1946 MAY 08 CC MINR2"71'
E1 Segundo, California.
May 8, 1946.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of'El Segundo. California,
was held in the Council Chamber of.the City Hall.of said City on the above date,
having been called to order at 7:00 P. M.. by William R. Selby, Mayor.
Councilmen Present: Baker, Peters-on, 'Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Councilmen Absent: None.
The minutes of the regular meeting held- 6n,the first'day'of May, 1946,
were read, without error or omission appearing. It was thereupon•moved'by
Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, the minutes of said meeting
be approved as recorded. Carried.
At this time the Council proceeded to consider matters'rt` connection
with the tax deeded land program of the City of El Segundo.
The City Clerk announced he had in his possession; in the'same condition
as when received, three bids for the purchase of tax deeded property heretofore
advertised for sale by the City.
The Council proceeded first to "consider the bid -of`A. "A. -We Cray
received by it on April 24, 1946, and at the last'regular`'weeting'bf this
Council, taken under advisement until this date.
After such consideration, it was moved by =Councilman Baker, seconded
by Councilman Peterson, that the bid of A. A. McCray, bidding the sum of
$175.00 each for Lots 31, 320 339 34 and 35, Block 61,be and the same is
hereby rejected and the City Clerk directed to return to said bidder the —
deposit accompanying his said bid. Carried.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Bkelley, that
the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly_ -4eclare the bids received
this date for the purchase of certain City owned tax deeded *bperty. Carried.
The Council thereupon proceeded to open, examine and publicly declare
said bids, which said bids were found by said Council to be as follows.-to -wit:
Bid of Mary Montague Guild, on regular form provided therefor, as
Lot 3, Block 21, E1 Segundo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4100.00.
Said bid was accompanied by 'Certified Check No. 18258, drawn on Vermont and
Hollywood- $ranch;- .Seearltg- Fl-rst• National Bank of Los Angeles, payable to City
Clerk, El Segundo, in -the sum of $22.00, and currency in the sum of $3.00.
Bid of C. E. Kenney, on regular form provided therefor" as follows:
Undivided 1/3 interest in Lot 3, Block 21, E1 Segundo _ $130.00.
Said bid was accompanied by cash in the sum of $30.00.
Bid of Myrtle W. Lyons, on regular form provided therefor, as follows:
So. 45 ft. Lot 13, Block 8, Tract 1685 - - - - - - - $225.00
No. 50 Ft. Lot 1, Block 106 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300.00. -_
Said bid was accompanied by currency in the sum of x$135.00.
Following consideratioU of said.bids,'it was moved- by,Councilman Thompson,
seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the bid of-Mary Montague Build, bidding
the sum of $100.00 for Lot 3, Bleak 219 E1 Segundo, be and :the same is hereby
rejected, and the City Clerk directed to return to said bidder the deposit
accompanying said bid. Carried..
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the bid
of Myrtle W. Lyons, bidding the sum of $225.00 for the -So. 45 feet of Lot '13,
Block 8, Tract 1685, and x$300.00 for the No. 50 ft, of .Lot ' 1, Block 106, be
and the same is hereby rejected, and the City Clerk directed to return to said
bidder.the deposit accompanying said bid. Carried.
-Moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that the
bid of C. E. Kenney, bidding the sum of x$130.00 for an undivided.1 /3 interest
in Lot -3, Block 219 E1 Segundo, be and the same is hereby rejected and the City
Clerk : directed _to return to said bidder the deposit accompanying said Bid: Carried.
Special City Attorney John F. Bender then presented to the City Council
certain Quitalaim Deeds, effecting Lots 27 and 29,,Block 619 E1 Segundo, and
Lot 6, Tract 2111-, 111cSegundo, which he recommended.the Council accept.
_ -It, was .thereupon moved by Councilman Skelley., seconded by Councilman
Baker, the following resolution be adopted:
RE60LVED, that those certain Quitclaim Deedn,'file& as
one document, as follows, to -wit: Quitclaim.Dsod; dated-the-
30th day of April, 1946, executed by Herbert G. Rshfeld and
Olga 'H. Rehfield, and conNeying ao :the City tf ,E1' Segundo,
a''municipal ":corporation, the. real -property:-in the C1ty ,of-21 .
