1946 SEP 04 CC MINR-40
Ll Segundo, California.
September 4, 1946.
A regular meeting of the City Council.:of the City_of._E1 Segundo, California,
was held in the Council Chamber of..the City Hal:- i,of_sai:d City on the above date,
having been called to order. at 7 :00-01010ck Pr,M, by William R. Selby, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Peterson, Skelley, Thompson 'end Mayor Selby.
Councilmen Absent: Baker.
The minutes of the adjourned regular,,meetings_held on the 20th day of
August, the 21st day.of.August and the 28th.day_of August,,19469 were read.
No errors or omissions appearing,.it was moved'by:Councilman Peterson,
seconded by Councilman Thompson, the minutes — of, said-meetings be approved as
recorded. Carried.
2.1 At this time the Council proceeded to.cons10r matters in connection
with the tax deeded land program .of, the: City of ir1 Segundo.'
The City Clerk reported he had in his pose,ession, iri= the wine: 'condition
as when received, one bid_.for the purchase -of .'City.owrted• tax ` deeded property
under Notice of Intention No, 7..
Moved by `Councilman Skelley, eec_onded; by�Co�inciYman PetersoW, the Council
proceed to open, examine and publicly, declare said bid. 'Carried•.,
The Council thereupon proceeded to.�opO n, examine 'and publicly declare said
bid, which said ,•hid was ;found by said Coundil '"to _be' as follows `moo -Wit:
Bid of W. N. Bailey, on regular form"probiQed 'therefor, as `follows:
Lot 2$,: Block, 8 El Segundo - -- - - - - - - - - - = _•- - - $250.00
Lot 23,:Block.8,.E1 Segundo - - - - - - - - - - - +- 250.00
currency in amount of'- $150.00. .�
Said bid was accompanied by ., . , ..
Councilmen+Baker.& peared at the meeting`during, the reading.-Of the above
r_p bid and immediately took his seat at the Council table.,:the hoVr - being 7:03 P. M.
After coniideration_of saidbid' and recommendation made by-Speeial City
Attorney John F. Bender that the bid be'accepted by the Council, it -was moved
by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Couacilman•Peterson,'that Resolution No.
847, entitled:: _
which was,read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Petersoni `Skelley, Thompson- and,Mayor- Selby.
Noes:. Councilmen None.
Absents Councilmen None.- -
Written communications, received from atthe,- perxOns, firms -o in the manner
hereinafter named, were read to the Council a
indicated, following reference to each, as follows:
SELENIUM CORPORATION OF AMERICA, dated August 28, 1946, requesting
that it be furnished approximately 20,000 gallons of water per day, for
use at a building it proposes to build on Imperial Highway, easterly of
Sepulveda Boulevard.
Water SuperintendeotCHutchins stated he and Councilman Peterson
had gone ,over the .matter carefully and they believe the City is in
position to furnish said weitet at this time, espeCielly 'in view of the
fact that Nash- Kelvinator Company, to whom it was agreed to furnish
approximately the same amount of water per day, is now securing its
water.requirements_ from the City of Los Angeles, and he recommended the
request be granted.
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
Thompson, the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that "that certain communication from Selenium
Corporstion' of America;: dated August 28, 1946,-to-the City
Council of El Segundo, California, kequesting the City of
E1 Segundo to furnish 20,000 gallons of water per day -to
said Company's building to be erected on the South site of
dmperial Highway, war the Sperry Gyroscope Bmilding, be
received and placed. on file in the office •of tho'City Clerk
and that said communication, so on file, be and the sane is
hereby referred to and, by this reference incorporated herein
.and: Made a part'. hereof;
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that* in response to said
communication and the subjects thereih ri�2'erred' to•II • the City
- Council, as-presently. constituted, instructs the City Clerk
to Make.reply to -said, _communication,; stating the present
attitude of the Council, as follows:
71.- The City Couacil believes that the City of El
Begundo is in a positiod.to_furnishto'the promisee referred
to in said communication, water from the municipal system
-of-said City in an, amount not.-to exceed the sum of 20,000
gallons per day.
- 2... That -such service will be rendered for any lawful
purpose for which water may be used other than irrigation,' ? .:
except such as may be incidental to the care oftdecorative
flowers, shrubs, trees and lawns upou•the premises.
3. That in view of the present 'problem.s presented
with reference to the water supply in the so- called west
Basin, in whigh the Oity of El Segundo is.located,'the City,
Council doe4 not desire the amount of water hereinibove
referred to to be: construed as.a.contractual,.quantity, as
,the Pity Counall will have.to.;treat with.,the subject as the
facts with reference to:such,aupply may.8eyelop hereafter.
On roll call the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following votes
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,-Peterson. Ske116y, Thompson-and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None. -
Absent: Councilmen None.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by [Councilman- Thompson, the
following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, this Council has heretofore; at -this meeting'
made certain representations to Selenium Corporation of"Ambrica
with reference.to furnishing said- Corporation with water from
the municipal water works system up to a maximum of 20,000
gallons per, day;-- and- ..: : .
