMPBELL, dated Decemb= 31, 1947, being his resignation as a member of El Segundo Fire D9partmi6nt,'e;?fecfivei January 1, 1948. Moved by Cauricllmmn Peterson', condadb�.*-,C' the, _01,10wing 84 QUUQ 1W resolution`U RESOLVED, that the. raq,ignatiozz,q*,,Johni,P. qqqgoa, 1-_I(,,as • a member of 21 Segim6;,", --ce ad Oki tme I IV, as of 12: 01 A..- M. X - -1 . t4ik h6 a4uar ti. Qt F1 surrender hie badge of offi f ut "�� n'bi 16 him as appropriately- insdri'1664 and'theieift6r iet a ,, I jzrf a memento of his faithful. and z9:r.:,LtorXpu#, s&rvij&,.j4.q- t e.,C1tTjY,:, of zi Segundo' and tbAt"' the _C1t,,y,-, -Cieiksl I.e..- raquo 8 0 1*743_ 4, �*4 �4 an appropriate &cmmn c�Iktion -to "Paf W" Ca A the Ci tjy I '' _". ."j "". _;1- I '. 4p, �Lp rv�z pteci,ati(:ih as, -or Of The foregoing'resolutfon eras _ e(dopted. Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley and Mayor pro tam Thompson. Noes: Councilmen, None. f7r Absent: _Councilaian Baker, ina Wqor oib-, _ � i • I II LLOYD ALMICB City Engineer, City of -Los Angeles,; .'hated Dece�tber, .31, 1947, advising that'bide are tq be received -by said City oa.,January,21,. , 1948 for the construction o'�f7lter� drier.and,fortilizer w orego.pystemv Unit SN of Eyperion Activated`Siudge Plant: Ordered filed: - A copy of said above mgntioned 6' cation was delivered .-.to the City Attorney by the City--Clerk - " = APEX PETROLEUM coRpORRTIOlf; LTD Sated December 12,.1947; advising- - it has officially abandoned it9'Elsie -Coair �ty #6 oil well; located 100' North and 125' West from the Northwest corner of.Grand Avenue, and Sierra Street, El Segundo. _ , 4 i The Building Inspector having reported that said yell.has -been _ abandoned satisfactorily and in accordanee,with the _terms of'the permit ; heretofore issued Apex Petrole="ICorporatiin; Ltd: for the drilling and operation. of said Elsie - Community #6 oil well, , i#� r`,ras .mgvod -- by _Clpuacilma� , Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson;, ate following ; re @olut3o�p. be - adopted: WHEREAS, -this Council has.received a'communication in words and figures'; $s �fpllovs. ., "APEX PETROLEUM ,CORPORATION, 1444 East Hill Street" Long Beach 6. 'California - .. -' December, 12, 1947' LTD. Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk El Segundo, California Dear Sir*-- - e "We have officia9.Ty abantioried' our well'X si'e Community_ located 100' North and 125' West from the Northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Sierra. Street, El Segundo, ,Califorpia,"�_ in accordaYiee yri'th t ie tegulatione of t_h6 "6tate_:-Divisi9a of oil and gas.' The surface has 'been leveled and" re.atored; to its original- Condit'ioh with all pipe lines tiken'up etc." In view of the facts stated above, we should•not'be obligate&" ^ to pay the annual license fee on this well which is- due,,.. January i; � w - .. _ ._ Yours very. truly, L D, s..Tucker, Secretary:, F - AND WHEREAS the Building Inspector of the City.q;, Segundo has reporfe8``to'`'this Council 'that the ' said We�I nd been,,J abandoned and the premises refAwodin satisfactory coition; NOW, TES, W 'IT `RXS, OLV$D, :that, effective as'of r midnight on the 316t day'.6f December, 2947, ::the permit Par said Elsie- �.'Ommunt ty ail volt, heretofore-, iaQued, by ,thi+ . r r.' Council, shall be andt}ie same is -hereby, cancelled and ;;tez�titiat}�d;., AND;._ BE 'TT Si�tTSSR �'SOL�ED, that the pnd` IYen f4 connect on`_ with the salad permit , being Bbpd ,#6 x+6625 0 ' National At�toIDgb and Casualty Insur ed Cd. .;-,as "eurdt$f ' and Apex 1 _.U..1em . Corporation, Ltd. -as Principal,' dated the'.3.th $ay of 'VanwfrT,` 194.E shall be and the same Is hereby exonerate d. ee, to y a liability ccrui - ng- thereon �abeequent to said �_ �le "t� -day of - December, 19?+7; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the gity --Clerk•ie and y , he is hereby authorized and-instructed tb forward a�'copy'of this resolution to said permittee and to said bonding company for their information and files in the premises. moor., On roll call the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:. Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley.and Mayor pro tom Thompson. Noes: Councilmen None._ Absent: Councilman Baker and_Mayor Selby,. _ ORAL, Ca4kMCATIONS. + Mr. Melvin Chabrajez addressed the Council, etating_ that when he had applied for renewal` of his .business license, to d_o business at 701 Maim Street, .$],. Segundo, the City Clerk had refused to issue such on as his reason for so doing that said business establishment ds'in a residential zone and that under the provisions of Ordinance No. 306 of the City of.Bl Segundo such business at said location-is' not permitted: Mr. Chabrajez further stated that-he had had a'license'to do'business at said address since June,.1946, and he requested that the Council authorize the City Clerk to'issue the license, requested for the year 1948.: ' Considerable discussion ensued, during which members of the City Couz}cil and the City Attorney questioned Mr.- Chabrajez with reference to certain aspects of his business at said address and the City Attorney read certain of the provisions of the zoning ordinance covering matters -of the,nature in question.. Foi3owing said discussion; 'by general consent.'the matter` was` taken under.: advisement, to enable the Council to make further investigation thereiaf. and Mr. Chabrajez was advised the* Council would -- endeavor to: make Its decision' respecting his request during the coming week: Mr. A. Soeuto, on behalf of B1 Segundo Volunteer Fire Department, requested that the Council cause the pool table, property of said Fire Department and which table is now in storage, to be placed in the quarters of El Segundo Flee Department for the use of the members thereof,.., Mr. D. Farrar, Fire Chief, upon questioning by the Council,,stated he had no objection todplaoement' -of the "pool table in" -said quarters, aid: thgeafter it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that'the matter of placing the pool,-table '- owned by E1 Segundo Volunteer Fire Department in the quarters'` of gi' 8ikando Fie Department `be referred to` Public Safe g' Cpm�iesionez Baker, with power to act. Carried. . ; ] 12,- - _ . Mr_.Il._Farrar, Fire Chief, recommen&sd- -t�ii- the - `council, that Mr. Arthur Thomas, a member tof 1 Segundo Volunteer Fire Department' "be given; the rank of -Captain 'in said Department,; an' he gave hia reasons therefor 1 .'further . stated that he•had taken the matter up with public Safety Co�ji ioner'Baker and that said Comml Sst64er' a' -o _edit ereof . It was thereupon moved ` by -Coimcilman-Peterson, deco_nded by Councilman Skelley, the following resolution -be adopted; ` RESOLVED; iSat 'the recowendation of Fire Chief Farrar!`4' that Arthur Thomas- -be -_appointed and given the rank -of Captain - Volunteer im the El,Segundo'Fire Department, effective.as,ot `` v _Friday the `9th 'day of January, 1948, 'be and the "same is T . hereby approved by this Council, subject, hgrever, to the further approval of Public Safety Commission7Baker, inasmuch as said Commisdioner is absent from this meeting. The:foregoing resolution was adopted by the following -votei yes:, Councilmen Peterson, Skelley and Mayor pra'tsm Thompson. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Baker and Mayor Selby. R 966H None REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITMS. REPORTS'OF OFFICERS -AND SPECIAL.CONMITTEES. The City Clerk recommended the transfer of'$1750.00 from the.General Fund of the City of El Segundo to the Recreation Fund of said City, following which it was moved by Councilman Peterson, - seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the transfer of $1750:00 from .the- General Fund of the City of El ,Segundo .to the Recreation Fund of said City- be,and the .