Segundo, Cnunty'of. Los 'Angeles, -State of -California;: described
Lot 27 in Block 61 of El Segundo, as per
map recorded in Book 209 Pages 22 and 23 of
Maps, "in the - off ice .`of' the County Re003;der--
of said County;'
Quitclaim ,Deed., dated the Zrd day of May,, 1946, :executed
by. Hubert 'G.. Rehfeld •and Olga H:_ Rehfeld,° and -conveying .;to :the• .�^
City of El Segundo,, 8 municipal corporation, the .real- -property
in the City of El Segundo , County-.. of Los Angeles State . og
California, described as:
Lot 29, Block 619 21 Segundo Tract, s,s
- per map recorded - in Book 20, Pages
23 of Maps, is the office of the,County
Recorder of said County;
and ;
Quitclaim Deed, dated the 3rd day of May, 1946, executed
by W. =A. Usher and Laana ld. Usher, :and eonieying to .the :City of
El Segundo,_ -a municipal corporation.. 'the real `:property fa the _
City .of 'E1 .Segundo, •County, -of Los Angeles, State cif California; ,.~
described as. _ .
Lot 6, Tract 2111, as per nap recorded,in'.. -
Book 22, Page 141. -of Maps, in the - office -of - _-
-the County Recorder _of said County, ,
be and the ' same are hereby accepted by and on behalf of -the City of
El Segundo; and
0 IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that°- the.City Olerk be and,he --is hereby
authorized and" directed to record •said "instrument 'in the -office of
the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the- following vote:
Aye a: -Councilmen Baker, Petgrson, Skelley, Thompson-and Mayor Selby.,
Noes:- Councilmen None.
Absent Councilmen None.
The• following communications, received from the persons', firms or corpora -.
tions hereinafter named, -were read.to the Council, and were disposed of -la
the manner indicated following reference to each.hereinafter:'
C. V. CASTLE, County Agent; Cooperative Sattension Work, in Agriculture
and Home Economics, State of California, dated April 20, 1946, transmitting
therewith the booklet "What About the World's Food ? ", the purpose of which is
to encourage the development of Victory gardens and an increase- in . consumption
of locally grown fruits and vegetables._to.offset the shortage of cereals.`_
The communication and booklet were ordered-filed in the-:office-of the City.
Clerk for the reference of any person desiring to examine the same.
EL SEGUNDO POST NO. 389 AMERICAN LEGION, dated May 4, 1946.,'inviting
member s.of the City Council to attend Memorial Day services at El Segandq High
School Auditorium, May 30, 1946. The communication was ordered filed and the
Mayor exhorted all members of the Council-.to-attend the services: -if possible.
EL SEGUNDO RECREATION COMMISSION, dated May 8, 19461, with reference to
increased recreational,facilities as- recommended -by El Segundo Parent- Teacher
Association. Ordered filed.
DIVISION OF HIGMYS, State of California-,F. dated April '25,- 'l%46,°addressed
to R. T. Hutchins, ,City Engineer, advisi.ng- that 'Rork Order. :7.VM1.70rin amount
of $250.00 has • -been• issued for surveys and plans - for - traffic sigr4als- proposed
to be installed on Sepulveda Boulevard at Rosecrans Avenue and at E1 Segundo
Boulevard. Ordered filed.
STATE CONTROLL•ER;_.STATE OF CALIFORNIA -= :dsted-:May: 6, 1946, with reference
to the adoption of a new formula as to dates with reference to "In Lieu" tax
apportionment. Ordered filed.
being a copy:of pits =order mpproving compromise and-releaser in -Claim No...LA
83-066 Coral S. Russell, App? icant, vs. City.of.Fl Segundo; State Compensation
Insurance Fund; Defendants. Ordered filed*:,,
JOHN MILTON LAMSON, dated May 29 1946;
DARRELL L. EVANS, dated May 2; 1946; and
GEORGE E. RUM=, dated 4,May.1946;.each•being application for employment
by the City of El Segundo in•police work. Ordered filed.