WHEREAS, at the meeting of -this Council-held on the
20th day of February, 1946, said Council did a►ake_ certain
committments to War Assets Corporation to the extent of
a daily volume of not ; to -exceed;15,000 gallons•, and
WHEREAS, said War-Assets Corporation and -ite successors
in interest, as owners of:the property to be- served under
such last mentioned committment, have made other arrange -:
ments for their water requirements;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the action of this
Council in making said : committment- :to-.said.War Assets -
Corporation and its successors in.interest,,as-presently
of record on Pages R -161 and R -162, minutes of the proceedings
of the City Council.of the City of E1 Segundo for.the meeting
on the 20th day of February, 1946, be and, -the same is hereby
rescinded, without prejudice, however, . •to . the filing :of . any
future application for water service.to: the -particular:
property involved'.
The foregoing resolution was - adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Bakerj Peterson, Sjceliey,•Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None. ,
Absent: Councilmen None. _
advising that, application has been made by California -Sea Food-Corp, for
War Department permit to construct a timber pier for the unloading of fish
and other• cargo, at a point 233 feet southerly , -of..the,.Monstad::P : er, Redondo
Beach, California, and stating that interest,,ed persons are invited to
inspect drawings showing location and plan of the'proposed work!and to file
objections, based on navigation interest,s,:only, on-or• before Monday, 9
September, 1946. Ordered filed.
STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, dated August- 28,-19446, by Wm.
W. Davison, addressed 0 4he- Honorable W,. R. Selby, Mayor of'.the City of
El Segundo, and extending,_ om behalf of the ESSPX Club, -•to thz'Mayiar��.`the
City Council and staff employees of-the Gity oaf El Segundo'.sad families,
a cordial invitation to be, said Club I e • guests 4 the? "Country''Pienic"- to
be held September 2$;7atr Top Is Willow Lace'resort, near Sunlandv and requesting
that he be advised of the .names of those rho. p18n to.*- attend.
.By general consent .the City Clerk was .inotrpeted,td~:contact'ail-
employees, through . the beads, Pf• the -. various departments, : snd, -ascertain' the
names and number of employees, -and their-families who will-httehd.said: picnic
and thereafter transmit such information to Mr. Davi-sorr. 7
with which was transmitted copy of a resolution-adopted- byisaid .Board on
August 27, 1946, authorizing the payment to the City,:of El Segundo; -from
the "Aid to Cities, Undistributed ", Motor Vebicle Fund, 1946 -47, of the sum
of $1775.00, for maintenance and,. improvement of Streets of -Major Importance
within said City, upon written request to the Road Commissioner:of said County
for payment to. the City of El Segundo of the 4bove sum -:
Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded -by.Couhcilman:Skelley, that
the communiccation from the Board of Supersisors.-of:Los Angeles-County, dated
August 29, 1946,'and accompanying copy : of -resolution adopted_by -said Board,
be received -and placed on-file in the office of the:City Cleek;- nd that the
City Engineer of the City -of El Segundo.-be,-and he-is hereby- authorized and
instructed to make formal request to said Board of Supervisors. through the
Road Commissioner of the County of Los Abgelesi for,payment :to -said City
of the sum of $1775.00 as contemplated in said communication and resolution.
BERNARD LAWLER, Attorney at Law, dated August 29, 1946, advising
that the Court has appointed The Department of Public Works of the
City of Los Angeles'as'referee in that certain action entitled: "California
Water Service Company, et al, vs*_ City of Compton, City-of El Segundo,
et al "; that he had-received a request' -from the Attorney for the
Department of Public Works that the City of M Segundo appoint an engineer
in accordance with the Courts recommendation 'that the - parties to the
action cooperate-with the referee by"and through engineers appointed by
the several parties.
It was thereupon moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
Baker, that the following resolution'be adopted:
RESOLVED, that tho'communication from Bernard-Lawler,
dated August 29th, 1946, requesting that the City Council
designate' an- engineer.. `to represent the City of E1 Segundo
in connection with'discussions with the Department of
Public Works (Division of Water Resource&) of the State-
of California, in connection with the pending court pro-
ceedings relating to West Basin maters, be�rect ved and`
filed and that in response to the request contained in said
communication, -R. T. Hutchins; City Engineer',bf the City
of El Segundo, California, is hereby designated and
appointed by this Council to act as such engineer to s61
represent said City in all matters relating to said subject.
-The .foregoing resolution was adopted by• the' following' vote.-:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson,,�Skelley' Thompson' and
Mayor -Selby.
Noes; Councilmen None.-
Absent: Councilmen None.