- same.is hereby authorized; and that the City Clerk and City Treasurerbe and they are hereby directed to make. appropriate. entr;,y of , such transfer , -.in > their ,,, respective books of record. Carried by the,pollowing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley and Mayor.,pro tem;Thompeom,. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Baker and Mayor Sahay... - City Attorney Woodworth reported he had be nothing further from the Pacific Electric Railway Company with respect to•request of the City of El .Segundo for easement_ over a portion of ,said, C.Ampany_'s ,right....of war . at Eucalyptus Drive and Grand 'Avenue, _in ttie ,City rof El Seg do,,, for public street purposes._� City Attorney Woodworth reported he hacl discussed with Building Inspector Frank Smoton�y the matter of either.amending the present plumbing code of the City of: El Segundo or the adoption of a later code., and, that said Building Inspector Would make his red6mtiiendation with respect thereto.. at the next meeting of this Council .. _ _._ UNFINIS$ED BUSINESS. None _ - PAYING gIt,LS::. Mayor pro: ten' 14ompson'at this time appointed Councilman Peterson -aq, Finance Commissioner-pro'tpm. The following demands, having had the,.,approval of the- Cpm[nittee -.on Finance and Records, ` were read: Water Works . Fund, , _ . ,•Water. Works Fund Pay Roll Demand 12330 to _. . , mints iCuitzyiler;.City :Treae. .70 ,,, 12341, `.Incl. $112532 I�in ,a Curtzwiler; City Treas. .._19.80 Pittsburgh -Dee .Moines steel r Co, .8135.00 �; �`arbank .Morse & Co ..- ;, 350.41 State��ployees' Ret. System 87.91 _,,Ei,Segundo Hardware. - 11.27 State Employees' Ret. System 123.43 Wilson's Carbon Co. Ltd. 19.48 Addressograph Sales .& Serv. Ag. 3.13 „�.. - ,Crane.,Co.. 201.90 Industrial Stat. & Printing Co. 14,87 _.- 'Remington Rand. I=. 157.41 Infilco Inc. 18.74 Carl Wilson 40.00 Layne & Bowler Corp.. 574..89......City of Tl _e1gundo ;.: 249.29 Marine Eng . & _Supply Co • _ . -. 915.00: -Howard Supply .Co . K . , : 185.85 Smith- Blair, Inc. 378,12 Kiaabell;.Xlevator Co.. Ltd. ,:.. „: 8.00 R. T. Hutchins, Petty Cash_ , _. _ 50.62 Mefford, Chemioal, Co ,, -- , _._,..-24 7. 1 Pacific Mill & Mine Supply'Co. 21,09 _ TOTAL-. 53.5 Braun Corporation 34.4+= ,. V.E. H. P. Fund' Pension Fund City of E1 Segundo Water Dept. 7 -.2 - State lkployees' Ret. Syst. -•.. 59 :79 City of E1 Segundo, Calif. 62-04 State Employees' Rot. Syst. 20.30 TOTAL $186-30 .. __. TOTAL $619.09 ' Recreation Fund General Fund Pay Roll Demand No. 57904 to Pay Roll Demand No. 57839 ­57911Y' -Incl. - .:- -.. .. $325.20 to 57855, Incl. #73 Mints, Curtzwiler, City Treas. 24.80 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 769.06 Ace Gift & Office Supply-Co.- 14.52 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 1149.68 E1 Segundo Hardware .82 Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas. 1234.05 American Handicrafts Co. 21.56 Mints, Curtzwiler, City Treas. 1637.11 Glenn Stanley Sports Shop ` "81.80 =" Minta Curtzwiler, City -Treas. 1219.09 TOTAi •70 - -'' Minta Curtzwiler, City Trees. 31.25 . Mints, Curuviler, City- Treas. 697.90 General Fund Union Oil Co. 'of Calif.- :301.84 State Employees' Retirement Syst. $561. 0 L. A. Allen 8.36 American Fire Equipment Co. 10963 Blake Electric Co. 19.15 Bay Cities Venetian Blind Co. 24.77 Oscar Card 45.00 Carlisle Stationers of Santa Monica 6.77 Oscar-Card 30.64 Calif. State Firemen's Assn. Inc. 14.00 Card House Movvws 55.20 City of Glendale Calif. 18.03 Colts Manufacturing Co. 6.66 F. E. Dine & Co. Inc. 155.32 Logan R. Cottoi' 100.00 F. E. Dine & Co. Inc. 35.00 El Segundo Hardware 52.41 Eckdahl Auto Parts�Co. 10.94` Ira E. Escobar 132.12 Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. 10.25 E & J Manufacturing Co.' "691.88 Grimes- Stassforth Stat.Oo. 2.05 Gibson Motor Parts 397.00 H & H Fountain & Grill 3,60 E1 Segurido 'Herald 710.64 Industrial Stat. & Printing Co. 3.87 Inglewood Humane Socity 51.20 Inglewood Blueprint & Supply -' .8. 