GUY H. LEWIS, dated May 8, 1946, being application for permit to maintain
and use a trailer house at 648 West Oak Avenue, E1 Segundo.
The trailer and premises having been inspected by Mr.:Locke, Assistant
City Engineer, and that officer having recommended -the :.granti34g flf - the 'permit,
it was mowed by Councilman Skelley, seconded by.Counc4lman Thompson, that the
following resolution be adopted: .
RESOLVED, that-the application .of *Guy H. Lewis,, dated
.-5 -8 -46, for a- permit to maintain.a` house trailer-at 648 .
West Oak Avenue, .E1 Segundo, filed with this Council this
date, be received and placed on file in the office of the
-City Clerk for the purposes of identification and reference; -
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that subject to the;provisions
of Ordinance No. 223 of the City of El Segundo, and ordinances -
supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof, said Guy H.
Lewis be and he is hereby granted . a -temporary revocable
permit to maintain and use said house trailer on said
premises for a period of ninety days from'May 8th, 19469
subject, however,'to` earlier, revocation of said permit
'in the discretion of the City Council. -
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, dated May 6, 1946, petitioning
the Council to :.initiate the necessary legal proceedings for vacating and
abandoning a portion of that certain alley running northerly and southerly
in Block 12, E1 Segundo.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that
the following resolution-be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the communication from Standard Oil
Company of California, dated May 6, 1946, requesting that
the City Council take such proceedings as may be necessary
for the vacating and closing of that certain public alley
running northerly and southerly between Concord Street and
Richmond Street, in Block 12, E1 Segundo, be received and
filed, and that the City Engineer be authorized to furnish
to the City Attorney the necessary data with reference to
the legal description of the said alley (proposed for
abandonment) -and the 'legal description of a technical
assessment district for use in connection with said pro -
Aim, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon receipt of
such data, the City Attorney prepare and present to this
Council for its further 'consideration at that time -, the
necessary proceedings to accomplish such abandonment if
same be ordered by said Council.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the "following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson; s]o, Thompson and _Mayor Selby.
Noes:.. Councilman Nkntley.
Absent: Councilmen Stine:
THEODORE W. ROLAND POST NO. 2957, Veterans of-Foreign_Wars of the
United States, dated May 6, 19469 . requesting psridission'to sell- "poppies
in the City of E1 Segundo from May 25th to May 30th, Incl. 1946: "Moved
by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that T heodore.Wi:
Roland Post -No. 2957, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, be
and it is,hereby granted permission to sell poppies in the City of El Segundo
from May 25th to May'30th, Incl. 1946. Carried.'
Mrs., George Gordon inquired' of the Council if the. City of Los ;Angeles
had the right to condemn and force the sale of real property within-the City
of E1 Segundo•for use in connection with its Hyperion sewer treatment-plant.
Mayor Selby called upon City Attorney Woodworth to answer the inquiry
and that official stated he is inclined to the belief that under the laws
of the State of California any C ity may condemn property even outside of
its own territorial limits if such property is needed for .municipal purposes
and that in such cases compensation for the property taken 1s fixed by-
the Court after it has heard, Prom all parties involved in the condemnation
R 27$
Mrs. Marie M. James advised the Council that she has applied to the State
Board of Equalization for an "On Sale ". -beer license -at. 145 Richmond Street, and
she inquired whether or not the Council had been advised thereof and would have
any objection thereto.
Chief of Police Hutchins interposed that he had this date received from
the State Board of Equalization notification.of said application;:that Mrs. James
had talked with him about the matter and he'had recommended that she appear
before the Council to discuss the matter with this Body.
The Mayor explained that with reference to the application of another
applicant for a iicense to conduct the same .type of.bu siness at the same premises,
this Council adopted a resolution of protest - following the filing with it of a
lengthy petition requesting such action on its part and he expressed the belief
that these same protestants should be advised of the present pending application.
Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Thompson..seconded,'by Councilman
Peterson, that the City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo be directed to notify
all persons whose names appear on a protest, petition heretofore filed with this
Council with reference to the granting of an "On Sale" beer license in the
premises named and known as 145 Richmond Street- ,'Z1.Segundo, that Mrs. Marie
M. James has applied for a similar license for -the conduct_..of.a „similar business
at the same location and. that said application is now pending_ before the State
Board of Equalization.- Carried.
Councilman Peterson reported-that at the request of Mayor.Selby, he and
City Engineer Hutchins had-this date attended a meeting. -of a..Smoke' and Fumes
Control group, called by Supervisor Ford of the Board of Supervisora.,of Los
Angeles County; that- the- discussion was centered on a proposah by the County
that all cities within the .County adopt a uniform ordinance comparable to the
one already passed by .the Board of Supervisors .for...tbe control of smoke and fumes.
It was also proposed that in order to have uniform - enforcement - -* contract or
agreement be entered into between each .city. in the County. and. the County for
such enforcement. It was stated that the County will assume e1l"responaibility
for technical research -work, investigations and enforcement without coet to.the
City; that the meeting was well attended, and each rep resentative'present"Mas
.called upon to make an expression, in.so far.as their respective cities were
concerned, as to whether nor not such a procedure .wontt. ba .agreeaife' ;_ that
practically all of the representatives presei}tb reseed favor of the plan
and complete cooperation with the County; that he had stated to the group that
E1 Segundo was considerably Aifferent from the other cities in the County in that
approximately. 75% of the.c Ity,is now'indusirial or potential induAtrial area;
that he felt "from,past informal discussions with`the ..Council do the matter that
this City wauld-cooperate in the matter so far as..it is practical:-t6 do.so.
He further reported that - it was agreed. that ..a . copy of 'the ordinance " heretorfore
adopted by the County and a copy of a.proposed agreemeidt.between; each city and
the County, as above referr@d:to., will :be furnished .each city bx the .County
Counsel within approximately two weeks for their information and consideration.
Councilman Skelley, reported having had a conference with Emanuel Jensen
respecting his purchasing surplus shrubs and.trees from the.0 ity of -E1 Segundo
and that if-permitted to do so, Mr.. Jensea would.have no.- objectioh . to the City
-continuing to sell its surplus of these items to its.citi7,ens. Mr. Jensen
also expressed the desire to obtain trees on consignment.
The City Attorney indicated the belief that the procedure would be
lawful if the city nursery actually has a- surplus.of.nuraery stock and if'the
Council is willing to exercise str.ict.surveillance..over transactlone of the
nature proposed.
Following discussion on the subject, it was agreed, Vy general.'consent,
that the City would advertise for bids on such nursery surplus as it might
desire to sell.
R` 279
Chief of` Police Butch ins announced the appointment of Edward Hilton Flowers
as a Police Officer of the City cif E1 -Segundo and his employment as Desk Officer
in the Police Department of the City of El Segundo.-effective May 7th, 1946,
and he 'requeste`d approval of his action.
. Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, the& the
appointment by the Chief of Police of the City of E1 Segundo of Edgard Hilton
Flowers qs a Police Officer of�said City and his employment by said official
as a Desk Officer in the Police Department as of May-7th, 1946; be and the same
are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. CArried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley,.Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: ' Councilmen-None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
The Chief of Police announced the,revoeations - of the appointments of
James Albert Cummings, Earl Fernando C artland, Claude Cundiff Laves, Marcus
Harvey McIntire and William Lee Owens as Police Officers of the City of 11.
Segundo. .
City Attorney Woodworth reported that the corrected.bond,form_respecting
the oil well named and known as Elsie #9 -1, with Jack Frombach and /or Esther_
Leona Frombach, copartners, as Principal and Royal. Indemnity Company;as_Surety,
bearing No. S 227466,•had been'presented him for approval and that he has
approved the same and delivered the same to the�City Clerk this datejor filing;
that all matters in connection with the assignment°to -Jack Frombach and /or Esther
Leona Frombach by Ira W. Wickliffe, et el, are now in good order and that the
bond formerly furnished by Royal Indemnity Company, which is being_subst.ituted
by a'new bond, presented and approved this date, may be returned to the Surety.
Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
Skelley, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that all documents received from Jack
Frombach and/or Esther Leona-Frombach,--copartners,
respecting the assignment to them by Ira W.:Xickliffe
and Beatrice N. Wickliffe, of that certain oil well
permit covering oil well named and'known as Elsie #9 -1,
be received and placed on file in the office of the -City
Clerk for the purposes of identification and _reference;
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, -that the assignment
of said well therein and herein referred to by,.Ira W.• -
Wickliffe and Beatrice N. Wickliffe to said Jaek Frombach
and/or Esther Leona Frombach, is hereby approved and
consented to;
AND', BE'IT FURTHER RESOLVED;,that Royal Indemnity
Company Bond No. S- 227466, in the sum of $2000.00, with...
Jack Frombach and /or Esther Leona Frombach, as Principals,
dated the 25th day of March, 1946 ,be and the same is hereby
approved and accepted, and that the- bond of Said original, .
permittee, Ira W. Wickliffe and Beatrice N. Wickliffe , • with .
Royal Indemnity Company as Surety, being Bond No. S 221586,
covering the said•well-'named and known as Elsie-#9-1, be and
the same -is hereby eaonerated-as•to any liability accruing = .
thereon.subsequent to this date, to -,wit: May 8; 1946. _
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes,: Councilmen Ba -ker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and MayrDr.Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: Councilmen None.
Moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded -by Councilman Baker, that the City
Clerk be authorized and directed to return to Royal Indemnity Company that
certain Bond No. S 227466 respecting that certain oil well mamed and known as
Elsie #9-11 which said bond shows Jack Frombach onl.y.as principal and Royal
Indemnity Company as Surety, which bond.has not .heretofore-been approved by
the City Attorney as to form and in lieu o'f which a new bond bearing the same
number was heretofore at this meeting approved and filed with the City Clerk.
Carried. -
City Attorney Woodworth, reporting in connection •with •the 'assignment
by Republic Petroleum Company to Sam Block & Son of certain oil .well properties
within the City of El Segundo, advised that -he has.conferred -with attorneys
of the assignees and explained in detail the forms which the assignment and
acceptance should take and.he has boen assured -that all-- matters in connection
therewith will be placed in good order within the next -two weeks.
City Attorney Woodworth reported that instruments in the escrow con-
cerning the purchase of Lots-16 and 17, Block•42, from the. Estate, of William
Tracy, Deceased, were recorded:Mgy.7,,1946, and•that•shortly he will be,abie
to communicate with other-property owners in the same block whose properties
the City desires to acquire.
Building Inspector John Catalano addressed, the Councils stating that
he has found difficulty working in harmony with the: - Building Commis_sione_r and
that under the circumstances the situation is unpleasant,.for both.; .that following
eleven-years of harmonious- relationship with members of the Couacil'he regrets
to terminate his'employment, with the - City-, but feels_. that "it is for-the_.best
interests of -all concerned-that he tender his resigsat_1on,as.Building Inspector
of the City of E1 Segundo, which he requested the.Coungil .to accept, having _
regard for such earned vacation as he may be ' entitled- to and-for his,. reservation
of -such rights as he may have With the State Employees', Retirament _ System. By
general consent the matter was taken under advisement until the next regular
meeting of the Council. --
Moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded .by, Councilihan Baker, that
Ordinance No. 295,' entitled'
which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of this.Council -held on the
1st day of May', 1946, and reread at this - meeting, be adopted. Carried by the
following voter
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson,`. Skelley , Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: 'Councilmen None.
Absent:. Councilmen None,
In'the matter of'the invitation tendered the City, of E1 Segundo to place
an entry in the Tournament of Roses,- January. .1, ,1947,: Councilman Baker reported
having conferred with representatives of- the Standard- .OilcGo pang .With reference
'to supporting such a project, and while he was unable to obtain exact information
on the subject, it was suggested that in view of the; fact t�t.said Company
usually has its own entry in said Tournament, it is doubtful if it would '
support-the local project, and t4at it -is questionable : if. enough .financial
assistance may be forthcoming from local business- astablishments'to construct
an appropriate entry for the said event. $y- general,cansent the matter was
taken under advisement until a definite conclusion may be reached.