COLUMBIA CASUALTY COMPANY, dated August 27, 1946, re: Bond
. #49853. The. Dart Oil Co., a co-partnership; and
- COLUMBIA • CASUALTY COMPANY., dated August 27, 1946, re: Bond
#49854 *- The Dart. Oil Co. a co- partnership;'- and =
COLUMBIA CASUALTY COMPANY, dated August 227's'1946) re.: Bond
#49855 L• The' Dart' Oil Co., a copartnership;', and
COLUMBIA, CASUALTY COMPANY .'••dated- August 27 1946 res Bond
#49856 -The. Dart Oil Co. a:co- partnership; being notification of -'
the cancellation of said above numbered bonds (which bonds cover
oil wells numbered 1-)* 2,::3 and 4 owned and- 'operaterd.by. said Dart
Oil_Company,.within the City of El Segundo, such cancellation-to
become effective at the expiration'of' thirty "day6:After receipt
by the City Clerk -of the City of El-Segundo of such notices of
Moved by- Councilman Baker, "seconded by Councilmam Skelley, that
the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the communication from Columbia` Casualty
-Company,.dated August 27,-1946, re Bond No.•49853; and
communication -from said-Company dated August:27, 1946, re
Bond No. 49854; and communication from said Company, slated
:'August 27, 1946,,re Bond #49855 and*communicatiori from said
Company dated August 279 1946, re Bond No. 49856, be
received and filed and-that-the City "Clerk be and-he is-
hereby authorized and instructed to notify the permittee of
each of the permits involved of the fact of the filing of
such communications and request tha.t'said permittee, in
each instance,-furaish, in form approved by the City
Attorney and with surety satisfactory, to the City ,Council.,, -
new bonds covering the respective permits, such new bonds.:.
to be furnished and so-approved prior-to the effective
date of the cancellation - notices contained in said communi-
cations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said City-Clerk advise
said permittee in his letter of transmittal, that the City
Council will insist upon strict observance.,of .the require-
ments of this resolution with reference to-the: prompt
furnishing of such new bonds. _
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the- foll.owing:vote;.
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: •Councilmen None.-
Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby,
R 4ES�7
HELEN ODIAN, dated August.27, 1946, requesting permit to place a house
trailer on a lot in E1 Segundo for the purpope pf providing-housing accomoda-
tions for her family, but stating that -no decision had as yet been reached
as to definite location of such lot.
By general consent the City Clerk was'instrueted to notify the applicant
that the Council will take.no action on the - application until a• definite
location has -been decided upon. ..
JOHN F. BENDER, Special City Attorney,•dated.August 20,.1946, ,with
reference to the Demand of,H..L, Byram,'County Tax Collector,:for payment
of delinquent assessments under the Imprnvement-Bond,Act of.1915, which
demand had heretofore been referred to Special City:Attorney Bender, -and
advising that there are no bonds payable and no,sssessments delinquent .
under said Improvement Bond Act of 1915, and that therefore there is no
liability on the part .of the City in.respect thereto,. Ordered filed.
GEORGE WILSON, Executive Secretary to Senator William . Kmawland,
'dated 15 August 1946, being in response to a letter addressed to Senator
Knowland by the City Clerk under date of July:30, 1946) with respect to
H. R. 3129• (Boren- Bill),•and--stating that the letter of.the.City -clerk
will be brought to the Senator's attention on his return to Washington.
Ordered filed,
C. E. ZENNEY, dated August 23, 19460 suggesting that the business
limit of-the City `of El Segundo be extended to Maple Avenue,, when zoning
` -is' adopted -`for said. City. By general conseht:,the setter was ordered
-filed and.the subject matter thereof.referred to Councilman.Skelley,.
Planning Commissioner, and to the Planning ,Commission- .of.the._City of EL
Segundo for consideration and report thereon in due course.
C. T. GILLIAM & ASSOCIATES, dated August 8,:1946,.requesting an
opportunity to discuss with the council the matter of surveys of various
components of City-Government., when the Council is in'need of,such
service. Ordered filed,..
EDWARD L. BENNETT, dated 8- 26- 1946,-being an application for
"Automobile for Hire" driver's permit.
• The application having been approved'by the- Police Department of the
City of El Segundo, and the Chief of Police having recommended that the
permit applied for be granted, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded
by,Councilman Thompson., that subject to the provisions of.Ordi.nance Nol 283
of the City of El Segundo, and pursuant to the application therefor filed
with this Council this date, Edward L. Bennett be and he is hereby granted
a permit to drive, "operate or be in charge of any passenger carrying or
motor propelled vehicle defined`in said- ordinance; provided, however, this
Council reserves the 'right to revoke the - permit herein granted, when, in its
discretion, such revocation would appear to be in the public interest.
Carried-by the 'following 'vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.-
Absent: Councilmen None.
S. J. DAVIESS., dated -9/28- 1946, being, application to move a one story
frame building into the City of El Segundo.
The Building Inspector having reported that he had inspected said
building, that it does not conform to Building.Ordinanees of the City
of El Segundo, and having recommended that the permit applied for be not
granted "t was moved by Councilman Skelley,.-seconded by Councilman Baker,
that the application of S. J.-Davies for permit to move a one story frame
building into the City of El Segundo be and the same. -is hereby denied.
The City Clerk reported that during the interim between Council Meetings
and oi%�a • day when -he' was unable to get in .touch with-but one of the Council
members, Star House Movers, Inc. had made application to move a frame ,
building through the City of El Segundo; that he contacted Councilman Peterson,
who wa`s the -only Councilman ava4_labl.e- at the- time- and adyised said Councilman
of the, situation and that the applicant had ,paid all.- fees and made all
deposits required'in'such cases.,-and that-Councilman Peterson had given his
consent''to the issuance 'of a permit for such removal, and the City Clerk
requested -'that the'Council approve his action in issuing the permit,requested.
