1946 OCT 30 CC MINEl. Segundo, California. October 30, 1946. R 46 •.F A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, _ California, was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, on the.above date, having been called to order at'7c00 o'clock P. M. by William R. Selby, Mayor. ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Baker, Peterson, Skelley and Mayor Selby. Councilmen Absent: Thompson. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on October 28th, 1946, were read. No-errors-or omissions being noted,`it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by•Council.man- Peterson, the minutes of said meeting be approved as recorded. Carried. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS. Written communications, received- from ;the persons..,, firms or corporations hereinafter named, were read to the Council and were disposed of in the manner indicated, following reference to each; as followss- LOUIS•H. HEATH, and four others, dated -October 34, 1946, requesting that diagonal parking be required on•the`West, side of Main Street., between Grand Avenue and Holly Avenue, with a two- hour parking.limit:ihstead of parallel.. parking, unlimited, as to time, as at present. By general consent the setter was referred to Pdblic -Safety Cofn- missioner Baker and the.Chief of Police; for recommendation to :this Council. GORGE E. BINDER, SECRETARY, Interim Planning Committee, dated October 282 1946, recommending .certalh changes ih -the proposed planning" iordinance of the City of E1 Segundo. 'By general consent the communication'-was ordered received and filed and.placed with other planning data ziow being held for consideration of the Council at such time as-it takes action upon�the proposed planning ordinance. JOHN M. OLIVER, dated October 6. 1946., being -an:application�-for "Automobile For Hire" driver's permit. Said application`appearirig'to be in good order, and the Chief of Police having recommended the permit applied for-be granted, it was moved.by.Councilman•Peterson, seconded by Councilman.Bakert - that, subject to the provisions•of Ordinance No.•283 of the City of E1 Segundo,`and- pursuant to the applicatioti� therefor filed with this Council this date; John M. Oliver be and he is-hereby--granted a permit to drive, operate or be "in charge'of- any passenger carrying,6r motor propelled vehicle defined in'said ordinance ;•provided, ho4ever,`this. Council reserves the r�ght,to revoke'the permit 'herein•grant"ed, "When,• in its discretion, such revocation would appear-to be in the public interest. Carried. JOHN F.-BENDER, dated October 22, 1946, addressed to the City Clerk, with reference to a settlement of certain delinquent assessments effecting Lot 9, Block 13, Tract 1685, which had been.= paid'to Mr:-Bender and by him transmitted to the City Clerk, concerning whieh'he requested the Council's approval. • Moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the following.resolution be-adopted: RESOLVED, that the settlementsmade by John F. Bender,. Special City Attorney.of the City of El Segundo, of de- linquent special assessments levied against Lot 9, Block 13, Tract 1685, EL Segundo,'to -wit: Bond No. 17 under the 1889 Bond Act and Assessment No. 158 -2 under R. I. 134, as referred to in the communication of said Special City Attorney, dated October 22, 1946, addressed to Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk, and presented this Council this date, be ratified and approved; and that said communication be received and placed on file in the Office of the-City, Clerk for the purposes of identification and reference; AND, RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said City Clerk be authorized to cause demand to be prepared in favor of said John F. Bender for the amount -due him for effecting said settlement, as provided in the contract between John_F. Bender and the City of E1` Segundo for handling of de- linquent tax and assessment matters. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley and Mayor Selby: Noes: Councilmen -None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. W. E. FIELDS,, dated October 29, 1946, requesting a. temporary permit to park a house trailer at the "Mary Virginia" courts,-5 07-A Eucalyptus_:, Drive, within the City of El Segundo, Acting Building Inspector Locke having inspected the trailer referred to and having endorsed upon said application his recommendation that the .permit'be: granted, it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the following resolution be adopted: -RESOLVED, that-the application of W. E, Fields, dated October, 299-:1946, for a. permit 'o. maintain a house trailer on the.propertyllocated 507 -A-Eucalyptus Drive, El. Segundo., be-received and placed on -file 'in the office of the City Clerk for the purposes of identification and reference; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in view of the recommendation of the Acting Building-Inspector, that the City Council hereby grants a temporary permit, revodable at*any time by the said Council upon fifteen days written notice to.the permittee, to W. E. Fields to keep and main- tain a house trailer on the property hereinabove desgribed; said permit being.subject to the provisions of.Ordinance. No. -:223 of the'City of E1 Segundo.and ordinances supplementary thereto or: amendatory thereof; provided, further, that -this permit ,shall.automatically.lapse and become void, unless eooner,revoked, upon the 30th,day of January, 1947,.by limitation. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: - Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley and.Mayor Selby. Noes; Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman- Thompson. ROY L. ROGERS, dated October 25, 1946, applying for a permit to maintain Y R469 ._ and use a house trailer at 411 West Walnut Avenue, within the City of El Segundo. ' The Acting Building Inspector having endorsed upon said application his recommendation that the permit be granted, it was moved by'Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson,-.the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the application of Roy L. Rogers, dated October 25, 1946, applying for permit to maintain a house trailer on the property located 411 West Walnut Avenue, E1 Segundo, be received and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk, for the purposes of. identification and reference; ' AND, BE IT'FURTHER,RESOLVED, that in view of the recommendation of the Acting Building Inspector, that the City Council hereby grants a temporary permit, revocable at any time by the said Council upon fifteen days written notice.to the permittee, Roy L. Rogers, to keep and main- tain a house trailer on -the property hereinabove described; said permit being subject to the provisions of Ordinance ' No.,223 of the City of E1 Segundo and ordinances supple- mentary thereto or amendatory thereof; provided, further,. that this permit shall automatically lapse and become void., unless sooner revoked, upon the 30th day of January, 1947, by limitation. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote.: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skell1ey and Mayor Selby, Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilman Thompson: WAL'lEK DAME;. undated, requesting a'permit to use.and maintain -a house trailer at 131 Concord Street, El Segundo-' while a'dw4ling. ihe applicant proposes to erect at said location,is under construction.. Acting Building'Inspector Locke recommended the permit1be granted when sanitary facilities are available for the occupants of the trailer, and it was thereupon moved by Councilman Skelley,.seconded;by Councilman Baker, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the application of Walter Dame,,undated, applying for a' permit to' maintain a house' trailer, on, : the property l6cated-131 Concord. Street, El Segundo,,be received!. and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for the ` purposes of identification and reference; AND., BE IT FURTHER RESULVED,, that the City Council...-,. hereby.grants a temporbay.permit, revocable at any time by the said -Council `''upon" fifteen . days written notice to the permittee,•to•Walter Dame, to keep and maintain a'house r' trailer on the property hereinabove described; said perai.t being subject to the provisions of Ordinance.No. 223,of the City of hl:Segundb and ordinances'supplementary of or amendatory thereof; provided, however,'this permii shall;, not become effective unless and until sanitary facilities satisfactory to the'Building 'Inspector bf the City'of E1. Segundo -are available adjacent to the said premises; ancT,.'. provided further, that this permit.-shall automatically lapse and become void, unless sooner revoked,' upon the 30th day,'. of January, 1947, by limitation. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:. R 4"71 Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Sk_elley and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. WATLAND T. LEONARD, dated October 30, 1946, being an application for a permit to move a.one story frame .building from,its present location.in Santa Monica to a site within the City of E1 Segundo. The Acting Building Inspector reported.that the building proposed to be moved does not conform to the building.ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo and he recommended that—the permit applied for .be not granted; whereupon it was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilman Peterson, that the application of Wayland T. Leonard, dated October 30, 1946, for a permit to move a one .story frame building from its present location in the City of Santa Monica to a new location in the City of E1 Segundo, be denied.. Carried. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. Mrs: W. W.,Bridges addressed I the Council. -with respect to the con -. struction of multiple dwellings on a portion of Lot,8, Block 108,• within the City of rl Segundo, when the proposed comprehensive.zoning.ordinance becomes effective..,,' _. She was informed that a definite answer a`s to that matter cannot be given, inasmuch as the proposed ordinance is merely under consideration at this time, but,that it is believed procedures will.be adopted whereby the problem which presently confronts her with respect to the use of said lot will be taken care of. SPECIAL ORDER 0le, BtfS1NPsSS. The hour of 7:15 o'clock P..M. at.this.meeting,haying heretofore been fixed as the time and place for receiving,lai.ds for drilling, casing and completing; two fresh.aater wells Yor. the City. of. El Segundo, the Mayor linnounced the hour of 7 :14'o'clock P. M. and stated that if any person or persons present desired to file bids for-said-fresh-water wells, they should do so immediately., The hour of 7:15`o'clock_P. M. having arrived, theMayordeclared the time for receiving bids, closed. The City Clerk..repo^ted to the Council that no bids had been received; whereupon it ;was „moved by Councilman Skelley,.aeconded by Councilman'Baker, thb- following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, .t his - Council has duly acid regularly advertised for bids..under` "NOLCE INVITING BIDS_FUR DRILLING, CASING AND COMPLETING TWO, FAM WATER WELLS11 which Not ice "was dated the 15th daT,,of October., A._ D. 1946• AND,.WEKM�S, at the, hour. designated in said Notice for.'the declaration.of7bids,,to- wit:.7:15 o'clock P..M. on.