The following demands, having had the approval of_the Committee on Finance and
Records, were read:
. Recreation Fund General Fund
$55.40 Macco Construction Co. $122.13
Ethel Grubb
Clark Ames 18.00
Title Insurance & Trust:Co. 34.50
Mints Curtzwiler 11.35
Clyde Woodworth 100.00
American Handicrafts Co. 3.36
Schwabacher -Frey Co. 164.41
Leather Supply Co. 9.51
Hockwald- Chemical Co. 5.18
Schwabacher- Frey.Co. 3.08
- Trade- Winds_Kotorfans, Inc.- 7.57
Russo Leather.& Finding Co. 21.70
E -T Electric -Co. 50.00
MacPherson Leather Company 18.51
American Bitumuls_Co. 11.79
MacPherson Leather Company 48.40
Grimes- Stassfortb Stat. Co. 18.53
TOTAL $189,31 .
Fletcher Tire Co. 69.66
C. K. McConnell 5.70
General Fund
Milliken Chevrolet •72
E1 Segundo Hardware X3.76
City of F1 Segundo Water Dept. 86.88
Southern Calif. Edison .Co. 328.34:
Southern Calif. Edison Co. 19.98
Inglewood Motor Parts 2.51
J. P. Hansen &:Son 3.00
Gibson Motor Parts 2.77
Ira E. Escobar,
Penny Profit Market: 1.82:
Ing]sWood Neon Sign Co.
Air Reduction Sales Co. .62
Edgings Brothers.
TOTAL $1101.02
Moved by Councilman-Thompson, seconded by Councilman ' Pe - terson, that the
demands be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on and .paid out of the respective
funds covering the same. Carried by +the following votes
Ayes: Councilmen: Baker; Peterson,.Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: .gouncilmen None•
Moved by Councilman Skelley, seconded by Councilman Baker,.that the following
vacation schedule for members of the Police, Sewer and Water Departments of the
City of El<Segundo-, dated 6ay.8, 1946,•
presentedtbis Council this, date, be
approved: .
DeBerry, T.' B.
From,,. June. 8 to Jane 22, and
" Oct. 5 to Oct, 11. (Held over
from 1945)
Dietrich, R. .-
From Aug. 14 to Aug. 28
Haddock, Alex
" Sept. 12'to Sept.'26
Ingram, Floyd -
- n June 30 to July 14
Maxwell, Lee
July, 14 to, July 28
Searles, Kenneth
" July 30 to Aug._ 13
Brennan, John
" Oct..' , 10 . to Oct. 74
" . July .16 to Judy 30
Burns; H. _
" Aug, 3.to Aug.,.17
Wood, Vernon
" Aug. 19.to..Sa1?t.,_2
Morgan, Earl
" Sept. 1 to Sept. 14, and " ••
". Sept..15.to Sept. 28 (Held over
from 1945)
Freese, Ralph
" Dec.. 15. to Dec. 28
Lind, J.
M . Aug.. 20 to Sept. 2 _-
Osborne, T.
May 9 to May 15, and
" June 20 to June 26
Smith, Clifford
2 July 1 to July 14
All dates both inclusive
provided, however, that such schedules are subject to change by the City
Council or by the heads of the departments effected, if, in their discretion,
the best interests-of the City of El Segundo-would to served by amending
the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Counbilmn None,.'