Moved' -by Councilman Skelley, -seconded by Councilman Baker, that:;
the action of the City Clerk, concurred in at the time by Councilman Peterson,
in issuing to. Star House lovers, Inca August 20,91946j, a permit to move a
frame building on dollies, through the City of -31 Segundo., which said-permit
is numbered 23, to a destination outside-,of-the-City-of El Segundo, be and
the same is hereby'ratified,•approved and coiifirmed...Carried. ,-
WALTER C. RINGO.. dated 8 -29 -1946, being an application for-employment
by the City of El Segundo. Ordered filed.
At this•time the City Clerk announced he`had•in his possessiQn, in
the same- condition as when ' r -eceived,.two bids for'the furnishing and erection
of an elevated - steel -water tank in--and for the City.of El Segundo, as per
published notice inviting such bids. -
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that
the Council proceed to-open., examine - apd publicly declare -said bids. Carried.
The'Council thereupon proceeded to -open; examine -and publicly declare
said bids, which said bids were found by said Coune.il to be.as follows,- to -wit:
Bid of Pittsburgh -Des Moines- Steel. - Company, on. regular form provided
therefor, as follows: ._ .'-:
ITEM -1:,1 - 200,00 Gallon Elevated`Steel Tank and -Tower ?32040.00.
Said bid was accompanied by a descriptive letter; also drawing and pamphlet;
together -with bidders bond in amount of 63500.04, with Pittsburgh- Des•Moines
Steel Company as Principal and the Central Surety and Insurance Corporation,
as Surety.
Chicago Bridge & Irbn Company, on regular form provided therefor, as
ITEM 1: One 200.,000— gallon.Elevated Steel Tank and Tower-. $34,910.00.
Said bid was accompanied by descriptive letter, Power of ,Attorney and Specifications;
also Bidder's Bond in the sum of $3000.00','4ith Chicago Bridge & Iron Company
as Principal.and United States Guarantee Company as Surety.
Following the opening.and reading of said bids, it was moved by Councilman
Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the bids be referred to the Water
Superintendent for,his consideration and report to the.Council at its next
regular meeting. Carried.
Mr. W. H. Jeffrey addressed the Council, requesting information as to
why a permit had been issued'by the Building Department of the City of E1
Segundo for the building of what appeared to be a pottery factory on East
Sycamore Avenue in said City.
The Mayor stated the Council had no'facts on the case, but would
investigate the matter during the'coming week'and`be' prepared to answer Mr.
Jeffrey's_gnestions with respect thereto.
Mrs. Earl Wilson.then addressed the Councilmon the -same-'subject and
was assured by the Mayor that it would 'be, given the'Councills` immediate"
attention. -
Councilman Peterson filed his written'report respecting his attendance,
as representative of the City Councii,.at,the'public:heaiing'held by '-the
Planning Commission of the `city ;of Sl Segundo otft _Augast' 27th, 194b:
Moved by -CounciLnaft Skeliey, 'sec6nde4' by Councilman Baker"that the
report be received and filed, and that the said report be --cons dered-'try
the.Council when -heaiings are held before said Bgdy on the•,prtiposed zoning
ordinance.'.` "Carried,
Councilman Baker reported that Park Superintendeint�'McIlwain, during
the'interval bet*een Council meetings, had contacted him with-respect to
closing the wading pools. of tbe. City, of, , �1 ',Se$ undo, 'that the- *:wading' pool, at
the Imperial.Highway park was being abused-'by youngsters depositing debris
therein;'that he was unable to get in touch"with other members,.of the Council
at the time and that due to the fact the plunge'at the El $egundb ktkh'School
has been closed and that it is imP9ssible`to' keep the wading pool_at the
Imperial Highway park in a clean and s anitary;.conditioh, he had given, 4 s
consent to the closing of said pools, and he requested approval of'ks'action.
Moved by Councilman Thompson; seconded by Councilman Peterson, that
the action of Councilman Baker in authoriting'the closing of the two wading
- - pools in the parks of the City of El Segando,'b"ind the siie'is hereby
ratified, approved and confirmed. Carried.
The City Clerk, as custodian of the City Hall, informed the Council
of damage to and destruction of city property in the Ladies' Rest Room in the
City Hall during recent weeks. It was suggested that said room be kept
locked and a key thereto made available to the public through the City
Clerk's office. This suggestion met with the approval of the Council
and by general consent such action was authorized.
The City Clerk reported that the owner of Lots 8, 9 and 10 in
Tract 2111, had made inquiry whether or not the City would be interested
in purchasing said lots. By general consent the City Clerk was
directed to -inform said owner that at -this time the City is not interested
in the purchase of said property.
The City Clerk at this time filed with the Council, through the
Finance Commissioner of said Council, his annual report of receipts
and disbursements and fund balances.for.the.fiscal year ended June 30, 1946,
The City Engineer reported receipt of a letter from S. V.