-this date, October 30th, 1946 no bids have been received;., NOW, THEREFORE, aE IT RESOLVED_ that the Water Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized•and in- structed to investigate in the open market for the drilling . of the wells referred to in said Notice.and'to report• back to this Council in due time with reference thereto;. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the question as to whether or not further advertising shall-be had for:, bids for the drilling of said wells described in said - Notice be taken under advisement by this Council, pending receipt by it of the report of the Water Superintendent above referred to. R 7Y- The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote; Ayes: --Councilmen Baker., Peterson,, Skelley and.Mayor,Selby. Noes: Councilmen None•, Absent: Councilman.Thompson. .0RAL COMMUNICATIONS CONTDRIED f Mr, Harry James.,'representing the_Guy F. Atkinson Company, Contractors, constructing the outf-all sewer line into the ocean at Hyperion.,.addressed the Council, requesting its approval: and consent to-.his Company'-s utiliza- tion of the property of Pacific Electric-Railway Company,, North.of its El Segundo station., at EucalyptusDrive and.Gran ' d Avenue.,.for the purpose of erecting bunkers for the storage and delivery of concrete aggregates which will be-used in the construction of said sewer line. He introduced the.Company's engineer, Mr..Fletcher, who thereupon exhibited and explained to the Council a plan of the.proposed project. The Council made inquiry as to the many matters concerning the .- PrOjeci, including its probable duration, the quantities.of,materials to be.handled., the probable number of vehicles which will be used in the•operations.-etc. At the conclusion of the discussion-relative to the.subjecti the-matter was taken under consideration for future decision by the Council,— Mrs. Gwendolyn Bwrtholmade inquiry as.to the locations v4thin the .- City of El Segundo wherein horses may be kept in large numbers to accomodate a group, interested in horsemanship., She.was-informed-that if and.when the proposed zoning ordinance for the City of.E! Segundo is adopte4.,.,�uch an enterprise would be permitted in the )(.-1 zone, Mr. M. C,'-MoCray addressed the Council relative tQ the proposed subdivision'of Section 18'.within-the City.,of,-El $egundo., and he introduced a Mr. Goodwin, of -The Austin Company,: the:.firm engaged - in. the - subdivision._ work,, who explained to the Council that the subdivision.-as-ga,..nned.,.-will necessitate .a rai.1r6ad croftIng adjacent to,E1•Segundo Boulevard and__, Aviation Boulevard.'­Both'gentlemen also addressed-the Council-,relativ,e- to the City taking,6ver a certain fresh-water well - existen't' on said sections so that the*City might better serve water to such--industries as may l9.9,a�te upon the property in question. Since no, definite plan -was presented - respec#ng- the matter., whict�, is one with many ramifications-.,.the-subject-was taken under adAsement',,- by the Council. At 8:07 Pi M.,the Mayor- declared a recess. The Council,reconvened at 8:13-P. M. 432 Councilmen being present and answering roll- call excepting CouncilmawThompsom* REPORTS.Qf STANDING COMMITTEES.,- None. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES. The City Clerk reported.. receipt:,.of a communication from Pittsburgh- Des ' Moines Steel Company,, requesting that it be furnished a notice., signed by the.Mayor and the City-'Clerk, to the effect that money has been ,set aside in the City,Treasuryi exclusively for payment of.the'City's obligations under its contract with said Company for the erection tof a, steel water tank within the City of El Segundo.— Y 1 Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the following resolution be adopted: • RESOLVED, that the communication -from Pittsburgh - Des Moines Steel' Company, dated October-23, 1946, re questing confirmation of the allocation of funds involved:, with reference to its contract, be received and filed in the office of the City Clerk and referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby created an account in the General Fund of`the City :of El Segundo to be knor+n and designated 'as -"Reserve for Elevated Steel Water Tanker account, to which said account;' :_ there shall•be'forthwith credited the sum of $32,540.00; AND,_ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said amount is hereby allocated and reserved for the purpose of meeting the obligartions of'the City, which will fall due under that certain agreement between said City and Pittsburgh - Des Moines Ste'el'Company, dated the 30th day,of.September, A. D. 1946, for the construction and completion `of a certain elevated steel water tank; AND, BE -IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the moneys-herein- above provided for and allocated from said General Fund shall, in proper time, be refunded to said General Fund - from the Water Works Fund of said City. The foregoing resolution was adopted -by the following vote.— Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley and Mayor Selby. Noes:-` Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman = Thompson. _ Aetgng Building 'inspector -Lockereported to the U- ouncil that he'had conferred with -Mr. John Catalano respecting the installation of an additional door- in each of the housing units now under construction by the'Federal- Public Housing Authority, which structures•are to be turned'ove`r to the City for the use and benefit of veterans of.World War•II,' and,that Mr. Catalano's quotation for furnishi.ng.the - labor,and' materials and constructing and installing said doors is $36.00 per door. He stated an additi o'nal charge would •be' made - for paifiting. After consideration, it was moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Peterson,`tha't the Acting Building Inspector of the City of El Segundo be and he-is'hereby authorized and-directed to cause one door and steps, where necessary, to be installed in each of the dwelling units presently in course of construction in the City of E1 Segundo, for the use'of veterans of World War II, 'at -a cost of not to exceed $36.00 per door, including appurtenant steps; the painting'of said doors to be considered at a later date. Carried by the-following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, - Skelley and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. - UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councilman Peterson reported having received from R. T. Hutchinsp City'Fngineer, his written report dated October 25,-1946; respecting bids on centfifugal pumps, which were received and-opened October 23,'1946.. He read the report in its - entirety to the Council,.•and stated that he concurred in the report and recommendation of said City Engineer. T R .47 Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that Resolution No. 858, entitled: A.RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING TO FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. THE GBNTRACT FOO FURNISHING SAID CITY WITH TiflM CERTAIN CENTRJ?'UGAL WATER PUMPS, EQUIPPEli WITH MOTORS, which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker,,Peterson, Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. None. PAYING BILLS. NEW BUSINESS. Skelley and Mayor Selby. Moved by Councilman.Peterson,.seconded by Councilman Baker, that the sum of $5,000.00 be'transferred from the General Fund of the City of El Segundo to the.Library Fund of said City,.and-that the City Clork, and City Treasurer be and they are.hereby directed to make appropriate. entries in their respective books of record of.said transfer. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen- Baker, Peterson,.Skelley and•Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman .Thompson. . Moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by b6iincilman-Pet,erson., that effective November lst, 1946, and until the further order of this Council, the employment classification of Sarah Viele.be.changed.• from Departmental Clerk, Temporary,.to Departmental Clerk, Junior, and that from and after said date said employee shall be compensated.... as provided by Resolution No. 812 of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, establishing rates of compensation for municipal officers and employees. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen faker, Peterson, Skelley and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None.. Absent: . Councilman Thompson. Moved by Countlmff-Skelley, seconded by Councilman Baker, that until the further order of this Council, the Street Superintendent of the City of El Segundo is authorized to employ -W. • -Corel B': 1usselT- for not to exceed three days per week, such employment to begin and be maintained at the discretion of and according to such schedules as may be prepared by said Street Superintendent. Said employee shall be compensated for his services, actually rendered the City of E1 Segundo, at the rate fixed therefor by Resolution No. 812 of the City of El Segundo, fixing and establishing rates of pay and hours of work for municipal officers and employees. Carried by the following vote: Ayes:- Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley and Mayor Selby. Noes: Councilmen None. Absent: Councilman Thompson. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the following resolution be adopted: 8471 WHEREAS, in view of -the increase in population in the City of El Segundo since 1940 and the increases <aertain to eventuate, the present.United States_Pbstoffice facilities at E1 Segundo appear to be inadequate in size and arrangement; AND, WKEKEAS, it is likely, under these circumstances, the Post Office Department, in order-to maintain its tra- ditional efficiency., may, in the near future, acquire more modern and commod *s quarters, which the City-Council of the City of El Segundo believes justified and highly desirable, in order to adequately serve El Segundo'Post Office patrons; AND, WHEREAS, this Council has caused to be .prepared and•has adopted and has'ready for use,,-when material and labor conditions warrant, plans and specifications for a new city : hall, police station and fire station, which will be erected on a site presently owned by the City of E1 Segundo within the business district of said City; AND, WHEREAS, this Council believes that E1 Segundo Post Office should be maintained in the immediate vicinity of the business area of the City of El Segundo and preferably in the vicinity of the new city hall; NOW, THER.EFORE,,BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Clerk prepare and transmit to Clyde Burgett, Postmaster, El Segundo, California, a copy of this resolution, so that he may be informed of this Councills interest respecting El Segundo Post'Office, and that he be requested to convey to the Post- master General or other appropriate Pbst Office Department official, the sentiments of this Council as herein expressed. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson;'Skelley and Mayor Selby, Noes: Councilmen, None.. Absent: Councilman Thompson.,. No further business appearing to be transactedat'this meetings it was moved by Councilman Baker " -s'econded•by Councilmar'SkelYey, the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted.. Approved: City Cle