90 Ivan &`- Mike's-Garage" 21.63 League of California Cities" ,250.00 Edna B. Leland ' - 65.39 H. C. Lieponer & "Co. 7.12. Master Pest Control; Inc. V 9.50 Pacific Coast Association of Fire R.. B. -nut Rate Drug Store" ~ ' ° 1.68 Chiefs _ 6.00' Schwabacher=Frey -00.4 ,- .73 Municipal Ord. & Research Service 100. 00 Tobin Morrison 's Pioneer Rubber Mills 54.10 Pacific Area Lumber Co. Alt, 10 Pacific Mill & Mine Supply Co. 14.57 Police Equipment Supply Co. 13.50 B. K. Stoneman Sons "18.96 The Electric Shop 23.88 Gordon Whitnall 100.00 Hardin and Flanagan 20.00 Victor D. McCarthy- 12.67 b. k. ^Benshoof 120.00 State Board of Equalization 11.73 -': �- �Sakah Viele' R. B. Cut Rage Drug 10.55 « ' f TOTAL r' '*U562-72 Moved by Councilman Skelley- seconded by Councilman Petbrsoa -the daamendi tfe'"- allowed and werranto- ordered- drawn on-and paid out -of the respectfte, hands ' covering the same. Carried by the 'following vote:.. -- • Ayes: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley and Mayor pro tam Thompson. Noes: Councilmen None." Absent: Councilman Baker and Mayor Selby. NEW BUSIN38S.` None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the`ioeeting adjourn.`,' Carried. _. Respectfully submitted.,"'' VICTOR D: McCARTHY, CITY CLBRB•, Approved: Mayor. .. .Z. El Segundo,f:Caljfornia. _ January 14, .1948. A regular meeting of-the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, -pas held in 'the Council Chamber pf-the'City,Hall of said City. on the above date, having been called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. M. by William R. Selby, Mayor. ROLL CALL. - Councilmen Present: Baker, Peterson; Skelley;.Thompson and;Mayor Selby. Councilmen Absent: None. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS NESTING. The minutes of the regular meeting hold-on the 7th day of-January,, 1948,E having been read, -and no errors -or Omissions having been noted, it was moved by Councilman Thompson; seconded by Councilman Peterson,. the minute&. of _said. ,., ­ . •_ meeting be approved -as recorded.. Carried..- At this time the ,Mayor: announced that the hearing on the appeal,of r Nathaniel M. Taylor, et al, from the decision of the Planning Qcmnlasiom,of the City of El Segundo, disapproving a variance applied for by W. Taylor, and the hearing on the adoption of a._ Master Plan of, Freeways :fof : the City,; of El Segundo, which hearings had been set-for the hour of 7 :Wo,'clock P. M. at this meeting, would pe had at the hour of' '7:20 o',clock P, M.:at,thia meeting. WRITTEN COMM=CETIONS. Written communications , -- received from the persons, firms or ,corporations' hereinafter named, were read to -the• Council .and were diapo�eed; of the manger, Indicated, following reference to each hereinafter: H. L. BYRAM, County Tax Collector, dated Jan. 7, 1948, notifying the City that unless .redeatption is made of real property described as .Lot 28; 'Block 40, -El Segundo, on or: before 5 . o' clock P . M, , January;.30, 1948,- further •tax penalties will attach. By general consent -the- communication Ws.-ordered,: received and filed in the office of the City Clerk. Thereafter, it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by,Councilman Skelley, that Resolution No. 917,,entitled:. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII,_OF THE CITY OF EL MWNDO, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE CANCELLATION OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE CITY FOR CITY Hal-. PURPOSES, which was -read, be adopted. Said motion, carried and.. said, Resolutipn was. adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson,- Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent. Councilmen None. FRANK SMOTONY, Building Inspector, dated January 14, 1948, advising that Building Permit_Wd. ?099'and Electric Permit No. 2742, issued to Albert H.