Cortelyou, District Engineer, Division of Highways of the State of
California, by M. L. Bauders, Asst. Dist. City Projects Engineer, stating
that Work Order No. 7VMC -7-S in amount of $8894.41 has been issued by
said Department.for.installation of traffic signals,.on,Sepulveda Boulevard
at El Segundo Boulevard and at Rosecrans Avenue, which.letter her-filed.
with the City Clerk,
City Attorney Woodworth made a progress report respecting certain
lots in Block 42, E1 Segundo, which property he had been heretofore
authorized to acquire for municipal use.
City Attorney Woodworth made a report to the City Council with'^"
reference to-the pending-court actions.of.,Gibbons and Daltork vs. the
City of El Segundo and .certain of-its-'officials, indidating,.Wsaid report
the present status of said actions.
The City Clerk stated that during the.interim between-Council
meetings, an official of the Los Angeles County'Health Department, which
department performs health .servi.ces. for the City, of El Segundo ,under
contract, had requested ghat a letter•,be, written to,said'Department, _.
granting it authority to enforce, the' ' ' viii* Ordinances Nos. 155,
and 287 of the City of El Segundo; that said request was in the•nature
of an emergency and:that "Mayor,pro.tem Peterson, who.was the only
Councilman available, at the-time had gives 'his - consent: tp tbe, ritir38 ,
of such letter. ,, The. "Clerk .thereupon readQ; the Council a copy. of
the letter he had transmitted to said Health Departments „following.whic,h.
it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that
a • copy of _.that- - certai.n letter written by the.,City Clerk under, date of
August-, 19,..1946, to Los Angeles County Health`Department,,attention A. J.
Messier,,-Business -Manager., authorizing and.requesting said Los Angeles
,.County Health_Aepartment, as .the Healtjt- Officer (under,.contract),in, and
.;.for the City;of.•El Segundo,;to: enforce the provisions of Ordinances -Nos.
155 and 287.of the City of.EL,.Segundo,.be placed on file in the - office
of said City Clerk.for the,purposes- of.identification and reference; and
that said action on the part of the City Clerk be and the saiAe is -- hereby
.,ratified, approved and confirmed:.: Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,.Pe_terson,.Skelley, Thompson and
Mayor- Selbq.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None..” '
The following demands, having had the approval.of'the Committee on Finance
and Records, were read: ..
Water Works Fund
General Fund
Pay Roll Demand No. 11405 to
Pay. Roll- Demand No. 53943-to
11413, Incl. $814.08
53960, Incl.
Minta-Curtzwiler, City Treas. 20.25
Pay Roll Demand No. 53961
to --
Minta Curtzwiler,`City Treas. 77.80
53973, 'Incl.
State Employees' Retirement Syst.33.18
Pay Roll Demand No. 53974
State Employees' Retirement " 40.64
539989 Incl.
Crane Co. 32.13
Minta Curtzwiler, City Treas, 56.25
Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 5.39
Minta'Curtzwiler, City "
• 478.40
E1 Segundo Herald 37.12-
State Employees' Retirement
Logan R. Cotton 75.00
.'- System •
Carl Wilson 40.00
Grimes - Stassforth Stat. Co. 3.17
Airport Rentals 35.75 `'
Neva. X; Elsey ` -'_°
Fletcher Tire Co. 26.32
Gallant Trading Co.
Braun Corporation 19.57
The A. Lietz Co.
Booth's Garage 1.25
J. E. Bauer Co.
Mecca - Freese, Inc. 3.87
Richard W. Carr
6.00 .
Ira E. Escobar 6.82
Smith's Furnishings
Macco- Robertson Co. 71.82
Gibson Motor Parts
Howard Supply Company 16.28
Victor D. McCarthy, City Cl. 9.86
Worthington -Gamon Meter Co.. 33.80
Army Times
R. T. Hutchins, Petty Cash 53.50 -
George F. Schenck
Southern Calif. Freight Lines 25.13
Almas House Moving Co.
Kimball Elevator Co. Ltd. 6.00
A. B. Metcalf •`
Industrial Stat. & Printing Co. 3.32
F. E. Dine
Rich Manufacturing Co. '' :. 192.70
General Electric'Company '
Los Angeles'Co; Health Dept.: 28.09
Asir Reduction Sales Coe "
- Pension Fund
Standard Spbrtitig' Goods-'
State Employees? Retirement.Syst. 244,58 '.Mrs.�Rex
Service B14ieprint ` '
Gordon Whitnall
Recreation Fund
Inglewood "Humane Society
Pay Roll ;Demand No. 54031 to
'Logatf R. Cotton -
5 #035,'. Incl. ' ` '- $184.05
Alts Grill
Macpherson. Leather Co 71.91 :Warren
Zouthwest "Inc:•
Mary Schlotter 5.89
Master Pest Control, Inc.
El Segundo- Hardware _ . .80
iiichfield' Oil Corporation,
Converse Pharmacy -, 1.68
Gilllotte- Publishing Co.