Absent: Councilmen-Noneo
At this point discussion was had as to the desirability of-offering for
sale unsold sewer bonds of the City of El Segundo in order to defray the
cost to the City of El Segundo -of participation in the construction of the
Hyperion outfall sewer - treatment plant of the City•of K'Segundorrequired-
to be paid by the City under its contract-respecting said matter-with the
City of Los Angeles. Following such_ discussion, it was coved by
Councilman Peterson-, seconded by Councilman-Skelley, the.following resolution
be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the City Attorney be and he is,
hereby authorized:and"instructed to discuss with4hs'sr,1..'._
office of O•Melveny & Myers•, Attorneys at Law anti Bond
Counsel, the matter of the proposed -sale and issuance-
of an additional $70,000.00 par value'of City of El,-
Segundo Sewer Bonds, Election 1925, and to arrange. with
said Attorneys for their services in connection with the
preparation of the necessary Form of Notice of Sale and
any other features or proceedings which may be involved
im obtaining the ir approving opinion upon -such.. sale, and
-issuance, the reasonable fees and thargew for -such ,service
to be paid to said _Attorneys - 04'Mellmy,and Myers� by the -City
of El Segundo upon presentation of proper demand therefor,
if _1n the usual'mannOr
to be aud ed and aippro*ed
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the-following,.Ivotel
Ayes'. Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None.
Absent: ' Councilmen None*
.�!Phe City Clerk '.reported that Mr. 'JTohn,C.,Aastin- Architect, ;_had
left with him certain plans and specifications for the proposed new.Cityl.,.
Han of the City of 191 Segundo, which he desired the Council to approve
and endorse.
It appearing theit'a new member of the City d6aaf' aV-Edt.' -heretofore
haff'opbo . rtunity to examine said plans and Councilman Peterson expressing
a desire to make a further check thereof, by general consent action in the
matter was postponed until a future time.
Chief of Police Hutchins informed the Council that. pr il 29, 1946,
he and Gouncilman�Skelley had attended'a meeting in Los Angeles of the
Califftia. Safety Council, at which time the Certificate,-of -Award -for traffic
safetY aehie - vemeilf in the Year 1945 was presented the-City.of.-ICI.Segundo,
and he'thereupon delivered the certificate to the Council.- I*,.map indicated
'E '. b1i h the
that I Segundo Herald would, if furnished a picture thereofi PU I a
same;'whereupon Councilman Peterson volunteered to have such Picture taken
and a glossy print .furnished-El-3eiuUAqHerald for its use in that connection.
Strest'Superintendent Hutchins informed the Council that he had
planned a new schedule for the collection of combustible rubbish within the
City of El Segundo, contemplatijug__cqlXeAtions on Main Street and everything
easterly thereof*,on`Mondays and Wednesdays of each week.and,everything
westerly thereof*on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week. JenFthy discussion
ensued, in which the tremendous cost of this service was brought out and it
was concluded that for trial purposes, the service contemplated be extended
on Mondays only to that portion of the City of E1 Segundo lying easterly of
Main Street and including Main Street, and on Tuesdays only to that portion
of the City lying westerly of Main Street.
Street Superintendent Hutchins reported to the Council that in view
of the fact that.a number of softball baseball teams will be using the High
School baseball grounds, which are under.lease to the City for recreational .
purposes, these grounds will need conditioning more frequently, necessitating
additional work time on the part of municipal employees and he inquired
whether or not the Council would approve.
By general consent the Council agreed that municipal employees, as
needed, may be assigned to condition and care for the baseball grounds at
E1 Segundo High School, which have been leased to the City of E1 Segundo.
Mayor Selby announced that pursuant to the provisions of Resolution
No. 826 of the City of E1 Segundo, he would appoint-the following members
of the City Council to the respective Commissionerships set forth after
their names, as follows, to -wit: ,
L. Rexford Thompson. Finance Commissioner
Willard J. Skelley Building & Planning Commissioner
Dave W. Peterson Public. Works Commissioner
Wilburn E. Baker Public Safety Commissioner
Mayor Selby further announced the appointment of Wilburn E. Baker
as a member of the Recreation, Commission of the City_ of El Segundo to fill
the unexpired term of Orest 0. Hesser,, resigned.
Moved by Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Skelley, that
the appointment by the.Mayor,of the City of E1 Segundo of Wilburn E. Baker
as a 'eiember of the Recreation Commission of said City,. _be and. the same is .
hereby ratified, a-pproved and confirmed._ Carried. -
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it
was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the
meeting adjourn. Carried.
Approved: /
illy• submitted,• ,
rk .