•' Sommer, totalling $23.65 in fees, had not been used by Mr. Sommer, inasmuch as he had abandoned the idea of erecting the type of building-covered by said permits, and said Building Inspector recommended the returno Mr.;aier`of the fee of $23.65, less $12.50 costs of the Building Department in plan checking and making clerical records in connection therewith. R : �'9�6 Following the reading of said communication, i-t was moved by Councilman 'Skelley seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the communication from Frank Smotony, Building Inspector dated January 14, 1948, be- received and filed; that the Council hereby approves the recommendation of said Building Inspector therein. -set forth and,_does he instruct the -City Clerk to prepare and present to-the Council at its next regular meeting the necessary demand and warrant to accomplish refund of -the - difference between the -original fee of $23.65 and the $12.50 deductible. amount,_.as indicated in said communication; that the Council hereby finds and de- termines the facts to be as stated in said report of said Building Inspector.. On roll call the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker,: Pet_er.son, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor-Selby- Noes: Councilmen None. _ Absent: Councilmen None. CITY PLANNING CO*USSION, dated January 13, 1948., tranamitting therewith copy of said Commission's Resolution No. 22, adopted at its regular meeting held January 12, 194 ,, granting Arvid D: Hoxie-�.permission.to establish-&n....- aluminum foundry,,an M -2 Use, on Lots.5 and 61 Tract 2028$ in the City.of� El Segundo, presently zoned for M -1 use. Ordered filed. TECENOCRACY,,.INC., dated January 12, 1948,, requesting permission to`,.uae_ its public address system on the public streets in the City-iof El-Segundo on the afternoon of February 7th, 1948. The matter of granting such a permit being one which opm vunder :the :T jurisdiction of the Chief of Police of the City of E1 Segundo, the.request - was -' by general consent, referred to that official for his action in the premises. SPECIAL ORDER OF-BUSINESS. The hour of 7 :1.5,,o,',clock P..M. at this meeting having,Y�orbtofeme lent Ixed as the time and place ,for receiving bids for - the construction, @f, a :,reinfor.dect _ - - concrete sanitary-sewer pump pit, in and for the City of E1 Segundo, the Mayor,.": announced the arrival of the hour of 7 :14 o'clock P. M. and stated that if any person or persons present in the .-Council ,Chamber desired to Mile bibs .for .doitg said work; they should.do so immediately.... ^ M1 The'hour of 7:15 o'clock P. M having arrived and Ail. bids, being in,.the Mayor declared the time for receiving bids for construction of a reinforced concrete sanitary. sewer, pump pit, closed. • The:City Clerk announced he-had in his possession; in the same:condition as when received, seven bids. _. Moved by . Council_ man. Baker,. seconded •by Councilman Thompson, the Council proceed to open,, examine and publicly declare the bids received for construction- a& 4 c_i reinforced concrete sanitary sewer -pump. pit, in -and. for the. City�.of :E`l�Sdgufida :;' Carried. The Council thereupon proceed to open, examine and publicly declare said bids, which said bids were found by said.Council „to be as,•follows,.to -wit! Bid of -Ivan M. Metkovich, on regular form provided therefor; biddingthe-, sum of = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ - - - • .$6700 :00 Said bid was accompanied by Bidder's Bond, with Ivan M. Metkovich as Principal, and Great American Indemnity Company of New York, as Surety, in amount of $1000.00. Bid of E. & T. Construction Co., Inc., on regular form-provided therefor, bidding the sum of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $6924.00. Said bid was accompanied by Bidder's Bond, with E. & T. Construction Co. as Principal, and united Pacific Insurance Company as Surety, in the sum of Ten Percent of the Amount of the Bid. Bid of He -Ston Construction Co. on regular form provided therefor, bidding the sum of - - - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ --- _ - - $7850.00.. Said bid was accompanied by Certified Check No'.'