Ideal Pictures Corporation 8.51
Leather Supply Co.' 45 ,18
Moved by Councilman Thompson., seconded by Councilman "Peterson,
that the
demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and paid out of the
funds covering the sa*e.: : Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Moved by Councilman Skelley; seconded by Councilman Baker, that
Curtzwiler, City Treasurer, be and she is hereby granted her customary annual
two weeks vacation beginning September 9th,
1946; =` Carried by the following
Ayes: Councilmen Baker,-Peterson, Skelley,�Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
~- The City,C,le.rk reported that the Bu'ffdLig--Inspector. had, filed with. him
cppies Nos. 1,. 2 and, 3, of the 1946 Edition` of Uniform Plumbing Code; adopted
by the Western. Plumbing Officials Association at ,the Sixteenth Annual Conference,
October, 1945,. which are for use in connection with such ordinance as may be
adopted by the CAty of El Segundo when it`,adopts the Uniform Plumbing Code.
Tjiereafter it, was-- moved by Councilmant Baker, seconded by Councilman
Peterson, 'that copjies numbored- 1, 2 and 3;, of the �Jniform Plumbing Code, 1946
Edition, be-placed on file-in the office -of the City Clerk, open to public
�spection. Carried. ,
Councilman Skelley thereupon introduc.*ed- Ordinance No. 302,_entitled:
which was read. .
Water .Superintendent Hutchins read tp_the `Council.�opy of a• letter
written to, A - M.- .Rawp; Chief :Engineer anCi .Gene el Manager, County Sanitation
District No.. 5, dated August 23rd; 1946, by Nash Kelvinator Corporation and
Santa Fe Land ,Improvement Company, praying tbtr the annexation to said County
Sanitation District of certain •territory, Ki n rthe-.City of El' :Segundo, as
set forth in said letter. -Re.-reported that following receipt of said letter
by the County Sanitation District; Mr. Compton of said District had called
him and stated thatt.before, any action ;could- be-taken by the County Sanitation
District, it would be necessary for the City`Counei3 Of the. City..af, a. Segundo
to adopt its resolution, setting forth thk boundaries of ;the diAtrict to be
annexed and granting perm
i,ssion,.to said petitioners to join said District.
It ,was thereupon moved, bg,ouncilman Baker, seconded by: Counoilman- ;
Peterson, the_.following:resolution be adopted:
A5, a copy of a petition addressed to the County .. y ..
Sanitation District No. 5, has been.'. led with this Council,
said petition having been presented by Nash Kelvinator
Corporation and Santa Fe Land, and. Improvement: Co.'-praying w�
for the annexation to said County. Sanitation•District No._5
of the territory within the City of El' Segundo described as
follows, to -wit:
Beginning at the northeasterly- corner- of the
northwest quarter of Section 7, Tbv:ishi;p :3" South,
Range 14 West, as shown.upon map recorded in Book _
70, page 97, of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles
Couunty, California, and on file in the office of the
County Recorder of-said County;- thence southerly, along-,
the easterly line -of said northwest quarter.tcr the-"
.southeasterly corner - thereof ;'thence westerly along
the southerly line of said northwest quarter to its
intersection with the easterly line of Sepulveda Boulevard
as the same now exists; thence northerly along the said
It �4
easterly line of Sepulveda Boulevard to its.inter-
section with the southerly line of Imperial Highway
.,as the same now exists; thence easterly long_the
southerly line of Imperial Highway to the point of-
beginning, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the northerly 225 feet
of the westerly 208 feet of said northwest quarter,
recorded and'on file as aforesaid.;:
WHEREAS, the territory sought to be annexed to.said District
includes a portion of the City of El Segundo; and
WHEREAS, the unanimous consent of-this Council to such:
annexation -is necessary;: and
WHEREAS, it appears that it will be in-thp public interest
that such petition be granted; and:said,portion of the:_City of- _
E1 Segundo as described be .annexed ta- County.Sanitation J?istrict
No. 5 pf Los Angeles County; and
WHEREAS, all of the territory within the boundaries above
described will be benefited by its.inclusion within said Sani-
tation District; and
WHEREAS, the territory-within the said boundaries above,
described does,not include the whole or any part of any-other-
district formed for similar. purposes;:
CITY OF EL "SEGUNDQ, CALIFORNIA,•that unanimous consent be given
to the annexation,of that portion of the City of El- Segundo.; �.
above described to County Sanitation District No. 5 of Los Angeles
County under- the`prov'isions of the - County Sanitation District
Act, approved-May-29,-1923., as amended; *and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City. Clerk shall . certify.to -.
the passage of thin :resolution - by the ; C4ty Cour;cil of -the City
of El Segundo and copies thereof to. the Board of
Supervisors ,of Loa Angeles County and.to -the Board,of Directq
of County Sanitation • District .No. 5 of -,Los Angeles Zounty.: ;, -,.,•;
The foregoing resolution was adgpted by the following vote;..
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson,,, Skelley, Thompson-,and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.:
Absent: Councilmen.-None..._.
City Engineer Hutchins reported receipt-from-Southern Californ$a Gas
Company, of f6ur ee j ikt fi• of -Contracts for Temporary. Service . Extension, . together
with copy of said Company's-Rule and Regulation Number 22 for Temporary
Service and Rule and'Regulation;No.20 -Cks Main ExtensiQns;•that each copy
is a separate agreement covering a•specific area on which- buildings -are to
be placed in connection-with the City. -of EL Segundo Veterans$;Housing- Project;
that he has checked the footage set forth in-the.;Agreements,,has.found same
to be correct, and,that the total cost.to•.the ;Cj.ty.:for the installation of
the necessary gas.line and facilities will be $1241.48.
The.-City Attorney inspected the said forms and,r eported that same
are regulation forms and he approved same as to form.-.
'Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded - by Councilman
Baker, that a copy.of each of said four forms of J'Contraet =for Temporary
Service Extension °, be placed on file in.the pffice of_the City Clerk -for
the purposes of identification and reference; that the City Council hereby
approves the said forms, and does hereby authorize the Mayor of the City of
E1 Segundo to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk to attest
the same. Carried by the following vote: '`
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley., Thompson and Mayor Selby,
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Caidic'i'lmen None*'
Moved by Couhdilmkn,Peter-son., seconded-by"Councilman-Skelley, that the
following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS'., the City of El Segundo California, did here-
to fore, pursuant to negotiations duly and"regularly had,-
execute a certain contract with the National Housing Agency
Federal Public Housing Authority of the United State of
LANHAM ACT",,'which said contract was entered-iiito as of the
28th day of June., 1946, and relates to Project No.. Cal V-"98
El Segundo, California, and'bear6.theifollowing index fiumber,,..
to-wit: "FPHA-1481 R-V1 Rev. 5- 20 -46";
AND, Waws,'under,tbe provisions of.)said Agreement,,-!
the City of El Segundo, therein designated-lat tbe.1-ocal body,,
is required to keo�p,certainaceounts.-with reference to said
project-,, and to observe 'c'ertain' procedures: i4th reference to
the deposit of revenues and the handling of funds;
ANDI WHEREAS, as said project develops -it appears
that the necessary accounting and the - necessary. deposits of
revenues and handling of funds ,can be made byand'administered
to better advantage by and through the -regular adMinistrative
departments of said city, rather than by the'ereLatibn of a,
separate entity or the designating' of qgehay.for
such purposes;
AND., WHEREAS, in theevent,the City itself through,
its regular authorized admirlistrativa agencies ,'performs ,the
accounting'.'services and the making of deposits-and. the"
handling of funds initolved,,' -such services *.,deposits' And
handlings :gill be.performed by the regular: bonided.officers
of ga "id-`eiiy,, and all deposits will bw'covered.by,securities
as required dndet'ihe provisions of''the'Public Diposits•Law-
of the State of California;
NOW; THEREFORE., BE IT RESOLVED, b-y. tine CJty.CouncJ1:,
of the City of El Segundo, California, as follows:
i Firsts That said Couneil,:ddes hereby find 7and
determine that the administration., accounting and making of
deposits required, of said project, above referred .'to,(,Vihich
will involve less than the sum of $6,000,00 per year), can
-be i*T-f6ried td ol-better advantage throilgh;thelrignlar admiziis-
trative -- &gene ie 9 -and departments- of said'eltyi rrathor,.Ithaai"
by the e-reatioh or designation of some other agency or body;
Zec6nd: That',said °City Go'unail, 'ifi' view ,of the'.- 7-
foregbini -premises and findings; therefore-respectfully
requests the Federal Public Housing.-Authority'to•wiLive the
requirement- that -rL-ceipts' from said project be'-.deposited-in
a'sdparate bank account, and requests that said Federal,
Public Housing Authority permit.the-Cit*:of_El-Seguiid6 to
manage the said project as a municipal function on the part
of said City, through the administrative'agendies'and depai-t-
ments of said Cityl
Third: That in the event said Federal Public Housing
Authority grants the waiver ,abo"ire referred to, said City -
pr6poses to and will'cr'eate a-separ I ate'account-in the records:
and*accounts of said City., entitled: I'Veterans.Emergehcy
R 4A
Housing Project Account ", in which account will be entered
each and.all of the various receipts and expenditures
received and made in connection with the said-project and
_its administration; and will cause all such receipts to
be handled'by its duly bonded municipal officers, and will-
cause all funds so received to be deposited in the Security -
First National Bank of Los Angeles,- a'National Banking
Association (El Segundo Branch),'located within said City
of-El Segundo,.Los Angeles County, California, being the
same bank in which other municipal funds of said city are
deposited, and that in all instances securities will be
obtained from the depositary for security of such deposits
to the same extent and in the same manner as the deposits
of municipal funds of said City are -now made and secured
under the'provisions of the Public Deposits Law of the State
of California; -
Fourth: That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and
instructed to forward a certified copy'of this resolution
to the Federal Public Housing Administration,:as the request
and petition of the City of EL Segundo, for the written
waiver hereinabove requested.
The foregoing resolution; on roll call, was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Moved by Councilman Skelley;•seconded by.Councilman "Peterson, the
following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, in order to avoid confusion in the administrative
departments with reference to the particular days or occasions
upon which the small municipal flags are to be displayed .
upon ihe' public- streets'of• the City, the Council'desires to
indicate the particular days upon which such placement shall
be made;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that until the further
order of this Council, the following days are indicated as
the•particular days upon which the Council is presently
minded.such placement shall ' be -iade,.to -wit:
February 12 Lincoln'ls Birthday
February-22 Washington-'s'Birthda'
May 30 Memorial Day r
June 14 Flag Day
July 4 Independence Day_
First.Monday in September Labor Day
September 9 Admission Day
6o�obemo� 01%me,gra 'flog
November 11 Armistice Day
and any dsy designated for national• observance -
in connection with World War II
provided, however, that nothing . herein contained shall be
construed as preventing their display'on any other day
when administrative officers,of the City feel that their_
display -is appropriate. -
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby,
Noes: Councilmen None.