.1478,'drawn on Broadway State Bank, Los Angeles, payable to City of E1 Segundo, in the sum of $1000.00. Bid of Contracting Engineers Co. on regular form provided there3br, bidding the sum of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ $6940.00. Said bid was accompanied by Bidders Bond, with The Contracting Engineers Company, as Principal, and Royal Indemnity Company as`Principal, in the sum of Ten Percent of Bid. Bid of Arnold Schleuniger, on regular form provided therefor, bidding the sum of - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $9500.00. Said bid was accompanied by CashYere Check PTo. 101311, drawn on Security -First National'Ba.k of Los Angeles, E1 Segundo Branch,.in the' sum of $1000.00. Bid-of Bob Watson; on- regular form provided therefor bidding'the sum of - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - $8024.00. Said bid was accompanied by Bidders Bond, with Bob Watson as,Principal, and The Travelers' Indemnity Company as' Surety, in the sum. of .Ten Percent'. of Amount of Bid. Bid of H. R. Breeden, on regular form provided therefor, bidding the _sum of - - - - - - - - - •- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - $6634.00. -Said-bid Was adoonpanied by Bidders Bond,` wfth 'H. R. Breeden as Principal, and The Century Indemnity Company as 8tirety, in the'eum'of $700.00. Following-the opening, examination and'declaration of 'the `i ore going bids; it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Ba.ker,'that'said bids be referred to the City Engineer for checking and report to this Council. at its next regular meeting: "Carried. The hour of 7 :20 o'clock P. M. having arrived,- Mayor-Selby stated that this was the time and place for the hearing on the appeal of Nathaniel M... Taylor, :at al, -from the decision of -'the City Planning Comniss on, disapproving, the application of said Nathaniel M. Taylor, at al, for a zone variance to apply to Lots 19, 20 and 21, Block 60, of E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, as per.map recorded in Map Book 20,�Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, records on ti-le in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, to meke'an additioh to the plumbing shop, presently located on the above described property and to enclose a portion of the structure that is now partially open. The property' will not be put to any different or other use than its present use. The City" Clerk was then asked if the required notices of `tills hearing had been given, whereupon the City Clerk advised that said required notices had been given and : that affidavits showing the fact of the -giving of such notices were on file in the records relating to this matter. Such affidavits were thereupon ordered made a part of the records in this proceeding. ;T Thereupon the City Attorney outlined the suggested procedure for the hearing and advised that in his opinion it would be desirable for the witnesses and all persons who desired to address the Council in the matter now pending before the Council, to be sworn before testifying or addressing the /Council with reference to the matter. Thereupon proceedings were had and witnesses and interested persons appeared before and addressed the Council and gave testimony, after having been sworn, and documentary evidence was presented and received, all in the order and in the manner as set forth and indicated in full in the transcript entitled: "Transcript of proceedings had at regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, on the appeal of Nathaniel M. Taylor, at al, from the decision of the Planning Commission of said City, made in its Resolution No. 17, adopted November 24, 1947, disapproving A, 'variance applied for by said Nathaniel M. Taylor, at al ", as taken in stenotype and transcribed by David Ettleson, Stenotypic Operator, which follows at this point, to -wit: R'9721