*Absent: Councilmen None.
The City Engineer called the Council's attention to the desirability
of revising the. present rules-for refuse.. disposal., and to have such
revised rules;.printed.,on cards and distributed -to householders through-
out the City. .
He then read -ta the Council, eertain.,revisions which he recommended
be adopted, and after, consideration thereof, it was moved by .Councilman
Baker, seconded.by Councilman Thompson, the following resolution be
WHEREAS, in order to provide for the efficient
functioning of -the collection servioss.of the.City, it._
is essential.that reasonable-regulations be adopted,-_
further order.of this Council, the rules and regulations
set forth in the-following form are hereby adopted ` by -this
Council, to -wit:. ;
For disposal under City Ordinances"refp.se,is divided into four classes:
(a) Garbage, or table waste; .
(b) Combustible rubbish :.i.e.i.papers,.,bozes,,rags, old clothing, etc.;
(c) Semi - combustible rubbish: i. e.., old shoes, tree and shrub -..
trimmings, dead flowers, lawn - cuttings, feathers, etc "., but
NOT INCLUDING dirty,grass -sods ice -plant moss, tree trunks,
palm.tree trunks or fronds,._waste•construction materials, or
similar..rubbish; _
(d) Non- combustible rubbishz:i e., bottles, cockery,_tin cans, etc.,
but NOT INCLUDING'auiomobile bodies or chassis,-broken concrete,
waste construction materials, or similar rubbish..
1. All garbage mustrbe.kept in garbage cans of a,;'siAe,to contain not
less- .than.three gallons nor more than sixteen gallons.,Such
garbage 'cans Imust be water- tight with handle or handlep,.and a
tight-lid),-and on collection days 'must' be' placed..at the curb at
the.pr�pises; or where there is a public alley.must be placed in
the rear of the premises so that it will be readily accessible to
the collector from the alley.
2. Combustible rubbish and semi - combustible rubbish MUST BE PLACED IN
BOXES OR CONTAINERS, of a size which may be..handled by one Collector,
or so placed - upon -A he.premises that the same ba17_be readily
x v�
accessible.to the. Collector and arranged in such.a,manner as to
facilitate .loadJ4:on•.the collection truck.
3. Non - combustible rubbish MUST -BE PLACED -IN.WOOD OR NETAL BOXES OR
CONTAINERS: of- a.. size which may be .handled ,.by one .,Collector.
4+ Collection routes are established according to the following
GARBAGE: .Each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
NON - COMBUSTIBLE RUBBISH; First and Third Friday of each month.
area easterly of Main Street; each Wednesday in that area
westerly of and including both sides.of.Main Street.
5. Combustible rubbish is collected in the Business District every
day except Sundays and legal holidays.
6. All refuse collection is made without charge. Collectors are
instructed to not enter into any contention with householders
regarding such service and-all complaints should be-ma"de' at the
City Hall.or by calling El Segundo 27'.
7. The amount of rubbish which will be collected by the City from
individual and separate householders will be only that NORMAL
AND CUSTOMARY amount which would accumulate in the USUAL AND
ORDINARY maintenance of yards and properties. Rubbish in
excess of these nor* Al and customary amounts must be disposed
of by the householder.
8. The placing or depositing of any garbage, combustible rubbish,
semi- combustible or non - combustible rubbish, or refuse of any
kind whatsoever upon or in any public street, alley, or other
public place except as herein provided is a violation of Ordinance
No. 90 of the City of E1 Segundo, California, and will not be
9. Every effort is being made to furnish to the citizens oP El
Segundo the highest degree of service and sanitation in the
collection of garbage and rubbish, and you are urged to con-
tribute to this effort by conforming'to these rules lor'iefuse
AND, BE IT F URTHER.RESOLVED, that the said regulations shall super-
cede regulations heretofore printed on 1. any, cards'previously.distributed
and §hall be effective en and after the 5th day of September, 1946;'
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the, City Engineer be and„ he, is
hereby authorized and instructed to procure printed cards containing the
foregoing regulations, in sufficient number to provide for adequate'
distribution to all householders of the City,of El Segundo,.such
number to bontemplate future requirements for at reasonable period;
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the administrative agencies in
charge of such collection services are authorized to refuse to make
collections in those cases where violations of the foregoing rules
are apparent. -
On roll call the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
.Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Councilman Skelley reported that his attention had'been called to the
need for a street light on East Oak Avenue between Sheldon Street and
Eucalyptus Drive. By general consent the matter was referred to the City
Engineer•for investigation and report to`this Council at its next regular meeting.
No further business appearing.to be transacted at this meeting, it was
moved by'Cotzrcilman Skelley, seconded*by Councilman Baker, the meeting adjourn.
Carried. '
Respectfully submitted,"'
City 1